Page 'l'wo|\i | |I\JL LL10 4; Emmitt L0-ftus had the mis-_ .'fortune to lose part of his little Efinger while L sawing wood with a circular saw, last week. Qnr-nu fn kn.-.n (\` um. .-n...,.,... -0 | VVIIL I uuu. 11:: W61]. dsdlll. Jon McLellan of Torontol spent a few days with his father, of the Tl_1ipd_ Line. - Rzfuwn T nA'_r1_,.,, - *- I Dec. 18--Bertill_e Hayes re- ;turned home last week from the iNorth Bay Normal, which she {Ev-as -attending during the past, ; erm. V `l`1..;_._:1: 1 an o'e's,'i)dg' C. "$1 ...$1OJ II can ..-.-._L...l IL In JAGK S LAKE Wholesale Prices.- .. $1.55-$1.60 .. .. .. $1.15--$i.2:O . . . ~. . .$2.25-$2.35 .. .. ....65c.-70c. . ..$1.iO-$1.l5 .....$1.20-$1.25 ken .. .. 20c...22c. . .. .. .. -160.-18c. . . . . ..'...i5 to 18- . .. ...:..28c.30c. . ....45c-500. .. .. .. .. 55c.-60c. g $1.65.--$1.75 . . . . . .$10.00-$12.00 Lrl IR L81. 1.... l- PH ELPSTO|_U HOLLY IVY l/UHU. Mrs. H. A. Gibson has received :1 cable from her son stating that he has arrivedsafely in `England to I11... u usyuouu-q/U. .. ....L..35c . .$i.00-$2.25 . . . .22c-25c .$9.75-$10.00 . $10.50-$1. 1.00 .$32.00-$33.00' m nn All`). V M1`. and Mrs. l+`mnk Robertson Jr. spent, a few days last week in '1`01'ont0. { I The W.M.S. of the Stroud Methodist, Church aw giving a. birthday party on F1-iday, Dec. 29._ A good pmgraln is being provided. DIII Mr. and Mrs. spent, the week-e11C in the Queen City. 1`/[iQQ `]\ f9vIr`rn'v-nl T ... uuu v,|u:I:|I _uu,y. ' Miss ~Margar-at J. Mcnnkey is spending a couple of weeks with: ;Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Allan, Le-l i frnv ____.l,.,...,..,-._; u.LLu a nu;u1uc1' U1 Lllfi L (x b The synunuhy of a large CHTIB of uends goes out to the bereaved. 1Ju.1U.l.1hD uauu: 11'U1u 1U1'KS[llI`e, England, in the early forties set- tling in Etobicoke Tp., York Co., where James was born 57 years ago. His mother died when he was quite young and his father `passed away 26 years ago. De- Flos, forty years ago, and spent the remainder of his life there. On Oct. 5,1892, he_ was married to Elizabeth Allsopp, who S111`- vives him with four children; there are also two brothers and two sisters. Mr. Maw was a reg- ,ular attendant at Edenvale Pres- lbyterian church, was a Liberal ceased settled on lot 18, con. 1,` in politics and a member of the] I "V I'VE,` f`9`\'\`'\l\`L-- < 1` uu_y, uuu. 541. | An esteemed resident of this place passed away on Dec. 15, in the person of James W. Maw. Death came suddenly, the cause being heart failu1'c. His parents came from Yorkshire, EI12'l."] in N10 nnwlv fnv-fine on! I [UP `:1 lbw uay Mrs. Albertailiddell has return- ed after visiting in Toronto. 1'.\l...... Rlinmnuy A4` Tnnnnfn via- Quite a number of people from here attended the concert at eMi11esing Station. "Finn 1|/finnainn. l\t\Ll4\/\` ..1.:1.J_-_.I um -J.u.u.u:a1u.5 Dlzitlblull. The Minesing school children are to hole! a concert on Thurs- day, Dec. 21. `TI nnlA,..~....J ..._._I.I-,_l .ll 1: - GauliI'1ower;" f)inach, --all at lowest prices. Sweet Potatoes . . . . . . . . Mixed Nuts John Saso 'I`ange1*ine Oranges, per dozen Pinapples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Malaga and Empire Grapes . .. Florida Grape Fruit, largest siz California Pears, per dozen .. All these are navel, seedless varying according to size. Bu i1.1bUL' vlauuug 11.1. .LUL\1uUUu John Mingay of Toronto vis- ited at his home over Sunday. 