Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1917, p. 9

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[tis and daughter spent he hol- Mrs. Jos. Mc- 31' daghter with Mrs. yang .-....._,u._. U; ..4;-.:n.av.1l.: a. Mrs. McEachern and daugh- ter, Miss Gassie,'= of Toronto, Mr. end Mrs. J. McLean and Miss Minnie and H. Arnold, Ivy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. `Miller. - ~. On the 24th; between forty- ve and fty children were in- vited to the home of` Mr. and Mrs. A. Elphick in honor of Mas- ter Frank s birthday. No pains were spared in entertaining the children and they all report hav- ing a very enjoyable afternoon. 1\n,. T `ff l\l-fV,....... .__..._ 1.. 13.... --- -v.._, \VJ\4IL'I\) uuauun |.L\.I\1|J.o Mrs. J. H. McGann was in Bee- ton on Wednesday attending t.he wedding of her sister. Miss E. Gugins, to Mr. W. J. ones. Both parties are well an favorably known by the Utopia people, who extend heartiest congratulations. 711].-.,. ...,.-..\_. L`.._....._I._ -1` 1|A -.... -4v- -vv ;vauul;1:u 11.; bI.I.l\.lII}_ll\Ju ' K. MacDonalc? and Archie Gra- ham are working for a month at Camp Mohawk, Deseronto; Recent rains were much need- ed and have helped the crops wonderfully. _ . UTOPIA May 29.-A number of our cit- izens attended the annual Town- ship Sunday School Convention held in the Presbyterian Church at Baxter and report a good pro- gram and also that the tea ser- ved in the Orange Hall was sumptuous as well as dainty. l`1A...l\......_AL_'.... -_-_-.-~--. -4L-'-'L Il\JIAllIJl\_I\'\' W..,....... UL ...,. The many friends of Mrs. Cunnings (formerly Miss'M. El- lis of this place) extend their sincerest sympathies in the great loss she has sustained. VVOI`d` was recently received by her that her husbandihad fallen at Vimy Ridge while fighting for liberty and justice. ` IVIINESING STATION May 29-Mr. and Mrs; Hankin and` son Ernest of Toronto spent the week-end with Mrs. Ed. Me.- Lean. _ . . A. ---- Geo.. T. Tracy {went to Wyevaleon Monday to attend the _fI_1fleI`_8.'I of her cousin, Miss` Enu Searles, . ~ \/vs-nA:lu\-n\J\L.lJ uuu vvuz-. usv unuvLa.:uJo Confirmation services, which wereto-have been held in St. George s Church on May 29, are indefinitely -postponed, owing to the illness of Bishop Reev `II..- `l|l-'I'.I._..L..____ ____I _l_.-_,I_ I-IAWKESTONE - A very quiet wedding took place in the presence of only the bride s grandmother, Mrs. Adam, Barrie, at Minesing.Methodist parsonage on Monday, May 28, at 11 a.m., when Miss Helen R. Shaw, adopt- ed daughter of the late John W. and the late Mrs. Shaw of Hawke- stone, became the. wife of Mr. Reuben D. Leigh, second son of Mr. and Mrs, G`. O. Leigh, of Hawkestone. The bride looked very pretty in a handsome suit of black taffeta with black silk crepe blouse and black hat (owing to recent bereavement) and wore the groom's gift a pearl and dia- mond pendant. Immediately after the ceremony, which was per- formed by Rev. . H.iBerry, the young couple motored to Barrie, where they -took the 5.15 train for .8. short trip to Aurora and other points. 'T\L_ l._....l _-:-I..._ _.l' - `I__-L _ EDENVALE I May 29.-Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Richardson and family spent Sunday with friends in Midland. A._..I_.`- `nt-1\'r_1_1_ AAL- vvsnnnun vvqula Al I-\ll.I\.I\3 Ll]. LI]-l\.IlIbLI.\JI V Argie McNabb, who is_making munitions in Collingwood, spent Sunday under the-parental roof. Ml .-.....-.l.. l`lT..'I..L :- __:-_'1:,_ _. 3.. I11- N/`ADI-\.lI`] unnuu; uzlu rill-I. O.ll.IJ(ll. I. `JUL: `Marsh Webb is visiting in To.- ronto. ' "RUG. Richardson`, and. z; Ru- pert are attending the Methodist District Meeting in Midland. T)` ll ....