Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1917, p. 2

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Page Nora Bayes I Nora Bayes I V iI`I\:I_iTEl`)' 11, 1911 |8l8_3 l8|86 }45Ios -l8I88 "-Arid 4 ' Thur-sd`ay , Jl Ald. Thompsnn said that Ald. Tyre!` should take it. as he iswvell able and is in, a position to han- dle it. T N I ~4--~..,.A...J 41.; % First qunli worth ' $2 Sale Price, In facel Men s 2-BI Men's E A01` [In -Men's l wvith Gum up tn Worhen4 Lace Men's Womer1 Ll .\VU I Women`! Bal s L1l'(l.|l\. . ` \Valm" & Lig1'1t--I.()we, Soules, Lang, lmnnnx, l3ear'(:v. and C-lark. .Al.d. 'l`y1'or' declined to act as 43hai1'man`of Board of \\/'m'ks. I 1 Wome1 I \\`1ll' Boys Boys Blu Youthi me. Sale wort` Boys li~' `HIV lb. . l )ep1.1ty Snules suggested that, the conmlitteo. select, its own? ul1airma1:, but it was pointed out! that the Council should name the' Chairman.` in nu ,,I |I__L Ll... \'Il.Gll lllcllln 'Ald. Horseld movedthat, the` Reeve take tho chairmanship,` hut M1`. Bennett declined to have the honor thrust upon him. After :1 desul,t.oI'y discussion `in which several members were suggested but just as-quickly side-st,epped, the report. was put. Lhro-ugh and AM. Tyrer will he }hair man unless he `tmlders his resignation. ' ` A I.._...I..--. --..-. .. ax:-\.-pr-l\t` In nun ed for municipal gurposes until ` -~ Assessor Appointed L\/kllDll.I.AlIl\llLn - ` A bylaw, was passed to pro- vide for borrowing from the banks funds l.hat._may be requir- /the 1917 taxes are received. | By another bye.-law, `J. S! Laing` was appointed assessor for 1917. New Parks Conmiissionm-s_ H. E. Jorywrote from th'e'hos- Alpital iI1R()Ch9.SLeI`,.. Minnesota, notifying the Council that he could not accept. re_app ointmen.t, on the Parks Board. and wishing` the members of Council every success during 1917. ` James Ia 1H1:-: BARBIE AND A'L.ANDALE BIOIAIIOI-IE8. I-l. A. SIMS, Manager. V the flVit accounts of_ ' me4r-` .chant,s, ;t1_nanufae"t1_1r-__ er-s, socie,t1es,and. 111- . d'ividuals.`- - * _ . Wefoffer the._ modern 'Banking service of.a progressive . Bank, possessillg ample re-_~ s o'u?r cegsi,` ' `extensive connections and com- plete facilities. . All customers o"f'The' Bank of Toronto are assured` every cour- .- tesy and attention. capital . . . . . . ;. . . . $5,000,000; Reserved Fund .. ..$8,50'I,889" McMartin, whose duties as tra- veller made it impossible "for 1 him to attend Board meetings, 1 declined re-election, and for the ` same reason Andrew Carson ask- ( ed to be _relieved of his duties on I the Board. Geo. Viokers finding himself unable to give the nee- .5 Iessary time to the work, also ` resigned from the Board.` This I 1 left "four vacancies which. were filled by the appointmen.t of `A . . iE. Stapleton, C. A. Shepard, A. H. Felt and S, Caldwell. ' . Fire Alarm Box Reeve Bennett enquired if the l missing re alarm box had yet` zeome back from `Toronto._ Mr. l Smith replied in the negative 5and stated thatthe Town Solic- iitor was bringing suit to recov- `er the value 0f.allm_ box. Council and Health Board I _Davis -- Tliompson -7 That `at least'two members ofthe `Fown Council be app/oiiiled i\ ithe Board of lleallh; L Aid. lmvis said there was no- thing` in the Act to that mem- bers of the Council were not ' eligible, and a provincial health ' ollicer had told him that it would ` be a good move. ' l _. ... 