Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1922, p. 10

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Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- lng, Distrigt Passenger Agt., Toronto. i uvula Au uue_ worn to nmuer mqunry. What's bitten you, Frog? inquired the chief; ` [)....L _L I_, I -` " ` ` ' Carshaw met those beady brown eyes .steadily. I deserved that, he _said. 'Now, perhaps, you'll forget a passing lmood. I have come to like Winifred. Clancy shared suddenly at a clock. l Tick. tick! he said. Eight fteen. `Nam d un pipe, now I understand. 1.`... `L, 1` . auu cum] 1 wuu u nelpers 1n mus busmess. I I U uu.u.'. DUI; 115 L11 I159 LU LIDVU I115 UWU way, and the suspicion that he might be thwarted in his desire. to help Winifred Bartlett cut him now like a. sword. So he chafed against the seeming slowness of the Subway, and fue1.w-as added to the re when he was kept waiting ve minutes on arriving at police headquarters. ' `If. t..._. J In ,, I . ' I -.1 I; I .__-_.__a ..- 1.. v - u v u V nu-1 uuuuuu no A . vHe found Clancy closeted-with` a big may] who had just lighted a fat cigar, and this fact in itself betokened official callousness` as to Winifred's fate. Hot words leaped frnrm Mn line: ` RIB LU VV IIIIIIUUS from hrs lips. ` `W'k`T ,\ DIYII Q1 hiz n.-. But he did- 1_ik'e : to have his own ..-..... .._.I LL- ____._:-___.. LL_L L- ...2..La. L- Out of the 52 cases which have been heard before the Quebec Liquor Commission during the last month. 41 convict-ions have been registered and the Quebec jail is ll- } ing up. 1 uau, Orillia--Wheat s1.15S1,.25. barley 55-60c, oats 45-50c, rye 75-80c, buckwheat 70-75c, butter 35, eggs 42-45c", potatoes 80c-$1.00. `NEAR-BY MARKETS Al_liston--F all wheat $1.10, spring wheat $1.00~1.05, barley 45V-60c, oats 45-50c. rye 80c, -potatoes $1.00, eggs 40c, butter 25- 32:-.. ' UNDERJTAKERS I uuv, 32c . Iifkgg """""" I """"" I Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dressed beef . . . . . . . . . Apples . . . . . . Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ Turnips . . . . . . . . .._ . . .. Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Man-owfat beans . . . . . . Parsnips . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hard dry cordwood Short dry mixed wood Green maple wood . . . . ._.....-.., u.u- Uta! The prices :- I Milder weather induced a large number of farmers to market on Saturday, but their stock of farm produce `was small. Eggs were the most plentiful thing offered, ranging from 42 to 45 cents. Butter was in fair quantity. -at 40 to 42ecents. Chickens were scarce and were sold out before 11 o clock `at, 32 cents per pound. Scattered lots of produce sold readily.` R-unset. Can- ada Red, Spies and Tolman Sweets ranged from 65 cents in six to eleven quart baskets, with supply andlquality pom`. 'I`l... ........... . THE MARKETS I V - !iIHiI!I!I'.-E I snuuamnlsalua ` SATURDAY MARKET rruynevurl: UULIIMAN 6 1.50.. hlmlwao Norwich, Eng. Canadian Oice: 67 Portland St; Toronto. Frank S. Ball. Resident Director. 58 Vww At All n};g}m\\'=`7" Pi-onrteton: COLEMAN & co., Limited. Nnrwinh, Enov, Relieves c1;& `lgg, gar- ' get, spider or infection of- the teat, also thrtish ,in horses feet, stula, etc. Stops bleeding at once. -Removes proud esh, soreness a.nd swell- ing. . h - The /Double Track RAJ; between ' Manuxactured only by DOUGLAS & CO.. NAPANEE, Ont. THE FARMER S FRIEND` Minard's Liniment for Distemper uuu.