Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Nov 1916, p. 12

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Arthur Conlonwas in Toronto on Friday. ` Rev. Canon Murphy was a vis- itor to this Ward during the week. ` . ...... .. u -r__1_ 11-|____; Credit sales ....22c per lb. . . . . . ..23c pkg. . . . . . . .23c . . . . .. 23c " ,..23c per doz; . . . . ..3c per lb. .5 lbs. foq 25 '1 07(- PHONE 145 -$1.00 -$1.90 Allandale Special A Choice Comedy SPECIAL MUSIC Mon.-Tues., Dec. 4-5 News from the (1st show 7.15 sharp. 2nd Show 9.00 o'clock. wu-nan: QUALITY Vcoums Prices, 60. and 11. DON'T MISS TI-II8 OUR WEEKLY -Ald. Wisdom is able to be `a- round again after being conned to his home for over a week with illness. V Owing, doubtless, to the rush of -Xmas business Postmaster Hinds added a young man to his staff on the 22nd. 7 St. George s W. A_. are giving an At Home and Sale of Work, at Mrs. T. Wi1son S, 146 Bradord St., Tues.,_ Dec. 5, from 3 to 8. Admission, 10 cents. - VVUUl\o Albert Elliott and Jack Fleet- ham were in "Toronto on Friday attending the fall session of the Shrine. n :1 , ,1n1 -1` -Jana-4 x... -4---.. _~.-_ There _wi1l_~be a rai1waymen s service on Dec. 10, at 7- p.m. in the Burton Ave Methodist Church. Railwaymen are specially invitedl 11? ,,__ ____ Dr. Hunter, after returning! home from Orangeville, last week was taken with a severe chill and pneumonia was threatened, but this was averted by prompt mea- sures, and his condition took a decided turn for` the better on Tuesday. n :1 Ii -Is The last of the Camp Borden construction outt. passed thru here on Tuesday when a heavy freight train destined for Ottawa came loaded with all the imple. ments, steam plows, shovels, dig- gers, cement mixers, and various other machinery. The train left at noon by way of Scotia Jot. VA rear-end collision occurred between a heavy. freight.._train_ from the south loaded with coal and a number of cars attachedtoj the shunter. The impact wasso great that a '_I`. & N. 0. car was reduced to matchwood. The ac- cident happened in the south end of the yard about 8 am. Wednes- day. No personewas injured as the crews jumped just in time to save themselves, . UllI`l`;_ >}1.-+Sunday School an_d 'Bib1eClass. ' H M mt... 'n.....;.1 ... n..,...i Burton Ave Methodist Church ! Sunday, Dec. 3. Rev. C. W. Reynolds, Pastor 11 a.m.-For the Honor of the Church. A A A" 0` _. ...... ,(`1-__..]-__ (`l'.L._-1 I North Bay Times-Little Nellie Allen, thethree year old daugh- terof Corporal John Allen, of the 159th Bn., C.E.F., swallowed a button on Saturday last. She was taken to the hospial, but all the endeavors of doctor and nur- ses failed to remove the obstacle, and she was therefore ordered to the Toronto hospital that .the x_ray .might ebeused. mt... 14411,. f\\'\I\ ..-.4-n..4.......4.. I..l '.lJl`IJl.\J \.1l-(AD 7 p_m,___"1`he Pearl -of Great IPI-ice. f - A-4 Ga] - Illlsllll VUULIBULI. The little one unfortuna_1tely expired in the train, and the mo- ther had the sadduty of return- ing with the dead child. V Last Friday and Saturday brought the season s first heavy fall of snow, the o`1c_ial record showing-16.8_ inches_. It was, however, followed by a rise in temperature and by Wednesday morning, the snow had practical- ly all disappeared. A noru1I'io`n `fnlf`Il`l`0 nhnnf fh KJIII. ILIIJI Twenty cars of the outt of Bates & McMahon, contractors, passed through Allandale an Tuesday on its way from `Camp Borden to Ottawa. 1y an ulaayprsancu. A pecullar feature about the heavy fall was that it was con- ned to a' comparatively small_ area. In Flog nofle fell, at Angus- there was about an inch and hardly any at Lefroy. The west side of Oro had about as much as Barrie, but from Hawkestone east only a small amount is reported. Lailway Wafd..... Died on the Train A Big Snow Fall The rugby season is over and the hockey season not yet begun. The boys must have some sport or game to keep themselves fit- to study hard (`?). So the ex- ecutive council of the B.C.I. Ath- letic Association prepared a has; ketball schedule. It was as fol- lows: III. (2nd team) vs. IVA., V. vs. III. -(1st- team), IVB. vs. 1B., II. vs. IA.