AP, rez- for 25 AP, reg- for 50 -Vote fclr. Lillian McG6wan in Toront; Sunday World Contest. T ` - 13p` I ---Apvx Records, 654: each. April records ` are now in stock at Keenan & Kqnnedy s. __'l"l-mt : W V A nrnvmallincr arrange- are LIUW Ill abuun nu Lxccunu uc xxquucuy u. ---Th'e G. W. V. A. areVm~aking arra:~ge- ` ments for a dance in the armouries, Easter Monday. ~ ' 13c --Sp ecial sale of boys ne and heavy boots" at United Farmers` Co-Operative Co.'s store; 139 Dunlop St. ' n....:A Mnwofnnc '1-ukn I-can hnnnn 1-oaitna lUl'C. 1037 IJUUIUP DU. . David McWaters _. who has been residing in McDonald street, is moving to 9. farm near Thornton this week. 1\_..h. .r___... .1._ ....|. .: .......I. .....l! UUIII LLIUIIIIIUH bulb WEEK: '-Don t `forget the sale of wonk and. home-made dainties in the Congregational Church, Wednesday, Apr. 5. 7_nn fr-nnmnnrlnnn nah`: n; 1140!)` nhnnn. LIXIQTUII, vvculmsuuy, llpln U. ---The tremendous sale of Ideal phono- jgraphs shows their superiority. See` and {hear them at Keenan & Kennedy s. I T M nun`-`n 1n:v\r\nIt 1-.` f`-an rnno` `nu! nlnrl- l ueH'r- IJIUHI `HI; IXQSCUII-ll IX; IXCIIHUUJ 5. l. Last year's winner of the medal for glad- ` ioli says it will take something better than 5 six spikes of Indian Summer to beat him `I at the 1922- horticultural show. t_L_. n__L_._ `D.._._:.. L..- ....l..l L:.. 12...... i 81' CD6 1365' IIUFLIUUH/lllflll SUUW. John Porter. Barrie, has sold his farm and is moving to Lindsay in April. Mr. IPoft-er bought T. Caldwe1l s farm in the 1 east end of the town four years ago. `X T D:nknwA5 Jun Run Karl nimnvnn n.` 8331- CUU Ul tut! l'UWll 1Ul.ll' ylllb `l1`5U. W. J. Richard, who has had charge of the plumbing business of the Part Estate, is opening "a shop at 52 Elizabeth .st_reet. Mr. Richaitds has had 23 years experience in the business. I I 1 ___.__. 4-____.. n.._..._ _...`_- :. :~ .!....LLt..1i '11] L119: uuauia. ' `whether military training camps will be `held this year. Federal estimates provide A report from Ottawa says it is doubtful a vote of $1,400,000 for the purpose, but this has yet to be approved. L-_- .____-___;__ L__l.l nu... J I w. -Iv ..,.l,--......-. -Another change in store property took place last Week when R. A. Stephens pur- chased. from Mrs. Adamson the premises now occupied -by the. Singer Mfg. Co. and by the Barrie Motor Car. Co. as a show- POOR}. 7191.- 13:..- n._:._.__I- ___.._ _..n-.I 1... 0: Q..- umace work, eave- ing` repairs. -phone Eccles St. 8-13p IUUlll- The Fire Brigade was called to 85 San- ford street last Saturday, where a blaze from an overheated chimney was threaten- ed. 'On Monday another chimney blaze alarm called the Brigade to No. 9 High street. N`o damage was reported in either case. V A L:_L| ........ .._:..1 l-.. .... ,. L..l..l L... 41." Ul15- l A highly successful tea was held by the `R. V.~H. Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. W. A. Ross lastsaturday afternoon. In addition to the tea. there was a sale of candy and cookery. while a dozen tables [enjoyed a game of cards. Proceeds amount- | ed to $135. T tT-..,l......._A.-..._ 1'-.. ....._:LLl...... .....l ....LI1.. I CU LU W100. ` --Headqu-arters for scribblers and public Ischool supplies at Keenan & Kennedy's. LOCAL NEWS THE BARRIE ExA1_vuNER_ One of the great epoch-making photo- plays of many years is the beautiful William Fox photo drama of mother-ldve entitled Over the Hill," which will -be seen at the New Dreamland, Friday and Saturday: - .._-_.. 