`I . J. Patton Won Out. by a Big` Majority in a three-cornered cdntest. V (Cnntinued cm page 9.) J. A. Muclaron. Editor " W. C. Walla. Businou Mango: Pte. F. Hig'gi11s_ of Cxfaighurst was among the soldiers who BI`-! rived home` 1'r0m the l~`r0nt this` week. A I v u `x a . v-.1 ' -\.u.;- ! Pt,e..Jack' Rodg"e1*s and P~'te.l Delbert .Emms of` the C.A..S.G.,: `_.T01'0nL0, were at, their homes in] `town over Sunday. 2 run, 117 1 n,,1r -, I3 w- `\;. K./].I)V.w1'1eed-Levvis and Pte. E. \V. Reed-Lc\_vis of thei 228th 1311. have been granted- cmnnlissicms as ]i(!L1L(!llaIltS. I \\"ox'd -has been received by! D1`. andv NI1*s. J..it'tln that Lt.heiI', son, Sergt. Wm. Little, has been: awamedme `Military Medal, hut.` BARRIE, CANADA. JANUARY 11,1917 WITH THE MEN IN KHAKI ino particulars of the gallant con- iduct which won him the decor- ;ation have yet arrived. i A despatch from Winnipeg to `the Toronto papers states that =Col. D. VV. B. Spry, assistant ad- ljutant and quan-l.er_1npaster_gen- e1-al of the Canadian training` {division at Shor11clif1'e, has been imade d1'1'ect.o1 of.1`oc1`uit,ing' and io1'g'anizatio11 of the C.E.F., .wit.l1 l1uadqua1'l_.e1's at.` Hastings, Eng`- 1a'1_1d. ' The nmnioipal elmeiinns for 1.110 Town of ;\'m'l.h Bay for -1917 have passed into l1islur_v,' and, with it cunm hut. few 5L11'p1`i;s-n:~', t.l`1uug'h mm-of lhn lm-gesl votes ever 1'eccn'(lnrl was pulled. The race for ihe 1\'Iaym"nlt_V \\`z-ls the main event. ll. \\-'a.s..'1 t.ln-m.~;_cm'-| E. _'Lt.-C0l.`MacI,a1`en, Major Ma- zLran and Major` Robinson of the |l57th Bn. have been in F1``1l)Cf} since before Christmas. Col, MacLaren was greatly surprised to nd in the tent to which he 'was assigned a former Barrleite in the person of Major Norman Black of Winnipeg. Capt. Fin- layson has been made a paymas- ter in the` 10th Artillery B1'ig'adn,. at the Front, and Captain F. W.. Anderson has been appointed Chaplain of a batlalion lhat is yet in England, V Lieut. W . S. M<'Clint_m of Elmvale was among: a Iniiitary party of 241 which landed at St. J(>hn on Jan. 3. He` paid a shu_rt visit to Barrio. frim1(i.s' this \\'<-.4-l<. Lt. 1\'IcC1in.lon was one` of tho,` fl1I'1`(-1,"`={)`IC(`1`S left. alive after. Hm 18th }att.alir_m had come thrmigh the Somme obnsivc and was re- c.ent.ly d0CO1'21l(3d with the mili_ tary cross. There were nnly three otticers left, ho`. said, and they decorated us all. Only ninety men were left of the whole battali0n`after the charge. We went Over rrst at 6.30 a.m., and had about the hottest part of the line to attack. He expects to get back to the front very soon. In a letter wril,.ter1 to his mom. er 611 Dec. 15, Pte. R. Rm-g-iii Clayton gave pa1't,ic,ulaI-s of his wounding as fn1l0\\*s:Tl10 niglit. of the 15th I)e'c. whilst, sLz111(li1ig to, during a hoiiilmrdrneiit, why a whiz-ban'g exploded (lirectly in front, of me upon the parapet. Iffs hetl,eI'_t0 be born lucky man rich, as theductm` remarked this rporiiing, as a large pioce nf shrapnel `caught. nm in the right eye, cutting` the bridge Of my T1080 and giving me a black oyn. Outside of thalfevr.-,1`_VIl1ii1_:,r is all rigrlit, and I oxpmri, to he l1:i(`l{ in the f,1`el1C1l(3S'a.lIllOn't any Hum. Hoping my injuries will not (`.8.llS=( . you any w01'1`i0.