Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Jan 1922, p. 3

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_._-_.._..._.._-..__._._..._ NEW YEAR an ucn uvulc In new uuwen. , Miss Evelyn Watson of Toronto spent Christmas with her -`parents. ' Mrs. J. M. Knapp is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. kavanagh and children spent the holiday in `Toronto. - But the visit was -9. sad one, owing to the death of P: I(nvnnna}| a H1-nfhnr Till nun-loin "J... HUUIJU V60. Miss Matthews, teacher, spent the holiday at her home in New Lowell. 11:- 'D....l..... `ll'7_;....._ _: vn ____ 4- _,,, . Jan. 2.-The -school concert which took place on 22 w=as,_a. decided success, the children going thr5ugh their parts in good form. Dialogues :by the young folk were also much appreciated. Proceeds were nhnnf S92 WEI C RIOU Ill ! about 323. `Ill... Il..LA.` - -~T-j_- __ ii E: sTE1?sVo1cE` M_1Nsmc STATION cunnuas 18825 Weep No More. My Mamm_y'--Fox Trot ' . April Showers Paul Wluteman and His Orch. 18826 Everybody Step Paul Whitexnan and His Orch. Ka-Lu-A-Blue Danube Blues 18827 Blossom Time-Waltz J. C. Smith `and His Or. Saturday-Piano Duet V. Arden 8: P. Ohman 18831 Dapper Dan-Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra . The Sheik-Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra- I8834 Birds of a Feather All Star Trio and Their Or. Leave Me With a Smile , 316353 June Moon-FQx Trot C_ha.mpion Jazz Baml ' . Fanclea--Fox Trot Impenal Dance Orchestra [8817 Anchors Aweigh United States Marine Band A Centennial March United States Marine Bd. All A.. In I-_`- '\..nuI-In_n!,l-.l ID-_.__ .l- QR, Jan.` 3.-`-Mrs; Wm. White of Br:I(*.ebx'idg`e is spending `a week with Mrs. Jas. Hart. _ Xfiaunu Mulsnl unll Hnlnvu Runnk nf 'Pn:-.' :1 vvu scnnunnna nun: `ya: u I -I Lcu out LCD anal In All on 10-Inch Double-sided Records 85c. l\.I'4lI nun: 64998 Heart to Heart (I Hold You, Dear) 66010 1`u Sula (T hon Alone) 66011 Simple Confession (Simple Aveu) ~ 66012 Rose of My Heart 66013 Marlanina 87329 Just for To-day --_ _ -V__- _-___ __-_-- __ v_... 74717 Romance (from Second Concerto in D Minor) ' Erika Morini 74720 Hymn to the Sun (from "Le Coq d'0r',) Fritz Kreisler 74721 Concerto in E Minor--Finale v Jascha Heifetz 74722 Symphony No. 3---(`. ~Mlnor Movement (Poco-Allegretto) . Phi_ladc_2lphia Orchestra 8915! Don Pa`squalc-Pronta 10 son (My Part I'll Play) Lucrezla Bon-Gmseppe de Luca 89162 Don Pasquale~ corro (Haste We I) Lucretia Bori-Giuseppe de Luca; - All on 12-Inch Double-aided kecordo 82.25 - If INSTRUMENTAL RECORD Victrola There is a choice seletion of the la est sucCeso3-t.tJ_`_i btspggndid list of new records which will be Welt: me_d in every hom'C`vJ.~erq the a `xctrola " ' `FOR JANUARY DANCE` RECORDS lanuluturd by Berliner Gram-o_-phone Co., Limited, Montredl His Master s VOiCdaler9 I'L`7`\lX'II8U DU rl-UUIY U.|llCI'lll.- UUHIIB. Last year's teacher, Miss P. Elhcott of M-rmcton. IS renewing acquaintance arid spending a week `at John Scott's. Tun Mn].o|Inkl:n anon} u `All! (luv: "1 FOR Ask to hear them played on the In early ages acorns constituted the prin- cipal part of the food of man. -_..