Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1917, p. 5

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Town Barrie . . V Beeton. . Bradford .. Collingwood Creemore . . Midland . . Orillia .. Penetang Stayner. . Victoria Har. . ` Alliston Waubaushfle ' Cooks town Liabilities. Wl61 2170 30/14 36 15 32 90 46 7150 6661 3829 253:3 90 356 ugu 33 V'(\A 51' 67 85 No. I2 39 13 . 0 'i's"i't.ZRTa' c'3E .'{ 3veT-'a" Unit. ` 35 95 25 I6 Onlong Tea Pure Milk on 991` s '$1697i 69 :__..__..._Z._.._._-:__..__ ....j___._._,.....______.._ .__.. _ _, .. -_. -.._____.._&_- _j_._._:__.-___.., ,._..____. I!-'nEFiEl-1-Eli'.-|"i'.-l3ii%':i-`uivlyitlitliqav Select Your Spring Suit No/w E & % Y0lmgMen [ lg W 1916 $ 100 3 2506 5 2707 5 M05 9 $3,793. 6940 10] 3965 2396 730.95 50.85 I20/1.12 299.55 AP` [In A'?.I`5 227 63 332.53 55 81 70 /10 '10 rd... me .. d O a Har- 1 .. ushene own ;'i' 35 50 50 93 In \ lJ.I.\I 28 55 61 55 61 so 21 22 00 85 44 7,3 .s4oo` 2?2* #33620 -43680 Pop. En1s't"J`3'1"i,5_a,.l _6800. 600 890 I 7200 480 I 6100 4 7400 3700 1000 1100 1 1350 1500 600 . 381 63 123 480 32 260 .580 120 49 62 106 114 65 283 9 18 484 65 421 467 49 51 37 37 40 12 '2\J\J 24:46 284?` 3 1973 L 600' RI Total Rural :9`. ' 7i;-.While the Choice is Good and the New Lines are Complete The Barrie Examiner 6-? Saturday Morning pita1,'who is -unable to go. ' person enlisting now, and hav- ho of citizenship or the free- place of one 01; the men in nos- Any ing no military experience will be taken overseas,,hut will not be sent to the front until he has completed his training. Why not go overseas with 750 boys from your own County rather than strangers. All- recruiting sergeants` and men of the 177th have been ordered to return to their companies, thus any per- son wishing to enlist can do so` by applying to the Armouries at Collingwood, Orillia` or Barrie. The needs of the Empire are very great, and every -single man of military age who does not of- fer his s_ervices in the defence of our great Empire in her hour of,need,- is not worthy dom under the flag that so many of our men during the of you is admittedly great, but thousands of others have made; _ _ A disgrace to theishipment IS marketed and by, the much greater. past three years, have bleed and died, to defend. The sacrice we ask? Donald Ross and S. McAdam reported for the committee deal- mg with the proposal to improve the road to Camp `Borden. A general discussion followed in which considerable inform-`ation was .elicited and several sugges- tions made._ Finally, the com- mittee was requested to continue its efforts and report progress at the April meeting. V ' The Market` Day , `Upon the `recommendation of the Mercantile Committee, it was decided to take no action towards securing a change in the chief weekly market day. Asked for the reasons determining the com- mittee s decision, Mr. Vickers, the chairman, stated that num_ of t,he.erous enquiriesamongthe farm- ers had failed "to discover any desire for a change of day. The only argument in favor of ehang- ing was that buyers found -Sat- urday a bad day for shipping with the present train service. At the present time, little for County ishanging over us. The|time the outside trade opens up 177th has been recommended as being ready tovgo overseas `to re-cnforce the sor-ely-tried bat- italions who ha_ve been uphold- ing the honor of Canada and the Empire so bravely and so -long. Simcoe s second battalion will lose its identity and- drafts if it is under 700 effec- tives. Fifty men are very ur- gently needed to ensure the bat- talion not being broken up in Canada. If it is broken up, it is a confession that the County is not su"1ciently loyal to _furnish its quota IfI-__- be sent in and that the very large! again thetrains will be restored. Hydro-Agreement _ I A_ lengthy resolution express- ing approval of the new agree- ment for Hydro power was sub- 'mitted by Byron King and T. Beecroft. _ W. A. Boys, K.C., at the re- quest of the President, gave some information regarding the agreement, covering much the same points as were explained in these columns before the vote. The thirty-year` clause he at rst regarded as very objectionable, IlW__.l_`.