`~:. He was back in the trrmclies again rm Doc. 21st. Anotlier of New L0wel1 s smis, who has done his "bit" 0\'0I`. was given a cordial \\'(,`lLff)l1l(` home last Friday night. when Pin Leslie Bell 1-cached his nziliwr village. The train on which ho arrived was met. hy a lzirge mum- her of people of Sunnidalei and also the bugle hand and a platmm from tho `l7.7t11 Bn.. Coiling`- wnml. Aftm` lhn 1';~;t. liiirst of we_l(-nme was over a procession was t'0rn'md and escoi-t.ml this ['0- tiirnml lier-n lo the Tnwn. Hull whm'e an on-i(>.l4l(_aii1 pi'ng'1`mnim~ was given. with Rev. Alex. Sliop- l1i=.rd. in the chair. Pin. Roll spnke for ali0iii.'t\venty-Ve min- i ii,es', giving` :1 nmst. i.1ilo.rr=sti1ig si.m'_v of his inns! iinpmtimi (ix- pmiiencos silica leaving Barrie with Capt. Mac-rl0miell s Com- pan_v.. On June '1-3 at. the hattln (if Zilleheko. he was knoc-knd out by shrapnel wounds in the hack and a1lkl`.._ Two bums were l)l'n.. ken in Hip ankle and he is slill lame frmn this ll'1_l1_ll`_V. .1: W. A. Lowe & Son have added `a new branch to their furniture business. that of upholstering. Mr. W. Noland, who conducted a repair shop ` at Clnarjlotte and Berczy Sts., will look after the upholstering work. 34-tf _ Addresses xvere ,9_:iven also lay Capt. Harper and Capt. Palling of the 177th B-n.; Mayor Hal- hmok of Stayner. and Rm`. .=\. H. Bamfnrdef Avoninlg, these hning` interspersed by musical numherge by the 177th men. Choice rh- freshments were served by 1110 ,9:enerous hearted `ladies of New Lowell. Best results and lowest prices for photographing houses, tak- ing. pictures of groups and par- ties, photographing interiors of homes and business premises. FORMER ALLANDALER . 1 wAs ELECTED MAYOR Your photo on post cards; $l.00 per doz.; trial order, 2 for 25. Send -us your Films to develop and print. ]Radium Studio] is Elizabeth St.` Opposite Wellington Hotel, Barrie 5 for all kinds of Pte. Leslie Bell Welcomed Photographic Work CALL ON THE 'I'ERMS-Shglo C031"! cu. Pot anus [In udvnco] ll. Mid-day trains Gance|led--Ham- ilton and Penetang Lines Get only one train daily each way DRASTIG CHANGES The G.T-.R. has issued to the public 21 n0i.iu*, of ""1`eunpm'a1-y reduction of passen;_:'er t1'ain sm'_ Vic-e"1,.0 facilitate 1'ri_>igI1t move- ments and the list of vlxzu1gus shows the cancellv-alim1 of :1 tot- al Of sixly trains on tho (}.T.R. Sysl0n`1,in Canada. In the reduc- t.im1_s- of sm-vice. tho .\'m'l,hex'n ])ivisi un pmhaloly as _h:u'd hit. {as any part of the System. A Many Bzu'1'ie people, pa1`tic_u- lurly in Allandale'Wa1';l, will be int,er-estod in the fonllowing` ilmn clipped fxrom the Nm'H1_Ba_V De- spatch: - Ap1)21i`millyll1o [)OI'LiUI1S of this di\`isiuu \\'lll('l1 am most se1'iuuslyall'eclml are the line lietween Hamilton and .\lIandale and the Pem*l,m1g' l)I`ll('ll. These i1np01'I,anl- S;-clions ml ~m111l,ry are given only one train each way and will not he able to get their mail until evmiirig, the trains caiicellod heing` the n0i'l..h_ bound one leaving Hamilton at 6.40 a.m. and the snullibmind one leaving Allamluln at 5.-l() p.m.; also the {min _lo:1\~i11g2' Allandale fur P(`.l|(`l2ll{_:' :1! l0.-'10 cum. and the one lmL\'ing' Pmu-.lang' for AL. dale at 3.20 "pm. This will throw all the rural mail 1'1-um points .sm.1ll1 a full day late in living` de-. li\ e1'e(l. ()win;: In the hour at wl'ii(-Th the mail leaves Allandale for Penelangr. ] )l"r1l'll(3i1ll__\ all the l,e1'I`itury .~'('1'vcd- Ivy tlml. b1':1n(:l'i will he \\'i'llm11l its mail until next, rlay. ~.-\lli.-tun. l$cnI_;i'1 and '.l`ott0nlium. l1a\~'in;: llw C. l".. R. a`lleI`n:1li\`v. will ;_:u\.2. rnlit-1' "front lllzil . Hll illv i\lwil'uiI' illlil Mitllund l'lll(,`.S, Llm niiLl_4l:iy li'ziii1.~"\\`l1i(-li (NvliiiN'iA.