Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1916, p. 6

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T. BEEBMFT & 00.] L\J1sJII\_/`J: And his name? inquired the detective curtly. I an nnt nnnn 4,. nn1..:.~ ......,...n Ll\.'L\'lJI'l VG Uul lily 0 I do not care to tellvhis name ? said Mrs. Delaroche, who had re- covered a little.0f her ca1mne_ss. Vnn rvxixn` 4.11 an: n..:;_ __ uuvuluu a. l.ll:LlU.U1 uU1' u'cu11uu:sa'. You must tell it! Britz in- sisted. T I cannot, she said. But I tell you you must! re- turned the detective. Don't you see you_ have got to tell it to square yourself? \K7lnn4 An "nu W-......... ._:...nn _1.. oquuxc JUULDUILJ Wha_ do you mean, sir? she asked wlth a pretty show`0f in- dignation. churn.-. lJI\Qa\,1 1..-- _,-,,'-- n, pU1 Dui:1blVUlyL . It wil save a great deal of trouble for you, Mrs. De1ar_ oche, if you tell me the truth`; and tell it at `once, without holding anything back. You understand, T nm n .-Lat...-.1.:.... 1-.......... 'n-I:-- auyuullg DacK._ xou understand, I am a detectlve from Pollce `Headquarters, and.I was assigned two weeks ago to nd Mrs. Mis- sioner s diamonds. I have found the diamonds, and now I must find the thief. 1|II'..... 1\-1__.-_l_,s- I I uuc JUVVULD VWULU DDUIUIIS Thrills were shooting through the bathrohe squad at the rate-of a hundred a minute. Here was a sensation such as the ultra_refin- ed Renaissance had not known be-_ fore` in all its history. A beauti- ful woman, stolen gems, and a thief she seemingly sought to shield! This was better_ than the most delectable` divorce `could hope to he. Rlnn 'l\.-.1.-um.-..-.`I.-... ..`I..:-..........J -__.`l ll.-I0 D1116].- Mrs. De1aroche s start was now genuine. The word plainly stung her into frankness. What thief`?. she asked; The thief who stoleethe Mah- aranee necklace, Britz explain- ed. Have I not told you, madam, the jewels were stolen?" "Fl.-.n:Il.-. -.-.,..... ...1...\...4:_..... 1!_..---__`L I did not know they` ever belongedl to Mrs. Missioner. I never heard of Mrs. `Missioner before tonight; except through the-papers. I did not know that any of my ac- quaintances knew her.g I was not aware she had lost any of her dia- monds. What you tcll me about, the theft of a necklace from Mrs.` 'Missioner is entirely new to me. I seldom read `the `papers, and wfhen_I do; I\do not read accounts 0 crlme. r / LIA]! __-__ UL LII. 11115: All you say may be true," Britz persisted, but you may take my word for it--the Jewels are Mrs. Missi0ner s; they- were stol- en from her, and you must tell me the name of the person who gave them to you. ` m]1n `\r\nI1;r-:1] I11I\fV\-f\v\,p. J3.-.l.....\.-....I EAL ESTATE and INSURANCE City. Town and Farm Properties bought sold and Exchanged. -guvo uucxu bu yuu I The beautiful woman's distress! at this time was so sincere that the Headquarters man involun- tarily dealt with her more gently. He urged her to be seated again, Hand then for the first time appar- :ently remembered his hands still were gripped by the bands of steel the house detective had snapped upon them. rhnln. H.-.n.-... ..n.`n1 1.... _-_-.2 -._,.L \.l1J\JlL 0116111. Take these off!" he said_ curt- ly to the hotel sleuth, and he was obeyed instantly. His hands free, Britz picked up the silver jewel case and examined its exterior gcuriously, waiting for the revel- 'ation he was resolved to get` from the woman. Not until many more minutes had passed` and it was evident she would reveal nothing without more insistent urging did Britz turn to her again. MQdOY ,, an-id kn ti:-runn --a..