.n.4una.4|JtD'\. \-. "mggel cgmm 1;; .C`}\ii f~'6rd' was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. .'f"red. Robertson over Sunday. ll... 'l`.|,.I__.._ `l\-`I_.....L_'__. ....-_.L ..4 u. uxso JU\..'J'\Jl |.L,'\_'J . nJvILA\.avv`] 1 Miss Edna -RVc>'t1`;a1-tsTon spent over Sunday with her cousin, Miss Ethel Robertson. Cecil: Sprafglga ht-s` returned to T. Jack's after an extended Visit with friends. ' ' _ ,, ____ VVIUII LL Ax/LL\Auu Roy Jacks is home again from visiting friends in Toronto. `III ... ._..__I `III... `III 1\II'nI`h-ul'I.-nary-ls W-..-;\./. ' Mrs. R. M. McConkey is spend- mg` a week in Barrie with her .=;iste1', Mrs. Elizabeth H. Ness. 1|)r_1,-1 r1,.,,n_,, _n (1:11--__.1. `nd Mrs. F. C._R0binson attended the convention of` the rural dean_ery of West Simcoe, `held in Thornton this Week. ;-n .n.|a\.'L nxuuns usna-.1 vvvuAsu Very successful anniversary services were held in the Presby- terian Church last Sunday. both morning and evening, when splendid sermons were delivered "by Rev. T. A. Symington of Oril- lia. Churchill choir, under the direction of Walter Reive, led in the service of praise and their singing was greatly appreciated. There are few rural choirs in the province that excel them; V"1:{[i;U.XK1;;eN\;3'sbit.t _ has` 11;,- `turned home after visiting with "friends at, Gilford and Bradford. .51. l\Jl\4lkJ an, \2- J A A \ I Lu l~llL| .1-5 vI4\.nA\1a- un- The Anniversary Services here last Sunday were quite a suc- cess, a large number attending despite the cold weather. Rev. Mr. Daniels preached very elo- quent sermons both morning and evening. I am sure a great many would go away feeling very much impressed. The lecture on Mon- day The Swing of the Century ? "was very helpful and instruc. tive especially to the young people of today. Mr. and Miss Carr and Miss Jacks gave some very excellent selections of mus- ic, which were much apprecia- ted by all. ' T .-.-...us.u .a4u|n\.I| avg:-ru-.u.,u,. Miss Margaret Mglonkey has rreturned from visiting friends in Lefroy. `II . __._I `ll ... 1'.` f1 `l1._1.2...--__ - IVY Jan. 16---Born on Jan. 13, a daughterto Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Banting. Congratulations. ._\,.I..._. .1--.,....,. ,..... JI\/\l1F` :... KILLYLEAGH Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Henry ("a report of whose wedding will be found on page 1) spent a few days visiting friends here, before leaving for their home in Grassy Lake, Alta. 117.... 11. ... -.:....'t..A 4`...'n..-..-I.~ .LALw1\ru, 1.:-Iubvo Wm. Moore visited friends here before going .to Hamilton- to take a position. i '1|If:,..,. 1711 ,.............. nmrrvraa A9 Illa -I-\I|.\Jsa\r\JI `w1;Iur. McCullough Vof -Barrie visited with the form- eIf s brother, T. C. McCullough. A..._-:... \T..,.I...2lI Ln. can I-LU IA: yuulvlung Mi_ss `Florence. `Crawford, of. BaI`I`1e spent the week-end at her home. A - A sleigh load of young people spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mayes. ' 11-.. 1 an-, , ,3 -nu-..;a1__'_.-.'. to` Mr. and Mrs.` Sharpe` Henry, Grassy Lake, a daughter. Congratulations. D _ .- _ News from Neighboring Townships Thursday, January 18, 19.11 Ea; As many Our NANTYR .uL \.ILl.U&Ll.Uo \.J\JDlvcLIIJ\.AO|AUJ`.lI.n.o.lI 7 A _ I A number from here Look 1_n|- the Conservative meeting `in A-n-a` gus, Friday night. ' 11.. r\ur\Il `|\.I'..p. III` ' A Tlnnuxnn mmIURs'r Jan; 17-A number of men-band teams are busy at `Kightley s hush on the 4th line. " ,1! guuunx U11 UIIU '31/L5 L;sI.\Jc | The Council and a numherhf "the ratepayers held a meeting at Beaver Creek on-the '4th line.'It pis hoped that their decision will be to make a straight road over the Creek wh-ich may cost more but in the end will be far better for travel. _ Mrs. L. W. Thom is on the usick list. nu .. rv u J u L : AKJUO Mrs. H. Clay of Collihgwoode .11:-1.5 returned home. A Vnunber of farmers had their hgvgs treated with toxine owing` to the 9 spread of mg cholera. . _.- I: .