Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Dec 1916, p. 2

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An OVVII coma` YOU Made In Canada Victor Rezords Write for free copy of our 450 pa0ge0M1'1sical En- cyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Rccords. oi. Come. All Ye Faithful joy to the Word Ptelty Bab)? Gm: Me All of You (Duet) Calm nithe Night Until ` Laurentian March Land of the Maple When Your Boy Comes Back to You Here": to Tommy v:aLTr7.;c}&};i&&'i;} canaaa Hit--Mnlr s Voice Barri`:Da|e?'o . ` GEO. VICKERS` I ' / om; PRICE FROM COAST TO COAST Here are a few good ten-inch. double- sided Victor Records at 90 cents for the two selections: ' ' In the United States the news- paper publishers have_ been at their wits end for months. Some of them to be sure, consumed more printing paper than was required byYthe public" demand, either for news or for opinions. The average Anlerican Sunday edition has for long been a mons- trosity, and its curtailment will be to the true advantage of Amer- ican journalism. But the journ- als that never sinned against the . It s- vorth while to know that the in- trinsic value of your gift is_ lbeyon_d question - a genuine diamond as It were. i --but_ be sure they are Vitor. Look for h is Mater s Voice trade mark and having found it, buy with perfect confidence. Your_gift will be that chosen. by the greatest musical artists of the world. i ' No gift can bring more lating en- joyment than a nice seledtion of banana in nvzlur rows AND cm Three Canadian" Reoru lngo' HIS l:WAS'l'ER S-0lCE" ` B-ll _An jljf |VIl'I IIBI` 3 V ` RIO.-A0.-D37. Most `of the_ publishers in Ontario, recognizing the absolute necessity of higher. subscription prices, have raised their rates. A majority of the evening papers are now .charging `from fifty cents to one dollar more than a year ago,` while over two hundred In Canada the dollar daily and thefdollar weekly have had their day. They `never were on a sound" economic" basis. And now, when the publishers are `threat,ened.with- an. increase of sixty per` `cent. in the price of newsprint, the selling priceof the printed sheet must also be ad- lvanced. One danger, always a `very real danger in- a democrac , is that in its extremity a newspaper should surrender the control of its col- 'umns to some private. or selsh interest i-nimicalto the welfa-re of the State. Under such conditions the liquor trade getsrits hooks in- to public -journals, and, either through the control of the stock in the corporation or through fat advertising patronage, the news- paper, while posing as an advo- cate of public policy, is in reality the organ of the liquor traffic and its kindred evils. Before the war The London` Times reduced its price to a pen-- ny,` but the war conditions spoil- led all its calculations, and-now, after losing $20,000 a month dur_ ing the past two years, the-sell- ing price has been increased and a) restraining hand is kept on the cost o'f production ' ' ` canons of good taste are_o suffer- ing now with othors. . I on no Trinity Choir} Trinity Choir gpheun Quartet} teen-Hamilton foneph Sander} oseph Saucier Played T Everywhere lam :} 2l60o5. A}2. I6006 '}2u6od7 Toronto Globe-The newspap- ers also must bow to. the inexor- able economic law. With the prices _for every item that goes into the production of a news- paper--p`aper; ink, machinery,` metals, wages, everything-it is inevitable that some journals should cease publication, that the size of others should be re- duced and that for the great majority the selling price should be increased. Itlywas pointed out that he could not, under thebylaws, be exeempted from the frontage charges. He