IMUSKRATI 1'1. urucruu--no nluuuu, Awerta. reo. Z4, ` 1922, Ross Wattie, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Finlayson. OLESEN--At 92 Worsley St., Barrie. Mar. 1. 1922," Mrs. Netta Olesen. aged 81 years. SWEET---At Victoria Hospital. London. Onl:.. Saturday, Mar. 4. 1922. Lily,: widow of the late Capt. Walter Sweet of - Hamilton, aged 70 years. I urnu.urr--nu luv: It V. nuspltal. D3.i'l'le. "Mar. 8, 1922. _ and Mrs. John Castle. -aged 3 weeks. FINLAYSON-At Killam, Alberta. Feb. 24, I999 Rnee Wo+t:a :n4`.... ..1.:I.I ..c M- Ed\;'ard John, son of Mr. J08. Marrin CAS'I`LF`r--At the R. V. Hospital. Barrie. "R19? R Wmm-A Inky: can A` `I- . ' I 'COI_LINS--On Wednerday. Mar. 8. 1922. to Mr and Mrs. Collins.V Barrie. a son. CAM]- BELl:--In the R. V. Hospital. on Thursday. Mar. 2, 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. VV. J. Campbell. Camn Borden. a sou_. FINLAYSON--On Feb, 22. 1922. at Kil- lam.-`Alberta. to Mr. and Mrs. Fonbes Finlayson. -a son. , ' , GILHOOLEY--On Sattlrday. Feb. 25. 1922. at Second Line. Oro,'to Mr. and Mrs.` L. Gilhooley. a-son. T A 1 MENHENITT-~-On Mar. 1. 1922. at Pri- vate Pavilion. Toronto General Hospital. 9, son to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Menhenitt (nee Iiois Vance, Ban-ie\. REED--In Alla.ndale', Monday. Mar. 6, ~ 1922, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Reed. - a son (Arthur Ernest). SIMPSON-eIn Barrie. Mar. 4. 1922. to Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Simpson. a daugh.-2' ter. Helen Elizabeth (Betty). vuuu-. (1:11 In 2: L-:.:uvul'luu IIt:v\'>`UzlV`PI': For S9}L-One larsre. red-and-white cnw. threie-eight-hs mule and ve-eighth: wildcat. y She usually goes on`, H visit every summer; but is at `present_a.1:tache'1 to her home by i megns of a log chain. To any person w5s`:- j ing to 'bm- her. I will Hwow in thn Main! and a sledwe hammer. Wm!-`d be c`eI?ght.edf to sell this cnw to some citizen of San Di-j ego who thinks `he can whip Mexico single- I handed, V - 3 oumr. uuvv: I The followmg .d"erh=e'nenf azweared a while ago in a California newsnaner: I4`..- Gut- n-.. 1..-..- .._.I -_J W12: r----- --~ ----- 9---`-' 1 A 20-year-old girl from West To-2 ronto was taken in charge by -the policephere last Saturday night to; protect her against persons who are` alleged to have encouraged her for, immoral purposes. The girlvwas sent home, after bail for her appearance: in Court, Friday, was given by Lem" Sing`. 107 Dunlop street. . The girl told thepolice she came to Barrie in company with another woman. g...,.,.....-. V ` The March meeting of the W.C.T. U. held in the lecture room of Collier St. Methodist church on Monday af- ternoon, comprised a Frances Willard memorial service. Mrs. A. S. Burton gave a very interesting sketch of the life `of this gifted woman, and Mrs.i Laidman sang Resignation in her usual `inimitable manner, making the, afternoon a most enjoyable one. FOR SALE-~Black Minoma tiockerel, one vnnr Annlv R M (Inning:-4-I Minnainn w ..s-runny vv IVI` suuu yxaya. iiWGeo. B. McLean has purchased a lot in Elizabeth st. next to Greene's` Music Store. On it and the one ad- joining, which he already owned, he will erect a, show room for the Durant cars for which he is district agent. He will handle also accessories and gasoline. .,..,__ ,.,__,7 - .. ;. ..--_ 91.5.}. 1'1:-3'1 ' -.......u no u gun. uu`I.:u 1.0. In a. Boysv Cup match last Friday, S. Meredith successfully defended the trophy. against Geo. Robinson of Penetang, 16 to 13, in a game which was replete with good plays. flan R MnT,nnn Ln.