~. I,WU Jul\I4& , ,,,, .. The community was surprised to ht\.aI'-of the death of Ed. Mc- Lefain of Minesing Station. Much sympathy is exjtended to the family. A hm'se._bu_ver purchased some fine ho1'ses,_in this section last week. , ' . I V \4l H`-f`1/<=,Tl.1ur2Il Mail ACarLrier reports that `the roads are good` and very little drifts at the box posts. I FI"IL... .._.,..__,.-___._'L__ ....'.._` ._._.~_..- A! BELLE EWART Jan. 'l7,--.-The Belle Ewart Ice (10. commenced [storing ice in their ice house on Monday. The Knickerbocker G0. started today. The ice is ever a feet thick and the work is going on nicely", but there is everywhere a shortage of men, owing` to so many` from here having gone to do their hit. - ` ` T ' l VV ups)- Pte. Wm. Cargnemn of the` 177th Bn. spent. the wee.k-end at his home here. . att.en`ded the debate` at Edgar. on Jan. 16. gnu \4v..r.Ju u.n swung); ...u. .A/I/UVAL); Quite a number are suffering with La Grippc. .`!':J4u l~ 7'I1.,........'l.I__ 2-. L /. .~.. .. 1', , __- -...,,,,U. Vital Trombly is home from T01*Lmt._0.` % ' ' , E. Golgan is taking a course _in the Barrie Bminess. College. 1\,r_. .......1 `1m'_. 1': mr- __._ 1-_._-___ :4gnv\4..-<.:.....uua Grieorge VKi ng and Pte. Er- ml Mcclean of the 177th Bn., visited friends on foutudays leave this week. n 1.45-`: -ago... . u,v;.-\.4- -I\J .. u._,...,,\,. Mr. and Mrs. _E. Moore from Bracebridge have V moved into. town. v -1.; uoav us ;; -.w'i`ho Khaki Eircle met at the home of Mrs. Hill on Friday night. Contributions last week were two dozen pyjamas, twenty- nine pairs socks and the Ninth Line cash $1.50. `~MI's. A. Trombly is spending a few days in Toronto with her` sister, 1\'Ir's. F. Wood. V_;I'.u-Motrton from Keswick is working `for the Lake Simcoe. Ice Company. Jan. '17--`1ii:----1\ET3I-{ernan A of Sedgewick, Alta., is visiting with his bI _0theI'S- here. `Iv ' Wm..Parr hasreturned home after spending a couple of weeks with friends in the city. I 1`I,.__1 (`IL-__:.1.__. `L-_`l' LL- ......'A` ...u BlG\IIJhC\/O -u_ ggvnvu I n. -I\.I&l\A an an vavg n 'i`e1-`t. shrid had the mis-L fortune to` get stuck in a snow` bank last Sunday and his new driver took` a notion - to go on further. ' So a new set of harness was broken and Bert and cutter left in the drift. -.a--.,-.u.'. .u...~-. ... Iv \J'J\lO Miss VVUISE-;I1 of Tpttenham is the guest of Mrs. N. Davis. nt- . HOLLY Jan. 15--The Holly Sewing Circle have sent to the Field Comforts 43 pairs of socks with- in a month. T _ ' ` Jos. Gibson is on the sick list. Walter Kell has returned to his. work againlin Hamilton .af_ ter a short visit at his home here. now; u- Robt. Reynolds attended `the funeral of his uncle in Penetang this week. vvv Ix an .n saga: 5- uu, 4. o nuuvvd ....- nav- Mr. and rs. %w. "A. Thomp-f son entertained the two Adult Bible Classes of the Presbyteru` an Church on Thursday. All :r`+3.p0rt a very enjoyable evening. 1' :.-. . ...I" ' .-on- 1...... Q.u.,...,. ' nniumrm X vnaau vuunnu segt. A. w. Dy'er of*the 177th Bn. spent Sunday at nm nome here. new: V3 Quite a number from here at- tended th_social at L. S1-igley sV in aid of St. Paul s Church and all report a good time._ W. tHed home | from the West. - Geo. Ferrier from Bracebridge is visiting` John Ferrier. ` 'f_-1_ 'l1___.__ 1.-- __-1____,__ I 1. ,,___ --v--- ya-nu vv vau- A very enjoyable dance and euchre party was given by T. Jack on Thursday night, Jan. 11. TAn'I- ......I IV` ` _ A $ .-A `l'I__1l__._ THORNTON" Owing" to the change in `mail service on the Hamilton line, the Thornton correspondence failed to arrive? in_ time for this` week s paper,` so will not appear till next issue. " ' vvuvnn Va- .n. \.no IsI\.Avv.] un.:cnnv, vsaua.-.0 .I..I.o Jack arrri Clarence Beatty 0 Markham were "visiting friends here last week. GROWN HILL A Jan. l7---Owing to last Sunday being stormy there was not a very large attendance out to Sunday School or Church. -T-_,L __,_ _ L `I I` uvu`-.-wavy.) KJIJI-l\.I\ll Last week wE1e"}c"1}adI the misfortune to be `kicked by a" horse. -- ..q _ . ._ Wiierd_ Jory `of the BarrieVBusg- iness College spent Sunday und- er -the parental reef. ,. ~,.r,\,..u uv vw..d u--uvJu.. u-----c. Little Jean Speex-s is. suffering with pneumonia. ,. T\L.. /1..,.-.,..