TOUNTY CLERK, will be at his Oice in _ the Court House. Bun-is, every Saturday 4 Resxdence and P.().. Ooolmgowu. . Va \.A...-.\,.,...... ..v-.......-V- The `bill of `which Solicitor-Gen-it oral gives notice to secure uniforml conditions in "policies of fire =n.=.ur'l ianco. is the measu-_'_e which was print- led and distributed at the close` of `last session, and which sets fbrth in `I-the `schedule a set. of -con- ditions - applicabl to all ` `the provinces, and to displace the provincial forms at present printed on all pblicies which_ vary minor particulars. The measure has been ii]: the hsm-ls of the insurance compan-_ iies for almost 1 year. so that they [Eve had anph opyortunjty t_o pgg . '_,-. o'L.. -8._-- A- nL. F ___- Mr.; Northrup was told by the Pre- mier that the correspondence with re.- fereznce to the proposed vi.-ai.t_of his Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall and York was still `going on, and no definite arrangementsphad yet been rnade. The correspondence was stili confidential and could_not be brought down at present. at: `I'IY7"I'\Yt` l'\ I 'r.\1\'rr1'rn $3.` 7...; `J..; .. .:.[ e......... __-,y xv cv- , QL-In _, ." AI. 4, _u: ,_ Mr. Fisher introduced a. bilf to pro-! wide for the -marking and inspection; of packages containing fruit for sale. Serious complaints had been made that fruit Lri closed packages, was not always what it purported ta /be. In this way the reputation of Canadian V fruit was injured both at home and abroad. The bill pfovided that closed] packages of fruit should be markedi in such a way as to indicate the qual-i ity. It also provided that such,pack-1 ages should be inspected, with pen-I alties for improper marking. The: measure was largeiy the result of con- ~ Bultations which he had held` withi fruit shippers and fruit packers. I -r-4-\ rs 1 .v\'r1-r 1r\1'\1A' nnxf uxrmrnxro ;'l'l|e hill ujll apply to all companicu glut tlrremindozporated under the 3.1.:-gklatlxe at the old Province of It inlet a purely 11101733631. 3 AL`. _A __ ' DUMIIIJTDN PARLIAMENT. EDUK'E OF YORK'S VISIT. 'r3`6%"{?1~}1E5c3n1& 'b.:}5f6ivs. $&Ar1-:c1vz"Iv1~< on` FRUT1`. lhe report. of Coniamissivoner Perry on the North-West Mouted Police gives -the total strength _as. 936, of whom 682 are. in the Territories, 254 in the Yukon; B00 recruita_joined-dut- :ing the year. The total qumber of `horses, is 452. The police contribut- |4ed 18 officers and 160 non-cams and imenfor service in South -Africa, ' 1,1- Hume. . Branch Ok-es-Lennox & Ardugh. Graven- burst; Lexuox, Ardugh, Gowan & Brown. Cree more and Amazon. , ` 'Lll'|\YIA`X7' 'I"I'\ Y.l`Ll KY nuuu-av- -aunvnvv -g. _rv_-.. ..----..., The commissioner says the Indians ; have been. very quiet, and the state of i the country has been atisfactory._ He `strongly. urges that the force be ex`);-. : tirely re-armed. 9 I -nurn`D.`rr\m1 r\ `l:`f`l'\T'I'\ nun; uI\a InnaAAv u PSAGARAIOTIO FUIJD. _ Mir. Costigan introduced a bill to in- corporate the Canadian, Patriqtic Fund `Association. A . nxrnnmm noun` unvua '59 I . ADMITTED FREE. i Oargiliwas i,n:or1 ned by Mr. `Paterson that during the years 1898, 1899, and `.900 machinery was admit- ` ted free for use in binder twine fac- v to-ries. "I-his was done under clause ' 620 on the 'oee`1i5t of his tariff,~w.bich provides forthe admission free of duty after January 1st. 1898, of all articles 3 which enter into the cost of the manu- facture of .bi:nder twine. _ TRENT VALLEY `CANAL. Mir. Vvard. was informed -by Mr. `Blair that a survey was made last `summer ebetiweem. Riice `lake and the i- town of Port Hope, with `the vievi of `connecting these two points as. part iof the Trent Valley canal system. RAILWAY AMALGAMATION. ` Mr.