p 7 , _ H _,,. _ . in, NOR'l`IIIJRN 1z{AlL\V:.-\Y TIME ` TABLE. ....._. 1. l..'10`n.m. ~, daily at _..| poo 10 of the North American l r0vinc(`a with ` tho pmpIc`of the state of New York. This is a sort of Tooley street tailor business; am we ,,c:\nnot. see why the Mgisiauxm of New York Tshrmld nsasulneso much in unmttvr which does npt concern them in the Iazu. .. If our consiina d42sir(: to live in harmony with the people of the British North Anmrictxn Provinces, they` will act wisely to mind their own business. . mun um-\-n \' nnxr 1 un mn.un..x The man who w 9 cnptlu-cd_ at the Suspen- sion Bridge.` as 9. Filcininn spy. turns out to In- the father of one of the convicted Feninna, and was engapzetl in cndcavoring; to obtain the re- lense of his son. The documents found upon him were simply muncs he had obtained for the purpose of assisting him in his object; and = all that. has ht,-on said about his lmving a list ax 1. of the nurnes of prominent Fenians is un_tru(.-,. Fur too much importance has been attached to the affair. " Lu. 1 an nu,n n \,r.;.r.nnAAAu.V.v The celebration of St. I`atrick a day at Ot- tawa, has given rise to much ill-feeling, in consequence of a supposed Fenian banner hav- inglwen carried in theprocession. It is un- tlt-raloocl that the banner was brought from ()glex1s1;urg, and my little doubt need le entertained that.._it had disloyal emblems upon it. This fact operates strangely against the soc_iot_'{,' and shows that there was a great want of caution or the m1nbursv. would , never have been exhibited in the procession. Ono valiant person cbmes out in a letter to one of the Ottawa papers. `nd declares that the l)llI1(.`l' hero no dialoyal emhlemsmnd that any attempt to interfere with it would have hcen attmldod with great dangor,.inasn1uch as anyone takingit out of the ranks W0'ill(l he obliged to walk over his prostrate body; The whole thing was a disgrace. Not only was the Fenian hanner dxsplayetlulnnt also one in honour ot'T}nunett. It is quite clear that l*`en~ ianism did its host to make a di.4pln.y on the occasion, and ,succen(1ed, to the great (lisconr ture ofthc `loyal prntion of the procession- ista. "` rrnr: I-_nri'r nun: AW` nrvrnurrtr H392` `G.&m:x111t:3%na1.tx Gqnnizy oi ,%im;LiV SlUrrnca1;, AVQ`Z*l)1:r5IIa1;. Tmavrs) 28. 13752; The l|lez11l1ex"t'o_:'.Hoff}: Si::x'o< :u:1mfg - his Cunstituents. Pursuant to :1 promise made some time since; Mr. McConkey visited Penctan- guishene last week. His reception by the ` people of Tiny ti: Tay was niost`entliusias- tic, strangely in contrast with the support accordetl him in those 'I'ownship.3 at the last and previous election. In accordance with a notice previously sent" up, Mr. Mc- Conkey held three public meetings on Wevlncsrlay last, the first at the school house, in the French settlement, which