0 ' This is the cheapest way to Case (9 dozen to 20 dozen, acco Half Case . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . By Single Dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Big Shipment, just in guaranteed ripe and free fr-1 u uLlD. zuvlu iV1aI'Llll' week-end w1th rclatlves nnnh nil con. ELIZABETH Vs'r. Ann MAPLE AVE. Orders Delivered to all Parts of the Town PHQNE 341 MINESING s1'nou_ ' OTHER FRUITS ip_ment just from Califorlnia. These are pa and from frost, as they must be State inspector as fully ripe before being Burton Ave. Methodist Church Sunday, Dec. 24. Pastor, Rev. C. W. Reynolds 11' a.m.--The Angels Message. .7 p.m.---A Saviour Born. Alvin Martin- Hk ..,.1..4:. -- ORANGES BY THE CASE . . . . . . . . .. 5 lbs. for 25. heapest tobuy this delicious fruit. according to size) . . $4.00 VEGETABLES 1, Head Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage On` Friday evening, Dec. 15, the public school hed their :Christ.mas emicert in the S. S. room, where a very good pm- gramnie was given, lunch heinr: served afterwards. A Christ- mas. Tron for kiddies and jokes for the older. people made every- one go home feeling happy and satised. $25.50 was taken at the door and after expenses were paid the rest, went to the.- Rnd (`.1-nae `Dun.-l ' VVTJLU ljalu l;llt`3 1' Red. Cross Fund. LLGLLJ 11:. uuu for a few days. Tlfnn Aiknnf D -.-A. 1l1.l,-7. 0!. VV I am -sorry VVi1liams in hope soon to provement in Arthur Bell of Barrie is- visiting her mother, Mrs. George Wxlson. A _..._,, ._ A H. ~ I uu,y u_y nu. ucu U1 1U1'UIlL(.). Mrs. Stewart is spending the Xmas holidays with her daugh- ]'. Mrs. J. VV. Brown. 7 Ann nn.....__ 1- _.-,-_ 1 If C-v A very interesting tnnwporance sermon was preached in fhe `Methodist Church here on Sun- ;day by Mr. Bell of Toronto. ` Erna Ql>nu-vnnt :r\ ~.~.---I1 -A - - 1| 1!!!! LJKL-.Vl\(1l;UllL'IVVa;l1c Mrs. Robert Thornton of Sask- atchewan is visiting hnr daugh- |, Mrs. John Lennox of Moon- } stone. Thursday}, Decambrf 21, 1916 1116: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dunn of Sask., are visiting the homes of their parents and friends in this I neighborhood. flnnnrmn Nfnfillngn ....`;J 'IA __ 1'._ --uncxluul uuuu. George McMillan and Mrs. Jas. [McMillan of Hawkestone visited '11-lends in Dalston week . UnnIy:n 'l3cJln`I.-..'-s ..-. 1.-..-- 1`, ;.1.Lu1Luc 111 LJGIDLULL la-Db \VUU1\o Harvie Bztldwjn is home for the holiday season. Unnnann Qnknnnn 3.. L.._-A vu.u IJULIUGJ DUGDU11. Herman -Osborne is home`: from Saskatchewan. `Ml ..- 'n..1....._x rn1_-._._1-,_ n as - Harry Afdell was in Toronto \n n -'nn1 (love A ` bALs1'ou Dec. 19--The roads in the vic- inity of Dalston are in excellent condition for driving and motor- ing. `Ill ... and 1|.I'...n 1\T-......A_ 1\___.__ _.- _|VIll\|ESING STATION oranges. 7 L11 UVV'1l in reporl bars. at. present, hear of an her heanh. the price htif News from` the THE ALLANDALE Our Weekly---The Ci1.