The Union-`Bank of Canada ru\nAx\A\nJ 1 _The Bantams, of whieh Lt..- (101. F. L. Burton is the comman- der, are expected to leave Toron- to tomorrow. A. `Meekums went to Toronto yesterday to see his two brothers-in-law, who are members of this battalion. Owing toithe battalion leaving a day earlier than expected` sev- eral men of the Collingwood coinpany of the 177th did not re- turn from last leave in time to leave with their comrades. They caught. the battalion later and their kits, which had been left at Barrie, were sent on by express, 4-: (led the Military Cross for gallan- try in going across during the night with another man to the German trench and placing- a bomb which destroyed the mach- ine gun emplacement. It was so close to the Canadian trenches that it was difficult for the arm. lery to hit. 'Capt. _Strathy s wife and one son are at present in England. He is a -son of Mrs. John Strathy, 102 Bedford Road, Toronto, and of the late John A. Strathy, Barrie. Capt. Strathy, before enlisting, was in the real iestate business.` He is 35 years old. . v rxnnu-n A 11" `II Capt. Harry Strathyxvvas Pte. Jos. O Shea, of Midland, who is now in the Nelley Hospi- tal in England, having lost a leg [in the exploit which won him the The Glasgow._News, of Feb. 23 reported the death of a nephew oi` Alex. Primrose. of Lethbridge, Alta., and formerly of Minesing, as follows: Flight Lieut. Wal- ter Wingate Primrose, son of- Rev. Robt. Primrose,_ Colonel Chaplain of the Royal Naval Div- ision, has been accidentally kill- ed in England. Lieut. Primrose who was the youngest of three brothers serving, with the forces, was i.n his 19th year. He had seen service in Salonika, and was gassed while in France. On his recovery he volunteered and was accepted for the Flying Corps. His other brothers serving are Major Harold Primrose, who is a Squadron Commander in the Royal Flying Corpsand who is at present in Egypt; and Lt.- Commander Clifford Primrose, of the R.N.V.R. Another brother, J. Primrose, is just on the eve of enlisting. His father visited Canada . a` few `years " ago and preached both in Barrie and at `Il .'....._.'...-an . Eng|n_edr Lalng `EAnIists J. S. Laing,` Town Engineer and `Assessor, has signed`1,1o with the 71st. Battery, now tf_i ,n_ing at Exhibition Camp, Toronto. He will, however, not be leaving for a month orsix weeks, having so arranged that he may complete the assessment and get the an- nual street cleaning well started before he goes. __--._:'I ......,:I n:`:nl\-run nnnn 1.11. unwunawun Minesing`. UULULO IIU DKILIIJI , The Council and citizens gen- erally, while admiring the spirit which prompts him to get into the ranks of the khaki-clad de- ifenders of our Empire, will be very sorry to lose him. Both as assessor and engineer he has rendered excellent a service in his diligent, unassuming fashion and it is to be hoped that he may be spared to return to his duties here. Real Travel comfort The East Simcoe Rural Trus-' tees Association held its annual` meeting "in the Orillia Public; Library on Saturday, Mar._31.. The oicers for the .year'were elected as follows: President, R. 0. Bell; Vice-Pr'esident, John Lawlor; Secretary - Treasurer. Walter Forrester. Di_re'cto1-s, Thos. Bell, Warminster; L. Ar- cher, Lawson" A. `Baird, Price s Orillia; A. uppage, - South Orillia; `Mr. Parker, Tay. W.O. Mercer was appointed represen-, tative to the convention at T0- ronto, at Easter. The next an- nual meeting. will be held in June, 1918. E. C. Drury, Crown Hill; Dr. Dandeno of Toronto, `and C. L. T. McKenzie7g`ave ad- '.addresses` `on school _ systems past and present; IULD U1 a.1uuauu.L-uu. J .,..-l,..,..-Q up an iIl'l_[)'.`L!\'IScd b \:1:.`dWay making eyes at many Ottawa bachelors pre~sc,n'L. - Clayton Frye as Col`. Vvinthrope Pau-rmg- ton, owner of the company, vms good. A bevy of pretty girls in the chorus sang and danced `well. One of the features was the. quartettes rendered by Messrs. Harvey Orr, _ Harold Orr, Harold McClune and Clarence Ste'y. A patriotic number My Banner With the Stars and Stripes, by Clayton Frye concluded with the crossing of the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes and this re- minder of the new allies brought down the house. The LeRoys, dancers, are graceful exponents of something unusual in the ter- psichorean art. An unusual number with Miss Medora as `the- animated doll and and Fred` Ray- mond as the ventriloquist was well clapped. The scenes were pretty and costumes dainty. The runway, which permits the sing- ers to come right down to the audience, while not new to the stage is an innovation here and proved an attractive feature. Ir A M n ~ an T`Inunn1'I n-4' `I111 flfloflfl LUVK/U (A11 |.l4|llll-LA\./UAv\J `um.-u..-\.. Manager Powell of the Grand Opera House has secured this great attraction for Barrie, Wed- nesday next, April 18th, and per- sonally guarantees the produc- tion. . V -I\ 1 1- -rs . Men are engaged upon some of the local electric lines in chang- ing the aluminum wire for cop- per. It is claimed that on ac- count of the great advance in the price` (3 the former metal the Hydro can make the change be- tween here and the Big Chute plant and make $50,000. This work has already been commen- ced.-Midland Argus. Before the heavy frosts of this week fall wheat was reported to be looking even and strong, though somewhat short. GARRETT S MUSIC STORE 2` Blocks West of Old Stand The Leading Home for ] `Everything in Music? Heintzman & Co. Pianos The Piano of Quality and First in Demand Local Warerooms for 4.../;.r 13-Iaoem'\ wI or MISSIONARY ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, April 15th- - central, colller 8t., and Burton Avenue ~~ Methodlst churches. - Central Church-M 'a.m., Jno. A. Palterson, K.C., `of Toronto; 7 p.m., J. R. L. Starr, K.C., of Toronto. V "Burton Avenue Church-11 a. I_Ii.', J. R. L_. Starr, K.C., of Tor- onto`; 7 p.m., T. W. W. Evans, `Barrister, or Bradford f`l.-.113-.. Ql._..-_.l I'I'l..--.....'l.. ll - .... .nJ1nLLJuuuL, U; .n.aa.1.-\4a.v.;.n. Collier Street Church-.-11 a.m., T. W. W._~ Evans, Barri-ster,.` of Bradford; 7 p.m., John A. Pater- son, K.C., `of Toronto. ' ' g {The New York Agency of the Union Bank of Canada will be opened up` for business in their new premises No, 49 Wall Street on the 16th inst.- It will be in charge of Mr. George Wilson, late Toronto Manager, as 1st. Agent and Mr.`F. T. Short; form.- erly Manager .at Barrie as 2nd Agent, and Mr. F.. S. Appslehy Foreign Exchange Manager in Torontowill he Manager of the Foreign Department of the Bank in New_York. ' ` The Advisory Committee of the Bank at New York City .-is com- posed of the folliowixn-g gentlemen well known in CaI'1ada,_the United States and abroad, Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mr. Gilbert G. Thorne and Mr. Stuyvesant Fish. I A` St~atistica_l .Department in` connection with I the New York` Agency` has been "established throughwhich all information concerning Canada can readily `be obtained and through which it is expected to be able to furnish quickly such information as may be desired by Canadian friends in regardwto United States a`airs.' '--8pt-lug` Necessities -. Spe- cial value, new designs. of Oil- cloth and Linole m, -at Dougall Bros. V I