Luu ace. 1 apcun Ipmuuy. I Winifred suddenly covered her face with` her hands. For the first time she measured the great gulf between her and that dear hope growing up in her hea`rt.- "I"__A S I I _VUu BU; He has never mentioned your name to me. I never `knew of your existence till yesterday. But it is so; he is fond of you. to such an unusual extent that quite a scandal has arisen in his social set-- Not about me?" Yes." But there is nothing-- 5(`7,, E4 ` ca, 1:. is nspurwu um! ne intends to , . marry you. "And that is what the scandal is about? I thought the scandal was when you did not marrv. not when you did." MIN: ndraknuuv nrxn-u-mill-npl Lnnnnlt 4.. .1... giuuu xuiuws uuw Lu nurt vanomerwomnn. Mi&1Goodman. my landlady. usually stays in here when he comes," said she.\ All the time?" -Most of the time." Well. I must not catechise you. No one woman has the right to do that to `an- other. and you are sweet to have answered me at all. I think "you" are good and true. and you will therefore nd it all the easier to syniputhize with my -motives. which have your own good at heart. as well as my son's. First of all, do you understand that my son is very much in love with you? L--vnn shnnlrl nnf nelz mn_I mun km...- Auy sun :5 very mucn In lO\ 6 wnm you!` I---you should not ask me3-I may have` thought that he liked me. Ha's--he-told you so?" ~ sun ;,,__ .`,_.,,__- _._,.__.:-.....: _.-.__ .._...- .. I uuug, IB IL nub: _ . A blush of almost intense carmine wash- ed Winifred's face and neck._ Mrs. Car- shaw knew how to strike hard. Every wo- man` knows how to hurt vzuiother-woman. Ml:m.:f1.....J....... ...-. 1_...n-.1-- ..-..,IL, Glllu ICU IIIC 'ldll\ l/U _yUUn Winifred came and sat, with tremulous `lip. not saying 9. word. IP31-af T uy:nk tn bun: L`l\'Ir\A`L|:r|:- ..L.\..L `ll}" HUI Bltyllls U: WUIVU. First. I wish to know something about yourself." said Mrs. Carshaw, trying boh- estly to adopt a motherly tone.`-` Do you live here all alone? Where 8!` your par- ents?" eh `if L,,,, , , P `Y C! You are mysterious---`a. sort of aunt. And is this"sort of aunt with you here?" No. I used -to live with her, -but with- in the last -month we hav--+>eparated." Is that my son s doings?" No-~'that is-no." So. you are quite_ alone?" Yes." ~ And my son comes to see you?" He comes--yes, he comes." . But that is` rather deant of e\'ei'y- thing, is it` not?" ' A mm. ,.t :.l...n..o :..o........ ........,.:.... __..._L I DCHLUKI I What a pretty girl you are! exclaimed the visitor, whol-ly unconscious of the calm _ insolence which society uses to its in: feriors. I m certain I Ihave seen you somewhere, for your face is perfectly fam- iliar, but for the life of me I cannot recall the occasion." ll ..- f\_,__,L ,, . I my D - u\IIJI n\`J VOI-lI\Il l5honos:- Office I63, osidhnco sss vuuu D 'yuu. Ul. uluuubcu cyc-gnuaacys. I cannot say, madam. Will you be seated? ' - 561171.,` .. - 1 us a - u CHAPTER Xv The Visitor Are you Miss Wihifred Bhartlett?--ask `ed Mrs. Carshmw the next afternoon in that remote part of East Twenty-Seventh Street which for the first time bore the rubbe, `tires of her limousine. v - "Ni..- _._'.1_... H _-:_I Irr:_':e__J ",1, _.-; .1 urea pi net umouslne. 5 . . . ' . ' `Yes, madam, said Winifred, who stoo -`rather pale -before that `large and elegant presence. It was in the front room of the two which Winifred occupied. F111? uylnnrn Juana T nnnn cu-uu `\l\iI\l!(x9" I-WU W'lllUlI VV IHIIFCLI uccuple. _ But-where have I _seen you before?" asked Mrs. Carshaw suddenly, making play with a pair of mounted eye-glasses. I nonnnf ant! nnnrlorn N iynn kn So Fowle had proven hihxelf a capable` trac__ker, and Winifred s persecutors were [again closing in on hen But who would have imagined that the worst and most deadly of them might be the mother of her Rex? That, surely, was something akin .to steeping in-poison the assassin's dagger. I[iard`s Ijnimpnt for Burns, etc. um: ' \ I have none--as far as'I know. Yes, live here alone, for the present.'