`rl Willi Nns. '13 amil -'10 will he i':iii(~vllml mnl ill4`,~`4'. hum- <-lies will In} l'4`llll('l`(l in Hm fmii`- l,1*:1iii 4 .~'m'\`ic:- llu-y lldll sniim _vuU.I'S ago. Hm tirno of lllUi`Iilll{.`.' and evening: lrninxu lwin2' as | )I`c.s'(!1'li:,- (`,.\ (?15])l lhal Ilia: 2.l.i'ii`,l'llIHlIl train will li`{l\'(! iVIOal'm-ii Ill. 2.20 in- stead of 3.()0`p.n'1. Ruth this V train um] llin inn lt`:l.\ lH,`."_..` Allan- 412114: at 10.30 21.11). will be mixed trains. Meeting For Men Tho third ml` the svr`io.< _m' mmfs ]l]V(|'lA].I]lP"AH` nrrangzorl fun by the Mir1i. .\. will -bf`, held next, Sunday afternoon in` the npnra hmlse, when Rev. Geo. A. Brown, M.A., of St. Andrew .< Church will give an address. The 177th Bn. hand will be present. _ _ ` _ _ V _ , ___, ._....,v uuu vvlnl ul- lso {pa.1-Liculnrly on tho Tor-mtv; Ln ;\*iaga1-:1 Hun) mak_=, room rm much 1 l:1112~or ,mm'nmm1t vof freight trainw m=m- the t.rack_s which have lmnn nomlpiorl to such 21 large o,-xtentuhy passenger f.I'a (TH? .. A On the main lino, trains pass- iiig` llll'Hllf_'.`l) Han-i-iv at l'. .30 and 3.45 will he will ml`, and the 5.15 13.11"}. mail train will run frnm .\'u1*tl1 Baiy in.~'|miul ml llunl.svillr:. Fm` l.>\\`ii.~} Hll the main line, the mllnti -llzllinlis will lw :1 (-.nnsi(lei'- able. incmmxiiimn-0, lml. with the two in-ail l.I'2llllS V hulh morning and evmiing` {us far as Orillial and the Cnlmll, as \\`('ll the Nalinnal mi lln-mg lays rm,-.h way, our train st.-.1-\'ii'e will still he a g'1'0:1.l deal ln0l.lm* than most lines enjoy. ` `I11. I I I Fur n1()I1tl1.s't1Ioru Vlms lmvn 8. very sm'im1s a-m1g'n.=lim1 ` of freight that, has g.'1`m1t|,v h:1unpex'- adv Hm ordinary husinoss of the o.m1nbtI'_v as \\'0ll*:1s the 1nanuf:1c- ture and Irru1xpm'!:1lVim of muni- (ions. In Inalmi towns tho con] . is so .~`l1m't4 as to 0:1u.s'e great, app1-ul1m). Ry tho re- lnasn of flu-so 4-ngrinos and crews from pz1.<. ln.I. it, will fI`'.'1ll,.V iT1'1"nz1.-`r* Hm '|':1t'ilitie.~': for ' hauling Hm t'rvif.>l1t. and will 3.1- so Ito ;\*iagaI':1 .\....l. i...,., _ Tho I`('dll('l?(1 so):-xi:-e is made by pc1'n1issin1'1 ml lho Dulniniam Railwzly (lmnnlissinn. \\'lIiI7h at'l,'e1' 21 c011l'cre1'1(-0 with milway 3I"t?'r.s cizils :1l'1l.l1m'izmi the cancellation of Pm-min trains on the ("`r. I`.I{., (`..P.R., and C..\'.R. This [')(}l'HliS- sinn was g'1`a11t,.nd until Apr. 30, after whit-.h Hm C0m1ni<.-inn may m'd4>r the 1'0s!nI`:1fin.:1 at the ser- vice nilhor wlmlly or in p:1rt.. I 1.7. .. ..-.__,1L., AI. , _ I LUNCH MENU, 300. Saturday, January 13th, 1917 Served 11.30 a.m.-2 p.m. BEEF LOAF scAL|.oPED__ POTATOES BREAD AND BUTTER PIE % SOLDIERS AID Give us His Na/me- -177t.h Bn. 13500 TEA Section 2? Pages 5to I2 1 2 Pages "I-|\-l"'FI.AII\I SERVICE 00!-`FEE No. 2 Cepies Weekly 54fh Year. Cifculation Over The Barrie Examiner (`3-S'atLirday Morning {net-ed -.o'ut`ost bl.-l.wee11 `_MOSS1'S. 3E. E. Eddy, Jas. Mcllveuna and T. J. Patton and was won by Mr. Patton by a handsome-_maj01'iI.y, he polling `B95, Eddy 428.and Mu- llvenna 289. '1`heresult came as no S1.11`I)l`iSf3 lo the majority of-the '1'at.epaye1-s. In our new Mayor, .\ nr'f,}1 Bay `pa-y>ssess'es a. man n'f .. quality and i.nteg`1-ity, a man who is lnoked upon by prac- li(:aI1y'ew+I'y member of lhe emu- mlmity as mw who will, guide the d<=s1.iny of H10 town with di;:;_ njly and reS1)c-r`1.. Mayor Pauun 'is :1 nativn mt Barrio, is a pru- ._ .`l`4`.%.~`i\-`P young" -man. and has hem`: :1 x*n,;s'irlm1l of this tr.)\v1i?1'm `the past. (on _yo:1t'.s"."