IIKJIIIC lll1l\.It Mr. and Mrs. James Young have come Lomeside on the Fifth Line. ' I /`V : r1'I__.:,_ 2- _-..._-...... 5 .Ia111\,. _ Miss Greta Train is recover-1 ing` after an attack of.LaGrippe.! 1`-.. on T? 1 1`).-.:n:+ ln{'I- nnl Jan. 22.-~E. L. Priest loft` `on Tuesday last for Toronto, where he i11l;0n.(.ls to spend the winter. `If I"\-A._ 1l,.T\_ ...-..-.I`I Ix.-um un MINESING STATION _l -A long loved and 1-espectVedA`~ _l 1'iend passed awayon Saturday, ` Januaxiy 13, in the person of ?i.dwaI*dJ. McLean, who has long hon. Interment took place in Minesing' Station, Tuesday after- '.noon,- Jan. '16. The be1'ea.ved have the deepest sympathy of the community. Among the I been a resident of Minesing Sta-l l`x'iends `from a distance_pI`esent` JIC Illl.Lll.\.|A) 1}!) |_)tJ\4lil\A LAJVJ -.-V--. Miss Reta McDuugal1 re- turned . 1.0 C1)Hillg\V'UOd after .spen_dinga week with her aunt._. W. Train. ` R.oe'1 :anJ:, ne Na.tiona.l- Drug 81. 0hemi_ `hour Qirn e._ Ton - noank, Main, April 16. National` chemical 00., Montreal. Dear Sirs:- ' ` `I cum M-nn`I-`ulna with mu kin-Innvn and were, Mrs. Egerton, Mr. and Miss Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Hankin, `and _others. ' . and omers. gy ` Miss Laura `McLean of Oro has been staying with Mrs. Mc- .Lean for a time. ` | NEW LOWELL I "Jan. 22.--The Red `Cross Soc- tiety of this place purpose having `an Oyster `Supper on` Feb. `2, in `aid of the _Bclan Relief Fund. n.---__...... 'n.....,.,.I.-. (\ I-kn (lulu. U1. l:l.|l3_.lJ\4lbI(hL.I. L u \ ; : ; u ; 4 u . . u. I : The Greemore Branch-of the 3,Women s Institute visited New L0well Branch on _ Thursday ilast . They provided the pro- ~gram, after which a -lunch was `served and a very enjoyable ev- sening spent. ` 1\A'...... 1- n7 1ur..u....... 1...- 1m-.mJ. ULLALL5 I 1\Irs.n1.JI`:3\7. Mather has been `visiting friends in Bradford. `l|l .'__ T 117'__......1. 1.. 1.1.... .-...-..-...l. -1` v vnulusngb ;,;;\4:a.\.:-.1 Ana. -an uv\fl-\I-v-- i Miss L. VVyant' is the guest of !Mrs. John Murray. - ! 'll'.._- 1'7 . _ . _ * _ _.-.l`l. CC_ 2... -.1.._!.l 411.1. uu !I*\JlLLL 4vJ.\.a.n.LuuJ - - Mrs". Havercroft, S12, is visit- ling friends in, Toronto. 1!... `l1_...__l A11_:_-__..___ -1.` 711-..-.. --..5 4.av..u..-.1 -..) ..v-u-;vv- Mrs. Fred A.tki11sQn of Town- Ito is home on a two-months ivisit.' `n... 1| . . u Stevens, formerly teach- |.er in New Lowell, has decid`ed to iiremain V with | Barker. VIGO Jan. 15-Mis _L.0l1is of Bum-V ly, Mich.`, is vxsltlng her aunt, Mrs.` John Kelley. 1\-L._ RI /xI\4n11rI`f)ll flf I I V Medonte council The Council met -at Moonstone onvJanuary 8th. The members took the statutory declaration of ollice` and qua_li .c ation. After dresses had been given by the `Reeve and Councillors the min- 'utes of the last iiieeting were read and adopted. A petition was presented by Mr. Henry Heaslip, signed by thirty ratepayers, ask- ing to have money" expended or statute labor. performed on the County Road between lots 15 and 16, concessions 6 to 9, inclusive. The Council promised to give the gmatter -C favorable consideration "before the statute labour 1.ists are sent out. Mr. West of the Stan- ldard Bank, addressed the Council and suggested that a part of the business of the Council be done t.hrough_ that bank as a matter of convenience to ratepayers in the western part of the township do- ing business in ~Hillsdale and A Elmvale. ' The Council favoured the proposition provided satis- interesting` and instructive ad- ` my... . . m V m V V _ u V u u\.r us as Mrs. _John I factory zarrangements can be _ ' Devitt, R. J- Hawke and 5 9 ) 1' $100, without` extras. ,cers appointed are as follows :~- made with both banks regarding exchange, Robbins and seconded by C "Mr. _Bell, that each Councillor be a1- etc. _ Moved by Mr. lowed to expend $300 in his div- ision and ' no overdraft unless by the permission of the Board, `otherwise the` person will he held responsible. Motion lost. Moved by Mr. Dunn, seconded by Mr. Burneld, and ordered, that each . Councillor be allowed to expend $375 and not to exceed this a- mount without the permission of the Council. Moved by `Mr. Bob- bins, seconded by Mr. Bell, that Bylaw 540, regarding bonus f_or wire fences be repealed:' -Moved in amendment by Mr. Dunn, sec- onded by Mr. Burneld, that By- law 540, regarding bonus for ,wire fence, be amended and re_ main in effect for the year 1917. The amendment carried. Moved by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. 