1.-. TIN new Urczulinainu, l.|IuuJ, udnu ,,.............. Founded upon the _famous poem by Will Carleton,` this simple story of the devotion of a mother for her children in spite of the trials and tribulations to which they sub- ject her is one of the most appealing and lovable stories ever screened. Staged un- der the direction of Harry Millarde, it has relied for its great strength with the public upon the simple theme and plain story of a mother and -her family whom she care- fully rears and protects. Over the Hill Most`Powerfu| of All Modern Motion Picture Dramas _ it Powell 8: Co. announce their display of Coats, Dresses, Suits and Skirts in the Grand Opera House, Thursday afternoon at 2.30 and evening, April the 6th. . A `H `Showing the latest models in Spring and `Summer attire. ' ft _ Representatives of the leading manufacturers in Canada will be here to show their displays. t MANNEQUINS WILL PARADE Youare cordially invited ' Y (over Kempen- _turers of red and In before you build. boday. Prompt de- m mnnnanr 10.1 in M Spring Fashion Display Powell & Co. Qorm. HOUSE THURSDAY, APRIL em For firsut-class service in Hot `-VVater and Steam . Heating 52 A-I-Elizavblath St. Phone-9-5-2w Hot `Air E-Jumaces and General Repairing TRY W: J.- .R.1CH_ARD_ - w---vw -v Hull kinds o-f'-V l_ _I_.UMBlNG_ pgpm Tiger Tires Lad Them Alll 7-iZlapperton St., Barrie, Ontario JAMES, PROCTOR &. REDFERN, Limited 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Canada Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks. Sewerage Systems, Incinerators. Schools, Public Halls Housings, rsctones, Arbitrations, Litigation Our Fees :-Usuall,v paid out of the money we save our clients. Fabric Guarante, 8,000 miles Cord Guarantee, 10,000 miles --u---:12. - __.:_g--`-j _N.'.KEE 8=;1v'IsDi?N.LD. BUY THE FINEST CLOVER m..'.I. T133] ' cuoncz A-l\7l`l'3-l-ZR HONEY FROM THE APIARY OF 1. QQQDFELLOW nuuniului HONEY D FLOORS polish- QA Marv qf Rn? APRIL 18 Page Thirteen Also -.~3"rizbuo zrhanging and gen- consult us. Berry St. and 2 Caroline (2 305. 13-18;) ill parents of ex-_ Institute who -have any parts of cadet homes pleasga return They are needed -at 1'1 1An arrie `building lots yawl or good team 'agon. Lew Howe, K 11.nI>`n ATING-Cvet `your_ ly before the rush. terior and exterior '3J. Estimate free. In 12.. Smith, 84 Mary St. . 43-17p [SWYF of detective wovk, ultation free. Ap- 12-17p 30, 1922+ PC0118 1) L` IJUUL VUIIDII ` 84 Mary `gt. Box A 43-17p co} 35 i for 27 .`)l l\J1JLl I'll` .1` 'l'JLl I. U 20 Grove St. 13p may a L l'Ulll}JlI MU . manager. 10-150 .-1-:-j-j--j -us way ;u" u_, R Ont. 12-13u I, will" ' mi furniture repair- ! Bros.. Mulcaster t.. " 7tfc `vv xxuvvc, 5-11~ptfc l.'l7 [I000 10-15p U\.IU\.l `$1 I 13-14c VV CUL- 8-13p Thursday, March. 30, 1922 Tll(S(l__i_g_y_, _6'_A%_'[!_y_'il `llll UNCLE T9M 3__.CA,B|N that .no part of the Wardrobe is more desirable and gives great- .er. satisfaction than Scqres of discriminating ladies have bought tailor-made suits from me because the making is right, the material right and the price right. Don't longer delay order- ing yeur Easter suit. ' ened new dressmaki nlop St. (upstairs). e. . 8-130 Jos. Marrin LADIES KNOW 1-lb. 3-lb. j 5-lb. i 10-lb. j M. J. BRENNAN sriacuu. SCHOOL CHILDREN MATINEE at 4 p.m. Adults 30, Children 2043, including tax W Plan operi Friday, March 31 T . Night at 8.l5.