--_-_ H... out/`a\4nAlh\a\Q uouvuvxrn. I The municipal election on Monday caus- ed a great stir at Cundles. all the candidates -being well represented. lrdutine of business, the -auditor s report was received and adopted, showing a good balance on hand. Chas. Miller, the retir- ,ing trustee, was replaced by W. G. Storey, who was elected for the next term. Ken- neth Cameron was appointed auditor. 'nL- ....._:_!,,,I ,1 It A .All on 10-inch Double-aided Record: $1.50 RED SEAL RECORDS Ir--- I\-A _\ 18832 I Went My Mamney . _3.x__ Mandy `N Me ` 216344 My Little Sister Mar ' I Wonder 1! You Stillycare for Me 1 2l6352 If You Only Knew . After All In Said and Done .13 All on 10-Inch Double-aided R ( 45256 M of le Sir ' ` La` Au! `Scotc Sang: Si * La; 45258 Ma and the Auto `:3 -,g;{*` ' g, c,` It Couldn't be Done (2) Wait Tih om- Pa Comes Home Edga, A_ G, an l.._I. D1--- n_,1 I\_._- 4 . . mun say II: with Music , Nobody`0 Rose I 18830 when Francis Dances Ten Llttld Flnoprn and uu-... oil 1 an I4 `J V~\I|r\.: u. w `.n..-..... .._...,. The stark .'}.1as left ~a. baby girl at.- the home of Irvin Camon `as a New Year7s' gift-. ` Congratulations. Ha: Mur Yr an:-I To-.v 'Rhmh~. am: I'll. vocn. mad 18828 Say It With Music Nohndvh Rana A Q uuluca ITIUIIIB lo-Inch Blue Seal Double-aid r wnen rranclo Dances ' Ten Llttloflngerurand Edwart _ Beniamino L. Hans Kindluy John McCormac Renato Zanell Mme. Louise Home JEWEL!-ZR `Phone 683 ` Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Stu. and her engagement ring also should be selected from our extensive stock. We, have the Very ones she would prefer herself if she did the choosing. Not only rings for the bride, but many other ornaments of jewelry as well. Let her do the selecting. . Jon. 3.--"Miss Zeta Sharpe spent a few days in Toronto last week. 11- v IUA LICK yuuug xnenus IBSE l`I'lC18.y evenmg- A number from this vicinity attended the fowl supper in St. Jude s Church, Thornton, Monday last. Alhm-t flnllu-m annnf H... L.a:.:.._. .__uL :- _ -_ _..,-......u nuuv vvutn, Miss Jean Coutts entertained a number of her young friends last Friday evening- I number from this .-;..s..;., .....,:...; 1. uux uuuu, muuuay 185! . Albert Gollop spent the holiday with.Mr. and Mrs. W. Wonch. .--.4-an-.n.--uvu... .-.~ -....._, ...u `(Q ..........~.... .-....I Nearly all trhc_Christ.n1as visitrs _hav"e' re?-urned to their different. homes. ` -,L ___A__'I_ 4_,._L-.. `II... D `L`IIZ....LL AC HER WEDDING RING _------.-._:_::-o Minard's Liniment for Garget in Cowl. KILLYLI-ZACH KIUESIL Guest `I 9` Ihn Steel fllllam Robyn Jones-Mummy ` .n-Toes \)\..".!ls| nvuuuzuuuao Jlas. Muir. Jr.. -and Jas. Binnie are re- covering from their serious sickness. The neighborhood is fairly free of sickness now,` 17 I u .1 nl - . N! :L, _ L...'__ The scrub hunt of lia.