EDENVALE July `l0.--1\Ir.Mand Mrs. Oliver McQuay and daughters Dorothy and Edna of Holly spent Sunday _wilh the 1atte1"s mother, Mrs. Jn|1n.Maw. uuvv . n1\,1,A Attractive styles and beautiful qualities_ are the new Summer Dresses. ' big 21SSOI'tlnG11t to sol- act from $5.00 to 12.50 son on the 1101*th half of lot 4, concession 52 '1`er:11111snt11. was knucked down and tran'1pled by a. heifer, sustaining a fIc1(`tl1I`Odi [skull and other iI1j1lPi(3S, which :_I`e*sulted in her death. The old lady had g'n11e to see thv heifer and lher _\*n1111g: calf, \\'}1m1 the animal 1 lH.&10kl'd 1101`. She was fmmd by! 1191* son $1101-tly aft_01`\\*a.r1`Is and taken to the 1101180,, but s11cm1111h-' ed to her in_i11rins two lmllrs lat- 01`. Deceased. W110 was in her 83rr1.`_venr', is .c111`\'i\'od by four sons and five daughterfs. On \\ n(lnesda,\' afternoon of last week -the pupils of S. S. No. 10 presented their toacller, Miss Ethel. Nichol. with :1 siI\'or'-- mounted toilet set. aoco111pa11ie-(ll with an ad1re. 0r_ld. ~ Thomas Smith, 812, and his two granddaughters, Jessie and. |E1va Smith, spent "a few days| |with the f0rmeI"s daughter, Mrsu` J. T. Reynolds 01" the Batteau. } Miss Train, Asst. Supt. in thel Royal Victox-ia. Hospital, Ba1'1'ie,u is spending a month umier` theg iparnntal roof. 1 II ... `I'_, {'V1___'___ 3. , I1 ' V I . . . ! 1 Mmesmg S-chool Promotions 3 ! v Jr. IV. to Sr. IV'.--Norma Chap-.= pel, Laura Forbes (H3, Ruth Grant T (H), Andrew Orchard, .Mur-ray Ronald (H). ` I I (`1.._ 1'11 4 11'? -n--,_- _ , , ' -_-u-;-- .u~_y ..-.u.;\~- \;;/ Sr. III. to Jr. IV.-Hampt0r1i Fralick, Albert. Graves, Evalinol IGrAaves, Ruth Orchard, Daisy, Smy J1`. III. to S1`. III.--Mary Colese (H), Charlie G1`a\'es. ' I `II 1.. `I - `I11 I\I3_._ 'I"-`I___ xv: - AlL\\A ;-ux/4: Ir - I Mrs. Jas. Slaven Is on the s1nk' list. Sr. A11 to ,1:-. III.---O1ive .Inhn-i ston (H), Reta Livingstnn, \\'aL lace Luck. Willie Smy (H). . Jr. II. to Sr. II.---Arthnr Grav- es, Lorne Johnston (H), Ruthi Livingston. LLTT99 .1.-._...1.... AL A ~ A . . . ,...,.!V....:tl..| 141 V 1llDAJ\.\_ILAI H denotes those passedywith honors. an ---4.`; 1.1; \JtJ\'IJLl`l\_'llO All our boys who _have been making munitions in various pla- ces have returned home for the summer months. /vv ll \ -as :Repbrt of Promotion Examination vv -rv 4 Jr, IV to Sr. IV--Kitty Apper- ley, Daphne Apperley. Recom-1 mended--Wi11ie Reid. , S1`. 111 to Jr. IV--Ar\`il1a T.0c1<.. |hart_. Isabelle Dawson, Oscar |B0\\'man, Marion Reid, Harry` iDaws0n. ' Recnmmended - Lena} 117,11 J01M1;1. C-3;)Vvs;eV1I1 . Jr. II to : {Ema Leer. .1...` I Gra'hVa I T _ m, Reita TYT 1- (Va .I_'JI.lLI4 .I.J\.AlLlJL 0 i 1 I In all classes the names are given in order, of standinv. Mrs. Sa(riuTel Dunlop and family: of Victoria Harbor, desire to ex- .press their heartfelt gratitude to Jr"." Now on Sale in the Iidy-to-wear Department, First Floor Annex. All new goods and just what ;you would like for the beach. Bathing Suits in plain or contrastingcolors, best styles; -$2.25 to $5.50 Bathing Gaps, in plain and fancyrstyles, often used as motor caps.. 29c, 50c, 15c, 89c; 98c. Bathing Hose, in fancy plaids and stripes, beautiful qualities -g S. 8. NO. 15, INNISFIL :.nun.;u- The Edenvale (Hustlers) Base- ball team went to Minesing on Saturday evening and played a` friendly game of ball, being de- feated by 7 to 5. { Bathing Apparel , n if 't5sr'. iif:1v1Aary Alpin. I II to Jr. III--Verna Wice,f 3 w n. _ Sr. II- Elsie. A1pin,.: C0 LI. -- card of Thanks 391% , 45c. and 50c. VIGO '"\3{r'5`i{.W . III-A-Mary . Wice,; Special Values in Silk Fuille, Tar- feta, Paillettes and Habufai. All the Vwanted colors mm in .srtm_-k. \Ve endeavor to sell qualities that will give satisfavtgion -.m sell at the `(*.ln.=est possible price. Silks Underpriced `This Store is rncnghizml as the best place` invtown to buy Silks. -Baby Carriages-- Our new` line. A Special value. See them at Dougall Bros. BATHING. SUi L 3201 BUTTE - % PATTERN. Agency Now at Moore 8: Armstrong's P:il,t,orns .. . 10c., 15c., 2'0c`.,',&' '2c.. B11t.(e1"i_0k Q u :1 1' t 0 1' 1 _v I Mr. G. H. Ray, R. R. No. 1, Km- icardine, Ont., writes. Mrs. Ray- `has been using your Kidne_v_I,i\'.. `er Pills. She was very bad vs'if`n rheumatism and eczema, and had had that fearful itch for- ltwenty-seven years. It was simp- lly terrible what .she stiffered. I` persuaded her to try $1.00 worth of Dr. Chase's Kidne_v_Liver Pills. She is now on the last box, and" i}Pt me tell _vou she scareelv [knows herself, she is so free from both these diseases. All the- swelling and putfiness caused by ithe rheumatism has gone away, stand she has gone, down in weight 18% pounds. She never has an ache"nor pain. hiliousness nor- lsick headache all these months. She often says herself. `How _.<:lad |I am that I know what to do in- stead nf paying: doctors so much `to ma`ke_me worse. :1 1 :1 tl1e.penp]e of Barrie and Angus for the manyvkinclnessus shm\'n,, and for their .`.`l`IH,`I`Hl1S e.\'pre:~:.. herr-a\'ement. l?I.~'peeiull,\',_d they desire in th-.1111; Mr. .\le'x. \\'il- lnuf_"hh_V. prup1'irI-lm`nffl1eQneen'S- [sinus nt'- . in their recent. Hotel, .\n,2'us. anal .Vle.<. Duck- w:1'tl1 Brns.. fur their Cexgv great. I tl1uL1g"ht-fu 1114-.~'>' and ki11:lr1e:<.~7. [After Twenty-Seven Years A of` '| Su"ering-Swe,lling and Puff- . iness Has Disappeared-Not. I a Pain or an Ache Left. I TKi11cz11`Iin0..O11t., July I2, 1917 --A most ast0ni:-hing` cure of rlleumatism and eczema has been rep01'f/od lmrn. and `;\Ir':<. Ray is onthusi:1. in tellingr 1101` many friends how cure was effected. \lL\ Ixuu kljrkrkkl A I Rhmlnlatism and eczmna ft`e- `quelnly :10 `tn, and in this- ,case caused the must kc:-Ve11`di.:- {tress imaginable. All the swell- :in:: and p11t1'inv.<.< 1'ns11lti11,*r frrjsm imany ym11`s of rlleurmitisln have- gdisappoamd and there is not a pain or an ache left. ' `III'_. {*1 17 n. 71 11 `In , I 1": , 'Rheumatism . Entirely Gone 'rii}~} lii5n'1'g'}{ way that the poisons in the blood can be cleaned away and the cause of" `the pains and aches removed. and .that is by the healthful action of` {the kidneys, liver and howels. Be. .'cause Dr. Chase s Kidney-Liver [Pills act. directly and specifically on these organs and ensure their _activity, they remove the cause of rheumatism and other dread- fully painful and fatal diseases. `One pill a dose. 25 cents a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited; _Toront'o. Pattorns .. .. .. .. 