Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Sep 1901, p. 1

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he style em more r money Hpuse to_ Let.- nxcnhnn 1.. nauwxcx. A non! Brooch Lost. Miss Lazier, LAMPS! Waited [ ' i>1I}Ie 134. ISSUED BY `URI Xv KVVIUZO ' Agent. Bank of Toronto Building. . Bnrrle. I}.IcENsEs{ '11 31266 are un- o sell LAMPS ! -681|[PANY e uuunl co --Among the militia dhzmges gazet- ed.Iast week were tllefollowmg m` the 35th Regiment, Simcoe Foresters-T4) he Lieutemmt. W C. G1-amt, vice D. M. GI-ant, pmxmnaetl. To be Second Lieutenant, supem1un1_er;u'y, J. F. Mc- Cartlly - \Y.\..6- :\.f.....I.... Cant-~ 09."! in 61.,` sun -unluuvv a. nun: \AL\JvVUI\`I --A meetin of the Ladies` Auxiliary of the Royal icto1-ia. Hospital will be held at 4 p. m. on Tuesday, 24th inst., at the Hospital. All the members are requested to be present. 'I"vru-.1 Dv A Irv\vr3n ..'.-.Iyn...1.\.1....u. ".24-L 5 \ \l\I\Icu\.\I. vv um. 1:; ways: I}! -THE Ex.\M{.\'ER acknowledges with thanks the receipt `of complimentary tickets. for Uollmgwood and Orillia, fairs. The former is held Sept. 24th -to27th, and the latter Sept. 30th to Oct. 2nd. I A II I A I I II \I\4Ilo unu- --An incandescent light is badlv needed at the corner of James and Peel streets. Several evenings ago a lady srained her ankle at this crossing. and t ere have been other accidents here, due to the luck of light. A .... ._n......... .J...........-.. I-.. ..........l... .. t\ ....- .. .,.... ....... ... -Any persnn desiring to purchaae a. good farm will dn well uot`. to overlook the sale of the Dobbins farm (near Minesing Smlzinn). which takes place on S3.t,urda.y of this week at Queen s Hclnel. Bmrie. See posters for parti- cu urs. ' ' .1 -an- -1 vun uAn_v --Next Manda, , Sept; 231-d. is the date of the Oro I one of the most successful township fairs in- the pro- vince.- This year it romises to be better than ever. e Cr-aighurst band will furnish music during the afternoon. nu . n . u v\ . (`I uuuu; an-uu -The editor of the Durhaun Chron- icle. got off this very pertinent and unquxestionnble truism: " A village newspaper is like at xvmnan. because every man should have one of his own and riot, be`run1'\iugnf'.;er his neigh- ox-"s.' ln.I . u . L p lgy fancy Ila:-ox. -Mx-s. AnnieQuinlan.wife of Andrew Quinlan of Crown Hill died early yes- terday morning from pnenmoniu, aged years. She had been ill since` Fri- day. Deceased Wm] n. daught;e'1' of John Nicholson of Vigo and,wn.s mar- ried in 1893- She leaves one daugvlxter. Tkn n..un.`~....u\..0- At` `I-1... lIn>Ln.~I,~0-' ~10. to 50c a pair saved on ne Boots and Shoes at Irwin's. nu uv n ;u_,,,,,__- ,1 \JlIlllt Uu J.`lI|-ll|-ICU ; - -'.l`vooper Malloy, the blind South African hero, was in town this week. l'\..._I. Il'__._L ...........L.. LLL. ............. nu. vvuvu nun. Lu;-ma v\l`l|u.lII-\JIv nu In.-5 uuuuu - In the September issue of the Canadian -Horticulturist is an pxcellenmt article from the pen of G. O. Gaston. of-Cmightlt-st, entitled, Good Fruit for Simcoe Fruit Growers. ' . n.1,1-,1 an -n uvn r- --If the teachers or trustees of rum! schools would either call on Secretary Fletcher or nctify him this week the number of school children's tickets re- quired it. would greatly assist the Fair mnnngenxent. ' _ I)..........,. D A `"7, 1.-.... .. Ll... I Imuvmlluhx nu.-.a\.o --Beca.use R. A. Watson of the Cookstowg lacrosse team won a. few cents at a. picnic the Bradford club 8:-otested him as a. professional. The LA. threw out; the protest and con- rmed Cookst0Wn's clmmpionship of the district. ' .1`-u nu n.1` nl\4\-I nu Avvvl -utav-4 nvuvuu uuu uwuhuv. :- The nxanapzetnents of `the Methodist: Church .at, D.-n.lst,on wtll hold lheixf a.nniversary services on Sunday next. Rev.-Geo. Meliiulev, B. D . of Barrie, will preach Iudt-ning and evening. ()ommen;ing at 5.30'Mnnduy evening :1. fowl suppe 1- will he served. followed by M an enter-vailunlexxb Sheriff DL-ury will 1 reside. A ....\As:..... he 1)......:.. .`D...\..L..3-.....- ..... . uu-u. uuuca mu I-I. vvuu an -'1`he Islny tied up for the season at Orillia. on Thursday. 'l\_.......... lI ..II.... Ll... I.l:...A G.-uublm 411.; Iurwu llWl\J was nu vujvu vul-`I vv\n.II -Oapt. Marsh re orbs this season to hawe been the best e has bad on Lake Qinuunnn nave use suncoe. 1`. Imm- Oct. 2nd. \JlIllb\JCI --Barrie band has been enghged to furnish music at Cookstown Fair on It` n|,,,,.; I,,,1 `L, _,,I,;\,,, uuuuu Anuuunu L Accrua- Th local weather man says that Monday's wmd reached (L maximum veloclty of sixty mules an hour. "VI... nl.n..-`nae -.l.....\ :.. fV......u-I.` 0.... vcluuluy UL BIA!/J Auuca Wu ll\llllv The cheapest. place in Canada. for fine clothing is at Irwin's. I`I7n..6-Inn. v\nnru\:I`-:r\ou tkn Dn..A.