~.jt- Thursday was quite a success, each `party bringing in quite = a -"bag of small game. The losers enter- - tained the winners to a chicken -feast at the home of Mrs. H. M. Williston. The . hunters all -arrived with good appetites and did -ample justice to the good things provided for them. After supper the hunt- ers entertained their lady friends" with mu- sic, cards and games. and tripped the light fantastic until midnight, when refreshments were served, all then going home satised _' that it was the close of a perfect day. -0 . I I I 5. I I _,!,.I -1. LL- Ufha |UUdl'Ll W US lU UlCU [ICU u Owing to the snow blizzard of `week, the roads are in a very rough stat;' there is neither good sleighing or wheelin `. which prevents quite a few from enjoying `e m_id- year holiday and the zero weather is addlng to their discomfort. ` , - ` c~_L__| -.___-.I m.-_,..1..-. -..:.;L ..;_ '......-...... IA} UIICIIV LIIBUUu|lUILa > School opened Tuesday with an _average_ _ attendance, Miss Scott in charge. _ - run 1 1- I . III` I ,_,,, their annual meeting last Tuesday to square I up the -past year's books and elect ustees and secretary for the coming yea, The old board was re-elected. .rL..:_.. ;- u._ _..-__- LI!_____I _e I, -4, Jan. 3.--Anten i1ii1s"s;hoo1 secti; held; %&*%&+*$**$**%$%&$&%%$***% -E mews FROM NEIGHBORING 'rowNsHu>s -E $**%**%**&%**$w%*%%%&&$*%% ANTEN was A PHELPSTON. 3 em. ' _ The tree in connection with `the Methodist Sunday School in the hall, Dec. '28. was very well attye-1-wded and all present seemed well `pleased. R; Y. Will- iams of Aurora. a former superintendent, very ablyllerl the chair. .Re\'., Wm. Mair also made some timely remarks. The en- -tertainment was one of the best ever held here on such an occasion. ' . Mrs. O'Brien is impvo\'ing nicely. ' E. V. Wilson is stocking up the millyard -with a new stock of logs, making work for. the villagers. _ ~ am-M. Rah I-ax-n km-n nmuvht, but` the --_-_-_--v, _ P}10I:_S"7"i 3 and 713w "Here they are, fresh and fine from Harris floral shop-- the choicestgf blooms you can find in this tovin. Decorate your New Year` table and your room with`these beautiful out owers. We havemany varieties; of blooming plants also. E. A. HARRIS, Florist SHANTY BAY -why Md news in weeks. I - uurl, I 1u|, 5 1: auu `uusw. ' wuue-`mush DI the sn-)w bl w off the roads. A few cut- ters \\vere- vi ible in the Village on New Yc'.21"s! but '11- "was evidexxtfly hard pulling 10!` `N 'u<.'x`.-'- .""Tf\Tt'2'6oiI`rna Weather 1310- ; C those Bar ie fellows, their SISIW Tulmg `in, every Inst -nce. Hard t.ix`1xe`. 'ruexn,ploy1nq.-nt and scarcity of monr-._v `has fb euthe cry throughout the gulmf-1'.` for so1`rne tiLIl8_.'(i>bl1t one would Judge `iv the BI ount of 'h_ristmIas traic 011 T119 in uilways that money cannot -be very on _=4U. lines thi season, and while` [local busgnes -men se m to be doing a thriving bussne_~'._ others in other lines of -business oonmlagn of a. gt ncral slump. \`V1:i`1".~i this vi l-age has beeg `;nusua1ly' . 3AiL ,._-- "-I` ` - ' yuan. scarce-1 There has been ah-ecord business" -- -f cv $_r A Vigry -pleasaut evening was spent. `at the h'c};n_e of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webb, on Dec. Q, when th members of the Adult }3ib|eT'(7lasses of t e Methodist Church ga- thered to convey their cAongratulations_and best"\1,"ishes to Alvin Webb: and his bride; forum-l_v Miss Lena Graham. The follow- -'ing address was road -by I.i;nnox B_Iack:'--- Tn '11. .....x u;., A! ~ | ... .. .. -~-= ~-"-~~-w y--v "Inn. y; ur`:uuu.