ELECTRIC MOTORS FOR SALE --(')ue 2 H.P. two-phase and wane `A H.P. single phase`. (\\ a.7;m-1'3. Ruth have berm tzlsed in Rzxrriv and arm in rst- class condition. Apply to - Wa1ter Urry. 27-tf. I I Dec. 12-_--M1`. and-Mrs. Robert !W0od of Dundas are visitors :with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Webb. Tlnn "I"`Innn `III .-.lL...Il.....,:I A 1'\_,_ J.}.l (J VV CV06]. c On account of the continued {mild weather, many farmers have beeu enabled to nish up their Eplowing, that. would otherwise `not. have been done. I ....L c4..4.-...a...._ --...- AL- A,-.-,H.I ll.\JlI uu.VU UUU11 LLUIIU. Last Sa urday was the Annual `Country Produce Sale at the Red _Cross tea rooms" in town, andl understand that g the resp.o`nse `from this side was good. Mn Tnnnn Tn nv\l\v\` 4-. In... An...- sxulu uulo nlur: was suuu. ; Mr. Isaac, Jr., spent a few days last week with relatives in Tor- onto. VV'ering'. aged 61 years and_15 days. The funeral will take place from the home of his nephew, Wm. Jermey, lot 19, con. 4, Om, at 1 p.m. on Sat- urday for Guthrie Church and Cemetery. - , 51'/.cs 14 L0 -1, pr-lces, . $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 STROUD LOST--20 Pigeons. Reward if ?`dtur'n.ed to Geo. Thompson, opposite, Golf Links, Bayeld St. _ V 50-50p Econor WEAR { 1110 VI tting h footwear winter `. `because the only creased began, .- overshm they reached hibiti\'<-_ (1 C`\ -.. ffnrcl v 1.h i.s' \\l I)`. Hit` the \\.-. - -I` ix`? V Viila 11' UH`: M4- .'H`l1 551111 M) t I)`. . hm} UH`: if`. H4 {`1 V\;V1{1I'1`EI)-'--([}irl for general housework. N0 washing. Ap- ply Earl De(iee1', A101 Dunlop St. T * .50-t.Jf. K1". 371.! Rubb- advim Ill} lll|.ll ago, 10:! per 0011 .has_ m. Show '5 rubbers. leather Kn` l:1|, T3; *1 Bi`: I'll \\2 ;.;....s.g vv u. ml ans Edixsm FOR SALE--Quiet, grey horse, 7 "years old. Aply to: .Mrs. 1{..B..Anders0n, Barrie. . ' 50-52 .I"= -`.114 t Hrxll `_d.l"'.'~. \ 9 /WI`: ']V)u H! L'I|' 'l`h {,e1'4 :`\`l E'URN1sHED ROOMS TO LET - - With or without hoard.` Apply to 135 Collier St., Phonetf692. T 49.. .'WAN I`EDi-W--Experienced1 Dry- goods saleslady. Permanent position. Moore & Armstrong`. I GOOI.) ASS(_)l{'1`MF.N'I` of fast cnlon in Blue and Black Serg- <`.s.`fm' ladies` and mnn s suit; inurs. We also do cleaning-and pI'`SSilIg', alterations and re- pair-.s.. Harry Twiss. Tailor. Ownn St.` 23H` IVIJIUIIVV \}\./I.) J.V\JI U 1AI`.L.lJk.3' modal, tw0-c010r ribbon, baci spacer, --for sale cheap to a quick buyer. Apply to Box B This Oice. 45-tf U lJ.l`J ---oJU.u..u uuu nu. uuuu-u housel, modern. Phone 353 or call at 165 Bradford St. _ 48- The Xmas Gift Worth While The Branston Violet Ray `High Frequency T Generator e PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE--Good as new. Cost, $65. Owner will let it, go for $35. Address Box Z" this office. 