Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 May 1917, p. 6

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Bu`sir`1~.s.Vs.." V Notes cashed or collectedat the _......L onunnnhln ngfgg n_IEAn-av MARKETS V T u ALL RAIC" - also by jif r`Futur is in the West \ (Season Navigation) Great `Lakes Routes 7 Evlary were as f0lJx .. ..20c. . . $12.00 $3.50-/;.25 .. 50. ..25c. . 35c .. 20c ' . 756 .. ..5c. 200. . .. 5c. . $5.00 tn .. ...5c. 5c no . . . '..1'5c. C\f\_ .. 38-/dc ./:O-{;2c. 250 35c . "`.fI.17c. . .. 200. 1 . $1.50 75c .. ..5o. .. 80c. . .. 75c. .. $15.00 . $8.00 Established 1319. _Tpansact.T a General Bankig ____.....-.-. 4:3`/0' ` .lLI1.1l\Jl.I.I. uuuuuu w- Street. Phone 186. BERT PETGH . , Elocutionlst and Etertalner Garden Parties and Church En- gagements, etc. Phone or write for-dates and terms. 437 Quebec I Ave.., Toronto. Phone Jot. 3958. ALEXANDER GOWIN Successor to Lonnox, cowan 8: Brown Barrister, Solicitor` for obtaining probate of wills; guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Gonveyancer, etc. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop. Street. Money to loan. HKIY Fliij at- - - - - - . -_ Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Gonveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch` Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. ` Boys, K.C., M.P. D. `C. Murchison. ;i& STEWART BARBISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Ollice 13 Owen St., Barrie, Ont. D. M. Stewart. ' CHARLES W. PLAXTON BA_RRlS'[`ER, SOLIGITOR, ETC... 606 Continental Life Building, southeast sorner Bay and Rich- mond St.s., Toronto. n6uALo ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, E'I`C.,. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, Money to loan. CRESWIGKE 8: BELL" BA-RRISTERS, SOLICITORS FOR the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. -Oices: In `Ross Blbck, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, K.C. --_ r------wt: Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist Church.` Telephone 167. OFTORONT L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. 01'. five and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. ' (McGlLL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Ofce and Resid nce, corner Elizabeth and Bra ford Sts., Barrie, Phone 105. ' w. A. Lzivls, M.D., c.uI, SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Bar-rie._ V on. lilonrlman more 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phono North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 8;" LAWSON,, WELGI-I as` compnmr CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, Crown Life Building,` 59 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephone Main. 5874.-J. F. Lawson, H. J. Welch. G`. H. Playle. c - --- cw an IvIlIIlI3& UWVII Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop, V R. G, Manuel; Mgr. Dealers ix`) Granite and Marble Monument: and Tablets. Only best material used and rst..class workmen m- ployed. Prices always right. - DR. VYLA/M. FINLAY, U. c. G. Graduate. Office and resid- ence, 21 `McDonald St.,' Barrie.. Miss Duane is the duly one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets lled with Spirella bon- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable. exible, hygienic,` sani- tary. sFit guaranteed. Maternity and nursing feature specials. Brassieres, blouse forms, misses and children's waists. At home Saturdays. 16 Charlottest Barrie aovs AND Munmsou `KT.-.1 `Real Estate arid Money to Lan SIMOOE IIARELE WORKS '`;n [V II T 1"! nn. E. vs. Tu,niIBuLL Irr- DR. H. T. AFINAALL OR. IN. A. ROSS Wculnopnncfon ACCOUNTANTS Lr-zen: MEDICAL Mi 6- 6.n1ith.