Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1917, p. 8

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The cost of advertising in this column is ONE GENT PER WORD EACH INSEBTION, with a mini- mum charge of 15 cents. Terms cash. For Adlets of 25 words or Over, three insertions will be "given for the price or two, or six for the price of four. The Ex- aminer and Saturday Morning covers Barrie and district thor- oughly and gives the biggest ad- vertising value in the county. ' `IJIJI ll ;u.u.u. } 3 pm. Sunday School and ;Bihlo. Class. _ | 11, , ,,,1l, 1' .... any Oportunities of Saving on your Food Bill PROMPT SERVICE HINDSBROS. are found at our Store. Buy here where your dollars go farthest. A few suggestions for this week : Choice C`ooking Figs . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . for 25 Fancy Dates . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 a Pkg. (_Il1_a_1se__& a13bprn_C9f_fee,'reg}1lar__1159 for . . . . . - - . - - . .3 |b$. 25: . Chase & Sanborn Coffee, `regular 45c . .386 Gillard's Relish Pickle, regular 25c for . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181: 30c Oranges for per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19c 25c Oranges for per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..v.`I7c Fancy Lemons, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23c . I lb. box Cut Mixed Feel, for . . . . . . . ., \ . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Large Can of Tomatoes for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17c Large Can of Peas for . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . Large Can of Corn for .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pure Castilg Soap, per bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5C I2 lbs. Redpath Granulated Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 l 3 lbs. Redpath Yellow Sugar - - . - - . . . - . - - . . . . . . .$`| .00 Peerless Blend Tea, our reg. 40 a lbl... 3- lbs. for $1.00 Copeland's Flour gives satisfaction`. Always in stock. Try it f Prompt delivery to any part ofthe town. Shirt Department MEN'S GREY, KI-IAKI AND NAVY BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, worth today $2.25. .Special Price .; .. O. .. .. .. $1.50 MEN S KI-IAKI FLEEGED SHIRTS, sizes 14 to 17%, Worth` today $1.25 Special Price .. .. . .. .. $1.00 MEN'S BLACK AND WHITE STRIPE WORK- ING SHIRTS, Deacon make, large roomy shirts, sizes 14 to 18, wo1't,h` today $1.00. Speci'alPrice....... .75c manrs FINE COLORED SHIRTS, made by the Regal Shirt and Arrow Shirt C0mpany,`siz_ es 14 to 18. Special Price .. .. .. $1.25 BOYS TANWORKING SI-IIRTS, sizes 121/. to 1/s.Special...... . ......50c M MEN'S BLACK AND WHITE STRIPE SHIRTS, sizes 141/; to 17, Worth today 750. Special Price .. .. .. .. 50c Here is a Shot` frdm our Straight to the heart of every man Page Eight Thursday, I-`ob:-uvary` W, I _ I- L'b' VVU1 bll nu- .. .. $1.15 .. $1.50 .3 BORN A DODSON-At the R. V. Hospital, on Friday, Feb. 2, t0'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodson, a son. KING----In Goderich, Fcb."V1,- a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. . E. King. ' RAYNER---In Barrie. on Jan. 26, to Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Raynr, a son. - WINGROVE--In Vespra, Wed- nesday, Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Gareld Wingrove, a. son. On Friday night of next week the annual meelting of the Board of Trade will be held. 175 hogs were shipped at. the local stock yards this week, the price `paid being $14.00 cwt. 0 ` u. -_The usual throng awaited the opening of the doors at Moore & Armst,ro11g s last Wed- nesday morning. V The house occupied by F. Chappell at,Cundles was totally destroyed by fire on Monday night, -but most of the contents ,were saved. PHONE 145 v` 8; 1911 FARM FOR SALE--Lot 22; con. 2. 