45tf FREE absolutely banishes Rheu- matism, Neuritis, Neural- A gia, Ba chache,%Headach'e, Catarrh, Con- stipation, e Weak Eyes, Nervous Prostration and General Debility, etc; a '7 Have You Seen It? REL BnAusfa3.2:`;.Z-:E"t:`Eu:nAIuR ONE MORE WEEK ONLY, k } % 3 Dunlap Street. ? % % LADIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED T nEMqNTBA1|oN \:l lllL\4|\JL'lIIff| Kl` l'('l\' I \ ,, `Buy made-in-Ba1'1'ie gifts for Xmas. A big ralilge of wicker :11`- males at rerlucerl prices are .~' by the Barrie \Vic1:erw0rk .10.. cor. Collier and Owen Sis. {'14- Y\-_._1,,, ,_-_lA!_,.... Llllj KILL (J1. VUrbLbblL\{J Ullblclbtlo ' _ -Carey s are showing a large assortnmnt of cosy house slip- pox-s----children vs f1`om_35c. a pair` up, w0men s from 250. a pair up_ l----all suitable for Xmas gifts. I In vuu-v {Is :5; N" `\t\11hl\11v1'17l\(v nun '_"'LI.1I DlL|U(Jl'lL LL11. ILLLJLUD BILLS: --~Ma,ny thrifty _h0_11sewiv(\.s are] making*- money by T. taking advan- tage of Hinds Bros. special grow (-,m'Vy items. More -bargains are? 0"cred in this issue. A ` ` 11---.` (`1...\1 .. '1\T-l1...___............. I Reeve Scott 0fVNott,awasag'a, Reeve Train of "F103 and _Re0\*o) Staord of Tay are luy to be me wardenship calldidates in January. I Q /1 Du1n1\nnnn `xno nnnln.-1 H`;-I llJl\.l1\/Kl ll lllllkj .lL`ltJLlLl ` uuuuaL_y. I S. G. Buchanan has rented hisi ghouse in Bayolcl St. to A. W. 'Stavely, and has taken up resi- rl.onne in \Vard VI, where he is cr>mlucting' a. ha1 13.1 n-unn 11.1 '[)nnun n-u'{'l.w "'1\l'I\ LOS'I`---B(:t'we0n Crmkstnwn :1 ml 'Phm-nLm`1, chain for mr.)t.0r {tl'u(:k. ltmvard on` r0tV'u1'm'ng to John Saso. 50-50 ` Wottildht. Lindsay, of Collingwood, was sent to jail`f0r six months -by P. M. Pmdenhurst. last Thurs- day on avagrancy charge. r`nrunxy u nnn ehntxvinrr n lnnrrn Xmas Tree and Entertainment. of the Baptist Sunday School will he held on Dec. 19. All_ are wel- come. T uupclauu D uuux GIVVGJD L1]. ouuuu. UUUIU. ' --Giv'e. that boy 01$ girl .a pair of buckskin moccasins. They. will appreciate -them, Careys. have them at 690., 850. and $1.19 pr. 31171.1 IUL DIJIJIU |JLLl1Uo Rev. Wm. Price, rector of Christ Church, has resigned and will leave Barrie the end of the yar. Dnk` T :i\lEVl\I7 (`n]]~:1\lrn1;\nr*` I_A\J.. UIII. \.A\. llll.1l Lultu JJVVK/ll. Lil.-Jo Goo. Dllnlnp is putting: on an hus, seating: `nine 1:m()ple, to run. stnzldy between Allandale and lhn Fivn Paints from 7 51.111. to 10.30 n.m., with 3_minut.os waits al, each end. ' `n_.___I-J -I_-__A W---` rn.-.:.,1..\.. , \l|l. Il l.ll|I Puzzled about ,v0u I" Chx-istanas` .(`.ift.`? `Why nui. have 'I.`hn, EXmn_l liner and Saturday N[m`niu:2` mm}- ml in that ahsmxt, friend for 1917? You can.havc it at the old rate of $1.00 if scoured prior `to Decem- her 31st. unnwnon wwu \Iv\/I, ~_--av. V.-- Local subscriptions :tvfl4` Military Y.M.'C.A. _ this Week amounted to something over $1200. ' \\r I`\ 1|/I -,.1'7:...n,.... kn,-. nr\`A-I Id. -pxouu. W. 0. M`cKinnon has sold his residence in Worsley St. to John Mackay but does not give posses- sinn for s0me'tim9._ ' ` n--- 117...- 11.....- ....,.4,....` -1.` F(_)R SALE--R}i<.de Island Real cockerels, $2.50 and $2.00: alsu` a few pullets and hens, differ- ent varieties. 