%& 00. al/uuue. om. n.4-you-u uuuuu Ian 1 vv v UNDERTAKERS Mbrgue and` Chapel (Successor to the Late Mcaford Webb) mu line of all the latest Caskets kept in stock, in. cluding Grave Vaults and Oak Shells. Open Day & Night hone 431 W,_ D. _l\_/Ii_n_nikiLn w.n.nemy, Funeral amour T. BEEBRUFT & cu.` Licensed Embalmor ' , Proprietor - THE BARBIE I . UNDERTAKIIIG PARLOII8 Jas. Arno`l_cA1A ___ O. 7 2D. I_...___.-__ _ Branches at_B&l`l'|O and Alidndalo; BANKERS .`5cc5tt s Are Well Supplied `Open Dpy and Nlght ' e?.'n.?aZu'..'a'Iso-a" in connection Bookstore 1`U|lU5 Uaaucu Ul. I.l\.lll\.lIaII\4v- ..- --__ most favorable rates. We cash Cheques drawn on any Bank in Canada or the United States. / A n.\r\IIr|`n nnIlgp_f_p_d 115. \ . 19, holdadown your spending, open 9. Savings; Account at The Bank of Toronto. Savings `Ac- counts for small or large sums `invited at all Branches of, this Bank. - ` ' I Phone 82 ` ` faithful osecretary`?" So `the secretary is danger- ' ous, said the Belgian meditat- ively. He musteither he squar- ed. or put"'out of the 'way`.' ~ i He will never be ' ` Then he must be put out o the way." ._ . Absurd! How` are youegoing to put Lorion out of t`ne'way. We must` think, replied Van Ost. Of`course we must think. We shall nd the good way--- the `ideal way. Have you anyufeeling for him, madame?" . What, do you mean." V I mean, do you hate him--the ~L- A..." .lloUl|I|| I I4! I don t hate him, she ans-' wered- But. I object to him. be- cause hewould have giyenme a- way." ` Good! Then it `will not grieve- you to See him fall? , V Of course not. You know very well that nothing will grieve me that will get. me -out. 01' this lhole. ` ' ' _ \. ,1: ..-..,.`I.~.~..-. rnhnn run `no1e." v - Very well, madame. Then We will deal with the secretary." ,,n 1\'.....H. .~\.s`ln n nnv OIJL/1.] \JJ any -V.-- __., Well, for instance--the Bel - gian smiled with that peculiarly ugly e:'e_ct thatdrfew his redden- ed lips away from his mi1k-wh.ite teeth---for_-instance, -suppoing the papers that were taken from |the safe were really found in his possession. VVould that ruin 1.2.... 097 W111 ucan Vvluu uuu uu V . u u ....,,. But how`? Don t make a my- stery of it, Van Ost. ` ' --- _n LL- `D.-.1 Of course. it _would_. He would be dismissed, -dis- llll. 111 & raced, branded a thief who had 3-wet:-ayed a generous emp'loyeI*`? | Natural1y." . ` , I \Vell, it shall be done," 7 How are you going to got hold. .of_ the papers, rst. of all?" Leave -that to me. _ ` And having` got hold of them, `how are you going to have tllem found in Lot-ion s-possession `? 19 That. will be easy. V And having done that, what good will it do us? she askecl scornfully. We Want the pap- ers; we want to destroy them. It would be fatal for us if-Glare or the Police were to get holdof them.. V ' . n.-...,. :..t.-. Hun can 5531483. I Accounts collected. I Sterling Exchange bought 0 told. . a- Special attention will be given to the accommodation of farmers n this locality. .9 . - Money to Loan on Mortgages. Agency Sun Life Assuranc Company of Canada. ~ Olce Hours 10 to 4. T.` BEECROFT, Manager. blltjlll. Having got "them juto the sec- retary's possession, madame. lsaid the Belgian in_ a `quiet, in- s.i11uating voice, don t you think I am" capable of getting them af- terwards, either out of the pos- .session of thexgoodjsir Glare or of the p6lice`? ` e I V _ :'_-;._1:.....4 ,You go too `fat-, Van Ost. You want'~me to believe that you. can perform miracles. I H`I\T..L -1 -11 H I... on;t`- T vnnlv UAUIGILIOIDILIII. I \JI UIILI rlkrlnxzxr - She gave vent, to an i'mpatient exclamation. ' ~..,',_ 11-.. n.;4 vz... PL) UL Ill 1.1.1-l&I4ll\ln Not at a1l,7 he said. I only want you to be at rest. We are agreed. These papers must. be found. They must pas_s into our possession, so that they may be .destroyed. Good! But, on the way, they must he` the _mea_ns of ruining` the loyal sefbtary. . Is it not so? . ` ` -`V ,,_:-_1 H.129- 1 `fa? ` 3; II. A. sffuls, Manager. BY Coralie Stanton and . Heath Hosken. h said`. rest. papers -___1 _.......