___-.I :n\` uauauiau. J..'JApUu;|b1Uu.ui._y .I.` U1. uuu. The. strength of the l77th.Bn. atthe present time is 755 men, but there are a number of these`, who are in Base Hospital, Tor-' onto, and will `be unable to pro-: `coed overseas` with the batta-- lion. ' In order that the 177th may go overseas as a unit, it is necessary that their strength`be not less than 700 etfectives. Thus we appeal to you men to save the good old County name by re- sponding to the call. Fill the place of 012 the men in hos- pital, `who not `own strangers. ordered companies, thus per_; to enlist Collingwood, Orillia rill, , 1 VOLUNTEER Battalion . of the Canadian Expeditionary Forcesn 'I`Ir.n olnnnrrlh 1-vi` {kn "7'7{*h D11 l We_call special attention to the new lines of Irish Serge Suits; pinch back styles, Sanfo1jd make, dependable dye,and pure wool, with bloo_mer pants, sizes 28 to 36, at .............................. ..,....'..$l0.50, $14.00 and $15.00 Young men s `:rst Longs, in pinch backs or single breasted sacks, in Tweed or Cheviot Serge. All sizes from 33 to 37. These are very popular and at popular `prices...., ...... .; .... ..$l4.00, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 The new Ties are here and we'would like you to see `them. They are irresistible. The colors are 'br'igl1t but good, and the silk qu'a1_ityis marvellous at the ; V price cents {b3?mriiIe&"5xI bfge 1'23" G'ents :Ties for Easter `Known enlistments. to 4;; most of the men from the`rura.1_ parts enlist from some larger centre, it is diicult to collect accurate gures. The 2573 e1i_ gibles mentioned above have no real reason for not enlisting. The number of men of military age in Simcoe County at the present time IS 9,257.. n Ill\Al\ in [these first `regarded V (Continued on page 12.)i OPPOSED EXTENSION % i 'r. 3. a 0. av. rnnncmsa I I Two hours were protably spent by a number of business men at the rst regular monthly meeting. of the Board of Trade held last Friday night. Fifty- 11(ijne new members were accept- e . Y\ r1'____ _ '!\,,,_1 !Board of. Trade Thought work ; Too Long Delayed -- Other. I _lVlatters at Regular Meeting. Renew your subscrip- tion this mbnth toihe Woman s Magazine Camp Borden Road _`I.I Tl BARRIE, CANADA. MARCH 22,1917 For Patriotic Purposes Bennett---Payne -"'-"~'I`hat $6.00" paid by Mr. Stevenson for use of Town Hall be refunded, this amount. having come out of the Field Comforts funds. Resignations Threatened Secy. Lower of the Fire Bri- gade wrote: I am instructed to inform you that the Brigade have decided not to accept the terms `stated in the Council s re-- port and will therefore place their resignations in the-hands of the Acting Chief to take ef- fect on or before Apr. 3,'.next. _` rn- .1.._1' ___-11'. .1-- `7 82,400. Acreage- Rural, 1,- '056,623; Urban, 16,102. Total- 1,072,725 acres. 'io}ii1a{i6x1 _c;f'E]wo'u"1'1ty (1914) ` \-JUKALIULL nu uivano (1 LUIJGLU. St.`Gath vines Council asked co-operation towards securing legislation to prohibit the sale _of veal and the slaughter of all cattle younger than 20 months- the object being to prevent de- pletion of Canada s stock of cattle. _L_,___,A 1| ,,, 11 'I\, `I \JtkU|Jl\Jo A statement from the Parks Commission `szhowed expendi- tures for 19416 as follows: -- Wages, $612.28; maintenance, $165.03; permanent improve- ments, $4l.34; interest on over- draft`85e. - By-Law Would Be Illegal `W. A. Boys, K.C., in reply to the Council s instructions for him to prepare a by-law to im- _pose a fee of $20 on all buyers who buy on theeinarketfor re- sale outside the town, advised as foll0ws:--- LET ,,- I` II ,' ' II ' v\;. ' -court. The P. 0. Square- Another bylaw was passed prohibiting trespassing on the P. 0. Square, so the short-c-ut ends had bettexgbeware or they will find themselves in the police _.--- v -....v..\.; --`an; u, .Ll\ld&IIO To <-i-ea:l-T with this com1'n`u,nicaL tior_1- Council went into commit-' ._tee with Ald.'Brother`. in_ the `chair; and there was a general discussion for half an hour. _._ -......