\ u_uu;x\.-- .T Mr. and Mrs. Alvin` Webb :--Your '-friend!/`0f the Adult Bible Classes have come not wish for . ipid journeys, V f thoeexthings "_h and `adorn ; by thenvwe `arq quicken .: 5.! 1'7?` '00! dhdent; -in 'N.i5.`;?|'h00d. We are ld that om - `V . ~loveth_[e~c'hast1eth, so_ may. "[9 3 `}3111911t t0 > "he society in 1 move 0519 in 4" mm the Lord _ ` " 9' ..ur class for so ~. . *4 '" E\} `' 2, your willing-. . . have merited ` ' rm; to wish you God- -whom we ` ',bless_. you. May . a.tion,* an ex- be; each `for , We want you A iu-nday School.- /` rity. In .91".- lvin, to accept rdiniere. May . 1...... .v..:..,a:..- fact`, it _V `rms y mere wqrdh . 1! ,1 3 3 | l ..arrn`E 3 Jan 3.--Owing to. the fact that it has been a few weeks since my last budget of news 'as sent. in. I might enLighten` your reader to the fact that the young people of tin village have organized a debating every Wednesday in the K. 0. ball. Some very good subjects have been debated upon W J the past few weeks. including spec- Yrpringrariivne, which makes it. both enter- Egziing and protable. Something extr-a epeciza/l_ was listed last week on the pro- Eggrlllnie. when a.couple of local profess- ` lonal sports donned the gloves Lind perform- ` ,ed ~wondei-fully well. much to the amuse- yment of those present. I understand an extra special will be presented -at the next 1 meet-i 7 and the debating subjiect is on the old st tute labor and the ne'w system of road york. The township fathers should be ipreient -at this debate and eceive 8 few -pointes. for it is a well know fact a few special -pointers should `be a. any time. .}[__ Al` .1, I I literzn-`V society. and are `holding meetings preciated at b IlI`V l-IIIICJ . 'Mo:, of the days last week were husy -ones--from appearances-~but ' it transpires that itjwas only election talk that was caus- ing so many little groups to` be seen at al- most in__\_~' tithe o'u thevstreet comers. It has br.en"'a lgood -many years since such great interest.` has been shown in municipal elections as has been shown {for this year, owing,.no do bt, to the election fever that is still`bu.rni'pg in the breasts of the av- erage`v0ter from the Deceniber elections. While a great -many are talking of a change. a gre.-r. xin~any- seem to -'be `lsatised with the lpxeseiit. lrunch. Owing to this budget being lent in` on Monday. I cannot include the election statement. but extend con- gratulzltions `o thesuccessfull men on the list. fceling i a duty. to do 380, no matter how onefs vc tes were cast. no -- mne vluagers. Some sh have been caught. but" the probabilities are, for a scarcity of the nny 3.1-ibe._ . Miss Ernie Hughae of .Toronm is the guest of Mr. and Mm. Jos. Packard. Wm and A. Rudd of 'l`nmnm visited Wp7.}i'{N'e3 ul ls-nnn A` -v Year's eve very little snow _tributed in this district. and \e had it as loiv `as 14 below ' have been rufn-ning on good `_ roads New Year s eve the to the northwest and. she : snow"-and tl` en some more. [on you could ee nothing but "she -blew" -all` night and on day it was mgstly clear and ung w was ul-uauy clear gnu - r . *1e stnll blew." while-most of m ml!