`l\._._-I.1 -_.1 A,_n_-_ 1-4..- Seaman Dempster Alex. Dempster, sonof Mr. and Mrs. W._ A. Dempster, Utopia, and brother of Mrs. Alex. Mcliae, 11 Sophia St., Barrie, has joined the Royal Navy and left on May 7 for overseas. Mr. Dempster was a former student. of Barrie Busi- mass College, where he secured his diploma and was for.s'ome time in the Bank of Toronto. T rv'.I.`-kg. best friends are Mrs. Leigh. wishes of a host of extended to Mr. and Miss Lottie Cochrane is visit.- ing at Alliston with Mrs. J. T.` Cameron. a `Methodist Dist:-i`ct Meeting At the annual district meeting of the Methodist Church for the Barrie District, held in Midland yesterday, the following Barrie men were elected to the Annual Conference to be held in Toronto early in June: A. J. Sarjeant, J. I). Wisdom, A. F. Garrett and W. 0. Hunter. . . A .-p on There were forty cases before`: the Court of Revision at its first sitting on Tuesday, but.a decision was deferred in every case.. Assessor Laing came up from Toronto to attend the court. An effort will be made to dispose of the appeals thisweek. I ._.v_Juv \..1AA\./ \A\n`_v nuuuu vv uu;L- Mrs. Robert Donnely, who has bgen very ill, is gradually im- proving. ' 1|l,._ 1'-.-,, 15,, l|I'I1 "'E63{"i1ci;"61{11;BE'aT'spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. M. |B".`9.k? Master Harold Wallwin. sonnof Mr. and Mrs. F. Wallwin. took suddenly ill on Sunday evening last but is now slowly recover- ing. MIDHURST _ May 30--- J. E. Wallwin, who has been very ill, is slowly recov- ering. Till- 'HI'....__ 'I'\._,__ __l' 'I'.`I_-__._I- V- ---c. Miss Mary Boyce of Elmvale, also Miss Alice Boyce of Barrie, spent the week-end with Mrs. W. W. Boyce; 7'I'1L- _ _ B _ __I ,.,,,a: _ I- . ...v_] gun The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, May 25. After the bus- iness was transacted all the old officers were re-elected by accla- mation for the year 1917. Mr. `Murac0, a Japanese Bible stud- ent, speaking for the Bible So- ciety, gave some very interesting slide pictures on Japan, which v'v'\I-`ILL: n n A m A n:..1...I L -11 were 11 present. '!ll'..._, 1 uu-.. r~Iv\Irs.I5'red. Boyce of Elmvale was the guest -of Mrs. W. W. Boyce one day last week. -A `ll ..- l'\-I,_ Will Kidd of Newmarket spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Jos. Kidd, who is very ill. 1'-.. 'I\..__...-II -....I..._..I-.I A -__ -1?` r(a.\/ . Mrs. Laura Brown of Toronto is spending a few days with her mother. Mrs. James Pearce. .Watch presided and there was a full attendance of clergy and laymen. 'l'I.__. T `A --..._ -1` A_._.._- ..._... van--5.; l.IIlsI.\.A Luv. :nn.u;;o Rev. J. A. Leeoe of Angus pre- sented the statistical report for the past year. Some of the fig- ures were as follows: Total mem.. bership, 5075; received on pro- bation, 160;iNo. of families, 2872; . baptisms, _ 230; marriages, 120;; givings to missions, $8,771 (over $600 ahead of` previous year); educational fund, $6 0; for oir_| cuit purposes, $29,5 8; raised byl Sunday Schools, $3439; raised for all purposes, `$59,900. Enlist-. ments from the congregations of} the district totalled over 700. l While walking through the woods on lot 16, con. 3, Vespra, last Sunday, afternoon,` A. B. Coutts discovered a quintette of fox puppies. After closing up the `foxes hole and setting a dog to watch that the old fox did not spirit. the young onesaway, Mr. Coutts left the scene. Return'ing next day, he and John Wattie proceeded to dig-the little fellows out and both are agreed_ that the job had greater, production beaten to a frazzle for exercise. After sinking several shafts, they nally located the puppies thir- teen feet down. Mr. Coutts has four of them at his home_on Small St. They are ne healthy looking specimens about two months -old. RiidYhiHai3'Aiways Bought CASTOR IA _- . ?'