will be permitted to put in his private sewer upon .the usual conditions. A New " Phone Numbers A request from the Bell Tele- phone Go. to erect a pole in the Agr'icuVltuI'al Park to be used for bracing pole lineup Small St. was granted, the Company to pay a` nominal rental and remove up- on -notice. ` On behalf of W. H. Read of the Vespra Hotel, Alex. Cbwan asked that steps be-taken to prevent the flooding of his yard, stable and part of his hotel. T `(Continued from Page One) Light Desired A F. R. Gosney asked . that a street light he placed at the cor`; ner`of Adelaide and Baldwin St., saying he would be willing to pay" part of the cost of installation. He instaneed the light in front of E. Srig1ey s, Essa. St., as being of little use to the general public,` but mainly for th-e benet of Mr. Srigley. ` The light at the corner of Ga?-oline St. just behind W. D.` Scott s, property, Essa St., while an improvement was not any- - thing like as necessary as the one petitioned for by him. AI_,, I _-_V__.. -V- Alex. Moore , in order to over- come the difficulty of securing sewage disposal for his property in Toronto St., asked leave to huilda private sewer connecting with the Elizabeth St. sewer. AS his property will be liable for frontage charges when the new sewer is laid on this street, he asked that no frontage charge be made in his. case at the present `time. ' When this item was under dis- oussion, Reeve Bennett protested against the `practice of the Com- pany in making subscribers ask for Information every time they want a number that has not been listed. Either; supplementary lists should be promptly furn- ished or the operators should be instIfuctedto give the numbers- without all the red tape now call-' ed for. Aemelius Jarvis, 'Recruifing Of- flcer, Department of Naval "Ser- vice, Wrote asking c0-opeI`ati0n of the Council in securing re- cruits for the navy. One of the means protiosed to be used is an organization to be known as the Associated Kin of Overseas For- ces. ~ Weeklies have announced higher: "rates. In Simcoe county,` the Penetang Herald put the $1.50? rate into effect last July, andvitsf example has since beenfollowedl by the Tottenham Sentinel, Bee-s ton. World, Alliston Herald, Col- lingwood Bulletin, Collingwood Enterprise, Orillia Times, Orillial Pa-,cket, Coldwater`Planet, Mid- land Argus` and. Midland Free Press. , Publishing atwelve-page pap- er, the Examiner and Saturday Morning might reasonably have been among the rst to ask its subscribers to help beara share of the increasing costs.- But in- stead of doing this months ago, we -have held off as..long_ as pos- sible and also are giving our sub- scribers a further advantage by accepting renewals at the old rate, before Jan. 1st,, 1917-. Hun- dreds have already availed them- selves of. this offer. Those wh do not get in on the old dollar rate will have only themselves" to blame. _ G; A. Puttiam asked the Town to provide` a hall for a public meeting to be held in connection with the Better Farming Special! which is to `he in Barrie on March 7. _ 3 -: COMMENTOKFTI-IEVWEEK :.` GOUNGIL`(;l5.llTl0-iZED. . ~ Tl-IE `HYDRO METHODS To Get Bobze Fines A bylaw was passed appointing Chief King a special` officer to enforce the Ontario Temperance Act. ` Deputy Robertson explained| that this `step is taken in order that the Town may get the nes instead of the Government. The Inspector will be just as diligent but he must lay theinforrnations through Chief King. 7', , Reeve 'Rennef2f__ .'l`he Tmxm lnaf ""1{.J i3'.;}{:1e"t}Z3i~n Town lost` a good deal of revenue by the passing .of this Act and we want: to get as much` back as possible.