-- Prices 27c, 55c, 80c. No higher -- __ _____.;_:__. --4:--`Q-11 SPECIAL PRICES ON SHORTEN-ING } FOR THE mast [N "7 A smart TAILOR-MADE sun` FRESH AND CURED MEATS com: HERE reaairing, all kinds` 9. reasonable rate. _ ` John St. West. 0 I0_ Swift : Jewel Shortening LJ.A*rw1ss sxms T At Highest Price: We sell game traps DUNLOP ST. ` PHONE 51 GRAND .0PERA IIOUSE Ross BLOCK BARRIE .Ec:r:ing: THE SPOKILERS; Apr. 6, 7, s Ciur Meats give Satisfaction ` .packa pail Pail _ . _ ' > ' u q . THIRT`Y--PEOPLE--THlRTY O )---BANDS (White and Colored)--TWO CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY _ `WATCH FORPABADE AT NOON and building of all '13 and -alterations. Apply to R. E. Z phone 650.}. 9-14p CHICKENS WONDERFUL PRODUCTION OF MATINEE AND NIGHT WM`. H. KmBEE's 1 Mrs. Alqx. Smith is visiting Mrs. R. !PowelI -at Dum1ville.. A u__ ur.....u......... ... ..:,.::...... 1...... ..;.om. Iroweu '}`ll IIUIHIVIIIU. Mrs. Woodhouse is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. J. Grasett. Sr. |z:__ 1 Y-I-.. 1 ____ _..._ L..- ....c........,l n`I:aI` Vlllllug III LUIULILU uuu uanvnuc. . Miss Frances Hewson ofAToronto is.visit- `lung Miss Creswicke, Theresa street. Mm I`. I4`. 1-Tnuyenn nf Tn:-nntn is visiting g&&%aag&mam&mamgj L113 LULUL` L , 82 Sanford St.,T orks, in G.T.R. call `Mrs. 11. J. urusel-L. DI". ` ` Muss Helen Lawson has returned, after! [visiting in Tomnto and Oakville. man Wrunnna nmuann nl-'.'l`nu-nnfn i Viif- _ Mrs. C. .E. Hewson of Toronto is visiting her sister. Miss Creswicke. Theresa street. Miw Lucy McWaters of Toronto is spend- ing a few days at the parental home here.` Qnmnnl r"..-u-Ann nf TI-meaulnn has return-. lug HUB!) uncawxunc, Lucncaa. Duuuuv. 1 mg 31 new uuva at Luv puncuom uunus um. . Samuel Gordon of Thessalon has retum-V ed after spending a week at The; Pines,". Byeld street. Min Milrlrarl Wnmcnn loft fhr Toronto m%&w%&&m$&&w$a Daynem street. Miss Mildred Hewson left fbr Torontoi this week after visiting her aunt. Miss Cres- wicke. for five weeks. A II..- 1'71 7!! I\.......I.... I...-no nnvf Rlnnrhny w1cKe. IO!` nve WEEKS. Mrs. E. T. Douglas leaves next Monday to spend a. couple of months with'her son in Brunswick, Georgia. } 11. . ML... I`.-dlznn `n`u1rn-nfrnn? 1-mu rp--I In Drunswicx, \1BUl`gl'd.> Thos. Collins. Blake; street. has re turned home after spending a week `with her niece.. Miss} Rose Collins of Mincxiiig. Jeff Bertram, Canadian `Bank of Com: _merce. was last. week transferred from Par- i ry Sound to his home town branch. Barrie. ` Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison of Mount, Dennis spent Sunday with the latter -s par-` ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. McWiaters. McDon- ald street;.,l Mrs. Hugh White returned home last] `week after `spending three weeks- with her lmpther. Mrs.\ Smith of Strathroy, who is I seriously ill. . , i V Tonunn (mu \ 'l`r-ilnnnn--'Mr, anrl Mrs. I seriously 111. Tampa (F121,) 'I`ribune--Mr. and Mrs. S. W; Moore of Barrie, Ontario. who are sight-seeing in Tampa for a few; days, are among the guests at the Hillsrboro-. n n..:nI.m r{`.nnnf.v Trsmnrer. caught a among me guests at me musuum-. A D. Quinlan. County Treasurer. caught severe cold during his visit to Toronto last` week as a member of the Roads Committee i and has been conned to his bad since. I I -- . .- -cv A v\ I .,_ ,,,_1 ____ `___| 'o.uu Luau 'u\.uu vuuu.u.u u. ..... ....... _.-..--. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Doherty and son are [ leaving for Newmarket-. this week. where` they will reside. Mr. Doherty-was manager of the` U.F.O. store here for some time. ' v :1 . P "\,_____L_ ___,__ ,_ 24 to 31 2 to 32. 