.' -But no- relatives?" . II I have an aunt--a sort of 'aunt--but. ' Y `IUII. `sly zo OWEN s1'.. BARKIE A" few doors north of Post Office. 79 ; ; it is reported thpt he intends tq Inll ..... w.- \-Irwr nu. .-. "(V-To 1;e _continue:!; . V_VCllUil|'J 41Vt=., LUIUULU, U11LI:|.l'1U. Women testify again and again that they have been helped by Lydia E. Plnkham s Vegetable Comp0JLnd "after other `medicines have failed." It has been tried for nearly'tty `years and not found wanting. T7 vnu an-n uunrlna Qwnyh oven `.0 yuan auu uul. l.UuU. wuuuug. It you are sutrering from, any `of the various ailments which accom- pany female weakness try Lydia E. _ Binkhanfs Vegeulg Compound. Toronto, Ontario.--I took Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound xo_r years and it is the` only patent medicine I ever recommend. I am a nurse and it I and a woman is in poor health I always tell her to take it. Although you know that doctors and nurses do not use patent medi- 'cines I must say` that I think there is nothing better than your Vegetable Compound. When I first took it many years ago,_ I was so tired when I got. up in the morning that I could _not eat, and when I went to bed I was too tired to sleep. My mother- in-law told me that Lydia` E. Pink- ham s Vegetable Compound was just what I wanted so I tried it and only took two bottles when I -felt better. .Since then I have found that there is nothing that makes me feel so well, for it seems to build my system right up.` I don't know any other medicine that has done so much for women.-M1:s. W. H. PARKER, 19 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Wnman fncfihr cumin and ...m-.:.. Iussn . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .. `HJU Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 Dressed chickens . . . . . .. Maple syrup . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cabbages . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30c Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80c English multipliers 85c Apples (Russetsl . . . . .. 50c Apples (Mannl . . . . . . . .. 50c Apples (Canada Reds)_,. 65 Potatoes ,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Stmw, one load (about ton) . Your orders given to our zsalesmen, or phoned to Bakery, -260, will be delivered early '-Friday morning. - THE MARKETS SATURDAY MARKET Maple syx-up'was the feature of Satur- rln_v's market,.sell-ing from $1.00 a quart. to $3.00 a gallon for several small lots. Eggs ret-ailed at 25c to 28c and butter from 42c to 450 `with good supply early. Variety and quantity of produce weresmall. Coun- try fnlks reported roads in better condi- tion. but threatening weather and lack of supply for more than home need was stated as the reason for small oerings. About a dozen dressed chickens were on sale. The prices :--' ' IA`:-n-a 0. ... on 00.. J...--.. I lJU'57I. uUUc Beeton~.-Bxtter 35~37, eggs 306. chic- kens 25-40c, wheat $1.25-1.35. oats 45-50c. Alanm, ._un...... Q1 0: 1 9: >__L_ en, 4 : Two tivelve-year-old girls at Golde\n,"Col.. aft-err sceing a wild west movie; stole two horses tied outside the theatre and started for the ,ca.ttle country. A Kansas man has appealed to the state superintendent of insurance for aid in col- lecting collision insurance on his automo- bile. In his complaint he states that he had `painted his automobile red.`tha't a bull had attacl it and that the insurance cox%1-pany had refused to even consider. his cla m. -' Lydia` E. Pinklladfs Vege- table Compound Advised for 7 all Women in Poor Health Orillia--Wheat $1.30-1.35. bats 50-55c. buckwheat 80-85c. chickens 25-30c, butter 35-38c. eggs 22-25c. hay $18-20, potatoes 75c-31.00. 7 ' . ' n-_L._, n, .. nu n-9 ....' m:ua au--xuu. wuuzu. uw....'