Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1922, p. 12

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Kindly remember Ayour Examiner subscription. If it has notibeen re- newed, please renew now. nnnn \/\/. a. V1. uuuu. This fund will not be available for distribution to these charities during the life`-time of Mrs. Under-hill.vMiss Underhill and Chas. Underhill, the income from the principal sum to go to them. The Royal Victoria Hospital,-Bab rie, is to be benefit to the extent of over $25,.000 by the will of the late Fred Underhill. - 44-..--- up In; J.` I. cu. U uucl. lllllo The sum of approximately $105,000 .i eventually to be divided in equal portions among four charities: The `Royal Victoria Hospital. Barrie;"the General Hospital, the Home for In- curable. and the House of Provi- dence, Toronto. rnI_.'.. _:!__ __J ._-sn ,1 ,1 1 -1 c n A Sunday. March 5. and Monday evening','March 6,_wi1l be occasions of more than ordinary interest at Cen- itral Church. Rev. Geo. E. Morley, B.A.,i.graduate of Victoria College and professional graduate of Owen Smiley, wilLo'ccupy the pulpit on Sun-I day. He willpreach fat 11 a.m., and in the evening will give his famous Sermon Recital}? On Monday night, March 6, a miscellaneous programme will be rendered, consisting of elocu- tion, vocal and instrumental music. uvvv Twenty-threes of the fire brigade were entertained at a supper at Vair s banquet hall, Wednesday "night last, by Fred Ayerst. The ev- ening passed in songs and speeches. Chief Shrubsole, on behalf of the Fire Brigade, thanked Mr. Ayerst for the supper. Mr. Ayerst responded, `thanking the Fire Brigade for their assistance at his fires. a.|\I vv ya. IJIIVI VV u . A Last Friday, Robt. Griffin, son-in- -law of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Robinson, Bradford St., had a narrow escape from being killed at Niagara Fa1ls,a N.Y. While he was engaged on` power construction, a large piece of rock `fell, striking him on the head. Fortunately the blow\was a glancing one and the resultant` injury not severe. ' Thomas horticultural society-price $32 for a single bulb. If rumors are correct, that isabout the class of stuff some of the local gladioli ex- !perts_are preparing for this year s iflower shovsf. lnnsouluu cuucx ux. ucuucw. U1 ule DE `-5.. ....... | vauua-nynvnauannyo In the new gladioli this year is one named after Dr. Bennett of the St. 'I"l........... I......L:....IL--.-.-1 -.j__ YOUNG WEANED PIGS FOR SALE}:- J. Hawthorn, Holly. ~ 8p i Tuck Me to Sleep, Sunny Ten-! inesee, Swing Me in the Moonlight, I ]Ten . Little Fingers, and all the latest hits in records and sheet music at Keenan & Kennedy s. 8c Probably the best game of the sea- son in the S.S. Hockey League, is billed for Friday night of this week, lwhen Y.M.C.A. and Trinity seniors meet in the second round. This game will have a vital bearing on the championship. I 1". +1.... ....... ...`I....l:..1: 4.1.:_ ____,. 2, x .... Ltnv bvuu. { The local branch of the Great War IVeterans Association regret that ow- iing to rumours being circulated that `the dance on Feb. 15 was cancelled, } many` people were disappointed. The 4 lrumour of cancellation was idle talk. 1....-- --Apex records retailing at -65c! are equal in every respectto all rec-I ords retailing at much high prices. Be convinced with a demonstration at Keenan & Kennedy s. . 8c Over 200 were attracted to the moccasin dance put on at the rink by Manager Shierlock, Monday night. All enjoyed themselves thoroughly, !as the ice was fine and thegband `music good. ` ` I "I"L.. 1---! `l______-L -1` LI, IV - -II? R, v. H(';!