1x MAUGURAL % MEETING or-' TOWN councn. The R2e;Ie-:1f the... Board of Health could be loaded up with members `of the Council, the for- mer `bedy would have -no -inde- pendent, pnwer and the Boards gwould soon heabolished. The ;Act says that t.he'Ma_vm' shall be ;a member and it. is evident he i- intended to represent. the Coun- cil .on the Board. ` |\ _.-- _ ,. Ald. Horscld --- For years the` Boards of Health have been mak- A ing all sorts of expenditure` to. gardless of the Council. If` there were members of Council on the Board such accounts- wouldnot go through., ' Rcex-'e--I ('an t. see we'd be any _ better oil . There are just as ex." llravagant `men in the Council as in the Board of Health. The Council has no option as to ac- counts incurred by the Board . These must be paid. ..To get cfticioncy in the administ.r*at.ion Inf the Health Dcpt., it is much better to haven an appointed` `board, rathnr_ than electe_cl mem-- bnrs who would be liable to the inuenced by the probable effect their action would have T on votes. ' ' Ald. HorseId-We never have; had a Boardeof Health`that gave us any detailed statement of ex- penses. " -- vn ,x"___--..l in rmnlb l r u L I ` n : \ - 1. _ The May.or---If yo1I""want to get` that information all y0u have to `c-lo a`sl_rM the Clerk, as; he `is I J -r.._._....: Secyi bf` th:-BV6-aVrd'._ AI.l r.-..r.1. . \x7n C. becy, 01 L116 puuru. . . Alvd, :Clark-'-awe employ` a _M.O. H. and a Sani%tary`?,or and pay,fthe_In but they 'do als they like-; if we.ha;d some. cpuncillors on the `Board `we would have more to_""say in their operations. 1 -_ \I7I..-- l'\UI(\ nnn hnnfing` `IIIUFU LLIDGJ l..I.l. uxxuu. uyu-....._-,,_-- _ ",Reeve-Why. atje you hunting f0r_t-rouble-?' Let `the Board of Health run :its' own show. .-For . my part I wouldn t take a `job o_n the Board for $1000 a year, A 1\__.:... ....LI...-lg-..,,`-" ..hiQ. fnn_ tut: .DUcu'u .lUL quuuu .. .,.,...-._ V 'Al d. Davis withdrew -his mo- tion,` but brought forward an- other by which the. mover de- sired to have the Council go on record as` being in favor-of put; ting in_to_ effect in Barrie an a- - 'men_d_men`-t to the`Act whereby aged " indigent persons may be committed to the Houscof` Re- fuge, even against their wish. `I .. .....1-:nn.`+hiu mnfinn Ald_, fuge, agamst tueu vvxau. | In making`this motion, Ald. Davis said that it was unfair to leave it to the Indigent Commit- tee to start action along this line as they would be given all the blame, whereas the onus_ would be `shifted to the whole Council, were the motion car- ried. ` ' A ""- --~; ---Ln.-..-. Ac1{ur1'{ in {n .ehait'man. ' (`Continued from Page One) I Standing Committees ,_R"-eeve Bennett, asehairman of the striking committee, presen- ted the following draft of the st':mdtng' committees, the first named in each committee to be __ ,1 A..,......,...1nn rieu. . 9 The Reeve, whose duty it is to sign the Warrants of committal, objected to .any_.such sweeping motion. andfciontended that each case should be dealt with as it arises. When the Indigent Com- mittee thgought. any particular person should be committed, a. recommemlation. could ' he brought before the Council which owould then be responsible" for whatever action was taken. - u .