here you will the greater .~'L ilupm-mnt. gx-zu-e.gnt the l'Ul)gf`HIll1'u.~' r;~tm~k. \\'hi(-h vv gig. 39 00 `Ill EXAMINER, THURSDAY JULY" .11`, 190]. the retail D1-y`Goods trade. 1e ea1'lie1' the 'bet;te1'.fo1' you. :leu tor the coming year . Bartram, Daisznn ; Vice = uitcheli. u:..>.h.-s. . em. -~ I :1: begins aty home" then 3 wo- ` man had l , - . I for the coming lU`n'L D4!-.m.n - \ L-A - VVHITEVVEAR.--Everything in ` Skirts, Corset, Covers, etc., at :1 marv 8 (102. ~wo1'th sale at . . , 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...p1. nu K 2 doz. F iuest Embroidex-ed Blouses i11 stock, Worth 83, 34, 34.50 and $5, to go at ....... .... $2.25 Irouglmnt 6 (162. 1 85c, 90, : time as uni - rhn oM...._'. - ~z. Fine \Vhite Lawn` and Batiste Blouses, worth c,$1a.nd $125`, at ......... . . . . . . . . . ..65c a. Fine \Vhite Lawn and Dimity Blouses, $111 sizes, $1.75, $1.90, $2 and $2.50, to clear_ during this . ............ ......... .......... ..$[.|oV TERMS CASH. \lv|.'I --uuunu5 nuu cvcnulg. V The utrawberryfestival on Monday was a ;great success The Stayner choir-deserve ,grea.t credit for their musical programme. which was "enjoyed by everyone. Mia! ,. Bingham delighted everybody with a aolo, i " Guard while I sleep." Reva. McConnel, of ` Creemore. McCullough of Avening. Camp- ibell of Stayner, Balfour of New Lowell i Methodist church and Cmw of Thornton all Iv - nu, uuuu. Despite the threatening appearance of the sky cu Sunday, the anniversary services of Mary Kink were not. forgotten, and many peoyle listened with pleasure to Mr. Craw, both muming and evening. Tim ..n-nn.|m.-.... ....a:..-I -- u._.1,__ __,_ _ V. .-.-.m .u-.-nun uu uu uuuuuy. The union Sunday school excursion to the Christian Islands on July 4th was Wt * patronized and all declared they had a lovely time. ' 'h~....:... L- ;.L__.;,..eL ,, N v ' ~' ' .-nu -nu-vs: uAa\.-on 511$ PILCLIQCII IUUl- Miss Ada Bush of Angus, was the guest ; of Miss Laura Orr on Sunday. I I TEA nninn Hu1n:l..u a..L....l ..........-L-- L~ -L4 u -A I nc an: '1 Ialuug ,l`I`.'llH.lY8S el 8. i I John Mather of Toronto spent a few r1-xya last week under the parental roof. .\I:... AA. 12.... .: 1...... . ...._ .-. . .. |- sulc, .........-b and tliltlil-I|t3o ` Miss Smith and Miss Annie Paton of E Bxrrie aretvisitingrelazives hele. 1 Tot... u..u..... A: vr~.__..__..- -..-_. - L 1 : "`" "'-""7" July 9.-.\1ies Annie` Orr of Toronto Vial i visiting her parents. AH. Q~.:aL .....1 \1_-__ 1,, - cs -- - W. unuuu uppnrumreu Dy au. ' Rev. Mr. Dryer preached to the Orange- men in S . G-2orge s church on- Sunday] morning. i I . , ..-. .---u mun, ;uuq.; \,-uy. The Methodist S. S. picnic proved quite a ; success. Rev. Mr. Thornley of Barrie, a 1 former pastor. gave 5 short address that was very much appreciated by all. Raw \h- I1"-A. ..........L...:I ._ LL, n i In In u-unuunuuc. Mrs. Turiey also has been on the sick list. ` but is reco'.'enug,again. YUI-u flnl-m l`....... ......_......I v, V N vuv nu .uuu:=In.xg_br\lLl. Mrs. John Cross returned home iast week after attending the funeral of her sister..\1rs. ;` M. Mortaon, Kim: City. ' Thu \'!:.H-mA:.o- u u ...:-_L --.