`1Fromj risco" The Picture that gets them all. Have"you seen it? AMother sSacrifice There will be special Christ- mas hymns and anthems next Sunday in the Methodist Church, both morning and evening, the music being under the `direction nf Mr. Norman. The special numbers by the choir will in- `THE SACRIFICE . A Choice Comedy" T MATINEE 2.30, EVENING. 7.L-5 AND 9. { Don't Miss This Treat. Where Quva_lit`y Counts. Xrnas Special Christmas Music A WAR DRAMA IN Tl-IREEMBIGPARTS`, ADVOCATING PREPAREDNE S_S,__V ....oR.... Rway Ward} U1-J\J JUJ U1. uuy .lJUl.'l.l Signed on behalf of the'A1- landale Presbyterian Church by ; ~ - T. WALTON L w. CRAWFORD. E.SHEAR IIIALLILCJIGO And now in conclusion, as you go forth into another portion of the Master s Vineyard, we would join heartily in wishingyou ever! temporal and spiritual blessing and when t-he final call is made` may you hear the joyful sum- mons, Well done thou good -and faithful servant enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Qin-nmvl nn knknlv 44' 41.... A1 The installation ceremony was! conducted by C. M. Srigley, P.M., and was -followed by an oyster supper. LVL(l-D DU]. 0 Now` that the moment of your golden opportunity has come and we shall so soon have sundered those -ties which during these years have bound us as Pastor and people, we feel that we can- not allow you to depart from our midst without expressing in some dumb way our appreciation of your labors and those of Mrs. Brown, and we would therefore on behalf of themembers and ad` herents of the Allandale Presby- terian Church, ask you to accept these .tokens of our sincere _es- teem forgyou, trusting .-that they may ever prove happy reminders of your pleasant pastorate in Al- landale. V l A_._I .__.r '- W, 7-..- V`..- vu--.vuu-\4o '1`o_ you at the close of seven years faithful ministry in our midst haspcome the call to enter into a broader fieldof action, a field in which there is atforded you not only a broader scope for usefulness, but also the oppor- tunity of continuing your studies- the means whereby you may be the more ably tted to pursue the work of our Blessed` Lord and Master. ` - RT`..- 1.L_4 lI_, , A - F A pleasant functi-on took place v in the Presbyterian church last 1 Friday night,` when the congre- ' gation met in a social way for the last time, prior to the depar- - ture of Rev..A. V. Brown and `Brown. Mr. Shear was chair- man. During the evening he read a an address to Mr. and Mrs. Brown ` and the presentation of two handsome chairs and a ne club bag was made by Messrs. W. Crawford`*' of the Board of Managers and AT.` Wal- ton of the Session. A bfrief reply was made by Mr. B1'o'w`n and short addresses were made by Rev. G. W. Reynolds and Rev. Geo. A. Brown. Luncheon was` served in the basement. Musical sel- cctions were rendered by Mrs. Calvert, Mr. Pearce, Mr. White- bread and Mrs. A`. V. Brown.` - The Address `Dear Mr. and Mrs. 13rown,- Thereis a tide in the atfairs of: men, Which taken at the ood leads J on` to fortune; Omitted, all the -voyage of their life , . Is bound in shallows. and in - miseries, ' On such a full sea areiwe now a- oat; And we _must take the current when it serves, , Or lose our venture." I11 IVAIL All) DLGLLDGUUUU. Rev. A. V. Brown will preach his farewell message next Sun- day, Dec. 24. " Communion at morning service and music ap- propriate to the Christmas sea.