Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1917, p. 8

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` 7-1`i0($m brick house and lot, Innisl St., sale pr-ice'$1350.00. I $50 down, $15 per month after- wards until paid for. '|\Tl,.,. 'l)s1 7QQt,_ waras llI1Ll1 pauu 1u1'. Nice Bungalow, John St. West, sale price $1650. $50 down, $15 iper month till paid for. '7 nnnrn hr-ink hrmsa and lOt.. `per IIIOIILII L111 ptuu tut. 7 room brick house and lot, John St; West,,sa1e price $1350. $50 down, $12 per month after- wards. (`\ -A!-v\m kn-ln'Iy hhnco and In`, wams. _ . 8 room bmck house and lot, Bradford St., with all -the latest conveniences. Sale price $2/400. Small payment down. A c "I ~nnn`rn hvrirflz hnngn. and lot. Small payment. uuwu. 7 room bmck house and lot, with all ' conveniences, Brock St., sale price $2600. $100.00 down, balance monthly pay- ments. r\rv\ `DI1nt1`0`f\\X'1 _Thn ments. . ? 6 mom Bungalow, John St., price. $950. $50 down, $10 per moonth till paidfor. ...,....~. I-un1'1nn'-ant Inf 'nnrnp_r |m0I1I.u uu pagnu Luz. _ 8 room house "and lot, corner Ellen and Victoria BL, pvice $950. $100 down, $12 `per month afterwards. `|\T-...l. `I.....n1r Lnuian lint` nn IIIOIILII a1LI?1'wa1'ua. V Neat brlck house and lot, on Frederick St., with flowing well water. Price $1100. $50 d-own. Balance monthly payments. e T 4\I'Il'III\ '|nn:n1r I'\r\I1Qn D711" balance IIl(.Jlll:llly payluouoo. Large brlck house and lot, 50 William` St.', has {all convenien- .ces, garage and stable. ` Price |$33oo; $500 down. Dninlr hnnan and Inf $'d3UU; aiouu uuwu. _ Brick house and lot, with_hot water: heating, lighting_ and plumbing, Burton Ave., price $2000. Easy terms. -7 ...-gnnn hnnen and lnl N-(L `I-03 BULL FOR SALE- Pure bred ""--~tL..... ninivxrr fmn van:-Q ]5ZUUU. busy Lcrum. 7 room house and 101. No. 1-03_ Burton -'Ave., allpconveniences. Sale price $1650. . Small pay- ment down.` For further particulars of the above properties apply W. O. THOMPSON 8: SON. 1'\l_ -__- non I lluuun v._ `Real Estate Agents, P1;EJn'e"2j88, Office, -~15 Owen St., Barrie. See those handsome Tussore Silks, 1 yard wide, with spots`. They are the latest New York style and they are also very scarce and we will not be able to replace same. See them in oureast wind-ow. Mrs; McLean of Ivy is visiting Mrs. G. McKnight. - ' --x- r:1..AxL .'n uieilincri lV.ll'5. U. .LV.lU1Llll5l.1bo Miss Berta Scott is visiting relatives in New York. - -... KT...-.l.. I-`no hnnn I'Bl2:lL1VUs 111 now 1u1n. | Miss Grace Neely has `been spending` a few days at her home in Craigvale". ' au_-1-1...: ur..1-.k' hon 1-o_| What Woman Can Resist This Ad? I116 111 Ulalgvunuo l U Mrs. Meaford Webb has re- turned after `spending several weeks in Toronto. " "` `|'\4L---l~-H. nvsrl Q `N ? FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-- 100 acres, Tp. of Innisl. An Ideal Stock 01- Dairy farm. J; Frank Jackson, Barrie. 9--11 WEEKS 111 .1 U1 Ulll/U. H. G..R0berts0n and S. N. Iiurst are in Stratford this vveek atuuung the Orange Grand Lodge. , 1ur:;.; rn..,:-.p. A...-lnn~h I1-ac 7'11- several It Toronto; ' With eueryjdollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See thenice goodsat small prices I . .l'OI'UI1LU.' ' M. P. Bridgland, D.L.S., Cal- gary, A1ta., is spending a few days with Mrs. Perkins, before go1n_g to Ottawa. name Alina Tneqipr nf Pane- 801113 LU Uu/a.wu.. Miss Alice Tessier of Pene- tang visited with Mrs. M. H. Welker for a few days this week -on her way home from.Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dickey, Barrie, announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Fannie V-iolet, to Mr. G. A. Wil- son of Winnipeg. n__.I-i...L `IN...-.`In.-`V. nn,-I {,n BULL `U1 vv uuuyu Mrs. Rudolph bliunbar and two children left yesterday for Chi- cago where` they` will nesirle. They were accompanied bysMrs. .Dunbar`s mother, Mrs. J. G. Scott. -n. n .1- ,_ __ .1 `ml'.....' '!5..n1n.s Mrs. Butcher and Mrs.` Burton,` left on Thursday to attend the funeral of Mr. Myron Silver of Sutton. Mrs. Butcher will re- main in Sutton for a time with her sister, Mrs. Silver. M.. ......4 1\If'r|o 1.1 `L1 r\Hrm havn Handsome Tussore Silks I161` 515061`, Lula. uuvcx. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Otton have been in Napanee for a few days attending the funerral of Mrs. Ott0n s mother, `Mrs. Henuv Boyle, who ' passed away on. Thursday, Mar. 8, in her 83rdl It tells about a subject of prime tinterestyjust now--o turing the latest of` Dame Fashion. A - ` The charm of novelty and beauty, an appeal to the f this splendid style show. What woman would not be delig materials: the superb designing, the wonderful blending every side at this exhibit of Fashion's Newest Creations! We know we won t have to urge you to come. Now 1 for your eyes, you ll be eager to see it. Take our word fro SEED OATS FOR SALE -- Pure` Banner Oats; free from all weed seeds. Apply to I. Nel- son, Gookstown R. R. 1. 9-11 Year. yuan . . Among those who attended Dr. McLeod s funeral were:. Mrs. Preston. and VVm. and Andrew Jeffrey of Stralford; Miss Mar- garet Reid, Mr. Fox, Toronto; Mrs. - Moodie, Huntsville. Mr. `Penman of Paris was unable to be present, in person but sent a r_epresent.a,t:ivo in Mr. MacVicaI` of that town. n__1_ 1' :..--a T;-\l`:v\fvI`r\'r\ -U l lrlllr hu w u . Flight Suh-Lieut.. W_ellingt0n Ault, younger son of the late LWe1lingt.0n Ault, Barrie,` and Mrs. Ault, was wedded in St. PERSONAL MENTION Gladys Ardagh has re- home V after spending months in New York and But awe do not lose sight of the fact that selling Corsets is a great- er art and requires greater diplomacy. Corsets require _ salesmanship of the rst order. 'That s why Corset . salesmen are re- \cognized as leaders `everywhere. You should see our lines of Cr_mnp- ton s, D. & A. and E. F. They are hig lvalues. $3.25, 3.00,- 2.50, 2.25, 2.00, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00 and Corsetry is an Art 15] IMaI'tin, London, England`, on Feb.7, to Miss Mar- guerite Dudley of that city. Mr. 'Ault is now at Dundee, Scotland, an active service station, and is engaged in coast patrol work. I Capt. H." E. Jory arrived home `yesterday morning from Roch`- ester, Minn., where he under- went very serious operations for throat trouble. He has com- pletely lost his voice but has taken his misfortune with characteristic optimism and the many friends who call upon him are greeted. with his o1d-time cheerfulness and heartiness; Page Eight. The Soldiers Aid girls were hostesses at a very pleasant `so- cial evening in the Armour-ies on Tuesday, when they enter- tained the soldiers and their families. Numerous pairs 01" `socks and boxes of candy were] given away in guessing con-` tests, etc. A short program of music and readings was -given,` THE COMM N DoEsN*_1j .The H. C. of L. Commission doesn't reduce the high cost of living but we do, by our special prices on groceries. For example :- . . . . .. .. .. 