Incfeae for year Increase for year Increaise for year HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Result: for Year Endd 31:: Dcemer spending father Lvcv. '12. 1. uougias or Uentral Method- ist Church visited ,the college last Friday and gave an interesting address on Char- acter and Efficiency." Mr./Douglas point- ed out that strong character is for the one who is willing to sacrice the present pleas- me for the future good, and emphasized the -fact that there is no way to success but by hard work. In closing, Mr. Doug- las gave the gist `of his whole addrex in the motto.`-I will I... man. 1 ...:n ._ L, n Lac gave me gm '0: ms whole addrex motto,"I will be what I_wilI to be." Those words will be remembered eveg after Miss Murphy is at ma. local law oice. 13:: U '1" 'l'\----` cnn. ;.u was uxumuuwu It Was 8 11181`- '<:alous sight just to look in a supeycial -luhion at those masses of `mechanism. ,But there was something else more in- teresting still. _That was the men working -there; the englne mom crew,: more than aeventylin number. The dhip was running udoud slow while the nick}? vumrn ..I.....:..... BUSINESS COLLEG E NOTES The followingstudents were prize ;win- qers for making the most progress in pen- manship during the month of January: 1, Miss Laura Kneeshaw; 2, Miss Poucher; 3, Clarence Am-bler. II` 11 - - , ...... vv LALJAIJICI o { Miss Herman hasreturned to school af- ter a recent illne. ' 11- II 1 - Insure the Succejsyof `Next with a Gilson Manure ` K 1921 -.-VA vuaI I043. gUbo take out of the S011` forever without returning what you take away. Fertilize yourjand with stable manure (the best fertilizerin the world!), and you ll have a `record crop. With one of the new- improved Gilson Spreaders you ll make a per- fect job-. These spreaders are low dotvn : There are a lot of farmers aroundvhere who are wonder- ing what next year's crop will be, and all the time they ve got the answer in their yard! - The soil cannot give you any more than its got. You can the Vsoil_forever .54-L ..--.L M V A QUIT mnowmc MONEY AWXYT uvcu Douglas of Central Method- EH13!" .H1n nnnnnrn 1:...L' 'lx`-iJ-- The pxesent assisting in `V vvvv uuum mm was uumg 51): Know better than her registered speed. All through the next day we were up in the bright sunshine and open air, with life-'belts'on -and boats swung over the side. But away down in the depths wgre sweating remen. stripped to the waist, black with coal-dust, their lrms swinging wi.+.h H... ......I....:... .;..;a -_-- J Gil_son{ 5:111 11,967 ,069.62 `53o,71s,;3o.53 so,o76,89s.36 s'129,372,127.33 14, 53 2,682.8 5 90,030,035.66 of Next Year's Cr0P' Manure Spreader 1o,3s3,9o9.1o 2,019,241.95 1,849,089.95 3l,l07,l49.16 2:355:57`?-73' -.--Ioad high ;-haul easy. No complicated parts--no gears -_ no clutches. New wide spreading propellers spread ne and even. I can let you have a Gilson right away -- on very easy` tenns, if you _wish. -uuvcubylxu numoer. `nae snip running slow while -the stat? were cleaning, polidling, oiling every. bit of machinery. inning up the engines to the highest pitch. new aithfully they worked, and how loiv-V ciny they touched these polished, shining They knew that there must be _ae ctrelms or ecamped work, for in a few oma we were to be running without es- mtt the gauntlet of the submarine none. gknmn ...4 ...:.J..:.1L4. LL-` I FACTS AND FANCI ES Santa Domingo is the oldest white settle- ment in the Americas. I`l-m ...{a-:.... m::: ___-m, :- ....\.u an uuu rxulcllvll. Tlie native Fiji women refuse to marry the Indian immigrant. pull: 01 we uu-L mus south of Moose Jaw. 011 good soil this tree attains 8. fairly large size. Specimens eighteenlinches in diame- ter and cqrespondingly high used not to be- uncommon, It is a fairly rapid grower, though not quite so much so as the Mani- toba maple. Some Attractive Bargains in Engines Advice just received from Gilson factory at Guelph about some unusual second-hand values. If you need an engine. see me! _. __.. ....