~uuu IREHIIIUUU I3 Wincarnis. A short course of Wincarnis creates new energy-new life --~ new vigor It is 9. tonic, restorative. blood- maker and nerve food. Too `Tired for Anything THE best remedy forZexhau- tion..and lassitud e 1_s nuns!-nu : A chart 1-on-u-an AI u :u\nnn1-:- ` Avt all Dealers and Druggists. Manufactured only by IOUGLAS & C()_. NA!->ANmn n... 18 oz._ Bottles, 81.50 . . 40c to 42c lb. 42 t_o 45 dozen . . . . . . . . . . .. 32c lb. . . . . . 30c lb. We to 12c lb. 40c to 60c basket . . . . . . . . . .. 5c lb. On- A... OE`. L__I__A_ 013 IU- 20c to 25k basket \ . . . . .. 25c basket . . . . . . . .. 5c eaca . 5c each, 75c bag .. 3 pints for 250 .. 30c small basket . . . . . .. $1.25 bag 1 nn nan}: Jas. 1_{Xr_t}old I`II\II A In -2 a V1. .00 L155 . 10c each .. . 75c basket $12.00 cord . $6.50 load $11.00 cord MAUD E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations leading up to `and including the A.T.C.M. degxjee. Studio--King Block. Phone 424. "JJ ._ ......- --ruuwl, l1lU3a Di Teacher of Piano, Organ, Musical Theory. Organist and of St. Andrew s Presbyterian I Gold Ihlinlinf n` 'rn---`- And P;e:bytcrian Gold medalist of To_rontq Conse_. uu UHUITUIEH Church. EDMUND HARDY, `ALEXANDER COWAN Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining p wills, guardianship and administra General Solicitor, Notary, Gonveya 0Ei'ce-Hinds -Block, No. 8 Du: Millliv In '~-~- TE Solicitors for the Supreme ure of Ontario, Proctors, ancers, etc. nan--- z.- n -- Uonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. 0ice--13 Owen St., in Masonic Temp]: Building, Barrie. Branch oice--Elmvale. W. A. Boys, K.C.,M.P. D. C. Murchison ____________________ _....-u vuuuuumty IIUTSG AS50613 ' Miss M. L. Nodwell, nurse Office: 17 Owen St. Hours: 1.30-2.: Visits must be arranged for through 4 34tfc John H. Wilson, Sec A nunzer of va;uable farm: and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. Masonic Temple ,Building-- Barrio. nrlll I-0 \II Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oice and Residence--Co1-Aner Elizaeth & Bradford Sta, Rn...-:.. nu- m- u.....c uuu nesxaence--Uomer El Bradford St.s., Barrie. Phom Office hours-9-10 a.m., 1-3 p.m., _______.________.___ nonirruv J. SARJ/EANT. A.T.C.M. "l"l.'.`A nvrnn nu -'-- - --- L. JISIMPSON, u.3. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON V Oice and Residence---Collier St., con Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 27 ________________}_i (Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie) Late Surgeon Specialishwith the Imperial Army, 4! years. General Surgery and Obstetrics especially. Oice-15 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 7m. D I` "'~- "" UIIICI Phone 710. -... ---vuuuunhll I-IV!` 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-il a.m. to 5 p.m. Barrie phone 2. Toronto, North 3326. --ana- C. S. DICKSON, B.A., M.B. Phone 61. 56 Collipxf St.. Barrio. ____._____________.:____._ . --`own-, Ivlullu VIIVIJ I-nl'|IUo\h mO"ice and Residence--60 Rosa St. Third door east of Royal Victoria Hbepitnl. Telephoqg 256. 30tfo ____________________________ . nu :IIIIIrII-I-u Associate Coroner County of Sixygoe _0'ice_ and Residence-Corner Toronto a1 Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church. ' Telephone 167. I - --`rail q\\OIuJl\Ll Phones:- Office I63, Residence 853 CAPT. J. F. ROLLIT, L.D.S. DENTIST Oice: Over Reeve s Jewelry Store. 76 Duhlop St., Barrie. Phones: Office 450, Res. 436. 