` Mccreary presented_ a petition of the Canadian Northern Railway `Company, An Act to confirm the amalgamation with the Ontario and Rainy'River railway, and the Mani- toba and South-Ea.stern,,' and autho- , __._ I__ L....:.. IULR1. uuu Uuuku-uaauuzug, u.-an any..- riz'm-g the company to make traffic and,othe.r arrangements with the Minnesota and Manitoba railway, and with the company constructing a bridge over the_ Rainy river. - run A `n1'x`r; am A REDQ ........,5.. W... ....., _...-.., .... -. TRADING". STAMPS. , Mr. Oulbert, M.P., presented a peti- timnn from the Town Council of, Brock- vi.]le asking that legislatiotnbe enact- ed tb abolish trading stamp com- panies. _ A rvnw. IZlNG S DECLARATION. pames. THE KlNG S DECLARATION. The res`o1ution`moved by Hon. John Oossti.-gan that his "Majesty the King, be pe ci.tLoned to ffect the abolition of \'vo,rd.s in the coronation declaration offensive to Roman Catholics, was car1'i.ed by 3. vot of 125 to 19. ICAPTURED BY". THE BRITISH. [ ,_._ A Succession of Small Successes Reported. A dcspatch from London , says:- The VVar Office has received the 91"- lowing despatch from Gen. Kitchen- er, darted at P'retori.a'Monday:- ' ~---- -- -------- Lawn.-.15 The Brltish Srprised Them While They Were Bathing. ' |A -despatch from Cape Town, says A party of British surprised a num- ber of Boers in bathing near M1dde1- burg, and before the burghers could make their escape seven of them were : shot. Gen. Smith-Dovrien and French Do- ing Business. A dcspatoh from (Pretoria, Ksays:- !Gen. Smith-Dorrien. has captured east got Amsterdam :1 large number of (cattle, 60 horses, -toiwaggons; and 80 fprisoners. I n-.. 1-.~_......1. I-ma +..Im.. nu- ......... .1. O1-`I-`ICE um Rr~:s1msxoE:-Coruer Owen and Collier Streets. Barrie ; pl.Lauuua.u. % Gen. French has taken fifty more `prisoners, in addition to a qunntity_ot xsock and a number of waggons. 8-.1 , uuauuu ill. J..LcuuLu.s -.u...u....u..._,. "De \Vet,Awho` was mbving towards Philippoulisl was headed off by our troops, and is now marching to smith, Orange River Colony. "Ba.bb_ing'tcm has dug up aKrupp and` poemr-pom and some. ammtmiution alt Zn-ndefontein. . --n..n:...,..... m:H. fiffnnn Vinfnrian and I'J.I ty horses at aeagow nvm. Dzu"tne11 has -captured aHotch- kiss near Piert` Retief. The enemy continue to surrender in that district. Fifty menu, with their c-ommandants, came in on Saturday. ilnllam Troop-I AI-`e Itnpldly llestroylng , the Sunlm-.-,r Palaces. . `A despat-ch from Pekin says :1-The Italian troops are rapidly destroying the summer pa1ac_e_. Yesterday they bunned an important temple in the centre of the panorama. ` ,_ `L4..- ____ .__--;1__ alt Zm-n "Du1li.morg, with fifteen Victorian Rifles, capt-ured thirty-three Boers and fifty horses at Seagow river. "nu:--kn.-.11 hast nnnfnxrad aH0tch- or:-uunu vn. Iauv ,. uuuu ......... The missipnaries here` are greatly-. surprised at the charges of looting} on their part which `are contained inl Bekin despatches to the latest home papers received `by mail here. v'1`hel missionaries say their gets were jusli-; fied by the exhting circumstances and -_ ....n. an. Ian-colt In the neeedtimzg [led uy Inc zxuung cucuunauauxscs auu -_ urcre due largely to the uisix out at the military. occupation, .9 a IMPORTANIT CAPTURE. RE-ARMENG OF N.