POULTRYMEN will {find it pays to advertise in The Examiner if they have eggs to sell. One cent a word is the cost. 15tf PERSONAL MENTION "Good Style % Perfect Comfort and easy r tting are assured to every wearer of a la Grace Corsets ' BARRIE-On Essa Rd., run- lning back to Adelaide St., north [of Leslie's butcher shop. . `tr 1: 1_1, Va. 4.: V ..,~..-_, 'VESPRA-Con. 5, pt W. 1/2 lot 11, 86 acres, next lot. east of the C.P.R. station and crossing the Midhurst to Minesing road. Con. |6, N. Elizabeth" St., lot 16, 1.5 3.0.; `S. Elizabeth St., lot 1, 1-5th ac. `These lie south of Vair s green- ;houses. Con. 14, N 1,5 lot 18, Con. 14, Vespra, 100 acres; S 24 :acres E ; lot 19, Con. 14, Vespra. ' _SUNNIDALE-6 lots on Wasa- 'ga Beach at mouth of river. f INNISFIL--L0ts 546, 547, pt. `24, shore property at Belle Eva- art. -I-.v-I1-IrrIl\1Y 11177 AIITH 1`? 1"\,___ (11 be I BEETON VILLAGE - W Day- zfoot St. lots 10-12. ` Apply to Mrs. A. E. H. Cres- iwicke, Barrie. ' 15-17 $3.50. $3.66, $2.95, $2.15, $2.00, $1.15, $1 .50 and $1 .25. Ladies Light colored Print B}ouses, with 3/4 sleeves, low. neck, sizes 34 to 46, extra spe- cial .. .. .. .. 75c. and 50c. Ladies crepe Kimonas, color Blue, Mauve, Rose; some are l trimmed with satin ribbon. Special values $2.25 and $3.00 Black Sateen Underskirts, well made at a price you could not buy the sateen. You should see them. _Extra Special 69; chic .Boudoir Gaps-Admirab1y becoming are these smart lit- tle Caps, made of ne Lingerie and Net, exquisitely trimmed with pretty lace and ribbon, in soft dainty colors. Price .. 25c., 19c., 15c. FOR SALE OR I`OWRENT--Br'ick residence `with 31/2 ,-acres, suitable ' for market garden, nice location. Apply to Mrs. M. Moore, 89 Blake St. 14.16 Nliddy Ties-La.1'ge sizes, colors Red, Green, Navy Blue. Black, also Spots, price .. 75c., $1.00 Silk crepe Windsor `ies .. 25. Silk crepe Spot Windsor Ties 50c Battering Away at the High Cost of Living. Reductions every week, for example: Oranges,-regular 40 per doz . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Oranges, regular 30 per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . .] Liptoxfs Cocoa, regular 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purity Oats, regular 25. . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Robin Hood Oats, regular 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . .1 Quaker Oats, regular 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SodaBiscuits, box . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 ` 200 Black Tea at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .j Fancy Mixed.Biscuits, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Lux, regular lOc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for 1 Old Dutch Cleanser, regular l0c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - .3 for I Panshine, regular I0c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for j Lye, regular I2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gillard s Relish. regular 25c for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . Matches, regular l5c box- - - O`-_ - - - - - - . . . - - . - . . . - - - -2 for I Cl-;oieeFigs . . . . . . ..v..., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3lb3_forj PROMPT SERVICE HINDS BROS. Property for sale WE RE STILL AT IT. WHAT? a u ` Single comb Anoonas single comb ll. Llleds T Great Layers. Apply B. LAWRENCE, l`n~uIv-nnnn Halon Ladies and children's Black Fine Ribbed Got- ton Hose, sizes to 10. These are big value at Women's Black Plain Fleeced A cotton I-loee. Special .. .. 