30'Thern;4a S1 Tulepllolm 413. ' 5(|-'501 lTOLON~-WANT_ED, the p1"e`se11I,! address of Mrs. George To10n,| widow of George Tolon, drum` gjist, formerly of G1'aven}1u1*st.! Address E. E. \Val1ace, (_11`0wI1 Land Bu,i1ding',`To1`0nto, Can- ada. V 50.51 HOUSE TO` RENT-On Bradford` S1,.. next school; eight rooms, all rnodern c0nvenicnc,es'. Ap- ` `ply 1.0'A1ex. Cowan, Barrie. 7-9 1. f,_;_a+ the<<+ - ..-. _- -nga QZI FOR SAl`.E-N 1/_ lot 5, Con. 9, Innisfil Township, 100 zwres, about 5 miles from Town of "Barrie, all cleared and in gmltl state of cultivation. Soil, clay . loam. Buildings first-cl-ass. nGo0d orchard. Price reduc0_l to $5000, part down, 1'eas0n-. able terms for balance. 'I`. C. Fisher, Real Estate, Barrie. _38-i.f ` PROPERTY FOR SALE 30 .ac..| ms ggroucl `land, suitable for` market -garden. inside town limits. \Vi1l sell whhle or part, cheap if taken at, once. Apply at, MacI.are'n s- Drug Store 01' write Box 226. 50-1p Don t Miss It I .1|.Il I110 Cl4Jl(.7r.VL. A,house` and barn at.Hi1lsda.le,I beldnging to Jos. G. Fitzgerald, were burned in September. There `was some trouble over the insur; |anc,e and the insurance company nally had an in.fo1'mafion laid l.c?harg`ing him with atltempt tr l`doft'aud. The defendant has: n'.. ,e0ted to he triedhy jury and the` [preliminary hearing will be held inexl. Monday before P. M. Raden_. ihurst. AL 1]-- 11,- ,1 /\ -r-r 7 3.15 Miss S. E. Hudgqins has re- Lul-ncd to l,uwn' aftvr an extended ivlslt to her home 1n Wlarton TI Tl/Tn ...-.,.l 7\.l'-.,r. 1|ll ~-|4 T\`- ~` .0 ;.u:.c. uu11_y, JJ(L_) lI(7lu Db. D .u.4uu:u .l4ll.llb11|clL1o ' lvlvs. Alex Kennedy has I'(.`.LU.I`1'1- ed fronl Aurora a1't,e1' at,ten.di11g'l the funeral of her sister, Mrs. J0hn Ross, of. Brockville. | Q, I l\..' D.m....|...-.. . --...~ 1.-1.A_ l.I(l:lIU KJIIVJC KJL-U15 _Yesterda;y Chief King had al farmer in the police court for?! selling apples that were not of '- uniform quality from top to b0t-i tom. He waspordered to refund; $5.00 to two purchasers, and 311.] so paid $9.00 in ne and costs, The Fruit, Act is now very strict; on the grading of fruit. Inn f7`r.n1nn4l nsxz-I 'l7ny-`A.-.1 l`....--I UNDERWOOD NO. 5, LATEST nnnrln] {run nnlnn r-ihhnn knob U11 D1113 E5La.u11lE. U1 .lL'u1b. I Jno. Corbett and Ernest Grey were in the police court, on Mon_, day` morning and paid $10 and- costs each for heingtoo chummy; with John Barleycorn. John? Spring, who is alleged to have been imbibing with them, failed to heed the summons, so the P. M. registered a ne of $25` against him and issued a warrant} for his arrest. A 1________ _,_ ,1 1,, I -r1--11 1 1 11.710 uu uL;1 uuuu`; All VV 1'(l;1 LUU. Mr. and M1's..R. Mo1~ley.B1ack of E lmvalc' have been spending` Ila few days in town. - T`/I`;gv;. I 4\|'\l1`|'\\n~r\ I.-9' T\nIr\nn-`n `Miss Curry of 1`01-_0nL0 is visit-` ing` Mrs. CuI'ry, Bayeld St. Mi.-Q Q 1.` Ijrxtln-;1'\c\ 11am ..,. IL; .1\.VV VJGJD 111 lJ\J\V1l. C ' ' lvliss Longman 01' Deloraine, I M'c1l]., is the guest, of her uncle,` Edwin Lm'1g'maI1V. I 1|]... _ I I._-- `I7-.- ..., .I 1, . , 1 ou\}l1l.l .lllJOD, LIL. 1)]. uunvuuz. | Dr.-` 7B!