DANCING AGOLISEUM+ Wells` Bloc-k---Open every \Ved`nesday` evening. Private lessons may be arranged for. For partic-I .ular's apply to J. G. Keenan.` Barrie. Mrs. F. Guilfoyle. 3% B()V\'LES- BELFRY - -- In Midland on `Fhursday, Jan. 4,, by Rev. C. W. Watch, Miss I Irene Belfry of Midland to James F. Bowles of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles will re- side in Chatham. ' '-.,, MURRAY--OWEN -- On Mon- day, Jan. 1. at the Burton Ave. Parsonage. by Rev. C. \V. Rey- nolds, Miss Martha J. Owen to M1`. .A. \Villiam Murray, both `of Auburn, N.Y. ' MARRIED . i PROMPT SERVICE HlND?S BROS. We are still training our guns on the High Cost of Living. Make your dollars go further by getting some V of these Bargains: 12 lbs. Redpath Granulated Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 "13 lbs. Redpath Yellow Sugar: . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 Back Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.25 uh, Silent Matches, 2 Boxes for . . . T. . .. . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . .251: Reg_ 25 Cocoa for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Choice Lard, reg. 25 for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22 Very Best Fancy Mixed Biscuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 -Regular 35 Oranges for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 doz. Regular 35 Lemons for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . 23:: (I02. Seeded Raisins, - I6 oz., 2 pkgs. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Seedless Raisins, I6 oz. -~ . . . .. . .. . . . . ... .15c lb. Libby sAAsparagus Tips, reg. 30c, for . . . . . . , . . .20c Tin Magnolia Syrups, reg. 20, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s.14c Till Spanish Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs, for 25 Spy Apples, I-eg_ 50 pk, for. . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ' Try Copeland's Flour for Bread. Our Guarantee behind it. Bombardment Keeps %Up Button ddivn front, long sleeves with cream lace trim- med cuffs and neck. Sizes 37:, 36, .33 0fI1y- Price` was $6.00. Clearing Price . . . . . .. o Here is Some Big Value in Boys Tweed Overcoats \Vilh Velvet Cnlla1's, ]`a.r*I11rs Satin lined. You cmtld not buy cloth like that in tl1>;~:e coats at $3.00 yard` t0-day. Sizes 28 ,29, 30, 33, 34.. ' - Price was $6.50. GIearing Price: . . . . .. I MEN'S AND BOYS , GORDUROYIGAPS, with lu1'n'd0wn ear.cm'eri11g's, big value 50c. Cleaning Price. . . .39c MEN'S HEAVY TOQUE GAPS,_ colors dark mgr] and g'1'eo11, big V.`:1lll(! at 7515. Clearing Price . . . . .50c PONY FOR SAl'.E--Fit for lady (.0 drive, or pony, harness, buggy and cutter. Apply to -1/4 Napier St., Barrie. . 1--32 MEN S |\l_EGKSA'RFS, grey and hlack, wil,h fringe (. lU]:',. big Value 500. clearing Pr-ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25c. MEN S WHITE HARD FRONT SHIRTS, .~:iz0s H V1<'i1,'2. 151/_, 16, 161/3, 17. "'1`lwsr-, am big V_'i1ll1+,` at -`$1.01). Clearing Price ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'....50c With Sailor Collar and%Leauier Belt. These Goats fit '2 yrs. old." They are lined with Grey Flannelette and tlu:-.y are big Value at $3.25. ` clearing Price . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . .95 Friday and Saturday, January 12th and 13th. Friday and Saturday Only. You should not l1li.'~`S this line at the small 1)1'i(-0. Children s Brown Coats l . IPATTERSON -- ln ;\'ew`York on Jan. 5, Joseph Ronald Patter. ] E son aged '10 months, only sun 1 of Ronald anal Agnes P:;l.t.er- ' son. Interment tom; place in New York. SWEENEY --- On Jan. "10, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweeney, aged 1 day. Long days and nights he `Duff: great pain; We sought forcure, bur, all in, vain, - But. God alone, He thought it. best.` To ease his pain and give i ;m- ` rest. \VILKINSON--In loving mt.-nloyy of Robert Wilkinson, who de- parted this life January ']L'Ul, I 1915. Thursday,` Jamy 11, 1911 IN IVIEIVIORIAM DIJRING THE 1VIONTHS___0f J;an.K and Feb. the blacksmith shop' at Midhurst will be open only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A.'H. Spence. 3! --WIFE AND FAMILY PHONE 145 ...$1.00 ...$1.00 .25c|b. .....25c ...22c .....22c .....22c / `mi `(la ll: [H51 Al{`1' '1 ti} inn WANTED -`- Maid for" gneyal work in small house. Apply 96 Mary St. _ 1-1 xw-M ('.hiI` '(_Ih,t The `I11-1.}. mu} `M13 1' in{: :: (`.mnli , I 1* Cam ;\Iar'i1 `prod u L0] Fuhs REMODELLED `an Re- paired.` Miss M. McArthur. 133 Collier St; Phone 186. 52-3 mos.` 'aj)[)v`:I' .~;m`pln Thu lllll I I} FUN 3.1 i %'\\'7 In. >.\ I .4` Mi A PORTABLE SA\V' MILL WANTED- -at. once, to buy or lease. Apply Alfred Wilkes, Barrie. 52-2 51} It` Tl : FOR SAI.E--A few good snc0nd- ha1 1d Ranges, thoro11;_::l1l_v re- paired and guaranteed. H. H. -Otton &vS0n. ' 2-2 HORSE ma SALF1---Quiet., drive single or dmlhle. Apply to S. N. Hurst, 69 Innisfil St., Bar- rie. Phone 425. 52-3t, BARGAIN toAqui('.k lmym` --~ gorrd so.c.m1d-hand Base Burn- 7 ex Cnal Heaier with `oven. H. `H. Olfon & Snn. ' 2-2 EwING * WANTED by the. - dan. Apply at 102- Bayeld St. Phone 468. 1 V L 1*-2 GOOD BOARD. AND with private family. 17 Poyntz St. FOR SALE-100 acres, `lot 26, W` ' 1/; con. 9, Essa: 10 acres ced- ar and hardwood; suitablefor pasture. Good` frame barn. For particulars applyvto Wes- ley Martin,` Box 396, Barrie. 52-tf ROOM TO LET--(-`Vim Or` with,- out board. Terms reasonable. 103 Worsley St. 1-.3 DRIVING HORSE FOR SALE, a1- so harness. `Apply D. G. How. ard, 14 Mulcaster St., Barrie. 0`) WATCH I.0S'.[`--Between Hills- dale :1nd l`)-alston, New Year's Nig;!1t,, gnld watch and? fob.` Finrlor plnaso leave at D0ane's, store, Dalston. T 1`_2i when Eighi OUSE FOR 'SALE-TI`en rooms, solid bi-lick, all conveniences, with large lot attached, best residential section. Possess- `ion May 1st." Satisfactory `terms to purchaser. Apply Mrs. Russell, 409 Markham St., Toronto. 1-tf `ma Al_DI_..`E'l' coI.uIIIu Apply at 52-3 ROOM-5 PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE--Good as new. C0st.$65. Owner will let it go for $35. Address Box Z this 011106., * V 45tf SIX CHOICE 'VVHlTE Wyandntte nnnlrnvrnlo fan nnln 4`vnr\~rv\ Inn STRAYEII)---()n the premises`. of undersigned. two steers rising two-year-old. Owner` can; have same by claiming pr0-. party and paying` expenses. Fred. C. Elliott. Utopia, P.