`m.1 uuu ulwvlnllla nu nu: 5 "us: on -W61lth9P permitting the Buradford tennis players will play a return match with the locals tzo-morrow afternoon - I _ n,__;,_,,|.A,. 9,, _- 1- .1 I |I.uI\-IL: A meeting of Barrie `P1'esl>_\Vtur\' wad held in Midland on Tuesday. 1.23 t of the time was occupied with liuziw M'ssi0n .husiness. Rev. Rnht Moodie, wh_0 has acted as c'e1-k for at number of years, retired from the nct;i\'e'wo1-k of the clerkship and the duties of this office wil_l he assumed by Rev. J ames Rollins of Ehnvale. , " . I` , A 1`I, , ,'Il, fl,` I,, WJI -G..:unt.y Councillors Quinlan and Han-vie and E. A. Little, M P.P.. inter- viewed Mr. Lntcnfm-d. Minister of Pul>lic.\Vurks,nu Tuesdayjn reference tn the muinten mce of hr-1d'ges nn the County line between Simcne and Mus- kokn; Heretofore Simcue has had to bear all the expsnse. The dep-.1m.tiou aeked that the government assume Mulskokzs share and they were well pleased with the answer received from Mr. Lw.tchfnrd; , ,4-n u, , 1-, .,,.1 (1.. _,_._1 The following item froni the.` Orillin. Packet will be of interest to the many friends of the gentleman referred to :. Etna. Robbins was brought. home from the Toronto General Hospital on Tues- day. after ll trying experience of nearly six weeks; v His recovery thus far is as ' much a surprise to the physicians as it is u. ple_as_ure to his friends; In about six weeks he will probably return to Toronto to undergo a. further opera.- ` 'tion, which. _ however, will "not be nearly so critical as that `which hefhas. rilreagy pzgssed safely through. and Mr. Robbins j_)_rIna,uent recovery ,u;dy . l .G., t.ei'e`fo`i%"b`e"hopJ=fi1lly looked for,wa.rd vuvo uuu -Rev: RIF. Shorts had the misfor- tune to fall and break his `nose last Iunnlz :--uur T0111` menus or near. are unrival- led at 250., 35c., -!5c., and 50c. Try them. HOBLEY BRO ' nu, I,_, _,,,_;L,,, _.,-__ ,__,_ 41,-,L nun. lrinkbulillun I -lu this issue will he found the card of the Victoria Hntel. Big 'iIu_pruve- lnients have heen m` in this holel during the past: month. the huilding having been thoroughly x'enov:I.ted and :1. lame amount, spent. in fur- nishings._ Charles Gaudauxr, the new grep:-ietm`. was associated with his rather in the hotel business at Rab Pm huge and like Jake can pull a, good oar, In fact he is admitted to he the fastest mam in America. for dlstances under a mile. _ V at is and Vv\-nu :--0ur four blends of tea are unrival- nri at 0:. '22:. , Kn a uni -`(n 'T`v-u LOCAL NEWS. BARRIE. ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 19, 1901} ways. \.-1au.:u' vs Bvvla` vv un- .Mr. Atkinson in responding said it was impossible to say much in reply to the kindly references that had been made to him. He thanked all on be- half of himselt and Mrs Atkinson for the appreciation shown for any ser- vices that had been rendered` in u. public way by him. Ever since their `residence in B m-ie he had always been received with every respect, It. was hard he said to nd adequate words to give expression to his thanks for the lmndsome gift the citizens bad favored him with. He had enjoyed his residence here and was closely at- tached to thetown and if at any time it was in his power to render any aid to Barrie it would be his pleasure to do so. ` Ex- ayor \Vells and Verv Rev. Deau iEgan followed with short addresses. . Ilu \I7nIln n:u\L` In A I>`!I|r\nr\v\ than MR. nxinsou Tue RECIPIENT OF A umusome CABINET on SILVER. Further honor was done Mr. Atkin- son, lute xuanuger here of the Bank of Toronto, when last; Friday morning some twenty-ve prominent; business men gathered in the Public Library hall,a.nd there. after complimentam speeches. resented Mr. Atkinson wit; 8. splendi cabinet of sterling silver- waue in a. handsome oaken case. H H Qfuufhw W I". Inna nkosnnnun wate in a nanusome oaxen case. H. H. Strathy, K. 0., was chairman of the gathering and in his references to Mr. Atkinson emphasized the fact that he was a man the to_wn was sorry to lose. In all public mattexs he had taken the deepest interest and any- thing -havin to do with the welfare of Barrie foun him at the head. As bank manager his services were satisfactory to al_l with whom he `came in contact, and while he had done his duty to the hank.the financial affairs of the County of Simcoe had received his particular attention. Although Mrs. Atkinson's name was not connected with t-he pre- sentation it was intended. said the speaker. that she be included in the expression of good-will. ` lln Aa.I.:......... in nap.-\.qp.A!..... ....:.l :4- 8.(1(ll'8SSE!S. D1,`. VVells said Mr. Atkinson-was justly worthy of all that had been said of him. During his term as `Mayor large expenditures were made and Mr. 