`GI'eLt)'I1, Sr., was taken` _with a stroke of paralysis last "week and is still in a cz'ji.tical cou- dit.i011. V ' ` T | 1-,_` r` . 1' 1 7. II` Miss Annie Sinclair ' of the Beamsville Public School Stall, is lat home until after the New Year, [owing-1,0 the school being (lama- Iged by fire. ` Trxlm-n -`LT Qvv-.511` 1-..\.. ...-.I..! 1.:_ ':.l K (11 `J L19 Ha_l.- Greswicke .,a11d Pte. -Ted iCI_'eS\V'iCk of the 177th B11. spentl |t,l1(/3 w'o,ek-e11d at Cookstzoxvn with- the Rev. Walter Greswick, .l'a.the1" `of 1.10 1a`tter.. ' ' ' n:,_1_- n .a I 'b\_u :1; 1111.7. John H. Smith has sold his house on McDm1ald St. to A. S. iBurLm1 and has gone to live with his daughtex`, Mrs. Begg, Culling- wond. ' ,, ,1 1|: `Iv -vv n. uuu 4'111lU_l.1LJ(1I.1 1DnUU1 cl,l;lUl.1. I Mrs. Witten left on Monday for; New York with Mr. and Mrs.| Samuel Holmes and will make an extended visit. with them. Mrs. Grease and her two daughters,` who have been visiting Mrs. \Vit_ . ten, `went to their home in Easti Greenwich, L. I., this week. i Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gr0ss1and' of Ste. Amelie, Man., are visiting"! their daug'hLm',-Mrs. Thus. Bar-l fett, and their son, Wm. Cross-' and. ` V 1-, ,. . . .g. . . I \)\7AN'_{.`l'Gl.) I00 om-ds 1~st-class, dry 4-fL.` I`I:u`(l\\'0(;d [and 200 cmjds fi1:s1,-c1ass, green /s-ft. .I>Iardw0ud. [Apply to Lewis & 00., Maple Ave., VBm.`x-ie. 119-51 A(All.lllc I Reeve Bennett is in Washing_. t(m,'D.C., this week, being one 01"! the 1'epro.sen(,atives sent by the Ontario Horticultural Assocn. to the American Association. 1|/Inn \`lT.'tt.... 1.1-1 ._ 1u'-__:I- 1-, The ladies" choir of Trinityl Church met at the home of Mrs.` Creswicke -on Tuesday evening and presented Miss Hetty \Vake-| eld with a complete kitchen sup- ply of pets, pans and other usefuly utensilsgthe occasion being her} approaching .ma.rria.ge to Mr. .]`ra.nk Exell, which takes place on Monday niorning next in Trin- ity Church. Rev. H. D. Raymond made the presentation in a felic_ itous address. The original ver_ sicles V which accompanied each article were read by him, each. containing some pertinent, advice re the `prospective future of the bride, the universal theme` of which seemed to he in effect: Feed the brute. A mixed pro- gramme of music lent consider- - able color to the evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed by. all present.-Com. ` 7 Collier St. Methetflst church Rev. G. R. Turk, Pastor Sunday, December 17 e11Va.m.--The Last Sermon of Jesus. L 7 p.m.-Is Life Worth Living? Sunday School will beheld at 3 p.m. * ' . fl.-snrl 1\l'noin ' Ail nvolnnrnn U . Music. Ail wlcome. Come and bring a friend. ' . Barrie Baptist church Pastor Wm. Hart-`is Wallace Cor. Clapperton & Worsley Sts. Topics for Sunday, Dec. 17. 11 a.m.--H0wVto Endure. 3 p.m.-Ho1y City.-Rev. 21. 7 p._m. --Loyalty to Christ. ; Strangers welcome. PERSONAL _IV`lEI\l'rION` A Kitchen Shower Dec. i3.