-. .......-L.----3 A ...5.... Miss Mitchell, the Field Secretary of the ,Women s Missionary Society, will give an address in St.` Andrew's church at 3 p.m. on March 15 . Ta .3 D`... (1.-.. __--:__L 1, . 1-1 -1 _ -7.-- ---....-~v--.a u1vIvIL\AIDJo Commiunion will be dispensed in St. Andrew s church next Sunday morning, preparatory service Friday night. 'Il :.._ I'3J__l, 11 .1 -u -I - BUY THE FINEST CLOVER __--.._.. -.--.. Jun-a. van 43.1.56: Ho Tlle `laliies of `the Barrie Country Club_ will hold their annual meeting at Police Court chambers Saturday. l`1........--...:__. _,,:n `I I _--_-----.... vvnv v.-.7 vvvvnto The zgtgern Volunteer Fireman's Associatio will hold its annual tour- nament_ in Orillia this year on Aug. 2. ml... 1...1:-_ -1 'n_ - - vnnv nsvzvluuluullb uu:5t:_ uays. Rev. Dr. Barber of Toronto, will preach in Central Methodist church lnext` Sunday evening, March 12. A? vntnnnnlv 4-Inn nw.1.- -.....L......'-.-_ J! nnvatv uuuuug cvcuxug, Luarcu 1.6. At present the only contagious di- seases in_Barrie are two cases of _measles, both contracted out of town. nu `U -- - _EGG`s FOR HA'I`CHI-NG--WhiI:e wyau.` dottes. J. S. Martin's strain for utility and beauty. from seven--and eight-pound` b`.rds. A-I-1 fertile eggs replaced after first test. Price.$3.00 to $5.00 for fteen. Orders lrakeu for delivery after Apr. 1. E. B. Guest. blacksmith, Guthrie. _Oro telephone. 9-1-4p \nL\aII 9 vnnuzvtlo .0ro `Station and Mitchell Square hockey teams are expected to plav off here Mondav night. Qnnv.r\1'una- I-L- ....AJ --L-`~~~-A uv;w unuuuav ulsllln Scanning the seed catalogues is 5 popular form. of entertainment with the horticulturists these_ days. Pan Tho Dnuknu -3 lI'I..'..-_L- --3" -Boys suits for $3.98 this week at Hunter's, Barrie. Sizes 31 to 34 only. ` 10c Barrie Presbytery holds its March "meeting next Tuesday it_1;St. An- drew s church. I-`___ -L7,. 1 nun. - .. _. I I llt A I at-unusa- _ 77 POLICE TAKE IN GIRL HERE - cuoncrz AMBER HONEY `FROM THE APIARY or we WANT YOUR SKINS" 9 At Highesf Prices We sell game traps- 1. gognrmow l g NO'I'IOE---[ have on order to arrive short- -ly one` car Western oats and one car com. with more following. For prices, etc., call on or phone G. W. Atkinson. -phone 732.l, Barrie. 10p HONEY LOCAL NEWS SOME COW! ..... ...l..___L!.A BORN Ali; _s'1'it'oun THE BARRIE EXAMINER REID-In loving mefnory of our dear`! `husband and father, George `Reid, who departed thb life Mar. 4,1921. !KENNEDY--In `loving memory of Hattie I May Kennedy, who died Mar. 7, 1920. Deeply regre-tted. 10p ---Parents, FOR SALE CHEAP-Bissell's vacuum car- -pet sweeper; dustless ash sifter; water- power wnshing_nmchine; all nearly new. Apply W. D. Griffiths, 74 Maple Ave. 40$ :THORNBUR.Y-In loving xnemory of my dear husband..Albert (Bert) Thornbury, who passed away Mar. 9. 1917. I often sit and think of him When I am alone; ` But Jesus thought it best And took him home with Him to rest. A 'Tis only those who have loved -and lost Can realize the bitter cost. Gone but not forgotten. Inn ' Til- IN MEMORIAM I -----3- A `uln- Charles McBride and family wish tni thank their many friends and neighbors] for their many .acts of kindness during their I recent bereavement. V V ' 10p J. V. Brett wishes to thank his many friends. and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown in his recent sad be-u reavement, 10p ti`!