25c. pr. children's Black Wor- sted Hose, sizes 4% to 6, extra special 150. pr. child:-en's Black Flne Ribbed cotton Hose, sizes 514 to 8%. These are big value. . 20c. pr. Ladies Black Lisle Cinderella Hose, sizes 8 | 9, 91/2_, 10, special '25c. FOR SALE--- Roughcast cottage, `electric light, town water, good cellar, cement stable,l hen` house. Apply on prem- ises, N0. 10 Donald St. 8..-16 Ladies Penman sOash- mere Hose, sizes 8%) to 10, special value at $1.00, 90c., 15c., 60c. EGGS FOR I-IATGHING L 7' LIJJJAV \J.lJ Oudmore Sales Co. n c o o a 4 PHONE 145 25c. pair .Z7c .22c .22c .231: .23c .23c .23c .25c - |5c '25c .'25c r25c .8c .I8c r259 r 25 Thurs .'Kua FOR SALE-- .l`wo Scotch Short,- horn Bulls, (registered) 9 and 13 mos. old. Color, red; Prices reasonable. Bell Bros.,' Bar- ri R. R. 3. Telephone 629. . . 15-18p. HORSES F0T :S1\I..E--One heavy Draft. and one driver. Rea; sonable price. Terms to suit purchaser. and J. `V. Brown, Allandale. Phone i383. e 12-tf ($50.00 FOR A G051) BAY HORSE .A LIGHT WAGON AND HAR_ NESS, or will sell separate. No reasonable offer refused, as they must be sold-. Apply to Jas, Cheesman Box 59. Barrie-. 15-17. LLPEIJ t., Barrie. mom MoU1.1)Eas WANTED-- Accustomed to, or willingto Elearn, Machine Operating. `Highest wages in Canada for Light Moulding. Write, or communicate with,` Taylor- Forbes Company, Guelph, Ont. V11-16 - I STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE ---Suitable for barn timber, lumber, shingle bolts, fence posts and pail timber. Large or small duantities to. suit purchaser-. Also hardwood by the acre. Apply D. J. Bar- clay. Stroud. ' 6-tf IDLHJU AUL nu- North St. Phonli '47}. FOR SALE--Montrose Cottage, 0 l 88 Clapper-ton St., Central, desirable -property, modern conveniences, med- ium size. solid tbrick, stone foundation. 7th. Terms, to suit purchas- er. Apply Mrs. E. A. Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto, or Colin McMillan, Wellington St., Barrie. " lltf Barrie. , Possession May_ FOR SALE-H0use and lot, with small barn, on Rose St., east of Geo. Ottaway's. Price $500. Apply at this Olce. 15-17 *- ---.4 CAR OF TIMOTHY `HAY to hand the quality is right, the price is right; also baled straw; a lax-ged stock of timothy .seed, _ clover andalsike seed- All kinds of .feeding stu , flax seed. G.-oi,1cake `and flax seed meal. Dent &' Ftint seed ..corn ` at _l0.weB:_prices. _Jas. Ghees-' . mqn, `w-Flour ' 9.-'n d Feed` Mar.- chant, corner Bradford `and j=Eliz`abeth Sts_., Barrie. 13-17 a\.au\.I- '14-17b`. 1V1a.5uuu: .LU1.uy.u .uu..._....c,.. ` e-Large stock of high grade Pianos at special prices at Keen- a.n~ s.i Terms to suit purchasers. Aaron Carley is at Big Bay V Point making exten_sive'improve- l.l1I'SL, .LU1`u1u.u. . Yesterday with 3. temperature of 64 was the warmest day this season. One day in March the mercury registered 60. . rrn.- nr..n:..n..4nn I-Info] ngwlv, mercury 1'B5`1LU1't;u Uu. The Wellington Hotel, newly `% furnished throughout, re-opened for business this week and is be- ing conducted on the European ,_IA... the Electric Light D`ept., is go- ing to Midland to take a- similar position in the municipal plant` there. n-....-- m..;,. n Havn, --'i`he Garey Shce Co. have sold their Barrie and Chatham stores. The $30,000.00 stock of 1-1- 01.-.... hr. hnin `R-:n"Y'iD SL()1'E?5. .1116 tDUU,Uuv.uu uu-.,u.- V- up_t.0_date ` Shoes in their - Barrie store must be reduced one-half `in Sixty Days. Sale now on. ,;1__..`l...l `I 1\liI`Inn' FOR SALE-eA Pony, harness and cutter, suitable for lady or. children to drive. Apply to Minesing, * Phone 91. 