_'lTAL TO BENEFIT FROM F. UNDERHILL I-ESTATE` ' Rev. C. H. Schutt, M.A. B.D., will gpreach next Sunday, morning and evening, in the"Baptist church and will lecture Monday evening pn A` [Trip to Palestine. l I . - I A general meeting of the Macken- zie King Liberal Club will be held in Va_ir s hgll next Wednesday, March 1st, at 8 p.m. All members are gasked to attend. I Rain, thunl lightning on! Sunday evening followed on the heels I of the coldest snap of the winter.! `February has afforded plenty of var- liety this year. It ` Hundreds of satisfied users of The `Examiner Adlet Column are the best evidence of the pulling power of this `form of publicity. ` P_oVu1tryme/n should start now to ad- vertise breeding stock and eggs for lhatchingm The best medium? Why, [The Eiaminer, of course. - -O1e novelty moccasin dance in the Mammoth Skating Rink, Mondai, Feb. 27. Everybody welcome. ' FOR. [SALE-MoClary Pandora range; 4- burner gsasrange; 'Bissell's vacuum car- pet sweeper; dustless ash sifter; water power washing machine. Aspply W. D. Griffiths, 74 M-ap1e'Ave. Phone 827. 8p -n--:._: vvvv \4\Illl\EC A drive for a membership` of at least 600 is contemplated by. the officers of the Barrie Horticultural `Society. ' ' _._ - ..v` vv-v Ther7eT i:v;s fine skating on the by Tuesday, _only to be covered by yes- terday's heavy fall of snow. use 1 In --I-{idtiieeiv Get your public school supplies at Keenan & Kennedy`s. Free vblotters with every purchase. E I\_ _ _, aw uaav Illll a Do you buy cream from the Cream! Dairy? Phone 652. ~ ` 50tfc i Give the Cloverdale Dairy 9. call: when you `are in need of milk and cream. Phone 696. ` 8-Sc Icy roads have made bnsiness brisk for the blacksmiths. It's" an ill wind that blows nobody good. Read the Adlets. It pays; ' I -Haire youread Wisdom s Weekly : `Bulletin ? ` _ '__ _ [ '*`'"1'. :.'*"'&"=*i-m-g~,.,=` aleslsilualui Isaluilsnlani LOCAL News THE BARRIE EXAMINER Lindsiy ._._.....____.__..__.._________.. FOR SALE-8-roomed roughcast house; barn on stone foundation, 5 acres land; next to sdhool, church opposite, in.Mid- `burst village; -price $1600. Apply on premises or at 249 Elizabeth St., Barrie. ' _ 7-10.. [Corner of one of the Moscqw railway statiqns waiting fo so that they may obtam (iovernmf-ntt1c.l:ets, which the city. Note the Canadzan Paclc Radway `sign in LADIES NATURAL UNION VESTS AND DRAWERS. They are good value at - $1.00. Special price, 75 each HEAVY ALI. W001. HOSIERY F 0R BOYS AND GIRLS DO YOU KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR ? Price 35c, 60c, $1.00 a Bottle BARBIE MOSCOW S BUSINESS CORNER Men s Fine Boots, Brown leather, medium and round toe, sizes 6 to 10, and regular price is $8.00. Special price, Misses Patent Leather-Button Boots with dull kid and cloth tops, sizes 11, 13, 1, 1%, 2- This boot is big value at $500 February Clearing price, DRY HARDWOOD SLABS. $10 cord, 4- ft. lengths; 16-in. lengths, $12; 12-in. lengths. 312.50. E. V. Wilson, Shanty Bay, Ora phone 1522. 3-8p Men s Heavy Working Boots, Black and Brown, sizes 6 to '10. They are special value at $5.00. Mighty small investment for the returns, you 11 say over and over before you ve worn out a pair of these Working and Fine Boots. Generally they cost more. In the February Sale they are reduced by a large percentage. Styles to suit the taste and judgment of any man`, and values to satisfy the shrewdest buyers. NO COUPONS with the Boots at the small prices MEN S BOOTS REDUCED FOR FINAL E CLEARING UNTIL THE END OF FEBRUARY Nothing but numberstcan keep the boys and girls Stockings from showing a continuous per- formance of holes to be darned. To give him enough of them for very frequent changing is your only hope. This special number, adroitly reinforced at the logical points, are far and away the longest wearing of all. At the Clearance prices, a quantity of them is the truest economy. .4 .1-) /-/ A ""11'aL '"\3v3o"1"Hc5e, sies 5, 5 6 %, 3, 8%, 9, 9%, 10, 10%. They are big value at 75c. Clearing price, 50: Th_ey'are going fast. Do not miss this line. ---use ..