On the 27th iu.st,., Lkvxe omers`: of Corinthian Lodge will be in--' stalled. Last. l`hur's'alay night, the following were elecLed:-*- ; \I7 1\' Tnl-um l) Danna Q \X7 D11 ` corrae . _ The secmicl of the men s n1e'et._ --`ings an-ange.d by the Ministerial ',_A.ssoc11. will, be held in the opera ;house next, Sunday at /1. p.m.,- vfwhen an ad_d1'ess will be given by Lgllev; W; '1`. Hallulu, 1).l).,=].~ ro'l'es- ,`SOI"(`vf New Te.-tammit 1.itex'.at.i11`e Lliu Wycliffe College, 'l`01')nl.0. His .isuh_ieet_ will be The Bible-_--a ,`l\=I:_m`..~s ]3o;k", and his address aslmuld attract a veryglargu` aud~ rlience of men. ! Buy lVlen svGoods at a Man's Storeg , - l The best place to buy meirsl jgoods iset an {exclusive 1na_n s isLuI`e. 'l`he assurl.ruei1t IS large land ll stands l,o_1'easoI1 that the prices must of necessity be llower. We are really with the lvery best, 3.S>`>l_)I`Lll1(~l1ll,_ that we *have ever offei-ed the trade. Prue- !-tieailly 11ot.hing"tliat a_ man weaijs Itllilt cannot be [)Ul'Cll{.l.5L`,d' in L-h1s Big, Exclusive Man's Store. Over,- lcoals, Suits, Pants, l-lets, Gaps, !S\veut.ers, Coaxt. Sweaters, (i`love.~'., Mills, l-landl Cellars, Ties, Jewelry, Suspeilders, Under- wezir, Dres.sl11g' (loxvns, B'.1l,l1 Relies, Arm. Bands, Garters, G-lirislniae Shirts, Nighvl Robes, Pyjainzm. Mfeu s Silk Shirts, Neck lVIu,t'l'le:'.~:, `aml a hundred and one things not llerc mentioned. Please shop early in. the day .if at all possible. VVe have extra clerks for the holiday rush and will do our liesl to serve you `promptly. - The Hunter clothing Store, Men's Meeting` Next Sunday 1. A, Maclun-en. Editox-_ W, C. Walls". Businou Manager Barrie. The Cookstown correspoxldentz gives some newsy items regard-, ing the village lads overseas. V i I ,, .ll,llLUV\'111 V\' Cl C IIIIDL/LISLI 5 3* t \V.M., John B. Barr; S.W., By-f ron King`; J.W., C. M. G. Smit,h;; '1`reas.," H. A. Sims; lhaplaing Robt. King; Tylel`, \Vm. Taylor;g Auditors, A. C. Price and W. Ronald; Trustees, J. Shrubsoleg D. Rossand R. B. Jnhnston. 5 TAL_. `[5 1L... ..-.'. .r\-r\.-\-:-stun` .ll(Jl U. I Capt. Newton Smith, formerly. of Edgar, has been awarded Hm` 'Mi__lit.a1-y "Cross. He saw service in the Boer war. :_ _,_L._,_.A.-;1 .l'L-L (1.41 17 n [All IIIIU JJKIUL VVQIL . ` It. `is I-eporte that Capt. K. S.` Macdonnell, who has lwmw mus_; ken-y otficer at Shorncliffe, is t0~ he placed in (shal-go of all the musket1 y- training` at BI'a1nsh0Hi Camp. Inn 1) U T11r\r\ 1.5}. ..nr.n:.~n.-1! \JClall11J- . Mrs. R. H. Jupp has receivedl a copy of the orders-of-the_day tsonljaining the ann0unc eme.nL that her eldest son, Sex-gt. Harry Jupp, had been awarded the mil-i l itary medal. for bravery. Sergt. Jupp` modestly declares tl1a.l, he; does not know `f01*`_whal, parl,i,m1- 1a1"act the medal was awarded -P_acket,. ` I ....v . .-. . . ... .. ,.,..\x Mai-}$,`6v`s%"tiTi.(5/ii-AT 1; T giving 1 an oyster supper tonight for the Plesbyterians in the 177th Bu. here. ` - l"1-,_1 `IY-,A..l_ ,. l`1..-_'ll_ l'.___;..