Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1917, p. 4

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MJIJI 1 Ilia V Wm. Draper is not improving! as we would like, but we hope` that "with the coming of the warmer days he will be able to be around again. Tnn'|y hnvxnnll nn.-I I...-( TALL. Ladies Tailoring ' a Specialty. " hgggztgz HEAD OFFICE: KING STREET EAST TORONTO Established I90! mcguas cmmnn" -%-*cnA1m" MERCHANTS - - DAISY MAPLE LEAF . vnommon" Through the slop and slush of Spring you can work better, be more comfortable, and enjoy better. health, if your feet are protected by rubber footwear bearing one of these famous Trade Marks : Millions of colds start with wet feet, which could and should be prevented by wearing rubbers, rubber {farm shoes or high rubber boots. LONDON ENG.. BRANCH ||' The representative of The Barrie Examiner and `Saturday Morning in Cookstown is George_F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be handed or phoned\ to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for- __.__...I-.I 1I..-.,\..n.l-. Kiln "I"Innn-\r\onn . MONTREAL BRANCH Canada Life Building P\.VV.S`-eefe - Manager u-V. IuuaIIIl.Illl) A. L. Fuilcvvon. Mungger 3 Owen 'stret OD uuua 111111. nJ_uuouL :1.:u4uu-.1, u-u.-- warded through Mr. "Thompson. White SewingMachines able. Old machines; t_aTkenAin part `payment. If` Have a large stock on hand. Prices very reason-' in need of a Sejvving Machine Phone 43l, W. D. MINNIKIN,`Bar'rie Undertaking Parlors, and have- a machire left in on Thirty Days : Free Trial. FEED CORN We sell the } White Rotary; the ACanacli%an'W%hite, and the Rays % mond Sewing Machines \J\J II;l.'\J|JIlLl Llrbrblalllu Jack Donnell and Geo`. Jehh attended the ice races at Gilford on Saturday. `1\Ifn;r\~n Tznnxvvinn nvnnl IA 131-` Pagf Four NEWS OF COOKSTOWN BROWN & CO. A Car to orrive mm. Toronto on FRIDAY. .Make enquiry by : Phone : ' Every Machine guaranteed for ten years. Whole, chopped andcracked -TI-IE-_] Dave McMa.ster underwent an operation in Toronto last week, having some pieges of "shrapnel removed from his arm. uu uou.uLuu_ . Y `-Major Knowles and Pte. Ed. Duff were among the names of the 275 re1;,u1'ned soldiers that Ianded at, St. .jI'0hn s last week . LL. ...~A 1\.I'.,... .1ur,.T7.... -1- "The official report from Otta- wa on March 8 -of those killed in action includes WA. J: Peirnegi, of Cookstown. Pte. Peirnegi was an Aust,I-i-an who worked at W. J. Sutherland s. - ' ' 1"r__ 1':..-_.:4-'|. _-1.:_.- __1 '- --_. E "ms."ivfi."ME1ia{Lii1i'in E Toronto this week. IT.-........- 'I|l..-...._ -1` l`---'#4l --- \1\Il.\Jl1lLI/11 D: Russell Draper i [heifer last week. `MI -2,-..-. `MI n n N A ....t & IJUJLUL .lCl.rIl: VVUUIV. ` Miss Margaret Thompson "re- iturned to her position in Brad. V` ford on Monday. `II `II 4 u "M;s. Ma}-dr More of the `Sal- vation Army, Toronto, addressed htlhe c0hng1~ehg'ati0nS of the Metho- , ist 0 urc on unday eveninv. |S?e hgave rim` splendid .dlescr1'pt.i(l):;1 0 t e wor~ accomp is ed in t e _T0ronl.o institutions by the Lea- iguc of Mercy belonging to their mrganization. _ Mrs. More is a {sister of Mrs. F, H. Robinson. ` `uv up ur -- :.:.uLuuuu uuxa WUUA. i W Harry Moore of Alvinston spent a few days this week at"A1f. Coleman s. ' ` ` h--_-_II `I\_._,__,_ I-.1 , ,1 -1 \.Jl.l|1I.I\}I lclrllll Co Hy. Lipovitch shipped a car- load of scrap iron last week. 'f\3\7."1i.`}'."'_{})'c1dantT-' is still im-| proving and is now able to be down stairs. I r--.