3|bs.for25c. Choice` Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FancyDates.... ........._.......perpkg.10c. Fry s Cocoa . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. V2 lb. tins 23c. Cowan s Cocoa, . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `/2 lb. tins 23c. Lipton s Cocoa` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `/2 lb. tins 23c. QuartBottle Catsup.. . . . . . . . .... .. .. .. ..25c. Canned Pe`as,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . regular 15c. for 13. Canned Corn, .; C. . . . .. . . . . .. . . regular 15c. for 13. Camp Coffee, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . regular 30c. for 23. Chase & Sanborn s Coffee, . . . . . . . . .. regular 45c. for 38c. Best, Laundry Starch. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. pkg. 8c. BestCorn Starch . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. p'kg.8c. Sunkist Oranges, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . regular 40c. doz., 21c. Sunkist Lemons, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . regular `30c. for 23. Frozen Sea Herrings . . . . . . per lb. 6c. Kippered Herring . . . _' tins fo 25c. Herring in Tomato Sauce, . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tins for 25. u Q1\rvI\1hJv v-_-_., , e that you know the feast is ready for it. PROMPT `SERVICE HIN DS BROS. appeal the feminine desire for loveliness is be delighted with the soft, lustrous wonderful blending of colors which greets you on Copeland's Flour Always in Stock. BUY HOSE NOW and Save Money CLEANING AND PRESSING - Your old suit and overcoat.` can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss. Owen St. *---------------------------------T I Silk Poplins, 1 yard wide, colors Black, White, Rose, Brown, Green, Delf, Alice Blue, specialpi=ice...... ..........$1.50 We also have Taffeta Silk, 1 yd. wide, in the above colors. Extra value at. . . . $1.50 yard Fine White Sheer Cross-Bar Handkerchief "Linen, 1 yd. wide, suitable for Ladies Blous- es..Price........... ...60c.yd. And get better qualities than you will later. ' Women s Plain Cashmerino Hose, special 35c, 3 prs. for $1.00. Ladies ' Cotton Fleece Hose, spec- ial-25. Penman s ? Plain Cashmere Hose, special values '90:: 75c, 60c and 50c. Ladies and Chili- ldrerfs Hose, ,two- fold knees, 1x1 rib, special price 29;: pr. .. .. .... 3|DS.fOl"bC. ............._.......perpkg.10c. |b.tins23c. zoa, .. 3oa`........ ....'/2|b.t.ins23c. aCatsup...... s,.. .. n,..W..............regu|ar15c.for13c. 3, .. .. .1born . . . ry Starch.. .. .. .. .. .. Ltarch .. nges, .. nons, .. .. .. .. .. |b.6c. .=,rring.... . . . . . . ._2tinsfo25c. Tomato now--0ur fascinating Syle Show 'l'-h`uI_-sday, lilac-oh 15, 1917. the 177th Bn. Band contribut- ing. After refreshments, danc- ing was enjoyed. Spring Millinery Openings Thursday, Friday and Saturn. . day, March 15, 16, and 17th. VIOLA S. BROWNLEE FOR SALE -- A rubber `- tired l)ug:zy, high back, practically as good as new. A snap. `Ap- ply at Fisher's Flour Mills. 8- @- Dr. Claygohe,` who rrlakes a specialty of attending to feet" troubles, will be at the Simcoe House on Saturday. See him early or make your appointment by phone. F. Wiseman wishes to an-' nounce that he has sold out his butcher business to M. J. Bren- nan, who takes possession on |Friday, March 16th. ' All ........