was largely attended, principally by French Canadians, many of whom did not under- stand the English language, in conse- quence of which , tlreassistaxnce of an in- terpreter was invoked. Mr. McConkey explained the present political position of this country, generally, but more particu- larly the ell-angels which ()onferleration must necessarily` entail. His remarks were `listened to with great attention by those present, two or three of whom'ln ietly zuldre:-iscd the meeting, in explanation of the CO1 rse they had pursued` in reference to Mr. McC[onkey at the last election. One gentle Ian said, (atltlressing Mr. McCo'n- _`_you must excuse me for what I `don't vote for Mc(Jonl is but a rebel anil a fool. We are now c uvincerl you were neither the one or'"the other. On the c`ontra`ry,v we fouml"you to be our friend. ' When we li:ul,auy lil'liculty with our_ lamls, or` limitless of any kind to transact in liar- rie, we have always found you willing nml nlilu tn liraln IN. hvnnr nnnnrwntu i"The 24th Annual meeting 0f\tll B_1l't`.ll Race ' fllub, cnme off on the Bay, in front of the town, on Tbiirsulay and Frlnlay clmit week, and was well attended The number of horses i entered, largely exceeded thatof formeryears, l and the sport was conducted by the judges and stetwnrdis in such :1 mspectnblc and orderly mun- ncr, that many who have conscientious scru- plcs against racing, saw nothing whcrewitli to nd lnult. Indeed, we may say, that 8 more I orderly and rt.-spn-ctnblo nsac bly never took place in the County. for an piirposc, lxaving aimnsemcnt simply in vi 5. . . . . 1 The ice was in cxcell nt condition. and the J.mllS8ID(`III. simply in W. ice in nit condition, tracks, of which ther were ten, gave the greatest satisfaction ,to .ven the oidest turf veleiaxis present. `-,_Ti1l{`i`iI`St Race wax: u trot- ting match for the . I.vxin:I-:m~nn' Prn.=m_ nf $ -!`rnttim_v . `MICK mare k<`anuy.": Tun L.um:s' Prtxzgx-2, of Q25; Running Race, M mile hcatu, lmst two in three; was a very exciting 1'aC(`, no less than ten horses being entered for it. Dr. Morton's Ayntunmu-," however. took the rst and second heal.-4; Mr. Nicholson's S. ' '. iixlgewuy, `coming in second. and only :1 length behind. .\h:m'rL\x"r`.~3 P'rn.~41~:. of 3()$.-T1'otfinn. mile Toynnto. . . . Brad ford .. . czxxxlolu . Gllrord Lufroy. . . Crnl<,'vnl0.. Iinrrlc ____ _, nng matcu [or me Isxxmzrms Pmsm. of R.lC(`._. mile hg;_\[3: ' tintored. won in; t W10-.~ mile heals, pgst 2 won hy L oj".\ Mack mnre' Fanuy."r THE .'.\nn:s' Pr:1z.~`1-2.. second. 0nly_u1cngth bclnirltl. u `. Me:m:1u.\'1`s PL'n.~41~:, 3()$.-Trnttin`g. heats, host 2 in 3; seven horses entered. Won by Mr. Allan Gnnn`s horse, Tom $:1_vcrs`:" I.L`.\1nmun:N s P1` S7:').--Trouingz Race I my .111`. .-xuzm unnns Horse, ' Lulu gal; L'l:9. LL`.\1nz~:Iun:\".~; .r:, $75.