1` l.v'\ll1l, IL. ,\Jl ul 5. Pass Earl Smith, N. Smith,` W. Burt.ch,'B. \Viseman. Sr. 1] Ln J1`. I11: . "Ind. Class Hnnm`s-\V.'M0oI'ei _ Pass--V. McBride, L. Mc- Koown, M. Thmnpsnn. ' Jr. III in Sr 111: %. A -~_..- T TJ\vn11: 1_V.l . .I)l'_)' 31.711. Pass--E. Carr, LG; ScQt,t,;0live Lully. T 1: Mnnlnqnm `Dr-inr-inn]: 911'. III. |.ll LJI. 111. _ ` 2nd. Class H0no,;`s---J. Harris,` M. BI`y.~`ml1. A ' 1 _- n n....., n. Qnn}I>-(`|Hx.'n1 Resu-lt,s of Promotion Exam-| inatinns held in the VVest Ward` Countless Women find-- & that when suffering from? nervousness, sick headache, r dizzy spells and =ailments_ peculiar to their sex- nothingaffordssuch prompt and welcome relief, as will follow a few doses of A proven w'orne_n s 1j<=,rnedy, whlch assists in regulat1_n the organs, and"re-'establ`1s ing healthy conditions. ]_3eechar_n -s Pills contain no hablt-forrmng dru_g-1eave no d1sagreeable after-effects. They:are-- Nature s aid to better Health `rim.-`suy, `Fohuary 22, 1911 _ `J. E. MORRISON, Principal; JAS. G. KEENAN, This- is what the picture means. ' It - `shows Anna Case, of `Grand Opera, V proving by actual comparison that Thomas `A. Edis_9n s new invention R'e-Creates her superb art with_ absolute delity; the Metropolitan _ iZ7{e NIEW ]ED][SON I The musical critics of more than two hundred Canadian and American papers stated that they were unable to detect any difference. To. express this perfection-to cause the Nilw Edison to stand out from the ordinary talking machine, music lovers coined a new `title for Mr. Edison -s marvellous success-Music s Re-Creation". More than one thousand diT'erent selgctions are at your pleasure. Come in and hear them. Not Listening \ But Comparing. is no `mere ialking inachit;.' Its Re/-`Creation, and the living voice, are indistitiguishable. \Vr3St. \\ aI`d `School, Jan. 29, 30 and 31, 71917; -Prilnary to JP. I-16 wrote; A ; '1'a,iled; '12 p1'om0t.ed. ' _ Jr. 1. to S1`. 1 -- :22 wrote: 4 : fuiler_l; 18 prmnoted. 1. yo Jr. lI---20 wrote; 45 mi led; '1 1; prom oted. J1`. {ll [0 S1`. Il-`2/4 \V"I`0l/B; 8` I':-Ii led; 16 promoted. S1`. II. to J1`. IlI--22 \\_'1'()t,(\.; l8_ t'ailnd: ~ : prmnoted. , J1`. II]. to S1`. IlI---l 1; wrote; 9 failed; 4 pronnoted. 'I`0t,al prmnoted, 69. . J. E. MORRISON, Pvincipal Succssful Pupils in Town Schools The 1'Oll()Wing` are those who have passed at the .Jan_ua1'y Ex- ami11at.i011s:-- ya. 1.1: U1.) nun. n 111.: I J. (Iowan, G. 'Chanm-311, J.` Thmnpson, R. F11I'1ong', A Fow- llct-', A. Bell. |Sr. II to Jr. III: 'I\ 111 1 17 11,! In a UV UL: LIL: D. Hurrie, E. `West, H. Hob- son, L. Thompson, K. Walls, N. Kelcey, M. TGubitt-Nich_olls, J._ Malcomson, G. Boden, D. Mc- Eachern, Ross Gowan, S. Wall- win. Jr. 11 to S1211: 4-. 1- -rt`? 1,11-. 111: t0_Sr. 111: |pI':(;l',l.,'(}. Johnson, L, .P0we11, D. Todd, D. Wallace, `Jones. Jr. I to SP. I: u I. uv K); - A. Wallwin, E. Merrill, E. lTuck, M. Andrews, V-. Brown, L. Smith, H. Mcconkey, L. Oaks, V. Brown, C. Craig, 1. Smith, A. Trihble, C. Urry, A. McNahb,'G. Tomlinson, M. McConkey, J. Kennedy, M. Walsh, H Hart, VD. Morby, M. Jenkinson. Primary `to Jr. I: A G. Guest, 1. Turton, B. Horton, L. Gosling, H; Guest, J. Brown,- M. Tribble, W. Garner, F. Jen- kinson, J.,HeV\ vit,-t, J. Grarlger, R. Bishhp, E. Howes, _.G. Jones, D. |`Caston. -rAr~""'1|rA1\x 11? 1'\__:_-:,_._I [{-'. I to Jr. 11: 11- Promotions made in_ the Bur; ton Avenue Public School." To Sr. P1'im.: . V.TG00dchi1d, H. Kinsella, M. Stunden, J. Magloughlin, E. Ambrose, M. McQua(1e, J. Lo0k-\ er, R. Tompkins, A. Moss, D. Edward, D Riddell, J. Manson. To Jr. I: V T '1- 1'7 ,1.,,,_ Ti (V___.:...