IT 3 vwsv `I-$1-IKUQII` jrxu IIC lllib `cold in {F6 IIOIQI iftl Iuiuutes-+ind.i'olIev9s clu-onlc|7;;,,_ _ :_ _]';,[,5 .3,` w_ 3,n,.,n Qgfafjrh ins fg hop]-5; _ _ Inmiliedtholingilgtll ITQBBEIB. _ -nndlllgllugavossveznlhlectitou g _ - ,_ . A eumtho-ganlftajhopupxne "' Ihqyongldiafunishdchdndta, nadir can an ujoyul waup my sauna than minim:--fvc 5; -I tcelitny 3";-`?l'ad|onhlV1-'!aeh T lt s Tonicity. ' Acoldisunslly aIncd,bychecked"cir- alntin.n_eug-Eapdbynehdlorshiver. Ihasdrdihlhhhdaung lb_#IkIj'CIlVlitl!%|'&X- (hid-li y`ihjV' _-A._A_ -l_.._.;_-_ -;j` . Don t forget` the open division on" `Fridayeveninu ;\-Iar.15. J. M. Walton, .Gr.and Scribe, will be present, a choice program will be given. All are invited. -- M138 Mable Dzpkey 3:; ill. Wm. "Mauser, who haa.beeu i|l,_ig able _ to be out again. A 1 u 1 B 1-1, W:'.I`._fIl:ocIIhart, having disposed of his faruf ihtelnds moving to the village. He hnrbeen a most. successful farmer and `will be ~ a. valued resident. here; 1 Frank D_ver of Stroudis the purchaser ofhis farm. W_?. W F ""-" 1V1`). `8_|Il'U'@IEch&Ii&i.'og.I'I$Cl: lllgllunphtcys Specic fir alkalin- "'-~ '='7:'*"'.....:*:':-'...."'..."::'......" 1-- n-IIQ. ' t '1 tn CiA%S%TfGREA. GRIP `Accident at Bee-ton Junction. 77 March 4_1iz.rf;;5Iia1;,' Minosing `Station, vlgsited her cousin, Miss Louie Campbell last week. NT n`tvlIv`AV\ nun! `1:nn TnI11\II:lnIr A; -`bi ::A+;sr'e'rr; vJ:*y *.'a:=' ` ELMVALEI STROUD. Mnrch 2--The trustees have {erected a be?! on the. new school house at Malcolm : Coruer. " 1,4... u:..:.. ..c 'I"......`'..;.. :. ..........1:.... .. :..... U V3 \VllII U5 UUUUEH. don Dlaln. The farmers of this neighborhood are now busily engaged in drawing ice from Mud Lake.` 9 V . ' . ' Honor roll for S.S. No. 17, Fos':-- Class III.-Annie Kelly, Maggie Mu`.- I colm, Mudic Kelly, Chrissie Malcolm, Kate Kelly, Harper Chapman. Wa.!ter'1ia.rve_~,, Percy I-Igsrvey. Annie Sexton. Clans IT -.Gm.rp -Qminh TH -xnnin `K..lli: ruluy ngsrvcy. nuuze OGILBOD. Class II -v-Gertie -Smith. Maggie Ella. .LeCIare, Mabel Middleton, Harvey; Andrew ', Archie Gertie Miduletoq. . ~ l)....A. Tl u .... __ T____. 17 (L- V |1l`_|:lU Ill IUUIBIOU. Part II, Senior---Irene Kelly. _Walten Middleton, Michael Kelly. _ Part II. Junior-Clate Kelly, Annie Train. ' _ Purl: I. Senior-Le'onee LeClare, John Ingram, Hugh Sexton. . ' ' Part I, JI1nhur_AnnhS T.ol`lm-n Inlnn \JUl'l)Ul'F. M ' John of Torpnto is spending a few dayskvith his cousin. John Blain. '91..` 6'-...-an-L I!` oI.:.. ....:..I.|.....'.......1 ...... ........ w.------3 new 17-: u--v nann--o Hon. J. R. Strntton, Provincial Secretary, has announced a. number of changes at the Reformatory for Boys at Penctnnguishene. At this institution the number of inmnte has decreased in recent years, and it has heen decided to remove the inatint-ion to Oxford County, where the art of fan-min}: will-be tauglit only, instead of the trades. as at present. ' In view of these changes several otcers will be retired In April. All will receive the usual gratuities. Those who will retire are W. P. Bmd, buraar;4Wm. Stewart, farmer; James O Byrne, shoe- maker , and Alex. McKellax`, store keeper. The work- formerly performed by those retiring will be added to the duties ofothere. There have been reductionsin the