.o-1.0:). oats 40-ouc. Alliston--'Wheat $1.25-1.35. `oats 50c. peas $1.75. potatoes $1.00. eggsL25c, `but- ter 30c. chickens 25-28c. gsalmluilmlslmmlmug NURSE THINKS NOTHING BETTER Exminer advts. are a ne business onic. The Double Track Route between ` l'lD]'|l'lwI'B2 UULLMAN G UU.. LJLIIIIWII. Norwich, Eng. Cnnndian Oice: 67 Pox-tlzmd Sf... Toronto. Frank 5. Bull. Resident Director. 5` Ward Ofrain Fag Pronrietors: COLEMAN & CO.. Limited. Nnrwinh Fun OU need renew yogir _ove_1f-jvofked and__under- UU 11880 sumcuuug (U Kcucvv your over-worked and under- nourished _vital forces. Take a tablespoonful of Wincarnis three times a day. \ NEARBY MARKETS A- A..- __ `G At All Druggists . . . . . UU C'1Ull . small basket . small basket . small basket small basket small basket . 50c-small basket 65c small baeket $1.00 bag . . . . .. $9.00 25c to 28c dozen 42c to 45 lb. . . . . . .. 35c lb. 01 nn _A. 10c to 25c each 5c each 25cUsmall 85c ,, ,II I I 1 Are Wgll Supplied at-7 . $1.50 UU IJU PIUVUHUUUIU. `abo _haq gmduced in excess of 8300,- 000,000 xn mmeral wealth in the past 12 VC8l'l.- gverrty-ve per cent. of all res are said to be preventable. 'l'nkA kn: vxnnglunpul 3... ..__-__ -1 DIIAA - ..----uugvvuuin Illlng l"uloU-Ila -.'l;o'av<:i:`er of Piano, Organ, Vocal, and "Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmastar of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold rnnrinnnlt nf TA-nnon IV ____ --L-- .....-- -u vururuuvlig I-oluvnlc anchor of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepated for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to and including the A.T.C.M. degree. ` Studio-King Block. Phone 424. Ebmurib HARDY,.Mu:. Bac., r.T.c.u'. 'l!--_|___ -2 I-' 1- -'- U1 co. nnurew s rresnywnan Uhurch. Gold medalist of Toronto Conservatory of Music and of the University of Tononto. II3 Worsloy St. " Phone 663 . U-l an IUIIIIU I-I- Gradute-<;f McGill U:1i\"ersity, Montreal. Oice and Residenc-Corner Elizabeth & Bradford Qt: Rn.-..;.. DL-um ma CRESWICKE &. BELL - l BARRISTERS L ' Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judicat- ure of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, etc. - Money to loan. Oicm in Rose Block, Barrie W A`! n..n rrn ....._nruuu:.n VUVVHN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate 0! wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. 0'ice-~Hinds Rim-.1: Mn 12 n....|... as l'JND E_RTAFKE.R S I C. W. Plaxton. ..- _- --V...: .__ _. _-.--. u...` Published every Thursday afternoon at th. Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-`-Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United -States, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given Wh-gn change` of address is. requested. CANCEL. LATUONS---We. nd that most of our sub. scribers `prefer not to have their subscrip. tions interrupted in case they fail to remit before ekpiration/. While subscriptions win not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we" assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque -payable at par in Barrie. A MonT.nrnn E`.-lib..- Phone 710. Ullll - 1 nzmuuuv AJNU DURUISUN Office and Residence--Col1ier St., corner of Clappertqn St., Barrie. Phone 275. - uuluc auu ncsxuence--L0l'neI` ulxzabeth & Bgadford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours--9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m.. 7-8 p.m. BOYS &. MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan` at lowest rates of iutqrest. 0'iqe-13 0wenSt., in Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Branch oice--Elmvale. W. A. Bovs. KIT, M P D F` M----'~=--- Graduates and members of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrie. Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Office 241, Res. 314. P.0.Box 133 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 7cyr W Rnno" `?h-Hnrrlehn T. I`: Q T} C Y"0"ice-.-;a11'dv E .u"}'e:1'e':-'-' St: ' Third door east of Royal Victoria Hospital. Telephone 256. 