Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1922, p. 14

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I III: l)IU(' I `What I:-` zuu - Adventurw "FL- I! ,,. r LlI\' Life aoqxs RE PUBL l`7\K' "Th(-re's 2: \'or_\' has` **sI I1` My sh; l`, "Not swingi` 91.. r 'W}1erv arm love "URL -_.- `., ,, ` Sonieti: I. Thurstl `Get .' I you: uescrlpuveclrcuuu-upon tequcsi. pr. MADE IN CANADA jg; L.H.BedlingtonTCo.,Sa!csAgent8.T0'0iI?0 - - *. 0. LEONARD. Inc..MIr:.. 70 5thAv..N.`1'.'; .:-. For Sale in Barri: by Geo. Mohkman and all good. druggistsj OFDI Stones ~ Smn(=.~ Stones \ Kululf.` Next 4 `ram: 13 A REME DYl said By Wm. cmasland. - In Allandale, by A. E. Patterson. TOIWEHT Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop sick headaches, = relieve bilious attacks, tone `and a regulate the eliminative organs, k make you feel fine. DON T" DO % THIS! 1zEI"I}:*}I::-s-DT_19:A1v1\?I:sa*_s-Znd STOPS HEAD NOISES "Rub it in Back ofthe Ears 1 (Never Put in Ears) A Insertin Nostrils v\-,.p__,._ 2- ___4I_. _._l:.......l I... _ llluvl. U III 5 1 vuun new Deafness is greatly relieved by a aimpte treatment with Leonard Ear Oil. .S'.2ec`ml instructions by a noted Ear Specialist for dilferent kinda of Deaf- ness and Head Noises contained in each Package. Leonard Ear Oil is not an oxperimhgbut has had a surccasful sale since 1907. You cannot alford to_ Le deaf." ' TRY THIS OXL. It hm V=-z'.'\ed thousands of people. Why not `you? Descriptivecircularupon request. ' Il|I`\E IN RARIABA Bettie; Than Pills For Liver Illa" |:a_q_uA_o `NEARLY cnnzv % wnn PMNS i A m ancx The Presiding Oicer opens the meeting by taking thechvair and calling the members to order. Announces the business before the meeting in the or- der upon which it is to" be acted; receives and submits -all motions and propositions presented by members; intenprets, when necessary, a point of order and practice; restrains members, when engaged in debate, within the ruled of order; -authenticates with his signature all the acts and pro- ceedings of the organization; receives, and announces, to the awembly all communi- VIVL- ..._....:..l:.... nmnn shall run} nu:-I-ininnfn On aecount of -the necess limitation of, the space allotted for this article, the subject of Procedure has not been dealt with exhemtively. j.:I thaveg-saected only those rules that I death of immediate in-V terest for these clubs and assemblies .for! which this series of -articles is designed.I I have included, also, some matters of in-I terest for such axemblies other than the rules of Procedure, as, for example, the dutiw of the `presiding officer," decorum, etc. Of `course, I can claim no originality in the preparation of this article. Rules of Procedure vaarebased upon accepted us- age. If this_ article possesses any merit, it lies solely in the fact that I have derived the rules from authoritative sources. I Am- cauums. ' The presiding officer shall not participate in the. debate or proceedings in any other capacity than as such officer. However, he may vacate the chair by requesting some one else, usually the vice-wpresidentt, to take` it,- and` take part in the proceed-- ings. T Hnan Han .nrtsaiHin|?\nil'.Ar I'iP' tn R`D6lll( ""-ILII IIIJ I-I151 a0 I \/In Vblv nnanu v wv -r V ----- '1`-he ` presiding officer should give close attention to the proceedings of the assem- bly and {:0 what is said in debate. He may read sitting, but he should riseto state a motionror put a question to the meeting. ----.