allowances to the chaplains, and the surgeon's salary has been reduced to $200 The total enving in the cost of maintenance `under the fore- going changes means about$-1000 per annum. C. Webb nd Miss _Eva have retixrueul from vsiting friends at Lugraun, nugu at-xuon. I ` Part I. Junior-A.nnia LeClare. _ John Sexton, Eshel Middleton, Richalrd Grear. To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest will leave Tqronto every TUESDAY during March and Apral; 1901. Passemrers `travelllnrz without Live Sta ck Ixutlve Bromo-Quiine Tablets cure a. .cold in ndnyl No Cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. and April; 1901. ` travellin Live Stock ea. should take the train viug Toronto at 1.45 13.111. - .m. . Paueligers travelling with Live Stock should take the train leavln '1 oronto at 9.00 pm. Colonist Sleeper wi lbe attached to each train. For full Particulars and .copV ot "Settlers' Guide, appy to any Canadian Pacic Agent, or o ` - v- A. H. NOTMAN. Assistant General Pwzsenger Agent, 8 . 1 King St. East. Tonomo. ;Lincoln s Settlers % One-Way Excursions nummmu um; .\JKlIu.JuvIA Aauu vvcvn. last week. _ Mr. Ezgerton and Miss Levering, of Co..-lwater, visited Miss Cassie VVebb,- 11'? A 1'xv an 5 1t- 7.` Fur rats and_ full information, apply at Rh llgaarlliag how easygiou can dye y It home wi Mary 1: soup. which washes and dyes at `:1: ope:-ntion. No mess. no trouble." Brilliant and tackles; colox-ings-you an (lye to any that mt): it. . . E ,, ll`_,,,,?l, ,- --.. . XII IV` E III IIIIL Vflkll IL. Maypie Soap.` Sold wywhml E215) DGEANFISTEAMSHIPSI b:;ops the Cough and works oil` the Cold. cutiing Down the Staff. 1' 1311;, .. 10-I0 15. for Blue}. ms sxmmen arms, Safest, Swiftest and Most Comfortable gmvvtmvmmvrmmvvvvvvvvmuimrvvzg vxco. % Home T Dyeing Tablets} Siiznm `Kelly. Artie nuuy. Ardell Train. Comm`? or Smcom} Notice is hereby given To VVIT: that the Sittings of the High Court of Justice. as and bein the Court of Assize and Nlsi Prius, Oyer and ermine)`. and General Gaol Deliver for the County of Sitncoe. will beheld at the ourt House, in the Town of B:u'rle.1n the County of Slmcoe, on mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm N-Ial-ichi2'6th, 1901` ' ' 1 Next. at one o'clock in the nfzemoon. of which l all Justices. Coroner.-1, Constables. Gaolers. and l others are requested to take notice and attend . and to do and 1erform all duties that shall upper J l min to them. CHARLES DRURY. ' . Sheri` Co. slmcoe. Bzm'le.'Ma.rcl1 7th. 1901._ 10-I2 - l only. ' -LOJNT 8: LOUKT. ' Barristers &c., Barrie. Opposite Railway Stntlon.- 1 1' '0 only. 10.4 H. LYoN, It SPRING ASSIZES, 1901. Barrie. March 7th. Five and Five `and a half per cntg. On land I \nlv- . 111:3 EXCELSIOR COLLEGE. _E. A. SMALL & CO., W_holesaledTail:>rs, % EIHQHTREAL If our Crhvenette Coats are `not for sale in your city, write us and we will ad_vise you where they can be procured. T - A Great Discovery hf`. W 1-8; Bitch. Produced by the owners and makers of Fit-Reform, whose agencies extend. from the Atlantic to the Pacific. .- We are the original founders, in ' the Dominion, of tailor-`made-garments equal to custom made. 4 4 \.r This cI_<$tI1i.'1g, if not` already there, will shortly be placed on your market, await its coming. ' Our garments are`aII guaranteed tailor-made from the production of English, Scotch, Irish and Superior Can- -adian Mills.