- 4\ ...:n.. ,I..,mr H~.i'a~ 1 WIli:1lvUV Ul.` a.L-mun vvuo uunv... ' Mr. Davis also withdrew this motion,` but made it plain that he thought, such P'e`sp~onsibiI'ity should not he p`1aced`orx his coxmnittne. ' ' x`eA-app-0intn1 ent. - Public Library Board E. S. Gu'rrie was appoirrfmi repw.-;se11t,at,iV'e on the: Public Li- brary Board in p1ac'e` of R. _ J. F1_et,chm*, who declined `to acce-p-t n 11'. IIIL `Board `of Htvalth `Geo. Ball, A. J. Sarje-an't and- R. A. Stephens xver x`"-ap1)0ir1-terd me`mb.e~rs. of {the Bozwgl` (of He-al`t.h.' In-Ilunxn-4.x/A-.; \Il u.-\., ...---_ Brother-Payne 4; That the *Cle*rk`he instructed` to p-11-1'chase- necessa*ry zines fm` bathe-rie-s..' AR_cll.|TEG'l'8 BILL FOR B.c,I. ow-`:3 $4900. `emtlinuvsiasm in this . branch of sutfer.ed,. practices have beans; regularly held, and Miss Burriss 7 and the pupils who a'1:-(eVt4aki.1-1gz I part have shown tgln-e greate-st._ student de~ve10p1`n`e~nt. "n" ~ m n A n A vu Ax-I nn DUUUWLLU uuvwluby nnnnnnn vo- T '1`he- cl.asjses~ re--0pened on J an.` 3--tl:1e- -legal d.a-tie- firm" c-om-U. memzvin-g the ter_m--and while there; were some` abse-nitees, yet "the falling oil` in atte-nda.~_nceA has not been neanrly as se1:i.@u`s* as might have been fe`ar'ed. following shows the atte~ndan.cev for-'. the first week of theA,e-r111:- % F'0.~I:In G'u;'lVs Totals. 104 1412 .250 3.4; .We expect a number 01' these absentees. -to re-tum next week, and I might also Remark that be-fore the re` se-ve-rat 'o.theI's of them had declared. their intent. tion of leaving school owing. te- ill-health or other reasons. , 1-1.`- L...-. knnn. n.v|1o.t)`lE|-O`. . l`J|l'd.lL'lll(1ll. Finance and Assessxnent Wisdom, ,B Davis, Payne, Lengnnx and Horseld. ' ` , - . y .I n. .__.,._ . "h.mnn l.I.l.l.l.ID&lAl.|llsL 1:1. uu--u- -v....,-.._,_ . A time--tah.1e has. been _ a~d'1rang=- ed, such that in the change of teachvers: between the two buiidings takes place at recess or no.o.n-. _ "u-__ ;:.....,. Lb... -pnnnlv-I1 YUUUDD U1 uuuu. [Between the time the forego- ing report was. madeout and the: date of the meeting, the attend - ance had increased to" 238, only 12 less than the high record of last term] ...- .-s u` hlliubiic School Pupils The attendance in the public schools at the beginning of the year was reported as folIows:-- (`1._._.|.....l 1|Kn 1\Knn`;n 99 Mr ~_yUcu.' VVGD Lupunuuu um) a.u Central---Mr. Marlin 32, Mr. Matson 28, Miss Booth -31, Miss McCa`_!1 46, Miss Longman 36, .-Miss. McMillan 35, Miss Living- stone 46, Miss Clutton 46, Miss Martin .38, Miss Mcobie 64, Miss Rodgers 38-Total 440. 11r....I. 117.`-n.-L Mn 1\lI n Inn` l.lUu5Cal. ca uu--'~.:. u ` Wes Ward->-i\Zi'.i`Mv(>.rrison 40,` Miss Billingsley 29, Miss Henry 32,` Miss Moore 31, Miss Morri- son 33, Miss Kearns 37, Miss King 56-Total 258.- ! 1_-_J.I'. `IT-.. -I 'IK~n' qknnn R1115 uU'*J.uuun wuv. . South Ward--Mr..Shear 28, ` Miss Mingay 31, Miss Marshall ` 35; Miss Kennedy 29, Miss Col- lins 30; Miss Meston 51, Miss Rodgers 30.--ToLaI 234. . East Ward-Mr. Carson 36.` _Miss Somervillei, the school nurse, reporited having made 1-`I172 .insp_ectio,nys during Decem_ `her. She had discovered a num- ber of cases of German measles in the` schoolisyand had advised tho parents .to.consult their phy... s'i_qia_njs.