14-23 I111 D1Au_y .LJu.Ju- ~ Those who attenVde-d'WJ.7 Miller" McGor1nack s lecture on "The Sky Pilot of the Frontier" were well repaid, the lecture being rich in information presented in a most interesting manner. i --4-._ 1... ! .359.` IIILUIUDUILJD .......... -. Special line of iron bed, mat-1 tt_'esses_ and spmngs. Very spe- (318.1 prlces. W. A. Lowe & Son. > ,, PIPE FITTING-'-- done by P. J. Moran. A 12-tf VV1` EAVETRO_U?C:`:THING -- Consult P. J. Mo1'an,`58 Bayeld St. 1241`. GOOD GIRL WANTED" . .-\pp1y1 R at R. V. Hospital, Barrie. :6` % BOARDERS `AND ROOMERS WANTED. Apply 13 Charlotte, St. 13tf` [FOR SALEB;Two pure-hred 001.. I lie Pups. Apply t.o Wm. ])un-_ I can, Shanty Bay. V 16.16` | E`C;R SALE A-- Fi1'st-class baby }_ carriage, c-heap; Apply at this - Office. 1 T ' 1646 FVIIRS-1--Ren1(>del1ed and Repair- ed. Miss M. McArt.hur', 133 AR nnl CLEANING AND PRESSING - `Your old suit and overcoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Owen St. 8-tf --- GIRLT\7VANTED-_-Y0ung girl to assist with housework. Apply at once to 85 Worsley St. 16 | '" . INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS EGGS for hatching. $2 per setting. W. H, Smith & Son, Ingle 1!,` IE `FOR SALE OR TO RENT---Resi.. deuce, 8 rooms, electric light, , water, 36 Mary St. Apply to MI'S. M. Webb, .26 Small St., v AL`. Al! ENGLISH LEGHORNS, famous Tom Barron strain. Good win- ter layers. Eggs for hatching, ' $1.50 per setting. W. 0. Par- tridge, 50'Grove St. 16-17 FOR SALE--Range, Mission Din- ing Furniture, Enamelled Bed, Gas Plate, Green Rug, Green Portieres, Pictures, Curtains. Mrs. AQS. -Burton, Phone 344. 16-16 ANTED-- Experienced g'euer_ al. Apply 50 Mary St.- 14-tf PUMPS`--A good stock on hand, purchased. before the last ' `raise. Will be sold at a reason- able price. Absolutely. reliable and. satisfactory. -T.,H. Davis, Close to. Market, Barrie. P.O. Box 625. Phone 733., 16-18 WANTED TO RENT - Eight roomed house, with hardwood oors, laundry tubs, and all conveniences, `good yerandah, and fair sized lot. Will- pay fair. rent and take lease with option of buying. If you have _ anything along these lines call S. Dignarn, Phone 454. 16 ply -at Garr'ett's 1\&us: 1:-;mStE)`1"l V 1[-tf. WQN LAYING coN'rEs'r -- At ucu......... M l6Mn{nin "FOR SALE OR RENT -- Black- smith Shop with tools. Splen- did chance for good workman. "Apply Wm. R. Best, Edgar. i 12-tI`.| TErE)OD DRIVER for iC3iLET Furnished house on! Bradford St. Apply at This Oice.` _ A 16-16 O RENT-Market Garden, `first class soil. Apply to MP8. M. Moore, 89 Blake St. . '14-16 Eglliermf 13ut1fon`W{3`(`.' 1;I'o.0ki a;l: Ava. us Phoneni U.lV 1411111101 LI\I.I.V.l..L:u.a.L -- ..-., the Storrs,. Mountain Grove" and North American ? Egg Laying Contests. in 1916. White Wyandottes won against all comers. _Should not ' this convince you`? My pure Regal Strain from Martin's best pens are~.yoursat'~t$1.00: per 13. A. F. A. Malcomson, Phone 447, "" "- "-` ~ ' IR_`I ,'f' ' . 1. Luunvv. Barrie, Ont. usZ' gnscau FOR SALE--- White Wyandotte Eggs for hatching from first- prize winners at Barrie Fair. Apply W. H. Tooth, 53 Victoria 13.......'.. 4/1_'1'7'n. :"'447,Ies. - 16-.-tf' 7 p.1 U1'l'5i:lh1Ul.l.D an .l.xI.7Uu.u;L Us `Philip White, committed for trija1- `on a charge of shooting his brother with intent to maim, was released on $4000 bail by Judge Vance on Monday. ` 0 171.. ............. (1:-\Yv1'-1'\}\l1`I in! Vdllts U11 .LV.l.U11ua._y. County Engineer Campbell is tion of the roads and. reports `them in much better condition thanat this time a year ago. , Two houses belonging to the estate of the late Geo. Cooper were put up for sale on'Saturday, but were not disposed of as the now making his `Spring inspec- l i! i reservedhid was not reached. _ -1|-.. .....:'l..n. n1Il\11T\l" n-nu 1'BUl'VUl1'l.]1u was uuu uuuuuuu -.