` Fit unsurpassed and trimmings that wear as long as the cloth. `A Note our Registered Brands Royal and Fit-Reform. jJT -1----um WIl.SON'8 INV/1LIDS' POBTAGENBY, 87 st. . MARRIAGE Luceaesss One of (be greatest discoveries in the history of the world was Extract of Cinchona Bark. Z V ;.[" 1*1ic ' properti<=:SZZ:;.1;=; well known 'to the Medical Profession` everywhere. `~ lII__S.I_,I 1 v- . r\1,,,-g ,1 Ask your Dealer for uilgitidecl by Exp<.:_ r't': Chmi`sts, and according to the Pharmacopeias, with a. Eure wine. Keep an eye out for MONEY TD LOAN, Wilson`: Invalidf Port is an excellent appetizer and a most agreeable Tonic and Fortzf/ier. % . ' I 1lI.A..S'c.. Analyst and 7 ~ - V Cozzsulting C/zemist. NOTHING BETTER for restoring Energy, Vigor and Vitali tjr. Gives that rst need for success and happiness--'-HEALTII. `I Persons run _ down or overworked cannot afford to be; without it.- I Fgr sale by D. H. M_u.cLa r(;n,,` Join; \Vouds und R. l\IcD.:nne1l. We give 1 handsome Watch with polished Nickel caao.o1-nnmanted _ ge._ho_ur, _m1nuge gag pecogd /A go. hour. minute and second hands. keyleu wind. American IAverMovement.fonell-~ lngonlyzdogdelntygold and silver n lshed. Horseshoe Plus at 10c. - each. Mall this advertise- ment and we'll send the Home- - shoes. Sell them.x-cmrn money and your Watch will be sent. you. absolutely (gee. _'I`hc The-Eminent Analyst, MILTON L. HERSEY, says: AT ALL DRUGGISTST luo you. know what it is? L % Cravenette is a superior cloth niade byPriest1ey,Bradf9rd, 75., ,,1 . ISSUED [BY senlv ou. absolutely free. The lx Couliox 72 Toronto. , In future this libel will be attached to an garments and will be found in the left hand pocket of the coat. EB GIGS. .TRAue` rm; REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. ._n:-u toclate. Jlete the worldlnopen com- petition on the invitation of the `Ontario Government and won. the award.-This should mean something to you. The Sbramotor has never. `been defeated.-All castings solid brass, linden made from dnwn brass tn 5. All parts interchange- ` able. Saves fty per cent. in labor. Most economical because solution goes farthest and most eective be- cause it throwsnnything from n misty spray to a Iolid stream. W'll also whitewash or paint your ddinp. line treatise for you nddrea, ' &._...I 1 ix ; "" "`""-------" `f"""'"e" l / 0.WE|:z PI-10? as t 1s Porous. Is worn at T1is_1abelo1i the cousin! evetygenuipe all Seasons and on an occa- Ctavenette Garment. sion5.R;ain or Shine. . Manufactured into lafest style garments by I V ` I Q L--Ala - Q; The Spnmotor is the result of care- ful experiment and is kept right up to date. net. the world in open Detltion ' SPRAY YOUR ORCHARDS Intelligent and time? Spraying will make your otghar totnblc. The Spnmotor is the rest: t of experiment kept right no THE SPRAUOTOR 00.. Louocn. on. ;.'Fnr Pedbcz `Fruit j ; James St, Monfrc :z!. 1 IITBTHE See ' (Toolate for last issue) Feb. 26-A very quiet wedding took place last Tuesday evening at _the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. J.. Newell, when her daughter_ Mary Ami was united in [marriage to William- Higginson of Utopiq.