- son. 11.11:. After that service a congregat- tional meeting will be heldwhen. Mr. Brown th,e~c`ongr.e_ gation for the first time as in- terim moderator. A full attend- ance of the congregation is re- quested, as important business will be transacted. DA`! A 'l'1.....___. __:1I __,,- _1 1ix7."E;'o::A"."1JrBVv'v.rI"Bf St. An- Andrew s Church, `Barrie, will preach at the preparatory service in Essa S.. Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, Dec. 22, at 8 n m ' clude: Chant, The Lord s Pray- er, arranged by Dr. Arnal1;. Tidings of Great Joy, (Porter) ; There were` Shepherds, (Nich- 01); oifertory, Pastorale in G (Flagler); trio, 0, Holy Re- deemer; offertory, Christmas Pastorale in F _(Lefebure-Wely_') Es'saVSt. Presl)yt;rian_ Church D--. :1 A Presentation sue, _yua.L . w.M., Wm. Brooks; D.M., R.| Ferguson, Chaplain, E; B. Tay- lor; Rec.-Secy., A. Thornbury; Fin._Secy., R. Stunden; Treas., Wm. Rusk; D. of 0., J. LeGear; Lecturers, T.. Campbell, F. Long- -hurczt. Committeemen, Geo. Wice, A. Paton, .I. Mc":,~men and A. iittle._ ` _ lIlInard s L|n,IiI1ent Cures DIph- ' tho`:-la. _ Dee. 19--Mr. Freeland and family are moving this week to the vacant house on G. Moore's farm . . . . ..Mrs. W. C. Andrew returned to her home in Barrie last week after T spending three weeks with-W_MrsA. J. Cowan. . . . . .. Mrqand Mrs. F-. K. Robertson vis_ ited the Queenvcity last week. H: am up uuuna uuu uJa.gazlI1eS. Red Cr0ss-+8 suits pyjamas, 8 property bags, 12 grey annel shirts, 1 hospitalisuit. VAIIIJUI. nu Lpluuuh .-- French Relief---7 black dress- es, 1 boy s tweed coat, 22 hospi- tal shirts, 4 prs. slippers, 5 quilts donated-by the following, Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Mrs. John Walker, Mrs. J. T-Emms, Mrs. R. M. Con- nell and Miss Jean Bartholomew, 40 wash` cloths and a quantity of old linen, and $6.00 was given to Mrs. Stewart to buy 20 -pairs of socks for French soldiers. ' .t`\'r\`I*PI\ ` RE -A--- ---`~* ouuno xul J.-1_csuuu b'UlUlBI'S. Field Comfort`s-`--66 prs. socks, 10 scrap books and magazines. Rm! nr-nae Q cu-n'l-o .-\-.:...~...,. n . Dec. 18-- I`he follgwing artic_ les were returned by the Guthrie Girls Sewing Circle for the Dec- ember shipment :- F'1Iannl1 Dalia!` H '|..I....1- _I_.--- Mrs. G. B. Jamieson has re- 'turned after a visit in Toronto. . . .The many friends here of Ed. McLean of Minesing regret to hear of his illness, but hope to hear of a speedy recovery . . . . . . The `Misses Eva and Tressa Brandon spent a fortnight with, relatives in Midland recently. . . . There was-a good attendance at the Women's Institute meet.in_a`. which was held at -the home of Mrs. Irving Addison on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Mrs. Wm. Jamieson, who was the del- egate to the convention held in Toronto, gave a splendid report which was much appreciated: by those present. The next regular meeting of the Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. Carsead- den on Wednesday afternoon. Jan. 10. A good program is be- ing arranged for. Dec. l9--I'll-1_s-:"J_ohn Muir is ' still indisposed. , . .Andrew Trac- ey of Manitoulin Island is calling. on his many old friends here af- ter an absence