-- vn I In. rnnlnlns) The green ash is found in'the West in the valleys of the Qu Appelle, Assiniboine and RedeRivers, also scattered in the Pembina. _and Moose Mountains and in the eastern part of the Dirt hills south of Moose Jaw. '..2..l__ l,,,, on Lrnnd sznil f} I;a fr-on fIl\:r\tu .. ....v ':he rst Qthe addressmay be forgotten" Allwill look forward to a visit from Mr. 'Douglas again. Thursday, February-k16,. 1922` PAINSWICK GREEN ASH ON THE PRAIRIES 1u...'.......m -_L 2, :- select a set of ('< links, and stick Men like jewelry useful and practic. able kind. That i. articles we sell. Se chains for. men. u-Ilucln nuu nun ymvnutuw, mgnv (IBGKB down to `the `very foundation of things, where a narrow gangviay runs along at ue narrowing of the bull to the keel. On such side the great spinning shite pierced ihrrough the bull to the churning -twin _ ml'8WB. To one uninitiated it was a inilk nick! hie} 4-A Inn`; in .. ..........-:_I FOR A M; JEWELIZR Cor`. `Elizabeth Wirelew wzxw-.~ about l85.()()U m A non-sinkablv zfected and tested . 'Fhere is one .~ `Hghted match. ` thfowing `it aw;-` doctrine: l)rn:u1<-;- people will boom the matches, `.111 number of mm- -du.cul.- I)rp`.|l}' tarin. Oice, 109 `Thursday, ' price. approxin scraping`, \ ishing-- in thing but furniture. - ~ A great new ocean -liner was crowing the Atlantic, -loaded with troops. The second ugineer invited one of the officers to go wn with him into the engine room and inpect it. Down they went by zigzag iron ladders and iron platforms, eight decks tn 41'.hn'vnrv fnnnnl-inn AG 61.2-... Oak ` For WE wn 309 WITH AH! CO] "Let us ta Larger r MA-TQH ES This `in "Give WILLI Be Sure You re Right` About Your Battery % Llh THE SACREEJESS OF DAILY bUTY BARRIE BATTERY s1-:1; vlcl-f ~ 39 Elizabeth_St., % Page Six Everything s `done - hefe Willard Standards` of Service. ---- -..v an-uuvnvv In uuc BUUUIIIIIXIU lone- Sharp at midnight theslow thwb of the engines gave place to an ever-growing -hum. --A thrill ran through the great ship from Item to stem, `and like a racer she leaped forward on her course. For the next thir- ty-two hours she was doing six knots better sp_ee(l: {til through -..--L J ..-_ .77- W`..- __.v --v Here at Battery Headquarters we know, the facts before we tell you either that your battery is in good sjape or that ityneeds repairs or replacement. Your battery may seem i to be in such good condition that you may conclude it is functioning Plffectly. But it paysto be sure, because bat-` teries sometimes show the effects of wear very suddenly, right when they ' seem to be in excellent condition. H A "_ . 2 , n.u_uu5 UIIC IIVBH UI 118601888 a sacred duty. The doc- L bedsi'de,~ studying every ase. and considering: who -uuw- Ilihnhv .The young should plant trees in recogni- tion of the obligations they owe to those who rplanted trees for them. The old should plant trees to illustrate their hope for the future, and their concern for-Jthose who are to come after them. The economist should plant trees, especially in the prairie coun- try, iind beautify the landscape and amel- iorate the swee of the north wind.--J. Wilson.. ' ' ., 5 mun UULTCCI-ly. What is the meaning of this examination 5: the 7J`eligious_ `life,.of Ontario? Some take it to indicate"there should be more religious instruction in connection with the public schools; Others maintain that the church and the home have already relin- quished their hold upon a very considerable portion of the child's life, and that the church in particular cannot aord to allow the public school to usurp any larger place in the religious instruction of mun. vm...-... I uuy Jesus was crucied. 8. 128 could not tell on_ what rose from .the dead. v ` Twenty pupils did not answer tion correctly. _ I'n fkn vv\nn-:-- -I J were '- \ l. 64 did not know h _ many command- ments there are. ` . . 2. Some of these questions are not very happily worded, as this one, for instance, might admit of a dozen different answers. 3. 97 did not know where Jesus was born. 4. 111 could not tell the nezne of His ` mother. 