.`P_`'_`!"`?`_" - % A Quintette of Fox Pups -We'lz.a've arnailable a limited amount of a particularly attractwe Bond Issue.` some important features are as follows :- V Investment Securities V\JI.J ;nn. Jas.Donnell unloaded a car of cement la_st~week. ---v......-y.. uuvr:-.~a.s, vv|11\lll "much apV1-)`reciated by all \I- - 6% Investment court of Revision (1) L Interest and Principal payable in gold. (2) Free from normal Federal ' Income Taxes (either in Canada or the United States). (3) Average earnings over five times the interest requirements. (4) A thoroughly sound investment, which should appealto those desiring a straight 6% income. MONTREAL A--.|"-.- _A_"!|E__&_C_0- Full particuldrs on request. zUnioZn Bank 3/, t:,i5. Ki;r;`St._W.` TORONTO, CANADA ._-u...._A_-4, vvnL\Jl.\J nau vvuau VVULA DLLUVYIL Mr. Forbes had travelled wide- ly and was a great reader, so it was natural that he should be exceptionally well informed. He was in every sense a cultured English gentleman, whom to know well was a great pleasure and a privilege. In a letter received on Tues- day, Pte. Geo. Macd-onald states that Billy -Burns has been killed. Pte. Burns was an Englishman who worked with Thos. Robinson {before enlisting. ' 11:-.- 1u._i...n n,.n....1. ' ....I.. :. Charles J. Forbesghtrother of the late Mrs. (Capt.) Whish died in Vancouver last week at the age of 77. Born in Australia, he was educated in England. For the greater part of his life he was en- gaged in sheep farming in Aus. tralia, South Africa and Alberta. During the last twenty years he had spent much of his time in Barrie, where he was well known. 1|l._ `l-_L,_ If you have anything to sell, patronize The Examiner and Saturday Morning AdIetColumn.. Some person may want what you have to sell. May E -Maple Leaf paints and F10. glaze. None better on the mar- ket, W. A. Lowe & Sun. Thursday Wholesale Prices. Fall Wheat .. .. $2.5o-$2.55 Buckwheat .. .. .. .. .. $1.50 Peas .. .. .. .. .. $2.35-$2.65 Oats .. .. .. ..75-800. Barley .. .. .. .. ..$1.l0-$1.20 Rye.. .. .. ..$1.70-$1.75' Spring-Chioken .. .. 20e.-2'. c. Old Fowl .. .. .. .. 16c.-180. Ducks 15 to 180. Turkey .. .. .. . . . . ..28c-30e. ;Butter.. .. .. .. .. .. 38..40c. Eggs.. .. .. .. .. .. ..36-37c. Pota`toes, bag .. .. ..$-4.00-$4.50 Hay .. . . . . . $10.00-$12.00 Wool, washed; lb .. .. 60-62c. Wool, unwashed, lb. . . . 45..47c. Beef Hides, cured . . . . 21e-2`3c. Beef Hides, green . . ;. 20c-21c. Tallow, rendered,` lb .. 90.100. Sheep Skins .. ....$2.50-83.50 Horse Hides .; .. $5.00-.-$7.00 Horse Hair, lb .. .. ......35c Lamb Skins .. .. ..$1.00-$:3.50 Calf Skins_, green .. .. 25c. Flour (Ontario) .. .. .. $12.50 Flour (Manitoba) .. 813.50 Bran, ton .. ..._ ..._..$38-$39 Shorts, ton`. . . ' `... $;43-$/la .. The Noted Clyde Stallion PRIDE OF NEWMILLS (I|UIP.) iwill be on the following route IA.` lfll. for 1917: MONDAY Afternoon--Will leave his own stable, lot 16, con. 9, Oro, and proceed to Jas. Lira- ham s, Jarratt, for night. iTUESDAY-Coulson for noon; Jos. C-ockburn s, Edgar, for E night. ,WEDNESDAY -- Angus Me- 1 Guaig s for noon; thence to . Geo. Crawford s, Guthrie, for I one hour; thence to James S Hart s, Shanty Bay, for night. '['HURSDAY--Thos. Bell s, Oro Station, for noon; home for night. I FRIDAY-To Chas. Monro's, Hawkestone, for` noon; L.. Church s livery barn, Orillia, for night. SA'.I`URDAY-Home to his own stable, 4-- -- Barrie Markets ii)- -Jos. Nevils of, Tecumseth passed away at his home `on Tuesday evening. `He was 59 years of age and had been ailing for some time. ' He leaves -`ve children. His remains were bur-` jed at Wilson s Hill on Thursday afternoon. V ' 25- 22- 23--' 24- 6\ 18'-- 19\ v-a as n uu a-.. .