'Al;kiuson`s help was always solicited and williqgly given. He_ was voicing the ommou of the citizens generally when he said his depamture was deeply regretted. . nmm I<`.ma.n said it. was nut his fort to was deeply l'E_SR['HLL.Bll. Dean Egan said It wn.s.not his fort to `give speeches. but he wa.s7h:Lppy to have the opportunity of adding his tescimon to what haul been sail re- gardin 1'.At.kinsou. He wasiudeed a, goo fellow. `always courteous and obliging, and with all his `fuulbs we loved him. pan T\.mn `nut-via 1)? Q!` l`.::t.hnv1inn: lnvdtl llllll. Rev. Dean Harris, of St. Uatherines. was present and w_n.s called upon as an old friend of Mr. Atkinson to make a few. remarks. He had known Mr. Atkinson for several years and it- had his father: and sister. Judging by the expressions of the previous speakers Mr. Atkinson was attaining that success that yeave. ago was predicted by his friends; It was not more than was expected of him as 2:, boy in St. Catherines. He had always conducted himself as the non of II. gentleman been his privilege to be associated with ` I should and he anticipated l for him a. most brilliant ca.1-eer. . l 'I"I-no nvurlnuw-.n'rv rliennvvaurl hr! ninrvinrr c-.v-o.v.- .--`.5, ..-- vs. I vu--vuu The oicers and soldiers of the Barrie corps are certainly pushing their Har- vest Festival with commendable enter- prise. They are busy collecting fruit, vegetn.bles. grain, groceries. dry goods, and every other useful at-liclev which they may sell for the benet of the Army work in the ha.rr2_1cks on'Mon- duy. Sept. 23rd. The amount which the local corps .-Lims to raise is $75. The otcer in charge, Adjt. Burrows, is arranging an illterestiug program for the four davs. The barracks will be nicely dec(`ra.ted fur tlxeyoccasinn. The many choice articles of every sort will he sold on Monday night, Sept. 231-d. Special snhject will be dealt; with by Adjt. and Mrs. Burrows during Sunday. I new llI'('I).`Sl3 Dl'llllHaIJD C'|.:`t!Ul'- d he gathermg isperse by singing For he's a. jolly goqd fellow. The largest; stocks of Corsets and the lowest pt-ices'in B u-rie are at It-win s. New Jackets at Btrgain Prices. all new colors: $3.75 `Jackets. $2.50; 3500 Jacks-ts. $3.75: $10.00 Jackets, $7 50: S15 00 .Ltcke-Ls, $10.00; $20.00 J:a.c.;ct`s t'or,$1'2.0'.). . Hundreds or line Cums to choosefx-0111 a_t,-Ir\viu .g:. Y-v - unusu- What was prob-a.liAl_v the finest theat ! rical production E'V.-:1 seen in Barrie was given nn Monday night, when the'gexnent: presented Whitney and . Knowles Q-io, V.-Ldis." The scenic effects wexe iuzigxnicexir. the costum- ing superb. and Lhe work of the cast: of a very high order throughout.` A I-egi-ettahle ft;.tlll'P in connection with the production was the cozupaxmtively small attend.-mce which was very dis- coiumzing considering the heavy ex- pense: incurred hv the managenxent. On Fxgiday, Sept. 27th. J-runes Rix will sell wit,uout._ {reserve-\ hisfarnx slack and iu1plement..~* nn lot 2, con. 3. Me- du_nte. ' Sale at 12 o'clock. G. R. Ford, auctioneer. QUI.\'L.\.\'-Atv Crown Hill. on Sept. 18th, Annie. wife of Andre\\_' Quinlan. SMITH-At the _residence`of Mrs. N. Kin ,' on \Vednesd-ay, Sept. 11th, of cere )ro spinal meningitis, Hilda Isa- bel, youngest child of (JI1a1-Ies,J.b'mith, aged 2 years, 4 u.|o'ntl1s and 14 (laysf I - .. ` one Pain-,.Ki1l9~r, Berry Davis ; 25c. Hundreds of opinions agree A upon` the fact" Vtyhat-Pain -'Kil,ler has a_lle_viated__. more pain than any one fmedic_ine,' ` Unequalled for diarrhoea and dysen-_ I tety. Avoid `subscitlxtes. the1* ej 15111; and 500; 4` -`T _ and 12 days. ' GALLAGHI-ZR.-Ab name] on- Sept. I 16th, -P.-uxliue E , daughter of Mn. and ' Mrs. R. J. Gallagher. aged 3 months Salvation Anny Harvest Festival "I"lu. at!-2...... .. A l\I\l1l:t\Imn` ..AL.. 1 J..-._.. 5 ut price HONORED AGAIN. Credit` Sale Ouo Vadis. .. ,.|. .l_I._ .|__ DIED. THIER FIRST ANNUAL RE-UNION TO BE HELD NEXT THURSDAY-THEY WILL BE HERE IN HUNDREDS. ACCOMPANIED BY THE HIGHLANDERS _BAND-PREPARA- TIONS MADE FOR THEIR RECEPTION HEARTILY ENTERED INTO BY THE 4 TOWNSPEOPLE. . Next Thursday. the .Simcoe,Old-Boys -a.nd girls too-`-will be here. We are glad of it. Barrie is proud of the opport:unit.y to welcome the absent sons and daughters of the County on this their first annual re-union The town is theirs for the day. and its citi- zens with open arms will extend the . warmest of Welcolnesto the boys ' and girls of Simcoe. A . - The Simcoe Old Boys Asssociation of Toronto will come by special :lrain accompanied by the splendid band of the 48th Highlanders. ()n the arrival of the train at 10 30 a..m:, the will he met by the Mayor, Town an County re resentatives, the reception com- mittee, the Citizens Band and towns- people generally. From a platform- erected at the post oice square. May- or Radenhurstwill read an address of