__..._....._.____-..___...___-_.._.... FOR SALF~-Green velvet rug '9x12 feet. best. quality -and in Al condition. Will not t. roam since moving. Apply Box "E Exalmi-ner office. 8p ___________.__.__.._______ Dgnderine February sal, only $3.50 -By courtesy C.P.R. J!` the ticket office to open will permit them to leave m the window. .,,iJ` Thursday, Februar'y`23, 1922. TTT Tj 11% 3 V 1?) -Save and Thicken the Hair Trenton 'Kin(_ll_v rm twriptinn. If please"rt'm-u HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE, ;I|'Ilt`;I\lI' u rliun-.66.. ....,.I .l:..: _ _ _ . _ _., TIHC Buys the run}. Barrie. In-Hr -Trunk cull Ii. down. town u acrelm with .< Reliable p(`0_:vl A MCARTIIHK 16. 1922. I (`and .-sun :- Arthur. 115;; LVlIlAV.V .'\| "` iforniu.- u Richard .\I brother mi 86 _\'(-;u'.'-. t` at St. I :m7 N.EEL:\.\'I )5` f` 'r`! MARRIN` MANN` `Ila ll -A-. `xi Buwm1J.1' .\i.': - Fa(l_\'(*n nf H 2:. A'BTA.\IF()I .-I) '11:) urduy. I~'<-`r-. 1` Hzumu. Vwlor f for nf `VH1. '1' iomlerly `-1 is Bzunf-ml. nl".';1' Port .\rIhur. HFINIZY -_ lHI_\'l| B am \I 31. 19-_>~_>` I wn;;.~mg';, nmu` Lxsk ,.< I ,. `ll- I J]? xii" x.. CLEVELAND CAR FOR SvALE--In good running order, new battery. self-starter, six good tires; a snap at 3300. Box 483, Barrie. ~ 8tfc Fred Pi Llllhltl` l9`22 I housr.-hold tinsnthingzi t derstand an-: understand 1 ploy us you a th01`01l_u'h, plished job. II: ||`K'\ . JJ Hend0r. Into Dzxvu iu . lll;1l| I Czalgury: L. I) .... \ -4:15:11. by Re` IJ....,ln HERE is y;nuA (lay. 11' It lJAIu\l L tn_ Mr`. Thursday] FOR SALE-Ca,-binet phonograph, Regent; in mmlass condition, will sell cheap for cash if sold at once. Apply at Examiner oice. 7p-tfc -::: Ayuuyuu $3000 01 three yo: property. class sum instanvc t Avenhu M. J. Special p Avuptn : ' Bank 0. Sole Agent Sunshi $3.09J ket pric We will Chi Zit. 121-22- SEED OATS FOR SALE-Erly Lincoln. Arnnlv W H Q:-vhhaa Dlrmlnao-an nknnn _Resp()11s`i1 annn. ... FOR CUR MOI Ou vynr n A 1.1-'1 FOR SALE--Improved suctioxi feed Shar- ples cream separator. No. 4. nearly new. Frank Rowe, Utopia. 7-12p ONE SMALL AND ONE MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE TO RENT. Box 347, Barrie. 8p BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. good as new. Appiy 16 Eccles St.. or "phone 'to 766. , 8-9c . GOOD FEED CORN FOR SALE-- to John Bnn1rrr.v: R P R Rm-I-34: nknvm OVERLAND OAR in good condition for sale. Mrs. A. W. Partridge, phone 60. ' 7-9c HENHOUSE FOR SALE. suitable for gar- age. Apply 59'Brock St. 8p LIVE POULTRY W_AN'l'ED--0n account A` anorn:}u Okrnon :n .-An.` ..I...........I .._.-. .__ ENGINE WANTED--Port9;Ule 20 to 22 h. n AI|Ir:r\n nnl '`nn LL.-`n II..- 1! A... L.. cu-u u:r-:xpply V St. (west end). RAW FURS WANTED- Highest prices, naitl Write nr nhnnn and Y quill mall WAN'I`ED--Potatoes, cabbage. oats, baled! hay and straw. J. V. Brett, store at 37 Elizabeth St., phone 65. Nights and holidays, phone 587. 4-9p WAN l'ED-~By young couple. one or two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, conveniences. Appiy at Examiner. for address. ` 8p OFFICES TO LET--The entire second floor of the Union Bank of Canada building will be for rent on Feb. 1 next. A suite of ve rooms or individual rooms for offices. Very central; hot water and el- ectric light. Apply to the Manager. 3tfo PORTABLE SAWMILL WANTED, com- plete. State particulars and best price. Apply J. D. Davey, Allandale R. R..1. . . -6-8p BUSINESS MEN of all kinds wanted to buy Apeford'8 counter check books. Barrio agency at The Examiner oice. 42tfx 1\.IuI.1ul1LIulJ |.'un.u11.U'nEJ FUIV DALE}, including a divanette and dining-room suite, nearly new. Apply H. Hinds, 110 John St. v - 8p -:: LIVE POULTRY WANTED---`Highest pric- es paid. Apply H. Levit, phone 384, 33. Collir 8t., Barrie. . 4-9p WOMAN WANTS` PLAIN SEWING or housework, or oices and stores toclean. Box 441, Barrie. 