` 91... ...-... .. A .1-_-__ -._. III IV UV HUIII5 u |4llI'lVHlg 111 busmew '1 il-age '\ ht-Hiya n nr\:n'.P mu - In-5!: -nan UCl7l`l ulllvl-l?1:l|y V little news to pick tiap. will readily understand I us appeared the past few ROUD mded briefly, the beautiful follbwed` sidents of the ing_. ,_th high mgle aresgeld ppmms A In; .:es,__and music ' `brought thb, Iunuuuv. may I. bond nbindi `to the other.._ _`aes. Evelyn. . Black,`-_ Pres. in be held; at ". i"'. U llI`Il`5Ul' W113 HPPUIIIIIUU Jill o V soared high at Oige belonging to \W. Hillock -*book ight and disappeared. . ' M` ` : Miss Harriet Parker has been holidaying ` "liar Hnmn 1mm guest 01 Ml`. aluu nus. ans. rwumuu. - l Wm. and A. Budd of Toronto visited I ':in the villagqlast week. N10 IMHO` LIJIIU. ` Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs} Hiftley Allen `on the ar_riva1 of a young son recent-. 13% . ' '- - `S. S- No. 2, Innisl, held their annual e`,chool'. meeting: `last Wednesday.- Dgvid Allan-weaignedv from the voide "of trilstpe hlfter nine years bf fithful: serwice, '.;a.pc_l. Parker waaappointed his, successor. wanna` snow-'m-3 Linda ht nlurihfmon *t:m-. EJUVV 1531175. - _On -account of an attack of _ bronchitis, Rev. C. P. Shapter was unable to occupy the pulpit. Sunday mgrning. Tlnul nrnnmn nmnn 11;: or:-Ina` -In-unn Iut: pulpit. Uuxuuu-_y uuguuug. Ward Broome, upon his arrival home from Montreal` for the ho1idays,_was taken seriously ill with pneumonia, but, happily, "by thisfdate he is recovering. Anwnxiv pnffnrunn ;a annnrnnnv any-nu-nl U , l'IllB_\||/U nu ID IUUUVUIlII6n Andxew Patterson Is spending several days at A, Kirkpatrick s. L M:ub`wAnd Qfnnin A` Tnrnntn mung u-I-so uuya lib t\.- L\Il.I\plIlJllUl\ D. Mi$'Edna Steele bf Toronto was the gu_est,_ of Miss Marjorie Jones over Sunday. M-rs. Chas. Pgu-ker is recovering _aft-r a` serious` c-peratibn at Coolrstbwn hn-s,n.~.g-, 7 -School has not re-opened this week aw- Eng to the prevalence of chickenpox among `the school children. ` > l.`......I. u:.._.n. :. .....a:_.'.:.... t_.._'_ _`1__-1.-_ IILIIS BUIIUVJI vuuuruu. -V Fran}: Hmdlois suermg from a broken ghoulder bone`. n._-_..;..I..:..-_- 4.- 11.. ..._.1 :1...` n.';.a__, lUUII.l|g' UUIIIIUI LU! 'ltLlll uvuuay. On Friday the pupils and their teacher, `Mia Speers, spent 3. social afternoon in the schoolroom. A very nice `Christmas tree was decked with presents for the children, lunchwas served and all spent a. very pleas- ant time. Jan. 3.--'Mr. Modeland, accompanied by his wife and infant son, got home last week. -Miss Martin and Miss Gray of Ballantrae were the guests of` Miss Irene Grose over New Year`s. , _'.-____L' .. .._' -A.L_-I_ -1` L____L.!L1_ "The C. O. F. held their annual meeting on Friday evening. when officers were ap- pointed as follows: G. H. Speers. Chief Ranger`; Oliver McQuay, Secy.; (W. J. Mc- Lean, Treas. Mr. Reid. the former treas- urer,- deserves great praise, as he had held that, oice [for twenty-six years and has been faithful and untiring in his efforts to make the court -a success. - ` 'l\L.. 2...; .l..._.... -1` A-L- __--_._ ._...I-_ LL- IIFGXIUS. - I Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Grahazm :md_son Robert are `home again after a visit in` Toronto. ' . Geo. Brooks, Sr;,' is in Orillia at present. Sorry to hear of the death L`. Sire. Al~ be`:-c McGiu of Tbrontu. Her a-.