of twenty years. _. . . .Dick Cloughley has been ser_ iously ill, but glad to `report he improving . . . . Mrs. Albert Young -of Barrie is visiting her mother, "Mrs. John Muir . . . . . .Robt. Muir and family have `been indisposed with an attack of La -Grippe. . . . Sorry to hear that Johnnie Me- Kernon, son of Jos. McKernon, who has been keepingtime for a l Lumber Go. north of Gravenhurstv was stricken with a had attack of appendicitis and had to have an operation at once. Last report he was seriously ill and his moth- er left to care for him. . . .All is set for the Xmas Tree in the church Thursday night and the children are just counting the hours till the time arrives . . . . .. "T. W., the little son of Mrs. D. Donnelly, is quite ill . . . . .. Pte . ` Wesley Bishop is -spending a few days with his parents here. IJIGUU Q0 11!. _[J\JDl|J1LJl..|.n The local Orange Lodge, No. 432, held their annual election of officers on Thursday night at their Lodge Room on Burton Avenue, ,and the following oflleers were elected for the com- ing year:-- 117 `Ml `Um `Dnnnlyno I\'l\Il D UL`,- News items for the Barrie Ex- ami-ner and Saturday Morning will be gladlyreceived if left with Geo. E. -Thompson, who is also with. orized to take subscriptions and collect renewals. .l.'1C7l.IL7L Do M1*s_. Geo. Thompson, who has been 111 for some tune, is much worse, with little hope of recov- ery. 1\Tnnyn'-Han... .PA,_ 11... `n..-__.:- 11-- VJIJLLILL Ill\J`al W. J. Eby of Toronto spent a few days in town this week on business. ' 0---- .J____ 1_1n rt. , I uuuslkvoaa A few days left Cannot do better Fisher s . 'n,r_~._ n_- rn1__,_, , u.uo-ca may ou .ua.uu1uUu hula WUU1&.| Mrs. Fountain has returned fro-m the` West and will Ijeinaixl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Coleman, during the winter. Tho nnvxnni Incl I-I7nA`r llunt `Flt . Lu. KJUIUIIJGLL, uul. LL15 but: W111!/K31`. The report last week that Pte. Harold Bassingwaighte was wounded has not been officially conrmed. I `IT T TI_,,_ , n 71`, UIJI IJSJKL UK} UK} VV 11 Frank Robinson made a busi_ ness trip to Hamilton this week. Ifno Tnnnl.-n knm ..Al.........\,.ll Harold Patterson of Toronto visited. at R. J. Coleman's this week. _- U Luv; ubuxxx lull uu.1 uuuob. ' I 1ur__ _ -r1_, _ ,1 n _ I lMr`s. Fred Rqwe visited Twith friends in ]_3arr1e last week. 1Ul .,..,. T A . . . .... T\-__..L ___1.'_ 1-- , 1, u.guuuo Lu. uaxxxc lamb WUUA. Miss Louise Purt, who has been in the city for. some time, has re- lturned to town. V 1:1.......1- n-L:---..-- .--_n- v ll.lV LUCIA. On Thursday last a tender was derailed at Severn, necessitating the auxiliary going north to re- place it in position. rphn Inna] (\nn1nnrn T nrlivn T\Tn {JD uuopiual Laah WUUIS. Congratulations to Mr. Jack (louse, whose marriage took place on Tuesday last to Miss Irene Monkrnan, daughter of "the late J. G. Monkman, who for a num- berof years was a merchant in this town. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Doherty [at St. Luke s Church, Toronto. |Mrs.v Couse is a brilliant elocu- ltionist and has `delighted large Iaudiences throughout the coun- try; Her many friends welcome her again to our midst. Itnvnrxlrl 1`In`l>.-sun/xv`, .