36, 3'7. Ul VIIU IJUA I\Jo Vlrvlv any. V- ..V_ Rev. Dr. E. I. Hart of Toronto was al visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross on his way to the Soo last week. Dr. Hart is a former pastor of the. Elizabeth Street Methodist Church and was later Superin- tendent of Missions. Since the abolition- of this oice he has been living in Toronto and of late has been supplying the pulpit of the Earlscourt Methodist Church. ` nu uanuu, uuu u..-. D..-" ... father, `entered the drawing-room strains of the Lohenngrin wedding played by the groom s sister, `M Lavender. She was prettilyx gown: suit of navy tricotine trimmed with georgette `blouse, with pretty blue M veil to match. Her bouquet was of roses. The `ceremony took place an arch of evergreens trimmed wi-' i and pink and white streamers. 'I ple were unattended. The groor to his bride was a cheque and to th - L-- _... Atom. ainninnr Han 1-Ami _ br\I I-IIIIJ-"1 - - - - -- The home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beelby. Dalston, was the scene of -a quiet but pret- ty wedding, Wednesday. Mar. 22, at three o'clock, when their only daughter. Myrtle Irene, became the wife of Mr. John Laven- der, Jr., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John < Lavender, Barrie. Rev. W. S. Irwin was the officiating clergyman. ~ T _ `V l The bride, who was giyen away by her to the march. Miss Ida 1'..-......-Imp Q`-an urn: nl'AI f."\X crowned in 3 `U595: {LIV \4\. .ev< and unai bride we a bar pin. A bridal party down to a da the happy `com A`. - L_..:- IIVII-I-II I vuu _-.--_ Boiler and piping. Same may be seen on application -at County I`reaaurer s' office. Barrie. Anyone bidding on above must do so in writing on or before 12 o'clock noon, -r-.. or ...m......A tn Hm undersumed or o'clock Mar. 31, addressed to the undersigned to,-County 'l'reasu'1-er. ' - ' . 12_-13c W. RUSK, Box 115; All-andale, Chairman Qounty Property Committee. UUWII III! (I uunu coup}: the train for n( reside in Owen. TENDERS I-`Oil! WALL PAPER 'DENDERSiw'ill be received by the under- i signed or at the County Treasurer`s office, up to 12 o clock noon, Mar. 31, 1922, for Caldercruix Oatmeal Wall Paper (for the Court House, Barrie), 30 inches wide with one band border ..and base and heavy .gro'u-nded ceiling; `all tenders to be sealed. 12-13c ` W.`RUSK, Box 115, Allandale, - Chairmen County Properfty Committee. ._._______o TENDERS FOR COAL TENDERS will be received bythe under- signed or at the County Treasurer's oice, up to 12 o'clock noon, Mar. 31, 1922, for soft coal for Court -House and` Gaol, Barrie, for 1923 -and 1923. \ ' 12-13c ' W. RUSK, , , T Box 115, All-andale, Chairman County Property Committee. PERSONAL ternity or geveral . 13p LKVEND.ER-BjEvELBY uuu "MINE Dvsv uuuuu wu -_.- unattended. groom s- [e the pix 1. After signing the register my of immediate relatives dainty repast, following w ' coupie drove to Barrie and ' northern points. They Owenstreet, Bari-ie. __, BOILER FORSALE V1018; uauuu V vho b i mar e A 11111:: f\l'nl f.\X Vwned il U6 am). (:0 nut: pmuwu ning the nediate sat ast, which 3 took n will l3l.Ul', xxnv Luu. yx gowned med wi_t-h henna. vy hat and ; Ophelia. : beneath maul with rnnr-is Mic with VIWL .. __..._-._j_. .._.. `T: % glalilllilaili Illllillliltlilui 5 `Z I III! `VI `-IUIIITII I ` I ll :1 , ;I!liI!liI!I!I!iI!liI!iI!liI!il 3 EHOLD EFFECTS nn r~_,___ Q; 10..