Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1917, p. 12

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5 UL U115 Ulul 0 This prescription for the re- smov-al of freckles was written by a prominent physician and '_is usually so successful that it` is sold by druggists under guaran- tee t.o refund the money if it fails. Get an ounce of othine- double strength, and even a few applications should show a Won- derful improvement, some of the smaller freckles even vanishing entirely. i ' r ' PAENTENGI A. F. A. MALOOIVISON Represents Insurance Companie: of undoubted Financial Standing and ` V ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. THE _msuaAnIcE" Minn inn STEAMBOAT AGENT. Representing Canadian Norther-r. P.O. Square. Barrie. Phone 441: you;-"b3ss';g; i{31;h `3`oi- `iron all parts of the world. -' ---_..---- A.=:A;}mAccomso~ YUUR FEECKLES News from the guru; u- The Government Inspector of` Lowa BROS. |||eed.At.tention In March or Face May Stay covered Now is the time to t,ake`spec- ial care of the complexion if you wish it to look well the rest of the year. The March winds have a strong tendency to bring out freckles that may stay all Sum- mer unless removed. Now is the time to use othine --- double strength. rn1_:._ _...,....~,..,..'...t.'..... n... I-Inn nn Two Doors West of Are in better position than ever to attend your wants Choicest Meats Prompt Service Atu1{tmmbl]@ amcdl Carriage W. G. Malcomson In their new store "HE Undersigned has a r Paint Shop over Hux- tabIe s Garage, next the Wellington Ho'tel,where he is prepared to do High-class Painting of Automobiles and Car- riages. Make your ar-- rangements now to have youI" Car or Buggy re- painted. Prices on Applicaon, Dreamland Butchers J; A. McNeill of, Montreal s spending` a few days with 1118 family` here. . ' . 1.-- ........-..\lnrI my wara..... Weights was; .here on -` Thursday` inspecting all- the G.'1`;R. scales, and rcpbrled everything i`I"1'per- fect Tcondition. ' On Tuesday ofthis week, A. Clark was transferred from An- gus station and will for the pre- sent do relieving work for the Grand Trunk. Mr. Clark. has been agent for the Company for a great many years, most of the time being at Angus, and he will be much missed at that place, wherehe had a host of friends. German I-lad Dynamite On Monday a German working at Camp Borden was detected hiding two large _boxes of dyn... amite in a remote section of the Camp. He was brought up be- fore Col. Low and given speedy trial. He will be sent to one of the northern internment camps. A Record Freight Day Last Sunday more freight was moved on this division than has been moved on any one day be- fore all winter. The Company has a large number of T. & N. 0. also Grand Trunk Pacic en- gines pressed into service in or- der to get the freight traffic caughtup to its normal condi- tions. r AOI) Wednesday night, -the Penetang wayfreight got stuck in` a, heavy snow storm between Phelpston and Elmvale, neces- sitating` a gang of men. going" from Allahdale to dig" it out. It a1so'held up the evening pass-_ 'enger t,-rain over an hour, ',the `latter arriving at P'e net.ang about 2 a.m. On Tuesday evening, Mr. Smith of Meaford. was ret.urnin.g home. from Toronto on No. 47 after having an operation in a city hospital. and after the train left. Aurora he_.sank very quickly and died almost immediately. The body was taken on to his home on a stretcher hy relatives who were "with him. ' - uauun . May Restore Trains It is ' understood on good authority that a new time card is being prepared` in Toronto and will soon take effect. It is ex- pected that Nos.