~ * `A "` A very pretty wedding took place on !the 3rd mszt . at Maple Leaf Baum, the " u residence of Noah Cotton, vrhose youngest '-ldaughter, Rhoda Caroline, was united in 3 V marriage to Jae. A. Orr of the township "of 3 Flos. Miss Maggie (.`-ottou of Orillia as- V I eistod the bride and Gen. (`rt supported the -groom. Rev. James Rollins. of Elmvale, cciating. Al of the bride and groom` were present, and ;the happy couple were the recipients of lnumeruus and costly presents vM,r. and i Mrs. Orr departed on a tour to Creemore, ` ishelburue. Orangeville and other places! 1 I after which they will return and make their ; home in the township of Flc-s. We wish i the young people all possible happiness and f prosperity.--Lance g .5-------:-- v.I.\vo\)L.1L\ U. I urge number of the relavtives I I ...-.7 ,.mu.c vu 1.-uuay evenlnsz. Lige Newell and Sam Ford, Manitoulin Island. are paying their annual visit to their` ! parents. I \1:__ 1:u:- n. ' . ... - A .ru..-uu..n Mina Edie Connof I5 ' is in attendance. In . . . quite ill. i The sound` of the mower is heard in the ; Ian-3. ' ~ | `_ . .. _ I11 solo. I A very heavy _thundex-storm passed this phzce on Friday evening. Yin; RT...--1! ......| to... 13.74 -- 5, 50. buys one dollar- s worth VI 3A$1?"@i'aA. These offers are genuine and we in NEW Low1:r,L. CROSSLAND. __..-_ UTOPIA. Iing Whitexvear, Gowns, t marvelous reduction. A Dr. West ave Ins... We now have sexvice every Sunday in the Union church, D. 0., McIntosh ofciatirg. Last Sabbath he delivered a very in.pre~sxve sermon from the words. `-`I am the truth," Matthew 14. 6. ; part or we aaywas very unfavorable hu: it [ |'c?eared up s_-mewhut towards evening and i there was a gundlv crowd in attend -ncc-, `he ` ' result being that $75 was taken. The mm- dqement deserve credit for the 1-xceilent manner in which the whole nflhir was u';n- ! ducted. M. Flanigm amused the crowd for about thirty minutes by aeeries of a:h`etic exerci.-es which certainly were well per- formed. Some of the friends from Minesing . furnished instrumental music and singing, whi:b was, much appreciated. Qui'e a number from Miuesing, Vigo, Srosslnnd, Elmvale. Fergusonvale and Apro were pre- , sent. D. C. .\lcInto=.h delivered a short] address and the gathering broke up about 11 0 -.:Ioclr. n.'l expressing themselves as `having had a gnod time. One young lady drcpped her pocketbook containing it sum I of money; but fortunately for her it fell into honest bands und,she received it again all righ . , | n. 8 I ,_--...., ..... uuu mu. n. n. rcmsr. A garden party was h_(-Id on Mr. B lawn in connection with the Union on July 4th. The weather dming the c .rI `part of the daywaa unfavorable icfeared up s_-mewhnt toward: au.m:..(. rumby ch-arc S . -. .4...-nu, vu uuuu1A_). I Miss Dewdney ind sister of Toronto, are . spending their mcatiou with their grand; [ parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. P atr. ' I A run-(Inn n._.. ..._- I.,IJ -- v` ` ` I . . 9 The younger portion of Mr. :{umblu s ` family. of Hillsdzfe, called on M r. and .\lrs."5 0. Bauldry on Supday; " . .\Hnn n.nn.Inn.. .. 3 ..:_;,_ r '1` ..... ,N=.uu.. nun we Drvgga L uD. Uv)._ Miss M. Plat: visited friends in Efmvale last week. In: cAs1"o'1IA. 4.