__-- V- r V _ Deco":-um No member should disturb the meeting or another member by whispering -to others, by passing between the pyesiding officer and the speaker, by taking books or pap- ers from or writing upon the chairman'seor secretary's table without permission; In short, members should govern themselves as ladies -and gentlemen. run I I ______.g`__ __,_ To IMPROVE VESPRA I AND FLOS TOWN LINE] mgs. When the npresidingkofficer rises to speak any other member who may have risen for the same purpose should sit down. This, `however, does -not give the presiding officer the right to interrupt anyone to -whom he -hns given the right to speak. , .11-:__.. -L_-_I.l .2-.- ..l.-.... spa nun-vu up--u u-auv.y-......- '1`-he 'b11sii1ess of a meeting is usually set in motion, especially in reference to some `The Februaary meeting of \Vespx'.a Council was held `in the Town Hall, Midhurst, with all members present, the Reeve in the chair. `Communications were received from E. Storey, W-m. Potter, Soldier Settlement Board and others. Tenders for the `bank- ing busines of the township werereceived from the Sterling, Bank, the Union Bank of Canada and the B-anktof Nova Scotia. 1.-- -_ `nun ...I_I_.......I 4.1."- n........:l :.. ...... U1 uuu-u.u'u VULLU I-I`K1lIl\"Ul nvvu uvuuu. James Hall addregsed the Council in con- nection with the disputed lines on sideline 20 and 21, con; 8. / Tnkn Anrnalnnnn nrlrlv-nnanrl I-kn f`.nunn in. 1 7 Hamilton, 'Ontario.-"I "have suf- `med for three years from a female Jlmuble and consequent weakness, .-' n and irregularity which kept me : had four or ve days each month. :1 `nearly went crazy with pains in my and for about a week at a time .'I could not do my work. I saw Lydia J}. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised in the _`Hamilton Specta- `-tor and I took it. Now I have no"' _;pain and am quite regular unless I overwork or stay on my feet from early morning lintil late at night. I keep house and do all my own work. without any trouble. I have recom- mended the Vegetable Compound to several friends.--Mns. EMILY BEE- cnorr, 16*. Douglas St., Hamilton, 3 Ontario. L `A1371 vuA(\UI1nv A04" o.o\.J\`1 'uI7A\vv\I\v\ Hana ` {U auu 41, con. 0. John Armstrong addressed the Council in -reference to gravelling that portion of the. townline between Vwpra. and Sunnidalc from con. 9, Sunni\da1e, to townline, F105 and Vespra, and offered to -furnish` men andteams at the rate of $3-~per day and men to work in gravel .pit at $2 per day. A motion wag passed granting` the sum of $100 to. `be expended on "that portion of road on the understanding that Sunnidale Council had already gganted the same amount. ` T n _ " -n_____ urn--- .__'J n-....... 13...... TI........... UOWIISHIP 'UU5llIU$- Reeve Wilson and Deputy-Reeve Knubp were appointed to meet the Reeves of Flos Tp. in regard to having -townline gravelled from line between cons. 9 and 10 to Maw : lsideroad. >A L_.I..___ -.-..... :...L.....I...uul rant` nvhusn `urn ' SIQBFUEU. A by-law was Introduced and given two readings for the puupose of authorizing the construction and improvement of certain roads in Vespra Tp. under the Act respect- ing Colonrizatiqn Roads, and the by-law `will be sent forward to the Minister of Forests `and Mines for Ibis approval. ml... `D....m. an!` l`Innnhy`_'l2nmm wnm an: auu Mule: 101' mu: uppivvzu. I The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were ap3 pointed to act with the Clerk in laying the niatter before the Governmenrt in megard to road gr-ants , Willow Creek drainage, Al-4: H.IIlUUllln Reeve. Wilson and Depuvty-Reeve Knuppl were appointed to deal with Mr. Storey in reference to trespass road across {his `lot, con. 6, and -to see upon what terms 9. road | of legal width can be bought. A run!