-- ! .+Pe0p1e `for miles around are` flocking to the "big Giving-Up-E Business Sale at Garey Shoe Co s':. Barrie Store. Shoes at about` _ A-...l..--1,.. -.n'l-nn {In}- .1.-nus;-u r\rv\a-w one'-quarteIf there early. `I\_.:_.,..I ,. ulurc \:'a.11_y. --Private Sale ofhousehold goods.` There are still quite a number of pieces to sell at the. home of Jas. Vair, -16 Mary Stu! Sale con'tinue.s until Thursday, 26th inst. . V 7 --_L ..-....1_ Ann -at-\r\1vl Several cars each week are now` being turned out at the Barrie Carriage Factory. This year s model is quite a handsome car and the output of the factory is finding`. a readyv sale. /`IA- fl...-\..-.n-. nlu:ur\r\nr` 47K 1-u.1uu15- (1. Luu,u_y' uuuu. Geo. Gameron shipped 175 hogs and 20 head -of cattle at the local stockyards. From the farmer s standpoint, the price of hogs still keeps very satisfactory, $15.75 per cwt. being paid this` week. 1_._,. . A . . . . Ant.-..-I VVUUA. I Wm. Ada_msou has converted. .the old Lount ' house into an apartment house with a View to meeting the demand for summer acconm1odat.iou. He is now pre- paring to build a garage on the property. ` nu..-` um mrannn nan! Anne nnf LOST---Onlwednesday, Apr. 4, either in Queen s Park or at Barrie Station, a large 177th pin. Fmder please leave at. this 0fce.. 15-16 piuyci cg. , - 'I`ha.t the Militia Dept. does not consider it unlikely that over- l seas troops may be stationed here next wintervis evident from an enquiry ' received by Major Rodgers this week as to the a- mount of coal that can be stored in the armouries. ' The warm weather of the last few days and the` light rain has `greatly helped the fall wheat, which is reported to be in pretty fair shape except on poorly drained lands. Clover heaved badly and the outlook for the _`hay crop is far from promising. ` Y1... I\ T lfnlwnnn D (If. ludy ULUP ID la; IILJIIL y;unua Rev.vD. L. McCrae, Ph.D., of `the Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, London, on entering the thi1'ty-ninth year of his ministry on {kn flnnnral l;llll`Ly-u.l11bu _yUaL u; I110 ........ ..-_, is applying to the General Assembly to be placed on the superannuation. When Dr. Mc- Crae ` was minister in Golng- wood he was frequently in Barrie and was well known here. L-n..._- 1..-..- ckn Imnr, `dllu ~W'd.B VVUH nu-uw:.1 11vuLu --Never before have the buy- ing public had the opportunity of buying up-to-date footwear at about one-half the cost of pre- sent day factory prices. 0 The reason is that the Carey Shoe Co. have sold their `Barrie business and have promised the buyers to reduce their $30,000.00 one-half| l'I'1I..-2 _ m n u A nn 1 rln `FBUUUU LIIUII. q)uU,Uuv.uv uu.v~.....-- in 60`days. Their prices will do it. Sale now on. g i Stroud Women's Instltute The April meeting was held at the home of the Secretary, Miss H. R. Orchard, and proved inter- esting. Arrangements were made for the public meeting to he held on May 31. Seeds and Report Forms for the Garden Contest were distributed. . A resolution was adopted, authorizing the signing by the officers of Dominion Prohibition Petitions. l _ ,Miss Leola McDonald read a paper on Present-Day Needs, which was well worth hearing. Roll Call `was responded to by a verse of Spring Poetry. Nniufvn ` `Mrs. Thos. Jacks is visiting frierids in the Queen City. ` -n_n_..1- -4` l`.nn]ra`l'r\\'l11`I" _on Monday. II'leIluS Ill L115 XJLIUGLJ. bung. Miss Pollock of Gookstowti, who has been engaged as school teacher, commenced her duties ' `I --- 1' I`:-IdII\l\C1 and (`Q110`hfQr one Muuuuy. A `Mrs. J. Murray and daughter have returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with "her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompson. -nu-2.... `I71 `|\l'.