-Rh`! fhnir nmunu 4':-in-.nJn ...J ---3-LL-~ I Examiner advta. are, a ne busina tonic. This day brings back a memory Of therloved one laid to test, And those who think of him today Are those whouloved him best. ---S2'1dl,v missed by his loving, wife and daughtem. H 10p ignlulll I IlI_I_IIII= I j-Parents, Brother -and. Sisters. FOR. SALE-Fahcy rug. new. 11x17; 2 large wonl carpets; oil hr.-`ater; 25-lb. pol- ishing brush; bedroom suite; other house-' hold articles. Apply Angus McNabb. 45 Maple Ave. 10p --Wife. .._______._._. -Two good reliable remedies which guarantee results are RAZ-MAH for Asth- ma and Bronchitis, and T.R.C.'s for Rheu- matism, Lunibago, Neulitis, etc. Sold by` Wm. Crowland, Barrie; in Allandale by A`. E. Patterson. . [ 10c yuvlwiillv UHUOC. TI: Smokers who carelessly throw away ci- gar butts and lighted cigarettes [caused a loss of $1,259,543 in Ontario in the last four years, awarding to a statement" of Fire Marshal Heaton. In addition tp this, matches, either through carelessness of adults or children or mice playing with them, were responsible for a loss of 81.- 338,057. ' aulu. uuuugn [$8 ROCUTE Bible. Now Professor {"511} I4: and-L.v.-l......I ..--__!- ,,,_, __ -- ....... uwuuuw, mun wne sne vifow Phelps `points out that the -authorized version invari-ably reads she," whereas the revised version reads 5| 9` he. ruvv GFIL DIULKS Howmany readers of The Examinerever heard about the he Bible and the she Bible"? It seems that when the first Eng- llish Bible was being published, after the .King James translation in 1611, a typo- graphical error crept into a verse of the third chapter of Ruth. verse 15. so that it read, and `he went into the city." Quite a number of copies of the pondenous volume had been issued before the error -was dis- covered and the missing s prexed to make he into Elle. Comparatively few of the first-edition Bibles are now in existence, for most of them were chained. in the churches and litenally read to ehr ,. Of `those-that are left, the he Bibles" are naturally in greater` demand by collectors. for, as Professor Phelps characteristically pointedout. The he Bible is more valu- able. though less accurate, than the she Now Prnfnnmr m...i.... ....:-A- ---- sue, he. '__'_-. ._-.w.--ullrvh UUTIUUH Scholarship Matriculation, S010 Singing. Music, emphasized. Outdoor games Health ..........a .._--n-_A uulpulla Health record excellent. F-.. HE AND mesa?" lBLEs rw manv fnndnlw A: 111.. 'n_._., - FOR SALE---Fir."-:t mortgage for $2500, on 110-acre farm. Tp. of Om, near Oro Station; bank burn on .property;;~mort- A gage draws 6%. Apply Box 267, Bar- ne. . V 10c. SMOKERS CAUSE FIRE ....... -.L- -----` ' out. For Prospectus apply to nppucauons Wlll be received by the un~ dersigned up till ve o'clock in the after- noon of Friday, Mar. 17, for the position of Town Foreman. Applicants will state salary required and experience. A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. ' 106 Fisher's Thornton store is now ready`to offer you high-class merchandise. We have a lease for a year or more and want your Subscribe to The Barrie Examiner and get all the news. $2.00 a year. Applications will be eminrmu-I m. 4-:n c... , Iv uIsICI. IV ;. Art, Conversational French and sports, PoufT3E.iEE15i:c at the Thursday, March 9, 1922 N11111:! IJI`J\J'l1\ll.\oLVt)"'U D. U. U113 IUT sale, choice stock `for breeding. H. D.` A-the:-ton, Duckworth St., North Bar- rie. phone. 10p WILL LECTURE ON I`. '- --.;_.. _.->r Principals. Public. Lifbrary __ __,! EGBERT Limited numbers. ' received 0':-_Im-I: in H... nth.