` But there is more than that; the people wantfto see the Act en-I forced, both from a moral stand- point and for the. credit of the town. This appointment should` mean even better enforcement. The Mayor-IhiS}` Kin` toiiurne I that he and his oicer-s_ will use every etfqrt to see that the Act is `rm: annnuefzxnmlnan Ann sxrunnnv monmua Deputy Returning Officers ; A by-law was passed to pro- , vide for holding the 1917 munic- -, ipal elections. s The D. R. O. s are! : as follows: 1, J`. J. Moore; 2A..` J. W.\Merrick; 2B., W. 0. Me. -, KinnonT`3A., F. C,Lov(rer; 3B-., O. 9 G. Hart; `4A., A. F. Dobson; 4B., ;,H. G. Channen; 5A., J. W. Ness; ,I5B., S. N. Hurst; 6A., J-. S. Brun_- ; ton; 6B., Ed. Whitebread. D .| The Canada Electric Contract-, . ing Co.,Twhich sent a man to see 2 if it~c`ou1d not sell. the Town an I` improved system ofbatteries for`. the fire alarm, was not suc alful `and had the nerve to put in 9 a billffor $50 for the `time spent 5 by the man in trying to laxfd the enforced, and no d0ubt4thTey will get every assistance from the. citizens. Newspapers and War Prices write off taxes as follows :- Er-` rors in 1914 assessment, $25.72; dog taxes, -1914, $25.00; errors in 1915 roll , $75.60; dog taxes, 1915,; $46.00; dog taxes, 1916, $14.00;; also following items in 1916 tax- es: 1). C. Howard, assessed twice` for business, $3.20-; Chas. Beatty, rebate portion of business tax on shooting gallery, $8.56; Ovendeni College, rebate pprtion of busi_; ness assessment, $72.18; G. H.| Gordon, rebate portion _ta_xcs on! destroyed `house, $6.00; Mrs.; Mary Anderton, rebate portion of; taxeson destroyed house, $25.60;l Mrs. A. H. Thompson, rebate on taxes on 'hous..e,.-$9.60. Taxes Writte_n Off The Clerk "was Instructed to; Firemen Ask More Pay Warren Johnson and W. A. Sibbald on behalf of the Fire _Bri- gade asked that the remen s pay be increased to the following` scale: $2.00 per hour, up to 4 hours, and 500.4 per hour after that until ordered to cease by properly qualied olcer; $1.00 per man for each false alarm, and similar pay for time occu-l pied in changing from hose wag.ll on to sleigh and vice versa; Bri-! gade also to be entitled. to sixi practices per year at regular I 1.. _,_A_--,_1 -0 1L, . vs.-u. nvvl. 1. . W V ~ . V V .,; 1.-V- \A4v a.\4c\A In support of the app1icat`i0n., MI`. Johnson said that at present! the men get only $1.50 per hourl and at some res work up to! eight hours. Answering the calls is often a very great inc0nven-A! ience and frequently the men get`; their clothing ruined or badly! soiled. = I g Q Q Q o O I I U I I n Q | O O I Q D O I O I I O Q 0-V503? PHI The latest in Glevedom is Waehable Cape Gloves. have these in white and putty only, at ................................. ......... ...... ............. ..$l.50 and $1.75 pair _ .._.- _._-..._~---~--~\. gJvI.A.A.a;|.LJL\ ;.u.u;\. gaupuo Au cl. oiuuwy WLILLC Gdll 11111311, C4511 \PiJoi Uo Ni1pkins to match .............. .. V $6.50 doz. Q o o u u o o I o u o n I n o u o u o o u a n o J - o u u o - s o n n o o u o u - n o o a o - o u o u I n c o a u s n o n o o -. Fancy Hemstitched All Linen Table Cloth, iwith Napkins to match 1 Doz. Napkins and Table Cloth for ........................................................................................ ..`.._.$5.50 1-` 4 A A A Gift from the Linen Department is `always appreciated. Where is a woman who would not delight in a ne Linen Table Cloth with Napkins to match, or ne Linen Towels? `Fancy Hemstitcheda Damask Table Cloths in a snowy white satin nish, each $5.50. in 111nfn1-| .5 PA ` Fancy All Linen Damask Ta}-1e Cloths at $1.50, $2.90, $3.50, $3.75 and $5.00 each Fancy Linen Towels, egnbroidered on one end only ........................................ ..75c each Fancy Linen Hemstitched Towels at ........................................................... ...40c each DEVLIN as MURCHISON CHRISTMAS drawsheaf. Shep ear1y.and"ge_t the best selections.` Below we will mentlon only ~ a few of the many GIFT S to be seen here: Four selections by Band of the First Regiment Grenadier Guards of Canada. Montreal A . business. At the time this agent :.was here, Walter Urry took downl one- of the alarm boxes which was? not in good working order. Mr. _IUrry examined it and put it in pip-roper shape. The canvasser . took this box to. Toronto and was ; to bring it back with him the fol._ ;lowing Monday, which he failed .'!to do. VVhen he did not land the :;contract, he sent in a bill of ,*$7.50' for repairing the box and_ ' refuxsed to give it up until thisi I was paid. It was stated by the: hclerkthat this man was not auth-' yiorizedeto make the repairs to the, but simply took it with.him B|for his own benefit in order that Qhe mightbe in a better position fits quote a gure on the changes proposed for the system. The Clerk was intructed to see that the box is returned without `delay. IV n g --I s . | ' T"19hi){r{pI)n"_1{-3tf..'_ That 13.3 Brown be granted permission to cut down three pine trees in frontf of his hou-se and replace them` Scales for Market BI-other-ThAompson - That. a platform scale be purchased for use in the produce market, at_ a cost not to exceed,$15. Grand Opera House, Fri. & Sat}, Dec. Sand 9 A SEVEN REEL adaptation ctf ithze fagxousgay. One of the t>-est produc- . tionsof the year. R-I ' 'O'.\-I " A fun a 3Q4r_ ' 1` I I g -- V- wn-w J`...- Piices ten'|in:`llIe sane; 1;`: .u...'.;,, zgop.u., 2...: show 9 M. cc-ac `Juno-VAAC Ill-(A4L\J A\A4lJ `II-ULIJ4 LL&\JIu\/ LIJKLL HE R 05 A " THE GREAT SELIQ. RED SEAL PHOTO Ladies Black and Grey, Suede Glgwes (guaranteed) ..... .; ................... ..$1.50 pair Vidior Records for Christmas! I Ladies or Gentlemen s Kid Gloves.` Ladies in tan or black only, at $1 per pr`. Gentlemen s in tan or yellow, at $1 per pr. Ladies Kid Gloves in black, white or tan, Guaranteed, put up in fancy boxes at ..................................... $1.25 pair KID GLOVES `with maples. rrvl ,,-.`._-~ ! Te Engin-eer was asked to "re- :port on this matter before next :meeting. Committing Indigents Just before adjournment, Reeve Bennett explained that 21 legal opinion given to the'County Coun- cil -was to the effect that the Reeve of a municipality has the authority to issue a warrant to gcommit any suitable person to Ithe House of Refuge,_ upon get- {ting the warrant signed by the Warden, which warrant is suifi- cient authority for the inmate s detention. \Vhereat the Mayor remarked, That's good legislation and should eliminate a lot of trouble for Chairman Davis. ' ..._.. - -...-.. Q/tn v au- The absentees were Aldermen Bidwell,` Horseld, Gray, Warn- ica and Minnikin. Council ad- journed at eleven o'clock-. Timber and pasture land for sale; lots Nos. 10 and 11, Con. 12, iVespr'a, 400 acres, f0r'$1200, or !will sell separately 100 acres for f$400A. Apply W. 0. Thompson, ;Box /:62, Barrie. Phone 288. 48- Thursday, December 1, 191e_ llbtico to I-'aI3meI-s Berliner Gram-ophone Co. LIMITED I . Lenoir Street, Montreal . X0111`! sixtc-on L114`, Uri.- SiIll(,'n.- ing (In! last Th His appohu rniuoo rotary. lnwin :1 \\'uH{l1, COURHU P. Dim also is commit llzj \\T \\'ay;.l requirn di.~i($.11.<.< eligihlu will 1)}- the sit. every 11 ed hfu possihl CPI'.~`. H di. munini ` work. to .~'t.z11' '99:`! and S sale a nicg. `EM Best and The trade mark always guarntees the Quality . BE SURE TO LOOK FOR/IT

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