How much does itcost to grow potatoes? An experimental Gov- e-rnmenf. station in New Bruns- wick est.ima.1ee-d the crist in` 1915' at $67.93, making no allowance for rent. of land or depreciation. of machihery. On this acre th'ey` grew 80 barrels of 165` pounds` each which were sold at $1.75 ai barrel, making a total prot oft `$75-.5o.a In 1916 the cost wasi _ Red Cross Notes . _ Packing April 21--498 suits ~pyjamas, 4 hospital shirts, 96 ianuel shirts,` 8 hospital `suits, 13 quilts,.9 prs. hospital slippers, 91 iproperty bags, 32 pillow cases, 3 {amputation socks, 7 ties, 30 tow- leis, 11 surgeorfs coats, 25 scul- ltetus bandages, 12 amputation dl`eSSiI1gS, 9 comfort bags, 1 I cushion, _7 pill0Ws,v820 prs. socks , I`0tal _ `value of shipment---` $1180.80. .. - _ Ci/9ntr.ibutions to packing, Collier St. Methodist Church-- 11 hospital suit, 3 flannel shirts, 72 pyjam_as,_2 quilts, 2 ties, 69 pr. socks, Miss Booth sClass-- 22 prs. socks. cu A.....1-....-.'I... rihnnnl-. I71: nu , lPlJHolJU pl:u rrvv a barrel and $190.20. $82.33;Z_the potatoes sold at $2.25 Grenfel Khaki (}irclc-6 com- x.........1 n.-I -Hnn ny-nf wnQ.nlpfnlv lled r-.nn'rfnrf.hn2`.u, 9.0 060 `IL 0. Ouugxsr. St. Andrew -s Church - 7 5 py- ! jamas 8 flannel'shir'ts, 82 pairs socks.T an ,,,,.L can _._'_z....___ 51` puunu Trinity Church-n-26 pyjamas, 2 annel shirts, 10 anlputation bandages, 4 aI`i1`putation.s0cks,_48 prs. socks. ' 111...`... -- l'1:..]n9 f"I`n::~o' K u-union) ` PLO. DUUlxDo Trinity` Girls Class`---5 pyjam- as, `2_5..pr0pe_rty bags, 25 mapy- tailed bandages, 13 prs. soaks. \ 1n-_4:_A t1I.._-`....I_ A '|,.,., ...;...:4,,|, uu pl 0- Uuvllun Allandale Ghtxrbhes -- 13 py- jamas, 11 flannel shirts, 3 quilts, 89 prs. socks. ' C11 `I n..._-`... IVI...g...AIn JIK ur\vv~:nvv| DGIIUU uugluuaua, Au ytun k \l`- \`>`\V". Baptist Church --- 1 hospltal suit, 7 pyjamas, 6 property bags, 29 pr-s. socks. u':`.....,a..1.. n1......).1...... A0 nu "WS't:.u1 \&etUr;";-ssw(:`.hurch--1 15 pyjamg as, 20 property bags, 42 hdkfs,, `6 hospital slipfaers, 22 pr. socks.\ n1.......I.. o 1 Thus showing their faith in . T . ~. . . Canada and thew appre;c1a_t10n of the Loan as an attract-Ive 1nve'st- Inent. ' . Glass uuo \ Ivy;--24, gnnel shirts, 39 py-| 'jamas, 1 hospital suit, 145 prs. socks. - Oro Station--5 prs. sock. Pinswick-9 pyjamas, in prs. socks. 7 `:3! II ,_I - 5-_.:-_ AH _.__ V LL\JLI Auuvn u--1 way any -. ~avv-- ` 1 I. 3' 7 2 Congregational Church -- 3| quilts, 22 property bags, 25 prs. socks, ' _ Miss Scott--100 prs. socks. Soldiers Aid-l0 prs. socks. _ _B.C.I.-6 pr. socks. . Edgar--1 annel shirt, 13 prs. socks. ` , Knock--22 prs. socks. Guthrie-5-6 pyjamas, 6 annel shirts. a v A: II, I ,I __l n A__ Minesing-1i pyjamas, 3 hos- pital`. suits, 43 prs. socks. Shanty Bay--.17 pyjamas. S_t'roud-j-4 pyjamas. Utopia--18 _DY.iamas, 4 pro- p,e_rty' b_ag"s',: 50 prs. `slacks; ' AK ('11....-..u~ J0 d\uuu4\vu\4\n can... auuxgs. _ Midhurst--20 pyjamas, 17 prs. socks. ' % w.iI"`af\7.v1 -+ 12 pyjamas, 17 1 p_r s. socks. ' ; ~ J St. _P_au1 s--1 hospita} suit, 4 `pr- *. socks}. n..-.._:..1 'Tr|....1-: n:....1.. 1 r. ..... .1,` T%%Er;`t?1'Khaki circ1e-1.4. py.. jamas, 12 anpel_shirts, :5 pro- per-,ty bags , 16 prs. socks. T a4......."n 111....-......s.. `~r....L.-4..1.'.. 12` ml: RG80 , IIU 111:0: DUUn9 C1owes--12 py,1amas, 15 prs._ socks. g ' . V I A .5` -1, Am MERRILL & HUBBARD - Barrie - Phone 108 uu -.1 `av .,,....-.. Wtjile was! The 1'ec<.~.nt heavy ghting at'l'V Ridge has `made a great. I . 