-yuuu nu ulc Vlcllty OI LVJODO Kulld. C. J. Archer, who has been in very pmr i health for some time, is worse at present and compelled to remain indoors for A time. His son Fred, of Toronto, is home with him waiting his recoverybefore he returns to, his poaitionwith the Brigg-1 Pub. Co. Minn. U Plan I':K.:`t.A x_:... 1. ` V I u:1r.:_.ra1U1V. July 9.-.\1re. D. Buckley` and Miss M cAvoy. visited week. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. friends in 'CuiIiugwodd Izist Z\'oore of Vigo called on Wice on Sunriuy. T. H. Spring of Tnrnnto paid 3 `short visit to his sister, Mrs. T. Bruml-y. last week. Rev. M. J. Gearin and Rev. J. Sheridan have gone to Niagara to spend a week. Mr. and Mrs. near Minesing S W. CJJBOD \'i~iteJ friends zaticm on "unduy. _ Miss M. Pearson has se urd a position with Mrs. Polki nhorn o E'm\-ale. _`.\]iss Maggie .\1cLellau of Toronto is home on a visit to her Mrs. Robert Shields is friends in the vicinity of hen_lth rsorme parents. _ . paying a visit to Mono R-Jud. Dreaent I E .._..u "ulna Ull IIIU DUE- Laxatlve Bromo-Quinlne Tablets cure a c : day. No Cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. I |rsion nu u.S Ulttlllln Hector .\IcClel!and of Bradford is spending a few days among his friends here. Mrs. Dodd and her father, .`-Ir.\1LExch=1'1*, of 'Staynr, were among those present. at the ' festival. g.:----.jj { gave short addresses. Rev. Mr. Bailey occupied the chem. The programme ended about10.30 and all repaired to the Town Hall for irge cram. I [J_'_._,,nv nu .. - -- children Cry for QLZ1@-2-- GREAT CELEBRATION SALE invite all to participate in the bargains. Remember, - - _._. -..v uv--gnu and works o` the Cold- [va `R...-u-nn.n..X..x.... "LI I - of goods if bought during this Great Sale. ALL, ARE WELCOME. stops the Cou_2h |., BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE. E-xcursion PHELPSTON I _. n 1 u u `300 yds. "Fine All \`Vool Dress Goods, Worth 50c, 73c, 85c and 90c, marked to sell at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..35C 5 doz. Fine Leghorn Hats, worth 750, $1, $1.25 and ' $1.50, marked at ............................ ..;.....4oc ALL TRIMMED HATS AND SAILOR HATS to be cleared out at the same discount. u; I./Ln PARASOLS are also to he cleared out at ' prices. All must be cleared in 8 days. ::-:.j___--.. genuine clearing in every sense, Worth. ` ~n.~n..-...-.-~ in the history of the cold in C|t:5 U1 uue app`eS, nut no State or lgcoumry is showing n. ner exhibit of last `year's app'es than Outarib. Mr. Bunting 5 ! suyihe sull hahs c.1`ses in rtglaerve, ennnigh ztu `91~'1 u t e '5p.ny 1m 1 new npp.ea He-)me_ i'u. `fur. Vmnpemm. the .I}x in I ` Harm-ul:1xre, compliments 0-.1:-.u-lo vgry I - h-ghly upon the exceent straw berry exhlblb ` | . - n 3 ngw on exhxbmon. and regards It. as :. rnnnlt l ; u-gmy me , ? now regards it. as a result I of appuinting fruit men to office. Mr. Bnnfiua in nnsmnn .... ......-.I-- J` ux appumrmg rruxt cice. Bunting is putting up samples of` | atrawbeniea in furm4liu in order to prvserve -' them for the rest of the season. Horticultural l societies or individuals wishing to make fruit exhibits under their own xmnea, and secure a medal or diploma, should at once corres- l pmd with Mr. W . H. Bunting, (.