Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1917, p. 2

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Up to Dec.'31st, 191", the people of Canada contributed over f}l{.lfl1LCUn'IIlll1l0I1 dollars to summl-t the Canarlia-n Patriotic Fund. and the Central Gom- niith-,._-, at Ottawa are asking for twelve millionmore for 1917. This is not a time for evasion or excuses. The issues at stake- call for heroism---for self sacri_ ee. We are not less patriotic than others. 400,000 Canadians are not too proud "to fight. Let April anal 5 prove that those of us who stay at home are `not too mean tolpay. i Amongst our stock of Staple "Suitings and Dress Goods will be found many lines that are old} dyes and some of them at old? prices. mL- h A A n ov\ru11:O1('Y p .... s. I The Dressmakin g department, with `MISS HUNT, is in full swing and very busy. If you contemplate having anything made for Easter come at once, for we will soon stop taking orders for Easter delivery. ` All the Newest Ma- terials in Wash Goods, in White and Colored Coeds now in stock Murchison Thursday, March .22, 1911. 'Iil3lll!i8!liim%I Telephone Book. i HI `Th ursxi H- Songs of the Pat-No. 2| Songs of the Pa_at-No. 22 Z? 9 11.1.: n D o_ din thv \/It din \l\'l`1.i all. DI`: Danni" All .\.\. Teasing th Cat-One-Step.) On the Dixie Highway-One.-Step `mi { - i\i'i` \I| hr %h_-'. fI` `Hm Thor; ill`: ix l\'i{1'I' 11"! I.`- An Idle Woman's Busy Da Dallas Blues ` 31;` M: ish 191 Absent (Barifone) O Snlunris (Bass) (Latin) A Mada II Canada One Price from Coa to Coaat I Played Everywhara * ` Dealers in Every Town and City V Berliner Gram-0-phonkze Com any I .lM ED Hear them at any His Mas`ter s Voice dealers % f.`1301!i1!g .$t01?.S A Few Other Good -Suggeions: 117 9 Lenoir Street, Montreal g :. pm A. A . an ,-n If the attendance and live in. terest of last Friday night s meeting of the Board of Trade can he Inaintained at the regu- lar monthly .meeting's, much g'oo(i to the town is bound to re- sult, All the questions referred to the con`nn'ittees were fully re- ported upon and handled in a. manner worthy of a business men".< organization. The coun- cil of the Board and the com-` 'Inittees seem to have taken hold with nu energy that should spell Suo(:ess._ vl\/Ir. Cross, the Presi_ dent. promises a good program for every meeting. and wi_ll be glad to have suggestions. If every member will a keep the Board in. mind and promptly re- port-to the President any matter which he thinks might fitably considered, much benet is bound to accrue to the town. His Master's Voice B_arrie Dealer. ` Twelve-inch, double-sided Vitor Reordsi Are you a rolling tone. and awav `tom home? If you are, Vidtor Record:l82 I 5 will Just please your tancy, and brmg back memories ofby-go'ne days. This song is by Henry Burr and backed by" another good one ( a duet) "Don't Write Me Letters" by Campbell and Burr. Write for free copy of our 450-page Musical En- cyclopedia litingover 6000 Vxaor Records. Two Delightful Red Seals GEO. vlcxsns Midland will be troubled with growing pains if all its hoped- for industries materialize.` The latest is a_ company that pro- poses to use the old iron smelter for copper smelting. A company has leased the property for five years and talks of employing 1500 meninsido of two years. If this sort of thing keeps on, the: Midland merchants may be able: to do something worth while fort the newspapers--and themselves '-_in the way of advertising. promote been declared" illegal. Even had the solicitor s opinion not been unfavorable, the measurewould hardly have passed the Council, the fallacy of the plan having become very apparent. `Instead of placing -restrictions upon the market, the Council should en- deavor to develop it further and still closer-relations with the people of the surround- ing country. Working in con- junction with the Boardvof `Trade there is much that might be ac-' complished in this direction. 