welcome and reply.will`;be made by Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, president of the Association. There will also be music and st few more speeches after which the visitors will he carried off by friends to the homes of the town. The oicers of the Association will be the guests of the Agricultural Society. At 1.30 p.m. they will re-assemble on the Market Square and forming into a rocession headed by the 548th High- anders, will march to the Exhibition grounds where the Central Simcoe Fair will be formally opened by Dr. Beattie Nesbitt at two o'clock. The people at the town both in _car1-iages an! on foot are requested to join the procession. The visiting Old Boys will be given free admission to the grounds. Aspecial train will convey them back to the city after the concert leaving about 10.30 p m.. _ Tln-emu-ches reachinz from Beet-roft's THE OLD BOYS AND GIRLS OF SIMCOE COUNTY. ' leaving amour. 1u.w p m.. Threearches reaching Bankto the Post office and two jar-ge arches across Dunlop street, as well as some SIIIELHBI` ones. will be erected and there will be streamers. hunting and . ags galore on the business streets. ` The Decoration Counuxttee esnel-ia.Hv .'t1ags galore the business streets. '1'he Decoration esperially desire that the citizens should use every effort to have the town wear ILS very gayest garb. Not only_on busi- ness streets and the streets in the line of uiarch but all over town the decor- ations should be carried out that an where the visitors go they will see that preparations have been made for their reception. Let our` people vie with each other in brightening up their places of business and their homes and the prettiest town in Canada." will fairly-eclipse all former efforts in hou~ or of the home coming of Simcoes sons and daughters. _ Whiln than nunnlsa nf H.'I.[`1`l(! are the l 9 We want zeing the sonsemtl muxgnners. _ ` While the people of Barrie are the unostinceresbed iu_ this 1'ecept.i0n we `r1-list tha.t_those from other parts of the county will not forget. that this is ` acounty affair. Ibis not the BaI'L`ie! Old Boys, but the Simcoe Old Buys. who. are causing The \V;u-den and members of the County Uouucil are. expected to be present. Old residents of Suucoe County frmn whatevex part they come wul be heau-Lily welcouxedl and it, is hoped that as many of their friends as possible muv come to give them the glad h.-`mud and make the day full at" enjoyment for all. : 'I`ma ;Il'l'.al11JA-Hllr-l|l..\.'la` uut,l1neda.l)-ave I [full or L-iijoyiiieiit 101' an. 1-1 The ai'r.uigeiiieiits as outlined above I were _iiim.le at ineetiiigs held in the C0llllC.l Uiiauilier on Friday night and ll l{.\1oiidziy atitei-iiooii. At the lirst i,ueeL- lg Hug :it'Lei- some discussion :is to the best - means of l'cdelVlilK and iiiteuaiuiiig lihe Visitors the uiarter was left to a I` -couiiiiittee couiposed of the Mayor and 1 Alderiiieii, U.ipL. Coivau. Uoiiiiidoss, Dr. Palling. M. Shaiiacy. w. E. i~`...m~. ` D. Quinlan. J. (J. Morgan, 1:1. Eilis. J_. E. Jackson, All" \Vilkes. J. (J. Ii-win, J. A. M.-icL.ii-en, Walter Hunter, F. i\'-. Wairen, and H. H. Suatny K. U. ' This coiuuiitiee witii in. few others ineL on Monday afternoon and spent l two _hours ,coiis'idering details. The!` questiiiii of giving the visitors il. bzui- *3 quet was discussed at length and the project had to be dropped owing Lu g Ll1e$h01'bI1_t's5 of time an the disposal of the visitors, the-cliiculty of `secur- ing a suitable place for holding it. and oi having such a large nu.ubei- catereu ` to at a Dime when all the caterers are U 1 1 1 1 1 i so`busy with the business brought. by the fair. The couiiuitcee rein-etteu having to drop the idea. but could not. see how it could "he executed under the 'Cll'(:\lu):l .z:lI1(:I-.'s Ald. Vair presented a plan for arches etc which was adopted after some slight alterations. The Mayor appointed the following CUl.l.l-g ` iuittees to hH.Ve`Clla.1'ge of the work :- I Decoration, Jas. V-air. (chzi.'irmaI.n,) J.l C. Irwin, Alex. Cuwan and J. F. Jack- i sou. g Finance, Donald Ross(ch:i.iriuaii,) '1'. Beecroft, H. Ellis and Dr. Pulling`. Reception, the Mayor, (chairuian,) `H . _ 1:1. Sci-athy, C.-E. Hewsoii, W. 0. Mc- Le..nand 1-LA E. Jory. These couiu1it.- ` tees lmve charge of the p[epag`j._l()DS, , but it is expected that all the citizens I` will give Lnem a. hearty support, "in order to make the atfairagrezit. suc- 1-neg WELCOME HOME! . It. mu-uan. 2-Waltz, Medm-a," . . . . .. Voelker. 3-0verLure to I`he~(/`mph of Bagdaa. . `Boildieu. 4-Moz'ceau. The Dawn of Love," Theo. Bendix. 5--Selection from The Chimes of Nor- mandy." . . . . . . . . . .. Pl-anqueue. 