1-yr Graduates and members of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Oice: Over Bank of Toronto, Barrie. ` Entrance on Owen St. Phones: Office 241, Res. 314. P.O.Box 133 W. Richardson, L.D.S., D.D.S. 7cyr S. W. Randall Richardson, L.D.S., D.D. 4______________ BOYS & MU RCH ISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Ioney loan at lam... ...L.. .: 2 - ...u nu nu I ll. HHNIMUND BA-I'il'Z'ISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Masonic Temnh-. Rn;m:....'~ n-__-- Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Subscription Price-.-Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year inadvance (in arrears $2.50) ;,United Statw, $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of addres is requested. CANCEL- LATl0NS-We find that most of our sub- scribers `prefer not to have their Vaubserip- tions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried in arrears over an extended period, yet, unless we are notied to cancel, we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. Remittances should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. I A Ilnnl ........ lhlia... FURS REIKJDELLED AND REPAIRED _ Miss M. McAR'l'HUR King Block - -` Barrio 7 D PLAXTEN &. PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. A Oicwc 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. W. Plaxtnn n n-A -- a nut: lI.\., lilnllu O'iceA ax;t`i- l'iesidence--47 Maple Ave. . Phone 213. 31 unu-ILLD J. Masqnic DONALD ROSS. L.L.B. BARRISTER, somcrron, E'I`C. Masonic Temnln'R..:M:.... n-__:i 9-9-_3%'i"13b90- DRS. W. AND W. R. RICHARDSON n Isa-rilllill PHYI'(-3'Iz;1'*1'1`&ND SURGEON ' ' PHELPSTON, ONT. Office hours-12 to 2 and 7 to 9 p u.11\.n.ID { Barrio Community Nurse Association Miss M, I. NmI.....n ...._.- R. F. nuce, M.D., C.M., L.M.C.C. I163 .-- .....I _;,|, an .. _T_H_E_ BAR_l@lE_EX_AM'INE_R_" ,,___._____._______ RADENHURST &. HAMMOND `APPYQTDDQ any vnrn-A..- ___, W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY _nn:l_ :I, CW5. Oices in Ross 'I;I;3A(3i{I::.i{() F PIANO Telephone 151. Barrie p l\ 'D..- D0 Are - Well Supplied ;t:- { CRESWICKE &. BELL BARRISTERS : Supreme Court of Judicat- utario. Procmm Nn+...:... m...---~ on. E. G.fTURNBULL ,. ..t Iluruu 11 - - DR. MbRTlMER LYON -... (I. Ivy . - A. T. [IJITTL E, M.D. _ DR. FRED A. ROSS nun, aumU1'1'UR, ETC. Temple` Building, Barrie Monr-y to loan. I..l'J1\A3, cuuJ.U1'1'Ul{_S. ETC. Temple Building,` Barrie Money to Loan ` 5} DR. J. A. KEARNS Irntnvnxv . g-._ ....._ -7 upuuuc 101. D8] P. O. Box 88 on. H. T-. ARNALL lsimcoe Marble Works] m unucn, NO. 6 Money to loan -----\- ,__-. ,uuusu en 1.30-2.30 p.m. 2 doctors. Sec.-Treat. ._-- Uuysuunc \JUufb UI al.101080- 3, (Notaries, Convey- Money to loam Block, Barrie A. J. Bell. K.C. MUSIC MEDICAL _D_E_NIA'-_ __-------Z I, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.Il. an f\--~- ` snLVJJ \) 1.1 -and- suenu n I JJCIlIC- J. A. MacLaren, Editor. W. `C. Walls, Manager. vwtilili probate of :1 administration. and `ry, Conveyanccr, etc. , Dunlop St. 0 lnnn `LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL ___A_,_, 1 UIIIH G. Gordon Plaxt-on. -4 sau, V U0, and Chomn inn (".kn....1. `I vn I . p;m. -----:---j.1-j :u., nzune. P. O. Box 1075. .nc| nuzuueul Phone 105. B p.m., 7-8 p.m. - vn4\JAV H. corner 0! man 0'}: will HQ! 275. 