-Inn uma nqeuu-1 swnnntinlr H19 ten- U. banks, aunumg -DUBII,` cw; uw. Lvuug, work as sanitary oicer, $4; Wallace Rich- ardson, cord wood for hall, $10; Treasurer of Town of Bamrie, Vespna's share of $01- diers` Memorial, $1000. n........:u ....::...........A Inn moat A1-ghhn call of 01 Legal Wluul can Uc uuugluu. , A motlon was pas acceptmg the ten- der of the Umon ank, Barrie, for the township -business. Dnmm Tkfiiamn unrl 'nnmn\f.v.Rnnvn K.naIhn| few. In: I etc. . The following V accounts were ordered to! be .paid:-- Jos. Walton, cu-tting bush, 85;} D. Banks, cutting bush,` 33; Geo. Young, ~vn-L nu anv\:`-nu!!! nggnnr `AI Tmllm-A Rial}. d.1ers' Memorial, awuu. _ Council adjourned to meet at` the call of the Reeve; ` . _ Chag. M-iller, Clerk (pro tem). "Read Ha; Lydia; E.- Pink- .hm 8 Vegetable Compound Helped Mrs. Beecroft For boring holes in soil that is to be blasted, an Illinoisan `has invented a. frame carrying four vaugers to be mountedvon an automobile and operated by power from its engine. . - NB. |0.-RUL_ES OF PROCEDURE omn NC . by Frank Home Kxkpatmk see: THAT You, WAIT ~ I'LL. BE BACKINA ' 1 M|H_0TE- Jr IIIJIIDCU 1113!). ,4 A motion should be carefully put into form before its adoption -is moved. It `should then be moved and seconded. It is then before the assembly -for debate. At the conclusion of the debate the vote is taken. The result becomes"-the judgment of the -meeting. Tn Anna .on n.I-nnlnrlu-nan! ';n nwornrd fn ) particular subject, by some other member submitting .3. proposition. 7 When a mem- ber wishes -to address or. make a commun- ication to an -asemlbly, -he must first ob- tain -the oor. He does this by rising in his place and addressing the chairman by his title; the member may then proceed. lln -casetwo or--more members should rise to `address -him at `the same time, the chair- iman, should grant permiion to speak to the one whom he heard rst.' In case his decision is disputed, the matter may be referred to a vote of -the -members, _the -name of the person to whom the chairman granted permission to speak` being sub- mitted rst. , ___A.:__. _L....I.I '.L.. ........l'..Il-. .....L 3...L.. 01 but! -nu.-mung. _ In case -an amendment `Is offered to a motion, it is put first. to vote. -Should there be an amendment to themnendment, the amendment to the amendment is put to question first; then, if it be not accept- ed, th -amendment; and if it be not ac- |ce1:ted, -the original motion. inI\I':I\n en .n:nn-I-n in nvna-(`AH .11: `AL UUPVUU, `DLIU 131151115]. lIlUUlUUo A motion to -adjourn is worded -as fol- ows: That -this meeting -adjourn." It is not debatable, or subjeqt to qualication. .It takes precedence over all other questions. If it carried in the affirmative the meet- ing is adjourned to the next sitting day. A mxnmbnn aknniri nnf -mnnltinn .9 .'n1-nvinnn in the negative. V -Committees may selected by -the ap- pointment of the ch-airmKan,eor by ballot, or by the tnomination and vote of the as- sembly. `The person named first on the committee usually `acts as chairman. How- ' ever, this is a _matter of courtesy, since a committee has the right` to choose its own chairman. .-- . --. Av\ ..- \ 1115 ID ILUJUULHGU. UU I/Lu: LIUAU animus ua_y. A speaker should not mention a previous debater by name, but rather as the prev- ious speaker,` or my worthy opponent who spoke last, or some equivalent exapression. Taking of` Vote. When a motion is made and seconded and the debate upon it is -brought to .a close, the obaimian then inquires whether the `assembly is ready for the question. If no member risesfthe question is stated and the vote taken. The method of voting may be by silentasen-t, by show of hands, -by roll call, or yeas -and nays, by ballot. In case the members are equaly divided, the chairman may vote. But, if he bhoos- es to refrain from voting, the decision is .l`.t\.