01-0. 80 acr'es:'9-1*00m solid 1n~i(*kl1uuse: with summer kilnlwn and \\_'nnd. two barns 30x60 and 32x62, stone fnun:dati0ns; cement, silo 12x implement shed 26x40.- buggy house 20x32: 2 acres or- chard. Power for pumping, e.t.c.., supplied by stationary gasoline engine, For further pa'N.iculm`s apply to G. VV 7.. Hic_klin Shan1`,v Ray R.M.D.,, N0."2, Phone 5351233. 3.12 em Two Tilursday, Served 11.3 SCAL GREA BREA TEA `%%*B;E SOLD |%'$E%I_ cleaned, MIE 58 j-I-1--~ In all coun !OR'S ADI - M1} 864 U; .l till March 1, 1917, for pro- SEAlj.F.D TENDERS will he re- ceived by the undersigned up party, Lot, Letter A Secnnd ' .R:1ng'e, Tnwnship of 01-0, 100 V acres more 01* less, convenient tn school and church, on coum. t._v road from Barrie to Orillia. On premises are 6_t'Q0m brick- clad house: hank barn 56x50..I basement. St.ahlP.<:: also small barn. 'I`wo-t,hirds. purchase money down.`balance on easy; At.o.rms. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Jas, A. Cal-dwell, Shanty Bay, R.R.t. ' V 5-7p L0` ever to `, I I Are in Choid Sev of E Eco tisem )21\'c 11 In ROOMS TO RENT with or with- out breakfast, or light house- keeping. 133 Collier St. Phone 186. . 50-7 PHO71;I)GRA1 H FOR SALE--G00d as new. Cost $65. Ownerwill . let it go for $35. Address Box T this office. % 45tf` ELECTRIE MOTORS FO,R SALE -()ne 2 H.P. two-phase and one 1A H.P. single phase, Qwagner). Both have been used in Barrie and are in first- elass condition. Apply to Waiter U1-ry. 27A-tf. BROWN HILL MlLI.--Ch0pping ` % and Rolling, Tuesday and Sat- urday; All farmers welcome.` ' 51-2 mos. FOR SALE---N % lot 5, Con. 9,- lnnisl Township, 100 acres, about 5 miles from Town of Barrie; all cleared and in. good state of cultivation. Soil, clay loam.` Buildings first-class. ; Good orchard. -Price reduced , - to $5009, part` down, reason- able for balance. 1`. G. Fishefrhllaal -Estate, Barrie. L. ' , - -33-We ' Young, Box 66.'Ba1~1`ie. VT0r0n to. FURS REMODELLED a" Re- paired. Miss McArthuI'. 3 133 Collier` St. Phone 186. ' 52-3 mos. `ma Am.:1'coI.uIII`u 73060 ASSORTMENT of fast. cdlors in Blue and Black Serg- _ as. far ladies` and men s suit- ings. n We also do cleaning and pressing, alterations and re- pairs; Harry Twiss, Tailor. Owen ,St. 1-tf "1 4% ---Moore Ar1fistrong s big White `Sale `is on Ten Days only; lruunuouuu. tau V.-- \/%v--1 '_ Tlimre will be no service in the Refm'n1e_d Episcopal Church next Su1'1da_\-' or until further notice. A jolly nigl 1L s. fun is promised allthose who attend the Cami- . val at Shroud next Tuesday night, R. A,`Stephens7Ii17S ben `reg- elected Vchairm;xn of the Board of Health. 1' ,.- `l\l .. L11 J.J.uLwnusao An inteI'esLi`ng letter from Pte. Roy Ker-foot, Minesing, will be published at an early date. ' -- I! L _. . :sr\v1IV:l'l-l'\ in I-Inn` 1`UU. 10.` --Mrs. Heard, 13 Ross St., is holding her annualsale of coil- ene lled corsets. Sale contin- uesluntilistock is sold. A 4-6 , MISS, _GLENNEY--1)ressn1aking and lady tailoring. 178 Dun- lop St. Phone 38-1. 3;-15 +._______._____.____ 1 . nighL"s. pro` C ' Feb. 13: ~ ? "~-~..I :0 Damn S u-vu, u---.,-_ ..