- 5t8Fi9 TWO COLON [ES ITALIAN BEES for sale, in Lzmgstmth hives. with winter case; also extra. bnxes, racks and other equip- ment. Apply Examiner office. ` 9-10p Barrie- nesday of Ont 1\I.iss agar 0 been 0 same c Mr. Indian home ing thc `ff .Mrs a mu and Si M rs Ottaw her pa dison. in Hi Mr. Cooks Mrc. nu Gram Tht his br cw '\JIV 63lIlJl.'l""l.ll.lIl.\UU5l.ll)l.'G.4l IVIIUUU usruuu Red male bird, or will exchange for good White Leghorn male. .94 Sanford StV., Barrie. _ A 10-12}: Torm Re was i a bus Th for U 1-lb. 3-lb. 5-lb. 10-lb. 1-lb 3-lb. 5-11. _1-0-lb` SEED CORN FOR SALE--Government test 98. Also three tons good timothy hay and [our bons good bowfed. F. Moeller, Angus Fla-ts. 4 10p OVERLAND CAR FOR SAL-E--In good running order, new battery, self-starter, six good hires; a snap at 3300; Box 483, Barrie. , 8tfc' FOR SALE---Improved suction feed Shar- ples cream separator. No. 4, nearly new. Frank Rowe, Utopia. A 7A-12p '\J.lIa $.JK`LlJ.I.'J,`l.l|ll(2l\ 'LVI.l.`Ul\iI IRRIRCIUI, UHU year. A-pply -R. M. Orchard. Minesing, phone 92. M _ A 10p THREE VEARLING SHORTHORN BULLS FOR; SALE, PRIVATE SALE of table, chains. Quebec heater and bedroom furniture. 21 Mc- I\........I..I GI. 1n_ SEED OATS FOR SALE--A-pply. to Henry pnnlrnrrl `_Qlsunf1r Rnv `Inn FOR SAIJF--~CIRJUULAR SAW, 40-inch. _good condition, reasonable. Box M" Examiner. 10c SALESMEN WAN'I`ED--$30 to $60 .......|-. ........-.........A. -......:.L:.... ...1LL ....` FARMERS on RETIRED FARMERS Vof _LIL__ -,._. ...._... _._..I ` .. _ __L._.._..__ WANTED-Ma'xd general who will be will- ing to go to Toronto. Apply 116 Collier St. or phone 574. 10c ww-u-no 1 Vin` vrll-un_ One Rosemary and bwo Miasies. Bargain prices for quick sale. Also thirty pure- :1 -Y ksh' . . n'xrum3-F :'. .-`L;". ."""......`.`.';"`3.'2'.. A3931? n|,r}I'L} VV . Phone 827 . ROOMERS WANTED-Rened gntaleman ..nnm.... m. 4...... ml. -1-. alum .~mu.m. nan- CLUCKING HENS WANTED to purchase. 41.-.... ......A.vm| Cr... Mn: `IQ. muuao Ina Dnnba WANTED TO R.ENT---With option of buy: ing, house about seven rooms; with con- veniences. Apply C. H. Campbell, R. R. No. 2,'Barrie. T 10p RAW FURS WANTED-- Highest prices paid. Write or phone and -I will call within driving distance. H. Levit, 33 Collier St., Barrie, phone 384. 5-10p ARM WANTED TO _RENT-Would like -..A.!..... A... .........L....... .-An.-I nnmn:II' I-nnnI\I- BABY CARRIAGE WANTED, in good condition`; give description and price. Box 11, Allandale. 10p WANTED~-'I`wo or three rooms for light -houaekeping, small a.mily.A A-pply Box B" Examiner. T 10c WOMAN WANTS WORK by day or hour, or store, Allandale or Barrie. Enquire V _ at this office. V 10c WAN'I`ED--Set of scales, 2000 lbs. Apply P. 0. Box 95. Barrie. _ ` 10p un u -lUl'I\BlllIVU `plg. pply I70 IIILECULU DYMENT, Barrie, phone 368. Stfc One cent 3 word, cash, each inaertioh `(minimum charge, 250); eix insertions for the price of four, 10 cents extra when charged; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner oice. IIULIJACI Klllll Donald St. 7l'Jl.'llJ \.Il`l.I|7 L'\'l\: l7l'Il.Il.'l Packard, Shanty Bay. T T KALESMEN WAN'I`ED--$30 per week; -perms.nent position, with oppor- tunity for rapid advancenxent. Exper- icnce un-necessary. Applyv Box W". Examiner. 10c ADLET cowmu ' IILVUI 1'4 IUD `.Il\o l\vIll I LXVIUIJ L` :\ I\olVI.L'1.l\tD U1 asbilty can earn real money between now and spring. Permzmezxt position if de- sired. Apply Box 0" Examiner. 10:2 g%$&m&&w&a&w&$& N\ \VLVLJL|I.\E VV'lTl.Vll.'JIJiI.\:UllllUll EUIIUIUIIIUII roomer or two pals to share rooms; cen- tral and all` conveniences. Apply P. 0. Box 581 or phone 10-up IJJUUIXILVU IICJLVD VVl\J.`Llllll l`U [lul\}ll'31DUq three needed for Mar. 18; -must be Rocks or Reds. Will pay well for good ones. Phone 7, H. F. Morten, 70 Collier. 