unnu- apecnl-six 2-Pun. Ronduen. Specinl-Siiqouring Cu . . . .. . Special-Six 4-Pun. Roadster. . Biz-Six Touring Cu. . .... .. Xllllllllllllllllll IXIXJZIIIXXAIXII 'I!)X1!I(lllllXllllllll ANDREW WIL5or;,,;,c~;';-.;*.s>"i.'. TIzisis a Studebaker Year Total. sales of Studebaker Cars were: 41% MORE than for the same period of I920. 101% MORE than for the same periodiof l9 l 9. But total sales of Repair Parts were: _ 13% LESS, thanifor the same period of l920. 3% LESS than for the same period of l9 l 9. While the total numbers of Studebaker Cars sold were: a 326,000 up to September lst, l9l9. 375,000 tip to September lst, I920. 442,000 up to September lst, 192 l . up 116,000 more Studebaker Cars were smaintained in operation with 3% less parts business than two years ago, which conclusively proves that-- Studebaker Cars are standing up in service and staying " out of repair shops, to a degree unexcelled, we believe, A by any cars of whatever price. 0 The Studebaker Corporation` of Canada, Ltd. , A . V A. R. ERSKINE, President NEW PRICES .01-' STUDEBAKER AufrqMoB_1Ls_ - f_ _._ 1., lv.Il.-...:n. 1).; .....t... - Touring Can and Roaducn: Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . V . - - V nuurunj Kali . Gilli IKOCCIKCTCI {ondster ............. .. Car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .RoI.duet. . . gCu . . . . . ... ....... ....... .... .. .ROIdlIOf ...... ..... .................. 2325 u..... ...................................... .. 2785 ALL STUDEBAKER CARS ARE . . .. -..-...... ,v. -1: V-auua-:n.u1\ nu 1 ULVIUDILLD f. u. b.--V'l-7-alherviIle, `Ont., exclusive of Sales Tax; effective September 8th, 1921 4 ----w vv jjtiw.` DEALER, BRADi70RD STREET, BARRIE F or the."rst feight rnonthg of I92], * H. S. OBRYSON Dairy Produce 15-1b. crock butter: `M. Royvatt. C. Tur- ner; 5 lbs..of butter in gprints: W. L. Rit- chie. T. E. Coe; 3 lbs. butter, one roll: T. E. Coe, Mrs. G. L. Usher; best 5-lb. `crock of butterf T. E. Coe; best 6 lbs. of Honey and . Apiary Honey. in section: Herb Spring; honey extracted, H. Spring, R. W. Anderson; honey display: H. Spring. Maple syruzp: M. Rowatt, R. W. Anderson; maple sugar: M. Rowatt. butter in 1-lb. prints: T. E. Coe. . I I I I zuuuau owccusz U. IIOCKCUS; U0l.VeI'tS W. D. Gilbert; Ben Davis: D. Hockens. W. L. Ritchie; Golden Rusets: D. Hockens, R. Linton; Rhode Island Greenings: 7.0.; Hockens, R. W. Anderson; Northern. Spy: I D. Hockens, W. L. Ritchie; Ribstone Pip- pin: R . W. Anderson; Bellower: R. W. Anderson; Mann: R. W. Anderson; Weal-! thy: W. L. Ritchie;DPewaukees: D. Hock-l ens, C. M. H-.icklin`g; collection'of winterl Aaxpplesz D. Hockens. Pears---Flemisth Beauty: M. Rowatt.{ Grapes---Delaware: C. M. Hickling. I son. W. L. Ritcie; Snows; D. Hockens, R. Linton; Gravensteins: T. E. Coe; Maid- en s Blush: W. D. Gilbert, T. E. Coe; 'I`o1'man Sweets: D. Hockens; Colverts: W. D. Gilbert: Ran na\r;c- D T-Tn:-1r--n 7 MAW BRs.13EAXBE%.ii` GOOD RED BRICK. Se them b?fore you bilild. -AI Cf\ I\l)AI\! "l"II I.` I1`, w :1 -..