30th: I u-I-at r\. IIVUU (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie) - Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army. 4% years. General Surgery and 0bs_tetrics especially. ~ 0ice--15 Owen St., Barrie. D Phone 710. T` D~~- `"5 u uuuulg, Durrle. DTSD1 A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. L Moigue and Chapel IN CONNECTION IAllRlE.2ONT. _ -. Phone 82` LILUIV L101 Ofce: .Over Reeve Jewelry: Store, 76 Dunlop t., Barrie. Phones: Office 450. Res. 436. 1-yr - ... up vuuuvrvnulp Associate Ooroner County of Sfzncoe Oice and Iesidence-7Corner Toronto and Elizabeth Sts.. opp. Central Church. o Telephone 167. , U0 ` Phone 61. 1-.. - run n-II I-I\llI 122 Bloor St. West. Toronto, will be u 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose _and Throat Consultation hours-ll a.m. to 5 pm." Barrie phone '2. Toronto. North 3326. __________________j________ ueneral Soucitaor, Notary, Conveyancef, etc Oice--Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop, St. Money to loan - Thursday, March 3.0:, 19212 Das. w. AND w. R. RICHARDSON TI-l_E_ BAR5lE`EX'AMlNER_ DOROTHY _J. `SARJEAN_T, A.T.C.M. rnr.|.roIUN, UNI. Ofce hours--12 to 2 and 7 to 9 p.m. ______._____.________...__ Goon FRIDAY;--Of course you will want the best, 25: lot. . u an In IIIIIII Office lx;c`i- 1'1-esido3nce-47 Maple Ave, Phone 213. 31!: R. . sauce, M .`D., c.M., L.M.c.. F (\lS:_- -_.l n-,3,I, nn `I\ RADENHURST &. HAMMOND lARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC. 'Masonio Temple Building, Barrie ' Money to Loan .51 BA121?'.IT'1:'1i.' SOLICITORS, ETC. Oicest V707-8 Kent Buildipg ` ` Toronto, Ont. W, Plsnrfnn 1" V`---`~- ' 1 ILIULIGI IEUI _ 1, u.u.u.,_1J.u.D. IQ)? W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. , *_ _ __.___. Kin: Bldck - - '31:-I-in DONALD ROSS. L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building. Barrio _ Money to loan. mun J5. CLAXTOM, L.T-.C.M. Tgnnhgn -1 3:--- __) nu W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY` -and- c. s. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. me 61 an n..n:.... :2. n-. CAPT. J. F.VROLLlT, L.D.S. DENTIST 22... t'\...._ 'l').-,,,V I IV. BROWN S BAKERY :, cu}. MOD B: W. A. J. Bell. K.C. L. J, slmison, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and Pm:A........ n..n:.._ cu -- PHYiE1zI~i 'XN'13-'s`I'J'1'zGEoN PHELPSTON, ONT. it-.9 hnnra.._1`) fn 9 and '7 4.. n .. MISS ngx McARTl-IUR runs izMobLLE1 AND REPAIRBD j::-_-& PLAXTON & PLAXTON `I'I`l'(1rl1IwI\t~ rs/\- -.._._-, - DR. M6RT|MER LYON DR. E. G. iTURNBU`LL 3 nf M..(`_':n i'T..:.'.......::. ll TEA'cH`ER' on PtAiv6' Telephone 151. Barrie :" P. 0, Box 88 ALEXANDER COWAN while our stock is full and you have a large range of designs and materials to make your: `selection from ? It w'ould then` be lettered and ready to let early in the spring. Large stock,_ low pricgs best workmanship Unexcellad Dining Car Service Sleopigc cars on NightAT1:aina. and -Parlor can on principal Day Tutu.- A. T. LITTTLTE, M.D. An :1 :-----:-:-:-.:.:_:-- onfrnso A. ROSS DR. H. `T. `ARNALF DR. J.` A. KEARNSV rruvluu . -- . -__ ____ -7 MEDICAL __'?E_N1Al-_ Music y IJGI I :6. J. A., Editor, W. C. Walls, Manager, VII, Ia-Eh, III-Du 56 Collier St.; Barrio. zuuu U.LuUC'*I`JlIllVlCn P. D. C. Murchison Why Not choose Your Monument or Memorinl VI! G. Gordon Plaxton. w., uanxlc. P. O. Box 1075. 1-yrly 491:}: '.U51cto |vc_- 3ltfo There is no in a civilizat 1, ,1_`I._..,. :... +1..` JIIIJIJICDD Au LII "number of th-. ing out 600,0 continent. ' about 6,000 i. the bulk wi thracite and 1 United States`. out by official does "not am, Newfoundlam tions are stil the line the been piling u some months sation Of \\`I`- should thc-: I a while th(-r.- of how lonsr last. The am financial strv ions and `(hos direct or ind of the mim- miners in an wage scale is the decision {$1 in both th .4" ::.1.!. Page Ten` Ll V [Linux in 'a helpless m thv :'\tI nI1+ RH U 01 In uuux u. inous` fields`. A . time--_unless .stren;rth zigziil - under presvn - 'to give them of.a miracle and soft con direct action wage agreem different date ly-lived up I parzrlysingr sat on the indu; every phase ( can ha1'dl_\' i a `new genera perienc-ed the localized strili are not want pI`0SD('tl\'<- hi a show rl<\\' is welcoming` ers of` the 1. pumpmen. I-n es.