3-8p" SEED WANTED--Peas and spring rye for seed. Phone or write us. Brown Jr 00., Barrie. _ 8-9c i&wn&mm&nnnmnna Ono cent a. word, cash, each` insertion (minimum charge, 25c); six insertions for the price of four. 10 cents extn when chirped; also 10 cents extra when replies are directed to Examiner oioe. g&%&&&w&miam&&$g 1 "VETTT TTTTTT TRBLET COLUMN Iuuu 1' wnu uuuu run otum.-- 170 John Bexnrose, R. R. 3, Barrie, phone 605r23 . '7'- FOR SALE-We have for sale; llaree regis- tered Shorthom bulls; two are ten mos. and one over 18 mos.; which we will sell. Well worth the price. Duncan 'Bros., ' `Shanty Bay R.R., AOro telephone, 5-8,0 IIUIIII I) _605r23. vuuu xlrlxu run, onunz--n4ar1y 121110011). Apply W. D. Scyvhes, Phelpston, phone 199:2. ' 8-9c_ uvu LIJUJJLILI VVIILV 111:1)-UH ECCOUDU of scarcity there 18 good demand now for an kinds `of fowl. Highest prices paid." Will pay charges on phone enquiries from rural lines. M. Alexander, phone 322, 142 Bradford St. 3-Sc ygvuuvu vvru.V`l..L'uJ--l.v1`UwUlU QU IM 45 II. p. engine, not later than Mar. 15, to buy or -rent; -must be in nst-cl-ass condition. For particulars apply W. Gracey & Son. Allandale. i sc] in vv 1' Una vv nu unu-- nlgneau prices, paid. Write or phone and I will call within driving distance. H. Levit, 33 . Coier 8t., Barrie, phone 384. 5-10p Page Twelve Live Stock For Sale Property -To Let For Sale Wanted FOR SALE-Durock llersey boarl and five saws. Wulghing 15-`) lbs; also one-horse- power en_r;'.ne, will sell at exchange Also hour for service. Phone 608 ring I-4. I). E. Tuck, Barrie. . 3-Sp IJuIllCo 7-12p JLIUUC 738p NEWS FOR HOG FEEDERS Farmers who make a study of feeding problems, who know the xgalue oftprotein, will be interested to learn that they can buy I SWIFT DIGES I`OR TANKAGE through| me for $2.80 per wt. in any quantity, de- livered to their station. This. is a meat products and can only be used for hog and poultry feed. Guaranteed analysis No. 545. Protein (that which gives growthl, 60; fat or oil, not less -than 8; phosphates (bone builders), 6; bre or waste, not -more than 3. At present prices barley and corn are our cheapest sources of carbohydrates (heat and at), while protein can be `bought in -tankage form less than half that from any other source. Feed one of tankage to seven or eight of barley or corn, or one to ten of mixed c'hop. Do not throw away- a great portion of your gnain for want of protein when you can buy 60 lbs.. for $2.80. If you have barley or half-grown hogs for sale, phone me at 601 ring 41'. I 48-'tf_c IRAW FURS? Why not go into a protableyrapidly grow- ing businea for yourself? One of the fore- most manufacturers} of automobile storage 'ba.tteries has an opening to establish .an ex- clusive distributing agency in Barrie. The battery _is, well known, nationally adver_- in fnhtlnr on";-vnunnf l\l'| yuanu v\nn\ iuuvluuly _ia, wen. iuiuwu, Imuulluuy auver_- tised. is standard equipment on many pop- uular cars, and -is guaranteed `by 9. company with a long established reputation. ` We will teach you the business and extend the aid of a p'owerfu.l sales organization. With a small investment you can build a -perman- ent businws that will make you_independ- en-t. Your inquiry involves no obligation and will `be considered condential. For details write to Mr. W. M. Findlay, care J. J. Gibbons, Limi-ted. Toronto. -8-10c` Jos. Marrin THREE YEARLING SHORTHORN - `BULLS L FOR SALE _ One Rosemary and two Missies. Bargain prices for quick sale. Also't,l1irty pure~' bred Yorkshire pigs. Apply to- HAROLD- DYMENT, Barrie. -phone 368. sue! POULTRY FOR _SALE--6 Leghorn vpullets, 6 White Rock pullets. well bred; in full laying condition; healthy. John H. Wil- son, Sterling Bank, Barrie. 8p OAK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, ....:1:..... - nlrn Lu AD9\anQct\-`Ana! -....