'B,urneld, and ordered, that J. A. Brown be appointed assessor for the year 1917, at a salary of The om- J. A. Brown, assessor; James Fralwley and W._N. R. Ryan, aud- itors; \V. F. Adams, orcer of health; Edward Corlett, James Gideon Ball, sanitary olcers; Arthur Booth, a me_mher of the Board of Health, -'I`. D. Robinson a me-.m`_ her of the telephone committee. and John Moran, a sheep vain- ator in_ addition to those alread-y appointed. The Council ad- journed to meet on February 15. -\.~-u-.1-nvp-u t\`I`V 1-1 1 lA sail I see! A sail I see!" the frightened V watchman cried; The captains and the admiralsat once got glassyeyedz - The trembling gunners manned the guns, and shut their eyes` and shot, And blew away the spinnaker up- on _a pleasure yacht; ` Full steam ahead was ordered, and the eet. went on its way; _It was a splendid victory the Germans Won that day. A sail I- see! A sail I seen! the watchman whooped once more The captains and the admirals all yearned to be ashore; Again the frightened gunners. ' rent theair with shot, 10! A cowand calf upon a raft were badly wounded! _ Oh, . The captain and the admiral rose up with honest, pride: - Another German victory is won today, they cried. I A sail I see! A sail I see! the nervous watchman bawled: Oh, whorevr is it? from the bridge the captain called. A lover and the one he loved was rowing on the hay; Down bore the German squadron and an oar was shot away; The admiral, elated, danced up- ? on the qu art.er deck,- ' i ` But, a moment later, fainted, when a raindrop hit his neck! Penetang Holds Waublc Argus--It has been definitely decidedthat the steamer Waub1c will ,not `come to Midland next summer. A letter was received a few days ago conveying this in- formation. The matter had `been taken up by the district super, intendent, Mr. Dalrymple, and all the correspondence, together with `recommendations, submit.- ted to the General Manager. The latter in . acknowledgiiig _the same was very Inuch impressed and feltsatisfled that in the in- terest of the public and the com- pany the change should he made, but on account of war conditions he would not favor any expendi- `ture being madeeitlier by the town or company_ this year. He, however, left no doubt that as soon as conditions changed the transfer would he made. There- fore_ the matter will remain as during 1916 for next summer. A man who was in Germany from the 17th of August, 1915, until two months ago, gives to the New York `Sun a picture of conditions in Germany as he saw them; At one railway station, he says, nearly all thelwomen were inmourning, and they all looked pale and hollow-cheeked. Moat, bread, potatoes, sugarand milk can be had only by card and not. enough at that. _ Fresh eggs Werehringingas much as 2 /1C. each when he left. Boys from 12 to 16 were being trained for military service, and ,over-grown boys_- of sixteenwere being forced in :,,service`-. A i `,`Germany,< he says, `-_`is cracking and `cracking; Germany's foun;dati`on stones are being` eaten hollmzv ..by the war, a andshe-will come` down with ' 2;- crash. .G`erma.'ny'wanits ~pea'e-- "and she m'ust have it at once- because the German people are .starying." ` ` , If the baby is inclined to be .ne'r'v ons, do not-bathe~it. in the tub. but give it a sponge bath on your `lap, Mrs. John neuey. Miss Reta McD0uga1l of G01-` lingwood is spending her holi- days at Win. Train s. . T. E. Potts is on thesick list. Miss Annie Kelly has returned home after spending four months , in`B1`i1nly, Mich. ` , 1-1'-_-.,...ln Qlnun-n in rpp_nv__ I-Iun Naval Victories conditions in Germany 1'|'1:AaAnn7I `EXAJMAIIEI AND srrunnnv uonumu T. D. ROBINSON, _d1erk. Value of `Potato Peelingsv ` VVeAwould like again to draw` the attention of the citizens to the enormous waste both in ma-&_ terial and nutritive value by th(3:j peeling of potatoes before cook-l ing them,says the '].