6-Ma.1-ch, Veneci:1... I-`abiani. If the weather is fnvorable. B-arrie s Fair next week should he EL record- hreaker. The improvements to the grounds are almost complete and every- thing will he in readiness by Tuesday. _The new stables for all kinds of stock are the best north of Toronto. Every foot of available space for the displays of me-.rcha.nts and manufacturers has been applied for. Entries in every class are satisfactory and the exhibits should be ahead of former years, both in I ua':.tity and quality. Thursday and cl are the days for viewing the exhibition and every one within twenty iluiles of the town should not fail to be ere. ~ The 1'egul:n- meeting of the Town Council was held Tuesday evening, all iuembers except; Ald. Jory being in their places. f`..n......2.-..\L:.\-..~ ..n,1 ant-Stinua `Iv/-\.1\ ... ..-nu. uuuluuuu Bell Telephnne Cn. Iequested per- mission to hav'(- tx-oes t1-imux-(l on Toronto, Owen, Dunlap and Bayeld` Streets. ' I! wants: '1- -Js/L\\.-vun | Petitfon from F. C. Coleman zlskig that sidewalk he placed on Ross St.,[ {ruin B1-adfo1'd- St . as far west as Nay- or s. I4`....... niv 'l..v-nnhx In) cum-ges mr exznnxnmtmn or u. neene. From Supt. .Ke-cnzm giving :1 list of I repairs that had been nmdv to hyd-I 1-ants. Leaks at <.-m-m-r of Burt-un Ave. and \\'i1li:un St. and (.'Ul'1l|:`l' uf Vesln-ex and B1'u.dfO1'(1 Sts. haul im-1-ease-(1 ' `he -uvn ..+ `<`cua) pnn` nil!` r`nn\`\n1-12:11:` \'f across 51111591-s (:1-e-ex 15 .~uut on. , , . . N. \ H1eele1'a.s`.{e.,i tn be 1'e1|e\'ed or . care of '11). Jackson. L` Ilhluuvn 1u\lIf'v--Il~?l'\1| xvv-nfn u]1n\x'_ t Office. Promises to be the Largest and Best Ever Held. Tue . Band will give the followin program at the postoice this evening: 1--March, For Crown and Country," R. Fax-ban. .. .. Voelker R_num-mm fn u1'h...rt.1:..\. nr n....a..,. 5 ....... y....,.,.,._ ` __ Conmmnicataions and petitxons were read as f(>llo\\`s : . .c.. . 1 2 1-: n ..\..u.. |\-1 .....u .. .,- . A petition si ned by Rev. Dr ;\IcLeod, Geo. Bal and \V. Szu-jeant asking as owners of pl'Up(:'1`t~_V on north side of Ross St.. procured for the erec- tion of the new Royal ~Victn1-la Hos- pital, that :1 sewer he placed on street to give drainage and sewer connection. to said hospital. V Du" 'l`nlnn1nnnn l".\ . ..n.n..;-l-nA non-_ lor Fmm city tau-215111-e-1-. Tnrnnto, re charges for exztnxinatyhm of G. Keene. F1-mn Snnt. K:-unzm s_rivin list iIl(l bI'&l(lI0l'(l DIS. I121. lIl(`l`t`ilSt`(1 LIN.` two at Essa Road and Clunlwl-l:md St. : remain about the smm-, and the mam a(:i'()s.~' Bunket-`s creek is .~hut uif. xv \mm..1.... .. .1 h. kn 1-uliurul nr care or u in. JIICKSUII. E Bi-own. cmiti-ucmr. wrnte slum`- ing that 3,000 feet. uf s.-mssiugs and 23,641f+:-vtuf sidewalk were laid dur- ing the year. ' F1-um (,`zuwul:1.F'num11'y C0,. Tux-onto, re \\'1ltL`X'\\ n1`k.~' uxtmisimi :u:r_-ount. A. A. Fzu-well, T01-onto. ()`e1'v(1 to place vnting 1nm:11im-s at di.spus:1l of] town at iiext u.m'1icip';1l 0l(>`('tll)1).~', and would ii1; nvex-see and g:u-u11tm:; their successful l)p6.'1`3lEl()l). I '|`lw ,--vi-Y-vhn-V of the Ladies Alllxil-. Ill llClIt\Ll \IL llA(' > _t:11eu-;.:.- the we1:.-omv to he tmulei-e the 01:1 Bu_\'.~' mid ask I fur :1 Q.'I`zl!)t of nimieytoziid in prm'i entei-t:1in- meut. etc gramteul for this piii-zmse. .'1'1i<-se people that were going to hunnr the tnwn ' by visit were not .~'t1-zuigei-.~; but the pru- duct nf the county. 1`t'1. ltr1\ (`S nf the penple 1'e.~'i41ing 1xe1-e. and he thnugtlit the futte-1 c:1ifs1mu1(1 he killed mini :1 1'u_va1 \\'e1c-nine exteiided. The cummittee an E1e(:t!'i(: Light. \V:itel'\wn'1{s and -3ewe1's, 1'er.~mnim-n-1- 011 t.11u.t they he ;11lb1!ul'1Z*l1 tn 1m\'e 2111 \lIllllllL|.\V unruly, 1 - the leatas (except ut B1lIl1{t4I"SV(,`X't`t'1il ml 1 the A11.~u11:11e ('.\'tt`HS1()I1()f watei-xvni-k.~' repaired ut once amlgtlmt (:n1'nrnittee `anal Jas. Keenan be eiiiwnwretl to en- :g;\ge1ue1it'n- satid wui-1;. 1n llJU[1)o*!` lie-poi-t the emmnttee fm-:1n-r 1-e:c,mi- mended that the huiiding nf unnp foumlntiuus in :ir_-cox-(1:uiI:e wit the /;....m \t.. _-..+ in in I He requested that $2.31) be I 1 SIX Bari-ieites went to Bi-aclfoi-d on {Yummy and had a very enjoyable con- -test with the tennis pluyers of that ,vi1inge. The events. us the scores :.~hnw.- were .111 (.`1(7:(>f1_\' coutesied, Barrie ,= winning; by u mu-1-u\v nmrgin. The `clay cmirts were strange to mosbiof 1Lhe Visitors giving a slight advantage 110 the home p1u_\'erF. Owing to me iiength of Lime nu-upied by the singles. .oniy nne duu1)1e \Vil..\ played, Plummet- 1.-mu Beeci-oft beating Stewart and Hill, 1 the 5C1`()ngP!~.L of the Bl`iJ.(.1fUl'(1 aggrega- ftinn The scores were as i'u110.vs : H111 (_l$i-adfm-d) heat. Rev. H. D. Cann- Jern`n (Barrie) 3-6, 6 -1, 6-1." ' ' 1 1'. L.`_. H_:1rpe1-(Barrie) beat, V.Gr.-iham `(B!':L(111'1'J) (5-2, 6-0. 