- nu; nu ucal. 1151. I By the man I intended to mar, ry! She covered her face with her hands, and once more those terrible dry scbg, racked her body. Had Britz not been so bent on, [probing the mystery of the stolen] .g diamonds to its core, he might. havexrelented in his\disquisitiou for the time; but he felt the dc- mands of justice gave hinyno; `choice. If the man he Suspected` was to be seized and `punished, itmust be done quick1y,yelse there. would be great danger of his escape. . Ilia nnnnnlas L.,. ..I,....,......1-.1 __._-u. uuu 1.111014 uui u l:U HUI. a.5i1lll. Madam, said he, since you will not give the information to me, I shall have to take you to Police Headquarters, where, I assure you, you will soon be con- vinced it is to your own interest to tell all you know. {\k ,r\r\` 41...4 ....-.4 n....;u x~r._ nu l.1\,Il.l all JUU nuu . l Oh, not .th-at, Vrvxot that! No, no! gasped Mrs. Delaroche. I: will tell you. The diamonds were given to me by non xrninn onv\17 la rue. In.-. .. `}o'fZ wsank to so low a pitch that Bri_tz had to lean to- ward her to hear he_2Ij.i_i _ I ' H11--tL.. ...-.... 73,4 I Foster-Daok 013., Limited Toronto Sold in 25c.. 35c.. '15:. and $1.25 sizes by (loo. Ionlunan, II. 0. Robertson ' A`._ E. PQP0n, Allandalo. \/KJIJCLEJIJ His name! he demanded with i.m-,reased sternnesfs. Come, madam, I must have his name. It is altogether` useless for you to try to conceal it. Q14.` (MA A: ...... .. mL, _--~ . us; uu uuuucal u.. | V She did not answer. Thernen at the door strained toward the? interior of the room while the house detective and the porter stared in amazement at the wo- man whose hateur had become Erovlerbial throughout the big ote.. - LL`l|t_,I, , v lI\JL\1l-0 Madam, I mus insist once more that you tell me the man s vname, Britz said. U;n v\nvv\n0 3 f\Ll\ ..At.-._...-.-.J ___.._. EXPERT MOTOR REPAIRS All kinds of small repairing-g `Prompt Service. Toufing Car for hire-Moto'rcycle for sale. 11u.II1L,\ JJL 11.114 ma, His name? dermgly. Vno 1\Il'n'n up; 171151]. ' Yes, hdrs. I)elar0che, Ins 9! Mnanua the detecve said. Or perhaps, I had heucr teH itto you? - An :......:..:...... I--1_ __--, LN- . - J uu . An inquiring look was her re: ply: T4 in I".-.n.'.~ f`1....'..-_.-I.l ` 3-_,_9a xlnulol Yul]. Mrs. Delaroche, with a little cry which showed more emotion than anyone would expect from so se1f-centred a woman, sprang to her feet and advanced towards Britz with hands outstretched in protest. *`Vn.. Anni: .~........ 1.. -_,, n--L unaxp-J. ; D111) UAULGIIIJCU. _ .``You shall see, madam, re- Jomed Brltz, how successful he has been in at least one robbery?` The dnfnrlfivo lair! his hour} In I lJLl(\o slender gold chain that hung a- bout her neck, from which depen- ded a tiny silver key. Britz fit- ted it into the lock and turned the bdlt. Triumphantly he seized the lid, and, as everyone else in the room focused eager eyes upon the silver box, Britz opened it; then dropped it on the table with a furious exclamation. The box was empty! - (To be continued.) Reluctantly, she unfastened a i 1.11. \Jl/Dob. You don t mean to say that you believe Mr. Griswold to be a thief! she exclaimed. 5\7.\-.. -L._11 ..-- V 1 nugny uu uuc l.1bLlU 51lVU1' UUK. Inside this little casket, he said, are jewels worth more than half a million dollars. Please let me have th key to this jewel box. i ' 11,1 ,1 1! v - y`. . 0 o . It IS Curtls Gnswold, 1sn t gt? `said the Headquarters man mcislvely. Ihnm T\.-.1.-..~.A..L... .-.LL .. uunl nan uccu 111 (lb 1U'c1bL U116 ruuuery. The detective laid his hand lov- ingly on the little silver box. Tun-Erin I-In-1.. 1:311- .......1-_.1. H L- "run1"6iI" i\n7A"E Phone` 484. 15?