6,;l22 couldfnot give the name of one of the Apostles. V . _ 7. Questions 7 and8 are not clear, as they might be supposed to refer to the day of the month. day Jesus crucied. Q nnnhl -at 5- - ' ` ' `K 121 did not know on what` dewd '3 ,,,_, _, .. ...,...m.u.-, euuuyxug every symptom of disease, and considering what remedy will countract and cure and save nhuman life, has a duty sacred in the sight of God. The teacher l -ashioning `and_shap- ing the minds of the young temporarily committed to his care might well shrink from so great a task `did he not realize guidance -by a mind greater than his own. The father remembering -his own mistakes and blunderings and tryingyto set a high ideal `and.ex:ample before `his children, the mother busy with the endless routine of housework and yet trying to keep sweet and ' patient for husband and children's sake, I each has a sacred responsibilty and needs I the Spirit of God. The men who prepare 3 and supply food and clothing fo the pub- `llc, providing them with, the ne essaries of life, must know, if they think at all, thy 1. How many commandments are there?- 2. What happened on Christmas Day, many hundred years ago? 3. In what town was Jesus born? 4. Who was the mother of: Jesus? - _ 5. How many Apostles did `Jesus call? 6. Name one of them. - ' 7'. On what day was Jesus crucied? 8. On what day did He rise from the dead? ' ..... --vuv uvuyn I IV!` Last October the principal of one of the ' largest public schools in Hamilton request; ed a clergyman to set an examination pan- '_' er th__t would test the religious knowledge 1 of the pupils in his school. The questions i were submitted to 160 pupils ten years of age, and the answers may be regarded as the children of Ontario... In all probability the homes and churches of Hamilton are as diligent as such institutions elsewhere,. and there is no doubt that the school teach ers. of Hamil-ton "comply with the regula- tions regarding religious exercises at the opening and` closing of school each day; The ollowing are the quwtions which were submitted :- there? r) r`_'..L 1 - ~` 5 fair test of the religious knowledge of ` 11-11 I I yiksubw Friar - .. v.-.r_ unuu-lung wrap OI l!'0n 01' steel. ' Do not `imagine that the person is the only one` who needs the Spirit of God. or the prieafs is the only sacred office. You: oice is sacred, too, if you are doing any- thing in this world worth doing, -and you have a right to inscribe upon i-t-: Service to Humanityvand Holiness unto the Lord." _. you cV Wow _ a bolt can in V long, -turn -a. thiead and tit a nut rto that thread,` without real- --... VI uuvy 9 not go" into 9. works, forge. upon it izing that pometime or other a fellow hu- man being: lifn rnonv Anna...) 1... cl... t..:u_ .mu5 ouuugynxxxneblule tn owe: ieuow hu- man being s life may depend on the faith- fulness with which you have made_ that inch-long scrap of iron steel. Dn nnf `;!nn1r:n;a "V1\`n` AIL- `_--A-r ' -' tliey, too, have sacred .req)onsibilities.V men and women {:3 little children should suffer cold and __h_unger -and" ill-health through thgirl neglect of duty; _ ' Man. vou cannot an" inn. . .......l.. 4-..-.... q;uuul'Ull 80 ex anpnad whether . the homes < nf I:-4u.h'..... LL. -1-!` according - -..- ... ..... vwu auu ~pm7nug mwugn me` Grill} .01 2; winter storm on the prairies, or through the blackness -and rain of a wild night in the mountains, watching for mud- dides or rock-slides or snow-slides, is doing a sacred duty caring for -the lives of a whole itnainload of sleeping people; The motor-man handling his car through the cmwded traic,'serving the public prompt- , and yet -protecting the lives of headless md heblegs. h R ERDTAI` I`-ufu WW "-I-A ' REILIGIOAUS EDUQATION. l'\~4..!..-.. 41-- ~ ` PLANT TR[EES what day He _ onp qtlxes-' -<:*W=.v- Mr. and Mn. Aubrey Bertram have ge- turned -from Cobourg, ~ I. Miss Gldie Hea.lev..abant but man]: En ma 3 small camp-re. Build it in the open, not against a tree or log or near brush. - Scrape `away the trash from all ardund it. ueorge Mcouaig of Vespra. , , Cli Carscadden of Bradford wzas a visit- or here -recently. Mrs. W: Mclagp of Crown'HilI spent a few days with~her .mothe1_j, Mrs. Bonney. John Emma attended the funeral of his cousin, Dr. David Jamieson, in B\arrZe on Sundav_ "Feb. l3.