-.t"nIln11a-H -Inna `PA... '.I.'llUu1p.`.U'u.. Miss F. McCullough `has re- turned to Haileybury after spend`- ing the `holiday at home. Miss, Lily Aldridge holidayed -at- n_.:-_..I..< 5.. Vnnnnnfn Inc! \X1DD1( FOR SALE--Eggs for Hatching, from a select pen of White Wyandottes, Regal st,rai1'1, $1.50 for 15. W. E. Todd, 2 -vu-,,_Al_ CVL 1'\lnr..-un /47$! 1Rw 11.1. ----_ 'i1i"sf L113? "Aldridge with friends` in Toronto lastweek. III'laUll llivu IIIVU u - v - u v u - . . _ . _ __ Sunday, April 22, 1917. 11 am, - Seven Golden Bands. T e . | 3 p;m.-S. S. and Adult Class- `Bur-ton Ave. Nlethodis church -._ .1-.. A..'..:I an Angry _J.m.-Ganada s. Sins) ' AJL .today s valuy. luuu \~&l\I\Qv - M1`. and Mrs. Geo. H. Esten are` at Atlantic City for a few weeks. --` A `I1 lT_IA :_| Mrs. \v11e;1`r V `(Sf " Buffalo is ' visiting her sister, Mrs. L. Met`- rill. u nt,,. 1'-._..,. Qnnisnn Tn `l'lll. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Spers, Jr., have gone to Matheson for the summer. ,.__a mi... 117 \17lnH~n Inf} summer. - ` Mr. and Mrs. W. White left- `town on Monday for their home in Fort VVi11iam. ~ T Miss E. Aiken and Miss M. Leigh spent the week-end with; `Mrs. `Boyd of Orillia. I 2- 1....-.:....-..` LILLCI. .I.l`JJ\A u.- \l--.--~... J. Guise-Bagley is leaving! Midland, having bought a prac-: tice in Peterborough. . ,_3_ SL1...-.- FOREMAN TOOLMAKER WANT- . ED--G~00d position for expert, man. State age and exper- ience. Taylor-Forbes Com- pany. Limited, Guelph, Out. '15 Barri VVLI/ll ll\ll vnuuv-~ _- _ A A. E. Cudmore, formerly in_ business here, is training at Camp Borden _ with the Flying` Corps. `In-Ii If 'D11`nTi 0111'] Pps. V Mrs. M. Burton and Mrs. Nat. Dyment have returned home after spending a couple of months in; California. - i " 1 '-~ 71---! 11-...-I kna nnhn-nod i I I I I `I ` Ualllurluu. Miss Hazel Card has returned} to Peterboro Normal School, af.-1 ter spending the holidays at her home _here. I\ l.I'nAr`n`rYIa and nome_uere. , . Mrs. R. D. McAdams and daughter `of Thornton spent the Week_end with Mrs. G. McKnight and Mrs. M. Webb. Miss Sarah McQuay has left for her home in Applegate, Michigan, after a pleasant visit with her many, friends in Barrie. II-., 1u'-1._.....`|..u nn 1ua.u_y 1.1. Juxxxxu ... ......--_-_ _ I Mr. and Mrs. Moberley and Miss Moberley have returned to their.hom'e `in Blake St., after spending the winter "ip Midland. n:....1..:.. A4` 4].; DPULIULLAS ulnu n---..\,- _`.. , Miss Annie Sinclair -of `the Beamsville Public School staff, has returned to her duties after spending her holidays at home. 11? rruxn... -1.` 17nnnnrn1n1\ U1J\1LL\.|n:.a. --\. Fred. W, Tifn of Vancouver was in town at the e_nd- of the week for a brief visit on his Way home from a business. trip to New York ; Come and seethe new models, the Crompton, D. & A., and E. T.,; easy priced, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, $2.25, $1.75, $1.50, $1.25, $1.00, -'l5c. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c'Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE - 66 feet. choicest frontage on William Street, Allandale, Box M, Examiner and Satur- day Morning. .. 10t,f