- --., -,v\4n-lvv >Ju Jas. Donnell, Freeman Camp'- bell and Dr. Banting attended .the Orange Grand Lodge at `Stratford this weeklp 1).-.ut 'L1:..l-...... L 11.. -._' 1' '\Vm. Dinwoody .received :1 carload of brick last week._ Mr. Dinwoody int'ends_ putting` _ a. brick foundationundcr his barn this summer . ' T ua.1.1ul7u (LI; UL. ullllllb l rl,h.h V\'(_`:l5I\. Mr. .-and Mrs. .'Mvo.Kee of Schornhorg `visited at Mrs. John Bat.cman s last week. .1. M. Pugsley has moved to his residence, `adjacent to the hUf.C-hl` shup. ' A ]i`nnnnn n?` Dt\r:v\:A .~......`..L 1.-L- JJLIIAL/lll7l DlllJlJn ' . I A. Fraser .01` Barrxe spent the week-end at Robb. Ma.r11ng s. T..- `[\..'..._.._ll -r1__ >JlLfl.l1lkJ1.l.l l/1110 \ \'U\ Jk\.' Bert. Fisher` had the misfor- tune to ha,vehi's -hand badly cut with a circular saw recently. - r... n:......,..:__ _.-_-.-- , m lost a valuable ._....___-- - UTOPlA V -March. i2-- Mr. and Mrs. A. Elphiek spent the week-en.d with Brentwood friends .. . . .. D. J. -Miller lost a valuable young horse last week. .. ..Gecil Ar- -nold of Toronto is visiting with his cousin, Lo Rachar, here. . . . W. J. McLean of Cedargrove called on W. A. Miller recently. ..s...Mrs..J. H. 4MeCann is visit- ing with Beeton friends. . . . W. J. Jones left last week for. (lash- awa where" he -intends taking a` position. .The Red Cross f\ux-~ iliary sent in a splendid "ship- ment for last month on Satur- day last, as follows: 65 pairs of soc , , 72 suits_ ofipyjavnas, 7 gre __ flannel shirts, 3" _pv.-operty bags, 2 housew1ves,`l1pa1r shoes, also '8 `pairs of -socks _.fq;r the Field`-Gomforts. The Sixth Line contributed to the Barrie Red Cro `s rooms on Saturday, $2.75 inqash and one loaf of read. ' - ~ =. ~ l Geo. Robinson, Pehvetang, Wins The Beck. Trophy ` Rejoicing was soon turned in- to mournin_gfor Skip Love s rink on Friday evening. Robinson and` three other broom artists of Penetang Curling Club caught the Penctang'Flyer (`?) at 3 p. m. and arrived here at 6.30. Play was at once commenced. Skip Love was not playing` up to form. Perhaps memories of a contest .'of' a few nights previous with one James Patterson had some- thing to do with the absence of the ready flow -of humor which {Q 11QI`I1]lI'1 nr\1-\nnn-ru4- c-via.-..n T"I~."l..-. `to pull out . improved his count. |lll\J Luuuj IUVV U.I. l.lU.llllJL VVIIIUII is usually apparent when Philip skips, and, team play seemed somewliat lacking with the local quartette. O? the other hand, Robinson, ab y supported by Beck (the d'onor of the trophy) as vice and the lead and second played together and all pulled to win and there lies the secret of success in curling. The 1 hibition. Love missed chances a big end or two. Robinson had some luck, which At "four- teen ends thetscore stood Rob- inson l2, Love 9. WS 3-`- The rinks were as follo Penetang. Barrie H._Todd A-. MacDonald J. Hincks A. F. A. Malcomson .W. Beck _ Harry` Hook G. Robinson P.`Love. l 1 l 1 I l A game A throughout, was-a very fair ex- 1 I 0 I 4 I 1 1 .L C7l.lU|1Cloll.5- ' gang 5- us "m1Wrs.Ii. Avery, AA.T.C.M., as` assistant org`aI 1ist, is taking the place of Mrs. Wm. Stoddart dur- ing Mr, St.0ddart s illness. V The Church of the Patri_ archs is the subject of a spe- cial eourse of sermons by the Rector of St. John s_ on Sunday` evenings, during `Lent. JVLIDD .1. . mugu I/. Mrs. L. TIVL. r` - Jllaal DUI; ULIID VVUUI\c Mrs.` `J. H. Readman and daughter Kathleen and Mrs. H.- N. Coleman spent Monday in Barrie. ' . `I7... `I\....._... _',. __-L .'