-\In\rnou\I A District Council Meeting of the'Boy Scouts was held last`. Wednesday night in Jebb s Hall, `when an executive committee was appointed: J. R. Couse, pres- ident; K. Wightman, secretary; H. iWelsh,i treasurer; Rev. _W. Creswick, `organizing _secretary for the district. Thework will be extended throughout the neighboring towns andvillages. `ll.I'1._... C1.._I_.:._ l'V-I...-\....-. ,..nAv.1 LL... NOTICE TO FARMERS Death of G. J. Forbes J. A. McLUCAS, Mitchell Square, Proprieton. '.'s'2 IO.$1` ..$1 THE WEATHER Terms, $12.00. NEW YORK Low High 4 Rain 34 60 41 68 0.04 43 "73 0.28 46 55 36 6 51 0.06 40 ' 53 A 0.75 39 45 0.04 34 46 0.10 35 55 4 39 65 i 45 65 ' " 42 60 45 67 40 74 55 --W. H. BUTTERY Etablialwd 1889 vv lJ\JLLo F. H. Robinson is having his mill painted this week. `Ill ... t\v\rJ RE...` Dl\I11vV\(\V| AP Q"r\ Wage Nlno v-..v. `ave- . -- ...... ..., ... .` _ Men, what about a ready-to- wear suit? Fisller can fit you up! at a remarkably low price. 1 um ... ....,.I 1m..,.. 1--.: 1ur..--.... ..... ` -.I\JJ nu unxaauunszau Miss Mabel Pollock.` who is teaching school at Stroud, spent the week-end at her `home here.` wnnu OQAID |1vI.~l.L xannusvnn Born, on Tuesday, MayV2V2, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Donuelly a daughter. . ' I13-.. 'I'I--J......- `l\-'l'I_-1_ .1` Al... vllleathiof 'I'. A. 0..Bnnt|ng '` Once more a happy family cir- -cle has suffered fromthe hand of death. On Saturday `afternoon _T. Ag. G. Bantng passed away at his home here. Mr. Banting took suddenly ill the Tuesday previous to his death and although every- thing was done in the waytof medical attendance and kind nur- sing, he failed to stfrvive. _ A few years ago he suffered from a sim- ilar illness and it was thought at that time that he couldnot re-._ cover. He was '46 years of age and'was a twin son of the late Col. Banting; ._ `In `him. Cookstown. _ has lostnot only a` business man ...,.,..-u.... AIL/I. ,,....,...-. ` W. E. Stoddart, Chris. Camp- bell and Milbourn Law will at-_, tend the Synod at ']',`or'onto next week. ` rrnnv - 1 - I'_l i Born, on Ffiday. May 26,4 tol Mr. and `Mrs. Jos. Graham, a son Preparations are being` made to lay -a cement sidewalk up to the Anglican Church - - 15---. -_. rn____`_n-__ nt-._-'nn 1-l wuvvsacnnvsa Miss Btrice Pollock Of the Penetang High ,_School staff spent the 24th with her parents. . Ttxn NIIIIHB A-P "`l\l\I'IIVltVl\\ ulvusn DDIk 5I\/Ll-0 The rnerchants of tomny in- cluding the bank, will observe the Vvednesday half honday during the sunnner rnonths, connnenc- ing June 6. 'l3:...'I_-_7., I__._._ :-_._A ......,...1-...,-I .-I Fisher s have just `received a shipment 0f.oor and table oil cloth-s0mething that is of good quality and pleasing to'the eye. f\`l':..._l -..-.......l . . . _ ~ A A A . . ....J .-..n uluauu--.;uJ uunnu ynviwunxgc uv uauu uuv -4- Official word was received on Monday that Pte. Jack Baker, son -of Thos. Baker, had died of wounds. Il.l\Jl~lll.J\Jl. 11.15 UV vv LLU vvnnun. v.n:.nuu5\.au- Miss Sylvia Coleman spent the 'week-end with her parents. `I? `rm C ru-...:,.. r1...~(... :69 for 41.1.11: !J\4'4ll..lU\J\.l IILILU VI\J\Jb\u ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bowmanof SLay-` .ner visited at Jas Donn_ell s on Monday. 'llK:...... "I'\..1..:ll.... I'l.......