1 T. Beeci-nu (B Lrrie) heat Kerswell 1 (Brad ford) .-5, 7-5,. `; Steivun; (15l'H.l1f()l'd) heat C. Plumnier u<:"";**=>.`? 2~ 8-6; u v1 Ratepayers will please remember that the first instalment of taxes will be due on Tuesday, Oct. lst, I901. Do not leave off payment till the last day or two. ! nww : np6:1`:lLmn. > I The sm-x-etslx-_v at the Lzulws .\.nx1l- . `Hm-_V of the B:-utlxex-}1um1 nf Railmzul ' I r L`1-ainmen wrote, asking the (mum.-il to 1. grzmt the free use of the town hall fur the pux-po. ~;v of g_;i\'iug :1 dzuu-e uhuut Oct. 34111 in aid of the Royal Vit,-tu1'i:1 | H()spit:1l ' | ` l\..u..l.v1 D I 1` i . l`. .nnnH - .;u.wI,{u,u.n l)m1.'1l'1 R<>>:s`:1r1dress-1,1 thw (`uunoil K in lnehalf of the cmmnittcv luving in 5 lw Bu)'.~'m1d askv of; nxmwy to aid (-ntel-t:1in-5 .nwnr_ 1-fn H9 r:-ulw.~:t-:1 that :s"_1.")() lw I I01Ul(I51EX()llS Ill 3U.'(.'Ul'(lilll'.'t` \\'1KH lHt` sch:-me` set forth in Mr. I{wx1an'.s 1 re >01-t he D1-ur:ee11+,-(1 with at once. I fho Finzmce Unxnnittee. 1-ecnmnen- ! TAXES DUE, 1'9 )Ul'l/ HE pl'U'.'Ct.`lU ,`ll \THll ilb l'HL't`o Unnnnttee . ed p:1_vInent,nt' m.-c:.u.xnts amounting to ' S`.l.:"9S.99.' ' 1 u 1,:ma.:m. . ' "The Mayor called the attention nfl Council-to lilhililit they had nf in-E diviclually im.-11. :-ing e.\;penditu1-e and} then cmning to Council for puymo.-nt. * The Council \sjerenow at end -f their '- a.pprop1-iations and he :t~'ked that the i must rigid economy be exercised. . Vnnn vnnfinn nf \T4x<:u: pnuvr-H and A "PU pil_\'IlN;' $I,59S.!)9J "'I`hu `J.-1 I_ L "vU[l IIIUIIUH OI _\l('-EKSIS. 1`U}VC`H 'iln(l I __Gm `Brennan the free use of the town hall ia HP; 1. was granted to the L uliesf Auxilliarv m `of the B1-othoz-lxond of Railroad '1`x-airi- lo" Mm men, to be used for the pu1'pus- of 5 Cut givmg a ball 1n and of the huspical. ix-uzumn The matter of ma.kinv_r n m-nnr tn?(.` ~11 5 gl\'lHg H. Uilll ll]. mu UT {He HUSPIHU. The matter of making :4. grant to 3 the Old Boys 1-ece tion cnnnnittee was 3 introduced and :1 sex` ;~:u1ne dis(:11>:si<)n '; the sum of $235 was voted. ' Tnef hnfnv-n or'Hnnv:nn\onr 91.. \Ln-nu. ` IN ME)toRrAM President McKinley. Nearer. my God to Thee-.. .L. Mason. Dead March in Saul." . . . . . . ..I-landel. "Uome ye Disconsolate. . ..Wehbe. Funeral March. . . . . . . . . . .Beethoven. Safe In the Arms of Jesus. - xv u n,....... ule sum 01 :az.):) was voted. ' Lace Lurtzuns, rjannels, man Just before adjournment the Ma_vo1- a Me-n s Suits and 0\`eI'c()ut.~'. T requested that all ags in town` heiest, place-. in Barrie for reli: holsted at half nlast on 'l`In1x'sd;x'y in lGo0(ls, Shoes and Clothing i. fhonhr of the late President ML-Kiniey. IR WINS, Hinds Old Store. IIS. nus: 1-xgxu be exercised. I Upon motion of .\Io.ssus. Powell and] 11-o=nl\Ln1 Hun F1-nu nap nF H19 ftnvn hull 3 BAARRIE FAIR NEXT WEEK. || I./HU t1l'lllS UI JBFIII`. \V. H. Donne. (ion S.wz: THE KING. TOWN COUNCIL Band To-Night. 1st $1.00 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE .v-u.-nu; ck u.\. unu J ul. ul. 31 Dr Richardson is among the Pan American visitors this week. u..- n n In... ,..,-,. _ \Vm. Neill, of Madawaska. reman an the Canada. At.lant.ic, spent; last week in town. Miss Laidlnw of omen Springs. N. Y., is spending :1 cnuple nt"\veeks as her home on Blake street. T [J Il ..l ...._..- .__J .. up u - .u unnctu \.\Ivv u Miss Ethel Cross, who will he re- membered in connection wibh the or- gan re-r.-iml in the Presbyterian churcl). sang a solo in Trinity Methodist. church. Tm-onto, last Sunday. T L) 'l`L.n-un.-..\... ......- ..L 41.- n L. R. C. P. 8: S.. Edlnburg. M. F`. P. 8: 8.. Glasgow. Member of British Ophtlmlmological Society. SPEGIALTV-DISEASES or iv: Em. Tmnr AND Nos: OI!lce-84 Dunlo ) Street. BothweXl s Block. Bar- rslo. opposite Post. (Hue and Raliwuy Station. Phone 54. - l .O. Box 96. -.,u...... .4... . AI..|Dll\I Miss Clara. H. Strong, a graduate of Toronto Cnnservabm-v of Music, has `gone to Barrie to reside, as a teacher !of pianofolte and organ. Her musical italents are bound to bring hat` to the 3 tront.-Bx-adfprd Witness. 1.. r |u,1r9_,, , u \I u. 1-. In vul .~-.nn uununu Iv Iuucta. S. L ML-Kinney and Mrs. ML-Kinney ofStz4._vne1' have moved to town and taken up residence at 79 W'0t-slev St. `Mr. McKinney is a retired u_1issiona1-y mt the Presbyterian Church and has ; been lnlmx-ing until 1-er-emlv at. Kuu-inc. ', Dr. Albert .\I_vc1~.< of Jznnestmvn. N. !Y.. set.-mul sun of \V. l*I.'Myux-.~' nf I Ban-ie, was m:u-1-iml y-stex-(lay uLR.'1n- `dulph., N. Y.. tn~ Miss Jessie E. !d;u1_r_{ht(.>1- of M1 . and I\Ir.~'. Johnsun `\\'il1i;un B(':l(`O!l1 of that (-it)`. Alnnng Hi:-2'1wst.< \\'z-11* )Ic.~'.~'1'.~: H. H. .\l\'|~r.< --...\..u,-au --unuvnn uula Vvccn. Mrs. D. C. Murchison and daughters` are visiting relatives in Woodstock. Ina. D....a.:...