().. R. R. 1, Lot 17, Con. 7, Essa. ~ ` 1-tf iTO [.ET--Cosy, clean six-romncd house; furnace, bath, electric iight; best. ce-nitral locality. 90 Mary St, ` 51..tfl `HOUSE TO REN"I`4--Seven rooms, all modern conveniences, 130 Braclfnrd St. Apply to Mrs. T.` Gray, 22 \\_"ellingt0n St., phone 309,01` to W. J. Gray, execu- tor. ~ 49-tf FOR s`ALE%%Ii% lam shoes in V'1_'vs f,- l'1'ss` condition. Apply. Examiner Office. T 2-2; LOST-A silvpr. 193th ,BattalTior_LV pin- (Canadian Bu_`s). Leave at Examiner and Saturday Morning Oice and receive. re; ward. V 2-2 4 CUTTER..72F:OvRT S:\'L3'E---Double for sirfgle, 2A-1 `shape. Price $1.2 .`O'0. 7 Ap15l_y `R; H, -Webb, Barrie; 2--2 F`Z('jR SALE Be_dsteads_, Ghild s Crib, Dressers, Dining Room Suite; etc. All -nearly new. Price, rie. _2-2 42- Blake Street, Bar; ROOMS T() RENT with or with- - nut breakfast, or light house- la-.-eping'. 133 Collier St. Phone 186. _ 50-7 FOR SALE--T\v0 Shortlmrn bulls, yearling and two-.yea1'_ old. Apply to J. A. Lennox, Thornton. 51-3 TO REN I`---In the village of Ivy, a good blacksmith shop , with tools or` without. Good house and stables; also a good well. Woodworker in connection, , with immediate possession. Apply to S. Burton, Ivy, on the premises. 51-3 ~ VVANTED -- Experienced gener- al,'fami1y three adults. . Good wages, light. work. Apply Mrs`. Brown, 71 Prince` Arthur` Ave., Toronto. 2-2 HOUSE LOST---A Pearl . Crescent, `on Dunlop St. or Bayeld St., on Thursday, 4th. Valued as a keepsake. Finder please re- turn to 58 Bay.f`1'eld St. 2-2 DRIVER \\'A1\'TED--Fnr store in town. `Good _str01'1g boy "or young` man. Good wages and steady job. Address` with full particulars as to xporience and xvages expected. }3<-ax ' 59. Bm`1'io.. , 272 \V A.;\"].`F.T) --- Typo\witin2* wnrk. }\11sinr~: c01*1%nsnonrlm1 M0,, by party ins1)are time. Par- fins who" do not mnploy pm`- n1-a`nPnt s.tnr1n;:I`ap11m' will ro.-- riniw. gnrwd sm-v-ice for slismt rexn11ne_mtigm. Crnnm11nic.ato -with Bax K. 0.0 thispaper. `2ff LOS 1`-~-Bla<`-k and tan Hound. head turned g`I'e_v. answerin5.r to name, of .`Ring'.` ; Reward for his l"H.1I`n. Any person l1'aI7_}m1-ingz this dog: aftm` this nntir*r-~ will hp prrusoclltod. I) `G. 1\IvCn11kn_v.V Barrie. 2-H` ma rrI(:1< :. $a0.30.0.0` --A n(-an. brick house with Tsoven mcmns. \'m*andah. vvmnrlshed. and 061131`. Suitable for 1'0- tirnd t'a1'1'nnr. tradosmnn or Ialmrer. See it on lot 20 S. Elizahotlw St.._ nr ar)ply.tn T. T. Ym1n\2`,Bn,\' 66. Barrie. 2-tf QRO.WN HILI. MILI.--Chopping and Rnlliing; Tuesday and Sat- urday. V All farmers welcome. T ` 51-2 mos: I~ FARM FOR SALE 125 acrns. .5 acres in good state of cultiv- atiqn. 25 Va-or-as hush. halnnro AYWHSLIIN`. Brick house 30x35. Bank barn 84x50. `Good im- plement shed. Havd.a.ml soft water. Situated " on Barrio Road, half mile from viHa,2'o of Edgar. Apply to Joseph Hewitt. Edgar." Ont. 2-4 FOR SALE--`N 126 lot 5, Tnn:3nI rnnnynahin A nnr-no ll\ LJl..l.L/I.\.J.L'.J VV .l.I..I.J..I.J VV `ya/llLl\'lIlJC cockerels for sale, from Mar- tin s famous `Regal strain. Winnoers at {Barrie Fair, 1916. Apply to W. Tooth, 53 Victoria St.._. Barrie. . 