\ `Ill IW.-\.q,.'l LI} \}l.o L "I. Heder, E. Service, M. G00d-. child, J. Looker, (3. Knight, J. C0oper,VJ. Armstrong, F. Bowen, G. Hodgson, D. Logan, M._Mont- crieff, A. Stephenson. To Jr-.. II: V ` 1|: -u--1u3-.-1 n -11:11 _ E. Li_tt;le, M. McNeil, R. `Hill. To, Sr. II: I E. Gar-side, G. '-Semmens. To Jr. III.: - ` ._ G. Swan. T0.Sr. III:_ W L. Lowe. - !'V`I"I"I'AY'\ "r\,_:_.-_'___1 P1'imai'y to Juniol-'1st: .1 ._l r1l,..,.,. II,\.~ I`! 1) Nico Price for Lamb Beetcm World - Nat, Stewart. delivered to H. Strangways an Wednesday of last week a fat lamb for which .'_he. received $16.85. Mr. Strangways` states that this is the highest price he ever paid for lamb. . - c LL l.'IJ kiln 1:. I ' S. \\'esl0y,. R. Gosling-,` E. Jon- 1 `In V other words,` a great artist singing on the concert stage in direct comparison with the R'e-Creation of her voice by The New Edison. Cenliral` Sfchool JAS'.MARLIN, Principal BARRIE, om. E. SHEAR, `Principal. -I Illlltlll. lvIJ U 1-1.1: As.-uo lsn CmssiLnh-C.]hnwn,A. tlliftorl, \A7. (lunxtts, 1). \R7hite, 13. Smith, W. Brown, B. Gray, 1. Johnson. 1 ! 1'\ /`II,,. 45 App!-ecla't.e`.1_t_!1,o Coated Walter N. `D1_1`_,_].Secy. Barrie Division Railway1_nen sV Patriotic Association, redently received the following letters. in aoknow__ ledgment `of boxes sent by. the Assocn.:- _ . From" Pte. H. Taylor", L`-`B. Co. A few lines toexpress my tip- preoiation` ofgthe box sent by_'the Barrie UDiv.. "Rai1wiaymen`s Pat} riotic Society, which_~I r`ecei_ved the other-day. It was in perfect condition and" -nothing could have beenhmore suitable or more lwelcome than the good_ things in` the box. We had a -regular lit- tle banquet and there is nothing like `feeding the brute to keep a soldier in shape. Thanking you, again and wishing the So- lciety the best of luck)`: ,1, -,1 -JIKL lulu AlII(lIl|Klllal` IJA-II.-'\/n From Plo-.JK. N`emet'on, -157th Bn., Bramshott Gamp-Just a_ line to` acknowledge and thank you for G.T.R. parcels received `by myself and `R.'J. Yarnold on Monday. `It is certainly ,very good of ever'yh0dy- and only a soldier knows how much these good tl1i11g's can he app1'eciat.etl.' The rest of the parcels are be-V ing'dist.-1'ih11`led to the various hatt.alions wlmre our men have been sent. \Ve, toryexpect. to gm; into the z11'tillery right away and are at present at1acl1ed. to the 173rd Bn. from Ha.milt0n. Our hnys aro`scat.tered` all over, but of c_0u-rseAtl'1is cm1l(l not he helped, while very much regret.- te_d. It s good to belong to an Institution that 1'm'nemheI's`its clerks and I again thank you and the Systmn fur l,he"pa1'eels. `I7`-.,_..... 1\l.. "IT F'lV,\..-.1}... L`,..\-`A b From Pte. J; H. Gilchrist, i`/sth Bn., Somewhere in _ France - Please extend to the Association my sincere thanks for their kindness in Iremembering` me` at this season ofrthe year; You do [not know how these little kind- ;nesses from home help to `brighten thelivesof the boys at the Front, and how they apprc-. 'ciate t.hese little gifts which not `only remind them of home but [also show us that the people at` `home are still doing their hit for us here in the trenches. Please extend to the Association, espe- 'cially that of the Barrie Divi- sion, my best: wishes for their success in the coming` year s work and the best of good luck and" success to all the boys in lthe Allandale ofgee. `wavy. v--V -u\.t\4v A-`mini- From Ple.iH. Tomlin, Some- where in France 4- It is with great pleasure that .1 write these few lines'to aclmowledpge receipt of parcel you so kindly sent me and I can assure you the eon- tents all came `in very useful as such things as those are very` diloult to obtain and I most heartily appreciate your kind- ness. It is a source of great` consolation. to usto know we are, blessed with such comforts and have the sympathy and support of. t.hose at home. As no doubt: you are aware, we are not al- lowed to comment on any war events, but you may rely on us to do our very best - and when hostilities have ceased and the -people are allowed to learn all of our Canadian boys will hear comparison with any other troops ght.ing in our noble cause, and the good people in Canada who are so nohly assist- ing us will have every reason to be proud of our record. Well, dear sir, no doubt you would like to know how you are living. At present we are out of the trerieh- es` on a well-earned rest and it the detaiIs,AI think the conduct` i is`well appreciated. _ Although our billets are not very conven- ient, we have to he contented nu- der the circumsiiances and I guess we. are liable to strike] worse before we get through. We are in a little `French village, away behind the line and sleep- ing in a barn, but we must not grumble for the best Man, that ever lived was born in a barn. We have had quite a bit of snow here which has put the roads in a bad condition and made it difficult to get about . Well, dear friend, what is the public opin-- ion over there about the war`? I guess they are looking forward for an early nish. It is a great problem to I know exactly when it will nish, ' but I can assure you the boys are prepar- ed to go throu_gh the very worst and get it over,` and I, for one. am just longing to renew my acquaintance with a good bed and a few oversized appetizing meals, the same as one is accps- `XaI!!r!s!-` Ann 8-TURN" I-WING Uulllloklxsn I 2nd Class .J:I0n01's-.D. Glen H. PaI't.1'idge. Pass----C Falconer, F. Carley. Srgl (.0 Jr. II: . \ 1st. Class H*0n01's--J. \Vilson,} `A. Lavery, L. Hines, A. Clark. ` n....'..l l`1l.\....-. T,I.`\v\ 4'svt(I NI T)n~nr\11 tomd to at Home, but I guess? that is just a natural longing. Well, I haven t_ any more nwsl to tell you, so I will close, thanking you for `your efforts onf our behalf. ` "As a result~o f- the drought` and very hiit weather ab_out `time of ripening of grain last year much of the seed~was not suf-_ ficjently lled to make good seed for this, year. However good the co`lor may be if the seed, ' is not plump and properly` mat- `ured it'wil1 not produce a sure and uniform crop. vinces and no doubt this will be cleaned and sold for; Great caution must: Much feed oats isbeing iin- ported from the western pro- seed grain. some of _ be -used in buying oats this year ,. lest we shoul d happen have been frosted andthe ger- minating power destroyed. How- ever, it is not considered neces-. this The opinions of sary t.o run any risk on kind of. oats. , seine men in this County who are in a position to know some- thing of ,the -grain situation have been secured and they claim that there is sufficient seed grain in the County if it could beidistributed. In order to get the buyers into commun- ication with those who have seed for sale there must centre or means of connection. Those who have seed for sale are r`equested to send samples of their grains, variety, quality, and prices, to the Dept. of Ag- riculture, Gollingwood, and those wishing to secure prices may get them upon application to the Department". ing done that every man may have an opportunity of securing good seed. Probably one of the best. ways for any one to assure himself of getting a good crop would be for him to test"`the see(l before sowing for 'germ_in_ aiing qualities, and this is done free of charge if sent to the De- partment. of Agriculture, Otta- wa, Ontario.