`pIapp'e:-ton st. never to buy imitations or sub- stitutes, because you do not % receive the best that science has i produced or money can buy. ' It is positively guaranteed that is non-injurious and non-poison- ous for all skin troubles and diseases. - There is nothing as good as Mecca. ~ Becca 1 Ointment A free sample_ will be mailed upon request by the Experience has taught ee Ll:.I\l- she returned won- Thursday, November 30, 1916. -_ ---- . wv'--vs--w TIEACHER OF VOICE PRODUC- TION AND SINGING. Special lessons for repertoire, English and Italian. Studio at Mr. Geo. Monkman s, Mary St., Barrie. |Phone 85b. For terms, etc., call [at studio on Wednesdays. Voices [tested free: e `MAUI: E. OLAXTON, L.1'.c.m. A Piano and Vocal` Lessons. In vocal-work special attention is given to Voice Production. Studio `in King Block. Phone 405 I wuss ELSIE NELSON TEACHER OF PIANO AND 5THEORY. Studio at 67 McDon'a`ld ist. Phone 681 Fir'5%& Life%lnsuranceAgent ALEXANDER GOWAN Successor to Lennox, cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Oices: Hinds Block, No. I8 Dunlop Street. Money to loan. `Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Conveyancers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of inter- est. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario- W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. D. C. Murchison. B'ARi1is_J`1i's:,'s5i1c{o_: `III- Public and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest cur- rent rates. Otce 13 Owen St., I IBar-rie, Ont. D. M. Stewart. CHARLES w. PLAXTOII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ET.G., 606 Continental Life Building, southeast corner Bay and Rich- mond Sts., Toronto. THE Iusunnucr-{Him info STEAMBOAT AGENT. Representing canadlan Northern P.0. Square. Bat-I-le. Phone 441:. ' DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC., ;RanL* Hf 'T'nr-nnfn piiilina Donnin .nJ11u.1L1u.L.1JLI., UULLULLUIE, .lDL\J., :Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, |M0ney to loan. IBARRISTEBS, SOLICITORS FOR ';the Supreme Court of Judicature `of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to `loan. Ofces:~ in Ross Block, I Barrie. \V. A_. J. Bell, K.C. Represen-ts Insurance Companies of dundoubted Financial Standing an ' T T C17'I'\T'.I A `Il ('V'l"I"I"I'\ `I 1-1!-Inn (ll-I-Ll ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Your `passage booked to or from all parts of the world. A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Saie on_the mo`st`rea.soo able terms. 1. - - ---- A: -.;--_-.-.- -_._____.___ A-_%F: :%i'_!9ii$N Oice -I-1-es-i('ie'r11-(3-cl,-"C-o-1-`ner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, :opposite Elizabeth St. Methodist |Church. Telgphone 167. Miss Doane is the only one in Barrie and Allandale who handles corsets lled with Spirella ban- ing. It is unbreakable, non- rustable. exible, hygienic, sani_ tary. Fit guaranteed. Maternity and" `nursing feature specials.- Brassieres, blouse forms,`misses and children s waists. At home Saturdays. 16 Charlotte St Barrie 3"`: " 0 "I |L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, F.C.P., Lon- don, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Of- ce and Residence, Dunlop St... Barrie. Telephone 165. W. A. LEWIS, M.D., O.NI_ SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY, especially. -Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie. SINIOOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie. G. W. J. Eastman, Prop.` R. G. Manuel, Mgr. Dealersirl Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best material used and rst.-class workmen em- ployed-. Prices always right. on. E. G. TU(R|\lBULL (McGILL) (Successor to Dr. R. S. Broad). Oice. and Residence corner Elizabeth and Bradforci Sts.. Barrie, Phone 105. on. A. J. HUNTER Late of Toronto, (Successor to Dr. Embree) Physician, Swrgeon and Accoucher. O`1`ce and resi- dence, 12 Burton Ave., Allandalo. Telephone 661. THE BARBIE PLANING MILL THOS. ROGERS, PROP., Builder and. Contractor. Manufacturer of Sash, Doors, Frames and Blinds. All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Ceiling and Moulding kept in stock. Dress- ing done on short notice. Wood turning a specialty. Tanks made to order. The latest improved method for drying lumber. Fac- tory and Office, Cor. Sophia and Mary St. Phone 163. P.O. Box 685. on. Moarumah LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will he at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every! Saturday. Diseases, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation {hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phono- |North 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2. iX1&iE"5ir 1*oRoNi'o BUILDING_ BARRIE ?F run rLarcnn's CA S T O R` I A STEWART & s'rEwA_I=rr` .