-_,-, Local automobile dealers re- port. many enquiries for cars this year and already a number of sales have been made. | rs`: 1-: ,,A:;_, -A book of 47 Old Favorite Songs, with music. Just what y0G\Qave been lookingfot. Only 250. Garrett's Music Store. -uuuu A sum of $850.has been plac: ed in tho Dominion 'l'm.- repairing the Big` Bay Point ugharf,'destr0yed by L',,e last summer, ` Several tenders were received for the sale of war bonds to the Board of Education. That. 0f J. II. Bennett being the. best was laccepted. His price was $97.85. GIRL WANTED - Exporiencecil g'ene`1*al. Apply 50 Mary St. 61 {my WANTEIJ AT 01\'cE.? Apply to Sarjea_nt & King, Ltd. (5-6 looon PRIV -A'TE BOARD, `and an`! c0nve1, 186 Dunlopv . `Barrie. V " . 5-7p FOR SALF.----Oa.1< Sir_!ohua1`d. Can be seen-in the afternoon at 50 Glappertou St. . 4-6 l}IOUS7.l;1Ix:EE]?FJR \x`ANTE1) ._ To.` take chat-g* clderly lady and little girl. Opply to Box 347, Barrie P.O.' 4 V - 648 HOUSE -TO RENT---Next sehodl on Bradford St., 8 rooms, all m.oder'n conveniences. Apply to Alex. Cowan, Barrie. 3-5 LOST--1N 'V\'AN'I. El) Young girl to help`; lake care of children. 1 1-1. Imhe1'lsun, 42 High St. 5.6 \\'A1\"l.`ED--T\\'o nr t h1'e0 rooms .s'uital;]e for light l1011sekeep- in_u_'. ] J1u`u.1i1'3A at this office. 6 ` I.()ST--;./Zxt. Milit.a,1`y Dance, a Boy- al Flying Corps Pin, valued as keepsake. Will finder please return to This 0_f`c.e. 46-6 WANTED --- Reliable general `- maid. Washing and ironing sent out- Good xvages. Apply P. O_. B0xe32, or Examiner Of- fice. T ._ . ,6-tf !HOUE 7 TO ' LET -15 Worsley St., eight. I'0UI1'lS_. all modern conveniences. Possession on March 1st,. Apply \V. G. Luck, 11 Francis, St, Barrie, 6-t.f L()ST--In Barrie, l)eLwe.en Pen`- ` etaug and Tornllto St's., on ']`uesday, -Jan; 30, ma-n s dark grey sweater c-Hat. `Finder Please leave at this ofce. 6-6 IFOR SALE-ThI-ee Barred Ply- mouth Rocks and One Black Minorca Cookerel from a good laying strain. Apply to Min- | i esing Depot, Phone 91. 4-8 BLAGKSMITH STAND FORSALE OR TO LET-A.t. . Crown Hill. Large brick home, good gar- den, large stable and shop, with some tools. Apply W. G. Luck, Barrie. 6-t.f FOR RENT'OR SALE-On Bur- . ton Ave., brick house, nine rooms, gas and all conven- iences, good lawnsand fruit trees. Apply Box N, this Of- fice. ` , -.-tt FOR SALE--Brick residence on - Sophia SL, seven rooms, bath and kitchen, with every con-` venience and good garden. Ap7 `ply H. G. Boag. Barrie 3-tf -- STANDING TIMBER FOR SALE ---Suitable T for barn timber, lumber, shingle bolts, fence posts and `pail timber. Large 'or small quantities. to suit purchaser. Also hardwood by _ the acre. Apply D. J. Bar- clay, Stroud. ed_tf FARM FOR SALE-20O acres, lot 19, con. 1, Sunnidale; mostly clay loam, some sandy loam. 125. acres cleared, balance hardwood `bush. Will sell on easy terms for quick sale. For further part.iculars apply to Wm. Kearnan, Angus, ' 4-7 JUST Clean.-' ing Shop. French _-cleaning and pressing of~Ladies aha . Men s Garm_ents.;Dyeing Fancy Silk`Dresses, White Gloves and. Sweater Goats`, Repairing-'- Bring us_ your old clothes and take them back new. 52 Eli- zabeth.VStr_eet. ` . L 6- 3 BARREL) Pl;YMO1_J'l`H COCK: ERELS FOR S:_\LE. N0 .b et.L01` n 191 OST--1N Barrie, _ Wednesday, Jan. . 31, gold link 1'1'.i0n(Jship bracelet. I*`indc-,1` please leave at this oi(:_e_. . 6-6 ;_1n|-.4;;r..- .-. V./Av .\,-...,-.. in Canada. C..C. Local? = News i1i.{aZj ."l`Li ' " `-_-'1*_.1e. A:a.`d\`I:.-1I1t`.t:3,Vg.._ E0:f th_e.,.[bi8 .i;a`r g`ain1`\ 1-at : 1vIooi~`. '= &= `Arm'- str0Ang sA. 711 A CL nnnn unis lsnn unit] Bio `i1I_ 1*`AI{M FOR S.