--John Bertram lest a valuable horse last 'week.-:' b ' Miss Isabel McCua.ig and her father are spending a. few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George McCue.ig of Vespra. CHE Camnndrlnm nf .`R.-n.-Hm! - - n - - - -=-'4 vuu uu ouuuuy. Mrs. James Fnzinkbom spent the wc!`:- end with frier.-._i_s itn'Ba.r.x-ie. q, auu yen 'prorecL_lng the helpless, has tor sitting by a csease, Pnlhnrlv mill nnu...4-......A. _` and S. .Weay-mouth of Barrie were the guests of__L_[r. and Mm. F. Wall-' win on Sunday. MFR Joanna n`n:n1rnn.... .-.--1 A-V`--V unluu: progrpas. ' Ohgster Lynn of Toronto spent the week- end at S. Lynhis. . ' ` Mr. and Mrs. John Tracy of Dalston spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Boyce. - Mp iawul If... G nr-;__.,,_ .1 n - 2111] IV: John Spence went to the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, lastjweek and "underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis, V He is making fav- orable progress. (Insofar Tvnins-. Ii` 'lV......._L- ____4 .1, I uucu nu `ueu agam. Cutting wood and drawing lufnber seems 'bo be the order of the day. 3 There in nrnm`! ,alnn~l-.:.m- .... ....I L--- u-xcuua Ill uovermg and IJWWSOII. Archie Monteith of Thornton spent the week-end with Midhurst friends. ' ` Mrs. 6. Lynn has rturned home after spending some time_ in the R. V. Hospital,` Barrie. ' :1 `Feb. 13.-Mis$ Evlyn Osborn `of Thorn- ton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. I Geo. Finlay, spent a few days in Barrie this week. _ ' wuwu umzus mmgs more uvely. Miss Myrtle Coutts of Bradford spent the week-end with -friends in the village. MTS. A. and Miss Marv -nrn `uric-33'-II Read The kaminer Adlet -gnu ween-enu wwn -menus In the village. Mills and Miss Mary .-are visiting friends in Lovering and Lawson. Art-jln Mnnfnitk at 'I"L......L--_ -~--A -` vu uu mu uruer OI me nay. V There is good sleighi,ng around here, whichmakes things lively. Mvrtle Cnntfn nf Rm.-H`m.A Ef\l\'\` LL- mum, is great resolve. in his heart. That is true of any legitimate occupation. "We are all bound together in bonds of ser- viae. _ /We `care all working for each other, and no one can get along without the oth- er. Upon the way in which you and I do our duty depends the safety and well-being -of our fellows. The engine-driver leaning out of his cab and peering through the` drift storm on Hm n.-.:..:... ._ nuns nuuy nuooert IS visiting friends in Hillsdale, . "* 7 Miss Grace Gill has gone toa.Toronto and Chatham to_ spend the rest ot\._ the winter. "Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Finlay entertained la number of young people one evening last week. The time was spent in games, mu- sic, etc., all having a good time. ` Mrs. M. A. Story, who has `been ill for some time and was getting better, is con- fined to bed again. Cutting urnntl and A......!...... I---i-`-L-~ urned from ` . Miss Hea.ley..spent last week in] kyoknlzawn. ' ucvn 1' uuuy, week. \ I ' Mn... 'D..L.. .;_:_.:_. ____:______j____ :&%%$*w%$$%**&%&%wa&&%$%:` ; mews FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 3; >X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X4>X<>X<>X<>X<>X< >X<>X<>X<>X0X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<>X<; -- I lII\I II s\4'Iu-- 7|\o Ruby Hubbert is [visiting friends _c_:LpwEs MIDHURST 1. THE BARRIE EXAMINER % UN LI`/1+`E`Ass@g @MPm GEQANADA --avue ununul 10. u mxgnt never mwe touch- ed the limits of their mental horizon. But it is the truth, nevertheless. that the man `who doeesuch duty faithfully, -and by his faithfulness protects and saves the lives of his fellowmen, does a sacred duty, does it in the strength of God who has put a great ilhai, 9. great rwolve. in his heart. at in ta-ma at an`: I.....'.:.....;.. ---.`_--L llULll. 1Jd[l_`lU {Ila '[JfC5_Ul.Na. _ . Mrs. Iaac Lavender spent -a dziy or so with -her sister, Mrs. T. Robson of Crown Ind! nrnnli Feb. 13.