-..nn nxvvvznrv In M15 '..E'.I.'lLlU.y, J.Vl(l.L U11 1Uu11. i All accounts Owing to Mr. .Wiserr_1an may be paid at the stove between 2 and 5 p.m. up to April 1st. Going Out of Business BUT WE DO Best "for Bread. Tn it. Here For Saturday PHONE 145 fea- 1 1 `.` . 5 pkg- pkg- olnu 4 WANTED AT .ONGE---By Miss Kruger an experienced waist maker; also skirt maker. Ap- ply Playfait--Preston 00., Mid- land. ` 9-tfi 25. 1 0c. `Th; LIXLIJ VV Itdi .L.l.'aaJ small house. Apff St. ` BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ~- 66 feet` choicest, `frontage on VV'i1liam Street, Allandale. Box M, Examiner and Satur- ~ "~~-=-~~ mu" _ WANTED--1st. Apl-i_1, capable, farm help, married man pre- ferred. Engagement. by year. Also lad for eight months. Feilding, Penetang Road. 10 - ........____.___}T BOARDE RS AND ROOMERS WANTED. Apply 13 Char10tte St. T V . . 1o-1o FOR .SALE-- Rocghcast ' cottage, electric light; town water, ~go0d cellar, cement stable, hen house. Apply on prem- ises, No. 10 Donald St. 8-13. - HORSES FOR SAI.E-0ne heavy - Draft, and one driver, Rea~ sonable D{ iCB. Terms to suit pur(~.haser. J. S. and J. V. Brown, Allandale. ` .Ph0ng3 383. T 10..Hp ____________}, BARRED PLYMOUTH "COCK- ERELS FOR SALE. No better in Canada. C. C. Hinds. 6-tf- nanny. old, .I. I-l.LI.\J\.I, -.. 95, Barrie; FOR SALE--5-roomed rough- cast cottage with electric light and water; reasonable terms. Apply on premises to Mrs)" John Appleby, 1'1 Henry St.. "` '~-`- 40.49.! `FOR A 1 JUST OPENED-EmpI'ess Clean--* -n1_A.,. `D...-.nnIn n`no1'\`i`I'10' {FARM FOR SALEWOR RENT - .nn -,....... ....,-.t 1/, JR (Inn 0 .1./\. u da}; 1{1'.}3r:{i{{gT. MAID WANTED- For vvbrk "` "----an A1`-\nII7 Q5 Mg .-.___} FARMFOR _SALE-Lot 22, con. 2. Oro, 80 acres; 9-room solid brick house; with summer kitchen and woodshed; two barns 30x60 and 32x62, stone foundations; cement silo 12x 35, implement shed. 26x40. -buggy house 20x32; 2 acres or-. chard. Power for- `pumping, etc., supplied by stationary gasoline engine. For further particulars apply to G. W. L. Hickling, Shanty Bay R.M.D., [ No. 2, Phone 535r33. 3-12 THE `ADLET ooI.unniu Barrie OR SALE--Solid brick houses, corner Ross and Mary Sts. hardwood floors, all modern conveniences. In good repair. For further particulars apply t_o G. 0. Cameron, Dyment sN Q_{f ofce. JL`|,.l. K11 12111.2:/" ;..uu1.;.v..,., 9--..-- ing `Shop. French cleaning and pressing of Ladies and Men's. Garments. DyeingFancy Silk Dresses, White Gloves & Sweater Coats. _ Repairing- Bring us your old clothes and take them back new. 52 Eli- zabeth St. , 8-9-p-tf nuiu. .L'u1I. k.JlJ.4.n_; U... -.,...-.- 109 acres west `)6 16, con. 9, Essa. 90 acres under culti- vation. 2 barns, one on cem- ent foundation 36x72, "one 3,6x56; driving house, brick- clad house. 2 wells. 12 acres wheat in. [Possession 1st. November. Soil clay and ("ay loam. Easy terms of payment. J. L. Thompson, 71 Penetang nan n.1"\-....:- St.," Barrie. ;[- A180 99 Bayfield 9-129 s?1iiaFy' 10-tf- WANTED - Bookkezeper for grocery store, Apply at this Office. ~ T 10-11 in ., KlVI' 10-12 uuut ~ -Kee the 20th 'of:M'a;rch for tea in the Burton. Ave. Method- ist Church by the Ladies Aid, Out `of. respect for. the mem- ory of Dr. McLeod, the flag on the Lrown Hall was hung at,ha1f- mas . ' V ` . r~L__I-_ A.;u nun loaf a-|1'p_ ldb. . Dr. Charles Ault, the last. sur- yiving" brother of the late Well- ington 'Aultof Barrie, died sud- denly in Montreal on. Mar. 4. 