-\zIT.E OR RENT--140. acres, lot '9, con. 10, Vespra;, ~_2;oud brick house, barn, out- ` buildings, flowing well. F011 particulars apply H. D. Jam- ieson, Barrie. 3-8 uuy. V ~ --A_Masquerade Carnival: willl be held. in Stroud Rink on Tues- day, Feb. 27, at which prizes for six event. will be given.. Band in attend nee. Admission, 20` cents.` . v A 4-7 0 11.1, ___n n:_\.._,.._..... cu. Uu.5 00 T. Agstevens has sold_ his in- terests in the Barrie Creamery ito the Messrs. Tordi", who `re-` cently came here from Brooklin, Out. A I -, 11-- 12..-; ....L` 1.1. . Klllho Geo; Colesl is the rnst .of the local, po'ult,Ify fanciers to report the arrival of 1917 birds. Out of" a se tt,.in_g of ten eggs he got. sev- en nibe Barred Rocks on Tues- day. A '1\.I'.-..;-..nVy..~.rln r`nn-n~:1rn'I. \J\7lJ.UDo A portrait of Robert Simpson, the rst mayor of Barrie, is now, suitably framed,_hang'ing in the Council Chamber. Ralph John- `Stan, made a very at-tist-Mic job of the fran_iing.~ 'sLr\_.1__.l._ A... ,........-.:....\..'I An.-nnnl lAll,\. .ll.LI.ll_l.11LDo ' Outside an occasional request to clear away some drifts there has been nothing much doing In the Board of Works during the past week, said Town Engineei Laing on Monday. G. P. \Vhit.e has purchased from Plumtmer the I`05i_ dance on Owen St. now occupied by Mr. Grainger, and` will put, some extensive impx-nvements on the property this sp1'in`'. Prominent live_ stock men in Torontoihis week predicted that live hogs would reach $15.00 pm- cwt. by June. ` The popular": breakfast dish, ham and eggs, is in the luxury class now.` On Friilay the other twin baby 01'. MI'.~aI_1d Mrs. Gordon \Ve1is died at \Veliles1ey' 1I0spii.a1_. 'l.`<)i'- mito. The bodies of the two lit- He ones were hm11g`ht io_`Bm*rie `on 1\'l01ida.y for iriterment. A good test was given the new heating plant in the Town 113.11,} -'l*`i-iclziy. night. 1\ 0i.wiLl`istanding i n ten1p01':1t.u1"(=, of aho,ut twenty? Vh0_10W Z(`1`0; the hull was \'o.1`yi m.m`Ii`m*1.ably lieaiod i`n.rlii0dan_c(s`. Shortly at'l.m* A l`!li(]|1i2.`lH ' nn Ivlnnday the themen were callml ,l,0 .I0s.La_I1;2" s. (irnvo St., and 'managed to quench tlw blzizv .hn_ f0I`eTmuch dzu'nag`n was t`i:%1e-. Ani 0V'ex'l1(-aired flue is 5llD[)OS(`.aI tn _-lhave caused the tire. ---The plan is upml for the hand Palrjulixe (J'uncer.t. at ` Maln()111m11 s. Ki'ng Block. on | Monday, Fuh. `Ii . Somlre your lickels at mlcv us U`l(`,_\' are guilty." fast. Pehpl_n s Pupular Pric(>s,\ 500, 350 and 250. ` i -'As b,1ng'1ng (,-Iris: 1\'IiShTOS ..l(_yc0 Buys, Edith 11-93-} wickcf, Ethel G1`aham. 1VI:1bs_*H Gau1ey_, _Beat1`icc 1ngm1n,T Rita! ()'Cm-mm`, Lluolla: Man` and Val; ma Wiseman give sume very at- tractive solos and cl'm1'L1so.~` at the Opera House.. Feb. 15. ` I` `W .. -. F.~\ltM b`()R SANLE OR RENT-- 150 acres-, Jnnislil Tp. Two good wells and never failing spring creek, cement house, bank barn and other necessary .buil(ling's. all Vin-good repair. 1`cl0plmm: and rural mail. Apply Box '15. Barrie". 3-5 \ ` On 'I`uesday n nu1`1'1bor of Bar- rie I{'nig'ht,s of Columbus jom'-.. _neyed L0 Orillia to attend a spec- ial convocation of the Ordm`, at which were present many mem. bers _from other l,o\\'11s in the county as well as from Peter- boro, Lindsay and Toronto. V Thomas, nnal builder, will be in a position in March to carry-on all his repair work as usual-4-sharpeniI1g horse clip- pers, engine and geueral_ boat. repairing. He also has tempor- ary quarters. for boat building and will have boats for sale and hire. , -6-? `rs ,4_1_`_..