1 I l There s to be no inducement for the Barrie ladies to go to the latest wrinkles in Easter millinery this year. The Eastern Toronto and show the city folk Canadian Passenger Association has decided that there will be no special Ea.ster rates this year except for students and com- mercial travellers. ` The `proposed regtilation of buyers at the Barrie market has The X Collingwood Bulletin says:-Barrie is looking for an electric railway connection with` MarieCahili } Marie Cahill 1 Victor Mixed Chorus} Victor Mixed Chorus Emilio dc Cuogorza 64628. ` Marcel joumet 74472 \./an Eps Trio I Van Eps Trio J Y I . Sterling Trio J 'zf1'1n'65 QIK I" ` JHIBZZ6. 3 35607 ssosa ' Assets TI-IE BANK QFTORONTO $13,114,554 ' - utely or obtained at "`.Youll' avoid 1' alliriisli of ` Safety fortyour Valuable loss of your Titles, Insurances,lB4onds and other important pap- ers, and. of Jewellery, plate and other valu- ables when youdepos- it them in a Bank of Toronto Safety De- posit Box. Here they will `be safe from re and burglary, and can be readily referred to `any time. The Vaults of this Bank are absol- Burglar Fire Proof. Your in- spection of them is invited. and th'eAC.P.R. Inrespons`_e to the reque t of -the` mayor and the reeve the Hydro-Electric Com`- missi n wi_ll furnish the town with an estimate of Athe'cost.- Should reports in circulation be based- on facts it is possible, thoughfour times as far from the C.P.R. as our county town, that Collingwood may be linked up with the great system before it gets into shape. Information in regard to thismatter from an entirely new source has been recently received and it is en- couraging." $1380 was paid for a dining; room rug for Government House, Toronto. Such lavish expendi; ture seems very `much out of place at a time when heavy war taxes are being imposed and the people are being urged to exer_ cise thrift in every possible way. Peterboro G.ouneil s effort to have a special tax imposed on those men who escape munici- pal taxation is worthy of sup- port. Heretofore such men have escapedwith only a poll tax 01 one dollar per year-and in this town quite a fevv haven t even contributed this amount -to the municipality ` although . they get V all the privileges and advantag- es whieh the town provides. Further, the local and County grants for patriotic purposes? `fall upon theish-oulders of pi-o-j perty owners, while the ahlo-; `bodied; ilnmarriedp man who: rowns no property, goes absolute- lly free of-paying any of the bur- dens of the War. Beyond an 0c.- casional gift of 250. or 500., on the occurrence of a_ canvass, he escapes entirely. , Why should he, when he has, very_ often, no |home responsibility,` and no way to spend his money but on`him_ self`? - Mayor Craig must entertain` peculiar ideas of the` functions Iof the Board of Trade, judging {from his recent intimation to Presi_dent Cross that the Council would be pleased to haxfe an opinion from the Board as to the proposed B agreement between Barrie and the Hydro ?Electric Commission, after the whole `thing had been practically dis- posed -of. Not only had the ratepayers approved the agree- ment, but the Council at the rst meeting in March unanimously` adopted a motion, That if the agreement re Hydro power is satisfactory to our solicitor, that the Mayor and Clerk be author- ized tosign same. .In the face of -this the Board could do noth- ing and when it was mentioned to him the Mayor should have plainly told the President so. It was pretty late in the day~for the Mayor and Council to get a sol- icitor's opinion, even. Instead of submitting the draft agree- ment to a solicitor when it was rst presented and giving his opinion to the ratepayers in or- der that -they might vote intelli- gently on the by-Iaw, the Council did nothing "towards informing. the ratepayers, except through the newspaper reports` of the a conference with Engineer James. An opinion from the Board of Trade at an early stage of the proceedings would have been timely, but for the Mayor to in- timate that an expression f the] Board s views would be accept- able, after "the "whole question` was settled, was an absurdity. If.yo1-have anything to sell, pa.tronizeA.