151-3 GOOD ASSORTMENT of fast colors in Blue and Black Serg- os, for ladies and men s suit- ings. We also do cleaning and pressing, alterations and re- pains. Harry Twiss, Tailor, Owen SI. , ~ 23tf FOR SALE--Hundred_ acres, all lively working clay `loam; fine buildings, near town. Fifty acres, all lively working clay land; 20 miles from Toronto; ,hank barn, frame` house. These farms can ;be' worked with steam or gas `engines if wanted. Bargain and on easy terms. Parti_culars,, Box 568, Newmarket. 1-3 FEW S. C. WHITE LEGHORN I-{ens and Pullets and two" (2) Tuuloilse Geese for quick sale at. right prices. J. F. Mc- Donald. Barrie R. M52-~, Phone 606 -r 4. ' 1 2-2 LII-Ir DJ1l.lJJj'LV 72 IUD U Innisl Township, 100 acres, about 5 `miles from Town of Barrie, all cleared and in good state of cultivation. Soil, clay loam. Buildings first-class. Good orchard. Price reduced to $5000`, partdown, reason- able terms forbalance. T. C. Fisher, Real Estate, Barrie. 38-tf " V oh` page 12 "y'o:'1 wili Siee-`listed many money-saving opportuni- ties. ' ` .uuu- . . A an 4... uuuu auu UVUALILI5. C0n m1encing' week of Jan. 15, `and until further notice, Motion Pictures will be shown in the -Grand Opera House" each `Friday and Saturday only, when the best. available photo plays will he presented on the screen. Dates of theatrical and local attrac- tions will be announced in news- papers and posters. 'II7.'......'.,...... 'IT|_-_ TI----- "5' 14u.3vf.au..`- mu h.r\)m\/1.1 W'innip_eg Free Press, Mar. 14, 1916-Winnipeg will remember the Cherniavskys for many long days to come, judging from the remarkable enthusiasm shown `by the vast audience. Every corner ofthe big auditorium was crowded, even the choir gallery having to be requisitioned to ac- commodate the a.udience._ At t.he Grand, Barrie, Jan. 30. vs -aoasa4c - Frank Rogers leaves for Ot- ._tawa tomorrow to attend to his sessional duties at the House of Commons. ` ' ` Sheriff Harvey, `who has been in poor::=hefa1th- for several .mor`1_ths,swent to --Toronto this `week `to undergo an operation. 'I\ -`ll :-..u.. It..- ` ....-..-11 ._.1_- 1.-- vqvvr _'V_Vi'sdom l'& 66., `are o"ring :`some' very .-attrfative grocery specials. See; their advt. V ,' -Next` Thursday __the arinual meeting of the Barrie Agricul- tural-Society will -be held. - - _ _ , .The vital statistics for Barrie` show 158 births, 109 marriages an ! 109 deaths registered dur- ing the year. 1 `III ... C1l..__..'l`_.._..._ TY 1Il'(`1 A HORSE FOR SALE-Good. mgr. Apply to James Johnston, Dalston.` A V . j A, _ .-2--_3 Donald McKay, aI_1 old resident` of Oro, died at his home neari Jarratt on Saturday, aged 75, af-I ter a brief illness from pneu- monia. l yv--H -vv w--v--.1---v--~ -*-'Wv-V? ` -'--I am out of active service` in Sun Life of Canada but can still write a risk myself any place. I am still looking -.1l`l-r fire insurance as usual.` -- HY. BALL, V T . Give us, His Name--'l77th Bn An insurance inspector who visited the B.C.I. ruins last week] expressed tho opinion that the-5 walls are not sufliciently da.ma-! god to prevent their use in re- b uil(lin.g'. ` ____,,,, 4 rs .