__ _..- 1_....-... `I.-....-uni.-. ' ;]."llemSV`Vl\":-irZ1ltv.,ylBa_\' c0nl.ribut.inu reported last week for Red Cross should have read Prisoners of \Val' Fund. A.l.t.hm1g'h [he r1'mne_v was paid to the "I`rea.s11rer of the Barrie Red Cross S0cie'l.y, he will see that it is applied to the pur- pose for which it was raised. [11]. U! Petitions are being largely signed asking the Council to vote $2000 towards the i1`np1*ovemenl. `of the`-1'0'ad frenl Barrie t0`Camp Borden, providing that Vespra and Innisl assist likewise. An effort will be made to securea supplementary` grant from the Go_vernment' towards .this im- provement which is so g`1'eatl_v needed. 0 1l\J\_IV.|\4I,I I As soon as the weather mod- erates suiciently to permit of cement work being done, A. `B. Thomas will_ begin the recon- struction of his` premises recent- ly destroyed by fire. _ He pur- poses making an up-to_date shop and also numerous chaneu es that will make his boat houses much more convenient for him- self and the public- Grand Opera House will be open all next week as follows :--- Mon. and Tues.., 12th and 13th--- Motion pictures, Charlie Chaplin in Behind the Screen and a. 3- reel feature, VVed.--Y. M. C. A. Soldiers Entertainment. Thurs. ---C0ncert aid of Field Comforts. Fri. and Sat.-M0tinn;; * pictures. The Stronger Line inve parts `and a comedy picture. ` -The operatic numbers toTbe sungby Miss Gwladys Jones at the Grand Concert, Opera House, Feb.` 15, are One Fine Day 1-,.___- n_-....:_...-9.. .........1.... ,........n J.uauu.u1u .LJ\LUllL/I. and , uuu _ u A ; v ; Uu- vorite `-solo from- Gounod sV Faust, `?The Jewel Song. Theseare so well known that they should be very much enjoy- ed by everyone; ' ;'ruour'r1 `1?11c`(;i.I:i s vi)*3p11-1;`s:-1? o.1>;}a Madame Buttery, an d_the fa- __'I_ .l.`...A..-... I`1A-......-IVA THE :;xAmu_:_n AND surunpnv MOBIIIIO. I-`OR Ql'.l(`.K..SAl,I $1050.00 -A :1'mat. brick house wilh seven rocmzs, ve1~andal1,- wcmdshed, -and cellar. Suitable for re- tired farmer, tI'ad0's11mI1 or 1ah01"e1'. See it on lot 20 S. ;Eli7.i1lmlh St., or apply to T. T. Ix--- I I n 11` fl .. -__-.` llull. . . VVhi1e reLur'ning' home frorn '0-hurch, lastrsunday night , Spry fell and broke one of her wrists. - T - u 11,. fV-- T\..-.n,. 4-." 1 J. C. Morgan, M.A., of Oakvillo was the guest of Mr. and 1\/[r-s. I); M. Stewart. over Sunday. , J. E. Billingsley, wit.l1 his sun Ir`1'e.d_, is spenditlgthree weeks in (?ia.1\`eslon, '1`exas, with-his hr<>.. Lher. ` It -,1 nL-1I-_. ,.n..... ...u Fun LHUI . . Miss Muriel l.`yLle1' came up for; the 177th Bu. dance and spmul, over Sunday with Miss Radon- ` hursl. '| '1 V I ,,,,_.'_-.... l`r\v\'\r| ":11-.rr\ \\1'l-51-3. Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Pinen nf Aylmer are making 2} short, visit, with their daughte1','Mr's. F. Van Patter. ' ' 1-; :1`: ,,l..__...._..l A` . . . . n. .\ .( (Jl.lrlaUl.. ` "Hy. Balihas retu,rIied `from :1 visit in Nm'Lhville, `Mi(:h., with? his daughte1*_. Mrs. Ilunry. Mi-s.% Laurence Baik-,_\;' and her son ac-` coinpaniecl him. --- rvn r 1-1__,.._Vl_ .l.......ln Miss Gladys L. French, daugh- ter of the Rev. W. H. A. and Mrs. Freiich of`Shan.ty Bay, has joined the Canadian Nursing Sist.m's_ and sailed from St. John s re- cently. She is a gi1'aduat.c of the Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon- hfeal. In the same party of nm'-- ` sesi was Miss Mary Craig, sistmr! of Mrs.` Geo. B.