` Some dissatis- ,faction was expressed at this ar- rangement, as it was designed to get IVB. and the 1st team of III. in the nals. The dissatised teams gave in, however, and the first match _was played on Thurs- day. IVA. had a` strong team, consisting of Hall, J. Hayes, J, Boys, F. Macdonald and F.` Dyer. The II-I. team consisted of G. Rumble, B. Partridge, C. Gulross, R. Ingram and H. Myers. I }nnv)1 "`V$f\1'I \ `Inn 1\`n\`n:n Llo I-`L151 (LL11. (Jill-LI I-Lo LVLJ Cl C- I - The team from the Matric. Form came on the oor under the impression that it would he an easy victory. But the other team thought differently and pro- eeeded to prove that they were right, The game was very even. One feature was the large number of`f0uls, most of the goals being scored by free throws. Culross starred for Form III. and Boys, Macdonald and Hall for the Fourth. The game ended with the Fourth Form one point ahead. Score, 14.13. It was a very good game for the first of the season, and was greatly -enjoyed by the spectators. n`t\nr\1 W':1rn I t1vn- u:v\r'\l'\`n `A nn ' IJAIU auunu DULIUIJLLIUIJ LU]. LVl.lJLllal(J:_)'o Apparently there will he no Vox Collegii this year. This paper has taken an important. part in the life of the school for the past. two years`, and it will be greatly' missed. A paper is to he read in the semigmonthly meetings of the _Literary Society. This will not .-be published and. will probably be" mainly humorous in eharac'- ter. As it will not be really re- lpresentative of th_e school life in its different actvities, it will hardly fill the place of the Vox. The fact that it is not published will be against it, as many old boys and girls liked to taketheir ,s.chool paper. Undoubtedly Me- Intyre will do his best to make the Lit. `paper a success, and we hope it will be enthusiastieal- ly supported. ' An {Inn f"Inn{nl>uvann 'ln4-.1-:4-lnun n-um A31.) Uulkuuluo cure enough players to form a team, and was 1'0t'ced to default the game scheduled for Monday. Av\v'\nnn-n4l11 llnnnri 11v;l` I-\I\ 1\r\ `,r\\r Form.Five'wVas unable to Se." ll QLl}}tJlJI. lJ\7\Jo As the. Christmas holidays ap-' proach, so do the last of the term examinations. We know that all the students are looking forward to the former with great pleas- ure, but we are afraid that the latter will Qt be so greatly ap- preciated. There was_ a Anmev, Whose volce -_..I L1... Life in the King s Service VV IIJJDVJ V\JI\J\.J VVIJD lJ\Jl.IlI \JL (J-IJILIJVJ and tinpanny; But she d sing and `she d play, Many hours every day, Though the sound that she made was uncanny. A `maiden whoserst name was Bess Weighed two hundred pounds we should guess. ~ And to offset her` size, The hat o e,r her eyes "Was the size of a pilT1-box--or less! Oollgiate Notes Notice to Farmers Loony Limericks young lady named was both cracked STRUGK BY A TRAIN AND FATALLY INJURED` his memory will be hyeld in kind- Iiest recollection b all who knew him. ' A _ .L1 `I..- ,_-;-._l-,J ___L.-.._.. 'J.\l1LIVV 1.l1`. As might be expected, where the man was so widely known and universally liked, there was a very large attendance at the funeral, which was held yesterday after- noon from the family residence in Owen St. to the Union Cemen tery. Not only were most of the business men and many other citizens present, but scores from the country were also in attend- ance. ` Rev. Wm. Hipkin of the Congregational Church took the service, and those who bore the pall ' were Alex. Brownlee, Alex. Brown, James Patterson. W. J. Fowler, Fred Loth and Geo. B. McLean. [Among those present from a distance were Robert Ad- dison, Moose ,Jaw, Sask.; Earl Beath, Sudhury; L. Gardiner, Wellesley; Mr. and Mrs. S. Gar- diner, Elmvale. [Wu `|\lI ..h.-ln..n.n An.-....... ..-on nn .1115 . I n1588-Period of -Queen Eliza- beth; Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. ` '1800-Ne1son. L 18/i0--Guard of Royal Marines 1900-Army and NavyVeterans 1916---Scottish Regiment on Their Way to the Front. \4llll.