-42 and 45 will be restored and No. 47 put back to her former time, `arriving here about 10.50 pm. It is ex- pected a service `will also he put on running into Camp Borden. called a` Minister On Tuesday night at a meet- ing of the congregation- of the Essa St. Presbyterian church, it was decided to extend a unani- mous call to Mr. D. C. Soules, `rs A n 17;--- r1.n-;__ 1ur__ B./\., of Knox College. Mr. Soules will he graduated next month, and soon afterwards will be ordained and inducted to the Allandale charge. Lately` he has heen acting as assistant to Rev. Gilbert Wilson in the High Park P1*esbyteI`ian church. TT_..A_'1 `II ... (V.._-1...~ .._..l.1.`I....J "f1}3:,{i `mt `;q`;s1;3.;:; :1; gangs; 1 Rev. Gan`. A. Brown, the moder- lator. will arrange for -supply. 'l"rainmen s Gifts Enjoyed Walter N. Duff _1*ecently re- ceived the following letter from Lt.-G01. D. H.` MacLaren, written at B1-amshott, on Jan. 29:--- 11v _3___1 Llu JJI (AllJ-)ll\IIIII \J_LI LUIAILLO rev Dear WalIer:~-O-n my arrival back from France I found two boxes containing parcels for all the G_.T.R. employees who are with the 157th Bn. These have all been delivered am.`/o1*ding to" and I am sure app're<:iat.od them very the direct ions they T much. u: 'I\1 7'1 1 l.a.lll1L_y Ixuxu. Harry Watkins -has accepted 9. position in the machine sho at the Lroundhouse; _ .- , _-L.__......'..l A One 1)aI'ce1 was for Pte. Teas- dale, who xmver belonged to the 157th` Bu...` consequently we "could not deliver it; The con- tents of this one parcel were di_ vided among` a few of the Allan- dale and B-arrfie boys. who are still attached to us. I. will he gm,/ar,1y obliged to you if you will t,1;nroug"h thisoletter convey the sigcere thanks of th; ofoers, N.C.O'. s and men for this grenerous gift from the Al--A landale Trainmen s Patriotic, Association. Gifts are always - appreciated, l much more so when the recip- ient is so faradfrom home and among` strangers. '\>Ve are not so far away but what we have heard of t.he magnicent con- tributions that have been and] are being by the Allandale railroad men and I congratulate them upon ,the~ir_`great success in raising `funds for such. a worthy cause. A11 1']... 1.....- ____ ___II -..J -__._. \4\) ..u._.V.....,. Wishing the Railroad Meri s Patriotic Society every success. and with kind personal regards, "I remain, `11__.__ _ __..1:- u__ __ _ .- ,. - 4 Una. \4vI4\A-JIJI All the boys are well an seem- to enjoy soldiering. T 11"r:...."|.._-..... 1.1.- n...-1_-- .1 mu--_.`9_ Very cordially. yours, . D. H. MacLAREN. " i ' "`A"few` of the shipments for Spring must yet arrive but the bulk of our new stock is ready for choosing. Assortments and Values, considering conditions, are marvellous. Be advised by this Store---do not put off your Spring buying---do it now. Indications point to very high prices on all Woollen, Cotton and Linen Fabrics-V---the supply is notnearly equal to the demand. We do not hes.itat,e_t0-say that this Store gives you the best 250 Neckwcar "to be had. 25 dozen Handsome New Neck Ties, in fancy patterns, Checks, Dots and Roman and Candy Stripes, are `0'0I'ed at Lhe low price of 25 One man said last week: You seem to he ever- lastingly adveising Stockings." Yes, we have the goods"and f`Vic.kers Values are well worth the elfort. One lady said: I am always best, suited when 1 buy Hosiery here. Show me the best. you_have `in plain Black Cashmere." We sold her our host Llama, that is_ Extra Worth at pair .. .. .. .. ..85o Don t, we say, don l, put it otl : if you want Cash- mere Stockings, buy NOW, while oldslock lusts and is being offered at old prices. These. are lines worth whi1e~will not -again ap_ pear in our advertising. Extra Fine Hose. of Pure Cashniere, warm and good_ wearing, seamless foot. Sizes 8%, 9, 9% and 10. .3palrs for-$2.25. Pair .. .. .. .. 