_ I-IAWKESTONE 7 March 6-A very largecrowd attended the carnival. ` Those who were successful in obtain- ing prizes Were: Lady s cos- tume, Mrs. F. Patterson; Lady s Comic Costume,` Mrs. F. Cam- eron; Gent Comic, "A. Barnhart; Girl's Costume, Chelsea" Fol- lows; Gent s Costume, E. W`rig_ ley; Boy s Costume, Jas; Mc- Kay; `Lady and Gent, couple skating, Miss L. McKay and E. V. -Kendall; .Fast skating, E. -MlNNlKlN, Barrie Undertaking. Parlors, andjhave We sell the White Rotary, the Canadian White, and the Ray- mond Sewing Machines machine left" in on Thirty Days Free Trial. Every Machihe guaranteed `for ten years. Ladies %Tailorir'1g a Specialty. .1` H O Brien. . . ;_Miss Aileen 'Landon.| of Barrie spent_ " the week-end with friends. here .. . Misses Shirley and Chelsea Fellows visited friends. in Barrie last week . . . . . . The Orillia Bankers and the Hawkestpne hockey team played here Saturday night, the score being 6.3 in favor of Hawkestone . . . . ..Miss Alma Barnhart is visiting with friends in`Toronto.. Miss Le01a4McKay'ise spending a few days _in Orillia. / l 3 Owen fstreet I ' `--" `V """u "` """" ll Teas rh'ave again a'('ivan_ce('i in ,price. Those which wer for-~ merly sold for 25 cents are now 50 cts. Fishe_r s have very spe- 'cial valuesat 350, 400, and 50c. r1I,,, 1'1 ILILXU UI. LL11 Ul1bU - The annual meeting of the Liberal Association" was held in .the Town Hall on Friday. A large representation was pre- sent, considering the inadequa- cy of the train service. Alder- man Ramsden of Toronto gave a very clever address` on the present political. situation. 0f-. lficers "Were elected and general hudsiness for the year transac- I e . ' 117..- `r\-_.._'_1I__ 1_'- J 14- - _--_-_, White Sewing Machines ( `a twin son of Mr. and John s Cemetery on Sunday. DUILIU U1 DIED On Saturday morning, Mrs. Ar- thur Reilly. The little `boy was just two` years past and had been suffering from pneumonia when he contracted ' measles which resulted in his death. His remains_ were buried in St. ` Miss Wick of Chesley, who ,has had charge.of Fisher As Mil- `linery department. during `the -past season, has returned to her position. - ` R`-:00 niimnlnuv nap "'I'\n...n..-.1-A uvu'n ltwi\Ii:;,m111`1J.;.Ls.1ey of Toronto /is- slted her brother, J. M. Pugsley, `over Sunday. - I Turn Dmwunn rm- ...,.m 1.:n ' 11I.lU_ UDLUULLUI7 IJU 1.l\3lll `Y \JUUDUo Mr`. Geo. -Duff has returned .home after an extended visit Iiwith her daughter, Mrs. VVest- `lake of Toronto. ` rnL.. _ . . _ _-I _.___1`:__._ -1 41... l:ULln Wm. Ddnrielly had the mis- _fortune to have a log fall on his lleg and had it badly hruise;i.' Tho` nals. -Fnvr {kn Y\'nT nnrl l\Jf_-y LIJLLJ I.l.(.lll lb IJ(L\JlJ IllLl|I3lJ)lo The nals. for the McLeod Cup were played last Thursdav evening. When the smoke of battle cleared, McKnight was declared winner over `Dunning. l4`{n'Ia..-.-u-.9 kn."-. war.-. .~..n...n1 \JU\JlG.I C'I,l VVIIIIICI KIVCI L lJIllllIlg_--n Fishers have ver,yT special valuef` 1n Men s Suits`. OBI a. ILU VV .l.' U]. LI ICIUD VVUUI\n Victor Ross has leased` his ,far,m to Arthuriolwell of Ev- 'erett.. Mn. "Ross ` and family j_ will move. to Toronto where `he `will take a position with the ,Toronto St. Railway Co. Inc E`n11~r\{-ni-rs nyhn I-gnu I-\nn1\ k`\4I.IlLILlr.y 3 321's. Boynton has sold his .ne` residence to Henry Couse. ` {1I'\f\ -I14? .D'Il'\(` `IIl\`I1Vii`iI\l" ' Mar -ch,` 6--John Hill put-cha s- ed a new Ford last week. TT1,.L...... 11...