\Jl. JJIILIVILIKJQ On Mondayan enquiry was op- enedbefoije Coroner Wallwin and the following jury: James Arnold .(f01-emani, T. Nash, VV. Stone, B. I). O Noill, C. Horsfielti, '\V. J. \Vhit.e, C. G. Atkinson, H. G. Boags and G. G. Brown. W. A. J Bell, K.C.n, appeared for the family and Mr. Cotter for the Crown. After hearing the evidence of Dr. Lib. tle, Dr. Turnbull and D1", VV. A. Ross, adjournment was made un- til Dec. 6, at 9.30 am. rVVhen Pte. Geo. Gore of the 177th Bn. died in the Royal" Vic- toria Hospital last Thursday, lthere was seine doubt as to the. -exact cause of his death. In the minds of some there was a sus- picion that_ death" might have heen due to meningitis 01` some other contagious disease, so the matter was reported to. Major McCullough of Toronto,- Chief! M.O.H;, who ordered an investi-| gation. Accordingly an inquest`! was held before Coroner Ross,` with Mr. Cotter appearing . for the Crown. rnI__ :__.___ ...,\.....:_...,'l At` T \J1UVVl.l. The jury consisted of J. Shrubsole (Foreman), W. A.` Sibbald, H. C. Channcn, N. Mc-; Eachern, Geo. Cheer, A. F. A.[ Malcomson; J. Patterson, A.1 Hickling and Chas. McGuire. About a dozen witnesses were examined. Evidence went to show that t.he man_ first reported sick on Friday, 17th, was pres- cribed _for and put on light duty, Next day he was still sick and -complained of being sore all ov_ er and verystiifin arms and legs} Dr. Palling told him to rest in his 1 bed and gave him some medi- Icine. The man himself said he Ithought it was cold and rl1euma-_ tism that troubled him. On Sun- day his condition was worse, his limbs beingso stiff that he could not feed himself. He was re-' moved on Monday morning to the , hospital, where he received everyl care,` but notwithstanding alli that could be done for him-the: grew rapidly worse and died. '1"!-un 1nnnn~nn~ nf nuirlonnn HAG 5l.UVV ld.[J1|.llJ VVU1 DU uuu. L.llL'Lla The hearing` of evidence was concluded shortly before noon on Monday and the jury brought in a verdict that theman died from] blood poisoning and not from any contagious disease. ' I Died From B|oodvPois()ning (Continued from page Barrie stock Market 5.) Nov. ` l I At a special meeting of the Board of Education, last Monday night, the question of promotion `examinations. was under discus- 'sion. A It was decided to have iun_ .iform promotion` examination! papers prepared for classes up. 'to and including the Junior Third, `to he used in the several schools fnext month. Mid_winter promo- itinns in classes higher than the Junior Third will be made at the end of January, the details to be arranged by the principals and `the (`.omm_it.tee on Management. I A...-__.,.........-... t\ ........-- `L.-. 'IVnn.-Inn: `5Th "_n<=haind Tim? lbllfi \.JllIll1Il1l.l:\'.7U llll L'L(.l.ll(lD\/JIII./l.l|Io Answering a query by Trusteei I\Va1Iw,in, the Chairman said he expected to he in a position soon` to say whether every teacher is t.o make a report for each month ofl the school year. i 711..-nntnn Dnan nnnnir-nrll an 511' Mid-Winter Promotion Exams Another Shot at the High Cost of Living , BY HINDS BROS. I2 lbs. Redpath Granulated Sugar for- L3 lbs. " Yellow " . Best~Fancy Biscuits- - . - - . . . - . . . . . . . . . Quaker Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robin Hood Oats . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Purity Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Best Lemons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow`Cooking Onions ~ - - - - - . - . . . . . Spanish Onions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c tin l lb. Salmon for . . . . . . . . . : 25 tin I "" " . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 tin I " " ' . . ._ . . . . . . . . . I8c tin I " " . . . . . . . . . . . . |5c n " " . . . . . . . . . . . . l8ctinJlb_ '..._ . . . . . . . .. Egg-`O Bak`ing Powder. Rsg. llgc can fa PROMPT SERVICE Manitoba Floufr: - HINDS BROS. -i 9 20 2'1 nn 23 n 1 Ar-'i.oA1' AND Asuona Endorsed by Military Authorities SHOWING ; His Majesty King George The Dreadnought Fleet A Heavy Guns in Battle Practice Types of British Navy fromits inception to present day, includ- ing: . I AKQQ D.