-4 T 1`he.lad_ies (; odisi Church Cyril Hayes, 5: nr Duxb'erry, I a. dI'aI11ati(` .1 Jzm'..22. Mr.] 1'ecmn1n0n(l=(l. nn.nnl\,lLI\.1 LII I The Holy Natno? Society have secured Very Rev. Father Cough- lin. Super'i 01' of the R0dempt,01'ist. Fathers, T0r0nto,. topreach their annual sermon against. Blas- pl1en;1y in St- l\lary s Church on 'Sumlay evening`, J:.1n. 1-'1. "U`,"`! *`-"`~ "`-" ` Bradford, Pe1`1eta'ng, Coiling- wood, Stroud and Bax-rieiare iv` this Tankard Dist.ric.1.l, and the; Primary matches will start herni next Tuesday, A. E. Stapletnn is umpire. The first round of the Barrie-Orill_ia Cup for this season will be played this after- noon and evening. ` T Q . {`1,..~........... A-.. W 1 ll 1-. . ._ Mr. Stephens, Y.M.Q.A. repre.. eseritative, arrived in town last, week and is doing Y work a-' lmong the men of the 177th Bn. I on: via`; l """""' I In View of the climbing prices of footwear, Ca1'ey s Shoe Store has Some, exceptionally attrac-. ve offerings at its annual sale described on page 3. . ` . "I11... ........_.__. -_.I..-. ..-__`4 11.`- 1'_1 | my-.-V- nA.a\.I\Jn un.;. l.l\.~\J u. The person who sent the 1'et- ter regarding` jitney driving on ; Bradford St. neglected to sign` his Ilame. No at.tent.ien can be. I paid .to anonymous letters, ; _-_ _..L ,_ A As. successor to Rev. Geo. A. 'Bn0w11, M.A., the Caxnpbellfocl orr1g'1*eg`aLim1 has'ex!m1ded a call to Rev. G. F. McIntosh of Guelph _who for a time was an assistant .,`. AL- r\ 3:: TEMPORARY REDUCTION, PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE TO FACILITATE FREIGHT MOVEMENTS, EFFECTIVE ON SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th,. 1917. Particulans from Ticket Ag'ent., Canadian Pacic Railway or. W. B, Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. A ` T\._- _I13__. J A ... "WANTED -- A bx`-ig7z`}1t.T sxmlrt, _vm1ngz man for a ;2'mwr'nl store. One with experience preferred. Right. nlm.-v tr tho r`in`hf. man. Whimster & Wilc0.\'. Bradford, A. W. Watson, teller in the Bank of Toronto, has been transferred` to the Oakville branch. _ T v\ up up 1 1 an 6511 Percy M0n*is0n, the new u}ay-l or of S1.1dhur'y, took his businss college training in. Barrie under W. J. Ross. `who is now town clerk of that town. and by this time will probably be able to give himla few pointers in'mun- icipal ai.'ai1's. " FI1T`l\l I \t'\l'\ A nxv r'\'I-Q1'\rv1Nru-11`/-u Iv I PERSONAL A MENTION M1`. Laidlaw of Gran-brook, B. C., has been visiting his mother, Mrs Laidlaw, Blake. St. `II ... `T? C1 `1T...`I._...._.___ _1| fI'V_____. .._:.\.~-nu. `M1;/.[1:s`.m1;.MS'_: Welsma:;1m0f Toron- to is -visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Grasett. `I17 117_1,_ `Miss Rose M. Murphyleft on Saturday for St. Michael s Hos- pital, Toronto, to take a nurse s training. T T ' - 'l'...._.`I_ 'f'I-.___._ I-_____, D-.. l\1 ~G}~iv e` ._us HisV_AP.-':;i1I1e-:-1?7t_h `Bu. vw n . . . \ V Or-ill'i`au J 11,11. u. IJCJIAW lJ(,I|.l L P1'esbyter'i_an f gnnms :xA'mn`:a~. Ann :sAwnnAx -momma _ V min: n.