---1 -v-u-`ya-u navy talvnnl IIVIIIIV Jtllal I~IIulll\lo ' ALSO DRAIN TILE--- From 3-inch to 8-inch. Nothing will .pay you better than to drain your farm. Ask others who have used them. ` Give `us your order today--note prompt delivery. MAW BROS., Minesing, Phone 3101 sui>B"E'i'i~'i&" Coupe: and Light-Six 2-Pus. Coupe-Roadster. . Light-Six 5-Puss. Sedan . . . . . . . . .. Snecinl-Six 4-PR1: Cnuung uznt-Six 5-Puss. Sedan .. Specinl-Six 4-Pun. Coupe.. Special-Six 5-Pun. Sedan. . Biz-Six 4-Pan. Coupe . . . . . Big-Six 7-Pass. Sedan . . . . . . . , in the United States and Canada In Plaxwl " guys: luv uuncalvli White homemade bread: Marshall Lang- m-an, D. Hockens, Mrs. G L. Usher; brown homemade bread: Viola Langman, Mrs. A. Shepherd; fruit `homemade bread: Mrs. A. A Shepherd, M. Langman, D. Hockens; nut 'homemade bread: Mrs. A. Shepherd, D. Hockens. W. L. Ritchie. Light fruit cake: Emma Foster. W. L. Ritchie. Meat loaf: a W. K. Ritchie. Baking soda biscuits: Mrs; G. L`. Usher, W. K. Ritchie. Plain an `fancy rolls or buns: D. Hockens. Pies, lone apple, one custard: Viola Langman, W. K. Ritc-hie. Pies, one cranberry and one pumpkin: Mrs. A. Shepherd. W. K. Ritchie. Ginger cake: Emma. Foster, Mrs. A. Shepherd. Angel cake: W. L. Ritchie, Viola Langman. Jelly roll: D. Hockens, Mrs A. Shepherd. Jam cake: D. Hockens. Plain cookies: M. Rowatt, D. Hockens. Fruit or jam cookies: M. Rowatt, D. Hoc- kens. Apple -and grape jelly: D. Hockens, M. Rowatt. Vegetable marmalade: Emma Foster. Canned corn `and tomatoes: Mrs. Walter Jamieson, D. Hockens. Canned [grapes and pears: D. Hockens, Mrs. A. Shepherd. Preserved peaches -and plums: D. Hcckens, Mrs.` A. Shepherd. Mince * meat: Mrs. A. Shepherd. Mary Kell. Sweet I pickles: Mrs. A. Shepherd, Mrs. W. Jamie- I Coupe: and Sedans: be-Roadster , , , , CORD TIRES _._-. -- V... rng\4l\A 4-..;u. vv 0 I 1 1 '(Con't-inu.ed on Page Eleven) Domestic Science Page Seven "$2325 _ 2775 :1 . :2 3525 r~-ms: k.-r.c.uz oz 158_ 7c-yrly l'\I\ Foronto 3 urdry. -' Throat lspeidly. ity bath and urs 9 to hone l0I pa`, 3.; ocal, and ihoirmaster Jrch. Gold `y of Music Donald St. F.Barrhb Einer e 275 Public, D \/`)ii_t:`l' [2522 '0' . osp1taL 30tfc V Pin-ie EB? nto. '1.3o.2.3o h doctors ec.-Tress. tidnn fl IIIUII y (Iii bscrip- ver an otified _!_I.. .. LIV Box 1078 u-'.'r.c.M; Barrie) . the Ave. 011. ullu Hurcbjsol 'a.'..;:~ 'I\C 31'ec H273-49 ' `2.3O Trot Or Cecil Tom _ . . . . . . . . . . . f interest. c Tempk `nnn fI'I,,,A `Ii _._.-, -.v-, Open or Pace-- Blend J. ..; . . . . . . . ..] Willa Mac ...; . . . . .._.2 Babe Parker . . .` . . . . . .5 Bidd . . . . . . . . . Time: 2.39:}, 2.3933, Z.39i,_2.40, 2.39-5 Driving Horse, attached-- Harry Lee . . . . . . . . ..2 1 V1 1 Freddie B. . . . . . . . . . . .1 2 2 2 All Expense . . . . . . . . .3 3 3 3 Gypsy. Girl . . . . . . . . ..5 4 4 4 Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4 Dr. Time: 1.27, 1.28,` 1.30, 1.31. ,,Dr.V ! `I I ! I Farmers Trot-- Minnie Hal . . . . . . . . . . . Billie Manner_ . . . . . . . . . V Billie Mons . . . . . . . . . . . \ Haddie Brown . . . . . . . . . Jimmie M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sam Patch . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.393, Lgrge crowds attended the Elm- vale Fair last week and the show -A was one of the best held under the} auspices of the F103 Agricultural So-! ciety. The efficient management of I the fair and the success it proved are a great credit to the officers and 5 directors. . - f nu: .. BALL PLANING MILL C0. FOR SALE BY onon HARDw)iREEb., Lin. Write for oun valuable. history. of fooling Shelter-.'.' On every page le a photograph of a dierent Iclnd of a tool, in e dllferent part of the world. It will be mailed free to reepenelble parties. . . ~ Distributed under Brnntford Roong tune I marke through Brnntlord Roong Dealers. Stock carried, information furnished, service rendered by our dealer in your district. a - guali of materials and production methods ar'e _ot the usual high ran ord Roong standard. - Brantford Winthrop Tapered Asphalt Slates are made from, carefully selected Felt saturatedand coated with a s ecial blend of asphalts. Real quarried, crushed slate, in its nature colors (red or . green or blue~black) is embedded into and encrusted on them while the asphalt is `hot. They are nnaected b climate. The colors are permanent, and never need staining. - ey are highly re-resistant and they are tapered. - Winthrop Tapered Shingles are the only tapered asphalt shingles manufactured. They have three outstanding features that make them aperfect roofing: l_.Thoy are the big butt` lapping lies at on the shingles--the only asphalt `upper part of the shingle in shingle that gives a shadow ~the row below. No rain or line, which so improves the , snow can accumulate un- appearance of a. roof -- derneath--wind cannot get something architects have under themand blow the long wanted in Asphalt o. ` Shingle. . Q--R1319`! innnugnl av-l-on 4-Isiah- of Judi- ries, Con- y to loan. rie 2-Thoy are vscienticully . constructed. They are tap- end. Being-thicker at one" and than the other, the butt of the Ashingle ovex_'- The Only Asphalt Shingle M That Is Tapered PRIZE WINNERS AT THE ELM?/jALE FAIR \ Asphalt Slates \ - Brantfqrbdfn R bfing Co., Limited Head Office and I-'actory,'BrantI;rd, Canada It-anchu at -_Tononfo. ' Montreal, Winnipeg, Halifax 11151 The Races IV: have obtained a trccld llccnu `to mcnulcctun - then thing on music! the brand * If you feel that a Bank Loan will permit ,. you to increase your farming operations,; we ` will be pleased to discuss your plans with you. If they are sound, we are prepared to assist you. `BAN IGFTOROMO (`usual at mm mm A ........ ,_ A--A --'- --- .c.ia. al serv story p to and EZit:1,_$:oo3,53o- .-"]l' """ *` Asphault Slates IMPROVED lnachinery is .om..g the labor problem on many Canadian /farms. ` ' A Bankloan has, in part, the same rela-L] tion to farm ac tivities as the use of modem machinery, as the latter enables you to work 2-omtwo tothree times the amount of land formerly cultivated, anda Bank `Loan will furnish vnu u-, eanil-al 1-A nan.