_.,-- nan- urn. -av:-`.- Practically the `remen are the boss of the tsit uation,`said the Mayor,but it is pretty hard if the Council? is to._be held up in this way.` As far as I c_an learn Since`the Council declined to grant the request of the remen for extra pay where res last longer than four h-ours, it has been rumored that the Brigade would resign because this re- questwas not granted. A move in this direction was `in evidence at Monday night s council when a letter from the firemen threat- ening to resign if the demand were not acceded to, was read. In committee-of-th-e-who1e, Goun- cil discussed the matter and authorized the g committee to take steps to protect the town s interests in case the threatened resignations materialize. The agitation for the imposition of.a fee on those buying at the mar- ket for re-sale outside the town was effectively squelched by an opinion of the Town Solicitor that such a measure would be illegal.. Those absent from the session were Aldermen Clark, Horseld and Thompson. Communications _Alex. C. Br-own asked permis- SlOI1 to remove two trees in front Ofnhis house on Charlotte St. 1).'A.-.,.lI .....,...-..,-.A...I 1..--.- 1- I.L.uu ouuxc LLUUD uual. 111D UUUDU. M. J. Brennan, who took out a butcher- s license in October, was uharged a full year -s license fee for -1916 and he asked the Council to make a rebate. CL (W.-.1L....,..'.....~ I`! -.~-1| -~`|---`I FIREIIIEN Tl.-IREATEIV -ro `RESIGN on APR. 3 council Takes steps to Protect Town's Interests - Proposed Market Regulation Illegal. Iv; uno IIUUDU U11 UIJGLIUULU Dh- | _R. Bidwell requesLed_leave to `turn some trees near hlS house. 1|! T `P; . _ P\"\ --L _-`L - 1 A -1- ., The 177th Battalion appeal to fifty of the 2,573 men to join them, or in other. words, they ask for one from every fty'of those who have no reason for not enlisting, to don the khaki. | TIVL_ 3 L\Ill\J VV L`! ."-' I am of the, opinion that such a bylaw would be illegal. The power to regulaleinarkets is found. in Sec. 401 of the Mun- icipal Act, sub sec. 5, and the power there given is f-or pro- hibiting or regulating the pur- _chase of meat, sh, etc._. by Ihucksters, grocers, wholesalers, `and others, or by persons who udirectly or indirectly purchase I am of the opinion that you cannot legally limit the re-sale as is proposed. In other words, there could not he a re-sale within the limits of the town. I can, of course, prepare a bylaw requiring a license fee for re- sale either in- or out of Town, and if this will meet the views of the committee. V Would Raise Poll Tax In view of the largenumher of men who _are neither tenants or owners and thusescape mun- icipal taxation though enjoying all the facilities and protection- of the town in which they live, Peterboro Council wants the Legislature to grant power to levy on these a tax of $10 an- nually for at least two years or to increase the present poll tax adequately. Barrie Council is asked to lend its aid to securing such legislation. (1 acquire-them for re-sale, and 11:` ""iiy"1}L}'ByLaw The Finance (jommittee hav- ing had a favorable opinion from the Town Solicitor, Mr. Boys,- {regarding the new Hydro agree- I ment, `the necessary bylaw con; irnning the agreement was pass- ` ed. Q rI1L, 1*. r\ P1, Reeve Bennett- The services _of the firemen in the past have been satisfactory and the cost reasonable. Council has shown a willingness to meet the re- quests of the Brigade. As to this demand for extra pay for long res, I am told_that some leading members of the Brigade are not in favor of the step taken, but that some agitators are trying to make the Council sit up. We have tried to deal fairly with them and in case of long res a request for special consideration would be granted as the circumstances warranted. I m t-old there is complaint over hook and ladder equipment, rub- ber boots and coats, etc., and certain agitators are -trying" to use the present situation to lmake the Council sit up. If this is their attitude I for one am prepared to let them quit. But I cannot believe that the members are so lacking -in loy- ~ alty to the town that they would quit if they don t get a paltry few cents. Ald. Tyrer--They have always been paid for overtime. T nnnnufvv T 1.11711 v'v Lfk I SOLDIERS AID LUNG!