` Rev. Mr. Dryer tied` the nuptial knot. None but the immediate relatives were present. The happy couple have best wishes pi a large circle of acquaintances. Dan \I`-.. 1).:-nn Anna`:-Jar` Olxn rsn1n:|` A`. UlIl' nobby hat _ stock OF INTEREST "TO . `CAREFUL ' DRESSE s ii." ' fol;-(:11:-;s'~'|Ia-\v':"|)r;I`;vo'I`itsV_'IvortlIl`i I Em 6 irften ell:-onle _ I06 - MAKE N0 TRUGE This week we pnssedzinto stock our new Colored Shirts for 3; ring, and beg to introduce them to the ahirt-buy- ing public. l ~ ' ' A Never betore have we been so successful in procuring vouch all-round values in desirable goode, with so much `style and durability combined. A They are exclusive patterns, and are distinctly ditferenl: V from anything ever shown in Barrie. The color is guar- `anteed permanent by the makers. See she displnyfin our show windows. .,HQl_\ITEF_l B_RDS.a .. . . snrin T;1$ia1?v.YLY:./. uuuucu. J om: Woons, AM I] {-1 UTOPIA. 4CAVENmE Raincaai. `A CARD; iVlUul.I\l-JIDI: \4Il|.Il(Il.1 Ull IJ|lll\AuJ ul IVIIIUULJQ Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith were called away on Fzfiday evening to Elmgrove go see their son who is dangerously ill. ` man (`bum Tana ;n Iv;nII':nn nl~\r\r|l\s" Juurs, D. [-1. MACLA mm `Th; _S-h;_-1--t'_$"pe.c;li'.s1:`s._ "The Ideas that bloom thus {all --I-' '. have nothing _I;o do vymrthc sprint: -5 Glencairn. . .. Wm. Richardson, of Apto, visited [friends here last week: I IV 71" II!` 3, `AE,,, I_,!_,, 1 IUVIVCI DUI-V3353 IICILIE KIWI IIIJVIKJ On Tuesday evening last, Charles Graham, of Minesing, and Miss Mary, daughter of I. Baadway, were united in the holy b_o_nds of matrimony, Rev. Mr. Ixggtam officiating. The happy` couple have the best` wishes of the entire communitv._ 117 an I :1 ~- 1- 9 , _ I1 ll `tire jingling in several} quarters of` our settlement. Watch Tm: Exnumm for full particulars. ! h.1n:n.u .Ll\ v\nn"`QIlI cmnnbs Ckniinnnan LIIIV JJQEIIILVDLI IUI lull Fill DIUIIICIIC. During the past'few weeks thousands of `oushela of grain has been teamed out by our farmers to Minesing station. "N... T4`....m...... T...+:-....-,. rnonf:nnn lush! U. Uul Iululsila LU Lu.IuI.oc||.I5 ovuvlvuo _ The Farmers Institute meetings held here appearedto have but little interest for our young men who read the best- farm journals and the agricultural columns in our leading weekly papers which are appli_ed_to practical purposes thus enabling them to know when a man is talking from a practical point or - through his hat. nk-:3 Tlnnnnot `man Lane. u:n:I':I-In I UAJI\l|-I611 ll| I-I(l|rl ` Chas. Bennett has been visiting several of the largest creameries in Ontario. obtaining a thorough know- ledge of the best: system of conducting an up-to-date factory to the satisfaction of patron and manufacturer. Mr. Bennett`. has Percy Robinson employed putting In the latest end most.jmprov\ed systemof cold storage, thus enabling. lfzim to give general satisfaction to his many patrons. He also put up 720 blocks of ice,-twenty inches square, for useiduxing the coming season. 7 I II IUI-l\IU IJUIC IZUU WWWQO G. H". Miles is _visiting friends in Barrie and assisting in the S. A. revival services being held there. n... vr.._...:.... ....-..:.... 1...; m....1.... GEO buull cull Vvuv Au \JIoIlJ5U|\ll-I05 :11. v Miss Cora Tran is visiting amongst old friends for a. few days. Does not cause P H!