1 demand on Red Cross supplms; and there is likely tq be it gI'eal.e1" demand. Barrie Branch, as well as all other branches, will have to help` fill up the `empty ware- houses. One hears from all sides the excuse of y10use-cleaning. Bul. is it fair to our heroes, when in many cases Red Cross supplies` `are a matter of `life and death`? When taking life ssurande, insurtc Wu Canada s `*-greatest assurance company.` ` The Sun Life ofvcanada, - D. J. REBURN, Barrie, Phdno 142 District. Manager` _ Red Cross Regu1a_tions- for Sncks:---~ l' when washed 12 in- clues to heel (4 rib, 8 plain). Foot when washed--Nof, less than 11 inches and not more than 12 finches. "I`he G0ng1'eg'ati(mal and `Rem 1'01-med Churches had charge of the Shop'S:_1t., April 21. Net to- ceipts $50.00. ' -..'l til` A'I'I-__.]_1- lVL___. p1ii',}"1}uilia""Ex{.7rI{t mg-,"'Io pillow cases. -~ `A_._t-_. TIKIII... VII..- TI Y\ Y|II'.- vual-um \`v\}\'-1' Sat..., April 28, Allandale Chm-- ches will have chatfge and the following week Baptist Church and Sa'lva.ti(_m Army. on... n.-._.-_..-11-- -41-:.- __-_1_ Shop Cmnm.-i.ttea this week --J Mrs. `A, (3z1 rt)n, Miss Lawrence. Next. wen/k--M1's. P`al1ing,' Mrs. Shzinacy. ,.;\ s Donatitms, S__atA.,. April 21: Utopia---- 2.50, - St. P`au1 s--1 dpzfeggss - 8th Line, doz. eggs, 1 peak potatoes, 1 pt. cream, 1 loaf bread, 1 cake, cash 250. T_..._ A ..L .._.-__... Q I,.-___- -1` A Pension Fund ` _ Last week. each of the 9000' employees of the Bell Telephone. Gompanywas notied of the es-I tablishment of an Employees Benefit Fund, effective Judy 1st,| 19`t`7, to provide pensions, V a.cci;,.-' dent and sickness disability hen-l ets, and benets to dependents`,- of deceased employees. The planj -is perhaps the most comp_I.'ehen-3 sive yet established by any Cam: adianycompany and calls foIf_no ! contribution on the part of em-` 3p-loyees-, the whole] cost b,ei ng bornevby the Company. rnk`: _..-..."._--.._.~-... -...- ....`.. ..-'.'.'a.'..4' of deceased-employ_ee_s. " `Where uu,1';15t;"uy u_u: , I The pen~s`ion`is one pe`r_ce'nt." of the average annual pay during the ten years preceding retire- ment,_I`nul-tip]-ied by the number of y_ears- in the employee's term of employment. -`Benets are paid fer acgcident and also for sickness `after two years ser_ vice, the amount to be determined by -length of service. In the case of the death of any employee who has served ' ve 3years or over'*.*cer- tain-benets are paid to.r`elat,i.ves death is d-ue`t}o_ac'ci`_dent 3-while'g(-Jlis duties as ianieni- ployee," L the death b`e'nefits .a1fe_ three years` pay and $15010! funeral. expenses. - . / 1 1 1 V-Xlrivtexvx Mil'ls- Mrs. .l.'~`adden-g-2 quilts. TIVL- _._...._._l_ I.. ..- 7 uawwanvq v\~\v3I ;ur1.r\/J q-t. cream, 2 loaves. of bread. 1 doz. eggs. Stroud 1nsl.itute--1 doz. eggs. Note the cltis space at -the bottom to hold very sma11_chicks.' This is the cut of the 2061 and is 'made of No. 9 top and bottoin, and 13 gauge lling, uprights 8 inchg apart. . _ 18 wires, 50 inches high,` at ................. 65. per rod 20 '61 ..... ............. .. 73. " 22 72 ................... ..80c.. WAR LOAN We Also Have a Good Stock of Gates in 3, 3%, 10, 12 and 13foot, both 48 and 54 inches high. The.. above prices for cash only."~` We have only a " limited quantity to sell at these prices. No ice is hereby given pur-' gsua to R.S.O., 1,914, andg }amending Acts that all persons` having any claim or demands :against the late James Pue, who idied on or about the 23rd day of, _March, 1917, at the Town of}: `Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, `are required, -on or before the 30th, day of April, 1917, to send by`-post prepaid, or-to deliver to the undersigned, solicitor for the .