-I Served In Red cross Shop Every Saturday from 11.30 to 2 p.m. Special Easter Offerings I Our Clothing Stock for Spring is now `complete and ready for inspection. It is always a plea- sure for us to show our kind of Clothing. It costs you absolute- ly nothing to look our range over. If you come and look we think you will see the best stock of Men s and Boys Clothing that has ever been shown to the people of Barrie and Simcoe Co. Our prices are very much lower than we thought they would be, and in our judgment the Stock we are showing for Spring is wonderful for its cheapvness. Do not `accept our word and judg_ ment`, but come and look for yurself. Special Easter Bar- gains in Men's and Boys Suits. I-luntel-_ s Exclusive Men's Store, u.a.v U zuuuu bl. UUIJIU. Ald. Payne`---_ Why not accept the resignations .and have the applications come through the Council? V Al.`l I`|-_.,,,_ 117) 1 on -- nu-.u a uxc wxuu uu uL'1g`5duU' Ald. Payne-Tl1ere. are lots _of people who would lend a hand in case of need. As far as the res lasting over four hours are con- cerned there have not been over four of them in eight years. - T.0hhn\' Wxrnnxvflminm t\]r\f\ there are two or three agitators on the brigade. If we had pow- er to dism_is them, we wouldn t have {much trouble." Al.-I n..--.,... urn... ,. -- \JLlklll.\JlI 5 Ald. Roger-s-- What if there were a fire with no brigade? Davina "l"hnnn nnn `r\`n .-.4` J.uu.J. U1 uu-Jul 111 Ul5l1l; _yU21.l'b`. A1d.- Lenn.ox--Everything else asked by-the remen has been granted, and it seems unfortun- ate that there should be friction over such a small matter as th1s. _ I `l'\--_., `I'\ .4 --an -. .-nuuggnc uv uvaa unau saunas . is the` last. opportunity the men of this county will have .to enlist in a Simcoe County uuuu ya.J.I,.I lUl UVULLIUIU. Deputy Lowe- I wouldn t be too swift. Leave the matter to the chairman and see if he can- not adjust, the ditference. ' We have a good brigade. Pho Dnnxrn `X711 knxyn nnlkinnn luuvo on 5UUu Luxgauc. The Reeve-We have nothing to do with the organization. That letter should have gone to the Acting Chief. AI.-I hn11;n Tl-9,. ....-. .-.:.-.,.L. 1.. L- lulu 1.\uu:.115 1.111101. U Ald. Davis It s no cinch to be a- reman. How many membersi of this Council. would like to: crawl out to res in the middle` of the night`? I An! Dnvvrltu nn.I n7:r.An. ...n.. . V SATURDAY, `MARCH '24th Menu -- 30 cents \JA unlu 7 Ald. Payne and \Visd0n1 mov- ed, That in the event of the members of the Fire Brigade. sending in their resignations to the Acting Chief, that the Fire and Police Committee be auth- orized t.0 confer with the Acting Chief and take necessary steps to protect the town s` interests. Al.-il T\.....:,-. .~..-,J 1\,......1-- 1` ..--.-I LU ytuucul, ll.lU uuvvuo IIILULUDLD. Ald. Davis and Deputy Lowe moved in amendnlent. thatqin the event of_ a re lasting over four hours, extra` remuneration for each reman in attendance considered `by Council. A1,] `l`\--..._ -.-:,J AI..'_ _,_-__1:1 ,,,n be lJl.\JLln Reeve Bennett- VVe ve never objected to paying the men extra We ve used them fairly and their good sense should convince them of that. These men are citizens and may be expected to act fair- ly. They are not going to hold `their resignations till the last minute and then go out unex- pectedly leaving the town un- `protected. n .J:....'..:...... LL... .._----_.,.I_..-___L bl] kl |/\J\JUL".|u On division, the amendment was lost: Ald. Lang voting for it 1n_add1t.1on to the two movers. The original motion` then car. ried. T._,L `I__l`-,, A'L I` 1 I. ll/`xi. Just before the meeting ad- journed at nine 0 clock, the Mayor urged the chairmen of commit,teesL to get to work on their estimates as soon as pos- sible. UUILQIULLC-Ll 1J`V LJ|JLllLlJllo Ald. Davis said this would not tie up the Council but W-ould leave the matter open for furth- er discussion. He was of the` opinion that the difference slh(C)1uld have been amicably set- te . `l`|._.....