-.-- -.~..-..___... ... BOYS AND MUR0|-IISO__N ` ORESWIGKE 8: BELL A. F. A. IVIALOOMSON GWLADY8 JONES` The welsh Soprano l"I"I'.|I\ r\'l1| 17/-s1'r111 1-xvxn bk. H.` 1'. ARNALL on. w. A. nos; MEDICAL t The Canadian Bank of Commerce en ds to Farmers : T hdlity for the tnnsaction of their banking business, including the discount and collection of sales notes. l Blankp sales notes on supplied free of ethane on application. . It _ _s54 LEGAL i5CEiiXN Street. Phone 4731 |Your Reading N eedsl \|llC\.l AI.LCd\.3, uuuucu \J'UUll3c FICSII Vegetables in Season. Orders Called for and Delivered. Your Patronage is Solicited. QC 3 m1CLCA1Z I. IILLOIJU Business. IT.-.5.-.1. FIE Mnnvmt. :15.uuo.nnu nsssnvz ruun.s1a,5uu,uun, I New Meat Mafket! We Handle Everything in Fresh and Cured Meats, Canned Goods. Fresh "nrrAIvn`-an: in Qnnanou lTpansact a General Banking IARIII IIIIOII. ?Full line of all the latest Caskets kept in stock, in- pludlng Grave Vaults and Oak Shells; W. D. lllnnlkon,`PI-opI~loUoI' ' (Successbr to the Late Meaford Webbl Open Day & Night Phone 431 Page. SI! The Barrie Undertalcing Parlors BARRIE. ONT. W.R.Ne|l|y, Funeral DIPOOIOP and` Embalmor. llluh laVUl'GUlU lGulaUDa' We 02:51: Cheques drawn on eny Bank in Canada or the Umted States. . ` Accounts collected. Sterling Exchange `bought or nail ioal Estate and Money to Logn 9-G-.mi1|L& 90- `Morgue and Chapel In connection ocuuuuuuuauvu - vvr UNDERTAKERS (6pp.oslte Ba-yson's Store) J_J`.as~ Ar!19! .. 12.0- I....--_. _ REPRESENTING :' CANADIAN EXPRESS co. E}sI1'v;|'<'|3RS `V fcott s `Established 1819. DUBIIIBBS. Notes cashed or collected at the most favorable rates. V `L7- ....=~I.. nl.-...n...-... .-in.-;n1~n.nn nnv Are Well Supplied #652; my and Nun: FARMERS BUSINESS I itiluui 6! Established I809 pug`: Bookstore Phone 82 IPAIINTIENGI There was an unusually light market on Saturday owing to the storm. Dressed pork was the chief. offering on the outside square and was 16 to 18 cents a lb. There was also some lamb" at 18-20 cents. `No potatoes,were brought in, but there were several barrels of apples. Butter re- mained at 39-40 cents. Average prices were as fol- lr.I1vo 0 ` `lows:-- Butter ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . .39-40c. Eggs, dozen . . . . . . . . . .45c-50c. Chicken, dressed, lb. . . 150-180. Fowl, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i3c. Duck, lb . . . . . . . . . . .-.170. Spring Lamb, fores, . . . . . .18c. Spring Lamb, hinds, lb . . . .210. Pork, fors .. .. ...'.l6c. Pork,-hin 5, 1b.. ..' ..;...i8c. Apples-- e , Wolf River, bb . ., . .$i.50_ Snow .. .. . . . . ..$2.25 `Sweets . . . . . . . . . .. ..$2.25 Potatoes, peck . . .. . . . . 35c. Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 for 5c. Beets, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5c. ;Citrons,-each . . . . . . 5c and we ;Pumpkins, each .. .. .. 10-150 `Musk Melons .. .. .. 10c. !Onion,s, basket . . ; . . . . . .,_ 50c Horse Radish, bottle . . . . '1 .150. Pickling cabbage, head . . . .050`. Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . 10c Cauliower, each . . . . .. 5c-10c. Dried Sage, bunch . . .-. . . . .5c. Summer Savory, bunch . . . . .5c. Thyme, bunch .. ....5c Clover Honey, pail . $1.50 Clover Honey, 5_lb. pail . . 