` 1V'IcLean. i Soldiers Service The Soldiers Service held in Central Methodist Church on Sunday evening,VFeh. 4, was at- t.ended by about sixty men. Lieuts. Bird and Robertson and the battalion chaplain, Capt. F. C. Harper,` were in charge. A hearty song service, led by Mr. Stephens of the Y.M.C.A., pre- ceded the' service. The pastor, Rev. H. ,Moore, conducted the service, assisted by Capt. Har- per; The 177th Bn. Band at full strength, under the leadership of Ba.ndmaster Sergt. Andrews, had charge of the musical ser+ vice, while the organist, Miss Donnelly, played the accompan- iment of a solo, sung In good voice by Miss Helen Turner. A very hearty welcome was extend- ed by the large congregation to the men in khaki. Bandsman Ferguson and Mr. Stephens con- , tributed a, duet, and the battaion quartette was heard with much appreciation. MEN'S HEAVY GREY WOOL sox, Navy Blue trilnmed, big value tnday 750. _ Special? Price .. .. .. .. .. 500 You should not miss this line as they are extra value. MEN'S GOOD wooL sox. These are. big" value 350. Special .. .. .. . 25c MEN'S FINE GASI-IMERE SOX, P(3nmaI1 s. Special values .. .. .. 50c, 40c and 25 A You should'this line nuw. Read the` Adlet Ndolumn. Withevery dollar purchase we giveyou a 5c Coupon, redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices `t`]`l{AYl.1l.)---~On the premises Vof} undersigned, two steers rising! tw0-year._o1d. Owner can have same by claiming pro-` 'pert._v and paying expenses. Fred. (J. El|iott, Utopia, P.0., "R. R. 1, Lot, 17, C011. 7, Essa. ' Ltf PERSONAL MENTION ' Very Heavy Black Denim. They are WOI"Lh to- r1...'. CL-6) nn nun Dninn V , _ . - $1.15 Boy Meo s Brotherhood overalls Now V1313 1.1!`? V .L)lCl.LK\ .I_'\7L1lll1u .:.|l\.J u.u (1-ay$.o n. Our Price .. .. ..".I1j15 Mews BLACK DENIM OVERALLS 0 Special .. . . MEN'S BLACK i ANT OV- ERALLS. These are worth today $2.00 Special Price .. . .. .. $1.50 TMEN S BLACK AND BLUE AND V. Our Price .. .. WHITE STRIPE OVERALLS, with bib. These are wo1'tI1 today $1.50 . . . . $1.25 MEN'S BLACK DEl.V.llVi.S.|V|0.0.K.S, lifled with large C01-dux f Collar. Special Price $2.25 Mews I-lE.AVAY PEA JACKETS, sizes /.0, .a.a;` __.---I Qnnninl `I-jlnn 7 MEN'S HEAVY l"'l:.Il 1.lHUI\I:.I, 511.153 -n ' linml with Tweed. Special Value . . MEN'S HEAVY LINED IVIITTS. These are big" Value. Pri_ces .. .. .. 90c, 85c and 50c MEN E HEAVY MULE IVIITTS-, worth tmlay 50. Special Price .. .. .. .. .. .. 25c Barrie Baptist Church (Irm. Clapper!/on & \\='o1's1cy Sts. I Minister: Wm. Harris Wallace Smwnnn Topics for Feb`. '11. '11 a..111'.V- -P1'-ayer and its Hind- rancos. `t\'1 I (11,. __.,,_ j,`_`,_, RI] l(lllL'('--We 3 p.m.--Bible Classes for an.3 'J`upic: Jesus atKJac0b`s Well. '7 p.m.-Rraas0ning' Togetheii. Special music with new organ by Mrs. Rnwe. MI`. Pratt will sing The Plains-of Peace. . Strangers and visitors welcome. l -.-Upholster-ing and furniture repairing done by competent workman at Dougall Bros.` Fur- niture Store 37tf, Collier St. Methodist church ` Pastor, Rev. G. R. Turk Sunday, Feb. 11. 11 a.m.-~The Highest Motive: fur Human Conduct. 7 p.-m.--- l.he Marks of a Twice born Man. - {"1 I, (`1_L_._I .._,.l l.rI)I|\v \.JllAtJLlo - Monday ewlninv, Epworth Lea- ,:no: \Vednesda_v evening, genexuu lal ; HOUSE FOR SAI.E---Ten rooms, snlid bcick. all conveniences, with large Int attached, best residential section.. Possess- ion, May list. Satisfactory terms to purchaser. Apply; Mrs. Russell," -`:09. Markham

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