-W. M. T?`__ BURNED A TEMP}..E AT PEKIN. SEVEN Bbks SHOT. rout. nrnormnnoiis. BREADS-LUFFS, mo. . | Toronto}. March 5.-Wheat No. 1- hard, g.i.t., selling at 981-2. Quota- 6612c; vwhzite, 661-2c; and" goose. 66 1-2c; low treig-hts to New York; red and white, north and west, 641-20 . um and 651-`ac a.sk_ed; Manitobas, No. 1 harm old, g.i.t., 93 1-2c;`.No. 2, 94 1-2c; "No. 1 hard, North Bay, 971-243; No. 2 harm 931-2c. ` - . Mlfeetl--Scarce and firm, bran _L 4.1:. ....II `tions are as o11owa;-Red wheat.` Prices of Cattle, Cheese. G1-ain, in the Leading Markets. [MARKETS nFjHE WORLD. `specially. Ton lots, at.t1Ie min` doom`, Westexfn. Ontario P0i!1t8..s cll as n-n,.,,_,, 1-L____ ' Q11 4.- /Q11 50- and dam`, pol/KIDS. , UUI I B follo=ws;-'B'ran. $14 to 814.50: and shorts, 815.` \ _ . . any :1 _..I Comn-S.teady._- -American}. No. 2ye1- low. on track h_ere, 47c; and No. 3, 46. Peas-3AhoIut ste_ady. No. 2, middle; 9 rei-ghts. at 63c; and east, at 63 1-2c. '1-2c; C.P.R. east, 43c; `and middle! Barley-Export demand for barley continues, am1`as the crop is pretty` well cleaned up, higher prices` are be- ing paid. T-here werebids'of 431-2c for No. 2, G.T.R., cast. to-day. Prices` are as follotWs~-'No. Z, G.T.R. east, 43, freights. 42 to 421-203 No." 3 _extra,' C.P.R. east. 421-20; and. 420, G.T.R. east. ` "' - -- 1,: , no- nu-.aI-. '1 .151-zc. `_ Flour--Prlce.s were a shade easier to-day, 90 [latent offering. in `vbllyefs sacks, middle freights`, at`$3-50- EV` port agents were disposing of the heavy. purchases made in the past two days. They will likely be in the market again` shortly, -though d0i118 nothing to-day. . n........-..u n.... 2,. "-42 ....n..,1 mm in DR. 3. c. siitrrn. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON 550 O!-`r-`Im.-. Ann `Rr.~.x1n1.~x-nia s_(`.m-new l uUL.uAu5 Vulal. Oatmeal-Car lots '8: rolled oats, in bags, on track here, are quoted, at $3.25 I per bb1;`and in wood , at-$3.35 per bbl. r\._1.-n. nr.......L. :: 1171.-..`-__'l\T.-. 1 van- Rye-Steady. Car lots. 43 West? and 490 east. Buckwhea_t-Quiet. Car lots. west are quoted at 49:}, and east at 500- 1-5, L,, 1\.._,-__l 3-2-. nvn II'l`:f`.C! are quoteu. at `mtg, a.u.u Goat. a. ..v..-. . Oats-`-Deman_1 fail`. Mid Pnces about qtcady,>No. white. *`-8312. 29 1-2c; No. 2 white. llfth N1 West` '28 1-2c. -5 a N4, - ..L..A:. ouch)!` DAIRY MARKETS. Butter-Thore Is` a rather ez_1sy tone in? the local market, owin to a tree supply._ Quotations are as fol- lows:-Dairy, tubs and pails`, choice, 1771-2 to 18 1-2c; medium, 16. to 16 1-20; poor, 13 to 150; dairy prints, choice, 18' 1-2 to 19 1-2c; large rolls, good to choice, 17 1-2 to 18 1-2c; cream- eries,boxes, 21 to 22c; and. pounds`, 23 L- .11-` 91'! VIM, nuu. Lu IV uuu, av-.qgu.uu v. I-I-any Duluth, March. 5.-Wheat-No. 1 hard, cash, 755-8c; May, 78 3-Sc; No. 1 Northern, cash, 73 3-8c; May, 76 3-80; J'ul,y, 770; No. 2 Northern, 67 1-2 to 70 1-2c. OoIrn.--30 3-4c. Oa.ts-26 334 to 26 1-2c. - u - Illl _L r\..Il. Eggs-Fresh eggs are in free sup- ply and easy. Strictly new laid, 18 to 190; fr:-ajh gathered, 15:; cold stored,` 13 to 14c; limed, 13 to 14. ! ~n___uA_ ~n_,..L 1.211.: ......I.'...... ...._1' nu uv a.xu, I|u.auu, ;.u mu ..-4- Poultry-Fr(sh killed turkeys and! geese sell readily, but offerings are! now very light. Prices firm. Prices" for bright stock are as follows :-Tur-If keys, 1]; to 12c; geese, at8 to 8 1-2c;: ohickenss, at 40 to 500; and ducks, ati 60 to 80c; cold `stored turkeys and! geese are quoted Ito 2c 9. lb, under bright stock. 