-'l`rouing mile heats. best 3 in 5. Won by the` .\les Cool: Brotlmrs` black st:Il1ion.."'Billy .\I0rgan' (}0L'N'rY l L'n:~'I:. $25.--Tr)Lting unttch, mile heats. best 2 in 3; ve horses untc.-retl; won by " Bugl+=r, owned by Mr. Donald ,Gunn of West Gwillimhury. Qu'L`I:D .<-rlnr-2--. ! l ur.szM- .'.'~"20. SXO. and; | SW1-:r.P S'l`AKFJ3-v-3 I urses-$:20, 3&0, $5._--'I`rotIin;:, best nxilchema. Z in 3. Ten | lmmng pntcrvd, Mr. Rnbt. Suther1an:l`s horse. ~` Brmvn Prince," of \\".-at Gwillimhury took 1u| v\ri7u' \[r, Allnn (`.nnn`s "Grvv Bird." ' Prince," of \\`<.-at uwnlnmnury mm: lstprizc; Mr. Allan Gnnn`s "Grey won the second prize, and r. Edward K4-Il_v'rs l nmre of` Stuyner, what(1'yo cu]! lmr. wnn ` the third` Everybody wits satised with the arrangement, and the oicurs of the club got the greatest praise. .. o ,-___. North Ontario. \,`B-afrie Annual Races. $-15.-Trotting1 n 3' nine horses were may-:1 innl; "rnt urn Trotting __HtCllS.1llI(l Races at 0:-illia. The av ices toolil 6:1 Tnday;'l9tt' `V inst.; and from what we have learned, they " were a decided success in every respect. The " day was propitious} hnd Marge `concourse of spectators were in attendance to enjoy the sport and wexlcitement usually exbected at guthcringskif the kind. The ice of: Luke Couchiching wus all Llizwcould be desired for the purpose. In consequence of the absence Iof the Sn-_c1-emry. Mr. J. G. licliuiien`. Mr. Robt. Ross very kindly acted in his stead, and started the sport at 11 o'clock. p.`m.,` two hours later than intended. ,r . xhmm-u Inhn I-Ynfvin fl.`-n, Tnvlnr. rind: Iinrrlc .. Allnndnlc... lInrrlaona.. Essa Angus . .. l3}`(:11t\vnn(lv`. latorthanintcnrlerl. _ _ l Messrs. John Harvio. G120. Tagr, ands Tbos.` B. Horten noted as judgea. A good deal ofintercst was manifested in the races, and some rmnnrkably good trotting wns done; in fact. in -isouneinstanca-s it was almost a `neck I and neck contest, which caused` intense ex-l `loin.-ment. Amongst the byustandt-rs, (L9 31 natural consemxence. numerous Sets wrea` ILOHIEHI. ;l1n0gFL {[10 D_)TUSl11DU(`fS, 3} A. . consequence, numerous wre 1 given and taken on the issue, and the lovers of the turf had quite a. lively time of it. The result of the races are as follows: Inf _'T`v-nltimv \|nh-h- nnrqn `Rn 'I`\vn rnila result or me Iouows: " I lst.-TroLting Match; purse $30. Two mile heat: best. two in "three; 3 entries. viz: . E Juu~:-ownml by Mr. W. N. RntIL-dgn,CoId- `; water. 3l0n.G.\.\'-O\vn(- by G. Cook. ORIU-I Lu SwI'r<:m:n-owned by G .\Ioore, Orillin. | In this race JAKE came of)` e winner. I ` `Ind _rnfh Rn:-n~ nnrzn ,`I."x- Qnntrinu vi-y- . In tins JAKE on me wmncr. 2nd.-ScnIb Race; px1rgsLf,$l5 ; `3ventries. viz: ; O1m,LI.\- S\Vl I ClIER, owned` by C. Moore. I `I303, owned by W. Russ, Barrie. COLn\v.n'_En. - MAID. owned by W. X. lmrlmlgc. This was` clnsely -contested. the ()HII.LI.1 Swxrclu-:n,_. taking the lead and the mum-_v als 3rd.