=zn`y to m:< ]')I|i 8l.`tl(>!l will stay in urge the me lence and in and confiden ()pel'atoi'.~' :11`- may be in In the .men can ed States gm be powerlt-.<.\ strike, and protection of One despatch ever, has tllt action is pos or organizati the m'o(lu('ti the public i so many th would be idlc. government will remain. ed. or" that be taken zuzz; their leaders strike may `. would proha - forced ai-hit possible than ercised in 1. as other em be put into which will in the eve. can only hr It is est`, already pai reparati over three- lion pound. port that I allies are i ther Germ" and allowir over to th quidating at least. to plan appea ture._ But while it ha! in the Con asking for capital dei Staties. April 3 day in /Premier L] 3-9- 3%mi1&90. G. W. J. EASTMAN, PROP. ` Phone 277 HGT + BUNS YOUR. READING NEEDS (Continued from Lat Week) OPEN DAY AND NIGHT RL 0.. MANUEL, MGR.` l;s|Ilt. us with vour building hll information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or. C. E. Born- hg. mstct Pagsenger Agt., Toronto. J. B. BILLINGSLEY. II...` A...` III.._. nu. ln__..,n_ %_T9- B99555 SCOTT S BOOKSTORE MONTREAL TORONTO A - DETROIT and CHICAGO gstnuuishau uses Phone 72! UKIBU UIICIIVU I5 ouul. quusoluu. > K But this 13 merely r1_dIcu~lous!_" laughed: Mrs. Carshaw shrllly. Mamage! Can a son of mine be so quixotic?" If `as ..nnn\vn-nnlu Wxnnunr` lkuf kn L. 11 L IHUUI4 lull! uuywnurc: A _ _That you will not succeed in doing, I think." ' Well, then. I'll frownghim out of it. This-is why-'--I see all now." ' 'l11\m-4. `Il\II nun [Ln-u-ll`: nu:an tn 6vL:n`p AC lHl5'lH Wily"-'1 3593 all uUWo There you are `hardly wise, to think of either laughing or frowning him out of it." said Meiklejohn, offering her worldly wis- dom. No; in such cases there is a better way, take my word for it." And that is?" , ' *`*"!'e'_939!93.=9_-M329 92:99 70 um nonun-alnvianilalinlg Ilopol Agent Phone 6|: Barrio v--run-noun nrvulllvwli \lIIlIVI- IJV UIIIUU by local applications. as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. Catarrhal Deafness requires constitu- tional treatment. I-IALUS CATARRH MEDICINE is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused b an in- amed condition of the mucous ining ot the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. and when it is entire- !` closed, Deafness is the result. Unless t e inammation can be reduced. your hearing me be destroyed - forever. HALLS CA ARR!-I `MEDICINE acts through` the blood on the mucous sur- faces of the system. thus reduci t`l`I.eni`n flsmmatlon Am! rental-inn noun yuu are gmug LU um me an. - ' M Well, the usual story: A girl of lower social class; a young man's headtur-ned by ` her wiles; t-he conventions more or less de- ed; busincss yawned at; mother, fri_ends,' everything shelved for the time `being, and. ebbing important but the one thing, It's not serious, perhaps. So lowg as 'bllSill8S' is not too much negleeteh. and no nancial. consequences follow, society thinks not" an whit worse of a young man on that account. } -_--on -one condition. mark you! There must I be no question of marriage. But in `this! case there is that question." ' Rnf `Hui: :51 II\nl|A`IV II:l`:lIIIn`l\I>I"' InII:I`\nrl I aUUU|' DU IIIGIVIVJ IIUI} ' But how on earth has it `happened that I never heard a whisper of this preposter- ous thing?" T If ha. nvfvIunnH:nnwu gnrunl-:vnna Qkn l\V\n uuu uuugz It is extraordinary. Sometimes the one interested is the` last to `hear whet every one is talking about." man T nnvrnw tuna o.r\_#nn\ncA4-I "5 VA} UIIU 13 VHIISIUS WUUuUc Well. I,never was so-.amused!"' Yet Mrs. Carshaw's wintry smile was not joy- ous., Rex! I must laugh him out of it, if I meet him anywhere!" Tho? unn u nnf nnnnnn :11 tl\:I\-II T ulrouzn me blood the the In- aummuuon sud restoring nor condi- tions. . L ~ 1! 