7 . I x 'li_L-A._-_ 01.--) -1. nn 4... nn_ 2-.. uva L LVLIL |nLIGA.lJ" Iv ;. - vv Iwv, -.v. _ __. 72 to`73c. Rye-Lower; No. 1,152 3-4 to 63c. Barley--Dull; No. 2, 57 to 580; sample, 40 to 54 1-2c. -` Cheese--.-I~`.nl] c1`e.u_n, ust make, sells` at 10 U`, UL EV J.`&\)- .Mi1wa.u.kee, March, 5.-Wheat-Dull; No. 1 Northern. 75 1-2 to 76c; No. 2 do. xv- q":noA ~- .5..- ..-vv... Pota.toes-Steady. at 29 t6 30c fo car Iots on track here, and 350, on of -store. Two cars tsold at 290 to-day.} 1712.`: ____.J___. _n__ m_______ _._L -13` I` 4 I. v. .....u.-,- 4. --v u...... ....v.\.. V... ....v .... uu-J.` I .Fie1-d produce, etc.--Turnips, out of` store, 300 per bag; onions, 70c per; bag; carrots, 35c per bag; apples, per; bbl., $1 `to $2; sweet potatoes, per? bbl., $2 50. _' A._|__ 1'\__!,.1 __,__I-__ _.n _L: ~~I-)';`is:c; 'z'1'pp1es-Dricd applesvsell at? 81-2 to 40.; and evaporated at 5 .to' pan. a. -\1 Beans-Demand fairly active. Ordin-' my white beans bring $1.60; bhoice, hahd-picked beans_ are quoted at` 31.75. V V T ; 'rII,,_ 1\,_u,,._ ,,_,z,- 3,, , in .,.V-..v. I Honey--Firym. Dealers quote from 10 'to 10 1.2:, per Ib. for 5, 10 or 60-1b.: tins according tosize of order. Comb` honey sells at $2.50 to $2.7 per doz-' en sections. ' Hops-Bus'mess is light, and pricesA about steady. Choice 1900 growth are quoted at 14 to 160, and yearlings at: 8 to 90. `snug; vu, V, Sl;raw-( ts of straw, on track! here, 85.50 ..V 66. . > 3 I - __-________ nnnsszgn nocs Axp PROVISIONS. _ Dresedloglcuontinnn scarce gnd ou `uack.uex.. are at C-_-lb the street pica.- `-uo firm. at 33.50: 33.75. Provisions `are firm and active.- * \l -.\. vvl 'B.1led hay-Stca Choice timothy, ; on trac} `V-v"e, $10.25; two-ton lots, de- inverea, 3, M 311.25. L,_-_. _._ L..- -1- PRODUCE I-Ill! VV- lI- NLWVJJLIRIALV Dentist, Barrie, - `Vinita Cookstown, every Wednesday Ojoe -Roas Block. East of the Post Office, Barrie. July and Ang- 1-2 to 11(:., , -u;.... at,t1Ien1il: II .... I ill.1ULLUl.|EU Ull ill. gUULl IIHLUS. N 13''L McKinley was sworn in to_ succeed himself as Chief Magistrate on a handsomely decorated stand at the -east front of the capitol in the pres- _ _ gence of a surging multitude. -I`l85 9-T9_ It was a sudden transformation from rm. Prices the impressive sclemnity of the Sun- ,ws ;.._1`u;-.` ate proceedings to the brilliancy and 8to`81_2c.;c1amour of an outdoor spectacle of ; mammoth proportions. From early in ducks at the day the whole city had en1p_tied< its `kQV and. fhrnn-tr: Cnfn l'}'1is1 want` nnnfrn] `nla-nu xold stored, Lrkteys and &e Shippers. per cwt. .8 V Bu!ohcr, choice do. r'Bu char, com. to good. _jBu'cher. inferior. + `. _ 3 Storkers, per cwt. . . ` 3 Export bulls, per cwt. 5 Q1-`nan and T.n I ! 1 o .J\l|A\IL.|.\.\J .u.u...u.. V. _r..v-....._.. .7- - dull, and a little off. Sheep and lambs are unchanged. Export ewes are worth from 3 to no 3, __,A __.-...l "E LJUULIIU \V CLO PHUIKUU LU LJJLIS iLDBULUUlil5C. ,v J-usi: b9.[o-be one o'clock a drivzzling 5 sleet with s1 -.:n.ting lmil began to lull, lazuxl oven` the sea. of heads wc-Ant up gcountlvss umbrell 1s. The sky turned. I`; from grey to black. amt the signs [-1 lo-okml oxrnhuoms, but the crowd held vita gmuu.zL It was just ome o`c`xouk '5 \\`h*.|1 [h;`3`-0l:I:iJ:.'ll1 party came through . the mzriyzx `LJAOIJE oi the Capitol. By this 3' (Law ~ U1.` htij h:u1tu:r.-meal into a st-cady fdr-izzlr-. of. rain. making the officials i:1n.'I_ the Armbassadbrs shixft uneasily In). 