-ac- 4.1.- 4-..- suuucny cnuuvatcu, anu a nanx `Loan will `furnish you the capital Vtqloperate the extra and- BRANCHES: _ Barrie, Allandale 3-.`-Being fapered extra thick- IIQIR and Qnniahf In-A diefv-i- I , ~ -~ - -v------cu . 3, General Purpose---Brood mare and; foal: H. M. Guest. Spring colt: A.;`g ;Couture, Sam Lyons. Two-year-old: ] !Jno. Houden. Team in harness: 5 ' Brown Bros., Jack Trace, Walteri 1 Cumming`. V I. q......:..I.. 13..-; l11__j,__1_l - '1 Agricultural-- Brood mare and foal: Jack Trace, Sam Lyons, Walterg Fralick. Spring colt: Walter Fralick, .2 Wm. Hunter, Jack Trace. Two-year-Q Ioldz Walter Jamieson, -W. .Jamieson' Yearling: Sam Lyons. Span attach- ed to wagon: Bruce Brown, Robt. Wilson, Geo. Fleming. 6 VVIBLIX should oxdor, _..__ .., -._v ., -o-II go ! Niiined Race- - A P I IMinnie Hal. . . . . . . . ..1 1 2 4 15 1 tar'Pointer . . . . . . . . . ..2 2-13 3` argaretH. . . . . . . . . . ..33312I `Billy Manner . . . . . . . . ..4 4 4 2 4, l'rime: 2.40, 2.39:}, 2.3911,, 2,40, 2.41. 3' (~ HORSES A . I 4` Heavy Draught-- Brood. mare and: ! foal: Chas Gregg, H. Guest, A1.`- |Hart.- Spring colt: H. M. Guest, 0.: ` I Gregg, W. L. Ritchie. Two-year-oldzl `w. L. Ritchie, W. L. Ritchie, A1.`- ,Hart. Yearling: Fred Drysdale, W. V 1 1 L. Ritchie, W. L. Ritchie. Span at-E ` itached to wagon: Chas. Gregg, W. L. Ritchie, Geo. McWatters. { Little Fred . . . . . . . . . . . {Mountain Dee . . . . . . . . . . . iTime: 2.292;, 2.295;, 2.293. `| ______'l Y\, u nnnnn 1:115 o I Specials--- Best Clydesdale spring usury Iupcrcu extra unus- ' nees and weight are distri- buted where extra thickness and weight are needed--in the part exposed to the weather. ` - -o . Assets over $100,000,000 87 u. 12:. uupeuul. `, Ducks (Rouen or Cayuga)--Drake: Ar- chie Hanvington; duck: AL. Harring -ton; 1921 drake: C. A. `Hisey; 1921 duck: 1 and 2, C.- A. Hisey. Pekin or Aylesbrury-l92l| _d1-ake: 1 and 2, C. A. Hisey; 1921 duck: 1 and -2, C. Hisey. Any other standard ueese wJm`Dden)--Goose: .0. E. Copeland, 'I`oulouse---Gander: Roclie Linton, C. E. Copeland; goose: R. Linton`; 1921 gander: K. Davidson; 1921 goose: K. Davidson,` C. E. Copeland. nllnbu lpnuuon Jun l"..-..._..\ 1\__L- , A-- uurac uuuuu, wu1ce;--r1en: A. U. BISHOP. Turkeys ('bronze)- Gobbler; Clarence Turner; Ihen: F. French, C. Turner; 1921 gobbler: C. Turner; 1921 hen : C. Turner. `Geese (Embden)--Goose: .0. E. Copeland, T0ul0use---Gander: Rm-lin 1.;..+.... n 1:`. mean to an: odist bxshop; hen: 1 and 2, R. W. Anderson; 3. G. L. Usher; cockerel: A. C. Bishop,_R. W Anderson; pulletz G. L. Usher, R. G. Manning. Brown Leghorns-Cockerel, Wat- son -Kirton; pullet: 1 and 2, W. Kit-ton. Minorcas (a..v.)-Hen: Leslie.Todsd; cock- erel: I and 2, L. Todd; pullet: 1 and 2,- L. Todd. Barred Plymouth Rock--Cock: s. L. Anderson; 2 and 3, c. A. Hisy; hen: 1 and 2, ,S. L_. Anderson; 3, G. L. Usher; Cockerel: 1 and 2, S. L. Anderson; pullet: 1 and 2, S. L. Anderson. Rlhoden Islan 'PnrI.a_.f`.m.l.. 1 ....,J o 11 `ll 1:1:_I_I:___. o u, L10 uavntmulln .. Poultry D01-kings (a.v.)'