-._ 1\-.____11 111 9 There are at present in -Sim,- coe County over 9,000 men of military age, who have been canvassed by the men of the 177th Battalion during the last ve months, and of this number 2,573 admitted in writing that they had no reason for not en- listing. The following state- ment,,which has been prepared after months of work, will no doubt prove quite interesting to the citizens of Simcoe County. U \. SALMON LOAF .TOfllATO SAUOE OREAMED POTATOES BREAD AND BUTTER PIE 0 TEIMS-Slng1o copious cu. Porunun [In advance] 8I.5o WATERWORKS MADE $3793.49 LAST YEAR Second Largest Year on Record -TotaI Receipts were $17,096 -Lower Rates Unlikely. VVater Interest Meter ac. Supplieg Insurance Fuel.. ' Wages . i.Expense . .T |Oi1 & Waste. ilnt. O draft . Boiler Ins. .. Art,s n VVel1s Hydrant Mtce War donatns .Acc. rec. `Total for 0p- 11) ?-'.\;:\v1n The annual statement of the Waterworks Dept. for 1916 is a satisfactory one, showing a gross prot of $10,155, and $3793 to the good after debenture and in-. terest were paid. Fuel cost near- ly $1000 more than in the pre- ceding year, but expense? ac- count, was less than half that of 1915 when the new well was sunk and there Was considerable extraordinary expenditure in connection` with .the Bradford St. roadway. The 1915 net pro- t was only $299. In the his- tory of the Department, the 1916 profits were the se- cond largest on record, be- ing exceeded only by that of 1914 when the net profits were $4226.84, although the 1914 re- ceipts were considerably lower--- $15,848.72. Tn n....r.,\...4:...._ L:_ ,,- ., \J.U.l1lUDo Notwithstanding the large surplus earned last year, con- sumers will not likely get lower rates this year, as the prots will be used to pay for the elec- tric pump. Through the reduc- tion in operating expenses which should be effected through the new pump, lower rates should be possible in the follow- ing year. I:`r\llr\1vv:--`rm 3;` A r-r-z~----"-- .a.uuu.L Aux Uy- erations .. Gnosst prots; Less Deb. pd -Less Interest. MENU FORSATURDAY AND SUNDAY _ SOUP Chicken a la Printanire _ FISH Bolled Sea Salmon with Lobster Sauce M ENTREES `Y Kidney Roll Bacon a la Frencesse Pork Loin breaded Patitas Pois ROAST Prime Rib Beef with Yorkshire . Pudding _ Spring Chicken with dressing Young Turkey-Cranberry Sauce j VEGETABLES . Boiled or Mashed Potatoes ' Stewed Tomatoes . DESSERT . . Green Apple Pie Hot Mince P16 Steamed English Plum Pudding Gnu-\}n~r\n1nnn 4 QOIIIUD Want.ed--50 Men, to Assure the Kaflrallnn n-sin:-u flunnanah on A In presenting his report, Aud- itor Marr took occasion to com- pliment the Secy.-Treas., Mr. Hohley, for the efficient manner in which he has discharged his duties. 'RY_A___:1`I. , 1 , , I L1lI.1\JClb`uI.l VVUIIO IJIIJU I'll hand .. .. ,. .. .,$ Expense account Fuel . . . . . .' Meters .. .. Oil '& waste .. Supplies. . . . Cash on hand `Insurance, boiler. un0x~ nunnzl JAl(11!L Capital account. Town of Barrio, Prot and Loss ((IVrV1(W-e-3i1'i';1;t'0-r1- Hotel) A la Carte at all` business houra. Tables for Ladies and Gentlemen `uEi<`oJl`1`(g).:s;ivng is a comparative statement. for 1915 and 1916. RECEIPTS 1915 _ 1916 1`x7n4nn 0,4002]. :1 mnnmn `Profit, for year $299.01 Ill./1.4, LJKJIIKJI q |Jll| .\ "`}{i~ .. .. .. .. 27.47 Do, general .. .. .. .. 96.53 Accts. Rec., \x'a4tm` r21t.e.s 6126.41 "D0, supp1ies.. .. .. .. 967.30 Plant Acct. .. . . . . ..l:m536.. ;3 To0ls............ 30.55 ---Maple Leaf paints and FH.. glaze. None better on the mar. kct. VV. A. Lowe & Son. iWELLINGTON CAFE LAST APPEAL FOR MEN BY THE 177th BATTN. Artesian L-.- J P61` 11Ull.l u uu DUI) U y.u.. Breakfast 6 to 9. a.m. , 35 cents HENRY 8: GARLAND, Props. .5-.\4uI Dinner.H to 2 Supper from 5' to 8 p.m. `D-nnn]rfan4 in 0 5| m AND Bnniouf HALL` IIUU .LJll5llDl.l J. lhllll ;. up September 16th Sauce 17-3, l\.-Jpnnn. $13812 03 317096 5 DISBURSEMENTS 1915 1916 nn m Section - 2 Pages 5 to 12 Asols wells pipe 12 Pages ll/LL .$l3364 County. i T7,- ,

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