` 15 v rspiratiou - .1 - --'---`.1 )""'A-""' -I;`.\171;grZ1and, .v-for men s Rain-T coats. .T is sold throughout England and America, con- V C " . , , _ , _ __, -___ tains no bber, as no l'\1 C9 . .-I vs Y\ ' oa;.;. izeE- 1?{s'f1' | in`a clothing f IIUUIILIBIIF IUUIIIIEIIFUI B Ul'l(-'VKy COIDF. The prompt and honest use ofPaine`a- Uelery Compound will quickly banish every symptom of disordered Kidneys. The great. medicine has cured `and given a new life to thousands` in the past; it will do the same good work for all sufferers to-day. Q . Mr. M. Mnhnr. Hmrrmmnr, Sh. .Tnhn n, AVJT. III a LII II VIULIIIII I113 lull IIWBTU ql llllll` |.|llU5U|'. ` Do not "disregard the early symptoms of Kidney disease, some of which are backache, constipation, indigestion with headache, and a constant call to make water which has abundant sediment-of a bricky color. 'I`hA nrninnt and hnnmat nan nf `Pninn`n. Nd.,' says: . . ~- "I suffered terribly for` two years from Kidney trouble and Dyspepsia. I was com- etely rundownand could not eat or sleep. I ue of the ables: city doctors attended me, but, no good results followed` his work. Happily. e friend ndvised me to use _Pa.ine s Celery Compound. I pruured a. supply. and" the rs: dose relieved me. I have used eight bottles. and now sleep well,` appetite I8 good, and I am as stiong as` ever before.. I [recommend Paine s Uelery Compound to al . - 7 L " March l`%7."'"I`;y-1o1-T is the] `guest of her 'grgudpar'ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blow. 'I` - hi I 10150 UIIUID ul nuuualllvuulutco I Rev..l\1`r Burns; occupied the pulpit of St. Geox-ges church on Sunday evening in the ahfaence of Rev. Mr Dryer. L "I"!-U... Tlauu-:1: nunnt-`1A.l;n fkn l Aibert Spring is`gettin material on the ground to put a stone wall under his barn` ~ Jae. Gaston is also drawing sand to I110 I133 Gaston drawing sand build a stone root house in the spring. I JIUBLI VIITIIQWJ J'L`l-`- J3! JIUII UII K aUul\llI:'n . Miss Ethel Dean, who has been v1sit- ing` friends in Brentwood for a few weeks, has returned looking much better than when she went; away. I \\Tll2u Q.-m8-..~ and D {'1.....A...... .....-. And 71 The Womn An-V l A swered and Said .: T` `Ta: nmmmm ms! I What Dyes` r always guaranteed, Add in the country taklhs lead? . The Diamond Dyes! I KYL_L T\ ___ A..- _l..__._ -__.I L_.1_LL __._`l I_-L ..-.~ .,n....u_.. arivu - I What. Dyes sre strong, and bright and fast, | And always dye to live'and.laan?_ - ~ The Diamond Dvnn-I u .-...v .,.-...v..... .aJv-. u What Dyes luring prot. pleasure, peace, And by their work a great increase? . The Diamond Dyes! 1111...`. *n._._ _\_..-I.: ,.u n.__.x:.__ .__ n ...... .,..-......._ _J .- . What byes suquld all Cnadians try '2 .. Hark! listen to that mighty cry- - ' `he Diamond Dyes ! G . . CRAIGVALE. I . V Mar. 5-Fred. Mulhoilzind; of To- ronto, is spending a few days with his brother William. V ' We. the undefkigned. do hergbygree to_ refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of G1-eene`s_ Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. "We also guar- antee a. 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or monev refunded. J nu `M \\'nn1-my ` Lfll. '1 I11: ldlvuu I Mrs. Jas. Trace. is very ill with 1:; grippe at present. M..