-._1,._ I. xwuluxu W'hen the `first draft of 200; men was taken from the 157th. each of :lhe Canadian hal..ta1i0ns in England was asked for from` -100 to 500 men. The Simone men: were eager to get to the FronL,I and had'the call been for 6.00, it! "would have been filled just. {Isl quickly by volunteers. None pf! the 0IT`Ic.ers wenf,Wi1..h the draft. to the Front. Capt. Grandy took lthem to France, returning next `day, _ " I BARRIE, CANADA. DECEMBER 14,1916 WITH THE MEN `IN Kl-IAKI 1. I. Kllllau _ Private Jack Hill writes home in his pareI1t,s, under "date of Nov. 28, f1-nrn a hospital in England, wllere he has just a1'1'ived from J"1'an_(-v. st,a.t,in;: that he is, pro. grossing favm*ahly and expects In remain. there for some time. He speaks of the kiI1d1'1c.5s shown to him while in Letreport lluspiianl and sends to his many friends in Barrie and vicinity his best wish- `es for a l\/Ierry Christmas. '11 :1 IV I , . Delbert Emms, son of Mr. andl iMrs. J. T. Etnms, has enlisted in I`oro11t,o with the Canadian Army `Service Corps. 1`1. x :1 nun- Friday and Saturday of next} week should he the heaviest days! of the business year. The Ex--1 aminer, issued on '1`hursday,i gives the merchants a `chance to put_in an effective bid for this: husmoss. Advertlscrs are re-g quested to hand in their copy. as early. as possible. V V Corp. Brock Batten, son of Mr.` and Mrs. A. G. Batten, Toronto, 'wh0Twas badly wnunded. in the Jung some n'1(mt,hs `ago, is home` inn ftlrlough, ! 71 u .- D1`. M. H. Embree, formerly 01'! Allandale, who during the past year has heorn .~:Ol'V'i {1{., in li`rzzp-c awith the R.A.M.G., and who was. 'in\'a,1ided to .En:._:1a11d some weeks} !:1$:n_. lms 1'e1,u1-gmL1;t,0 '1`m'0nt..0 tog i,1'_m-1:per'.'.1te hofm-0 leaving for ac- !lV1_vn, service again. 11 v~. - 0 l , _._, (`iunner,I~Ia1'\'cy Reive, son. of` Robert G. Halve, Churchill, who was lJadly w0un(h>d on Nov. v14 at ,the Somme in his left arm, left foot. and face, is now in hospital ,i11 England and making satisfac- ltnry progress. Hols 21. years of lager, enlisted in Oct.ubo.1" 1915, iwerlt-overseas in Feb . 1916 with ilho 3-Hh Battery. In July he went {to France with a draft of his bat- :teI`y. ` ` - i H .',. m-..'.141..n4 um. AC!`/JL :,. 1:1... . ' uux. {tfis said that the 157th is li1 ily In be used as a training Bn. at 'B1?amsh0tt, from which drafts I will he sent. 'fmw:`1r'(l to France as A1--quined. If this be so, it. will mean t,l1ut- nmsl. nf the oHice1'swill- g1`mnai11 in England`. A few days` `ago a. despatch stated t.l1at,1'or the p1'o.s'e1) r., jllnim` lie11t,ena.nts are the only rl'ce1`s 1'1`m1 1 hallalions now in Engflapd being taken to the F1'onl.. ,,.1_ 1,,1 T`I"II -1 I viii The body of Sgt. Stanley Fred- erick Ayles was buried in Orillia. with military honors last W'ed- nesday. He enlisted a yearago and as a non-com. was for some time in charge of the Elmvale detachment, where he was large- ly instrumental in recruiting and drilling a splendid platoon, which was drafted into the 177th B11. During the summer he qualied for a lieuten'ant s commission, and this fall was tra.nsl'e1-red to the 122nd Battalion, with a View to a lieutenancy in that. batta- lion. Before he had received his appointment; however , he was taken ill, towards the end of Sep- tember, and had to go into hos- pital in Toronto. Therehe grew steadily weaker, until