85c Very Fine Cashmere Hose, British. make, elastic top, a seamless foot. Sizes 8%, 9, 91/2 and 10. Present value $1.00. Pair .. .. . . .. .. 15c _Mid Weight Cashiiiere Hose, plain, in both Canadian and British inakes, seamless and fashioned. Sizes 8.1/2to'10. Pair.... . .......50c Lower Grades. Cashmere`Finish and Fleece, plain. S'i'zesv81;t0, 10. All with seamless foot. Pair 25 (ilutsize Size -Cashmereose, for stout women, heavy `weight, good wearing. Sizes 9, 9% and 10. Pres- ent value $1.00. Pair .. .. .. .. .. ..16c Extra Fine lxl Rib Cashmere Hose, with four fold knee": toe and heel, with Pen_man`s guarantee pinned to each pair. Sizes-8%, 9, 9%. Present. valne $1.25. 3|ialrsfor$2.25.' Pair .. .. .. .. .. 90c Fine 1x1 Ribbed Cashmere Hose , elastichnit and seam- less foot, a very good. wearing line. Sizes 8%, 9, S 9%; and `i0. Present value $1.00.` Pair .. .._15c. -899 "the New Accordeon .Ga`s`hmer-e stocking . . - .. .. .. ..8Bc and $1.50 pal-`pair at. Lv|l.U _J.\JuAnA;;v\.u.av- Jno. Gobourn has returned after buying hisv spring millin- ery stock in Toronto and Buff__' Special Offering in Me_n s Ties BEAUTIFUL NEW -NCK~W5R L For Women and Misses Made of Fine Organdie - and Voile, cut and trimmed in the most excellent styles and `priced very low for a quick sale; 251:, 40c, 50c, 60c, 15c See them early--they re hand- some ' This Store for Stockings New Spring Merchandise AT VlCKERS - A-r VICKERS7 A1` VICKERS TlL1%ejeAnt%i%re store is now given overj to? the display of Men--Come and Sec alo. An Assortment of Men s and Young Men s Spring Suits That Lacks Nothing Th at s rather a_h1'0ad asset`- tion, hut it s true. There is nothing in Suits, suitable for Spring Wear, that. you Men and Young Men cannot pick out of the Vickers St,0ck._ \Vha.t,eveI' style you have in mind; \vhat.e.vc1` weave you pre- ferg` whatever color- or mixture is your favorite; you are bound to make selection that will please. you perfectly here.` The Barrie. Specials at $16.50 ar}_d $25.00 Greatest Suit, Val11<-rfs in Buy Your Millinefy Here Our Millinery Showroom The New Spring Hats and Trimmings are being passed in- to stock, and our trimming staff is working with a vim to excell `any of our previous Spring Showings. Our Millinery is being marked at prices with the greatest consideration for economy. Is ready for the Spring rush. All of our staff of l9l6 has been re- engaged. Miss Shannon as Chief has the able assistance of Miss Dales, Chief Trimmer; `Miss Marshall, Miss Lawlor and Miss Coliton. 1110. 7 Fred Skinner has severed his` connection with the G.T.R. after; fourteen years service with the; company. ` "- - 14--.. .u..-ruvnt\'t` {Al New Kid and Lambskin Gloves The foreign Glove Market is very uncertain. .{I`o `ensure Gloves for -this Easter, we bought. nearly a year ago, get-' ting barely` half of our pur- chases. While we do not guar- Vantee the wear of any Kid Gloves, we believe we have the hest values procurable. Black, White and Colors, any size. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 We Sell [THE GOSSARD [FRONT LACING `THE MEMO FOR STOUT AND SLIGHT ' FIGURES THE D 8: A AND A LA GRACE GORSETS GEO.VICKERS 36 33 30 -31. 30 30 35 36 .St.ripe_d Feather Ticking. Yard Wide Unbleached Cotton. inch Pure. Wl1ii.<=`Flanneloite. made in Canaidu, inch Pure White Flanimletle, Arpekas yard inch Pm-0 White Flaiinelelte, made in U.S.A. . inch .Pui'e.Whil,(- Flaiiiieletm, hesl, British make_._ inch -Colored Stripe l~`lannuleLLe, British [Il`d.kB, inch Colored Stripe l%`Iannelett,e, B1*it.isl1 make, inch Colored Stripe I<`lunn_=,lett,e, British make, inch Colored Stripe Flapneleli.e, Vclva Finish, of from to 7 yards, at, per yard .. _ Pi-eseiil. worth 150. F1; . 20c . 20c 26c 1 6c 18c ' 20c` . 22c Preseill, worth /400.. Mill Ends .. 30c A1 All in selectedAst.y1es,_any siz, any 13;.-jun-.. Theadvantages of buying Dress Goods and Silks at this Store are more apparent when you see and com- pare otir prices. Made of White Cmxiille, well stayed and cul with n1+)d- ium bust. 11, 1s a light \Vcig'hl om-.-M, ('uI)1'a_)I`I1ii11;2 easily to t]1e'i`1gu1`e; is. long over hip. with llosee supporters attaclmd. Sizes 18 to 27. .\`po<-,ia1 75c. Fine Se1'gs in Black and B1116, 85c, 1.00, 1.25 to $2.00 Fine Broadcloths in Black, Green and Blue, yd. $2.25 W001 Poplin ih Blanck; Navy, Brown and Green. at yard $2.25 Buy Stap|es$ Now and Save .0n.' the road tu recovery. \/\J1AaIJLIul1J - "Col. Low has been conned to his bed for over a week with the Grippe, but is -now getting well 24 30 30 Fancy 'Mel1'nse ,Su1'l,.ing in (j}reen_,T Brown, Navy and ' Holland Blue, at yard .. .. .. .. . .. .. $1.25 If you live out 0f,t.0w1\ `send for Samples 1>i-as-ciia, l5c. Heavy `Unbleached Sliceling, Twill, 2 yds. wide . . 330 Heavy Unbleached Sheeting`, Plain, 2 yds. wide . . 300 Fine B/leached Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, Plain .. .. 37c `Fine Bleached Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, Twill .. .. 38c 17 inch Pure Linen Hand Towelling, 1,2 differeiit. we'av_ es .... ....,.... .... .... .... .... .... 15c 17 inch Union Huck Towelling .._ .. .. . . .. 16: _`l8 inch Check Glass Towclling, good; at yard. . . .. 15c 22 inch Check. Glass Towelling, ne; at yard 20c 70 inch {Bleached Tabling, 6 designs .. .. .. 85c 60 inch Bleached Table Linen . . .. .. . . .. .. 60 58 inch Unbleached Union Tabling at .. .. .. .. 45c White Lawn a`t. .. .. .. . . ,12%c, 15c, 20c and 25c Nainsooks, negrade .. .. .. 15c, 11c, 25c and 30c We Specialize in Corsets inch inch i inch not attempt tot try on the New `Spring Suit . Over an old Corset OUR SPRING RANGE IS COMPLETE Here isa low priced line now on suic- Some Stylish ~ Suitings THESE CANNOT BE`. DUPLIGATED Pure White Fl:1nnelel.t.e, made in Canada, 100 Pure White Flalxnelette, made in Canada, 12`/2c \ Pure VVhite li` heavy .B1`i1,ish make. 17c .. -\II- Ill `.1 l.\.Ivu\a Alf. Whitziey has resigned from t,he Car Dept. and left on Thursday to work _1'0I' the C01- lingwood Shipbuilding Co.` _._ 1.-.-.. THE LAST WORD IN HANDBAGS These Hand Bags are made of Knit Silk in Black with Rom- an Stripes, lined with knit silk in shades to harmonize with the stripes. Handles of Tubular Braid. New York s latest. fad. Price $2.50 `Flannelce. Arpekas" Flannelet'l.e, IVI ' I T`\ - Welcome any time to see Thursday, March 8, 1911. 51:16 Iv\.I\'\.aI -~----,_..._ The Cohan was over an hour late on Vvednesday night omdng t0.a dramubar being 1n1Hcd out of one of the cars leaving I)av- enporn - V. 1*,,-,-__L;__ -1-.

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