-. :u\`I\ /\I1VI ` anmas rrrt-znsoiu Licensed Auotloneer and Appraiser For County of Simcoe. Prepared to conduct Sales at. reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. I - Ann a_..n-|.l as 35.... I34 ' But, 11' Lnelr pusseusiuu Uucia no difficulty, time can not:be.-an obstacle, either, she `put in im- patiently. ' * an .~..-.... hnun '4}-nnrn fn_n1nrr($w_" paueuuy. _ ~ _ I may have them to-morIjow, he sai_d_ ilnpler-turbably, but I _cannot. say. . `T 1- -....:..._..'n ```I can't stay long int L-ondon,| she told him. It s quite impos- .si,ble'.` My-husband wants me Blackport, "and, `twith all this agitation going on, it would make! people talk if I stayed away. 'Be-! sides, in a week no one willfbe in" London. Next month I:a.1n g-oing; to stay with friends in Austria.| You must be quick, Van Ost; it's; absolutely essential. ' ' _ "___._..x uuauluu-:A1_y Unouuusuz. . I shall do my best, chere V-mad- ame. Howlong can you stay in. London? " 1 - I2-.- .. -.......`I. .-.4 I uuuuuu. a . Four days--five--a' Week at; I most." II 1 ,!lI ....._._L.1'.. .. , '.ll.|UDl:. V` ' Very well; I will c-omrfiunic- ate with you. You may be quite easy in your mind. I (.._._: _.----'1 .-..'n l'III\` 2...} 3.4` thig- IUGDJ Lu .y.uus ulssxuu (`And n0w'l will get Out "of this hateful place, she said. "And, [for gqodness sake, jf writing will` _`do, don't make me come to meet you` again. You-can write to Ha-1n-i ilton Place. It s perfectly safe. L6I\T..:L:......_ .....`..I.\.-v.,. V...-.`,,...| Wri.\ting, madame, is never` safe,-1 he said seriously. But I: will do `my best. I promise you that I` have nothing" but your in- terests at heart; to know that you wish a thing Inaks it a law." urnL_11_ 42;. , ...| IL-.. H ,_,.__',.] VV 1911 ll! 6 BFIIVIII Lady Monk. GBIX... A (4 11:15 AL .~..\-...,..'.l tinish`ec_l,- then, . .~..-.1).-..~\n Au vv l.\~vII 74 .u.4|a~\AJ -v.-.\;a.o;a. '``There is justlone other thing, if` ' One moment, madame, -` said the_Belgian,- hurrying nimbly to the door-, and standing with his hand on the knob. He` had re-` placed his pale lemon-kid gloves, andvheld his green plush hat. you will have patience with me for a moment. You spoke just now of wanting "money. Is that really so?" ' ' H1 .\I.--A__~. ___...n _, . _ _,, 99 _t, - v I GU60: klal LCILGUULULL .,,_,.,,,, ,,,,, __ `I20. Bayeld St. Phone 191 Orders left at A. F. A. Malcom- son's Oice. will receive prompt attention. ' - nwat-van. max. 1 I I always want money, she said. ' -.4Iava\4II "es; but ready money-- and n_0w particularly?" * nun. ...-:n- 1---- in`- ,. -_ , ,- --\/ vv rlvvo vn\4\AlI.lIna.'V [t s quite trile. 1 want'a great deal. _ ' " How much `? Ihave a reatson for asking. Do not think me impertinent, mad- ame. ' ;`uv -.. -.. mu; Well, I could easily do with five thousand pounds, _my good Van Ost. _ She laughed with a metallic s-ou`nd.A Are you pre- pa1'e_d t.0 lend it tome?" SL1` ,,_ ' .swered. `II-R45 \1\A In) L\Jl.l\A Ill UL IIIIIJ 3 I am prepared to buy shares of you to that amount, he an.. `:;i,1`a`1.res`? Do you mean SUITIB ' ~ * , H of -my shares 1n t,heB.I.R.Q.r?_ ut7..,. -~- -~'--* \v\Al: vu vuu uLuuuI. . .. l , 7 So I am, God knows! And you will buy ve thousand pounds worth of me, Van ()st,? At the cmfrent price, 4 She looked relieved and ul.l,eI'ly astounded. LL-rv .. - . .. . _ 4. kr.| u1`y mualca 111 but} J_`).l.I\..l.J..' Yes, madame. You said just now that you were anxious to get. out of your holdings. Gr. T nrvu nI\4`l 1....,.;-.