- Executors of the Estate of the- -said James Pue, their names and {I laddresses and full particulars in` `writing of their claims and statements of their accounts andi the nature of the securities, in any, held by them. l L.._..! 1-1-- _~-A_'-_ LI.'.4 _1u_,_ 1 I turesb $2,500 to` purchase a gas- oline engine and dynamo to sup- ply the village with electric. light was defeated by the ratepayers. Twenty-eight votes were record- ed against the by-law and only six in` favor of it. We -always welcome letters from `our foreign subscribers, from men and women who once lived in this community and now reside in distant states. Sit down, sometime, and tell us a- bout your location. navnu. 31.] unqv Kind take noticenthat after the` `30th day of April,` 1917, the said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said'de- ceased among the persons entit- led thereto, having regard only. to the claims of which they shall `then have had notice, and that the said ;Execut'ors` `will not be liable for the said assets, or any partthereof,' to, any person of whose claim they shall not then have received n_otice_._ _i Inn the matter of the Estate of` l James Pue, `late of the Town` _ of Barrie, in the county of 2* simcoe, Retired Farmer, 119- I I ceaseq. I MONEY IS NEEDED---for the war-for home emergencies-for the growing cost of living-for a business start---f-or a holiday-for old age-for all purposes. '" A Increase Your Saving, hold down your spending, open 3. Savings Account at The Bankof Toronto. Savings Accounts for small or laygesums invited at allfbranches of this Bank. IHE BAI\1K :;?53NTo " THE SUN LIFE NOTICE TO GIIEDITORS Branches at Barrie and Allandale, H. A. SIMS, Managr. V Assets: $13,000,000. 116 Branches in Canada. 244 Booth Ave., Toronto (Time- keeper s Ofiice) MAKERS OF. THE FAMOUS Dunlap Traction Tread and Dunlap Special Tings, and Rub- bgr Hose, Baiting, Packing, Etc. `For Rubber Factory. Good wages. I Apply in person only. NOT BY LETTER, to %Dunlop Tire and Rubber I, ppQd5p c umitgd Men WM Govengnent War Bonds, Municipal Bonds and Debeiiturs % {Constitute Safez, Saleabilisz. these investments mey be pur- chased at prices that will give returns approximately of 5%, 6% and 7%. lf you are not familiar with this form of investment Write, Phone I I2, or call on J . H. BENNETT. 5 7 Dunlop Street, Barrie. On/t., who will be pleased to furqish full information. and gansact your busihesa Free of and E $10,000,000 Superior; . . Investments nz exaense to TM? Established 4855 Thrift 6651;`; Mr. '.I -139 n wardr- Morni "C-`i\'-(`,1 .Jack . Mr; ]."ish- motox week Kinle; her (1 Ma susscmaao FOR 183} }Iarur nub R0bL lTase Mi. visiti `Jebb; 11- dimm- IO. U Thur -(.-ipal secux OF THE NEW Although the movement is a !month later than it" should be in starting, much go-od can be ac- complished by a GreatereProd_.uc- tion Campaignif the citizens get behind the committee and give them the hearty co-operation. and support the cause merits. With. potatoes at $3.00 per. bag and bread at sixcents per pound and prices of. nearly `all kinds of food "rising rapidly, no argument as to the need of production should be necessary`. It is some- times said that the little we can raise in garden pl-ots is only a drop in the bucket and not worth considering. Surelyait is worth w ile. Every bushel of potatoes 0 turnips, every quart of peas or beans, every of carrots or `he`ets`that is raised in Barrie will not only help to keep down the cost of our own living, but will release that much more food to help feed the\.Motherland and sustain the brave boys in the r-" _ lI__2__ mg line who are risking their lives on our behalf. Show your good sense and patriotism -by helping production in every way` YOU can.