9". A. 3"". cn"'.'y`a %o..Du ~`3fa'3?'om VUII Ul IIIIHU UD BU quuuuuux It. is`-comm-only believed that he 18 about to marry her." uni knur An Anni`: Run H- Jsnnnnnnnl tknf uvvcn uvuu uuuru um` vault`. ' ' Extraordinary! Why, it's the talk of. the club. A I Tell me. What is it all about?' ' A'h, I` not be indi-screet. When I! mentioned her, I took it for granted that` you knew all about it, or I should not have told taies out of school." `IV..- .L..4.- __._.. .._..I 1 __,_ _4- - ,u:m,,, . I-UH! D5166 UU.| U1 HUIIUUL ` ~ Yes. Ibut` you and I are of a di'erent gerferatioxx than Rex. He belongs to the. spring, we belong to the autumn. There is no question of telling tales out of school as between you and him. So now, please, you are going to tell me all." | man I... ..a....I [l`I\IIIIV A ..:..| ..c 1-...-- Ah! but the mischief may be, just there." said Meiklejohn. The rogue may be throwing ital! on the shoulders of his manwgers and letting things slide." [ I-In n\nIv_1|n nun-`\n"u`Ir :5 T non `runny ; :" (. .; .--V... v. nu", uv.-...J.. vu`u-v....y auuslv ...-v.J- Is it the same little inuenceilatwork upon `him as some months ago?" asked .Meiklejoh-n, bending nearer, a real cond-~ ential crony. - I "`r|"\:n`\ uI!\lI "film :71 nnnnn 9" nubtn` . Ullllll uruuy. W'hich same little -influence?" asked the -lady, agog with 3 sense of secrecy. and genuinely anxious as to anything affecting her son. _ _ Why. the "girl. Winifred Bartlett." Bart-lett! A.s`far as I konw. I have never even` heard her name." I4`..4........._l:...__._I IIrL_. 1;`, 1.1,, 1,", A- (Continued. from Last` Week) She had met Senator Meiklejohn in so many plaebs for so many years that they might foe called comrades in the task of dining and making New York look elegant. She was plowed to see -him. Their com- mon fund of.scandal and epigram would carry them safely over -a` cheerful hour. LLA I . - ------ --.~.-9 --V. - `.......-.-. .-.- W-`zjxnd "as to the good dld rm of `Ear- shaw-prospenous, as usual, I hope?" said Meiwklejohn, balancing an egg-shell tea-cwp. Mrs. Caxshaw shrugged. ` _ I don't know much about it." she said. "-but I sometimes hear talk of -bad times and lack of capital. I suppose it is -all right. Rex does not seem concerned." (tall I . .1 o `In I l11lIl11I"5U1'B W11 1171101115 01111153 Dlluu He may---he .probably is. I see very little of him, really, especially just lately." Hr , Author of. Thg Wings of the Morning The Pillar of Light", etc. J. E. Beauchamp, :39 clarena St. Ottawa, writeu- `Por a number of re I suffered with Kidney Troublejo hadet mes II to reveut me tron: workin . A friend advised nae otry GIN PILLS. whlc . did. I found relief at once. `and can do but recommend them; to everyoneaected noth , with e eune trouble." . Nntlodd Drug & Chemical Co. bf Canada `Toronto. Chz$daL 421 Don t Give Up Hope! , 7 _ - _____-_,y ____ -.. comer Sophia and Mary Street: Iuuufaoturers of Sash. Doors. _Framoa,~ Flooring Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough- Tlnks, em. ' `We carry in stock a large assortment of `Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and '-`Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done The Barns! Mystery VKIDNEY TROUBLES Blgl lien ere uwrimted The Big Men of the Future are being trained today. You can arrange 3. Parents Endowment Policy with ' the Crown Life to provide your son with the education essential to leadership in the world of tomorrow. Phone 789 ' - Relieves % Cases of Long Standing ; Suffered For Years ..-..I._...- --_ f\In---- QC f\BOn:- The World s Greatest Remedy : for ALL` T V 77 BARRIE, " oN'rAR1o l.0.MATSON LOUIS TRACY LAWSON, WELCH &. CAMPBELL Charterco Accountants ` `Hanna Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto. n,a1,'wAInh l`.