-u * ._.: um-,.-nv\_r x.-.;n.-gnu: Very well. I shall be deljght- ed. . It s quite true. I m only too anxious to get out of the whole thing.. I had better leave it to you from which groinp I transfer them. L I vna\1I.a From the James Morgan shares, he said immediately. It seemed that he had already been thinking the matterout. And I will buy them in my` own name. It will give c0ndeuce,_ you see-. H'ur:n --,... .-.\4 n.` .-n_;____._[ Reiding Needs] VVill you get. people to do it? 6517.... A_._I AI. , [..u\;lzuu nu mu Lu. .Yes. - And the cheque will be paid into your bank within a few days! / Again she sighed with relief; I She preceded hinnx down the stair-`sand through the long, nar- row. grimy passage to the street. He made. her stand inside the a doorway "while he went out to "look for the taxiucab. Suddenly he returned, plucked at her arm, and pushed .h`er \hack into the house, while he muttered furious- ly in her ear: A `Lr[1_____ _,-__,_ `I, , , `I ` . ..\/A \.I\.aun. . Turn`y0ur head away, madam. Turn your head .away! \'l7'lnn.lnu.-..... .'.. 1.1.... ....._L1__.nn -1, , ..... J-av-.. nnuwu .u.vvu._y i Whatever is the matter? she asked, as he closed the door on them both. Van._Ost are you mad `P - 4,_ .7 uxn uuvo the `Brussels - 'Ifhe last thing she saw` was Van Ost, standing on'the pavement, with his 'green hat in his hand, his red lips drawn ziway from his white teeth in that odious smile, hisvhole attitude eloquent of the homage that had its roots in` no genuine respect.- genuine respect. - ..When she reached home she - `told the servants that she was at" ghome to nobody but Mr. Condor. Mr. Condor, however, did not call. ;But presently a note arrived from |him,.accompanied by a hoquet of qfreshly cut magnolia blooms, ,which were her favorite flowers. llnthe n-ote the young man said |he..was sutfering from a bad cold. !Indeed, he was not quite sure that he had not hay fever; but he would dine with her and go to the .Opera, even if he were on the Ibrink of, death. ()n,the whole, she lwas`quite satisfied with the re- Isult of her interview with Van ()st. Anyhow, she had made sure of live thousand pounds, and she had got rid of some of those Odi\- g ous shares that"he dared not sell on the open 11311-ket. 1 Five thousandpyunds was no. thing` tokwhat she. wanted-, but it `was a sop; it would satisfy a few of the ravenous creditors that, `she dared not let Glare know 21- bout. ' ` ,,I_ : .. L. 7111. .. :`\ ..I...,..~. ' I The room in which The0dm'a sat. when Hugh G0nd0i"s (W\ I'S were bI`0ug'ht to her was panelled with four maguiliccml, pieces 01' old-rose tapestry; the rugs and. hangings evxpresseci her favorite note 01' StI`()I1g`,, p1'imit,ive blue. There were priceless art treas- ures on every hand--(`ah1not~,\ ? Vbureziux. setiees of the Italian Reiiaissanue, bibelots (.t'.evei-y ago and country and sl,yleV,`a cahn .(`ireek b1'0uze a. slam- ette by Hucliu, .lVapa1;ese ivory carvings among a case of Egyvp- 't.ianiushaht,is--a regular riot. T.h.e owers alone would liave kept. an 011-dina1`y Suburban houselmld fur a month. I`- -4-L \I.. 7'l Vl.n.\J..nn (1 luuuhu. Yes, on the whole, '.[`l1e0(lnra felt that she was satiseal. The. afternoon had been hateful; thei scented, painted dandy of a Bel- gian was repellent. But it-was over now. She enuld wipe him` from her mind. .She believed in .him;' she could not help doing that. She really was certain that he would obtain the papers that shefhad t.aken from Glare s safe, anr.ltl1a.l, in turn had been stolen from her. Then e'ver,vthing vmuld be well. She would by degrees get. out of her B.I.R.G.7holding's: and she would frmn this ever- present. burden of the danger of] discovery. She felt that even all! the money she made` was not Worth that,` ' ` -~'- .: A B... (`V '1-uIr::\ 1.un4}nn EXPERT MOTOR new-Aura All kinds of small repairing-- Prompt. Service. Touring Car for hire---Motorcycle for sale. wo1'1.nt,naL.V , `_ She must, ma.nagc~. Glare 1mf,t,e1'_{ She muSt_g0 a thousand things; but (lever again would she be 1.emptc~.'d to play such a rl`-angemus garn. - GI...