7.50 Buttermilk, qt. . . . . . . .. . .50. Cream, qt. .. .. .. .. .. ..30o. Cream for whipping ...50c qt. W-Swecial attention will be given Q0 1; e accommodation of farmers In this lociality. Money to Loan on Mortgages. Agency Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Office Hours 10 to 4. T. BEECROFT, Manager. \JUo, LJDU GLU LIIUILUIULLUUQ In Nottawasagea Edgar Jamie- son, Deputy Reeve, and Douglas McArthur, President of the Great Northern Exhibition and T. Stinl. son, Singhampton, are young men who would -develop and become a credit to_ the Riding .. In the South, F.` B. Elliott, publisher Of the Alliston Herald, and Reeve of the town, is a coming `man. ` Orillia -- Wheat $1.75-$1.77, barley 75-90c, oats 60c, peas !$1.50-$2.00, buckwheat 96c, rye $1.10, chicken 13-140, butter 37- 1390, eggs 38-40c,potatoes $1.15- 2.00, hay $`.l0.00-$13.00_. fV,II,',-_,_-__I 1171.--]. $1 l!I\ ""d61i'i{gv}66a' L. v'v'i1'at $1.60- ` $1.70, oats 55-600, barley 75-906,` peas $1.60-$1.75 buckwheat 75; 85c, butter 38/..42c, eggs 43-450, potatoes, bush_., $1.00$1.20. ' West Slmcoe Vacancy Referring to the Conservative nomination for the West Simcoe vacancy the Gollingwood Enter- prise says:- Tn r`.nlHna-u1nnH `X7 '1'` Allan L WIZU 531 1?1iEvood W. '1`. Allan,` the well known lawyer and M. P. Byrnes, a director of the Ship- building Co., and T. Long 8; Bros.` Go.,h Ltd., are mentioned. Tu. TI\'l'II11l\\l'IlY|f\ ngmnn Tnvxn-:1-L NEAR-BY MARKETS (Nov. 23, 1916) Alliston--Wheat $1.75, barley $1.00-$1.05, peas $2.10, oats 58- 600, rye $1.25, hay $10.00, but- lter 36-380, eggs 450, potatoes [$1.75 chicken 130-140. - * '"t5'y}{r'_"1E11"te}~ 'i-2.b;, ' eggs; 40-410, chicken 15-170, geese 13- 150. V _ - I illnan-d : Llnlmom cum Golda. Atu1{tIbIl@ axmcdl C@J1=n=@g@ W. G. Malcomson % UIIC sold. SATURDAY MARKET 'HE Under-signed has 1` I Paint Shop over Hux- table's `Garage, next the ' Wellington HoI:el,where he . is prepared to do High-class Painting` of Automobiles and Car- riageu. Make your or- rangements now to have your Car or Buggy re- painted. 0 o`z.en. .45c-E 1, .. 150-1 b. .1 b n o o 0` o `-1 fores, .< .. ..2 01's.. ...'.1 tin 111...." ..;...1 Prices on Application. uot peck .. I , ..2 nch ...... .. -ach .. g . . 10- lons .` rasket ..;. .... 1i:=.h-bottle 1.: I. Manager '1`-l\lO ".170. .16c. .18c.l Therefore, practically all the New York papers published stor- ies in -which Elinor Holcomb was tried, convicted, and sentenced in advance of her arraignment for the theft of the Missioner neck- lace. Over-enterprising Sunday papers went so far as to publish page . stories, purporting to be psychological studies of the men- tal bent that made the trusted l secretaryof the multi..millionoire society woman`, with a comfort- able career in expectation, throw all chances to the winds, by yield- ing to the momentary feminine impulse to possess herself of glittering baubles. Those _psy-, chological studies were interest- ing to the multitude, and might have been worth publishing had they been based on either psy- chology or truth. They had their effect on Griswold, though, and a consequence of that fact was that the 'clubman _s mind was at ease so far as the possibility that he would be connected with the, disappearance of the gems was! concerned. H-a\IVc;1;-3v.--.-Thae above paragraph? should have appeared at the be- ginning of last week s instal; .ment) . V T on mmmn vnuxn. c.v.o.. u..n.. n.c.x...' Pntldem , 1 AIID. General Manna. . H. V. F. JONES. Au : Gonenl Manger Now, then, you!" he said, brusquely addressing the prison-- er,' speaky up. What were you doing here`? _ A nlnuuv rmv|:1'\ u-nnn `Inn nnnnnnnn Ll\J.I.lI.5 Illa]. `J i A slow grin was the response. It was such a palpably superu-` ous question. The house sleuth r lized that, and hastened to c er his confusion by asking: ` `pWhat did you get?" Aripple of excitement started at the toes.