death came on Monday, after a period of un- consciousness lasting more than a week. His death was due to a tuinorous growth on the brain. A widow ond one son s_-urvive. Mrs. Stewart. most gratefully acknowledges a further donation of $300.00 from the Barrie I)-iv- ision Rai1wayme11 s Patriotic As- sociation. This means that 1800 pairs of socks, altogether, will be sent to the Front made from wool paid for by this Association, surely a splendid record. ` 'T`]'1n. I`nnno~n1nnn {\+` {Ian 'D`;nlr` OLLLUIJ (Ac OLJIUILLILIJ llJ\J\Jl.I.lo 'I`he_- Treasurerpp of the Field Comforts regrets that the $8.00 from Utopia, the otfertory at the memorial service for Pte. Turley, was not mentioned in the report. The money was "spent at once on chocolate, etc., for the Xmas par- eels and so was included in the money` gathered by Mrs. Stewart forthat purpose. a qnnlrn l1T`:l1 kn n11;~r\r\n(` n~n On` 1 llll Ll: U Socks 1\;vt{l1lPkIJ):aUfshi_pped on Sat.,. 16th, instead of the 15th. ' Read the Advlet Column, John B. Barr, the "incoming; Master, is manager of the Barrie Carriage ()0. He joined the Craft in 1910, and has taken an aetiyei part in the1iI"I`erent branches,I having held important elliees in; the (}ha1)l.e.1-, the Preceptory and; Scottish Rite. } Field comforts I Miss Mary Quinlan, only ldaughter of the late Michael `Quinlan, died on the 13th inst., lat the res1'denc.e Of her brother, luunty "1`re-asurei` Quinlan, the i1nu1cdi_ate_cau'se.0f death being` pneumonia, following an illness of several months a 711]... ,4-\`r\ TUl .'._- {\___'..\1.._- ,-,_ , I `LII t3\JV\.ILlalvl IJILI-I.lL llCu The late Miss Quinlan was born on the Quinlan homestead to the j1'101`Ul of the town o1'1-which her g'1'and1'ai,her, Andrew. Quinlan, settled in 1842. Two years ago slw. moved with` her brother to Barrie. l`\,,Z,_1 ` ,,, , ' I Miss Quilllun is survived by ilixc br-(Mixers: John of Toronto; .J'ames, Andrew - and Joseph of |Vosp1`a1; Daniel, 01` Barrie. Om: hrotheI', Michael, of Po1`t-Hope, died three months ago. 'I`l'\n ~i`nnn..nl \\';II `mnlr khan 1.,-x I u.L\./U. Dl.ll.\J\J 1LJLlu.\,1A-J (14_bU. The 1`un.er,ul will leave her bro- theI"s I'esiu'en<:e in \V01'sley lSL., on Friday morning` at 9 u Cl0Ck for St. Mary's Church and Ceme- tery. The pa1l_be;.u'ers will be the ve l)1`p'll1e1's and J. P. Chill`- lebois of Toronto. . Almost` eig'hty-eight years was! the span of life allotted to John? Murphy, a pioneer of Vespra! Township, who passed away at! Lhe home of his daughter, Mrs. J.| Byrne, James St., 011- Friday: last. The Saturday previous he was down town and on Sunday Im0rning' while prep::1,ring' to go} to Church. he was seized with a; chill which developed into pnen-! monia, proving fatal. . Ruivnrxlnrr unnn I-nun`; :.-. fV....-.l.. unxuuxxu U1 but: UUWLI. His wife,`who was Miss Cat.h_l erine Tigh, predeceased him two years, and one son, P..t1'1Tck, dxud about seventeen years ago. Ihn 0111'-1n'\.v1'nnn { nv~n-Huv r\Inr\u TF3...` uuuun. novUuu(;L7u _yUa.Lo a.5U. The surviving family are: Five! sons, Daniel and James, St1'ass- burg, .Sask.; Martin, Thomas and Jolm, of Barrie; and four dau:2'h- Item, Mrs. John McBride and Mrs. W. Burke 01` Toronto; Mrs.