`.4mlian fruiCourt, Horticqltural Building, Buffuln, N.1. ` fozen LU Luv ran-.-1rnerx.-an during this month. Among cold storage apples, .\li.m-uri and Ellllnois are showing fine s:unp!es of Ben .D:vis, Wnlluxv Twvg and Gnnn, varieties `__ which are esp-ciznily ddapted to those States. New Yolk State is showing a great number ; of varieties of fine app`es, but State gcz`-umry showiuzz ner exhihiv. at 1,. -._-.._.- - quilt now run ralu-nxnuflillla Mr. Wo'l\'2rtou. who is preparing the - work on the fruits of Ontario for the Depart- ment of Agriculture. reports upon two visits to the Pan-.-Xmericnn iuring this _Among storuge apnhs. _\Ii4ar.nri ant` , 5....~. Ir George Pdngle, nf H.1E_-.-, is spending 1 a few days with '65. S`0tl . ,5 Miss Ethol Orr-is vi.-i=in_r_z in Utopia. ; Mr. and Mrs. and .\I4u'-I Tracey, ax (1 `Alex. .\I('.Ker , of Minesing, new the E guests of Miss Many Tr-acev on Sxlnday. : Miss Bertha Orr and Miss )Iag;.,ie I I racy Inve rvtux-neal to G:-nx':,>;eto\`v1). ._...-..___.._ 3 This signature is on every box of the genuine i Laxative Rrnmmuuininn m..m-a- n This signature Laxative Brom9=Quinine Tablets the remedy that cure: a cold In one any I ,_...J .....\.\.J EJIVU lI's,"l l3UlUuy school class a party, on_Fr1 uoon, eighteen little girls attending in the afternoon. In the evening :1 large `crowd of young people g.1tl.ered. and spent 9 most enjoyable e'.'enin;'. Miss ?Tr-an-e_-,' left to-day for Barre, Vermont. l She will be greatly mis.-`ed by her mu.y l friends, esget.-i;:lly by her cl uss of little ': glllr`. , f1..-...... D.:._,I. p 77 II - I x.` Lula.` I.` J.4JJa July 8th.--'-Herb Johnson spent Sun- dayin Tullendq . J ' D. .\IcFeulnnP, of Ivy, has started the framewoxk of the new school. ' .\Ii.=s )Iury Tracey gave her Sunday Ischnol or_1_Friday after- .nn... ...,, Ontario Fruit at the Pun-American. \l.. \I7...|...---- - ' ` ` agarclless of their n m.-Lu-1' 1 mntt-etl GREXFEL. and will . very low fulia ICC FUNK IE`HIlH'L`.\' 1`.'~tnt'k. wlxit.-h n 13:11-1-it-.' <\.~ 111' kuu\\'l~dgc u to judge us .AY Bnrri 0 vre. K3115. .._I2.. LR. HAM F0 1: SALE AT Hardv omsr 3 HarvestTools % f Machine Oil _` The best of everything in Men s Furnishings, at - that one c2m t help buying when one sees the quality ofg Lbarbers, never 1 [medium {I ('1 r'.{l Barbers. Hvma ms- FANCY HALF HOSE,_ ,LlGHT-WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, NOBBY NECKWEAR}, V SEARVIGEABLE SUS;PENDERS,`- NEAT COLORED. SHHRTS. PURE PARIS GREEN ABARRIE, And many other lines of goods sacriced to make this eels all these and many more are to be had only during the sale. Come Sale lasts for 8 days only, commencing Friday, July 12th, + 2000 yds. Print, light and dark colors; worth 8, 10 and 1-25c, togoat 1500 yds. Fine \Vnsh Ginghmny Muslin, regul:u- price 15, 20, 25e1nd30c, to cYez11'at..... . . . . . 4...l0C 800 yds. Fine Zephyrs, .\Ierce1'ized Foulard and Fine Dress Muslims, worth from 300 _to the best: in the house at 75c,to sell at . . . . . . . . . . Ir, .`,).l.iJU . - 3 $1 20 )m1-vest ,':"""i - -' R:'n(-. Fly Oil The `Cash and One-Price Clothing Men, Will tallc. ` They enjoy talking. OurVcustomers,lil [tine talking about the good values we are giving in Men s I THE SATISFACTORY STORE Whatever your purchases Prints, Ginghams, Whitewear, alts, I .