-.4-.. (v....| r\,... :. :n ...:.L .......J,.+ rMrs. J. Sprix`) spending a few lduys with her son, W; `V . Spring/. lm Q TI...-... ....J 1!... T2.-..u..-ml. ......... I but! RIIBSLS OI HIPS. lV.l.ll18l' on .lll8S(13_V. Mr. and Mrs. G. `Dean and Mrs. J. Dean visited Mrs. E. Bell on Saturday. `A1131: wfkni nor unkn `sun knnn nu-1:!- I uuusvl ouuu Iv AJUIL Gnu IIULLII GHQ): \Vil1is Spring and R. Gardner are busy drawing shingle 'bbIts to W. Edward's mill on t-he.llth. ' -..v _..-...-...- -_'v 5 Whgt Dyes givegrand results each time, Whenever used in any clime? . - The Dinmnnd Dun. W e` are please] to see Robt. Robert- son again in our midst. J. Jolnxxsluon ls quite busy selling fanning mills. ' ' Old Mrs. Robertlsoh is very ill. _ D. Bayes, of thegighth line, has` purchased 9. newpiano; ' Ir, xv,-,1,_ -_.x 1-r n__---1_ u____ .5 ';l;'Vah:l. , Peacock, from Wesc.Gwillimbury, visfteul here on `Sundr*:- `. FFUIIUIUU Ml! UIIII UUIUUII II DIULIU uusumw. It comes on as silently as a cat stealszpon `its prey; and too_of:en`wrecks life bfore the victims are fully aware of their danger. Dn not inrncrnrd tlm`nm-Iv nvmntnma nf SIIPIJU nu lll UDUU ll: Master Curl C06 is ill with scarlet fever. An. . n - -. ..- ". . - 1 D9n t daily with it---Kl the ,Iiiaso germ the Insult you sus-A! pect its presence,-`-1.38. TAGIlEW 8. JGATABB-` HAL POWDER will of `aid -- 9` I -A, _-_l.I_I_-_-__ __IC__ A GIBSON. Mar. 4--.\Irs._Sinclair, of Sbnyner, is -visiting her` mother, Mrs. A. Johnston uu_yc VIIIII IIUI Gun, 11-. V1. Mlklllllsi Mrs. S. Dean and Mrs. Beacock were the guests of Mrs. Miller on Tuesday. `II - ......-I ll -.. fl `T\...... ......I `II ... T 1 ffom'oi1r neighborhood atten_d- I ed the parlor social at Mr. Hunt -.1. All report. a\_ good time. . . 1179 11! `l7,,__:I_-__ ___, Mr. Wright and M. Kneehaw, from Ihe B.3.I., attendctl the League last week. . - . V ' D. Sydaa and M1-'. .Bennounn, from Thomton. visited Mrs. Herb. Biack last __I. ' Agnullyaovil hm-Gary Ouek -In-4'3` t`-n-mg '1-n fjl One of the snout. prevalent end fatal of troubles at this season is Kidney disease. It. nnmaa nn an nilentlv an In par. ntenlnsnnn I I lPaIne s. Ge1sr Gumlmniull A.WlDAESPREADj TROUBLE IN sr-mus: TIME.` % % 3 .9 ,5. The Only Remedy That Cures and. Saves Life: I Ill IJIJD nu-Iuuuu VI .LIauv. LLLI ..|JlJ\Jl-u Thos. Smith, Barrie, pneached in the Methodist. chureh on Sunday afternoon. `fun 1171:` My-u D Qn\;l',h urarn nmnnrl c:AsT@5RA. ,UUll WUKIS II)!" {III BlIl.IU|'Bl'U lo0'.I.Hly. Mr. M. Mather, Hairdresser, St". J ohn a; irlg mun 5 ' ' Gich-e_n Gary *or~ ' ALLENWOUD. V8 uuu.uush 5 I The Diamond Dyes`! i I .___.-n._ -_-I. 4.2...- ' UIIIHU 5 The Diamond Dyeav! LA. ..I.;_._.._ ..._-__ THE`,BAIiRIE ;ExAMn~u%:_R, *_:tHURs1$AY}:-MA1. 7,. 1901; F --vv--v--v -- vwv-v.- '..--v---__- On "Wednesday evening as Mr. and_Mrb. W. R. Coleman, of Innisl. were returning home from visiting John Ross, of this town, their horse took {right at the Junction and ran directly into the engine of a passing freight train. The horse, V cutter and occupants were carried along g-ome distance by the engine, but. miraculously, Mr. and Mrs. "Coleman escaped without any serious injuries. The horse was somewhat cut and a_brand new cutter was badly smashed. While regretting the accident we must congratulate Mr. and Mrs. .":olemau on their fortunate eeo-pa from death. It was a. clone mm ._\Vnl-Id. - --_...._,. The membersi of'the 'I.O.F. of this place hiedito the beautiful residence of Bro. R. Scox_\=,of Crossland, last. Friday .