20c.,,& 25c. Buttet-'i`ck Q t 1_v Sumnm1* is. and any 15. puttm-n, 25c. Delinnatnr, A11gu.~'t,' mun- hm` .. .. 15c. copy Delinozxtnr .-uhs(-r'ihr3rs may grr-I Hmir Au,L'11: r,-npy at the Pattorn V Cu11nt0r',. Buy ])olino:-Hm` Paf.to1*ns always zmlhoniic in style and 0/a.~'_v to \1: M 11%. S. In ` .\'.l .13 P" .--$513` -i4`,\ 31113 . 2 MooRE&A RMSTRONW The Store where Quality is Higher than the Price Under regular value I 4"- News from Neighboring Townships DeLaval_S_erviceDay 1'1 `I1 f\`\"T" at the Barrie Agency 139 Dunlap St., .(1st door west of Massey-Harris Ware:-com). - , - This Service Day has been arranged for the benet of users of the DeLaval Cream Separators. An expert will be on hand to make repairs, free of char e.(except for any new arts that may be required) and also to give any in ormation desired regar ing these machines. If your machine is not in perfect working order, bring it in on July 14. . -..-n :-A|l QEQAQATAB $3 IN BARRIE SATURDAY, JULY 'lfHE 14th Stirring Activies rat Moore & Armstrong s u ;.u Lu vv Maal \VaI.s0n- of Dalston spent _a few -days with Mrs. S. .W<-bbe1'. ` /2-I I I l _, .I1-_1_1 As Told by Our Correspondehts "|J"ovi.E\'IDl;-|.._E,|;EwA"l\'nV si:I5Ai=ci\'ron co. Our eorts to keep_i`-`_business as -usyal are appreciated by the public. June sales much above our expec- tations and we anticipate greater t_}_nngs for July. a Our prices are based an advance purchases, which give our customers the privilege of getting goods at about presentcost price. i C` C` woobliu a pa 1 :--- -_-:`-- :-1 u; u-- . -p- -: ----- - : -_- __ A _, ' Ladies Night Dresses, slip over style, _ lace trimmed . . .. . . 750. Ladies Drawers, closed style, lace trimmed, unusual value at 39c. Less than the Cost Lace Trimnied Corset Covers in good (juali-ty and all sizes 190. Ohi1dren s Fine Cotton Drawers, hemstitched frills, 4 to 8 yrs.[1v5c. Silk Camisoles, Gowns, etcg, for the lady who desires `something dif- ferent. ---v-.u..u -.;uuuJ Quite a large picnic from Ed- gar Congregational and Metho- dist Churches came to enjoy a day near the beautifulwaters of our bay. The day was, an ideal one and all had a good time. 1|/r:-_ 'l'\-1__.____ ___'|.__ 12-; 1.--... ' Mrs. Alex. Gilchrist was slight-l ly poisoned at the,'Beach on Tues- day last, owing to eating an in_. ferior grade of salmon. `II ... .__.I `II..- IN-.. A11 . A . _ -....I Llrllll (LII 1111/`! (L &`J\Jll UIII`\Jl Miss Peterson, who Has been so long indisposed _in Toronto, 'arrived home last week. Snrryto report. that she is improving very slowly. ' II _. .__'_I If.-- I1 \I__._-_---_ L--.- SI-IANTY. BAY ' July 9-M1'-. Snook of the Local Preachers Brotherhood of Tor- onto will take the service here in the Methodist. Church next Sun- day at 3 13.111. ` III-.. T,\J.1_`.. 'I"I ..__L 1.. :__..,_..-___,__ wavy.) mu u `JOLIE! Miss Lettie very slowly. "II/Ia". .-...-...l `Ill .-.`. Ialxul Lv;J.u vv IIIIIQAIILJQ Sorry to lose our teacher, Mr. Mo_ir, from our village. His ve years` stay here has gained `many friends for him who wish him. success.in-his new eld of labor.` I\1a.`y uauvv Mr. anciJ'1\ir s. James Gaston of Craighufst `spent Sunday with `Mrs. Hart. -.-- ..