-S\vcen.=,xuk 3 <.`!]!I`i1`.`1. v --R Y.4(`k L` Ivy lmss. .u.uu xmvmz, `oxvutrumy .`\l. ;' = Clenry. Mr. Cook's BLACK .\{.\ur: succeeded in winning witbolil: much trouble. 7 At the close of'tl1etrntting ruutchc-.~=, :1 Foot Race took place in front uf the if Orillin. H>u.=-." _\lr, Tlmmaa Treclnle outstripped all the cmnpctitors, and was declared 1111: winner nf the purse. ` | ------ ~------ . Clenrv. Mr. ('m)k'~: RI tr`): \hnw unm-mulml mung me new and the also. [ 3r(1.-S\veepsx;1kes; <.`!]lI`i1'.`!, \`iZZ--BLACK AR!-I. owned by Mr. G. Cm: . ~Bon, bwned by W. Rr).=.s. '.\I.uuRov1::z. `o\vn M.;' -- ----~%enxsnH,43thrA-- \ EMORESTS JI,()N,THLY SIAGAZINE. ' ' "_ _ ` Q universally nclm0rvledged_ the Model 177:; g"'."i"lJ}tl" I1TJue":lan:;;T0t:Ll3$}gn: Parlor Dngazinze of Amgrlca; devoted to Ori- ;` {E 9;`; `=31 .7 t~"'."-`-`- 5 m P-- -d .5; bfi--ginal4S!9r1.-gr_Poexu:L sketches. Architecture ' 9 r 5" w". g " L3 you 1] an, prom: _d and Model Cottages. Household Matters. Gums -Kd @033`?! "` 9 f",` ' `l 9: met, J of Thought, Persduul and Literary Gossip (in- ,' mm" days 'mpmnmem' at hard 3 Om` ` eluding special delmrtmcnts on Fashiuns),`. ,R. Cotter, (.`-._\x, for Qhe Crown. b _rr 7 Wm ewT_;_Va]1 by the 1,95; authors. and profusely and i tbnaT} ;Ie`i`(42(;Jr:3((:IT`lr)Ll:*1(t:(:lT1g1Ieill.?2lc`:`:stenIl11 is:r)`le E "l f"3;> "L`f;i'``f "' "1? ff-"`r> ns!-H ; _ " - ' ,, ' " ' * fu size . 11.1-u am re mu: `:1 ern., 111-` 5I;{en(t~ut`tc`_ad (m:_rtef`-in at `ivmrd labour `I I l()roidcries,"Jewelery, and acoustauts1xcm~ssi';n 3 ' ` ` " M ` Crow` , of artistic novelties. with other useful and on-; tortuining liueratnre. ' The. Quce_n' 17.1. vIViIl2'am 07'77L? )y..-Th indict- . A i men` "1 "3 ,eA`,'`'* 13 9 "it'i8_1" No nerson of ruemenl.fcononxiurznl ll()l'L*;<-~ pawn.-, 1 F 9 t E 9 J1. U(mexj U._\x, tor `me Urown. m+ ThefvQueen vs. Ilurvie Jo_nes.-In this c se_ the prisoner pleaded guilty to stealing Q pistol. Sentenced, fmirteen days `hard labour. J. i R. Cotter, C.A., for the 1 '77: Orlmwnfv-1 IVz'Ila'nm I7.~mu}m _'T'I.n:m1:-| : [ It. hotter, u.A.. 10!` me crown. [ The Qucen'z.'.1. IViIl2'am 0rnL9by~-'I'heim1ict- in this case Was, 13!. for obtaining the` sum of $40 from ghe prosecutor, George Rey- nolds of Orilliglly fznlsu )I'(3C(`.l'l.`!L`.`_._ Znd count for unlawfully am {rm dulently obtaining the `mid money. From the 'idenccit seems tlel prisonerllm-ld,,a certicate {or a tavern '1icnns(-, 5 at the Village of Orillin. Wlxih he disposedl 01' to the prosecutor. representing M. the time-. I that it was n tavern lict.-nso. ; Tl1(3jl11'_VIICqui'_- I | ted`l1iu1 of the false pretensvs, but found lzim l._guilLy_Dn.the second count of the indictment. iScnl.ence1 sixteen days :1: hard labour. J. l R, Cutter. C..