~;ug11rer; Mrs. Hugh Graham, has. been with her for very nearly a month. T ' _ The service in the Methodist. Church on day. was well supported as bot-h Rev.` ~ ..n 2 ';:1.'`Mair and R.ev.. Mr. Blow were pres-E LIIGAU VIII`: VUUII` `C uU`;c$n The first dance of the season under the auspices of the Social Club was held on Thursday evening. All report a. good time. Robert and Andrew- Walker of Barrie spent a fewdays last week with their aunt, Mrs. N.ILowrey. M . an}! Mug (1 T. `l\.uy3- n..o.mon2..m-I ll IIUIIIUCI UI IKICLIIJB UH IV UKLIIUSIIIIJ Fiilllllu A number from here attndnd the fowl supper rt Thnruton on Monday evening, and` .'l:;`:y~t'! .1 goo! time. Mr. and Mrs- Lowrey enmcrtainml some friends on Wednesday evening. ' QDJIAII` Ln: IIn,nnnnI-1AA. O-nan`-inn-Q on!` rufnna II`lUl`l\ Ull VY CUIICDUIIJ UVUHIIIS. School has re-opened-, teachers and pupils feeling. better for `their holiday. n T4`:-`Jun Hun nnno uni] H-anir fnnnknr IUIU u$}JClI(* I1 IVW uuya WIIIU IIICIIIJB 1lUl`I.':o R. J Hanna of Toronto spent 9. few hol- idays _with friends here. "Flux I` Ia` I-"J.-I ludu. .\........I ........L:..... IVIIEB llal-IBU 1'11 Llil }UDullIUu IJULIIU ullovr spending Ohrlstmas and New Year's wxth Mrs. Wilfred Stewart. I\L_._ .I\..-_...L-Il' ..._J _ . . . _1._ ,.._A ..._4A_7I!r H a ncmr uaya nu hum vwuul-y. Mr. and Mrs. H. Grant and family of Lefroy and Mrs. John Spring of Barrie spent Christmas at their home with Mr. and Mrs. David King. M;ec 'r\r;u.-gin Ninbln unrl c:aI-or 1-nbnv-nnpl `Jan. 2.--Mr. an Mrs. B. Long of Mea- ford spent a few days with friends here. D 1 I-Iunnu II.` Tnvnnfn ennnt 11 `A11: Ln` LVLIBQ L` c ' LJUWIUJO Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis entertained 'a number of friends on Wednesday evening. V A nnuvnknr `FA!!! `mason ':`fn'nt-`Al OLA `Anti IIIIIIIC L`ClJllAI./ UH .l'I.lLln n Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson spent last Sunday with their son, Rnbt. Thompson. on Inna: Jan `ncf in znnnr` (`Ju-:aI>, L) uuua._y W ILII IIJCII BULI , LULIIJL` a J. 1lULl1'}EUlIo Dan. Jones. who left to spend Christ- mas with friends in Bradford, has been unable to return home on account of ill- A Subscribe for The Barrie, Examiner and _-get all who 1 75. 432.00 1 ion. ' uuu LVLIBQ IIGVIU IXIIIEJ Miss `Chrissie Nickle and sister returned to the city. Monday. after visiting with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickle: Mr. Wilson and Alvin Emerick have re turned home after putting, in the season on the Great Lakes. A Mrs; Wm. Chilman and son Frank re- turned. to the city with her daughter Elsie, w'h o had been spending the` holiday at home. - ` ' ,, `I\,_,,4L_. ,, J l1,II! `I1?! '1 ;IlIo auu A1114? Us IL. VV IIIIIIIISI Geo. Lamb. Will Lamb and Thomas Em- erick spent New Year s at the home of Robert Gibbons, Thornton. - `. ' A IlIII'I\"\n!