49th am. .20 OWEN s'_r., BARRIE A fw doors north of Post Office. _' _ ,_~-__,,-_ _..a-., gurgvuuvn - J. if iau.uNcsusY, Depot Agent Phone 6|: `Barrio IVCI 3ltio. 1-ylfly V and 7 FIRE AND LIFE . INSURANCE AGENT FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD . ` SANDWICH BREAD ` -ant! a full line-"of mas, CAKES and nsrnv ` ; Bakery and Saleshop I Cor. Elizabeth and Small Sta. Real Estate and Money to Loan Morgue and C }i'a]5'el` l_N CONNECTION OPEN DAY AND NIGHT PHONE C. BROWN YOUR Jangpmc NEEDS Lirge stocl;, l'ow. prides best workmanship _ while our stoclt is full and you have a large range of designs and materials to make your" selection from ? It would then ' ;be letterediand ready to set early in the spring.` G. W. J. EASTMAN, PROP. ~ Phone 277 Unexcelled Dining Car `Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains arid Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains; Why* Not Chdose Your Monument _or Memorial Ti+ 599535 T MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO scoT`i"s BooKs*rom;: R. c. MANUEL, MGR. a...u.:.L.a sass Phone 721' - " Phone 82 Ill :uca uccuv cuulu Ullly can uuuruuug. She spoke of life at Brown. Son & "Brown's, in Greenwich Village. She even revealed that she had been crying. because of dark clouds -which had gathered round` her of a sudden, doubts and fears for which she had no name, and because of a _s<`)rt l of dream the previous night in which she had seen _a man s Indian face. and heard a hushed, grim voice say: She must be They walked on together, and for a long- er time than either of them realized. Win- ifred was rather bewitched. Carshaw' was something of 9. revelation to her in an elus- ive quality of mind or manner which she in .-her heart could only call charming." S119 Annln: I1`, of Rnntlyn gnu Xv N15 uuwu Lvu`. ruwiez ' No, no. Of course, they didn t do any? thing to me. In tact, they seemed rather: `pleased. Were you _,anxious. then, about me?" _ I was naturally anxious, since it was I who---" q A V Aihj. now, 'd'on't spoil it by giving a. rea- son. You were anxious. that is enough; let me -be proud, -as a recompense. .And now I want to ask you two favors, one of them a great favor. `The t is to tell me all you know about this Fowle. And the second---whygyou look so sad and have been crying. V May we w-alk-on a little way together, and then you will tell me?" I'I\L ,_, II , I I I n u l -----1 J Jfdlll LUMBAGO r.-1 , NEURITES vs. SCIATICA ` ' .'-' . Rheumatism and similar troubles `invariably yield to this I`.R.C.'s (Te'm pleton's Rheumatic Cap- sules) treatment. Many doctors and many hundrednof druggista from coast to coast will confirm this truth. The `hundreds of tes- timonial lettere in our files show that T. .C. ,s have successfully treated ; heumatism, Lurnbago, Neuritis. Sciatica and acute N eu- ralgia 0! all kinds. But the best ' evidence is your own experience. I! you eulfer we want you to try the guaranteed `non-injurious remedy at our expense. Drug- istn sell `l`.R;C.'s $1.00 per box. or Free Trial write 'l`.R.C. 60.. 56 Colborne St.. Toronto. Sold. by Wm. Cromland. In Allandale. by A. E. Patterson. umuc, U1 cuume. . - Did they do anything to you for knock- ing down Mr. Fowle?" Mn run t nnnnon A-`spur .~".;l:-.76 J ; an. ` How do you know my name? ' What, the .`Winifred and the `Bart- let? Winifred wasglways one of my fav- orite.names' for 3 girl, and you look "the name all through. Well. Fowle and'I were taken to the station-house last night, and in the course. of the inquiry I heard your name. of cou~1se.". I\.-I `L-.. .1. ...-...LL:__.. 1.- _.;.. 1-.. I_,,_,I_ ""I':;1rre.. now, that's a point for me!" Oh. don t make me laugh." A Point number two--for you have` been crying. Miss Winifred!" 