-.... -.:r..'L.._.Il -v-v saw us ... ---vv-u-J -vv Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mayes re- ceived word on Tuesday of last week that their son, William Mayes, had been wounded. vwgp v--v .-nuv VV\I\.In- Miss Linda Robinson spent a few days _in Toronto this week. V--you VW6x'Ning Bishop Reeve being ill, conrmation at St. J0hn"s Church has been postponed. [\l`,..'.\I --..-\...-I ---..... -...;....-...A r\-vs \.aoA\ vna n-um: uvusa. rIVhJllrl\ILn~.I\Av Official word was received on Wednesday -of last week that Gunner Gordon Apperley had been gassed. FI1'l__ _.___.-L-_.L- _.l` 1------ 3... WXIYFEE1 Ighdm is-sefiouisly 111 with pneumonia. "I'lI..A... (`TALL .......l l`.\......1I-. ,..\;.-`L vvnvsl 1.I;s\Iun;;vnnsuwu Thos Webb` and family spent `the 24th with friends in Tpronto-I ....-v .....v-_, . Miss Tabitha Henson visitedl friends in Barrie last week. ~ Miss Edith Collins of London is visiting at Jno. CaI'I"s. ` 1\/1,... ......I.-...L ..I..-..4 .. _....".J-. i- -Convention. May 29;4--"Mrs. Frank Robin-. son is in Toronto this week at- tending the Women`s Missionary -5- u is The representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown is George .F. Thompson. News items for Gookstown and adjacent country may be handedor phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No; 39 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for- warded through Mr. T.hompson. . - Telephone" No. 37 These Brands are `Znd to none, all gtfaranteed o';"`money refunded, We exchange Flour, Bran and Shorts for.WH'egt; V b ' V ` Chopping Tuesdays and Fridays.` . - . `V A , I . A Ask your grocer for these floutfs or phone -Gopkstown; ` " ` C o o s t o w du Thursday. May 31,1911`. News OF COOKSTOWN "Kl-IAKI `BRAND MANIfl50`BA ,13LouR%; WA;TER7LlLY BLENDED ELOUR ` Moss-Rosa PASTRY` ' wnma WHEAT FLouR;J Man:ufa`.cturersA pf ' The 24th of May was celebra- ted in" Cookstown by the relatives and friends of the soldier boys enlisted in this vicinity in erect- ing as living tribute and memorial to perpetuate the memory of `the brave and. willing deeds of sac- rice of the: lads for the freedom and justice of the world and the good of mankind. About one hundred and seventy maple trees were planted in the Agricultural `-rounds, many of them in a block and protected by a wire `fence, and will be known-as the Veteran Memorial Park. The willingness and enthusiasm shown in doing the work certainly. seemed to exhibit the inmost`feel- ings of pride in and real love for the boys in khaki. The committee (H. Gouse, chairman, and T. E. Monkman, Secy.) on behalf of the citizens wish to express their un- bounded thankfulness and appre_- ciation of the wholehearted re- sponse to. the call to assist in the undertaking, which was agfnarked` sucess beyond allexpectation. "Ball ........s-..... ..---... ...`I-....'...`I :_ LL- ...a nu -l_ll. uuou uallulll. A. C. Price of Newmarket (District Manager), - repre- sentative of the Bell Telephone Co. and W. Ralston. local mana- ger of`L`ef`r'oy, attended the fun- -eral. Some of "the `friends from :1 distanre were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ross, Detroit:fD. K. Ross and family, Mrs. Fred. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Agnew, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. D Arcy Gaul- ey and Thos. Beecroft, Barrie; Mrs. (Dr.) Mc_PheQe. Orillian: Mr. and Mrs. N. Banting andVR. `J. Hipwell, Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. C; J. S. Banting, Ald. and Mrs. R.- W. Payne, Barrie;`Mr. and-Mrs. Jas. l}[bKay, Mr. and Mrs.- T. G. Fisher, Miss M. McArthur, Chas. Banting,Jas. Banting. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Banting, Mr. and Mrs. Watson, `John and Dave Suther- land,?Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas, Bradford; John and Ben. Bant_ ing,iIvy, and Ernest Banting, To- ronto. . ' ' IJIJIJUQQ LIV`, \JL&\I II `JlllJ\J\/UIJIIIKII-ll Ball games were played in the afternoon by the ladies and boys, which helped to `enliven the day s work. .The ladies provided a lunch and realized together with donations about $70.09 to help defray necessary expenses,- and other donations have been kindly promised. - -` A ________ ___, ___j_A_a, 1.! AI andcitizen, buta friend to all. l{is death is, mourned by the whole village. He was a man that was greatly thought of by the people of this commun.ity on account of his many sterling qualities. When able to do a good turn he never failed to lend a helping hand. He had been in the. jewelry and watchmaking business `for a number of years and had also been local manager l'or the Bell Telephone` Co. for seventeen years; .In fraternal. societies he was an Orangeman and a member of the I.0.0.F. His wife, who was Miss Lillianlloss, and live children-one boy and four girls---survive him. He also leaves two sisters and three bro- thers. n ....u . The funeral took place on Monday afternoon; Prior to the service in the church a short service was held at thehouse for immediate friends and relatives. Rev. J. H. More conducted service assisted by_Rev.e J. S. Hu-mphreys. .llev. W .*G.- Hanna also assisted at the church`. The large assem- hlage of representative citizens that followed the remains to its last resting "place at Lewis cem- otery was an indication- of the esteem in which he was` held. The pall-bearers were Harry Fisher. Ted. Ross. Howard Bant- ing, Dalt0n.Ba'nting, Geo.iBant- ing and Ernest Banting. r A F` n..:,... -9 17----.--. , ,-L V A A service was conducted by the resident "clergy V dedicating. the Veteran Memorial Park'? to.the memory of our lads. ' 'I\T~......L ` 11-r'....u..`_-.u-,,, _ oi Q; , , snnu5la\JLJ ua. uul. xauo. _ N ext Wednesday -afternoon, June -6,Vbeing our first holiday, will be devoted't,o nishing up the work `so well begun and. all whooan are invited to` come_a'nd 'dotheir_bit.V , ` . M]n&Pd 8.'. Linlmoht. by- Phy_dlolan_s._ . - - F. H. ROBINSON A LIv_|n_g Veteran Memorial H `loudly. v&_L ' o o- Lxau. o H ding galls are ringing `very ._..,..u v- .-.vuc;.u_, ug Harry Sargeanhand family of Midland spent Sunday Vvith his mother, Mrs. Sargeatlt. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crosby of Allandale spent. Sunday at Geo. LaLimer s(, - R/[no In. urnl.-I....n` f\ 413...: gem. _._v.....,,. `.1... --t;-.- A number from E131-e attended the funeral of the late Alex. Banting of Cookstown on Mon- day, 7111.- T\,._-I, 1, ' "`1qI::`;aa`m;:2:a. Miscamp..t bell, Jr., visited friends in Mans- eld last. week. --v.u- nvvsav vv wvnno `Dan Harris and family of Mim- ico `visited at Fred Couls0n s on, Sunday. "I"L..~... 'I'71_-A, -15 IVA, owvnavu a.a|nL|JI Mrs. _.McEac1 Cassie of TOI`( iday with Mr. Lean. A. W(?J:)\H;}naVtion was postponed on Tuesday owing. to the illness of the Bishop. CI--..,._...A.L_ _ -_1,,_.u,_I 1- It, \4n\av., - The Presbyterians improved the premises around the church last week by "putting o.n new -fence and gravelling the drive- way. * 1| 1| - n 1 The remains of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Jennett were laid to rest in the Presbyterian cemetery Thursday afternoon. The service was con- ducted by Rev. B. H. Somerville, assisted by Rev. T. F. J. Dew. She will be greatly missed in the home as she was of a mild` and loving disposition. Muc-h sym_ pathy is extended, to the father, mother and sister. _ . ANGUS May 28.