|JllbL4l\ (1 down `BINDER TWINE. I. nmdv better 1 PLYMOUTH for Spraying Stock Hardware Store omsm POST omcs. ; 1 n -pnces so low of goods we'sc1l_. I our. I`; --\,c\ "05 in the lines mentioned, you_ save V, I2th,to Saturday, July 20th. 4.u.u rumuer or win.-uv.-s and tencuers..l0S l Toinl rlunh-xv -.f pupiiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S-l3l r !A\'erag43 attend-.u1ce 'lV).ol Clauecs .. 79 ) `No. of schuuls open with: _year........,. 14 F I l l l l l l No. of ileumuinuiiunal uuliuuls . . . . .. ... 14 No. of sclwul.-i sen-supporting. . . . . . . . . ., 12 Nu. of schzml,-1 giving to Miasions.... .. 11 l No. of schools nzw:n,,; libraries. . . . . , ,_ 11 No. of schools lmviug Lempurauce pledge 3 The Rey`. (.73__g1ou Greenda address on; Spiritual Power was listened to with very great deiigh: oy the Lxrgc aiidieucegssembled ' in the eveuimz, and he succeeded in impress- : ing upon the minds of his. hearers the fact [that spiritual power. the power to do Gu(l"s , `work, cc-Ines from God a spirit alone. No amount of church machinery could aquam- ' K plish this unaided by the Holy Spirit, and , "only as we ivuited prayeiful_ly.- humbly, - .trustiugiy upon God could we expect; this` . Jr. . . i he Rev. Mr. mom, of Midhurst, deal: _I with the relation of Missions to the Sablmth ; school very a!.1<,', thoiigh la.-iey. The spirit. I of missinns, he said, was love. nud nowhere could that love be fostered as in the Sabbazh sc;lz-ml. - _ ' - `yards krliulu `An interesting feature at the-convention _waa the application of the` Presbyterian ; Sunday schnnla at Midhurst, Minesing and Edeuvala-:'0 be admitted to the Association. I u I u I 10 doz. C-_oloz'ed Blouses, former price $1.25 during sale at ` --o . . - . .2.-.- ne openwm-k, _1'egulzn- pric 25 (102. Fine; Black Cotton Hnse, all guara11teeT. Herlnsdorf dye, worth 250, to gp at . .........,.17c 10 doz. F.-1nc_\" C`-ottnn Hose, ne stripes in colors, also e 35 .-md.-100. to clear at 25C 10 ((02. Summer Corsets, made of ne Net and steel stayed, worth 5-`Jo, going_ at . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .' . . . . . . .390 20 (102. Ladies` Colored Blouses, \\_'o1-th from 50c to S1. to clear at, . . . . . .. 9..-- - . . . - . . . ....u....-u...o..:.3-3C uu. ' ` dun-mary of report oi c-Jnuuittee on Sun- day school 1'epor'.'s. v Number uf :.:E1no!s report-ing. . . . . . . . .. 15 Tgv[:1| vumber or t~I~`.-bus and |'I1lHh,(`Ivf nuni.u `-"L` emu report." . The report of the corninictee 0:1 Sunrl uy 4 school rgepurtu, presented by .\1usars. \\'_'. ' .\J|!che!l aim N. Camph-en, of Guthrie. 'bru.ughn uuz. mun-. very mnmu.stin,g meta Ic- lunug to .S.hb:v sciniml walk in U. 0. Inc ' f.u:m iug is 2: mmnmry of their Ijep .rc, winch relates to the year s\l1".c,-I1 has elapsed since b'r:diu.1ct:1:enL.p; of the Azsociniuu in June. 1930. ' .-.1... I`: ...~_ 7 1 '*- we n,-sauna pl'e8cI'lDed." 2. Muved by Hon. (Elms. Drury. "Tna: a cuunuzltce bu app.-.x:e-.| to wuu:`n aha uczinu of };'r}n'inci.Ll Sunday School Aasoeuzion-iu` ruuuul to 1.he'wmte :1'abu.'1 army mvcux':ut,, and report. ` rennrr. nf nu. 1V\n1}nu;P.>v.~:. .\. e....,n .\1r:-'. Sue->r:.l emphns-zed Mrs. .