--Cockerel and pullet: K. Davidson. Black Hamburgs-Cock: A. C. Bishop; hem: Al and 2. A. C. Bishop; oockerel: A C. Bishop. White Leghorns--- Cock: 1 and 2, R. W. Anderson; 3, A. C. Bishtop; hen: 1 and 2. R. (1 n n . TmL.~.... ......1.....L.1 . A *n:_L_.. - ,a.a.vu\A\.aA, 1.1. \.lo ucatuaallu . .SWeepstakes--'- Best maie` of any 1 age in registered breeds: W. L. '3 Ritchie. Best female of any age in - ' registered breeds: Al. Hart. '/ V. `Sheep l [ I r1_;___\i_I_- A ,, VIII , F! -.I 'A\~VI .-1.` V ` Dc'rwns-Age.(lVram: F. E. Weir. Shearling ram: K Davidson. R. M. Par- nell. Ram lamb: 1 and 2. F. E. Weir. Asred ewe: F. E. Weir, R. M. Parnell. Shearling ewe: R. M._ Parnell, Weir. Ewe lamb: F. E. Weir, K. Davidson. Sotut-hdowns-Aged ram: D'Arcy Arm-. strong. 'Shea.rling ram: D. Armstrong. Ram lamb: 1` and 2, D.-Armstrong. Aged; ewe: 1 and 2, D. Armst.rong._ Shearling ewe: 1 and 2, D. Armstrong. Ewe lamb: 1 and 2. D. Armstrong. 13...... 1')__L __-,_ I," 1 I -w -rs _ .._..- -. --- sh-cnuululuvllbl I Pens--Best rpen long wool sheep: F. E. Weir. T. E. Smitih.. Best pen short wool- sheep: G. Crawf(_>rd. D. Armstrong. A . A Pigs Irnprdved Berkshires--Brood sow: 1 and 2, K." Davidson. '11 I. Shropshires--Aged ram: 1 and 2. George Crawford. Shearling ram: G. Crawford. Ram lamb: 1 and 2. G. Crawford; Shear-i ling ewe: 1 and 2, G. Crawford. Ewe lamb: `I a.nd'2. G. Crawford V g 3. Leicesters---A'ged ram: F. E. Weir. Robt. fBlack. Shearlng; ram: R. Black. Ram `lamb: F. E. Weir. R. Black. Aged ewe: F. E. Weir`. R. Black. Shearling ewe: F. E. Weir. Ewe lamb: land 2, F. E. Weir. GL_..._...L:__-A A W, I A '4 , . -.....-..,. :' C-ots\v?)lds'--~Aged ram: Thos. Smith. I Shearling ra.m:'1 .nndA2. T. E. Smith. Ram ~lnmb: 1 and 2. T. E Smith. Aged ewe: T. E. Smith. Shearling ewe: T. E. Smith. i E-we lamfb: T. E. Smith. vn. uv uu rssllcvvo , Grades-- Cow: K. Davidson. D. G. iBeardsall. Jno. Houden. Heifer, two ;years old: D. G. Beardsall. Heifer", j ,vea1-ling: D. G. Beardsall, Jos. Spring`, 31).. G. Beardsall. Heifer calf: W. K. $Ritchie. K. Davidson. ' Steer, two years old: T.`E. Coe, D. G. Beardsall. :Steer. yearling: Jno. Houden, Jno. v.Hou_den, D. G. Beardsall. ' cc ..... .....a...1-.... . 15--.; .._-i.. -1 ____- ! VufI:)`1:1L:-(:,`i`I1S-- Cow, three years or over: D. G. Beardsall. J. T. Agnew. I D.m...1 A......... n..... 4.1. ....... .._ ciation vvx. 1;olled Ang`us-- Cow, three years or over: J. T. Agnew. ' rv......1.... I`I..-...1 r n___:_1_-_ n r: o JJI \lu Ll\4I&L\.A0(bAl. U0 Ln FISIICVVO I`. 2 ; 1.1 V1 unl- 5; Jerseys--Cow: C. E. Coneland. C. 3 E. Copeland. Heifer, yearling: C. E. Cnneland. C. E. Copeland. Heifer fcalfz `C. E. Copeland. Bull calf: C; E. i Coneland. I E . an .- --rs `nu =~.'