10p FOR SALE--Three White Leghorn `and one Rhode Island Red oockerels, nice birds, cheap. Apply J. E. Sutclie, 169 Bay- eld St. Phone 161 or 288.1. . 10p 't1IVl!l VVnl.Vl.l`JlJ LU I.\.'I:1.LV I.-vvuuul um: `option to pumh-ase; careful tenant I I ' wxth .own help. -Box `T ' Exammer. 10p Live Stock For Sale Pag Twelve Help Wanted For Sale Wanted FLVC-0 10p mpg .UIII J 10p Rev. Dr. F. Louis Barber of Toronto'w1i preach Sunday morning, Mar. 12, on the v work of the Methodist Church. Dr. Barber has been a world traveller and brings a. big, live smeseage. L "wm Fi:otzonns,_5 ....I- .I...:.... ..4....I. `.9..- I..-.....I:.:_ I: n Cgief St.i Methodist Church Why not go into a protable, rapidly grow- ing busines for yourself? One of the fore- most manufacturers of automobile storage batteries has an opening to establish an `ex- clusive distributing agency in Barrie. The battery is `well known, nationally eadver-' tised,Ais standard equipment on many pop- ular cars, and is guaranteed by a company with a long established reputation. We will ' teach you the business and extend the aid of a powerful sales organization. With a small investment you can build a perman- ent business that will make you independ- ent. Your inquiry involves no obligation and will be considered condential. For details write to Mr. W. `M. Findlay, care J. J. Gibbons, Limited, Toronto. 8'-10c TENDERS will -be received by the" under- signed, or at the County 'I`ream1rer's of- ce, up to 12 o'clock noon. Mar. 15, 1922, for painting and, decorating inter- ior of Court -House, Barrie. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specications may -be seen at County Treasurer's oice. W. Rusk. 9-10c ORO BRICK COMPANY (over Kempen- feldt Hill), manufacturers of red and white brick. See them before you build. Give us your order today. Prompt de- livery. Robt. Graham, manager. 10-15p e OAK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, ceilings, etc., by experienced carpenter. -All kinds `of jobbing work done, town and country. Apply Jas. Smith, 84 Mary St. Box 810. Phone 944. 43-17;) _____..__..___._..__._._.._..._.._.. CARPENTER WORK and building of all -kinds. shingling, repairs and -alterations. in and out of town. Apply to R. E. Tuck and Shierlock, phone 65OJ. 9-14p ::--: ._._.._._._-..__.___.._._......_.___ PAINTING` and DECORA'I`-I-NG~---Get your spring work done early before the rush. Jones & Partridge, interior and exterior decorators, phone 673J. Estimate free. 10-15p .\. . I |WILL EXCHANGE Barrie building` lots` for motor boat, dory, ya-wl or good team horses and wagon. Lew Howe, Lewiston. N.Y. 5-1 lvp_tfc --:.._: CHIMNEY and house -repairing, all kinds of carpenter work at a reasonable rate. F. W. Shannon, 84 Joh_n.St. W. 8-13p _ FOR TINSMITHING. furnace work, eave- k. , . _ tnnnmkinnn nrul nl u . . . \ . n . . . . . .... .L_.-- FOR SALE--Thomughbred Rhode Island Dan. nnnhx An nvrnkn-anus `An 1-AAA ._,.____.____._._____.._..____. MISS M. SHIER has opened new dressmak ing parlors at 37 Dunlop St. (upstairs). -Prices very reasonable. 8-130' OAK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS polish- .ed. etc.--Wm. Snmith RA Mm. m 12.... PICTURE FRAMING and furniture repair-| 'ing 'done by Dougall Bros., Mulcuster . St.. in rear of market. * 7tfc v 'RO0M AND BOARD-Also table board. \ 59 Mary St.. phone 305. 43tfo ..__________..____._________ -\.PPLEFORD'S CHECK BOOK-No bet- ter liue[ made. Phone 222, Examiner V Oifice; 42tfx I V 'ji FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-`-100 B13195. wnt millimk...