-w- \lI Professor Hume of Toronto and family motored to our village. on Saturday for a couple of months stay. _ . I l\-_L_ A 1-..-.- __:.__.- 1..--.- 1_! IVA `V unu vv IJO Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have arrived` for their usual summer's stay. `ll ..- (I..-11.L -1 f'I'11........\I.! gaunt nu NJUl&JI I Mrs. Smith of Thorold spent a few days with her parents, Mr. lang Mrs. Williams. EDGAR Mr. and`Mrs. Girlie and daugh- ters of Burk s Falls visited Mr. land Mrs. Barnhgrdt here recently. __L._ ._._.I Unl-ILA IL on JJIAL Lnnnuon. uv noun. \J vvv---.-., .| Pte. Leslie Kissick, who was wounded some time ago, reached his home in Orillia two weeks a- go and visited his uncle,` George Kissick, last week. iPte. Kissick was overseas nearly two years. nu... r~r...:.._ c<.....A.-.--`Q..l..n.-.`l n-In ..uuu v- -..vu..--\.r-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Allsopp and family, tog'et,l1er with Mrs. Bart- lett, of Bay City, Miuh., have re- turned home after spending a few weeks with Mrs. Jas. Maw. ` ` . (AD uvuLcuuo ..e....,, vvvv _,-..--. The Union Sundayschool pic- nic to the.Lake on Thursday was well attended and greatly enjoyed by all._ Everybody was pleased These ar worth up to $2.50 each. You may have your choice at.. Sample Sunshades at Great Reductions `Two Dozen Only Ladies Combinations Lace trimmed, and Alesslhan they would cost today; A bargain at 35c. Slimmer Underwear of all kinds at close prices. ` Hart is improving Ladies Combinations---35c '- $1.50 Traveller-`s Set of High` class Neckwear. All the newest styles, in. cluding the high stocks This is your oppor- tunity to get lovely Collars at manufac- turer s price. % AtWholes;ale Price Mr. and Mrs. H.. Adamson and da11g'ht,m' Mae visited friends at Plmlpston on Sunday. VTVL... T.`,J-_-_.._l.. TT..._..._. (`1_-__.I-__ ?_B:et:t'er qnalities and at less cost than you can buy the materials and make them. -V ` - ' ` .A big variety of styles and sizes inevefy line of Undergerment for the Infant, Miss or Lady. , ' ' Many months ago we placed orders for these goods in much greater quantities than ever before, and now we pass the goods on -to the public at old `prices. - ` -1\_ll,, I`l',_ I ,1 I, 1'11 -1 :1 . - u - u sale Friday Morning _ '3}: WISEAND. BUY WITHOUT DELAY. IT WILL PAY YOU with the. trip on the launch and to the _ladiesLof Shanty Bay are due many thanks for t.hei1"kind- ness in granting, the use of their park. 1|l'.'..... T ____._ lN__.._.--,\.L _.l` .~/c- \l nan... .-an.-./o .n. u\:\ Il`JLlC Miss.Alma B`aI`nhaI'dt of T`nmn-: `to is spending her vacation with, her parents. | `[3... A____A1l 2. ___"_ll_'_._. `Il 2-_.l Max/AA.- Dr. J.` A: Thomas, wife and child, visited _the formeI"s parents here, last week. _ I - ' I 4 A\,L\J nux. lll,l,Il I_)\j\.`Ll\,\.I lb lJ\JtJIllI\}llo Mrnand Mrs. Devins motored up from Torontoyand spent, the week-endTwit,h`MI's. Patterson. - v~"ww- .. . . . 1 Miss Arnottgis vlsltmg M1ssg` Beatrice Barnkhardt. `co -- n n - -. I ,,---. Miss Laura Cavanagh of Ridgeyille is homcon her vaca-` ition. ~ - . The Edenvale Union Sunday School hold their annual picnic to the Beach on Tuesday, July 3,. and report. it better than ever. 7- July 10-Majnr and Mrs.'O111_ sf/er left this morning for ()ttawa where he has S0(.`.l1I`(?