` of Mrs. Delaroche s Juliette slippers and quivered along her length until it found expression in la half-`hysterical utterance: A He got my jewels! The prisoner turned one of his sullen looks upon her, but, con- scious that she was robed as daintily as the most fastidious -society actress in the DuBarry.. est of bedroom scenes could be, her equanimity was not`so vul- nerable as that of the deserters ' from the pajama squad. TIA 4nn1v `kn vnlmrxln nnnn nf ;nx11 ` u1.`upu_y, no acuu . Madam, how do yqu come to be in possession at these jewels 2" run: .I.l'.7llUW, w1_uu-cycu. - I.. can save you that trouble," said the burglar. You need not teleghone for the Central Office men. `-1- am Lieutenant_Detective Britz, of Headquarters! And these, and henodded toward the ` silver casket, are the missing Missioner diamonds. that were stolen from the richest -woman in America." . . ,, . ............a. `A `thin nn`nnnnkn l\ l1l.llUI.'lUGu Turning . to_ Mrs. Delaroche a- bruptly, he saxdz` ` lldnlorn hnnv An nnn nnnnn in Inn |laU la'd.lSU LUIS IUIIUW away. The effect of that. command upon the prisoner startled every- one. Not only did it cause him to break his -sullen silence, but it drew from him words that made the house detective involuntarily loose his hold. on the man and .step back, staring. Jim s `jaw _=fe1l, and'Mrs. Delaroche gazed at the fellow, wide-eyed. ' T nnvu nnuyn `1l'\I1 {ho} `fIr\I'l}\1D ,' IL K1111 UIIU I-1'1/Jl.hll.4l.(Ja' CV-l\.Al.h\Jo He took the whole case of jew_ els from under my pillow," she continued, {addressing the house detective, They must be in his possession still, unless he drop- ped them_while he was running `away. ' ` Thin. (\I`Ifl'fV|!\(V":f\Y\ mourn run away. - This--suggestion gave the re. mainder of the squad the brilliant idea of searching the corridor, and thus escaping a situation that was becoming, in spite of their hatural curiosity, increas- ingly awkward to them. i 7n 111:1] onnn. nd` A11` , 130;! |:lll.Ul.l5l.l. 1111114 . Jim only shrugged those full- back shoulders when the burglar attempted to petrify him with a look, and his Search through the prisoner s pockets was thorough. Mrs. Delaroche gasped her de_ light when from the captive s coat the porter drew forth a hea- vy silver casket, and held it to- ward liar. v Is that your property, mad- am?" asked the house detective. Yes, yes, said Mrs. Delaroche eagerly. Oh, dear, I am so glad he did not escape with it. What would . 7 . She checked herself has-itly. You must come to me in the morning, Mr.--Mr.-v-, for a re- ward, she added in V..tones so sweetly shggestive of`*a golden guerdonthat the detec,tive s eyes glistened. ` ur1n..'.~m1, I-rt\I1 mm-lam Hm} ie 111:5!) GVVAVVGL-U DU lall.(31.l.l.o " _ We will soon` find` out, said the leading man; `_`Jim, 30 through him! T~n1 t\v\lv1 n11vu-In-rvnr` `khan 11 Ifluinoj 255 & 59. Office. King Bloch 5ual.u1_u:u. Thank you, -madam, that is not 'necessary, he replied per- functorily. Let s see what else this fellow has got. TJl\l'l'\C\lq `kn nnnfnn n17-r\`r\l'Inr' {ho D1115 IUIIUVV 11:15 5 He/and the porter explored the captive s pockets further, but found nothing more in the way of loot. Mrs. Delar0che_looked hastily through her desk and dressing table and told the man apparently nothing else was missing. ' urn1......~. 91 .n.'A nan hniuan rlnfnn 1111301115- Then, said the house detec- tive, I guess there is nothing else for us to do but to turn this burglar over to the police. May we use your telephone, madam, `Alan nnlnnnnhn rrlori-Ixr nnrlori EBBUIIL, 'd.}lU but: alouuu UUu.u1u.uUu. Jim, call up headquarters and have `a couple of men sent here |to' take this fellow away. Fl'|L.. .-.4`.-.n .-.4` {kn} nnrnnnnn we um: yuur wsusyuuuu, u.1uu_uL1:, Mrs. Delaroqhe gladly nodded assent, and the sleuth continued: T~:rv\ null Ian `Inna:-lnnarvlnna and CHAP'_I`ER XXI.