\1<-Kee s revnssrke. and pointed. out very clearly me good work which migh: be done in the Sal.- `u.s:h :ChU(Il by the furxnation of White }iib~ bm Iuagu-.::'. in which-the children might be pl:-dgul early to tempcwnce and so escape manv d.n.v.ze1'e.' _ As a result L-f these addresses the fallow- iug resoluliunge were presented to_ the Assn- clatiou and curried :- ' v ` 1. .s 1ovml/by .l{:\'. '1`. Leunard, "Tint the U10 a'a.bba.t'n tscnooi t.\eS\';Cld.[iUn nmmoria.l.ze ::unuu|:'. us auowea to drop. V I I I ' :11-'.--Internatiuxm. cummmzee to give greater I 1r(,xni11+:I1culu the :uL-jecnuf tempsuucc m I the lo.-sauna preicribed." 2. .\luvs-:1 hv H:-m (than I\........ ||'T`..- . I an wnulu tee! at hume at once. _ In the afternoon session, Mrs. McKee,` of 1 Zurrie. and Mrs. Sec-')rd, of Orilli-a,_ gave` exccilcnt (1dl'&E8GS on temperame work in. I the Sunday school. Mrs. Malice urged 1 that, as prevention is better than cure,. the trieuds of temp:-ram.-e should relax none" of their eifsrts to r'e.xch-the young. and instill into their minds the principles of temper- mzce, and the Sunday school presented one of the Inca? nxenns of uccjampiishirzg this. She ' also pointed out than nu no account should the `twxchiug of tempuranqe in the public schooi:-. he allowed to drop. _ I exlmims-za. M.-a, \l.J(m. u mruugu with, the 1~ .ev. Mr. Le very hearty welcmne to the gue Hiil cougrcgatinn, expressing t all wnuld feel nfternnnn n....:.... .uu ._- ..........w_y -ouuut.-A UUXIVBIIIIOII. ' 'j The mmuiwlc.)n'eutl.z11of the 0:0 Suuiay C 5`cho.rl A.~sz-znclutitm, he`.-l in Crown Hill on `u 5 June 23th, was a very successful one. Tnuuglx 3 the afternoon was very warm, the nnteuduzzct: t was large and unuuv.i-:e. [ l Aft;-1' H1: .-.y.m.;..... - ` son 01 was xnrge and unumi-:e. ` After the opening exercises were gone through with, w cougrcgat the Rev. Leonard gave 5 el_come guests of Crown inn, the'wi`:'h that at uncp. i `celebration the `greatest event in (,'....,. ......1-- V-.. .1 V *1 (Jro Sunday School Convention. -- - ` mm me DAKUAINS. offered, but will make memorable days the e the birthday of our business. Wefvelong been preparingfor this great sale PRICES, REGARDLESS OF COST. all i lebration in. th early and get your Share ; the :, Hosiery; Muslins, Piques,White and Golored Blouses, Parasols, etc. vwnn A906? BARGAINS offered, me vein: '11:}; BARRLE umuluu O, 31.50 _ v C half the regular` price, `that is, , Id .108 Uh.` I unu, III us ccuecuoxi. Uue of the features of _the decoration r.f_ the building upon the interior is a sp'e-ndid butfuln. This stuial hun is one of the largest specimens to he seen an-1 was the giant in a herd in the Canadian North-West Territory. Other stuffed animals shown are the moose. eik. I . . i `jcmbou, musk ox, beaver, lynx wzld cm] (mink, seul. marten.. fox, hem`. wolf. and I different varietie_-. of birds and {i h. i IHEIIIUUF. -. ' `The cereal prm!uc t- of the C`-.\ua-"Han farms are woven into gures uud patterns suitable fnr the Vdecnmtiuu if the walls of the buil3- ; inn. Conspicunue in the riisplay are the specimens of game animals unri birds. The! New Brunswick Logislamre his loaned to the Ictercmonial lhilway for exhibition in! this building some nfjthe rm.