(1 a position. 1\,r..- ...,..: `Mr... ._._.:I ... .lIllA.oIJ\J .u.auunxn-nu,-/A -- Mr. `and %1w:-s. xi/rn. Leigh left! last week for Edmonton to visit `their daughter, Mrs. Dawson. `I 'II'.. ___,.'I `If..- A__L (`1l.-__- .1` '1'`... u \a\IIr\ar\I1uIJA. "Mz~.ana Mrs . A'}-`tT's}}{{{.l,"{%'?ro-` ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Stone. -5 . J.V.I.1'h. _I.. IS. Dl![)`1I Rev. H. A. French preached an excellent sermon to the Hawke- stone Orangemen on Sunday. A very large number attended. ' -T..'I..... l`I-.____._-_ -,1.:___.-.l _ ..__. -vunggu 1- ---nrun. uuuux/IIA :I';)hr1 Camryron shipped Va'car-. load of hogs while John `Roe; [loaded a mixed _car this week. 3 Messrs. Dan and Wm. McLean, '-- also Allan and Kenneth McLean, from Oro and Jarratt s Corners, 'visited at Mrs.` Ed. McLean s on] lsunday. L 1 `II ... ._..I `II ... TT.....1.. 11....-- 1\-rs . . KILL]-lI.LIAI.yI Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Bray and other, relatives motored from Al_, liston to Chas. Cavanagh s last Saturday. `II ; ,, J 111,. 11r:I___-1L n_`..1-- u lwif. 3&1 Mrs. Wilmott Cooke` spent a few days in -Kenilworth this week. :19 1- -rv 1 III 1 \I\I\ 4-11 unn:sJ vuunxo W.` J. Knapp , drilled 200 feet! and got a owing well on Mon-' day morning. II ..- (1 'l'\._1l...._..!.... -1.` Q.lA--.,..\._ \`\4D.y IA|\JL LLII Mrs. C. tlgxttenden of Stayner spent a few days with Mrs. T." Pattenden this week. '1`l1'0I.nas Knupp is on the sick list. ' ` SIXTH LINE, VESPHA Miss? Ol.ive Switger from Ham- ilton and Misses Alma and Ethel Switzer from Toronto are enjoy- ing their holidays under the par- ental roof. A 119 1-; Asuuun. a. V. Prof.W-`1'\Ior1nan _\V. Reynolds, M.A., Ph.D., of Toronto visited at lEdward Switzer-`s over the week- end. T `unann- The tractor _plovs'r has been much appreciated in this section this Vse,ason.. ,_,I, 3 AI- `"1 1rT1F1es* new barn, which is of the most modern `type, is almost completed. Minardk Lihimani cum Gurget in Cows` NIINESING STATION Buy 'Whitewear at this Store Heavy purchases in ad- Vance make it possible` . to keep the price low. _Buy your Ribbons at this Store and save. Great Ribbon Values HAWKESTONE Mr. and Mrs. David Dixon. of Weston are renewing old ac- quaintanceships here.- .-.--...,. A1.` .v,___- __.\..__... --__.` ---- - Wednesday After- %_`no`on Cloing _ The tread` of mod- e`rn merchandising methods is -toward shorter hours. The majority of n_1_er-chants favor it. The employees in every store are un_ animously in `favor of _it. The public both by word and act show their approval. Will Barrie mer- chants -ignore these and follow old anti- quated methods? The great majority say NO. Ann srrunnni Illonmu . NEW LOWELL C0lling\vo'ml Bulletin -- Allan Houshurgll of New Lowell wasi lu`m1.g'lll here by llie late lrain 011 Thur..s(lay evening; and taken lo lhe'(}. & M. Hospital. A .few; hours later he passed away. His condition was extremely serious at the time of his arrival and lit,- tle hope was l1el(_l for his ultim; ate reeo\.'er_\f thougli his death came iinexpeetedly. He is SUI`- vived by his wife and a family of sons and (lZ111{1_`lli.0I`S. The remains were taken to New T.o\\'ell on Fri- day morning and the funeral took place on Sunday. ' AII`_.._,I TI"V`l_...