~H. 1\Irmre, Hamilton, and Mrs. J. .By1*ne, Barrie. VFW. `.........-I `l\I\1C _-1....- -.- n..L 1Ll\JLl.l(L, 1IlUVllJ.5 .l(1L(Ll. Mr. Mu phy was born` in County! Wicklow, Ireland,` on 1\/Iarch 8, 1829. When a young man he came to Canada, settling first in 01-0 and later in Gen. 9, Vespru. Sixteen years ago he moved to, Barrie and was a highly respected resident of the town. T'I'.'.-. -__fD.. ___I, _ _, `ll 1`! I! .l.JuVLlL(7, 1JU.l..l1U. I The funeral took place nn Sat; urday morning; to St. :`.I:u-y s Church and Cemetery, Rev. Dean O Ma1Iey oicialirlg. 'I`}10se whn here the pall were: Messrs. N. 'Ba1fe, P. Shannon, I`). Hasketi. J. Malloy, Michael Murphy and Mar__ fin Murphy T-EA At the adjoui-ued county tax sale, about sixty lots were pur- chased by private parties, and Tay Tp. bought in (315 lots of plan No. 584, which will enable them to turn this property into farm land. On these the t0\\`n; ship loses the taxes. and has to pay 90 cents per lot in costs. The` morning of. the sale, F. C. Suth- ei-land & C0. of 1`0ro11t0 sent up `$500, which redeemed sixty lots. e Next week the Examiner cart`- ier boys will make their annual pre-Christmas visit, and will ap- preciate any kindness shown them. The delivery of town pap- ers is _made without any cha1'g'.e_ to the subscriber, while the city papers always make a cliarge for such service. ` '1`l1c(af;1ZuUz1`i )v(-11"1(a(`sI.zl'(`):9i1-1{-, -uf the Kinde1'g'arten Class in the King Blockwill be held at 10 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 18. No invitations are being issued this year, but parents and others interested w1l1 be made welcome. T Death of Miss mauy Quinlan Tay Tp. Bought Many Lots Kindergarten Xmas Tree The Late John Murphy You will be surprised to nd how far your money will go in Xmas purchases at this store. We can t he- gin to enui-nerate. Here are a few suggestions: Xmas Papetries in Fancy Boxes . . . . . IO-I 15c. to $1.50 Fine Range of Children s. Toy Books . . . . . . 5c. to 50. Books for S. S.` Classes, mostly at old prices. Big Range of Beautiful Xmas Cards and Book- lets, all prices Unbfealcable Dolls, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40c. SHEET MUSIC MUSIC ROLLS 1917 Diaries--suitab1e gift for Soldier or Business Man. VIOLINS V , PIANOS EDISON PHONOGRAPHS A|!D SUPPLIES >Sl-lEPHERD S P!E WITH CHILI LUNCH menu, 30c. ` } SATURDAY, mac. 13. j SPLIT PEA soup BREAD AND BUTTER mo: BLANOMANGE WITH SAUCE U PEAOI-l.ES nun: Anni-n!l_-ls I J. G. Keenan s Book Store: The carrier Boys `I`l3RMS-Sin(lo Coplois 12%;. Pa; uugun [ii advance] Ii." COME EARLY AND OFTEN T Bramshott Campi, Nov. 27. .Today I` am sending` you a nominal roll of the vsl, draft of 150 men to be Lukurl from the 157th Bn. to roin'fm'-re the T31. Bn., 1st Ganarlhm l)ivisim1, w-ho have been `in 1<`rancr:-A for about two yearrs. It is! a 1.rihut,o to the Battaliun that. the men from the 157th slumld ho, 50111 in the 131. Canadian Bn., the, (tivst Canad- ian battalion in .FI':u.)('0. XVhen the o'_lr:1l't was announced it was hailed witholeliglltby those who were Seleetetl and a large number of serg:e:1nts-offered to revert to the ranks toget over.