..__.__-_.:___. ! s sub .uu-3001. WUUA. The annual meeting. of the Girls Auxiliary to the M.S.C.C. was` held in the parish room on Saturday, March 10, and the following Executive appointed: Drnqirlnnl l\/[no IV r` LUIIU W 1115 JJAUUULIVU i1[J1JUlIll;BU: `President, eMrs. W. Creswiek; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. D. Banting, Mrs. H.'Coleman, Miss K. Graham; Recording Seere_ tary, Miss Hazel Goodwin; Cor; responding Secretary, Miss Con- stance M. Creswick; Treasurer, Miss Hilda Arnold; `appointed by the Rector, Miss Violet Lewis, Miss T. Slight. 1hI u.-.. `____A, A n1 rw 1:: J.LllJll1lJD'UlJ.u A work committee was also appointed with the following members: Mrs. J. Agnew, Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Creswiek, Mrs. Clute and Mrs. J. Robinson. Three members were appoin_ ted to attend. the annual meet`- `inrr I)` '11(\YII\`I'1`(\ \ 1v:r- Y|zI"..... TI1 unuuu uuu LV.l.l.D- U. 1I.UUllJhUH. meet- ing at. Toronto,` viz., Mrs. T. A. Jebb, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. D. Ramsey. A sale of goods for the Belgian Relief will be. held dur. ing Easter week. ` 'l`lxn (\~r\r\\1-\` .......-1_'-_.. -0 -`I J.\JAl\J\'VD i Hon. President, Mrs. W. Cres- wick; President, Mrs. T. A. Jehb; Vice Presidents, Mrs. J. Robin- son and Mrs.,F. Lesson; Cor- responding Osecretary, Mrs`. VVm. Goodwin; Recording `Secretary, Mrs. J. Agnew;.Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Meher; appointed by the} Rector, Mrs. J. Parks and Mrs. D. AThomps~on. \1rr\n1r nr\r\nv\n~:l.'l...-. ---A- -1! - The annual meel,ingT of St. John s Chum-J11 Woma-n s. Auxil_ iary to the M.S`.C.C. was held a_ti the parish room on Wednesday! March 7th, and the Executive! Comfniuee was organized as follows: ` g 1--I-___ 1-`_VV_o1 . `II --- A. '"m.t. John's church w. A.` E D1'uIt:~_v, 1,111.3 Week. 1:11 _ Jack ,Ke1.1A . has enlisted this 9% week with the Royal Naval Cany adian Overseas division; .;u_._ .7`l1l.,. 'I-,1.',.- .-.o n..:_ ___--_-_,_-4,, _ _,` 5191115 vvxuu Jiws. uuuyuu nun. I Mrs. Black has returned to Toronto after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Pull- bro-ok. , ' ` uu1uL1 \J\'I3| DULLD u1vJn1uu. . The ladies `of this .vicim`t_v are1,' cordially invited to visit, Fishe1"s QI Mi1liner,'v,_. show rooms and view;' the [early showing `of Sprihgg. hats` ` ' |! IAl_-_I_ I-_,, _I_ In: -- IJGI. ILUE 0 Mrs. Mersman of Saskatoon is visiting her cousins, rs. W. G. _Mackay and Mrs. T. _ . C. Bant- mg._ V ' ' ` ` - I TIE`;-an Tt\nn::\ Ila! A.-..'. 11......` ..... JLUDDV bl 11.) |/U .l.U.l U.uuU ouxo vvuun. The enterta-inrnent given. by the Presbyterian Sunday School on Friday evening last was a mostdeeided success. The Hall was lled beyond seating capac- ity. Every one was thoroughly satised with the performance and nothing but praise could be given to those who took par_t.! Never has the stage looked so] grand as in the play The Prin..' Vcess Kiku", being made to repre-_ sent -a Japanese garden. ` l IA`ia'I1nn o 1~n~H'Hnnnxy nnnn'nrrn. uuyusauuuua U11 .:.'L.1ua._y. f Pte. Fildey has recoveredi from his wound and is now training at West Sandling Camp` being with Pte. Clifton Kell. ` Inf! D]nn1v hon Q|l\`Iuv|u\;\;J LA`! Wjvalter Madden 0f`.Aurora visited .his V sister, Mrs. W. J.` Brnle._v, this week. ` Tn'n'|y TI.-.1`! `Ian... A.-`I1-L--I 1`--`-1 LVLGILDIULL _l1UU5U DU J.`-Ill; 'l.lU.VVl.Dv _Thos. Sproule '..of Toronto moved to his farm at Elmgrove last week. . '.`|l':.