-A I`: h nnwanhnn A 5lVGll, uuicu - l.UW8I' answered: _ I don't know it. I am now trying to find out." The Senator seemed to take thought. I hate interfering." he said at last. but I like young Carshaw and have known his mother many a yeaa'.- It's a pity he should -throw hiniself away on some chit `of a girl, merely because she has a fetching ASevent7h"Street.. Now, my name must pair ofieyes or a slim ankle, or Heaven alone knows-what else it is that first turnsj a young man s mind to a young woman. L happen to have heard. however, that Winifred Bartlett lives in a boarding-house kept-~by Miss-Goodman in East Twenty- !l0t1---" 1I'-I-_ tn.-__.__ |-_._L_.| 3, .|__. ,n_,, - uyyulcvuu lalu:,glI'1. ` _ Well. perhaps that is the best._ But. ! how to get `her Iidress? Perhaps if I ask- ed Rex he would tell it, without suspecr ing anything. On the other hand. he might take alarm. ' "Couldn't you say you had secured her a place on the stage. and make him send `her to you, to._test her voice. or something? And then you could send her" on to me." said the elder woman. Kim. LL..A. __-:_L; L`, I 1'1 -1 uu uuugu uulugllv. I She did this, but without ek-ct. for Car- shaw was engaged elsewhere, having_taken Winifred to a theatre. `LY- ..... ..... |1_:I_I_:-I__.~ v. - -- vvuuuuu LU 3 uusuhre. However. Meiklejohn` was again` at the bridge party, and when he asked whether Mrs. Carshaw `had paid a visit "that after- noon,` and the address of the girl had been given, Helen -Tower answered: T Ann`; l........ :L 7 ..__ .. Wiielen Tower laughed in that Vdry_.way which often . annoyed him. ` qII9n`II Lu |:n G:nnn I v A u n - A n :\-o' u..... _. acuu. um: eiuer woman. _ i , Yes. that might he done. answered; Helen Tower. .I d like to see her. too.( She" must be extraordinarily pretty to cap- ture Rex. Some of those common girls are. you know. If is a caprice of Prov- idence.` Anyway, I shall find -her out, or have `her here somehow within the next few days. -and will let you know. First of all, I'll.write Rex and `ask him to come for bridge tonight." Sim AH flnla .l-mo ...:+L.-...c -43`.-...c t-.. n-.. WIIIVH UIDUII uulluyvu I111": Surely nbyqthis time you regard me as 9. trustworthy -person," she said. uu-rucu arose oetween them. But he did not give me her address." said Mrs. Tower. Do you want it press- 9!! I-ingly "Why, yes. Have you not -heard that there is a question of -marriage? ' Good gracious! Marriage?" The two women lziid. their heads nearer toget-her.~ enjoying th! awfulness of the thing, though one was 'a mother and the other was-pricked -with jealousy in some secret part of her nature. I , . \'xm__.n..\............l" _____,L_,I .1 .I' 'uu`u`u. uu enormity was ureaatul. I 1 It` :s;<),1 1nd.9 ton far-fetched! What will I you (0. Q......4.... u..:I.|_:_L_ ` . lawful. pan 01 new nature. | Yes----marriage!". repeated the mother. `Such an enormity was dreadful. If, dnnna bug I... l.'..;..L-.ll tin, . -n HFWIIIB Illllllll DOV}. DU IOHSB 55., IIOTOHW. H.sJ.'Welch. C.-A. G. D. Campbell, CA ' T. E. Lawless. C.A. `W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineew. Nlanager Casi and Efficiency Departinou -.... _y un yuauulvg us!` 0!] M18 Sl5ge. What! Is she one of those scheming chorus~girls?'. . 7 It appears so. - 'But has `he had the erontery to men- tion her in this',.wa_v to other ladies? It is rather amusing! Why. it used to be said that Helen Tower was this `belle amio." All the more reason, perhaps. why she may be willing to give you the address. if she knows it." A - I'll see -here this very afternoon." I Then I must leave you at leisure now," [said Meikeljohn sympathetically.- | :l10u!` lHfPl` MPG nurah\11n1- llrno nv:LL . lazuu uu:u\c1JUnll sympaL-nenca|ly.- | An hour later Mrs. Carshnw- was with [Helen Tower and the name of Winifred Bu.rt`lett arose bgtween them. l Rm. BA MA "M ..:.... ..