- ..c n__1, . , . - uu-.. v ncnuug, xcnnulvca ul VV UUUBLUCK. Miss Bunting, of Cookstown, visited with Mrs. \V. A. Tux-ne-r this week. Mun A 17 I1. LL .._.1 nv2_, 1. .. ....... .--. u. -v . .1. Llll utr Llll-`I VVUUIS. Mrs. A. F. Gm-rett. and Miss (int-rett returned from England last. week. \l7..lon.. an...` ....4 11 xv nw - -- ..-.u.u ucu uuux uug_nu|u lush WEEK. VV:tlter Scott and F. N. \V:u-1-en left; for the Pan American Saturday even- ing- ` u-.4 uuunc uu L)ll.l\U bl/l.'L`L`L. J. H. Mclnnes and Mrs. Mclnnes of Owen Sound were in town Saturday to Monday calling on old friends. u- ......l \t.... uv n n.,.., . an .--vuuu._y uvuuug, uu ulu IIICIIUS. Mr. and Mrs. W . I-l.VButtery 1-vtux-n- ed on F1-idny from :1 week s visit`. through western Ontzu-in. .\[:-u `Inn. \f..Y!... \Yr1- (`- uu.-uubu uv vaucn u \'llI. Mi.~s May McKee, Nelson St., is at- tending the Ladies College and Con- ser\'at,o1-y of Music in B1-zmtfox-d. ll .':m `l!..4.. I`| t...l.___ n ,n v.v - u\.A. v(Iv\/5'7 xu uxuau, Ill 1J1'ilHl.lUl'll. Miss Kate \Vethe1'nll of \`Vauh:m- shene was the guest. of Miss Siulie Ellis over Sunday. She and Miss Ellis left for the Pan Ame1_'ican on Monday. Knee Tjfchu. nF Dual." ..-..1 \r:,.. Peerless Harvest- tiing Oil is the Best. lllru LL11-7 uuu.\. .u\Iuuu_V . Dr. Mc-Kay, formerly with Dr. `V. A. Ross. was in town last week on his way from Sault Ste. Marie to New- castle, where he will practise. `.\f-no lf`un4- \ A...`l..n.. ,.c n .. It . vtl-uuI\9 n naunv us; n An yxnuunar. MI's.(C:1pt.) Andros of Part. Hope. and fox-me-1-l_v of Barrie, is spending a few days in town accompanied by .`Iiss Andros of Nor-wood, England. KNEE (` I. (3-nlnnhon Rfnelrn Q....~....1 .~..u., --..u. \l-1 nu .vuL n uuu,- uugluuu. Miss C. L. Campbell. Master Samuel Nease, and Mrs. J. .Ed\V.I'G Tinsley, of Toronto. who have been visiting friends in'town, have returned home. 0 u..o.....,1.... ..- -.:..., ___v_:u . - ..... u. unu- M1-. and Mrs. B. I.nw're11(.-e 1-e-turm.-:1 from London. Mondzty. Mr. Lawn-cm'e went to Osllawa yestc-1'duyt.o see about opening a bl-anch of Lawrence's Fair ` in that town. - .. w1.u . .. - --- A\vn kl:-I.\.'9 Au-cu IJIl|llJ'AJ . J R. Thompson was at the Pan Am- erican from Friday tn Tuesday. He I was acr-mnpanied by his ht-other-in-lenv. i \Vm. Ralph. who is visiting here from `Smut Ste. Marie. 1 ~ ru Iv .-.. - ernn (DH.l'l l(`) 0-0, 0 -i, 041. 5 L`. I-1.-n'pr1-(Ba.n~ie) ` (B1-udfvui) ( Brad 7-5, Stewzux; `(B;u'rie) 6 26. 8-6. ' I A M...-I 4......` 112.. ....:p.\ h....r I.`n........ Mi-s. win R. King is visiting rela- tives in Ottzuwn. I'\ :1 :1 rs Iii . .. -- nu v \.u nu \/uuu. w an Dr: C. H. R. Clark of Newmarket: was In town over Sunday. \`V-.n-Ann \V..:..-1.0/..'m.. :.. . ..... _. ,,_ nu-.c nu vuiv u uvcn squuuaya \V'aI-den \V1fight' was in town on Momlay selecting Jll1'0l`S. nu I-?I..|1.nAA-n.. :.. .....-..... u... n.., ....u .u. mu; ; mu :uucL_1cnu uu munud.V. Miss Litster of Rugbv and Miss Macheson of Severn Bridge were %uest,s the past. week of Miss A. Jones. altou street. Mrs. J. F. C1-awfox-d and children left for St. Louis on Thursday after spend- ing the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fotsyth. L`...-...`l. T \I ..-.,_. _c an- ' Principles are `Eternal ....-....u.; u. uunvlly nun: Actuunsu uulllh`. I On Saturday evening while trying to walk the 11-on 1-zuhng that. sux-x-(nuuls the lawn at the G. 1`. R. statmll. \\'illi9 Alexander fell and broke one of I his zu-ms. - It `in -.. \\ llllillll D'il('()lll OI YHHE (flty. .'\]lIUHg' V the guests H. B. .\l_vi-rs iaml \\ alter Scott of Bm-1-i(.-. .Vt'.'\V' 1' itll JJl`lS5 L`l U()(I5 HI Illl IHTQSL fxnutex-ml.~ are 20 per Cf ut. the-.Lpe1' tlmn {usual at [1-win`_~`. Mrs Benson of Toronto is visiting Miss Culhert. 11'... r. rp. lu):u'r|e; 0 :. 25-0. 6-0. J. A. Mm.-L`u'en (B:u-pie) heat Foucar `(Bx-auford) 8-10, 6-1. 2 1. Qt:-nna (R. -.uH'nI-rl\ hu -0 F` I D.`-.tnn ' \_Dra.uu)1`ul 13-11}, 0-1. `.4 I. S[r()I1g(Buuiful'd) beat. F. L. Burton (Barrie) (5-4. 8-6. ' , I Hunt-rnft nnrl P|nvnnun- lu...,.r Rn.m....o~ i -.-Uba-`. J. Smith. mm of M njrir J. F. . `Smith, mud yesnel-dew luurnim.{ at '.eieven ukluck, utter a. pruloinged il)8n':', aged 29 years. Funeral on Friday at. 1.3) p m. -Gx~e-at daulugt-. was done to plums, applvs, etc., by the heavy ind storm on )Ion(1av. c-nu vAAro :. Uta`, nu. Frank J. Meyst of Minn(>L'npulis, Minn., and Chas. C. \`Vhitm=_v, Supt. State P1-intin , St. Paul, were callers: at this office 3 onday. hp NJ:-{Tun l'...nn....I.. ....:;L h_. 1:1 .'4pp|e-5, t`LC., Monday. X - pI'i<:e.~; on the f4)1l0\\'in',; lines 3x-unning from 1U to 3'.) per cent . at the V 3(.`as11 Store : Dress Goods, Fall Hos- in-1-y, Kid and Caslnm-1-e (ilov<-.