6 I 9 9 V nuuw uu. I I Then shall -only have toustand sentinel a certain numberof hours every day be-! fore your house, to see -that all goes well. You can't prevent me doing hat, can you? The streets are free to ev rybody." You are only-making fun." . That I am not. [See how stern `and solemn I look. I shall stand sentinel and gaze up at your window on the chance of. seeing yourface. Will you show yourself sometimes to comfort me? it C` ' . No. A I'm sure you will.` .I:`d~better"pro1nise to write the letter gg;nUM%AT1sM UIISUIUX UUW, you. Know. ' I cannot wnte_ to you. I-don'v-_- know ggou." I Then I shall nnlv have tn stand nnminnl . nuuvuun `U Auuuuo. 113716 I6 llly uuurusu. Winifred hesitated, then took the prof- fered card. But--- she faltered. ~ I, No; promise me that. It really is my I business now, you. know." I nnnnnf unvifn n `nun T .In..74.- am the 'advt$.-` It pays, - -_-__---v_ ------ _-.-- n V... Well, then, I am here to see to the re pairing of my car--not in the hope of see- ing you, you know-Carshaw `said this with a. twinkle in his eye; though, per- haps, if the truth were known, a little in that hope, too. Then, there at the corner, I nd the very man who -molested you last night looking at your house, and this spur- red me to knock in order to ask a favor.l Was I wrong?" , What favor, sir?"- That, if ever you have the least cause to be displeased with the conduct of that man in the future, you will consider it as my business, and as an insult offered to mu --as4,-it will be after the trouble of"last night -and that you will let` me know of the inatter by letter- Here is my address." w;li`PD(` lnnaitofnrd fhnn lnnb fkn nun` GAl,_I5STONE$ I. : - . ,- - X55, I'm sorry to say. . Oh, I only wish] ".=;'%;- 6817-- I j V " MARLATFS SPECIFIC " A never failing remedy for Appendicitis. ' Indigestion, Stomach Disorders, `Appendicitis and Kidney Stones are often caused by Gall Stones, and mislead people until those bad attacks of Gall Stone Colic appear. a Not one in ten Gall Stone Suerers knows what is the trouble. Marlatt s Specic will relieve without pain or operation. For sale at all Drug Stores or J. MIRLITT G 60., II`! Gerrard` II. I.. Toronto, AAutho'r oAThe Wings: of the Morning" The Pillar `of Light,Vetc. (flontinued from last week) av -- WM. CROSSLAND, Druggist, BARRIE, om-. _..--'v.-, wv--vvu 1- vruvll HI-I-b chartered Accountant: Phone Main 5874.- 59 Yonge St`., Torontn H. J. Welch, C.A. ` G. D. Campbell. C.A T; E. Lawless. C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer. II nnnn .. 11...; ......I nu.-:_:-___. n-_-_-my - LOUIS TRACY ;_u-{Eu auu wuuy 115118!`-IDIK 01 me Mame coast than don the white ducks and smart caps of his wealthy yachting friends. ` In a." word, society and riches had not spoiled vuc uunuuvvcala uucr 1110088 and 08.110011. . -He preferred polo to tennis.` He would rather pass `a fortnight__ in oilskins with the rough and ready sher-folk of the Maine t11a`n_ the white qucks end` guuu avuun uuu uuu ueen weu reared. The instinct of sport. fostered by tri- iumphs at Harvard, had developed an in- natequality of self~reliance and given him a physical hardihood which vrevelled in con- quest over diiculities. Each -winter, in- steadof Lounging in annels at` the Poin- iciana; he was out with guides and dogs in the Northwest aftez-'m'oose and caribou. .I-Ta nrnfon-AA .nn`n 4.. 4......:..- `[1 . __A--.II nouacucaa 5111, ut`. cnea. Well, come downtown. We'll expect you in half an hour." But Mr.