- On Friday night farewell` con- certs were given by each com- pany and on Saturday-ni;.;-ht the whole battalion assembled in the` mess romn and n t'ar'e,well in which there was a note of sad- gness on aeeount of the first }n'eal< in the fan`1ily`c.ire,le of the 157th, was `given. Col. Mac`. Laren spoke.l"eelin_q'ly to the men. and other oteers nrlrled tributes to the ellieiency and excellent jdiscipline, displayed ever since ithe battalion was or,;rani'/.ed. All -cleplored`t__l1e l':.1et that the batt- alion was prevented from going `forward to France as -.1 unit. This ;was as sincerely regretted by of_ gfieers as by the men anal every effort was madeto prevent it, without success. Capt. Best of }thc Y.M.C.A.. who has spent sev- ionteen months in Franee, ,r.>;ave an excellent. arl(l1'ess, full of hints `grained from his experiences at the F1-ontt_.. A musical program was given. to which Mrs. Dodds. wife of Capt. Dodds, chaplain of` the 154th, contrihnterl several lexcellent solos. and the eVening s entertaimnent closed with lunch an.d >t.'1'le(`l`.H` for the boys who are so soon to show their illness in the firing line. 1`\-. 1\:I',.._-l.;,, A1,, ,1 in n ...n u ~ Jlllllo 11111.4. `On Monday the clrzlfl, of 150 from the 157th, accr>1m)-aninrl by the two lmnds. assonwlnlmi at Bri- gade H`nadq11a1.'t9rs, um]. Lngnther with drafts from nthvr bzlttal- ions, were inspectvd by the staff, and then ma1'c}1ei to Liphook statinn. . TV` on Fift mom had lu-(an snlnctnd /from B CO. to go in this` draft but at the last minute llwy were held oval`. and will pmhullly :20 away in the cm11-sre of :1 week; They were much rlis:,1ppni:1le(l. Tlxn l\/Tnnhinn flnn C:.nl..x nu -.1. \`v V`r\,l\' lllllbll |ll._VLl[ltJ'F|fll|7ll. It The Machine Gun S(.-ntini1, un- der Lieut.hJac-ls: T:.1dl`~.me_ and .'\`e1'g.3.'t. Grant Lnn;_2'man, left yes- terday fur Crow'nm-n11:.z'l'1,-where there is a training deput. Baud- mastep Addisnn .< ham] {lhe 86th) is stationed there. ' TN .1` 1 , ,I. l1..lI,I ., "Ir-|- LO Ol/LLllllJlLl/Ll LIIULC. Rob ()11i.l1hm`f.. who \\'aS' Bugle-V Major of the 84th, is new with the Garrison Baualiun here, in cha1'ge of the Brigade Buglers, and Charlie \V3.I`d, (fdrmerly of Ba1`1*io)_. is b:n1dn'm. of the 12181 Band. urw. 0f the l)_.`.5l. that has come 0 ver. SOLDIERS AID N0 Barrio ;\'Irnd In the list furni. by our c0r1*esp)ndont,, no Harrie names appear, fhn draft In-ing` taken from the Collingwood, Orillia and Midland ~u:npanies.., Am0n;.'.' those in(-lurled -are: H. W. Arm- strong, Chas. A. Flowm*day, Alvin Scott, Elwood Vvines, Now Lovi- oll; Harmon Bl'ig`,0.`>`; New F105; I\VIr`!1.D. R0i(l,._Ha`\v1est`nne. `V Ill. J1. l.ll,lLl, .l.lbI\VI\I,.W!`VlIl.In Lr=t.t.ers received in town yes- terday from some nf the 157th men stated that the B CO. draft has since gone to France. It is OllI'_ailT1 to give all the 10. cal news possible. and to-that and we are always pleased to re- ceivo anyiliingz: in tho \\'ay.,0f news items inte1'e.-sting` to the cmnmun_ ity generailly from nut` subscrib- nnrw n n A nn-\ .1 nv1;- luvv Dl1ll\1l|l`llJ' LLV ers and 1'0z1d(:r.<. No Barr-ie'Men in, First Draft (By Our Own Cor-respomilem) No. 50 av`. . _4,. .__/r./-,1 53rd Year. Corinthian Lodge Big Business