-nr\nn;hI'nna mnu . anhusfnd luv u: an. III.l.L'd..l 1U. For nearly fty ; women have `been telling how Lydia. E. Pinkham s. `Vegetable Compound has restored their health when suffering ; with `female ills. This accounts for the Mormons demand_ for it from coast ~. to coast. 1'! Au nah. 4.nnu`k1ouI 'uwH-Invn~no- on, lEssA REDUCES WIRE | 1 FENCE BONUS TO 25 , Fssa Council met Th-ornton, Temlay. Feb. 7, .with.all members present. .,,L..j ____I _____.I -5 1. saw. v, .n...., ....- ...v.-1~-._ |..--_--._.. Accounts were presented and pased - as follows :- Municipal World, supplies for assessor, $55.39; Joe. McLean, gravelling 20 eideroad, 380; W. M. Dinwoody, regis- tering births, marriages and deaths,` $24.- 50; W. H. Hatton, re auditors report, $15; D. H. Ro, re auditors report, $15; W. J. Asaph; 1 sheep killed, $8; Jos. Fife. valuating same, $2. (`In nan!-Inn AC nmyia ant` nnnnav HM: lav. Vzuuuuug UUJHU, $54. On motion of Davis and Denney, the by- law to bonus wire fences was amended to -read 25 cents instead of 35 cents as now contained therein, and notice of same to -appear in minutes when published. Geo. L. Davis was appointed delegate to `Good Roads Convention totbe held in Tor- onto on Mar, 1, 2 and 3, and also to ac- comp' y the Reeve to Department of Pub- lic 'g`hways re the taking` over of 15 side- roa . - `I -_.l: .... ....._l A... ....\....L 2... "I'\L.......J-A.` r0a_.u_. ~ Council "adjourned -to meet in Thornton on Tuesday, Mar. 14, `at 11 am. I .. W. Dinwoody, Clerk. MOSTLY ROUTINE AT I INNISFIL 11>. COUNCIL] | Innisl Councilheld ifs regular February` session in the Classic Hotel `on tfhe 6th inst., with all the members present. Tn `III(h(II\I\.V\cn in n Inffnr `nnvn #111: {\ntum-in Wlhu NU. IIIIU IIIUMIUUIB IJIKUIIIH ~ In response to a letter from the Ontario Good'Roads Association asking that a re- presentative of .-the township attend the annual `meeting of the Association in Tor- onto, Mar. 1-3, Deputy-Reeve W. H. Mar- tiri was named as a delegate.` . V ' Praise for Treasurer J. Black a.nd'Wa1ter Reive, Auditors, presented their report for the year,. and congratulated the municipal representatives onwthe able manner in which the treasurer kept the books. The clerkwss ordered to have the usual number -printed. - Motions Martin-Leslie--That this Council leave the gnavelling of the road between the 3rd and 4th in the hands of Reeve Coleman -_.| n_-__ An..'.. 1... .I..' ...n...a. `L--. 4.L:...1. 11%|). ' this Council ap- point the following ratepayers as school at- tendance oicere for the -year 1922: Chas. Fisher, Frank Hindle, W. B. Sloan, Robt. J. Stewart, Robt. Canning, Robt. Rogers. Wilfred Stewart, 'I`J1os. Sarwyer, R. D. Hen- rjr, Wm. Wright, W. J. Goodfellow, G. W. Dyer, Asa Warnica, H. Armstrong. W. H. Martin, Jos. Todd, H. Hughes. ,,, L, 'l\____J `SULI. in land uuuun UA uaccvv vunwuau uuu _ and Coun. Allan, to do what they hin l...;..|. 1| CUES In If you axie troubled `wtthvany all- ment peculiar to women" why don't .-you" try Lydia. E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound? It has helped others, let you. u n vauuun `uu (Next Article: A List of Proposi1;ions)V Accom{ts'i>"' '"' The following accounts were ordered to be paid :--- Fred Guest, work on con. 13,` gravelling. 