-.. 'nIrn` ..l..-. l.-`.. FORSALE at Craigvale, 50-"acre i-arm. new house, -ba.x'n_. plenty stabling. acbou4tVl2 acres fall wheat; some plowing done: school- half miln~ anwim. ..:n....n r -FARMFOR SALE--100 acres. lot 17. con. 10. Vespra; clay loam-; first-class build- ings. Fnr neg.`-Hm.I..m ~.....a.. .- nL-_1_, _ FOR SALE BY 'l`ENDER--Good farm. 100` acres, lot 48, con. 2, O.S., Flos. `Ten- ders to be in by Mar. 25. Apply to Mn. Fred MGinnis, Phelpston R. R. 2. 9-12c ' FIFTY-ACRE FARM FOR SALE--North half `lot 16, con. 11, Innisl. Apply to `Miss M. E. Quantz, Craigvale, 0nt., R. _ R. 1. 10-15; j FOR 8ALE-0ne ieavy about 1400 lbs. Also one Ayrshire cow. due Mar. g.2 Apply L. C. Srigley, Allandale R. 910p `UK '1'1Nb`M1'1'l-UNG. furnace work, tmughing and plumbing `repairs, phone 83_9F,' John Dodd, 31 Eccles _St. 8-13p :j-_:- ._._,._.___________._.___.._.... FOR SALF}-New -bungalow, 4gbedrooms; nice building lot, Essa Road, Allandale; 100 acres, con. 14, north half lot 18. Vespra; -lots 10 to 12 W. Dayfoot St., Beetpn. Mrs`. Creswicke, 190 Bayld St., Barrie. 10-12;. _________________..___._____ , I ' FOR SALE--8-roomed roughcast` house; - barn on stone foundation, 5 acres land; next to school, church opposite, in Mid- burst village; price $1600. Apply on premises or at 249 Elizabeth St.,' Barrie. `I 10.. v I BUILDING L01` oWI'I'.H STAB-LE for sale on Dunlap St., opposite Underhill s shoe factory. Reasonable tprioe. Apply to C. G. Strange, Box 194, or 39 Toronto St-.. Barrie. - - 9-14p .....__.._.___.__.__.____.___._ r.'11\ nuu HAIJLUVVUUU FLUUHE p0l1sh- .ed. etc.---Wm. Smith 84 Mary `St. Box 810. Phone. 944.` . 43-17p SEVEN LOTS FOR SALE---Co1'-ner Thomp-' son a.ndBr,ock Sta. Apply after six o'- clock -at 73 Tiffin -St. .9-10p . HOUSE FOTI[{WSiALE--Seven rooms,` cement block, modern conveniences. Apply 87 Bayeld St. A 8-l.3p . I ILIJLII. 1' uu cvnuu UI\. r;AUrlAlVUl!J-'-j1UU iacres, West Gwillimbury, level clay loam. 15 acres bush and pasture, balance work- ingland; seven-roomed frame house. 2 `good barns, frame stable, good henhouse and implement shed, orchard and spring `creek. four miles to station and -good market. half mile to chu1'ches.'school and provincial highway; price ve thou- sand. half `cash; or -would -exchange equity of three thousand five hundred for small lot near good market. town. For particulars and list of farms for sale in Simcoe ahd York Counties. write to E. A Black, -Bradford, Box 131. 10p I `omens T0 Lia'r-The entiie secl)nd'oor .of the Union Bank of Canada building is available for rent at once. A suite of five rooms or individual rooms for oices. Very central; hot water and el- ' ectric light. Apply to_the Manager. 3tfo- i _-_. TO LET-Three or four furnished rooms. .-.:o..!..I.. L... I:..I..a l...........l.......:.. A.__I-. MILGH COW FOR SALE-Six years, due May lat. Price 380. John H. Trmnbley, Rural Route, Thorntonp 10c wuuul: u acruu mu wneac; plowing done; school, half mile; station. village 11/_- miles ;. telephone. $3400. Terms. C. Harmer, R. R. 2, Stroud. 9-14p | ;vq V vayl a , ings. For McKernan, McKerna.n. LU un1.--xuwu Ur Lvur Iurmsuea IOOIDS. suitable 01` light housekeeping. Apply 23 Theresa St. ` 10-11p A REAL OPPORTUNITY Property For Sale Miscellaneous Farms I/"(or Sale. 5 Property To Let r, vnuy llljllllj ll.l`Ulu'Ul!l DUa' particulars `apply to Charles Alliance, All:a.. or Miw M. 58 Small St.. Barrig. '5p-tfc _-.__---_-_-------__j-- ?ii;~.; I A FEW CHOI-CE BA-RRED ROCK ROOS- TERS for sale, well bred. Apply J. W. Orchard, Minesing. 9-14p