-\.. l'nr.tl:e Crown: Hnnlmn .9 '-` in favour of the defendant. Mr. M. )lcC:irIliv. Mcljartuy Ior the prisoner. \ ` lViIIimn v(,-V1711]/IIBH. pIm'ntz", rs. lVilIa'am C_'u~/zntz. dvfemlant.---Tl1is option ivas brought 5 to recover the sum ol` $231. alleged to be due 3 by the Ilefvlllllllli. for an zxci,-ounl. The llL'f0l'lCC I setup was. that the debt. had he}-n paid partly j in cash. and tho 1I31E`!`,`5 "Y Q-signingt to thcj. plaintiff :1 numhox` of proniissory notes. which he took in pnyniont and satisfaction for his in- I delmelncs;. This. the plninliff llll\`g(?4l, was ` not the case, but the notes werv only taken as collnlcral securiljn The Jury found :1 verdict `Plnintifs Attorney;` Boullon J: .\IcCartli}~, lfioiinsel for Pluinzill"; Mr. Mark Sv:inlon.. Do-`:` ifunrlnnlfs Atto\'I10_v; Lount & Boys, Counsel` 1 for Defendant. ` ' 1"vn-mmh. 1 l.\. l_.,.L BI`(:11t\vnn(l~.-;v. New Lowell. .`1unn1dule. . . . \Vnrr1m;tou . . Smyx1<:r_ _ 1!`-1! mu Hscntenceu slxteeucxuys :1! [mm labour. J` R. Comer. G.A., foxuthe Crown; Boullon J5 .\IcCarthy for the p1'is0I1er. , W'iIIimn VL-'nnnhe(I. nlrn'nfi', re 'WiIl.'nm| LuL|~.:)Il'lf l1LllHl.`SL The Queen rs. Funny Iresnn and Frzrrlht IIou,vIr(l.- I`he primncx-:-: were tried for sste:xt- f ing n quanti'.y_ of cr0cker_vw.1re and other articlvs from the house ,uf one Jutm Gnlwn. ' who. having been :l7!SL'I|t.F.0nl(' time from home. on his return tbund the articles gone. and} traced thmu to the hmtse of the prison:-ri Ilowzml. whcrv:1I. pris<)nurIves)nlu]-_red. 1 There being no evitlcm-c against Ive.-rson she 1 was ucquitto-d. and Mxrw. Hr)w:\rd `was found gtnilty. Scum-.nco to two nmnths at hunt. sluhour. J. R. t`uttvr_ CA.` for Um (`muvn~ Tm` IISDL llama-. mun & (` tortuining lmeralnre. I _ . No person ruement. ccononiicul wife. or lady of taste, can uffrtrrl "to do wixhdut the M01191 Moxlthly. Single copies. :30 `cuntszt back numbers. as specimens, IUcc1i!.a;eiths-1-:` jmailed free. Ycur|_s'. $3. with amluahlei g premium; two copies, $5 50; three copies. $7 50 r live copies. $12, and splcnclid premiums for< , E clubs at $3 each, with the rst yrcmiums to E 3 each subscriber. Address Q ur n-vx-rx-/-e r\r:\:nni.`c'r*i K W. Jl'.'.Vl\l.\U5 Ul:..\lU[\'1:.E1'. No. 473 Bromlway. .\'Vcw-York. Dt-morestls Monthly and _Ynung America, together. $4. with the prt-miums for each. i "*--' .3. ;.._ ` I 1 Full \`u'hvut_ . I . . . Spring \\'h~r:1t . . _ : K F B.n'la-V _L`4>I`K ])v1`,Cwr . . . . . . .. .1 13:11-fpol` 11") lbs. .. 4 .` Mutton pm` 1!) . . ` I omtm;.i pm` 1" .. . Chi<:1\un.< per pair. . 7. D|lCk$ ncr nnir. . . . 1)|lCKApL`I' pmr, I Turkeys cuch. t Gm-so ouch . . . . ': BI|(h:r[\\-x'Ih. . 