--All are pleased to see W. Mi:-` Lean home again after spending some time in the Barrie hospital. _ ' A nnnnlnnun :n H-.38 I......l:L.. .._- --H--f--- nu uuc LIKIIIIU uvspuzzu. A number in this locality are auering from severe colds. ` Several of the farmers are hauling ice from Barrie at present. ' ` M1`. 15`... 1.....-...:.... .........' .. '.sx.. ._ -- vuc vvccn-Uuu in uuuuumv. ' - Norman Mayes visited frxends In Mmesing last week. " Pull! an UAUUILULIII lullp Miss Delia Maybe has returned hqme af- ter spending the past two weeks with friends in Banrie. 1 ___-__I II-,,4n I nu 1 `iv: . ILI 1) Q1 `X117 4 3 Leonard.Coutts and Ted Webster spent the week-end in 'M(!fhunst KY.-........... `ll..- -_ _ L .1 I:!_,, 1 - ur- "can Lu LUIUIIUU `W11/ll ll.3l'.(I3UgnDel"N.I.Ul lel. A number from here attended the party at A. Bone's last Friday `night and all re- port an excellent time. .`M .=.-. h.ll.. II.-nu`..- L-.. _-L.___._-_I I D _ l Feb. l4.-Mrs._Wm. Sharpe spent last! week in Toronto with Muriel. I A mlmhpr fr-mm :hm-n alt}-nnazl 4.1.... ...._L-. 1'-nuuay, IUD. LU. The Women s Institute met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Patterson with a good attend- 'ahce,. Mrs. Steele presiding. An appeal for Armenian Relief w read and S5 was voted to this wor;thy rfun . Mrs.` Steele gave a recitation and Mrs. 4Howard Bra-ndon a reading. An interesting contestvxis to take place at the next meeting. which will be `held atthe home of Mrs. Whittaker, Wed- mesday aftc:-noon, Mar. 8. uuao ma;-Jury ongnamm I8 spending a week in town. -Many /here -were sorry to learn of the death of; Dr. David Jamies5n of Barrie on Friday, Feb. 10. Thu `xlnvvun-n n I .._L:A..__L- _, ,. . 1 u gum; is sagrea auty? The lives of -thous-I lads Pf soldiers and sailors depended '01: `their faithfulness. And they .themselves, if we had been torpedoed, what "chance ~ iad they? Hardly one in .-a hundred. Prob- dnly killed by the explosion, or drowned :3` the first inrush, of the water, They ight not think about it. They might never dream it. It might have touch- I _me_ntel horizon. 2: :_ ._L_ ;,.I Feb. 143.---Sa;ing' bee" ad ice h:iuIing are the order of the-,d:ay -here. Glen Slesser is back at Edgar -for a time.- Miss M-apjory Shana`h'an is spending [week town. ` week With ms sister, Mgs. VanNorman. LMis Lettie Hart of Orillia is home for a. couple of weeks` holiday. unuvu UH DULIUE . Y . Mr. Wood of Barrie spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Wm. Brooks of Toronto was with his brother George over Sunday. / . Mr. and Mrs. Robson were the recipients of a ne boy last week, at the home of her miither, Mrs. Reevie. Walter Palk spent a day at Stroud last week with his sister, Mgs. eMis Lnttin I-Turf, Ac n..:u:.. :. 1.-...- 2-`. Jaau wvnru 1053. The peorple""i`n the Methodist Church ap- preciated Rev. N. Campbe1l's sermon very much on Sunday. = Mr 7nn.rI n? `Du---`A -----L ---- "` a uyuylc U1 weeKs In uruna. W. P. Graham visited. with- -his in Toronto last week. - E. V. Wilson` is busy lling up the yard with logs. Th` n 1-.-7;. `L- '|l _LL_,I: . an , Feb; 13.-`Mrs.T James Hart is a couple of weeks in Orillia. w p r1...,1...... -.:..3.L__I W... .. (,f SURPLUS ver all liabilities and apitai The Leadi1`1g Life /Co;I1'pany ` L .ofAtheA Dominion NEW ASSURANCES isued and paid for it `Leash . . . T. l)o you think that these men were not doing a sagxed duty? The lives of -tho}Is- of soldiers and I(I;'l\I0a .:-.......a-.n --- ASSURANCES IN FORCE PROFITS paid Or allotted tqpolicyholders PAYMENTS to Policyholdqrs, Death Claims, etc. . Q . U . CASH INCOME ASSETS `nALs'ro"1i' sH_AN_TY BAY THE MOST` PROFITABLE YEAR IN T513: HISTORY 01? THE COMPANY % EDGAR , "GUA- ,'_ filling the'mill- Increase for year g-.. my vvuaav, uuum 'w`ru1 coax-aust, their swinging with the regularity -and-speed of pistons, shooting coal into those devour- ing furnaces, making it ibossible for that chip to do the imposible, to exceed her up speed by six knots an hour. Do doing a sacmd du-lav`? 1'1... 1:"... ..e n.....