-.. `r...-:...-`1-u._..L 1-1-1 g... m. capo .vvI:(7n. . , - = .` -Mlss Lou1s`e' Pert left for To- ronto on Monday. - `III! 0311!`. 1\[~no Ton 'KTvnn nvf I. UILUKI IJIJ. SVLUIIUGJ 5 `Mr; and Mrs. Jas. Nixon of Bradford -visited`-at Geo. Nixon s last week. . 13l'\I'!'\`I' l'\._ .I'.`_.".I_._ `l-_1 1- `Il'_. 1o--"'0n `Friday last io Mr. and Mrs. Leston Rutledge, a soy. man Dn1Inn V q`n11mI1:`ln in sue . Miss Jessie McLean ihzis` re. turned to Toronto after visiting with her parents.` `X7 T flnnlvunrn :5 r v~:111n-n 1'|~r\ Jisn m{7l\;.li:r l;`?3.1hUe;;;iD:is giving up the! Campbenproperty and is ho1d- ing a sale of `farm stock and: implements on Friday. I Dfn VF. TF4]/qnvv l'Il'IC! nnnnnnnn nn.~I7 Mrs. Armstrong` has sold` the Mansion House to Ed. Lewis. mknn Q.-nu-...I.. rs`. "I11-\u|rn1\`r\ 1.11.1 Do JJUDUULL llL1blUll5U, G: DUllo .u" K/Iiss Baker of\` Stou ville is visiting .her[ sister, Mrs. H. B. Barnes. - ml ..- 1u'-_.......__ ..1.- r:1-_1__1'--__ :_ 118 IJLUJDQ JJLICIC VV IUIX LL] \JlllLl.bL1A Mrs. I<`ra11k Robinson attended: the funeral of her aunt in New- market_ tlqris vjvteek. TlK...,. `I1...-..l.v.A...' .......J ul gun I Shop Committee this week:- Miss Lawrenco, Mrs. A. Carson, [Next week, Palling, Mrs. Shanacy, , V . . I 1' .1 u can 11' ulna \UIAIAu\4'"` o On Saturday, March 10, .1'.h'e Baptist Church and Salvatinn Army had charge of the Shop, 119,4, receipts $45.92. Member- ships included_-$5.00. I -:\__.4:.__. n'_1__...1-__ nu-.. Jf\.l Il.l\JlIJIJ\J\A '~QIKJn\v Donations. Saturday, Mar. 10: Utopia. 6th Line--1 loaf bread, cash $2.75. 7th, Vespr-a---1 doz. eggs._ Crown Hill Institute - 1 basket apples. Grenfel Khaki `cream, 2 loaves bread, 1*cake. Shanty Bay--8 jars fruit (7 qts; Cirele--$5.00. Ivy--1 qt. of! 8th Line, Innis'l--3`; doz. eggs, 5 loaves bread, 1 pt.-cream , 1 chicken, 1 lb. butter, cash $1.25. and 1 pt.) v Knock Sewing Circle bl.`O_Ug`l1l, in a splendid donation of sew- v ing as follows: 2 quilts, 2.2` suits -p_vjamas_. 10 vermin suits,- II2 hospital shirts, and 10 com. 9 .f-(A)I't bags. The 10 comfort bags were tted by the Circle, value $23.65. The lucky soldiers who get these hais will indeed nd "many grenerous comfnrts. Knock also retiirned 27 pairs socks. . Trinity Church will have-' charge '0f-.i,he. Shopi0n' Sh. Pat- rick s Day, March 171,11. A Shamrock Tea? will be served in the afternoon and an extra` l special Shamrock Jelly. Sham-` rock- Tea 100., 'S~hamr_ock Jelly 50. extra. The following Satin`- day St. Mary s Church will have charge. . OIL-.. lW-...-.... 1l_- 11.2- ___-1_- ` ----Ke_ep the 20th of March for tea in the Burton Ave. Methn- dist Church by the Ladies Aid.` "W Cue... _ _The Canadian Red Cross 30-: ciety now sends every fortnight! to each Prisoner of War frmnl the Canadian Contingents 193 worth of provisions, I2 lbs. of; bread, 100 cigarettes and 14.! lb. of tobacco. This is irres-' pective of any money the men. vmay assign `from l.heir pay or; that their relatives may con. tribute -towards extra parcels. The Canadian Red Cross Society sends the authorized outt of` clothing to each prisoner soon a.s possible after his ad- dress is known. 'l`hr=,se outts! consist of the following: Great. coat, jacket. trousers, cap. boots, 2 shirts, 2 pairs socks, 1 pair canvas shoes, 2 vests, 2 drawers, cardigan, pair ml-0ves,I kitbag-:, 3 handkerchiefs, 2 tow- I l els. The outt sent is repeated every six months; l\n .