---Advt. to get; some of these oats which may be some 1 This, is be- i Feed Oat. Grades`-Unt for Seed .z1t.i0n. Flour: and feed dealers whol gffer the lfeed grades of_VVest- ern oats should be `careful to \var1;.farn`mr purchasers again- st. using them for seed. The Fe-ml :.>;1'a(los contain oats which are frozen or Otherwise unsound and not sui.t;able for milling purposes. They- usually give a very low percentage of germin- wliicli results `in serious crop failure. The sowing` ' of these frozen outs in past years has given the general impres- sion that all \Vc-.sl m`n oats will notvdo well in Eastern Canada `the first. year.` Hmne grown Sandi oats nf goml quality is sn ; this year that farmers `should: be specially warned agfaiust us- ing the Feed ,`-._ I`a(lGS for seed. `TR __..L._...- fV,....._.].. '.\-..~..,...` A..- -nnu -. \.\/ll zjnuy... .v. \./'\/\;.v `Eastern Canada farmers are advised to procure l0ca1Tgrnwn oats of the host quality and. Seed ~Gr-ain IIUMINIUN 0F GANADA DEBENTURE STBGK After Eveny Meal J1. |.1u.v\.u._y, 1.4. J.LlLl\J|J, ;- Va.-.`..-. 2nd. Class IwIcmnrs--1'\A I. Penny B. Gibbs, J. A1]d0I`tV.0Il VJ. Ar1n..} .si,x'0 g`, N. Small. .` ' T\.-,.,. f`1 I'\.\-. II` IA1n`tIt'\'r\!\1`I A The THOSE WHO, `F ROM TIME TO TIME, `HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT E MAY PURCHASE AT PAR IN sUMs OF $500; OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Interect pa3:al;le half-yearly, lct April and 151: October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. - Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. ` . A commission` of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognizedpbpnd and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance; Ottawa. DEPARTMENI OF. FINANCE. OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th. 1916. TO INVESTORS Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. clean "them to thirty `pounds per` bushel or better if possib_le. Thus far not more than 100,000 bush-els of No. 1 Canada VVest- ern seed (Tats free `from wild oats are available in storage. It may be found necessary to make a grade for No. :2 seed oats con- taini n8,I10t more than eight wild oats to the pound. This, wouldhe very much superior to the Milling or ,Fccd gradnsa -which are foul with noxious and? other weed seeds. i Dbl (.1115, ;V. bz'Iuu.IA- V Pass G. Day, F. i.<`a1coner, A. Scott. - Jr. 11 to S1`. 11: ('1 CV... -.l... School Report for January Sr. IV Enid Stevenson. ` Jr. IV---Clarence Brown, Jean -Seed Branch, Ottawa DA LSTON |L`.0utts, Amy Gilhnoly, -Viola Gai_1`ns. . V w- `v: ._ - . -- a._, V.-S.r: 'lII----Nina Per'kin$, Fryi- bis \Villiams, .~\I't.hm' BL'nh'._lm. SI`. II--Reta Sl,e\'ensnn, I_ Jory, (iordon Key, H. Lave Irene Dehenhilm, Cux'r(-.11 ' hzun. ' Jr. 11 I\'Iarjm`i(-. (}n11H,.-'?., Jory, Gm-dun Barrager, ] Nelson, Alvin .Pm`kins, Cairns. t\ . .--. J1`. IIl-Belx't.ha Jory, Es:L():lle Gilhooly. " V Sr. I---D:mg'las Cairrus, ' Onvil Gilhooly. ix u vv Jr. I-Fr'ances Bonham, Vera Baldwin. T * Pr'in1er---(:`mrd)n Jory. Currie Baldwin, 1\Im'vin Nolsnn. \V'. C. VVARI), 'J`r2acher. I_,p1e I.aye' r, Cu:-roll `B1311- lilo I.-L} k)l. Ila l Ist. Class H0nors--G. Swarm,` A. Par'Lridge. % _1,__I 111.....- YY.>\`r\I\`\IV ml 1`).~..-hi: Page seven .--u 19813 :L_v-1n J1. L [51 Juan. _2nd. Class H0n0rs-M. Paddi- snn, B. Carrulhers, C. Hunt, E. Armstrong, L. Burtch, D. Hines, M. Nicholson, D. Burton, M. Ni\'nn, K. Craig. ' 1:--.` emu. M 'qm:n.