- The .Examiner and Saturday` - .M-orning Adlet Column. Some person may -want what you have to`-'sel'i. V '~ * ` -S_p_rIl`ng Necessities - `Spe- qival` Va_h1e,_"' new.-de_signs. of Oil- _;_l'b,t1i"`a~jn`c1l" `Linoleum; at Dougall Brosa ~ " . The situation that has arisen in connection with the Fire De- partment is much to be regret- ted; It seems most _unlikely that the remen are thinking of resigning simply because of the few dollars involved in the extra pay for res lasting over` four hours_,_ It looks as if there must be some other cause of dissatis- faction which does not appear on the surface. `If so, the remen should state their grievances frankly to` the Fire & Police Committee, which should be pre- pared to meet them in the same spirit of frankness.~ .T_here! should be no necessi-ty for. a dis- play of- feeling in a matterof this kind. If the parties will get together and talkgover the situ- ation calmly and freely, misun- derstandings will` probably be cleared up and the. differences settled amicably; The Pavtriotie Fund `campaign will open the rst--[week [in April. Think ,th'_is' matter` .ouf,'-Tin ad- Vance. Do it 5now_. '_Then when the canvassers come be ready with your contribution "or mon; thlyv subscription. pledge. Give till you fee-1""` -;..T.h\'e. cause is worthy of some 'rs`a'c{rice. In the years to (b3oI_11'e`;yL(_)u-_'vvi1l never re- g'ret it. ._ -' `" Tl.-`IE IARR|EEXAMlNElI AND SATURDAY MORNING Page Two `An interesting and exciting hockey match took place last` Wednesday between the Gentle` Seven and the Sentimental Sev- en. The game -was very fast and the few hundreds who witnessed! the play, saw a`rea1ly.clevereex-i hibition of hockey. In the rst. period Miss Monkman scored on a rush and near the end of the. second period tallied another on a pass from Miss Ness. C-lean hockey was played throughout, only one penalty being imposed. Both teams have some pretty stick-hand1ers and hockey fans| have something to look forward to next season. Lieut. Robert- son of the 177th Bn., acted as an impartial referee. The nal score was 2-0 _in favor or- the Sentimental Seven. The teams were: Gentle Seven-Goal, Miss R. Vance; `defence, Miss D. (.'ass-| el1s,, Miss Young; rover, Miss Stotesbury (Capt.) centre, Miss` K. Kennedy; wings, Miss Alice Armstrong, Miss Helen Bel-1. Qnnlinnnnlnl Qntvn I,/'\f\1 $11.1. D. LVl.(LLILJ(1L(Il. Many thanks are due to the. 177th Band for splendid music supplied during the evening. Af_; ter the game the Band, teams; aanrl their friends were entei-tain-l it? to a supper and dance by; Douglas Stewart. and ladies! lot` the Patriotic Circle. ` (fin centre ice at half time the` ladies presented Mr. Hamlin with a silver cigarette case `and Bandmaster Andrews with a pair of sor-ks in recognition of their 17:-rxrl-nxrurwru .A1llllCUl `Illa, LVLIUQ .l.l\7l.CI.I. JJUl'l.o Sentimental Seven Goal, Miss Ida C1-eswieke; defence, Miss Fowler, Miss L. Marr; r0v-, er, Miss Mon-kman; centre, Miss" ]:`0rI'; wings, Miss D. Otton ' and Miss Bessie Ness' (Captain) .e . TTunnnnn `Mina \\7n11~nv': and \Jl null l\\.`l kindness. '\ \.Au]_JI.u1u } . Umpires- Mrs". Walket` and Mrs. MacLaI"en. 1|.I -__..__ LL_.__.`l_., A..- .1.-- L- ILA! Thus showing their faithvin Canada and their appreciation of_ the Loan as an attractive invest- ment. - - w'F0r prices and particulars above properties apply to W. O. THOMPSON 8: SON, Office, 15 Owen St., Barrie. ' Phone 288. - . -....C>- 1 11 acres of good gardening land, 7-room brick" house, barn, drive house, poultry house, good water and spring creek running through property. This proper- ty has been used as a market garden and will be sold on easy terms. (I 5 acres of gardening land; brick house, barn, drive house, fruit trees, strawberries, rasp- berries. This property will he sold right, _on reasonable terms. "A I I Q A and I A` vcvll-L l\'w\l\ AA..