-":6.-`A n-1' flnn.-... `DI-Inn ~U 94 /u nr 5% 26 .97 s 29 Lowest Highest Rain Snow 7 48 November weather 41 36 ` 34 33 3'1 32 37 48 54 34 30` ` 27 23 16 Q2 '15 23 22 29 30 14 17 32. 33 12 n 52 44 42' 46 44 56 69 56 48 37 32 25 31 31 29 34 37 39 36 .30 44 . .47 35 -27 . G0 0.03 0.02 0.28 0.78 0.6 n 'l \r 4`) u lb. II). Ib. .I lb. 4; lb. " '" " ' Baling R It it It (6 53 T . 0.25 i W. H. BUTTERY .30 -- u r 33 -6 Annepisode (complete invitself) of The Girl From Frisco Series. ` I . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: -uv:- -- -' A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23c "' . . . . . . . . . . . .....`I8c . . . . . . . . . . ........15c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12%c . .._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..`I5C ; Powder. Reg. We for - . - . - - . . - . . . . . - 7c " I5c " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 25 -* . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20c` " $1.25 " . . . . . . . . .. ....90c my . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.60 per bag Copeland's Flour always in stock, Reg.` for. (5 I There is more heat in hickory `wood than any other kind. Tfnnru llmn 1`\l`\Iir\r\ uvvnll .-nntCl.~.6 VVUULA ullull u11J lJl;ll\_,L I\lllLl. Keep the house well \'entilat_ led, it will be easier to l1_oal,. Glyn...-.1. .-..'H 1..- ,.I,...... .0 _4:......; |\,u, lb \/V111 MU GCLDICI. IU ll"U.l;. Starch will be clear if stirred with a paratn candle. Wxvnnllnnx} r\n]u'n'hu'u-xns n].x\n nu.-u nnxuuu JLLIAII Ulu VLlVbDLl4l1- A torn patent leather belt can be mended by court plaster. pnnuxfnna nu n-nnlnrl nhnnon nu-:1-A VVLUIA (L lJ(.l.l(,lllI1l \J(llll4lll3- Excellent polishing cloths are made from old velveteen. l.~.,._._ _-.._1__.A I--LI--_. l--IL A-.. I lJ\'I Cl (.LI.lLl IILIIIICLUL/(3k,`n l Rice pudding sweetened with [brown sugar will have a very rich Iavor. `I'\-JI_, 4.114.`! I,,,. ,'l,,, I I! Jl(JaVL]L- Badly spotted ton shoes should he put, on a shoe tree and scrub- bed with soap and vwator. `\7;v1n nnr\r\o 7 An I1v"\I\r\`/V nan..- Mizss Edith WhitebI-ead, Pianist.` Mr. Ego!-ton Shrubsole, Viollnlst. LINCLUDING Alb 1ll\./l|Ll\./\.l IJJ lJ\JlJl L lJI(l.-TVLKJJ 4 __ Croutons or grated cheese give lnt-crest to many plam soups. T4` an ;r\1.- annf kno 'r1r\` t'lv1;nr' 1'} ;;.u\,;L_,gu LL: |1|u.11`y ylulll -?\Jkl[JDa .If an ink spot has not dried, it can be removed with water. L-1,_ ,.,1._1--- _,,',_!,1'_ EL To bake potatoes quickly, it. helps to steam them ten minu- tes first in very little w:1le.r. I A tumbler of water taken the first thing in the morning is particularly good for the digesg- ltionn. ' -_,_ _1-_`L-__-J:,_|, I n K111 Soup stock used instead of wa. 'ter when `makmg g1.'E1\'y will add `richer avor`. ,A..l- _I-_`l ',, J I` ' On I.Ll\JlI\JL lll.I4V\Jlo |_ Potato salad is delicious if you add a l1t,t,l= mmced celery, pep- pers and tomatoes. Dinn vxv-IrJI1:r\r\n t\rvvr\r\`t\u\n:J .-..'tl. lll.'LA lvllll. HULL}! auu 'VV(ll.l TL. 3 \Vim `_`.('.00ps on wheels may` he had for busy mothers to put their small children in; 11YL_-~ 1:..-) -0 _11 4| lrlll/IL QIIICLII lJ.IIlI\.ll(7l| ll`- VVhen tired of all nthorvvays `of using cold roast beef. try slic- ging and Vcovc-ring with tomato ,sauce, then baking in a hot, oven glong enough to have the tomato. Tiflavorjsoak through t1_1e meat. Friday, Ibec. 1---J. B. Fielding, lot 5, con. 1, Oro, T (Penetang Road). Cattleand pigs. Sale at I1 p.m; W.` A. Mcconkey, auction- leer-. ' `I'.`l..._'.1-__ 'I'\-_ A 1'_,_-,- 1-311- WJWJL 0 Friday, Dec. j-James Ellis, llot 23, con. 7, Essa. Farm stock, [implements and lumber. Sale at 1 p.m. H. A. Grose, auctioneer. I Wed., Dec. 6-MattheW Me- |C1ean, lot 1, con. 5, Innisl, ifarm stock, implements, etc. ;Sa1e at 1 p.m. AH. A. Grose, auc- itiorgeer. -r\,- at - A11 1 vuv I1 For The Housekeeper --`ya-_.`,-.-_.\.. (}avatina"` . . . . . . . . . . Raff `-`Ave Mari . . . . . . . .by Gounod Kuyawiak ? . . . .by _W_ianiaws`ki and Pairiotic Selections

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