~', UnLler- icluthing, Jackets, Cloths and 'I`wec-(ls. v 1 9Luce L`u1-tztins, Flannels, Blankets and - snle-n O\'el'(:()uts. The cheap- zest. place-,_i'n reliable Dry is at J. U. /IN'S. Hillt]s' Old Shn-r-, mvesnm; mL----- \DH_l'l'|8) 0-1, 13-0. Bee-croft and I lmunw1- heat. Stewart; and Hill 2-6, 7-5, 2-0. r V l I New Fall Dress Goods in all latest. l\:Yu1'i:|I. :Il`|-I ')I|nu1- 1-; 1.? IJu..,.nuu- llutnn -Tennis at` Bradford Personal. .U the Ede`. : "_ .Jackson s Portraits :;:,g'* .....Satisfai.ction Guaranteed... i - HAVE YOU TRIED It's the latest, and best ndorA in the market. D. H. MacLAHEN, |lruggit and llptician 1 . Barrie a Johnston &. In Boys "I`clenhoue 135. pa. in 1-. vxvmx. i ' HoMa1oPA'rHIsT. 156 Dunlap Street. Barrie. .Hours--11 to 1; 7 to 8. . Residence and Oioe. rC*CvQrQr QIQQ ALEX. MILNE. MERCHANT TAILORQ. 47 Dunlop, St, Barrie,` %Rbersn s%%%%s`$gre Soft. Du e of York. very pretty \ Alncludin Duke of York 2 Cases. ` shapes. Two prices- T ' $1.25 and $2.00 ` 20-pet cent off all FURS-o1u' own nmke-_-t/0 0ct,_1t. ' Ask for free sample at Next; D901` to Telegraph Oice. on-. J. AETHUR ROSS. Von. xxxvu._ No. 33. A fundmuentnl business principle is . . . . . Not wlmt you spend" :: BUT :: "`Whut you get; for- wlmt you spend" . . . that counts. _ Opp. P.0. ilte Post. Um axon ol""'rm: suns LIIRNA? To hand. 3 Cases of English Stiff SOLD BY THE BARBIE EXAMINER. THE NEW PERFUME Lute WIsmer's. ud Runway su PO. Warren.l are the y Belt x \Ul. llllf JUYUHLU \.`Ul|FC|'Vl|.l.UI`_y Ul IVIUSIUI '3 "U' slrous of mklnni PUPILS ON THE VIOLIN. Miss Lazler wll 1nst..nnd may be seenut G-nrcc: s Musk`. tore. Duulop Sp. to czlve all infonnztxon and make arrangements with Intending pupils. be in Barrie on suturdu. 2lst.~ House wanted to rent. with six or seven roomsi and Ill modern lmurovements. Apply to J. P. LEMON. 56 John St; _ 1 .. .,....... ted. in eects, run ill. All On Sundag -evening. between the corner of Sampson an Dunlop streets and the Presbyterian church or In the church. a earl -wrenth.broncl1 containing slx pearls. Fin er will please leave same at Tux-: Exwman office. 38 Belngnhe north half of lot 14. con. 4.Innlsl. contalnlnxr 100 acres more or less. 90 acres cleared and undergoou cultivation. Good build lngs and wejlwutered. For further particulars apply to M. B. JOHNSTON, Churchill P. O. (of the Toronto Conservatory of Music) is da- mkllv suturduv 21st.~ In :1 Re ertolre of comedies and Illustrated Sousa an Specialties at the Ogem House. I I rices-10. so and 30 Cents. l Sent. 23-28. S8 First luas in every particular. A full vnrlery of Wines. Liquors and Cigars always In stock. Best on smblmg and good hostler In charge. Seipt. mm a. birch bark canoe from Capt. Wh ah s com: a. Allandnle. Rewurdfor return pf same or In ormatlon concernxng It. Store 1:0 Ret in Minesingl To let. after Oct. 15:. furnished or unfurnished, large v.-omfortnble brick resldence -: centrally located and with all modern conveniences. A pply to MISS HARPER. 152 Dunlop St`. Barrie. 3'. Luuvuuulv II n nuuu I unuuun uuuuni Snh. Doors. Mouldings. Wood Turnlngs, Etc. Band Sawln and Re~t~'aw`ng Done on the short- est notice. oors..~`nsh. Mouldings. Etta. dried bv Smith's Patent Detrol:Drv1mz Kiln. ` The store in the vlllmre of Mlneaing for H years occupied by J. B. Johnston; :1 good busi- ness stand. Pow-silon. given Oct. 1st. 19"}. Apply to S. PLOWRIGHT. Mlueslng. fall and off the ALL NEXT WEEK Ina 'V'ictoria.IIote1. 1 Chas. Gaudaur, Prop. I 1) X717 [est notice. boors..~`nsh. Mouldm-s. Ett-.. c by petrol: Dry ng lilln. Ofcennd facxory. B-ayneld s:.. Barrie. 1Tl1a Lunun Mutual Fancy Stand Lamps from $1.00 up. Hanging Lamps. Hall Lamps. See our Show \Vim1ow this week. Bought from fnctomes direct i! United State.- Very newest desi-zns. Call and see them. H. H. orrousow, mars] Authorizetl Capital Halfa `lllillion Dollars. , LAMPS! H.UIl||UoL'\u|Ul3 U1 llllll lJ_EuIUI3 III LUMBER, WINDOW FRAMES, BLINDS sum. ham-. \|m.Im..m \v.-ma mm-..a..... nu. f MISS . l...l.'..- I.`-olumerlal lIlId\,Fl'Ill Insnri ance, most kibeml poly;-_1es at. moderate cost. ` I IH. H. llnun &. Son] <?::1E--I:_`.?___1.`T -| . JAM:-gs` snwghos. FM. - '. oorviurauonn. ' 4.: #1-.',..-=d.%.n` 23%-venxnxfu` `r..-;.~ lMAR|-AGu_E 1 rIces-10. 1` Sept. 23-23. _ --__ _. ...--_.__D ...- J. D. R )DGERS WM. G`rAI.LIE COAIPA Mu.uufo.cIuI'crs of and Dealers in IIIIIRPn IllIIIRIll FRIIIODI RI "-' " -'Y"""'7 ` (of the To;ox1to Conservatory of Music) is da-` slrous v1oLm.l Apply to `Evenings at residee. 67 Owen S No witnesses required, - I mums q ludu-s Five Poinis Hardware Store. 18-ly o1nc-95 Dunlou st.-n6u' Block. Canoe inst or Stolen Choice lgarm for -5;; BEAUTIFU LLY DECO RATED MARRIAGE ~ LICENSES ISSUED ax Fire Insurance Gnmnanvi [RICE & HARVEY clothing

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