- DUIU. 115uI.., _uu l.U(1.oU_u.Cl.UlU UULJUD. House and Lot with one acre of land, stable, riumber of fruit trees. `Can be bought on easy terms. W`S`:;I.'e and Residence, corner of Owen and Collier Sts., has all lconveniences, ` shelving and `counters, etc., in store. VVi11 exchange `this for house proper- ty. ` `I71-.. ...__.`........ .......`I _...__.A_'___1..___ -10 Now is the Time_to Gef Rid of T These Ugly Spots Do you know how easy it is to remove those ugly spots so that no one will call you freckle-face-? Q:rv\v'\1`v n-nt n n n . u n An .-.-I-` ntkinn ;a.U 'LI1l.\J IVLAL uu..I1 Juu LLUUIXJU-'10!-UU6 Simply get an ounce of othine, double strength, from your drum gist and a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of freckles and get a beautiful complexion. The sun and winds of March have :1 strong tendency to bring out freckles, and as `a result more othine-is sold during this month. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine. as this is sold under gllarantee of men- ey back if itfails to remove the freckles. ` ' ' When taking life assurance, insulin -in Cana_da s greatest, assurance company. The Sun Life of Canada, D. J. REBURN, Barrie, Phone 142 District Manager I 3 acres of rst-c1ass garden- ing land: 7-1-00111" brick house with town water, electric light and furnace; barn with stable, 2 large poultry houses; dierent kinds of fruit. A nice home and la money-maker. 3 gang. .1` A1,.-- 1-....- ..-.:.... .._. IA: 1JJ\Il-l\J`7 Lxxnamnux u 2 acres of clay loam, nice or- chard, 6-ro0m bungalow; barn with horse and cow stable and large chicken house. A nice `place to live and raise your own i living. J _-_-_ -1` -,_,;r -._,,,1, ,-',,, $10,000,000 WAR LOAN -: COMMENT OF THE WEEK :- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A O NICE HOME? THE SUN LIFE FREOKLE-FACE sussomazn FOR OF THE NEW Girls I-lockey_ of L Extra oopies of this issue may'J. G. Keenan or Roy Stone. Also he obtained at this office or at at Harry Fisher's store, Cooks. the bookstores of Walter Scott, town. Three cents per copy. New Spring Suitings, Dress Goods and Silks ARRIVING DAILY Devlin Branches at Ban-levand -Allaiidalz, H. A. SIMS, Manaer. McCall Patterns 10c, 15c and We ~ each 1 The Spring and Summer ' . (`K . Samples for Men s Made:-to- ___.:,__..\ Measure Suitsare all in. Men s and Young Men s Ready-to-.\/Vear Suits in Spring and Summer Styles, sizes 34 to 44. Devlin & Murchison _...y -...1....--.. yr... no vvasutnnv McCall Patterns Nos. 7669-7607, twd of t`: many new designs for April The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. azmmmmmmsu convenient trains leave Toronto Union Station" 11.00 PM. (Except Saturday) 10.00 AM. (Except Sunday) All modern equipment - Through ticketsto Ottawa via Toronto and the Cana- dian_ Northern Railway are obtainable from local C. N. R. Agent or G. T. R. `Agent. Telephone or Telegraph collect to City Passenger Agent, Toronto, for reservations, or apply to A. F. A. Malcomson, Insurance Agent, Barrie. CANADIAN NORTHERN McCall Monthly Magazine 10c. (All Come Rollizg Home Again) $10.00 to {$20.00 ? The Ubiquitous Sports Costum 1.11,`: n..._ d/ Men 5 / {eady-to-.VVear ,..,4?` ` "3 $17.50 to. $35.00 of the New Issue (I Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! 1]] Order your telephone now, so that your name will be in the new issue! `I Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. T,.h?.S*%1e.ct. Fareily Hotel Ameriun up per day. lIu'opean'P1|n-Single $1.26 up per day--Double $1.50 up per day. Write for descriptive booklet. Centrailir *1o5t1=.&_JTzs{Bi=r 3?3nges"t}e'eE' _ 71- Greilville Street,` Toronto. Ontario Ten-inch, double-sided Vidtor Records-V-90c for the twp selecftiona: . How's Every Little Thing in Dixie. American Q_.1a2-tet} I825 In the Days of Old Black _Ioe Peerless Quartet On the Sandwich Isles Peerless Quartet Yukaloo (My Pretty South Sea island Lady)e_ `_ T . IBZZ7

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