__-__-.__. - _,_`I-____I Alfred Thompson, a colored [gentleman who residewin the vic- `inity of New Lowell, appeared before T. A. Holhrook, .J.P., and `N. Sclmll, J.P., Slayner, on Fri.. zrlay, June 29, on a charge of :cruelty to animals. He was fmmd lguilt_v and a ne of $50 or three months in gaol at hard labor was `imposed. He selemed the quarui ters at the castle on the hill in Barrie. - BEETON I - Beetvon is to vo`te on a bylaw to` authorize the raising of $15,000 .-to improve its lighting system and instal Hydro power. __ /1__.L,__. -.1` I'l'V......-..-....\ll-. ,1- ullu JLLLJUIAII 1.LJ\.An.-.1 lu\) Iv\.rn-u I Reeve Carter of Tecumseth de- 'livered at the stock yards Tues- day four of the finest hogs that Ewe have seen brought in this] '-season. They weighed 1,430 lbs." and, at the- market price" of $15.50 per cwt., brought $221.65- I The Queen s Hotel was pur- 'chased by the "School Board last week. It is the intention of the board to remodel the interior and 'use the building for school pur- poses until such time as they deem it advisable to erect a new `building on the old school site. At-"W. J. Aberne`thy s clearing {sale last spring four of his herd of Shorthorns were purchased by J. M. Gardhouse, Vof \Veston, for _ $1,495. Though the animals were of a- choice strain, this was con- sidered an exceptionally high price`. At the Watt & Gardhouse sale of Shnrthnrns. held at Elora last Thursday, these same ani_ mals were sold for $2,825_- a1-| most double the price obtained! by Mr. Abernethy.'\ ' 117.... \xr..1,..`.. .-.4` J-kn Q-Ivl'ln T1'~nn `.1 . - \ . - - a I1\Aan\1\.IIJalAl..rk) ll\./I up Sonm of our young men are `engaged in brick making `at the Maw & C0. brick and tile yard at Minesing. . - FTVL- .....A_.- 1..-..- __.- `l-_'_.!_._._... UJ LVLL. .L1lJLzLL1uuLL_yc V. Wm. \Vatson of the Sixth Line! of Tecumseth had a ne pair of young horses killed on the C.P. R. tracks early Wednesday morn; ing. One horse was. pitched 501 yards and the other was carried} by the engine 300 yards and then` thrown towards the fence. They - were an ,exceptionally ne team, and Mr. Watson States he would not have accepted $50.0 for them. r\_. 04...) . _ _ . _ . . _ .....-.. `Ina ll .-unu- llUl/ IIGVU ar\J\JUtIl,:L/Ll Kutlv-u ;u On Sunday evening Mr. Ann Bryan, who lived with her. Lovely Crepe Kimonas, emhI'0_i(lemd by hand, and in qualities that make them worthy of. esprcial mention. All host, (:`()l( )I`lHgS..' $2.50 Crepe and Silk Kimonas in great, array .. .. .. . . $1.25 to $8.50 Short. I)x'_essing Jackets in all sizes and good Vstyles .. .. .. .. 790. At Wholesale Price 50 Only Sample Bags, purchased at a big dis- count and passed on at regular cost. A great variety of styles .and all of them cor- rect. for `I917. Hand Embroidered Kimonas % from Japan Sale Friday Morning. \Ve shgw a great `variety of stylvs and qualities in these ;2fO0ds, and the Valuns will please you. .. .. .. 59c. up INFANTS AND CHILD- REN S WHITE LAWN AND VOILE `DRESSES See the Stylish One Piece Dresses av up-.1-on The crops here are beginning to suffer owing to the excess of rain. Unless the weatherman changes the tune, hayrnaking will be a hard proposition. A'lI -.... 1.---.. ___I... L_--_ 1_--_.