-.1` FI1..........1... uv`J.u.ULL.y lxlllab LU nu l;l.lU1.l' IYIUIIUS. Emerson Davis underwent an: operation for appendicitis in Bar-` hospital last week a ljrxrurr-nnl--nln1;.....~ 1.. `II. T- ,1, 1-V11 an 11111111161` 11]. D1':cI.u-1U1'U. . I. Jack Donnell - vlslted w1t.h; relatives in Toronto last" week. | I- n n:r'l>nvs.-I `I.-.,.,.J. ._.:...1...... ;.u;u.u;vua 111 ..LU1UubU li1b'l.- WEEK. 1+`isher s eitend best wishes for a Merry Xmas to all their friends.l ` Tnrinncnn 1-\n1y'-In u-cw. -J.\...._...\...A Yubj U tit Dec} 19+James' Wrzggett left! ;lat week for Montreal, where he, [W111 spend the winter with his! ` brother. A 1 'II'.'.-... 'll'__.-__,_ 1 rI-11 _ ition as milliner in Bradford. .` yn. n_.u..uI:1. I Miss Margaret Thbmpson re-; turned on Tuesday from her pos- " Ton}: hnnnnll -.. ..:A.....I __:;1. ` N e#w,s% from Q s.ToIdVby0w | I Correspondehts nu: `Banal: `EXAMINER AND SATURDAY Inonmn GUT!-Iliig v~'.,-v .. ..___._ w'The Kindergarvtganw6hfiStfIi:ST Tree will be held on.Friday, Dec. 22, at 2 p.m. All interested are invited. I\_ l'I'Vl._--_.....J.___ 'I.....1 .. "J..._..;-14`... ...;.-. KNOCK GRENFEL GOOKSTOWN EDGAR for shopping. than call at A---Do not miss your share-of: the Friday and Saturday bargains} at Moore & Armstrong's. See hand hills. -. ` - 1 -Rye.. . Thursday S Fall Wheat .. .. Buckwheat Peas . . . . . . Oats .. . . . . . . . . . .65c.-70c. Barley .. .. $1.10-$1.15 . .$1.20-$l.25 - Spring c1iic'k'e'n' ' Old Fowl .. - Ducks . . . . Turkey -. . . . . . . . . 28c.-30c. -Butter .. _ Eggs .. . Hay .. .. Potatoes, bag `. . $1.65`--:'5l.75i .. $10.00-$12.00` Wool, washed, lb. ..47c to 484:. Wool, unwashed, lb. . .350 to 36 Q Beef Hides, cured . . . . . .22c-24c Beef Hides, green .. . . . .20c-22c Tallow, rendered, lb. ..i7c to 8c. Sheep Skins . . . . . .$2.50-$3.5O Horse Hides . . . . . .$5.00-$6.00 Horse Hair, lb . . . . . . . .35c Lamb Skins .. .. ..$i.00_$2.25 Calf Skins, green .. ..22e-25c Flour (Ontario) .. Flour (Manitoba) v.$1o.5o-$14.on Bran, per ton . . . .$32.00-$33.00 Shorts, per ton . . . . . . . .$36,00 Alsike Seed . . . . , . .$7.50_$9.00 Red Clover Seed` . .$10.00_$H.50_ vv \./\,|LI.\.n.`l\.llJuJ, Aall/ll, 111' "JllUl'U. A large crowd attended r,.Lhe Barrie market last Saturday. Dec. 19.4--The nomination will be held in the Orange Hall Fri-- day, Dec. 22. ` Th].-.n T\.,,..~L._-l -..: ., ,. . uu" I"h:3Jmi51*Qs~hyt.e1'ians are en!c-,1`. taining their Sunday -Schonl 011 Wednesday, 27th, in the church A . lnnnm ny..\...,1 ..u.....J_.I IL, -qua-J -4---. ~-.---`, ___ -r W I`he Rev. 15r.'Ha11a_m of T5i~IrL 1,0 took the evening service at St. George s Church last Sunday, _AL___-- 1.1111110 laab V\ UUh. Ptes. H. Reynolds and G. Lockhart spent Sunday at home. Mignon F Thmn mt Dn-v-n|~|~ 1115 uuuu :31 1516) . Do not forget our Xmas Tree and Lea, Dec. 28. A.a\Ju.I\llCl,.ll1 Dpulll; ouuuuy ELL IIUITIC. Misses F. Dyer, M. Reynolds and Beta Campbell are in Town` to rat present. Qinnu. no r.n,...-..1 , ;uuuI.1Ll.7u uuuu: 11'UH1 UTUIIIBI. Mrs. Geo. Dyer visited friends in Barrie last week . D4,-. tr n..,,- -I ' ` "` nu uh 1Jl.UUUll.h. . . J._S1nton.of Toronto is vis1t- mg John Smgley. ~ nix nnf `pr\v1r1-n4 nnv. V..... "1---A --:11: Dec. 1 8--Miss Jennie Jago has returned home from Ure11fel. Mun Finn hivnm ..:,.:t,..1 1--.:..,- J, ;;:D .u.LLa. ll. LILVRIIIHJII. 