1` Hay pur Inn... Straw per luful ':\ml lrlm-\ nu runmsv%%gupvv%m1n{ unns vim; M an! gwm'mwn\ mu !N*;mIus.r-an 5-: mm. H In Chatwhaeo mire- the Hm ,m.,.1. pnkn outed New Ytwk M: NH}; ag-gum! in nu gurhnw-at M thd Ya! I mania in in harp-and its hvgimxuu Inm-mm in warm! M . . HI` 1 V - mm M mImsu ?..'J .1? 5-3. ! 19:94 ' ` \; whims af ch:- Townsii{p`b}?fii{3'} a. Tny ('(H`\ I Y (H3 . ~l\|(`I)|<` Ind: ? !\ um; iluv Atlrcrtisczmuta. HUl{Sl`F FUR >'.\I.E. Orillia mrket Prices. `mEX.\MINH!l'3Uiicn-, Mgu-ch 2 I ' 2% r! 5L'I'IUL'l'. 1011! w. JE.\'_\'I.\'GS DE.\10r.-'L`s'r.' \.'.x .172 P1-nruh\`n\', \':-xv-Yr \' .\l.l'\lll.l`l . ;\l;\r(:?1 .'<~r*tm1 fur the "']5x.\\11_\' (nun , _ _ Q1 . Olnzutumiul. ,B1lI'1`iL`,_3I:!rBCtS. --------.-. 9 - -~+--~--' . Mails Close-at Balic If. 0. as follows. -----9- I ---- Toronto .Vl`.|I'k(`-f: I .\"l{vlvl-l`E`l).~ \|\' I\.. I IHIKTII. v..r...- llmru DIED. \\'.-.1 I7`. ' "" ""'J U1" -`:3Hll,`l)l'Z. Hrrru-r~:. ..\I:m:h 27.1 .'>l , H :__ H}. ,,,. `.:_,..;._ .. wl--Mn l':n~mn- ` OONFEDERATION I'1.\Eu of tho ` , E. {mu ,3 I L, .\:,....g 1 ` z in ,,:r...`-.;: 1% -me smg . ii! I-`lit 190:1: rzm 0AR'1'0N"S3. Mails going Scull}, daily at 6.50 1 4.10. 13.111. ` ' Mails going West. daily at ll a.m'. Mulls going to ()1-illin, daily, at 1 l.. l Muils going to Penclzmguisliuno, Il.3. mm. ` lnfn l`nnu.-lrnr l"lm.-n.1.... ....1 c--.. *i*(`tt;1J1 .)ItlA1'.1`Vl1\:(} I Electors Attention. Public Meetings 1 "h.s|1uxv uhI`I:wH*1 mu! CLOSED FOR ONE WEEK, tuunnmx-in: on Hands}. WI: lmt. \\ J. M: -t(.\\"I'!'1R at ('u. 1 . 3 V'e.~'pr:1. .\I:\rc`n '2 I Fire Proof House Sl l`I(`l.\l. .\'U'l`l(`|`I! F `.1113 Lmlit,-5 of Bgu-rie,desirons of taking 1`-urt in raising a mud {up the purpuso of` procuring a pair 0 Cnlurs for 35th Battalion Volunteer K Infzum'_v. are rC(;IlI".`lel 10- alteud :1` nun-linv,;t'u1' that objvcl on Sntqrtlny. lhv,.3Ul'I1 -luv uf llurch. inslunl. m. 3 o'clock m the ufu-rnm3n. :mm- Firt-mt-ns' Hall. Burr-1c. Zhh March. 1567. 8-Vliu. \ N0rth -York Mitril Works. 00131:: QF REVISIO1\. `I:INTT.I-I\lICN:~-H.\\'i r .. Hi. .. .........r..,.m L1..s\1.'.1.ln. I I V .Apto,.Tue.xdny, Thursday and Satunlny, `a 11.30 `Mn. \fnih: fm- 'I`l.nrnh-m 5.. VIM... gltw '\xIr;rti:inim1t.ti,\ .....u-.-Y, xu [nuts .1 qmwynmunell, In gin the Fvlhawlug nnliw in mks; ,. I may ls-v hung with cxpvdlthu. vmq um-In In our anon-mar 8:. mm Um Hm Vmul" Htmrcn will be ml. `larch. Nth. 133? u ..:._;_ ?. V` . _ 1 Hull Q7" s:n':.l Tmzvnsldp, :':(lin>sd:)y, A pl-il 10, :1! ll dulnck :Lm. =`uvI-e i-vw'!\ mm: M tting Mymau ta am. In M I! lawn. In H: 95 M,` \\ I H. n A an. hung oi" the Court for the RG3 ` the ;\.s:~'c:~:sIlIcnt Rolls of the "L-. for 1567', (viii he held in M U CIUCK ' (31-,0. ; I`1I.' '|'>lL\l'vI.-ln (`I . .`_\ IL:\'1'I1. '1'O\\'ux,~'l1ip Clerk. ` .3-"Ii Ham mmnnm an Q! Ma: [ml at tep |, Imliuv in nnluy ll.. aU MI]. Mnixs for Thornton on Tuesday and Friday". 11.39 mm. max. rm. m.....a., m.. ,... m..n-.1 :5 Name .,l 0.-1t()1c1: _ .