-night and 0t course the obiect was pleasure, which was obtained in the supeylative decree. Although. some` obstacles stood in the wuy, such as hockey matches, bad roads &c., a large number presented Llieuxselves The chief attraction was an oyster supper, which was enjoyed by all. Therest. of the evening was spent in games and music. After singing Auld Lang ..Synr*,3 God Save the King and He's a jolly good fellow, and the [forming of the circle of concord the party separated in L. B. and C. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to 4 the host. and hostcsslfov their hospitality to the members present of this noble I Society. - 1 - .I , J -, , ,,, _,L_ Mrsi. Jae. McDeni)ott has been very sick (Luring the last week but is reovering ` Ix . 11'? A (V . _LL 2, ',__ `Gnu. MONKMAN "6Q}`x'i{1_aL},_ -t(l1r<:1\iiTs`sV<:`sq\;';;1 vlack,-' Mrs. "Nixon, Mrs- Motfatb, and` Miss! Montgomery ale attending the milliuery [ Vopeniugs in Tounto this week.` III! `II `I , 13,1. 1:`___,,,AI, T -_,,.-, ._:'I `*`' ="' `W I S~zm l Reynolds sr. has opened up Va , general store. ' ` P March 5-Alex. McG-nth left for the Central Business College, Toronto. Previuus to his departure he was pre-- `sented with a bible, an Episcanpmun .prayer book and a gold watch charm by the Saurin Union'u.*.h school ,of -which `he was. secretory. He is 3' general favorite land: has the best. wishes of a!l`for his fuwre success. Rev._.Mr. Teeney, bf Cr:ui<.-burst, ex; c!mn2e"d pulp_gte with Rev. Mr.VMcLe':.nn oi: Sunguy. -nu 1 ' 3.1` 1-'r\In AI.I~ A Our townsman. W. A. S:n=.-abh is en- titled to our heartiesn cougntulations -for the honors conferred `upon him at the\A.O.U.W'. Grand Lodge meeting recently held at `Hamilton. - He was elected D.D.G.-VI. for this _district, 9 member of the executive committee, and also of a special committee in con- nection with the rates. The Grand Lodge showed its wisdom, giving hono_r to mm to whom honur was due and the honors were worthily bestowed. I\ -11- .1 1:-' -wv -rvu I . _`. __-___=`,, , W The Meth-odist Epworth Lezigue.will debate on the characters of J oseph and Daniel. A sleigh load of our young folks drove to Thoa. s on Friday night, they z=et_1u-ned home in the wee smai I Innis. A good time is reported. [ I115 II I I ` Triaay being the'day of V events a triple hockey match was played in the tink. The three clubs w.c1e the home team, a -Midl-a`ml septette and i1 Bwrrie team. In t`n`e contest which follcweu the home -team defeated their Bauie opponents, Route 4 to 0, but were over- come_ by the Midland team, score 6. Our hockey team has a very credit- abie record having lost but -two'gau1es this winter. A couple of our equestrian sports appeared bL~fore_ P. M. Ross on Friday last, for using uuxrpnncipal 3s:reet as a race course. . . _ IUICIIU-Illluc `EU I! I can -\Vorld. To give that _Cold intYour Head the slightest foothold means betraval into the hands of the most treacher- _ ousof all;diseasese-Gtatarrh. ` o