--MI-s. Alfred Rayner of Barrie spent a few days at Bert Will0'ughby sT. f1..-....__ L\......_-__.L _,_ _I p, .,'I ,0 ~w1uVi`I`S`:-{{7II1. Waldru` of `Brad- ford isjyisiting hebsister, Miss Esther .Groves. -_-\aunnI4L .\J-n.\Jv\.I\Jo Evarard .West of Toronto is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. iS. We_St.- ' Sts. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pearsall of_ Midhurst motored `to Oro on Sunday. I`Ml .'.-..... 'l`........ `l|l -`l' _II_,_ .1 n.a\.lLA\.lIAvJ 5 `Miss Jea McLelland has re- -turned home after spending some time in Toronto. _._....J av -- A public meeting for Cemetery Improvement will be held on Fri- day, June -15, at the Methodist Church here, commencing at 9 a.m. A number of teams and wagons are -needed to help in this` important work. Lunch will be served at noon. All interested are invited to atend. G. C. Allah has completed his Lefroy work and moved his ma- chine t0'Orville Todd s, who is putting up a new barn- - .Amc:ng-the 24th Old Boys to town were` noticed_J. H. `T. Nes-` bitt and C. Douse. . - ,Mr. and Mrs. `Jas. Patterson, and Mr. and Mrs. .R. D. Henry of Thornton motored over ` and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G`. C. Allen. . T .va. -a.\.I`n\Ia.Au\.r wrvanu vnlv~ nnvnsunuog with her parents. _ - - `Victoria.-Day passed off very _qu3ietl-y` .in ..-this neighborhood. ` S`. _H.. Speersa .and"'sbn, Barrie, `of Enderby, `B.C., visited Ivy friends last week. - _ 5 A number from here -attended; the Township S. S. Convention` at Baxter on Monday. `lUI'...~ `l'_`l 1311.2. .......1 1...... .I..--...L.l....... Miss Sadie Jennett_ and M12! Herb. `Wingate "were united in marriage last Wednesday by the Rev. Mr. Dew. May the happy couple have a prosperous voyage through life. I A `l\:Ll_'(`I--:,l 'r,,a A Bible Society Lecture will be held in the Orange Hall on Mon- day evening, June 4. Everybody welcome- _ \.I& ...u A--llL`I..l\IEIo . Sympathy is extended to Mrs.| Cunnings and family'in the loss of her husband, who was killed in France on Apr. 28. L`......... L... _nn-_.J-.l .4 v vuuu A Mr; and Mrs. Wm. Gregg went to Be`lle Ewart on Monday to at- tend the funeralof the f0rmer s mother, Mrs. Gregg. . .`l\ln .......| 1\II ...,. `A....l `Ill : _ _ _ _ -, . -V \atnnI.AI.N.] o Thos. King of Stayner was in the village a few days last week. 1UI..n 1')..:.......,. !\ rn-_-__4._ :- ____ ..--.. v---may vi: auvv \.AUvJsJ IIJUU vvuulx. .Mrs. Briggs of Toronto is vis- iting Mrs. Walkinshaw. vv---V u--any gs; .L\JI.\JLLII\J A number from he;'e attended the concert given in Guthrie on May 24. - -_I_I_'- _____1',_, I` I`! Which arts the more` common `sights `these days`, automobiles or aeroplanes? - ovnaug au.IuLLLAU IJU \.J IIIJHIIJQ Mrs.` Grant, or Barrie is visit- ing with her parents, `Mr. and Mrs. D`. Kihg. ' ' IIr..;a.i:_.. I._n- -..- ...._._.-._.. ._--_4 ' May 23.--Gee: Wilson \8ren`t.t(i Tdronto V last, Thursday morn'ing _t.o_see his son Roy,_ who is leav- i'ng_,foI%-.oVerseas on Friday. Mrs. R.,.J. Hanna and children of 'I`oro-nto spent the; hol`iday' with parents. rv'I'IV:I\`lvv` in {Lin .nt,.:.-..I..1..n...I..,.,-...l or`. Ian a..:.o .a_a Mrs. Ross, ` Robt. Ellis. u-cw May 29;-Miss A. Jacks is vis- iting friends at Utopia. I"..- \ fV__._1. `.49 'I'I...._-- 3- --.'_.'l. _News L Nkeig hbA'oring Townships v `cg...- Mrs. Corrspndents ~ rnrnnnjnnna sxhnlllluizn Ann an-runonv mohuuua -...uu .v.McEachern - ORO STATION \4--n\a1\4ll\JL nu. Toronto vn. .-.-.\.ru.;\pvvJ - Ellis and her ;, Sundayed w unutvn LEFHOY

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