` Clancy asked me---" . Bet3ter_ come," _ sliaw, thou-gh fuming, bowedto authority. It is good for the idle rich that they should be brought occasionally into shnrn contact with ~life s re-allities. During his twenty-seven years Rex Carshaw had hardly ever known what it -meant to have 9. pur- pose `balked. Luckily for him, he was of goodstock and had been well reared. Thu iimat-in:-I-' -n4` annual t....a.......I L.. L_: said the voice, and Car-' uapcxnvulg uexay. `Not too busy to_t:ry and defeat scotmdrels who are plotting against a fensless . girl, " he cried. Wall nnnmn A .... ...4-...- In `I- [ CHAPTER x I ` Ca;rsh_aw Takes Up the Chase 1. Busy, M1`. Carshaw? inquired some ;one when an impatient young man g' touch with Mulberry Street after an ex- asmerating delay. N'.n+ fnn lmu... L. a.... ..__.l 1,1` . .1 pwy uu ma urd.w'n race and drew near. No use, sir! he con'..ed. They've skipped. But don't let on I told you. Call up the Deteotve Bureau!" un vuc u'u:wlu"lI_l21Il. He determined to knock. at. the door. relying on_ his `wits to invent some excuse if any stnanger opened. But to his repeat- led loud knockings fhare came no answer. 'The house seemed abandoned. Winifred I was gone! Even" a friendly patrolman `took I pity on his drawn face and drew Mn um 51.! !l... ....._c..:-_: Hun, v 1u5u|'u , ` - ` He waited in the street. but Winifred did not appear- The brown-stone house was in total darkness. Am hour passed, and the waiting was weary, for` it was drizzling. But C-arshaw waited. being'a persistent young man. At last. after seven, a pang of fear shot through his breast. He remembered` the girl s curious account of the d-ream-`man. `Ll'.. .-l..L..__.:__.I L. 1 I _.------a CIVZCI I Corner Sophia and Mary Street: Manufacturers of lSash,- Doors, Frames, Elooring Ceiling. Moulding, Water Trough! Tanks, etc. We carry instock a large assortment of Rough and Dressed Lumber, B. C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln -Drying a Specialty. Dressing dons promptly. _.'C`onsqlt us with vour building jun-_ -_._._-- ` `M-r. Carshaw." uu yuu. u s 800111? a -dream.-and a face." - Gee! 'I`hrowTt:he picture on the screen. 'I____ n___L_A_A . u A. -- uvncauu mun: uuu oeen no pronuse of a meeting between him and Winifred-nn promise. but, by those roundabout means lby which people in xgympathy understand each other, it was perfectly well understood , that they would happen to meet again that` ' night. ' "ll nyn:4,-.I 2.. `L- _;,._,; I . vcvl -- .LV.l'l . UU.I'SI1btW . Then Carshaw spoke, and Clancy listened and bade him work more miracles. even though he-mig-ht have to report such phen- omena to the Psychical Research Society. Next morning Ca-rshaw, a hard man when offended, visited B1-own_.ASon & Brown. who had executed a large rebinding order for his father s library, and Fowle was speedily out of a job. The ex~foreman knew the source of his misfortune, ,and vowed vengeance. In the evening. about half-pest six. Car-` shaw was back in One Hundred and Twelt-h Street. There `had been no promise of ' meetmz between him um! \x7:..::.....i -.- nu vue world, 1 nl sure." Yes. The miracle came off, so you're entrtled `to your g-nbe. But I -have news for you. It s about d:ream.~and face." pp' '1-urnvnyrlnlun n..4-...... ._ LL- A-~A m-cwus comusea. she velled `her eyes. ' `-`I don't know--ope;-haps-we shall see," she stammered. Which was not so bad for a novice. _ ` ' ` I They parted "with a warm hand-shake`. 'Ten minutes later Canshaw was in a tele- phone booth with Clancy's ear at the other end of the wire. I 657 |_____ :,__; 1 Icu, ne negan. Tut, tut! How passing strange!" cackled the detective. The merest chance [in the world, I sure. I H`rA r[\L_ ___g____|, M ' n cuu Ul 'me W1-1'8. I have just had a chat with Miss Bart- lett," he began. ` Tm mu u,.... .._--:__ -- H` , -_..