1.I.l5hUl..I. zaunu ya. ..a........, ..,_, James Paterson s rink won the four umbrellas for which members of the Barrie Curling Club have been competing re- |cently. rL- -A-\r~'nAnv\}iV O`? cenuy. -.The sergeants of the 177th! Bn. are giving a farewell dance in the Town Hall tomorrow night.` `Proceeds in aid of Field `Comforts. . V -I ~r7;1I_ 1.`...II...-... A4` '|\/[nu U A 'UOII11U1'Ls. `Mr. Kells, father of Mrs. H. A. Sims, died Very unexpectedly this morning at his home in Millbrook. Over a',year ago Mr. Kell__ sustained a severe shock 11 aucfnmrn fhpnngh BOARDERS WANTED - hot meals, 250. B: Street. % _ '- J)-\JA CHEERFUL AN13 COMFORT- ABLE Room for rent. 103 '" AA AQn~ FOR SALE- 'I1.....p...n {SEED OATS Eda sALE--B-an-` ner variety. Duncan Bros., (VL--.--'Dnv . 44_1Q FOR `SALE--Bay horse, ` cheap. {Apply to Jas. Gheesman, 100` .n:....\..-u. Q4 41_1Rn FOR SALE-Q6 H? P. Gasoline Engine Sawing Outt. Apply at this oice. , , 11_12p W/'ANTED'---MaiAd for, small fail]- M ./vrvx FOR SALE--Ha11_ rack, gas range` and baby carriage. Ap- ply at 58 Burton Ave. 11-11` `FOR SALE---Tw0, only, choicel White Wyandotte cockerels. Regal strain. Apply J. A. MacLa1'en. 11-12 HOUND PUP came to 55 Owen St. Owner may have same by paying expenses and proving property. ' 11-13p ____._______.._______ 1 ..._________________ WAN I`ED-- Good girl as clerk in grocery store. Apply at this 01_ce._ 10-11 I `MAN WANTED -- Married man ' for general farm work, by the year. `Apply Asa. VVaI'nica,T" ` P-ainswick, . 11-13` \VANTE7D--Dining Boom Gi1 at. once. Highest wages paic ' T Housemaid also` wanted. Er quire at New Barrie 1~Iot.e_l. 'l FOR SALE--- 1`wo Pool Tables, both in good condition. Will be sold cheap. For particu- lars apply to Mrs. H. N. Cole- man, Cookstown. 11-13131 l W01-s1e3:Wt`. SALESMAN OR SALESLADY for` Boot and Shoe Department.) Person with some experience preferred`. Applicants will address P. O. Box /446, Barrie. U11 bAL4J1.-- new nuyal uovvuz Range. Enquire at this Of- fic . T ` 11-11 _________._.______. 1 FOR SALE--}T3Ta't-IA1 36x56, base- ment windows and doors. eave troughing, track,_'carrier and rope. Apply to W. Carruthers, R. R. No. 3, `Thornton. H-131) 1151 VuL IUD.) o Shanty. Bay. .`*l- t~"J vv Elizabeth St. vvu-.. MACHINISTS AND_ TOOLMAK- ERS, experienced men` wanted. Big wages and steady employ`- A ment, Communicate with Taylor -V Forbes Company. Guelph, Ont. 11-12 ....___.___________ FOR SALE--Cottage and lot, el- ectric light andvwater. Apply 58 Park St. 10-11 | FOR SALE--No. 2 Chatham In- cubator, good as new, price A $5.00. Also 2 choice thorough- bred White Wyandotte cock- erels. W. Todd, 2 North J `St. Phone /.78.` c 11.11 I111 .I..LlAJ' Lu.-.n:\,l ;.v... . ily. Apply to Mrs?` liott, 213 Bayfield St. APPLICATIONS will be received` -up to noon, Monday, Mar. 19, for therposition of Librarian's Assistant at the Barrie Pub- lie Library for thebalance of t,he_year, applicants to state salary. 'R.. J. Fletcher, Sec- --t--- V 44 44 E1 DUVUIU Dlluuxx his nervous system through `IRON! MOULDERS WANTED- Accustomed to, or willing to learn, Machine Operating- _ Highest wages in Canada for Light Moulding. Write, or communicate `with, Taylor- F-orbes Company, Guelph, Ont. ' 11-16 FOR SALE-- The Lrrustees of Painswick Church have in-` structed the undersigned to sell the church and property by public auction, atthe Bar- .rie Hotel, on Saturday, March 24,` 4917, at the hour of one_ o'clock; W. A. McConkey,| n44 FOR SALE--Montrose Cottage-, 88 Clapperton St., Barrie. Central, desirable property, modern conveniences, med- ium size. solid: brick, stone foundation." _Possession May` 7:th. Terms-to suit purchas- er; Apply Mrs. E. A; Russell, 1:09 Markham St., Toronto; or -Colin McMillan, Wellington `St., Barrie. _ ~ .' 