--Jno. ravers snipped a car load of Xmas trees a few days ago. . . .Everard, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Harris, had the misfortune to swallow a nail. However, other than a great amount of anxiety to the parents for a few days the little fellow came around without any damage. . . .Miss Jessie Howard returned from Alliston last week after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Hunt... .I hear a number of our boys are going to enlist in the near future... . The young people are busy mac- tising for their Xmas Tree which is to he held in the church on Dec. 22- . . . . . .Sorry to hear that} the esteemed teacher of Pine Grove school, Miss Gladys Laird,l is leaving at Xmas. L I wish to thank the friends and ; neighbors for kindness and sym-5 pathy shown in my recent be- reavement. I. E. SLOANE ering parcels and 8'0I]0I`a1 work in dryg-nods store. C01'nmm1cr3 work Jan. 1st,. Salary $5.00 per w(~,ek,. Moore & Armstrong. 50_tf. wAN'r1.:1i)__srna1-L hoy for rlelixul The daintiest of Christmas Handkerchiefs `will be fauna in our splendid assortment. }Iui_idf ut"t,hem to choose from, and all the very best values. , We mention a few special prices: 200., 25c., A 30c., 350., 50c., 75c., 15c., 2 for 25c., 10c., 3 for 25c., 5c., 6 for 250., 4c., 3 for 10c. Gents Silk Khaki Handkercliicfs, prices . . . . . . . . . .` $1.25, 75c. _and 50c. ` Gents Khaki Haindkerchiefs ; . . 25c., 150., 2 for 25c., _1oc., 3 for 25c., 5c., 6 for 25c. Gents Linen, special price .- . . . . . . . .. 25c. Gents Lawn I`I.S. Handkerchiefs, (3 in a box Pnu ' E154. This Store wili be open Thursday; Friday and Saturday-, December 21, 22 and 23, until 10 gm. e The Daintiest of Christmas Handkerchiefs Handsmne Gents Ties, Silk and Knitted, spec- ial prices .... ... . 50c., 35c. and 250. `Buy one of these Black Club Bags, leather linml and handsmmei ttings, prices . . .. - Q`: '1: nlnpl Q19 \.-nuuun IALI./VVIL 1141. 1.I.a.Ul,u\(.'lU11lL'-l_.D, U 111 CI, for 556. Gents }h1Vr1(ikm`chiol`s, case 3 handkerchiefs and '1 Gents Tie, special price . . . . 750. Ladies Kid Gloves, special values ' cw: :n cm on: `1.adio;~a j,in0d Cape and 1\/Irjcha' Gloves and Mif,f.S, prices $1.75, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00 Gents Dent s Cape and Mocha Gloves, special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 and $1.50 Men s Mucl1a Lined Mitts, special prices 1 All and Q4 9` Boys VVUQI. Mitts, special price . . . . . . . 25:}. Boys Leather Covered Mitts, prices . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. and 35c. With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon redeemable at our Premium Counter. See the nice goods at small prices. cnnn or THANKS LOST--From , same pasture of `John Smith, Midhurst, one two-year- Old steer. rod and white, with horns: ring in under side of right ear. Persons harboring liable` to prosecution. Fred. L. Bonney, Shanty Bayo. ` - ' 48-5 GRENFEL xuuo, nycuxax 1.11 l\/U0 . . . $1.40 and $1.25 Ulrl. VGILIUD o o o o o I u 0 0 $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. J 1ll.l`l[lVBD, [J1 IL/U3 n n $15.75 and $18.0 DEGEER-On Tuesday, Dec. 12,1 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl DeGeer, Ecc1es'St., a son. \VARD--ON Sunday, Dec. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. VVard, Charles St., a son. COUSE-_MONKMAN---On Tues- day, Dec. 12, at St. Luke s- Church, Toronto, by Rev. G. B. Doherty, Clara Irene, only daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. G. L. Monkman, to John Richardson Gouse, Cookstown. TIVIARQRITED V 5 I ` _._ lFRASER--In Toronto, Dec. 7,`; _ Mary S.-, wife of Andrew Fra--g ; ser, Ogema, Sask., in her 42nd; year. ' . - I SLOANE-In Barrie, Thurs., Dec., 7, Elizabeth Belle Sloane, j youngest daughter of the late Wm. James Sloane, of Holland. 1 ' I Landing. ' ; W`EARING---In Oro, on Thurs-` day, Dec. 14, Peter Thomas BORN ROOMS I`(_f) RENT with or with; out breakfast, : or light" house- kenping. 133 Collier St. Phone 186.` _ A 50-7 Handsome Linens at Old Prices You should come and look them over. Fine Bleached Table Cloths, '21/2 yds. by 2 yds. wide, Table Napkins to match, 22x22, old prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $7.50 set. Lunch Cloths, round, 36x36, % doz. Napkins to mach, l6xl6, old prices $3.00 set Hand.~3o1ne Bleached Table Cloths at. old pric- 05, ..$3.75, $2.15, $2.25, $1.85 and $1.50 Handsome Patterns in Bleached Table Linen, 64 inches wide, price . . . . . . . . . . 75c. yd. 68 inches wide, price . .790. and $1.00 yd. Side Board Runners, 70Xl8, H.S., big value 75c., special price .g . . . . . . . . . . . .. 500. Fancy Cusliion Tops, special prices . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20c., 25c., 50c. and 600. Slipper Pockets, choice lines at 50c. and 25c. Silk Rep_p_ Knitting Bags, big value $1.00, ennrnnl nu-inn `IE4. wnux LI\J1JlJ _ Jllllbblllb Llua-J, U13 VGIUU tp1.UU, special price . . . . .. ......75c. Fancy Linen and Cottun Tray Cluths, prices, . .19c. , 20c., 25c., 35c., 45c., 75c. and 90c. Laundry Ba;;>s---a nice choice lino, prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 40c. and 50c. 1-xv: `I-`I 1 >7 ._ ... Old B1oach_I.inen Trrwls, size /12x22, special prwe ........_$1.00 pair Bath Towels, w11itc and pink, white and blue, gnnd IQPCPD Qir/nc nnino 7::-u and Q4 nn u... .sJuuu:.:. .A.\.Ivvu1m, VVIJILU Gllu IJJJJIX, VVIIILU good large sizes, price 75c. and $1.00 pr. Bath Mats, blue and white, red and white, siz- 05 30x21, Sp0('ial price . . . . ._, . . . . 75c. You slmuld see 0111' line quality colored soft front. Sllirts, made by, the Regal andC.lu- ett. Peabody Cosz, sizes 14 to 18, prices, _ _ _ _ H _T '.1n_c-193:5...-aa-ann Ladies Fine Par`-asols with handsome handles. prices ; . . . . . . . . . .. . . $1.75 and $2.00 `VAC/ll JILL. auu 1.uLa. I1l.1l'CU VV U. Mrs. Thos. Mulhullond of agar- 1-ie is visiting relatives here. min .-...A 1\,r.... r`n.. :4 -4-'h..-...:- -_- :1 In VIDIIIILIE) 1.UIa.l;1VUb IIULU. M1`. and Mrs. Tziit of" Barrie are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank ` Brewster. f\_ _____,,1 no` 1- I II()1_JSF. T0 R'EN I`--Se\'0n rooms, all n'm(im'1`1.- (?(niI.\I0nirm.("eR, 130 Rt`:u`ll`m'd S1,.` Apply to Mrs. T. Gray, 22 We1lin.p,'i;'<:11"St., phone 309, or to `W. J. Gray, exocu_| tot`. -' T _ . .49-ti'|