- _ -- -veoonta uagavll an ulua 'prlVllEg8( l Wmifred, who _had -never irted 1; [any young_ man m her life," fancied knew nothing about the rules of the ga: lshehwas `confused. She veiled her eyes `W 4-Inn !-. l:nmn_..m...L..-.. -..- _L-II vula ulgllli 1 You.are kind. I trustyou," she mur-' muted. . A friend is a person -who acts -for an- other with the same zeal as for himself, and who has the privilege `of doing what- ever eeems good to him for that other. Am I to regard myself as thus privileged?" l ll7"Il\ Inn.-I ......_.. 2._;,.I -.- taken out of New York--she is` the image` of her mother. V" i V I Ah! And your mother-who and where is she? asked Carshaw. I don't know. I can tell. I never- I knew her, answered Winifred droopingly, I with a shake of her head. . And,ns to your father?" ` l I have no father. I have only my; aunt. ' _ Winifred," said Carshaw solemnly. ' will you consider me your friend from V this night?" - T"2E.=:`!:Es Eleaiqsl I this W] II 551` `Ill ,0 `J night?" vnn an-A L 2 game. nuns: uuugvf or losing mexr 1Icenses---'7 By gad, I ll do it, and C33.l`Sh3W'S em- phatic fist thtmmed the table. ` ' (To-be continued) Islreable '-aunt,` and strike out for herself. I d ask my. mother, or some other lady of good standing, to-take the girl under her wing, and see `that she was cared for un- til 9. place was found in some business or firofession suited to her talmts. And that's as far as I care to go at this sitting. As for the ways and means, in these days of fast cars and daredevil drivers who are in daily dagger of losing their license.n___ UHIU uu_u uar euevu anvers who danger losing licenses----" Rv anti mu ,1... :4 H -_.v rum - " ms, urew. Mr. uiancy." You Il follow her to aireld then?" and Steingall sat up suddenly. Yes. Please advise me. `' ``That s the way to talk. I wish there} was a `heap more -boys like you among the Four Hundred. But I can t advise ybu. I'm an oicial. Sup , however, I were a young gentleman of leisure who Wanted to befriend a. deserving ypung lady in Win ifred Bartlett's very -peculiar circumstnces.i I'd persuade her to leave a highly unde- sireable `-aunt,` outfor [PA 0:`? hair ......i.... -_ _-/N -- - - - ..-......., - .vuuvv-vu J.`llI.lllUUlQ Magager Cost and Efficiency Department CV11- Cai*shaw's eyes clashed with Clancy <. as rapiers rasp in thrust and parry. From that instant the two men became ,rm friends, for the young millionaire said quietly: ' x t . I -haveher promise to call for help on me, first. Mr. Clancy." A ` Va-m H Cnllnm k... 4... 17..:_c-u .: nu .\...._-,.....u.. uugm ue in a theatre. It all coriies to this, Mr. Carsh_aw: The` Bur- eau -s hands are tied. but it can and will `assist an outsider, whom it_ trusts, who means rescuing Miss Bartlett from the ex- ile which threatens her. We have looked you over carefully, and think you are trustworthy " The Lord help you if you're not!" broke in Clancy. I like the girl. It will be a bad day for the man who works her evil." IL: 1 1 - Ulcj in -pu1'BIcumI'. This fear of recognition. with its certain consequences." went on Steingall, pausing tow ick the ashoff his cigar, is the dom- i-nant factor in Winifred s career as dir- ected by Rachel Craik. Thiswoman. sway- ed by some lingering shreds of decent thought, had the child well educated, but the instant she approaches maturity, W_i,n -` ifred is set to earn a living in at book-bind- ing factory. Why? Social New York does not visit wholesale trade houses. nor travel on the elevated during rush hours. But it does go to the big stores and fashionable milliners where a pretty. well proportioned girl can obtain employment readily. More- over, Rachel Craik would never. `hear of the stage, though Winifred can sing. and believes shecould dance. And how prompt recognition might be in a theatre. It all coiiies this. Mr (`rm-al.....,. mi..