-_|- - 1 have secllred M1-. student of 'Pro_fcss- Mant-|1`est,e1*, to give. . recital on ,1\/Innda_v_ Hayes comes highly I FOR SALE -' Kodak Amatem-V Printer, cost $6.00; also Ko- dak Film Tank, 2% in. lms, cost, comp`le.te_, $4.00. Both in r.'St-0]aSS condition, slightly used. Also quantity photo- graphic supplies, Azo paper, developing powders, Hypo sol- ution, `etc. Whole. outt wi'll- be " given ._ for any reasonab1eV pride; ~ Full particulars;"7`Box G, Examiner `and . Saturday. Morning Office. 2-7tf ' . of (1ulli&:i- St. Meth_l V Mr. and Mrs. James Pue, who went to Bracebridge early in December to spend the winter with their son, were taken in with La. Grippe just before Christmas and this was follow- ed by severe bronchitis in Mr. Pue s case which, complicated with heart. trouble, made his con- dition critical for several days. Both are now reported to be making a good recovery. Mr. Pue is in his ninety-third year. Mrs. Puc is a few years his junior. sentecl with a jewel box and a foun.t.-ain pen from St. And1'ew s Choir on Friday night. Miss Douvgall is one of the l,own s most. popular Vocalists and will be greatly missed. Mrs. Martha Blackof Hawke-l1 poi llospi_tal, Detroit, was pi-(3-1 I stone. Ontario, announces the ma1'riag'e of hex` daughter, Cath- ei'iI1e.Ch1-istena (Tena'), to Mr. \ Villiam H. Beckett, of Lydden, Saslcaluliewaii, on Thursday, Jan. 11, il9l7,Vat Regina, Sisk. At home in Hawkestione January 20th to March 1st. ' T Mclntyre--Fraser A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday, Dec.` 19, -1916, at the home `of Mr. D. B. Kyle, Verw00d,`Sask., when Miss Aldeen Matilda Fraser was united in marriage to Mr. Robert George McIntyre, of W'eyburn, Sask., by Rev.. MI'.\Burke of Verwood. 11-,,,j V (.31 `V L'\JLIo The bride, who was unattend_': ed and carried a boquet of white roses and fern, was gowned in white silk Mechlin lace over white meteor satin, trimmed. with pearls and girdle of opal sequin. " V _.I.I' , _. ,______`I_ __-..`- ...I.._-...J uuq uI.AL1.- The wedding march was played by Mrs. Russell of Verwood. After a sumptuous .wedding breakfast, the happy couple left on the evening train for eastern parts, the bride wearing a navy blue suit with a picture. hat to match `and a black fox. fur set, the gift of` the" groom. LADIES COATS They are not this `season s Coats, .but a good, warm, ser- viceable Coat. Colors are black, -grey, brown, red. Sizes 34, 36. 38,42 . Prices were "$15.00, $12.00, $10.00. Clearing` p1`ice.o. FOR SALE;-Hard and soft wood, `also mixed slabs, cut - any l0.ng'tAl1. Phune 393. . \\"m. Freek. ' 2-2 Nlow, if you want one of these Coats, you wanbto get here on Friday and Saturday, January Not the pric of Absolute Clearane or ALL j sea oun `EAST wmoow. 12th and 1 3th. $1.95 With the above lines we give No Coupons the linings. [ - BORN 4 JO`I-INSTON -~ On Jan. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Johnston, 0011.; 7, Vespra, a daug'ht.eI'. MACDONALD -- In Winnipeg, on; `Dec. 31, a son to Mr. and MI`S.l J. H. Macdonald, 264 VVel1ing- tun Crescent. SWEENEY - On Jan. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweeney, Mc- Donald St..., a son. 5 I STR'AYF.D~--()nt,r,> the premises or G. D. Bantir1g.TI\'y. one white s0_w. '0wnerTcan have same by paying expenses. 52-3