-.. L-.. I...........,.l 1.2.. If you have net ordered your SPRING SUIT give us a trial. Prices "very geasonable, `_and we guarantee SATISFAC-V TION at all times. A H. T_VylSS,__ \Jl\JlLIJ\J KJDQ LICIIIVVQIJ \J\Jo Mrs. Fountain, who has been "spending thewinter with her mother, 1Mrs. W. R. Coleman,` has returned to her home at Druid, `Sask. F-no T nI1# o anln nvvanian `_T"he representative of The Barrie Examiner and Saturday Morning in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Gookstown and adjacent country may -be handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson `and will ' be forwarded to this paper." Phone No. 39 nds him. Subscriptions, either new or renewals, may be for- warded through Mr. Thompson. - A 1.11. uxu, _uaon. Mrs. .J. -S. Du s sale amoun- ted to over $5000. This was _the -Fargest sale that has been known `around - this I part. `for some tlme. 'l`\T1'.V`l\ IN... O..l.--....J....... ....A~....-.'...A. '%"na7s'."'o;1-`hid rial; 311`: 11{s' farm `to Mr. Kidd of Toronto. News OF COOKSTOWN Junta. V You have always heen a good .sport. - In the good old la- erosse days-the team _wouldn t have been a team without Billy W'right and since our boys have achieved some small success in the baseball eld they have had no more enthusiastic supporter than the same Billy Wright. Neighbors. friends or the needy never had to ask twice for as- sistance if it lay in your power to help and We hope that should the day ever come that you may need help in any way that you will receive it as. willingly as you ,9:ave it. ' - o `I3.-.J.`n...-. ,,J.-.....-....A:...... ---.. ...-.-.--'I.-'l DIIALI UKJ l/KIIIIJI. llJLl.lJI3- VV U l7.\.IA[_IlLl to you the best wishes of the whole community for success in your new environment. A change of Business V Henry Couse Wishes t.0 an- enounce that his son, J. R.Gouse, is taking over the retail part of the business including Grocer- ies, Flour, `Feed,-Coal, Salt and Seeds. I will continue in the Grain, Seed and Bee business... `X7.-5 rninln In lrxnnly .-nan nnrrnxv Orange concert at Mineslng ' The Orange Lodge held -a Box Social and ct-oncert in Minesingw on Thursday evening, Mar. 1st, which proved a success. H. G. Robertson of Barrie acted as chairman. P. A. Goughlin dis- posed of the boxes in his free and easytrn-anner, {one of" the boxes going as high as $10. The. proceeds amounted to about $50, half of which was -given to. the Red Cross, . .. . " I nun. .l.'L'zLL1l31 auuuulpdnniu llllll. On Thursday last the teal served.by the Sewing Guild at` the home of'Mrs. T. E. Monk_i man in aid of our boys at the Front was largely attended by the ladies of the town. The event was carried out in a very artistic manner. When the ladies arrived they were met at the door and ushered into the _drawing_room where a `he`aut)i- f-ul autograph, quilt was shownl (which is to'go to a Canadian` hospital in France in the course of a short time) and names were taken for a similar quilt which amounted to $4.45. From there they proceeded to the library where a sale of 1171x1117 .-..-.,. .... ,.`l:_.._..'l...__ - I mu; nu1a|_y Wllltlc ct hdlt work was on display and then nally to the tea room. This room was decorated with ags and numerous piictures of our heroes and altogether the doc- orations were most effective. Patriotic menu cards were used for the occasion, the menu con-. sisting of ham or egg sandwich with corn or potato salad, _pie with whipped cream or cake. The receipts for the afternoon Were: Tea $16.25, sewing $11.10, names` for quilt $-1./:51, total $31.70. E..