` _' s . -. V ` 1-as shunts 'EXlll mE'l mp slrrunonv momma , (C'0nti:nued* `fro;r1' page; Read the Adlet Column. 'I-"(;f;l 1 ...`15.... .32.. ;.34.h 28. .::33L. ..;30.. .41 ..:37:: ':UIl btllu Lnal 1\. , l I<`m:-V and Pnlioe -- Brothetuf Lang, Payne, Rogers, Pearce and; Wisdmn. T ' , .I l\.._..l.. . Q,.`]nC, Q0 _ Loss ` 1) > , j"-rise"!-fate Danie ! Baikie . Mntion ' was made` `last 'week of~theL death of Daniel Baikie at Sudbury: The.f0ll0win'g `obitu- .4:.... :. 1.-.I-nn 4':-nnn fhn Qf|Y` DuU.UUl') . 1 I16 0 Lunnuvv 1:15 '1----... ary' notice is taken from the Star- of;'7that town. -1` AL... n.1L~l.inn rlcinz OI,'l.Ila.l. Luwu. -The news or the sudden death of Daniel Baikie, .a~L`his residence in ijMonck` street at 4.30 -Friday V afternoon`,.' Dec; 29, caused pro- found regret arnong `-his host of * friends, the `, majority of whom did not know that he was ill, ~ having seenehiln. one the street on Vvedncsday, two days previous `Mr. Baikie had been ailing for two years with a bad" heart, as ' the result of` an accident which laid him upfor six months. Since that time; although able to be about and attend to his duties ' as collector of inland revenue. he was not in the best of liealth. ; and a cold contracted this week._ - which developed into pneumonia, carried him away quickly, his illness being of less than two days duration. At his bedside -as` he passed away were the members of his family and a few` very intimate friends. He was conscious almost until theylast. 9 W of age. 3 D The late Mrj Baikie was 58 years ,l:" l!,;DluuL1un,1 u.n. \.--.-u \r\4 .--, -- ";0f u.p.rig'htnessTa11L1. inte-.grit,y, j of ` -u1ni.n1_peachablev (characte-1', "and at ;aJl. t.imes. was found. ready to as- fsist in -any m0v.ement for the 'Iwe-lfa.1'e- and. adv.a,mcegn-lent of the, ' " t.-'@wn?s~ interes-t.s. ,1 n._:f_:- ....`.._.,.. ;,_| Speaking to The Star this mu1`ning an old resident of the town, who was the "first to slmke hands with. M1-.` Baikie when he landcd in. Sudbury tweul,y-ve years ago, paid: a tribute in (lo. ceased, V'Ui(iI1g' Line Opinion, no,0 hu`nd1r.r;ds of citizens" ;Who had. known him long and Zwe-11,. stating that he was one 01" ihhe- best and. most highly respec- ,ted residents of the town. a man :.,.L..,......:I... .-.4' ` hl|)\\'l1= D` luu:-1 (ED`lD- - . The late Daniel. Baikire came to ;S ud.bL11'y in Dece-inher, 1890, close on 2.5 yearsa ago, when the tImvn._g p:pu.laLi.0u was about 750. -!die- at o.rm.e-em~kan1{ew:1 in the same; um yeam a~g`0,_. win:-11 he ;S{:)l(iZ same-1.0 F. ('1. Muirhe-ad. He 4was it`l'1~<:~ pi'<')I1ee-i- in the 1003! book ;t"1'a`(.ie\. . ]3he dime-arsed was am =01*- mamv yea1rs Cexllectnr nf In- -lzmd R(.s.:em1e in: Sm-db.uI.'y, :1 pus-g 'i`.t1iwr whzich inf. ire-twiiied` up untiili `.t.he- time` of. 1*ni'-s- d'eat`.h,. being` in; ' his oiee` rm l`z1sLe1'- than` \\'ed11es- day: aI';Ece~1'11. (of this week. ' A_-...__ Inna}, `fun. l`IA.n. r_\m..n.rr nitrhf :;bu`.Sil1(SS~ which; he f<..>ll;)wod up_ u'a,y.. a..I.mlr1u.\.n-,vu. LUI. l`I.