~.. - . .. The regular meeting of Bar . rie Branch will be held March 19 at 4 p.m. Attendance of Ex-` ecutive and members is- 1-equest--. ed. In 3. circular received last, week from Head Olllcc, London, Eng., Pris-oners of War l)epa.1'l.._. ment, the following informal.i0n was given:- FIT]..- l`1....._ II--. I1...) {'V_~<-_.- fV,_ 9-? E E3 1 E J. T1. EHZPVFVIZI I - 57 Dunlop St. BARRIE Phone H2 %55%%$$$E%%5$5%%%E$55EE E DUI] |/ (11 U(Aa1J(4|.l1\JO\4. Dbl/L LI\Jlll . : Fisher s millmery opemngs-g 'I`hu1'sday, Mar. 22 and fol10w-l= mg days. Miss Wick in charge.` Ina Ljnnnb Dnknonn nlinnrlntil - % pusnness--u1ve$sL III Q ` The Third War Loan ill : Hi!'H! l'Hi!'I5EF1 V . On `Groun s of Patriotism and Good % % % 5 as an Business--Invest in I shall gladly place your subscription and attend to all details until "Denite Coupon Bonds are delivered into; your hands, and it will be a pleasure to give you personally, or otherwise, full information regarding these or any other Bonds or Investments. ' i Government Prospectus and application forms furnishedfree on request. Upon receipt of the application for your subscription it will receive im- mediate attention. ' V ' Another National Loaniss before us. On the`grounds of pot- riotism and good business, you should invest to the full extent of your means. o s SAFETY, MARKETABILITY &'LIBERAL INCOME RETURN And now a further duty falls upon Canadians---that of mah- i~ngth'e~ Third Domestic War Loan an immense success. While we have met, freely and generously, our obligations of the war, in men, in money, in every departmentof national endeavor, there ycofztinuesthe duty of stzjtplying theF ederal Government with the necessary funds to meet thewar s expenditures. ` Red Cross Noyes E. K. Wood - - a President 0. A. Morrow - Vice-President J. W. Mitchell - VicePresidcn! W. S. Hodgens -I Secreury J. A. Fraser - - Trensurer T. H. Andison - Ass ; Secretary A F. White - - Ass ! Treasurer DOMINION SECURITIES Qolepolmrlon APPLICATFON FORMS MAYBE HAD AND PLACED THROUGH J. H. BENNETT , , BARRIE V T _Ha1'-ry Dunning made a busi-- ness, trip to `Toronto this Week. 'I`lnn nnl-nnninrnnni criunn hv ALL FREE OF ANY EXPENSE TO YOU Telephone 731. Vlf you have not ordered your SPRING SUIT give us a trial. Prices very reasonable, and we guarantee SATISFAC- TION at all times. Ho ` We are all ready for the SPRING TRADE, having recently received a ne_range of Choice ENGLISH and SCOTCH Woo}- lens. `COLORS all guaranteed. LATEST AND UP-TO-THE MINUTE STYLES. Come in and inspect our Goods and Order your SPRING SUITANOW. Ladies and Men s Tailoring 26 YHE I MAPLE LEM kusalsn ...:;.. Canadian Consglidated Rubber Co. II I'l`E`I\ '-7.7-' Juquos cardu _ -f_ -__--v-vvwv --vu-vuvvl %VI 'Lmrrn Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Geode in the British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL P.Q. El-JVEN LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA = 28 SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WTIEIIOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA March. 13--A. Kidd, Harry Dunning and Harry Fisher at- tended the Oddfellowg. meeting in Alliston on Friday night. A Canton ,from 1`oi'onto demon: strated the initiatory degree and -about seventy Toronto members were present. In all about one hundred and fty sat down to a sumptuous dinner in the Paddi- son Lunch Rooms. The boys from. here were highly delight- ed- with the entertainment pro- vided. `lIn-....-_ `IN . . . ~ Imam vv\rsrlr\ n R113`-

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