-` nu cuugumcu. lou IOHOW D1115?" Perfectly." Carshaw was beginning to remodel his opinion of the Bureau gener- ally. and of its easy-going, genial-looking chief in -particular. l`kGa Can . ..t .. .... ..:L:__ ,,.:-I IIU uuu uuuureu 'oy -a very large circle of friends. The. daughter of any other wo- man, -presumably long since dead. who was not of social importance. could. hardly be 1 recognized? You follow this? pnrfnn6'uy " I`--r-L ----- -A-- ' ' ' ` BIIGW Carshaw's li-ps parted eagerly. but a germ tu-re stayed -him. 2 Yes.-\Of course, I know you're strain- ing at the` leash, but please 'don't go of? on false trails. You never lose time cast-_ ing about for the true line. This is the actual position-of affairs: A man known as Ralph V. Voles, assisted by an amiable person known as Mick the Wolf---he was so christened in Leadville. where they sum up a tough accurately---`hauled Mr. Ronald l Tower into the river. For some reason "the matter rather as a joke, so the police can carry it no further. But Voles is as- sociated with Rachel Craik, and was in her house. during several hours on the night -of the river incident and the `night follow- ing. It is almost safe to asume that he ` best known to himself, Mr. Tower treats l counseled the girl s removal -from New York because she is `the image of her nio- ther.' One asks why this very natural fact should render Winifred Bartlett an unzle-' sirable resident of New York. There is al ready answer. She might be recognized.` Such recognition would. be awkward for somebody. But the girl has lived in al- most total seclusion. She is nineteen. If she is so like `her mother as to be recog- nized. her m-other must have been a person of no small consequence, a lady known I to and admired by -a very. large circle of friends. The. rlmurlnfnr nf mu. .-.41...- .-.- Now. we're ready for you, Mr. Car- lunuucu as no: repbaceu me instrument.` 1 Shaw," he said, l_olling back in his chair again._ The Misses Craik and Bartlett have arrived for the night at the Maples Inn. Fairlield. Connecticut. Thanks to you. we knew. that some one was desper- ately anxious that Winifred shoud have New York. Neither her aunt nor the other interested people cared to haveher stroll- ing in Central Park with an eligible and fairly intelligent bachelor like Mr. Rex Car- lshaw." p_A` O I- mmnnguu pxcxeu up me recexver. Long-distance call. This is it, I guws." and his free hand -enjciined silence. The talk was brief and one-sided. S'teingaIH smiled as he replaed the instrument.` Nata urn rn -A...-In I A _ _ . . .- `V to ,,__-- .. ..... ,..,.-, :I\rvv ; uuucnauauu. For the rst time-the `true explanation `of Senator Meiklejohn's covert glance at the _clock the previous morning had occurred * to him. That wily gentleman wanted Win- lifred out of the house for her 'day's work before the police interviewed.Rac'hel Craik. He had fought hard to gain even a few hours in the effort to hinder inquiry. X whntls bittnn `Nil! wrnn9 l in-'-H:-A-I uuv vvvv aAnm:,'oNT.

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