-.51 interesting E articles in its cc!le.:tiox). One of the features I stn*'.l . I Vexandah and :2. balcony. In the south wing .L:uuu-:10 me Dlllftlxllg and between these a $1 | are the rices of the commissioners of the Dominion ofv Cxuda and the Pgoyince oii Ontario and Il1eir_sta'4. In the rear of these 1] qu-lrters is an exhibit `roam 40:60 feet. Here are-shown the natural resources of Canada only. the iudi\'idu:sl exhibits being " shown in their respective in the = 1` various exhibit buildiuga. Flowers and fruits are used to bxighb n the appearance s of the building.` The iute:ior presents a most ft etfcctive appearance. urranrz-2:1 an is-. in mm I p UK we I-umung; Mme Iule.'i0I` most` appearance, :u'rang.>] as it is with the exhibits of Canada in the most attractive- manner. L;aua(la. zu.-u me Umted sures. . The Canadian bmldiug is a. handsome : structure, 60 X 108 feel: in d2_me::s'Ion=, and E two stories high. The sty!e of architecture is EZ1z.thet.har~, and staff walk, representing "stone in the first, and timber in the second i from the frontal. the sides of the main 60- i xranceto the buikling and between 9.! ,' :Lb.1lcon\'. In Hm nnn-1 ...;.... nu: ucuwuuon or this building on JIJP3 1. 5 Dcminiun Day, W15 :1 U()t.`1l)18 even: andwill do much to draw closer the rexaliunz between , Canada. and the United Sane ' i The Canadian }m.l.-1: ,. .'.. - L-~.J-.r . ..... ,......,, ycuylc an possmie nappiuess and rosperity.--Lance . _.__.._.._._.__ The Damiuiun Of Canada has 9!fCtBd M7 IS IN _ the Pm Anaeriuan Exhibition what is, in E T V. V . ' many respects. the finest and best furnished 1 .139 `are I"hua3dE ' f mckly school of the foreign buildings at that great assem-1 3 ch` P -1'3F8"'g_1h_8H` av th_rongh echo?! binge of the achievements of Par.-Aniericn. E '9 "ugh: be. 9-7.y'", `he v.'gr f the" The dedication of this i:uilding I y`"h by takum 5't Em]'"' and win I """""""" I Canada : Exhibit: ~ uecorazea with noirers. " The officers elected comi: are :--President, B. Bu Lrum, aPresident, Wm. Mitchell, Guthrie; 6 Oscar Doane, Shanty Bav. , .__________ Ike Simcoe -..-_, ....u_ uuuuucll unm such time an_ ; orgunizmou could be affected for the town- , ship of Vespra. l v ' ' . ' , buppr-r was supplzed In the lLItl'V?l be- tween the afternoon and the evening session. ` in the basement of the church, by the ladies I E I of the Crown Hill Methodist and Anglican : churches The tables were very pret.t.ily' decorated with owers. Tll nir-nv-a lXI{`lA|'l\{1 K... AL. i ,'1'hey {vex-e_ arlnuittd until such 1 t 1 Sunm-r was sunnlind in ml... :..` , xv uuxusi A GOLD IN A DAY g Take Laxative Bromo' Qulnine Tnbrets. All dl`llg155iSf3 refund the money if it fails to cure ! . Grove's signature is on caeh box. ._._________ "Save!" III` [.25 to $2.5`); `Ann - T0 was A com) A` zxke Laxative Ru-nmm n..a..a.... 'r..1..I..... -_' -_- -'.. mdfar Colon. 15:. for Black. ' " ' `v UlBBWO- had 1 better discard the old-tnshioned powder dyes and use Maypole Soup, Whldl washes and dyes at ` om one:-nnn "Mn man on- powder dyes and on: operation. "No mess. no trouble." Brilliant. fut colors --quicl:.A easy to use. Best deal- en sen-It. Maypole Soap Inn -1`... I-.1.-. .-- 1-... 1-1-4- .,,. ALI` no "juggling I tln-1u'i(-(--v a_- cmlvlncz-d..