__-_.L_4! __- We are all ready for the SPRING TRADE, having recently received a ne range of Choice ENGLISH and` SCOTCH Wool- A-- nu-I1!-Inn!-In nnvI\ wvu-.--1 .------ vv (Lbl/(LUIIULI l/U IL. Uf)ear Will: Your ma.ny friends in town felt that they could not. permit you to leave Without, some `expression of their regret. and we armngred to haveeyou brought, into our rnidst to permit, us to express in some small ineasnre what. your de- parture means lo the eo1n1nun- it,_y. Many here have known you `slncepyou were knee high to :1 :rrass-liopper , and all have known you long` enough to de- velop a. lasting friendship. Your happy song and cheery whistle will surely be missed when you depart, huL we hope that you will be able to eontinu your lhappy-hea,rl.ed way for many years. ' \7n.. 1..-.;.,. .L.1.....--- L1\As .. .....A.I JUU Fq4VU ll/u . Before departing` we would ask (you, as a small token of friendship, to accept this purse to which your friends of ' the Vicinity have been. only too glad to contribute. We extend In an ILA 'l-.`..L --.3...1...... ,-.1` 41... KJI. (L111, L G`3LI aallll JJCC IIIJKULIICJ-`Clo -` _ We wish to thank our many custI,0mei~s" for their splendid patronage during the .1.wenty~ two years of our business life in Cookst-own, and sohcit the con. tjnuance of the same. fT'I'.V`KTT1T7 'l'1l'\1TOTI` |J\IUb|l q1uJ.lU- A Presentation . A prcseluation Ln Mr. Wm. VV1'ighL on the V eve of his de- pa1`t._ure vvas held >11 Monday night. The following` address was read and signatures of a great. number of his friends were attached t01"t7. `W.-`n... \\,'.'l1. nun. U1 uUWbU11'.l'|.UU1115U11, a Sun. Ferguson Irwin and family left for their home at Neepawa, Sask., on Monday. A Wm. Draper is still very ill. Wm. Wright, and family are moving this geek to Thornton. Mug .1` tr .......1 .:,.---n.4-_ ; noun; 0- I `The Whistle On F. Hi Robin- rson s mill can be, heard within ve or six miles of town. The people of town and surround? ing country nd it a great;con_' venience`. 1|.I'.'..,. T.J_ n-1_:,_ v\.4111D1l.UUo I Miss Ida Robinson returned from Toronto on Saturday after-I spending a couple of weeks= with her `sister, Mrs; Ernest Banting. T 1\,n..,. \x7..;.1.1\...... ..1- 'rt--._:-n..-- oUa.Duu.. Geo. Morrison is_. conned to hls home through 1l1ness. I-Ionxrnvv r`r\ln1v\n-n rvrsrllx .. l.-.:_. Bo"rn--To Mr. and `Mrs. VL'ock.. hart of Newton `Robinson, a son. FDPOIIQAH T1-11-n'n nan:-"I -Pn ~nn :'v1 .:Ju.1Lu1l15 0 Miss Washburn of Harristonl is, the milliner in charge of D.l H0pper s` ,mil1ine1-3' department] -this season. - i re... 11-.....--_-- ,-Q , n` - igzl; ' VC`SOL:6-lvawe-1-lT`8|;;r;;1-tvc-evc-]. -LA'?EST Xi1T1')' Q13.:f6-fQE- MINUTE STYLES. Come {in and Inspect our Codds and Order your SPRING SUIT NOW. 4 T ' _ 1:10 uUu.1U uuuugu 111111735. Harvey Coleman made a trip to Toronto this week and was tted with an_ articial limb.` VVm. Ferrier accompanied him. On Thllilorlnvr Inn} 41-A Inn 111.111.5116 mun WUUA LU 1.l1Ul'llLUl1. Mrs. -J. S. Duff and daughter, Ruth, are .residing in town at `themhome of Miss Dinwoody. Y` Nfinne I11`? flnnxrnnlnnnnl uuu uuuu: U1. LVLIDD .|J1uWUUU_Y. Mr. Minns iof Grnavenhurst spent over Sunday at Harry Fisher s. "rIL_ __1__-_n, n -.-~.- .. .. JIIU aanuc. ' HENRY COUSE `I/'hu.I-iutlay, March 8, 917.` I V Telephone 731. Ladies and Men s Tailoring able. Old machins taken in partypayment. If - I . A Have a! large stock on_ hand. .Prices very reason- in need of a Sewing Machine Phone 431,`W.AD.