` nlunngnrl hnnvviolv hni hD_'P BGIIIIT. ' She dressed hurriedly, but her appearance was a. triumph. She` wore a gown of various shades of white. snow and cream and pearl and ivory, all made of rich laces, that she had had copied from a description in Marie,-Bashkirt_ sefT s journal that she had lately been reading. Her tawny hair was caught in a mass of loose curls at the back of her head, and under her left ear her maid yiina ned -one of Hugh Condor s mag- nolia blooms. She were several strings of pearls as ornaments, and there was a look about her of the Bernhardt of the early eighties in La Dame aux Came- l:..,- - . `...C .. ias. lldb. Hugh Condor was a little late, and her letters were brought to her in the little octagonal white . room. lined with pearlwond, inlet with Verdure panels, and furn- ished with ivory settees and chairs made after models of the time of the Pharoahs. ' I101 l7J\ICn Oh, Glare, she said to her- self, as she went d0'wnst_airs a- V gain, immaculate, impeccable vGlare. To think that you have keptithat secret all these yea`i~s'!L' (To be continued) H MARKET mzms ii Nearly every farmer s wagon or motor car displayed potatoes at, Saturday morning s\ market, the spud selling a little cheaper, from $3.50 to $4.25 being quoted. Butter was down` to 380. per 11)., but eggs went higher than a week ago, 40 to 42 cents per dozen be- ing asked. There was a great, deal of rhubarb and onions, these being the only garden goods that ghave made any headway in the cold weat.he'r. There was a large at..te_nclance and ever'ything was in full swing quite early. -...-....-.... A no fnl \- Average pmces as l0ws:-- ' ,But,t,er.. .. .. .. 38 flggs .. .. .. .. .. ../:0- `Fowl, dressed, lb Beef Heart .. .. .. .. .. Beef, hinds, lb. .. .. .. `l)1'essed P0rl<,1b . . . . . .. ~\"m1r1g pigs. pair .. .. $1 `putatoes ., .. .. .. $3.50- Seed Corn, cob.. . Parsnips, basket .. Beets, basket . . Beans, qt. .' .. eOnions,` hasket. Green oriions, bunch . . Seed ()nio'ns, lb. .. .. A. . Rln_1hz_u-p, bunch. . .. . App-|e', `Spy, bbl. . . .. Dried Sage. bunch .. . . . .. Summer Sav'oI'.y, bunch . . . Thyme, bunch . . . . . . . . ` Horse Radish, bottle . . Morals. quart . . . . . . . . . ` Clover Honey, 10-Ib. pall . lClovet' Honey. 5-lb. pail . . . JButtermilk, qt. . . . . . . ?IKnitt.ed socks, pair . . yllinitted mitts, pair .. .. `Hay,t0,n .. .. .. $ _ SL1-aw, Lon .. - 0ri`1i{":- Wheat $2.5d-$2.52, oats 800, hay 5514-317, potatoes 9.~"o.00_$!:.50, butter` 37-393. eggs 38-400, chicken 25-270. I)...-.,~l4'.-.-.nI \IIInn..L (DC) Kn Q0 an KUU-`UU, L/l.lll/ILUIJ. AIU-'~lUo Bradford--Wheat $2.50.$2.60, mats 600, butter 36-400, eggs 400 Beet0n- Eggs 38-/400, ,b*.otle1' 35'-380, chicken 200. = I Q1 nnnn nn Duullnn /.n L] -A nlvavo `l'URTON'8 GARAGE Phone 484. 15 cvlapperton 8t._ Slayher Biitter 40-413, eggs 380. chicken 15-180. - ` -uuu. ' MAY sun To_oc1'o3|-:R soth 'l'HURSDAY S TEA__MER Your ` Canadian Pacific Homeseekers Excursions "'3-_ ._.. D: AV W. B...HOWARD,A District Passenger Agerrt, Toronto, Ont. A . SATURDAY MARKET The fertile nrairias have put Western Canada on the map. There are still ,thousands of acres waiting for the man who wants a home and prospeiity. Take advantage of Low Rates and travel via Fipz & Life lr_1su rance Aggnt `

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