1921, $12 ; Fred Lucas, 20 loads gravel, 1921, $4; Fred Beatty,'69 loads, gravel, 1921, $13.60; Alvin Harker, bal- ance due on work, $3; J. B. McLean, grav- elling, con. 6, $20; Jas. K. Irving, grav- elling, con. 6, $18; Roy J-acks, gravelling. con. 6, $14; Geo. Ferrier, gravelling, con. 6, $20; Chas. Pickett, work on Centre St., 310; D. J. Barclay, 63 loads gravel, 1921. $12.60; J. F. Jackson, work Big Bay Point, 1921, 34; D. J. Barclay, low on broken axle, $10; Municipal World, assessment notices and dog tags,-$21.04; A. W. Smith. Treas. Barrie, for Soldiers Memorial, $1,000; Arthur Wice. 1 sheep killed, 315; Wellington Webb, valuating sheep, 82; E. Hollinger, use of room, 32; J. W. Black, auditor, $25; W. S. Reive, auditor, $25. |~\a\p-vvn, V.-H, ... ~. --..-.-, .._..---_, ---- Council adjourned to meet in Lefroy on ,Feb. 27. . `with friends in Collingwood. nugum. | Miss Reta Davidson spent the week-end M1-n. Wnnv nna:nrH;nn anon} a `any Anita. (Too"Late for Last Week) V Feb. 1l.--Skating isTthe chief sport at present. ` Mkc Alina Rriuuu cnnnf. Hun xuoalnnnr` in! [J1'UGC.ll|J. Miss Alice Briggs speni; the week-end in I Wllu IIIUIIUB Ill \JUl.lllI5W\I\Ill- ' Mrs? Fehx Desjardme spent a few da I with her mother`, Mrs. McKinnon. qnrnn r\nnnv\`Vn `C1-Ann horn uI~+nn.Anr1 fknl Wll/ll 1151` IIIUQIJUI, 11115. 11101311111011. /' Some people from here attended the hockey match in Barrie. A" urn onlnncur` I-n 1-nnor flinf Tnvnna Milnnn uuuncy LIIKIIJVLI. 111 11131116. | 8 All re pleased to hear that James Mullen is improving after his accident. You swallow it like any other medicine in capsule form. It is guaranteed to restore normal breathing.stop mucus gathering in nasal and bronchial passages; assures. long nights of quiet sleep. Costs 81.00. Get free trial from our agents, or write Temple- fons Limited. Toronto. Ont. -- .. -.....--. ... ..~.-.-J ---_, _----_.a V--..._ 5..-... ' What is qhickly learned is soon forgotten. j When the oil is exhausted the lamp dies out. ' - Brothers quarrel like thieves inside a -house, but outside their swords leap ou in each other's defence. ' If a min is hungry anything -tastes good. 1nL_1:_ -_.:_1_I_. |___.__4 1, __-_ A--_.__u.-`. Beware oi` Imitationo sold on the merits of an nu \Il Any 9919,! -e,.,_ The AMA I IIT o11G1p:AL to Qbcjn `Q and only f"i..KYI TIA Ancus FLATS ASTHMA B>oz_n_Au+-ova A T\CI WON'T woo BUY A CHANCE? DL.EP\`3E` ram ONE mvwa ausw TEN TIQ L.Er`r- 13 First National Week -b New Dreamland - Mon., Tue., Feb. 20 and 21 Swbscribe for The Barre Exlaminer. LUMBAGO F you feel a touch of lumbago, you can ward of the evils of recurrent attacks, by taking Gin Pills without delay. Learn a lesson from the experience of Mr. H. A. Jukes. After suffering with lumbago for years, and being conned to the house at times, Mr. Jukes began to take Gin Pills. His let- ter to us reads, in part: and _much to my surprise, I at once felt a change for the better. I have been taking them at intervals, and, up to date, have had. no recurrence of my old trouble; in fact, I have not felt better for years. Don t delay. Buy a box on our money-back-guaram tee, or write for a free sample. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited; Toronto, Ont. U.8. residents should address: Na-Dru-Co., Inc.. 86-88 Exchange St.,__Butfalo, _N.Y. . 413:. Read the advts - It ptiys. "we? , It is not an experimc_nt;-not a complicated treatment, or a snuff _ or gargle, herb-smoke or serum, but a small capsule filled with First Nation If -your in frog! 5: mud imirl. gmhor lhn Am Ill!` ll| "The Prodign. Erexnios of ` The Blue Iii `IITL ,, . 1 Little :\|i:-I }I(ux.~'o})<-M Broken Hm N :1`; 1:} l m\w 'Il'I Crown of W Ethics of th Sesame and E~x4ay.~' .{ . Sart-or RPSLI Eudocia .. Vicar of W Oh. Christin A Tall Ship The Lqng '1' Life i\:l1:\:.`I)u W.` I IIC A"|'\llI('.` Unto 'I'hi.~' n___.__, i JLIIJU U Away the f thee If thou wo RAZ-MAH

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