__-_L_.. WILL EXCHANGE Barrie building, lots for motor boat, dory, yawl or good team of f9_.rm_ho1ses and wagon. Lew Howe, ` Lewiston, N.Y. _ A5-llc| I CHIMNEY and housexepairing, all kinds of carpenter work at a reasonable rate. F. W.-S/h`annon. 84 John St. 8-13p OR TINSMITHING. furgmace w_ork. eave- nnun-Llu... ......I ...I......L:.... .............. ..L.._ I PICTURE FRAMING and furniture repair-5 ing done by Dougall Bros.. Mulcasterl St., in rear of- market. 7tfc% ing parlors at 37 Dunlop_St-. (upstairs). Prices very reasonable. 8-139 MISS M. SHIER has opexted new dressmak 1 1 I OAK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS polish- ed, Afr,--Wn1 Qnnith Rd Mont Qf` Rnv APPLEFORD` CHECIE BOOK-No `pea. far >nn rnntln Dk.-sun 000 IS` ...... .... DESIRABLE FARM FOR `SALE-185 ac- ...... ....I:..:....... ..:n....... -1 QL__L__ -n--. FARM FOR SALE--100 acres, lot 17, com! 10, Vespra; clay loam; first-class build- ings. For -particulars apply to Charles McKernan, Alliance, Alta... or Miss M. I McKe1-nan, 58 Small St., Barrie. 5p-tfci _ I-{REE CALVES FOR. SALE~-A-pply L. B. Lainson. phone 696. 8c ROOM AND BOARD-Also table board. :0 u...'-. Ga ...L...... on: non. L(BT--Monday evening, pair patent -pumps size 4. Finder please return to 190 Bay- eld St. . sp, LOST-~0n Feb. 19, on Louisa St., small ' purse containing 315 in billsdand small change. Finder will be rewarded by kind-V l ly leaving at Examiner office. Sp` I , HOUSE AND Lo'r FOR SALE on TO LET _,,cmn nu.-J. A...d.. -... .._......:..... 11....-- HOUSE FOR SALE-Seven rooms, cement block, modern conveniences. Apply `87 Rnvnl 9+. 9,19... BRICK RESIDENCE FOR SALE-Nine- roomed, electric light, gm, garage and henhouse. Apply toTW. H. Sloane, 43 Essa St., Alland e. 3-8p )AK AND HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, ceilings, etc., by experienced carpenter. All kinds of jobbing work done, town and country. Apply Jas. Smith, 84 Mary St. "Box 810. Phone 944. 43-17p MARRIED M-AN WANTED -to work on farm; -yearly engagement; references re- quired. Apply Harold Dyment, Barrie, phone 368.. ' 8tfc vu :.u.1oLv.|.L.|.1u.I.V\1. Iurumce WOTK. eave- troughing and plunubing repairs, phone 839F, John` Dodd, 31 Eccljw St. 8-13p; WOMAN OR GIRL WANTED as. companl -ion for `afternoon andnight ten days of month. Apply 76 Toronto St. 8p MATOHED. TEAM OF YOUNG HORSF3 FOR SALE. Applythis office. 8-9p --: CLERK WANTED for grocery department. Experienced person preferred. Brown & C0,, B_arrie.. 8c r.'*u.x nu u nnxtu vv UUU 1` LUUIID p0ll5I`-- ed. etc.--Wm. Smith 84 Mary St.` Box 810. Phone 944. ' - 43-17p!-` Jmuuunuuu l.`l.'1l.\nUl. run maum--Loo ac-; res, adjoining village of Shanty Ba.y.g Land in excellent condition, nearly` "all' workable; less than half-mile from sta-l tion, churches and school; splendid barns," silo and house. Owner retiring on ac- count of [ ill health. Apply Wendell P. Graham, Shanty Bay. 3-8p[ 1 u ; uuruuu D uxxuuxx DUUn--LVU Del: ter line made. Phone 222, Examiner Oice. V V 42tfx` U\J\.IlII III` II IJKIII l\IJjnlU 59 Mary St., phone 305. Luuon l1LV'IJ IJUI. run. anun U11. LU 11134.1 -3800 cash. Apply on premises, Ernest Robbins, 61 Gorwan St., Allaxidale, or en- quire -at Greene Music Store. 6tfn ULUUA, UIUUUI Bayeld St. R. D. COUTTS, Midhunt. LET, US VALUET YOUR A REAL OPPORTUNITY 7 WHITE WYANDOTTE PULLETS FOR S'ALE--Apply W. H. Tooth, 58 Henry St. (wst end), 9-0n Highest Pfice Rooms anti Board V Property For Sale Market Square ' Lost and F ound F arm; For Sale 1 Misceaneous Help Wanted vuruu. 4am I FEED FOR SALE---Hay. timothy, 8 tons; hay, sweet clover, 20 bans; buckwheat and sweet clover not thrashed. good feed, `20 tons; straw, rye and wheat, 25 tons. Fred Eagles, Angus, lots 32, cone. 4 and .5. ` 8-9c

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