7 ' Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. A. Ness of Allandale attended the -meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church last Thurs- day, which was held at lvlrs. 1*`. ,`R0h.e1'l.son s. Mrs. Cameron gave an address which was much I appreciated. tising for their entertainment. in The school children are prac" aid of the soldiers in the form of a soap and towel shower to be held in the schoolroom Thurs- day night. 1 uu u1J1I1.U11l11_UU 111 L116 DLU'DeI` SD01) in Stayner, was home over Sun-.' day. . .` .Wedding bells are ringing loudly. - KNOCK (Too Late for Last Week) . The Monthly Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Martin last` Wednes'd`ay after- noon With a good at`t,e11dance. Mi_s_s Culbert of lvy is visit- ing Mrs. R. Graham. A/rm. n nnnn Am - ac I The Helntzman & Co. Plano is the Standard of Artistic Excellence. " uu-...u., 1L\Jlll uuL' uuu5uLe1' I1H.Z(3l.. . .Louis Atkinson moved to Tor- onto last week for the winter. . . ; Edwin Fisher and family have 211- so moved to Toronto, he having` secured a "position there. . . . . . Kenneth Young, who has gone as an apprentice in the barber shop In S[aVI](`.I`_ \V9Q hnmn nvnvn Qnn _ may uu uuuu15wUUu li:1,b'L WBBK. . ....Mr. \Vynes has returned from the West and with his daughter is visiting Fred. 1\/IcFar- lane. . . .Dick Atkinson s family are able toget out again after having been quarantined for six, weeks with tousilitis, :\tkiu_ son havmg contracted the dis- ease from her daughter Hazel.. , ,T.nnie Aflzinnucn m,....\4 1. vn., Dec. 18-J. T. Powers is in]. proving rapidly since his opera- tion. . . .Mrs. L. Troyer; Mrs. Geo. Allen and Miss Mary Smith took 'a_o trip to Gollingwood last week. MY` `X/vxvn nn la 4-. ' 11.3.15 uzcuua 111 1.1115 IUUHUL) . Private Loftus spent the week- end `with his parents here. .yLLu UIUUA U11 IVLUIKU-any. ' Mr,-`. and Mrs. Michael Doyle returned to Michigan after vis_ ]iting friends in this locality. I .pT`i\/2f.l3, Tflffna Qnonl {Inn "yank . V . . . V V u u lo vv ILULL DHU 1UbLl.l.'11l'5U in answer to the cxjies. of the young ones, she saw Clara s dress was ;burrning very badly. With the assistance -of the neighbors the re was exting-. uished, but thechild was burned too severely to recover and died the next evening. The child was three years and two wonths old and was buried in Hillsdale at one o clook on Monday. MI`: Qndx M110 nfrinhnnl `IW:--vln A Barrie * Markets ; o 111 LULUIILU. All extend heartfelt sympathy to -Mr. and Mrs. Crydel-man in the loss 01' their eldest daughter Clara. Mrs." Cryderman left her two children in the house Friday afternoon while she went out for some coal. When she returned in gnqxxrnyu `l\ `Inn nninn. A U1 uuo .|.1_uLu_ 141116. ' MISS L1zz1e Mcarnen and her two r_1ieces are spending Christ- mas in Toronto. | All ,...;,...,.I u uuuuxap DGW, lubb `WEEK. ' Sorry to hear of the illness of [John Shanahan. We hope he (Will soon be well again. 3 Jnhn Mni nllon .-.4` 'nnnn~\`n IIAJLA an 505:] -.\,...v .. ...__..__.,- Dr. Hunter is` ar(`n'1-r1<.:I' again af..' ter, being indisposed for some time. xx. 17 A n:1,........ 1...... ......-.,.:.u-..-I