- , . 1.... __..'.l 1x1... 111.. GJIENI-`EL LaFnov_ iOrillia Times--The- dean: of John Mccuaig occurred at his residence._~Mississaga` St,., on Sunday evening,` Jan. 7, at 8 o clock, after a lingering illness of ten weeks in bed. Mr. Mc- Cuaijg was -65 years of age and well known in this locality, where he" had. :liV 6d a lii'et,ime, "and was well" liked by everyone, on account of his genial dispos- ition. Deceased was born near Bemnawr, Scotland, and came to Canada when aryoung man. He was a blacksmith by trade and carried on the hlacksmithing business at` Brechin for 20 years. The family then moved to OI-il_ lia, where-he resided three years. In 1906 he opened a shop at. Ed gar. wh.ere,he ca1'rIed_ on busi- ness until April last when he sold out and came to Orillia to live. Two Yiars ago Mr, Mcuaig had I ...-. A-.- ..,..~...-.,...I .....I L.-- __-4 1--- l .. V V V. -.~ G ---. - .v.-.v\.c\.A|.A:4t\ Ill an eye removed and has not been` well since. In 1881, while living` in Brechin, he married Miss Ros- anna Thompson, who survives| him, with four sons and one; daughter. The sons are Private` John McCuaig, Jr-., 65th Batta-` lion, invalided home and now ill at Laugham, Sask.`; Quart..ermas_ ter Sergt; Russell Mccuaig, 35th 1 D eah of John Nlccuaig Tl-IE` nan}: EXAIIIIIEII AND sn-runonv Inonmua Bn., \Vest. Sandling Camp, Kent, England; Pte; Wm. D. Mccuaig, 35th Bn., noxv. with his brother, Russell, at West Sandling Camp, Engl>and; Artemus, the youngest, son. and Cassie, the daughter, at home. Deceased ,is alsoisurvixz ed by two brothers and three sisters, Finlay Mccuaig, Oro Sta- tion: Archie Mccuaig, Argyle, Man._: Mrs._James 1\Ic-Arthur, Oro Station; Mrs. Gilbert Mc_Arthu_r_. Orilliaz Mrs. Artemas Thomp-_ son. Orillia. Mr. M.cCuaig_was a member of the Sons of Scotland. Very satisfactory` reports were presented at the` annual meet.- ing of lhe_Or0 Telephone Co., held at. Om Town Hall on Mon- day. Several changes were made in t.he-0f'ce1-s, these chosen be- ling has f0ll0ws:- I I P1'os.--Alex. Graham. `rs Martin and `IT. A. Stone. ' Vice-Pres.----H.'J. Tudhope. Sec.--Wm. McAI'thu1`. | T1`eas.-A. A. Bell. Di1'ect0rs-G. Love, T. E. Ross and John VViggins. A...J1A.-....... `I \4 - v\1oJ I.1\an\J nu-gnu Mrs._ Robt. Lowrie, Mrs. W. A. 'I`hompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean took in the Institute meetings at Thornton last Weed- nesday. (From another correspondent)- The .commun_it_v was shocked on Tuesday last when it,le'arned of the death of W. A. Jamieson. `He lived in our midst for a num- ber of years and five years ago he and his wife and family mov- ed to Loreburn,- Sask. He and his wife and little daughter Juanita were on their way home to Thornton to spend the re- mainder of the winter. They came as far as 'I`oron.to and the deceased died very suddenly `there, the cause being` heart fail- tire. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to St. Jude s uihurrh, Thornton. Those who are left to mourn; are a loving wife, two daiighters, V01-nice and .'J'uani,ta, ono son Leroy.` Sincer- est. sympathy goes out to the be- reaverl family. Read the Adlet Column. Oro Telephone co. The Calgary News-Tclcgra1n reports the tragic death of Jam- es Barclay, brother of the Al- berta re.present.ative of the Bar- rie .Carriage Co}, Sam Barclay of Calgary. Mr. Barclay was a min- ICE HARVEST `Killed by a Snowslide MEN WANTED LAKE SIMCOE ICE CO. Wages $2.50 per day. APPLY BELLE EWART IIIFORCCI A nulnber from this neighbor- hood attended the funeral of the late Willie Jamieson at Thorn- ton on Thursday. Sympathy is -extended to the bereaved widow and family. nu... -1._..1:___ -.- -nt.___,u-__ ,____,-_1 LIM`I1`Eo or in Alaska and about the be- ginning of the year was over- come by a snowslide while at.- tempting to_ help a. comrade to safety. |l|inard s Llnimont. cures Gan- aet. in cows. Page Nlno v-4..-`. -uu--,-.._; - The election on Monday passed _off veryquietly here. . T `II ..- T'\A'I..t T .___.___._ `III ... 117 A T STROUD V Jan. `16- l\Iiss Martin of Bar- r-1e spent, over` Sunday with Miss Mabel Reid. . " -up n.