- L-_ -.u_~ - v _yuu uu 1 [ Senator Meiklejohn recozx{n1ends'n1e to 1 approach the,girl. V perhaps that is the Inner. Rm __ gag- Approach the girl. Avoid carefully saying one word to the youmg man, but approzwh the girl. That does it. if the girl is at all decent. "and has any sensibility. Lay the facts plainly before her. Take her into your condence--this atters her. In- voke her love `for the young man whom she is_ hurting by `her intimacy with him-- this puts her on her honor. Urge her to fly from him-this makes her feel herself a martyr, and turns her on the heroic tack. That is `certainly what I should do if I were you, and I should do it without de- lay." V ' You're right. I ll do it, said Mrs. Carshaw. Do you happen to know where this girl is to be found?" Nn T 1-Lin]. `I ....._ ;_n at - - hula gnu L ! 50 D8 IOUIIGY" No. I think I can tell. though. from whom you might get the address--HeIen Tower. I heard your son talking` to her last night about-the girl. He was wanting to know whether Helen could put `him in the way of placiwg `her on the stage." W|\nfl Tu cl... ...... .: .L,.,, I If GIN PILLS d0 `I0! Kive you relief we will:-efund you the purchase price. Iilftv cent: 1 ha: evorv. lily TI! I DUI `VET, whe:-e._ For-free sample urn-. -, Our Guarantee 50 and ly :e--this ier intimmm ...:e.L Lz... T'*:.=;~!:is3 .'. .'2!!'!?_'_..`.' _THE BARRIE EXAMINER U1 uuuu, uuu ECU Uub Ul D1115 luISI7.'}}!. .`ll_IUlIo What am Imlda? What;cau"I do?" wailed Winifred. She was witlggut gneans or occupation and ccmd. no't y from the ho e. . ' . ' ` 4 1r___ -__ __ _______ H __:.1 \:A,"n_,,,I, IN) C. ` You can go away," said Mrs.'(`.arshaw. `,`-without letting him know whithgr. ynu have gnne and sill you go you can throw ml-.`. water on his mission by pretending uislike of indiere'\-e- ----" inf); -_..I_I Y J- _..-L _ 4L2__ . It -I UISIIBU U1` IIIIUJIUIUVI `C "" V But could I do such a thing, evenif I tried?" came the despairing cry. III`- L- -_._L!_____l\ uuyu snuvvlus uy Ill 1161 uctulv.` That is how the matter stands before marriage." went on Mrs. Carshaw, sure that she was kind in being merciless. You` ican conceive how it would` be afterwards. And society is all nature--it' never forgives; or, if it forgives. it may condone sins, but never an indiscretion. Nor must you think that your love would `console my son for the great`social low which his connection with you threatens to bring on him`; It will console him for a month, -but `a wife ie..not a world, nor, however beloved, does she` compensate for the loss of the world. If. therefore. you love my son, -as I take . it that you do-do you?" w:..:c...,m. :...... ....... .............i an". -.a:.: lIU|v l.8l!BWCl'u Tell mein condence. I"am a woman; too. and know----" . A sob escaped from the poor bowed -head. Mrs. Ca:-shew was moved. She had not counted on so hard a task. She had even_ thought of money! . ~ Dunn I-k:na' /'Fl\nf 111:" I'l\O`IA`l7l\II$ Autu- buuuguu Ul IIIUIIUJS ` Poor thing! `That will make youijduty very haijd. I wi%ut there is no use; in wishing! Nepessity knows no pity, Wini- fred, 'you must summon all your strdngth of mind, and get out of this false.psit_ion." 551171.`; __. f L_.J-O TLA _ . `I I` n`) ll Hllllo yuu. uu-uo yUl.l5 Winifred's face was covered. She did not answer. lCll!_lI __.-'2__ ____l3_I_#._ `I.--,,, ,,, uuu urnuv. uuo wuuu yuu ul(l. Mrs. Czirshaw permitted herself to'be surprised. She had not looked for such weapons in Winifred's armory. A But she was there to carry out what she fleemed an `almost sabred mission. and the righteous can be horribly unjust.` V Van in Hm ..~.:AAl.. ..l.......... L`..a. _..r :_ can inc uurrruly unjust. \ Yes. in the middle cl , but not in the upper, which has its own moral code -not a strictly Biblical one, perhaps. she retorted glibly. With us the scandal is not that you and my son are friends. "but that he should seriously think of marrying you} since you are on such different levels. You see. I speak nplaiuly." Win;`FAl` anrlrlunlu nnuzu-na-I kn- Cu--. ".351. I |SiI!!= I