|IliL7 vvu.wAIo . Away hack in t;he- e"-zr-By eight- lies, and! n';a:myr years. com- i ing. t.o`S=u'clb-Imry, the deceased was~..f 3 principal. of the Th~.o1'n'bury pub--I liic school . lln: those la; 's_,` it may _ be? said , the teac-Eni'n-g` professiorrr C ling" pos.i_tio-n with leading sta... tionery rm, his btrsiness taking- him to .Austra;Eia~, New Zealand , and": Various coulvntries of EH1`- ope. M.`-r. Baikiei was undoubtiede ly one-. ofithc best read of men, and` to hear hi-nil tell! of early ex- Ipcrienc-es in Sflldhury, of his t'ra`_- .vels, his teaching experience, or g ~ to discuss: with him the lead i`ng`* 1; questions of` the day, was to en- .1 joy a treat. He`mad'e no boast, v 'for.he was naturally quiet and s to some extent reserved, and` all I during his business career, and` 1 during the last years in which he t has lived somewhat retired , he commanded the respect of all with whom he came in contact. The late Mr. Baikie d'u-ring his long residence accomplished` much useful ,work in Sudhury in a public capacity, as is evidenc- _ edriiy his three years presidency ' of the Board of Trade `(i903-_!l_- 5), and nine years chairman. - ship of the Public School Board. -_ In addition to this, he served on i the High School Board from the . tim_e of its inception, and in fact was largely instrumental in se- cucing the erection and equip- `mentof the present High School. i the affairs of which institution were his hobbyiuntil he retired. from the High School Board two years ago. Daniel Baikie is dead but his.` good works `in `Sudbury will live on for many years to come. ' - __ __..-4---- tknnn UUIll!.7o ` A.~ sorrowin,g` widow, three children, Ross, Lisabelle and Kathar,ine,_one brother, W. B. Baikie; "Montreal, and s'ister, Miss Baikie, Montreal, survive. .LUllllU.\ dllu 11u1 auuuu. 1' Works and Sewers --- Tyrer, BenneLt, Soulcs, Lowe, Thomp- son and Clark. ' I1 .lZ,.,. Dnr\`]'\!\YI 17m BATTALION NEWS # -The l77t.h Overseas Battalion, G.E.}:`-.,. has had the pleasure of adding two 11'10re re-tu1'I1ed men! to,. their st.I:eng.h.,, lwtaich-. makes` 1.1.] ._I- An Qlnnnns 1\TE`(`| e vv IELW um U I. uu.uu n:o1;U'nL.1u.,_ L a total 01'.` ten Oicet.-s,. N. n nn Qnn anus lllU1l.. - _ The recent 3ad.di.f.i.()Il.S~ are-, Sen ; g'e:1n;t E. H.. G0q0d.e- of Orillia. and ` P _te-.. J:. 8. H:e1aderso.n of Brent- w.s)0d,. bsoth, S_in'1.coe- boys. Pie. Ilemderston. had: th.e- honour of winning the. D.G.ME. {D.~istin- ,:_I.-,.`.i f`1,...,..l`....l TI.`f'n;-]n]\ nf flan \"l.lll1.ll1l5 l;u\:7- 1.I.\1.'.u. gxmshed Conduct M'e{1a1> at th battle of; Zill.-3-hekeg. in June, 19-16, \ I/~1sJ I4Azz.- .f0r- camryixlg and assist,i.n~g the wounded usnde-1' heavy re, while s.u`f-Te-1~i'rtg from wounds himself. He- emliis.t.ea wi'tt1i the `-18th High- lande-rs ( 1311.)` and re=tu~1-`med to: Canada . in Septe-mber ,l.ast. n- r1.~.`,J.. ,..4` mm lb!-.!: I.Acl:ucI.'uuI.'.uL uwyuuau.uu- .-.-mu-u.. Serge-ant E" Geode 0f 01'. i'l%Hia.~ en-shed in the 50th Bn. from Calgary. He has haci con- siderable experience, as well as appearing in the casualty list on two` oe'easi'ens-. -_ 3- _ 11...} AD lnl..