| AG No\fIrr unun-In nnnnln ni- LIUUUI l \IIULDUl.I3, Luplllllll. '. - A number of Nantyr young people at- tended the dance at the home of Alex. Marshall. Friday night man 1431.... wrnnnr l>nunI1nI- `nun `abu-nnp` AVLIIIBQIII-ll. I.` I Iuuy Illslllv , Miss Edna Fraser, teacher, has returned to resume herdutles after spending the holidays under the parental roof in Allan- dale. T IK!__ I\....._LL.. `I7xL1L1___. ._2_1A.__I -._2LL Il2,,_ Miss Dorothy Whiting visited with Miss Annie Nesbitt on Friday. ' Mr nut` Mr: prnnb 'l`|r\rvrnrr_-nn nnnnl lag!- WITH. VV IIIICU. UlI7WX1:l'llo Chas. 'Ca.mpIbe1l -and cousin are spending | a few days In this vicinity. Mr nut` Mrs " nnnl nnpl `nrw\:`uv l\` itjlli-;ses_Doiothy -and Nellie Whiting spent the Christmas holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.`H. Whiting. (1.... t......1. mm 1 nnnlq .....: rm.....\..- i:~... vzu. I Mrs. Albert Dwyer has returned `home: after spending some time with friends in Gunyou. Que. _ - I ICly'\.llLIl.llEa V ' Bert Frankcom `and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughes of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. James . Frankcom. `I - ._..J \l'._._ I'\> l'11II2__ ,,_. J l'., ,2! , , P Chi. IJGIIIC.` L` I. Glll\li\JIlI . Mr. and Mrs. `D. Gillies and family of`! Allandale spent Christmas with Mrs. C. W. 1 `Ward. ` ! 'u_/_ AlL-_L n.__-,_ L..- _-.,,,,_n `I xu5::1mJu. Walter Ward of Toronto spent the` holi- days at his home here. . Russell Hancock is visiting friends in hombury. . Talus nun! I1`.-nan! nnAv\ at Q4 11-..... '1.)-u_vvU. luau VVCUl\o Mrs. M. Black has gone to Bradford to visit her daughter-..Mrs. D D. Coutts, and- intends to stay two weeks or more beforeji returning. ' nu:-G Irv--)Vn`r1:nn\ .nu-`A Mu near` "-2. I `I7 :?'$i`{5'"L x:'d. Ernest Bolton of St. Marys! were the guests of -Mr. and Mrs. W. W. -Boyce. last week. I III... `II `n'I--l_ L-_ ._-,,_ L n,, u- I . uuc uuuwuya uuuel` HR: purellbm l'UOI. Archie Monteith of Thornton spent a few days last week with Midhurst friends`. ~Mrs. Laura Brown of Toronto was -the guest of her mother, Mrs; James Pierce, Sr., last week. . Gordon Henderson has returned home- after spending some time with friends in Ingersoll. ' Wuxlfnr rnnr` A` Tnunnbn nun-`L LL..'L..I1 _y1:uu uu-ua nu. " Miss L. M. Whan of Lefroy called 0 friends in the village last week. , School re-opened on Jam. 3 with Miss Arnold of-Angus as teacher. Mia: Mhmr (`nnlu..m... at 'l`....-..c.. .........a _:;nuu|u. urnugua {I6 BCIIULIUE. Miss Mary Cochrane of Toronto, spent the holidays" under the parental roof. AI-nln Mnnnitk of 'l`I-unu-non-. ::v\nu\6- .-. `o `Miss Rose Ely has returned home after nnnnunn nkr;a:noa ant` Mn! V.....'. 1136`: BETHESDA LEFROY I5 L$!)c1Illl.'lI6 `H WUCA -WILII I'll-30 U05. llalllq Misses Mabel and Helen Rands of Tor-` onto and Mr. Rands niece from Richmond Hill spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Rands. ` V 11.. .._J 'll'_,. Y D l`|....L....... .....I ...... THE BARRIE EXAMINER m'i1`iY'annu-al public school -meeting of -the ratepayers of this section was held in the sohoolropm, Dec. 28. After the general Jun. 4.--Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong of Kitchener have been visiting their par- ents here. II_. .__.I II__ 1,,,,_, Il',N .. AI `ll . n CHIS U!!! 1'. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Moatt of Montreal are visiting friends -here. Mn. 1).... -u..n,:.. .....a mu... r;........ n..:... I GIC VIBIIIIIIE IIICIIUD UJC-I5: Mis Reta Malkin and Miss Gretua Daley, I who were `home for the holidays, returned to Toronto recently. pnknrf `nnvnnrnn rn1kn"`1oc.lnonn `Lnmnn 91;- LU LUIUIIUIJ l CUUlIl4Iyo Robert Cameron, who` has been home for a . few weeks, returned to Hamilton yes- terday. ` ' rplnn unnno` nIIkl:n and-nun` -nnn6:n.- AC LL- gcusuu-..-u. nun u.uuu.lcI wrul ml urqscee. School re-ope-ns.today_with Mr. Gorwans &of Toronto and.M1ss Swztzer of New Low- `ell at the teachers desks. ll- A_....I.l -1.` I)A__o_ ,A_._L -1,, I nil LI IOVV wccnb. ' Misses Ma.y,~and Norma McKinley have I gene to Midland for some time. I "mm ..........1 ...Ln:.. -..L....u __-_.:__ -____ I 51:11:: cu .Lu.Auu:Inu 101' auxuc H1118. - The annual public school meeting was `held last Wednesday. Irvin Johnston was .elected for a.not'her term as trustee. I Q..l...mI .. ,.......... ;....I..-. ...:u_ it. n______- Sflfllulllg ll WUCK '21-I; IJUIIH DUUIW B. I Jas. McLaughlin spent a few dvayeyxn Toronto at the beginning. of the week. l".nnumn4nL.l-:nn; {A Alnv `K7-;lL\.l\lI fhn cu nu vuc vcwuucna ucsnp. ~ I Mr. Arnold of Barrie `spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smy. I Jan. 3.-Howar:d Priest is wearing al 'smile these days, he being the -proud father} I `ofya young son. Congratulations. Fr-m'I,u-1\r| M31: `Rn-nnn Wntmnn `Luna nun-an | EU IJLIC UIIIJ IUI I-IJU VVllI|rUIo i Mia Jwsie Foyston has gone to Toronto i for a few weeks. II:..___ II... ._.I \Y_..,_,_ 11,7, I 1 Ul'r`& young sun. UUugl'-ulallllls. ' Fred and Miss Emma Foyston have gone to the city `for the winter. 3 mx Inna:n `l7`\.. Inna can-go. Ln 'I"-...._L- [Ill Lula vwuulay `lust `WEEK. Miss Madeline Torpey of the C.I., Barrie, is visiting at her home here. IIIIU LIUIILI ,3 c Mr..;and Mrs. Ewing and daughter Dor- othy are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hogan. V ` ~ Thu `nnLnn` funabnn iv-\nn\.`:I\au 6-..]. _I...-... uuatcca Wclc clculcu xur 1344. Miss M. Bennett of Hawkestone visited in this vicinity last week. I M;: MuAnl;nn l"m.m... A` 6-1". I` T Du-_l- vxmu wan `ll auau uuc, uwulg bu Lue ueum OI Mi's K9.vanagh s brother, Will Curtain, who died Christmas morning. Mrs. Kavanagh. has the sincere_ sympathy, of her many friends in this vicunty. Mien wlnrnnnn Wan-nn AC Mnnwnn 3.. "$-11- The echgol trustee meeting took place last Wednesday evening, when the same trustees were elected for 1922. 111;... ll t).......-A.a. -1` `l'r-__I_-_;_-__ -3 2;, I IIICLIIJB Ill [1119 VLUILIIUJ. MISS Florence.Ixna'pp of Mac'I`ier 1s vis1t- ing her mother, Mrs. W. J. Knapp, during the holidays. ` ' M. nnl` Mu. 1:~...:.... .....: ..1......n.;..- __ LKILUIILU ill: but Ulisllllllusr U1 Dill: \VlZ|Sl\. C-ongrat-ulations to Alex. Wilson. the new reeve of Vespra, and to C. Scott on his election as councillor for Flos.

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