-vv-u--5- Here`fords-- Bull, aged: Percy Heasman, Freeman French, Thos. Dewall. Bull, one year old: W. L. Ritchie, Thos. Dewall. Cow: Free- man F`rench,,Thos. Dewall, Freeman `French. Heifer, two years old: Bert `French, F'reeman French, Freeman ;French. .Heifer, yearling: Freeman !French, Freeman French. Heifer calf: Bert French, Bert French, W. L. Ritchie. Bull calf: J. A. Boyes, 3F_re_eman French, W. L. Ritchie. Fdr Pthe best herd: Freeman French, Thos. !Dewa11. - ` R ...._.. "W" ,` CAT-TLE ._ Durhams--- Bull, two years and over: Roclitfe Linton. Cow: Jno. Houden, Jno. Houden, E. J. McClung'.- Heifer, two years old: Rocliffe Lin- /ton,_Fred McClung. Heifer, year- ling: A. Train, E. J; M_cClung, Ro- cliffe Linton. Heifer calf: A1. Hrt, Chas. Gregg. Fred_McClung. Bull calf: Fred McC1ung', Jos. Locke, E. J . McClung. Best herd: Rocliffe Lin- ton, Fred McC1ung. - `l .'l m...-......A.. 'D.-n ....___1 _ -n-_.__- gay-ago ' Roadsters-- Two-year-old: WV. L. Ritchie, M._ Rowatt. Team: Alex. Wyley. Single Driver: Dan Bell, Mervyn Beacock, I. J. Jerry. Lady Driver": -Mrs; B. Smith, .Mrs. Geo. `Campbell, Mrs. A. Todle. Best 'single turnout: Dan Bell, A. M. Tudhope, I. J. Jerry. - . " - IVIFIIIIHTTR UUKUITCI I ,al1d 2, I 1 : kind--l921 drake: 1 and 2, C. A. Hisey; 1921 duck: 1 and 2, C. A. Hisey. Pigeons--Fantails: A. C. Bishop. ' Grain T; Fall Wheat (white): A1. Hm, C. Turner. I Oats (white): Wm. Hunter, C. Turner. lBarley (six~rowed): A. Hart, C. Turner. _ Field Corn (white) : M. Rowatt, C. E. Cope- . land. . Robt. Madill. Field Corn (yellow): M. Rowatt. Collection grain: C. Turner. Roots ` Potatoes-Early Eureka: N. C. Morrison; Early Ohio: N. C. Morrison; Irish Cobbler: _.Myrtle Langman, C. M. Hickling; Davies `1Wa.rrior: N. C. Morrison; Early Rose: Vi- ola Langmran, N.- C. Morrison; Delaware: N. C. Morrison; Green `Mountain: N. C. Morrison, H. M. Guest; collection potatoes: N. C. Morrison. Swede turnips: A. Hart, ` T. E. Coe. White turnips: A. Hart. Long `red carrots: R. Madill, N. C. Morrison. Short white carrots: R. Madill. Long white carrots: A. Hart. Field Lpumpkins: Myrtle Langman, Viola Langmian. Squash: Will McGinnis. J. P. Dean. Sugar mangolds: C. E. Copeland, W. D. Gilbert. Yel1ow"in- termediate mangolds: A. Hart, T. E. Coe. Garden Produce Large Drummond cabbage: J. P. Dean. Cabbage (a.o.v.): J. P. Dean. Stump car- rots: N. C- Moirri-son, R. Madill. Long red carrots: N. C. Morrison, R. Madill.- -Long red beets: N. C. Morrison, C. A. I-liisey. Turnip beets: H. M. Guest, J. P. Dean. Parsnips: R."Madill, C. M. Turner. Sweet corn: J. P. Dean, T. E. Coe. Summer radish: N. C. Mor1'=ison,- C. A. Hisey. Yel- low onions: J. P. Dean,,T. E. Coe. Red onions: J. P. Dean, .M. Rowatt. Potato onions: N. C. Morrison. T. E. Coe. Tom- atoes: N. C. Morrison,- Maude Clement. Celery: J. P. Dean. Vegetable marrow: Mary Kell, C. -A. `Hisey. Musk melons: C. I M. Hicklin-g. Water melons: C..A. Hisey.' C. .M' Hickling. Cucumbers: A. Hart, Hugh Friel. Round citrons: J. P. Dean, Albert Elliott. Collection garden produce: J. P. Dean- ' lvwl Apples--Red A_;lex-anders: R. W. Ander- * Based on gures for Studebaker combirigd sales and production 5 Touring Cc Light-Six 3-Pun. . . . . Lizht-Six Tourinl Car Special-Six 2-Pun. Roliili snecill-Si2\'I'nuri-1 C-r Arobat 0! non, and - ancer, etc lop street.