'i1tf- \/\.~a\.~- y retargrs auctioneer. MISS GLENNEY-Dressmaking and lady tailoring. 178 Dun- lop St. Phone 384. 3-15 i`.- New Royal Jewel 'raV--.n-u~.:v-nn n` {In-in n'fA 11-155 ausz, - 14-155} | lJlI'l UUu_y wulhuuno. . s paid. Mccandless, nian11factur- 1. En. er of and dealer in Light and )tel. 11 Heavy Harness, 1`rLmks, Valises, ` Whips, Ete., has on hand` a. lot of Harness made up from the . best Union Oak_Leather, bought, uarticu- before the big advance in "price, 1 l. which he can sell at aAreason- 11_13p'a'ble price. Repairing promptly K `executed. 29 Dunlop St., Bar- . iase- rie. ll-12 !'S~ 33Ve ---Romeo and Juliet were W strangers compared .-to David 11t1 h`; IS and Jonathan. Be sure and ' I) hear all about Prince Jonathan [DY for by Cyril Hayes, the king of elocutionists, pupil of trtment. 391.1-ence Prof. John Duxhury, at Col.- ts 'Wm lier St. Methodist Sunday School Anniversary, \Sunday evening, Mar. 18. Don t blame` the man__1 )LMA1{'_ agement if you can t get` a seat; Come early. All seats free. guy.-- Girl -vuv 11-11! FURS REMODELLED and Re- paired. Miss M. -McArthur. 133 Collier St. Phone 186. 524-3 mos. motor. ' ' V ' In the Red Cross notes, the item referr_-ingto th amount _of provisions sent to each pr2ison- ergof `war should read 19s in-. steaigi of 19. n__-1.I .... ...n'l uvvnnsn \IA. ..__. 1 "Rcv. Canon Gould, general` missions `secretary. for the An- glican Ch11I'_Ch in Canada will preach in Trinity church next Sunday `at 11 a.rn., 3.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. mhn ~nn'I11'a`I'I `wear a dark grey `uniform, with. VIVB uuu- _ - Twenty-five members _of the Camp `Borden police were in town, on Friday being sworn in` by Crown Attorney Cotter. They` .the words Aviation Camp P0l-"| ice in white letters on their caps. ` \ I n,....,.n,:.. unn r\`|:\ w,.;,1m, lumps. . | At Osgoode Hall on Friday, Mr. Justice Latchford handed out judgment, in the suit brought by Gershom Wilson to recover $2000 from the. `executors of his father's estate. ' The sum of $592 with interest was awarded the plaintiff. _ James Pearcy bf Tottenham,. a brother of the late Thos. Pear- cy of Barrie, died on March 4, aged 73 -years. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and one of its most faithful workers. being tre-.a.surer for a number of years. Mrs. W. J. Bell, who lives in Barrie with Mrs. Pearcy, is a 1 sister. Elb'LU1'. --The rnanagernenl, of Collier St. Methodist Sunday School are making extensive preparations for their Sunday School Anni versary next Sunday, Mar. 18, both morning and `evening. Be- sides the speaker. Mr. Cyril Hayes. there will be lots of "singing h_v a. elmir of 200 voices accompanied by a 15-piece or- chestra. Come early. Every- body welcome. T `lUl,,l"....-.,lI..nn r\1n`r1I1fnnf|1r- "THE. 'aAi3I|!E.. EXAIIHER nub s_A'runnAv Inoanuulq . accident --when r driving his {An PR%PERTIE8 FOR SALE `ON EASY TERMS AM the fouovhg properues are hlthe Grand Trunk caning district: A... 1....:..`I, Innnm: and Inf ` V FOR SALE -- Good building` lot on Tor0nt0St. Apply to E. Prince, 42 Blake St., `or Box

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