--(Contini1ed) in: Banal: _I-zxnmusn Ann SATURDAY Inonmua OF HEADQUARTERS BRITZ By Mar_c_in Barber. Han: `D. Jamieson` I Inll! A III!` All the panting loveliness of Mrs. Delaroche shivered as the sharp.question bored its way to her inner consciousness. It was now her turn to be silent. She` looked at the, Headquarters man as if, he held in his hand her life, liberty, and whatever chance re- mained of her happiness. A gleam of appeal glowed inher beautiful eyes for `a momen.t.i Plainly, if she did not speak it was not for lack of will. Her words were as `frozen as the nor- mal condition of her thoughts She put her hands to her breast and gazed at the Central Oice man as piteously as 'a`woman of her Junoesque charms could be expected to do. The ingenue r0le was impossible to Mrs. Delaroche but hadit not been so, undoubt- edly she would have assumed it in this emergency. ILA Answer me, madam; this calls for an immediate explanation. You told thisman these jewels belonged to you. now does it ;cume you have the diamonds that ieveryhody in New York knows as Ithe Maharanee necklace of Mrs. `Dnris Missioner? /* 1\/rm. \n...I....,...1.... -4:n .............1,.,.1 '1_ui1'1s l_V1lb'SlU1lUl.' . /' Mrs.`~Delaroche still struggled faintly for speech. Her li_ds qui- vered; her eyes alternately closed and then were xed upon the de- tective, and a tremor, beginning at the crown of her adorable head moved in waves to her perfect feet. She sank into a chair and let her head fall upon her arms as they stretched inertly across a little table. There was no small- est streak of pity in the look Detective Britz bent upon her. He had dealt with women of her! type before many times, he told" himself, and now that he was so near the heart of the great Mis_ sioner mystery, it was not his purpose to be inuenced in the slightest degree by the distress of a Diana, to say nothing of an Aphrodite. Dry sobs choked the woman. Her eyes strained at their tendons so painfully that tears would have been a divine re- lief. Whether she was grieved or frightened was not so apparent as that she was sorely distressed. Minutes passed before she lifted her face and once more looked at the detective. The house sleuth and his porter had retreated a yard or more, and the erst-while pyjama squad, now an astounded force of Cossacks and Bedouins in a varied array of dressing gowns and bathrobes,` looked and listened in hushed expectancy. ' r`r\n'1n T`/[no nnlnnnnkn 5` nnu'rI uuyu L-U uc. Mrs. Delaroche shivered, and `started slowly to her feet. She turned a disdainful glance on the group at the door, then faced Britz once more, and in a voice little more than a whisper she said: llII7I__l-_-__ ._--- ._.-.._ lL2._I_ 7 J23 lW::`\7.7hatever you may think, I did! not know the jewels were stolen. u1511ab1l,!l1. ' Now, don t tr any'of those games on me, said Britz. In_ his impatience he was descending close to the methods of Donnelly and Carson. He remembered that in a moment and resumed more persuasively: ``I` 111;!` nnvyn n n........`1 .J-._`I nxouuuc-u 111 uuoucu UA1JUUl;cl,l1U_) . Come, Mrs. Delaroche," said Britz sternly. tYou really must not waste any more of my t-ime. I have spent an hour in getting these jewels away from you. and I don t intend to put in many more words in getting the facts from you. You have got to an- swer soon or late`, and you may as well do it at once. Y4` ll-......_ -_..._- A l__ .A 11,- 1 VV\/ll uu 11; an UIIUG. If there was to be any third degree in her case, the-detective was determined to apply it then and there - |6'I'V1- ..__ _._-_. - They were given to me, said the woman faintly. V `5By whom? ` , By---by 3.` friend of mine, she replied. - L6An/I L1,. ....~..\....C)91 _'_.___:__,.I II , CANADIANBANK OF COMMERCE

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