-. DVVUVL7UlUGDlU`l1Oc I The following is a list of the new recruits, who have recently joined our Battalion: Gilbert Neil McArthur, Orillia; `Orchard Augustus War-nica, Barrie; Al'- hert Ernest Benn, COIlingwood; n ROYAI NAVY . ' WANTS % CANADlANS_ A Bankii:%1gB;u'iness Iniriged Mammy's Little Coal-Black Rose When Evening Shadows Fall What I Owe You I Know I Got More Than My 5118 Nora Tho' I Had a Bit 0' the Divil in Me \ Nora`. Bayes Sings Two New Ones- When john ~McCormack Sings a Song _ I` Hicki Hoy , 1* _ Sancta Maria La Pattida Hear them ai any His Master s Voice dealers % 171:9 Lenoif Street Ten-in Thousands and thousands of brave boys are in, khaki fighting for freedom and Victor Record 18180 on the January lit sings about them. "ers, and Hm'sI'u-ld. VV IDUUIII. ` Ma1`kel.s and .PuI-ks -- S0u1es, Tf1(>n11')sm1, Davis, Payne, Rog`- .~ A- .,.~ A-\v\rl In It isVonly one of the many extremely desirable Victor Records you will wish to hear and own. A few others appear below. Be sure to hear them. His Master's Voice Barrie Dealer DEALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY ONE PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST VICTOR RECORDS-MADE IN CANADA LOOK FOR "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" TRADE MARK -i`nch. double-sided Victor Records-9O cents for the two seledtions : Write for fre copy of out 450 page" Musical Eri- cyclopedia listing over 8(X)0 Visitor Records. Exceptionally Beautiful Red Seals MONTREAL ""'-t--- Y)-an.-Ac 1Yl'\I`I GEO. VICKERS BPS, and H`)I`sl1<-1u. E . _ _Prinl,ing1. Rom-pl.ion_ and In- dustrial T-- Hmsficltl, Bennet.t,! Luwc, Bm1he.1', 'l`yrm' and 'Len-. uux. ` ` I\,__.:.A 7"`!-\.'.u\`u .0 x al-Black Orpheus Quartet} udowa Orpheus Quartet James F. Harrison? 2 Share lrvmg Kaufman`; Charles Harrison } ' James Reed} 1'_h ursday, . January John Henry Booker, Barrie; Wm. Henry Gear, Orillia; Nelson Mis- quads, Orillia';' Arthur George P'yr:ke, Midland; `Jas. A. Craig, Midland; W-illiam Jondrow, OI-illia; Edward Albert Harrison, -.Ori1lia; -S. J. Fleming, Orillia; 7Rohert James Richardson, Col- ilingwood ; Arthur Johnston, '(")rillia; Peter Dusome, Orilllia; Angus Holden, Collingwood, and `W - G..D:1'ng_rI_1_gn, transferred from G?.as.u;a.-lltie`-s,. originally of the 157th 0,..S. Bn., C.E.F, ' summl-:n' nmoueu `ma wurran an GALIFORNIA Get _away from the cold disa- greeable winter. California tem- perature is from 60 to 75 degrees the year round. It is not ex- pensive to spend the` entire win- tor there. Bungalows rent. `from $23.00-per month up. Qn..n:.-.1 \L':-.t..._ 1'3-.`._.... nu... -.v.-- raw; --avlsllll up. Special Winter Fares. .The famous Los Angeles Limited, `a fast, refined and` exclusive. "through train from Chicago to Los Angeles, Ieaveshicago at 10.00 P_.M. daily and arrives Los Angeles 4.30 P.M. third day--- less" than three days en route. '_ VVrite to.iB. H. Bennett, Gen. Agt., Chicago _& North Western Ry_.,4.6 Yonge St., TOI`0nt 0,`Ot'I He will send you descriptive lit.- erature and train schedules, help you ..plan_ an`at.triactive Rip, and malielreservations for you clear `through to the Pacific Coast... Barie Stock Market - On Tuesday, Jan. 9, the ship- yard included 125` hogs, 75 head of cattle a.nd_30 lambs. $12.00 per cwt. was paid for hogs, and $12.00 for lambs. A Enrico Caruso 88559 Amelita (Salli-Curci 74500 s-BIue Label LUA. A , In(ligenl,s ---' Davis, '1`hum1?- .=u'm, '].`yrc1', Rt`.-{.j .'0I'S. Pearce and Claw-k. --. n r 5, 1.,t 1 ,.--.,\ Q:\11`r\(\

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