`o1`ontn`; Health Bulletin. There arel thousands of pounds of potatoes wasted every day in Toronto through the peelings. -To be convinced of `this it is only nec- essary to note the bulk of the lpeelings when you peel the pota- toes before eookingn But this is not the only waste. When peeled` potatoes are boiled in the orrlin-| ary way, there` is a loss of nitro- genolis and saline matter by extraction intovthe water, which` does not 000111` when potatoes are boiled in their skins, or ha.kerl. ! ] 1' 1 Judging from an a1`t.ic1e in the! T01`0nt.0 Star, it is quite withing the 1`a.n;2'o of\ probability thal, Hwi Provincial Go\'m'nn1ent, at. 1110' approaching sessi011 of the Lr-.g_- islature, n'ra_v intrmluro 1egi; lion to rng11lato cold si01`a;:*o of food pmdur-l.s. Acm`n*cli11g` I0 Dr. shameful Waste -of `Food nmmmon or camm nasnnune smcx THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HA-VE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 111 JJL 11111 , LVL1\JlAo Miss Hannah Slaven is recov-' ering after being sick with La! Grippe. ' . ` 3 Miss Ursula Marley is recov-`EM ering after being ill with pleu'ro-? pneumonia. t...nn Dndnn ie nn fh Sick HIN SUMS or $500, on ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. ---v-~r~---- -- .. - -- Interest payable ha.lf-yea:-lVy, Vlst April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of ve per cent per annum frombthe date of purchase. _ Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in Canada. other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. . - Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made 1n respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. \ T ' DEPARTMENT or FINANCE, OTTAWA ocroann 7:11, 1916, TO INVESTORS Principal re;;ayab1e- 1st October, 1919. g Just think of it--these twol ,cnmmodil,ies would represent, a| gtuta-I value of nearly fifty thous- ianrl dollars, and would have re- 1i_e\'ed. the necessities of hum- .dreds of families; but the spec- Iulalors and dealers in p1w'}11ce ` in tlleir siruggle for g"a.in, made this le1'ernendm1:~`. sacrice. Nu Thursday. pIleuIuUu1u. ,E James Ryder is on the sickl -list. Nurse Kirkpatrick is in at- tendance. --._--.'.. Trnvumnvv lune r-n,,'I_ idoub the Gu\=m'11rncnt will now ;step in and p1'e\'ent a repetition E01" this terrible waste. Briey silmmarized, the reply of the Eutcnte Allies to the re- `quest, of President Wilson for statement of terms upon which {peac.e'wou1d be considerel, is as i follows: 4| T'\_I___'-_.,_,_ C1,\_,_ `JJJIIUVVB 0 Restomticm uf Belgium, Ser- bia, Mont.encg1'u, with indemni- ties. 0 ' ,.'.`l,_] __.._ l/lI3u.1o Evacuation of invaded V por- tions. of France, Russia, Rou- mania, with just, reparation. I\_,1:1__A:. Bl` .\ . . A . V . n n an \n xsnusxnzu, vvnull - Vt ..- -_..-.,- Rest,itutinn of provinces or Herritories w1'u.~tt,ed in the past `from -the allies hy force or again- lst. Ihe will of H'l(}iI' population. rrI1_ .1` Al... rn.-..r-- The rnmnstiluI.im1 of true Kingrdom of Poland. | Li`hGI`H4Hl of Italians-, Slavs, Roumaninns. C /.echs and Slave- ques frnnl foreign domination. fI_____, |;L\:;Ax .n_4-.41 -rlruo ._nl .-..._A:....._ -1|: Illu vi Ill. `J1 unnuxn la-11`.-u~u.V--. I I The expulsion of the Turks |f1`(m1 Europe. rnL- ,.,_,_1l..l!.._.. ml` LL... Guarm~.lm-s to all "nations. `great, and small, of territorial` and mar-itimn frontiers. against unjustifwd 2]H'{.\(`1iS. I-.l\_....,._v . . V . .. ..,. ._..C,.. ...~,-.--.-......\_. The -Allies Terms LUllU.i1l1UU- . - Miss Fannie Kenney has re- 'a couple of weeks under the'par- "turned to Barrie after spending} ental roof. 0' `L-I.l t\` An`-]r\n1"\17 ygfh `J Ullbdl IUU1. The party held at Anthony` Huth s was a decided success. 11'v T 1_:.1.] 1.1..-.3 i'\'\t\7\`]"Il71 LlU.l;ll B VVCID (L uuuxuuu u u v v v ~ V. The W. I. held their monthly} meeting` at the home "of Miss` `Stella Briggs. The delegates re- ports were given by Misses Mabel Hisey and Stella B1'iggs, both! being good. At the close of the] meeting a dainty lunch WE}S'i served. T V T7- - -7- rxn h.-(\'r\ :n DC]. VUUo `David Kenney of Buffalo is! spending ' a few weeks at his; home here. T ~ % `-2.. V 1-..--- vrn.........