1.01` the (low-np;u.r. _ B: '\c 171'nc3|1.nn( If:-|'.';n7..nV qfonno I111. [' 0-`i LU `xx--zu pox puuum. Ca1ves are worth from $2 to $10 each; with asteady enquiry for good to choice veal calves. Hogs are steady and` wanted. "Singe1"sA 4 are selling at 6 7-8 per pouhd, and Light and fat hogs, 61-20. rt--- L- o..o...I.. um hm nrine m-usltl HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Late Resident Physician: and Suygeon of the - 1`oromo General Hosyitui. with special attention to Diseases of Women and Nose and Throat work; and also Surgeon to Emergency Hospital, Toronto. nax..- 1'Y....L-l.... 1.. LL. Ir,.n....u... nI_-I_ LLIC llill LLIU V`V]lU`].K`r GEL L1l(1\l Cllly_LlUU` ILS lvthrongs into this vast central plaza, . c`until by noon it was a billowing ex- panse of humanity but here and there by narrow defiles for the uniformed marchers. It is estimated that 40,000 people were packed in this assemblage. I _T*nci` hnrnnn nnn n :-Int-L 51 1h'i.')')Hnar IIKJIALLVIA ' V For brutcher sheep the price ranges - from $2.50 b0 84 each. I n__,-n .___s__ L.) 1......1..- ....1.l I-n,,Inu nlr ' l.J.\lLlJ. \p-auv UV 1]`: \.u.vun Good grain-fed lambs sold. to-day at from $4.25 to $4.65 par cwt. ' l'\LL___ I__.1._ L...-._.-..._,1.. tnhuh frnm uju yr:-.u uv qt:-uv `um um ~- .Other lambs, ba1'11yards, fetch from 3_3~4 to 41-4c per pound. 4-,-~._ _..- ..--..n.. 4..-... an on em pouuu, uuu ugut. uuu. -.---. -v:,-, V _ _-. Hogs to fetch the top price m-uS't' be of prime quality, and scale not below 160 nor above 200 lbs. -- --.-.. AC nnn+o_ i.I`JLy'J.lI. IJILLD3, yon. vvv u. u - Sheep and Lambs. .Export ewes, per owt. 300 |BuIcher sheep. each. 250 'L'unbs, g.f., per owt. 425 Do., barnyards, per cwt 3.7_5 gran, ,_ ._ x 1-q_u__A_ Bucks. . . . . ._2.50` 9 n `C 15;; town`: `a- :_;r - n.=. to the en-nu - V in k?|l~i an! I` Imk-land pnson-.-rs (3: January .-m-:34: :2 _"_-2: :99! E,- 'a_ wrhil.-.'l.&llvh1\-c been accounted `tot in February. For Jan:-ryfihe -.-v-._ v- ..._ "iminh:-r at ilk killezl by actual count ` was overall. an! 93 rate u'k-n prison- TS4 (Kw.-n-an `nu-. nu-nun IAJ arm .'l l|cit Ensues - dowa, each. Calves, each. Choice hogs, per cwt. Light hogs, per cwt Heavy hogs. per cwt Sows. . . . . . Stags. _. . . _ 1?.-_ Oic-c-0ver Henderson : Entrance, Owen Street. 34-]; Forty VTl_1ousand spectators Witness ` the Ceremony. A dbspwtch from'ngton. says: -,--VVilliam McKinley, of Ohio, on Mon- day was inducted into the Presidential office, being; the eighth in the line of Presidents of the United States thus honoured. Simutnnaously, Theodore Roosevelt, of New York, became Vice- President of the United States. "` - .__._A:.._ E J-L\.QLu\zAA\. \In. \-.LA\.' u..-.v`. .--........-. '_Every Presidentnl inauguration in recent years has had its parade, but that of Monday was different from all its predecessors` in the majestic pre- dominance of the military fe-a'lux-e. The civil contingem \\';1s quite up to the average Pint ofnumbers ; {vet `by actual count m.'Ld_(e by the marshals the men in sol-d'rerl_v uniforms out- numboreqi the civilians in line by inure than three to one, while. the unique [oa1u:e was the presence of1,0;0 lJl'1Y`i[l(`S. ' U-n.`.-.n L`!-non l`_,_-n`.u.:...:. all-5.-`.1:-..`l l.l.I`llI.lll 3. - Sixlren State Governors attbnaled, and though worn and weary, the [mg- islative branch of the Government faithfully vxeuulnd its part in the days ce1'emonies. I 'I`ho'nrnuwla 1-mmn in o-shnr nn the 'UU._V H Ul:l'CLLlUUll1V-`5. The'cro\_vds begm to gather on the streets early. Along Pennsylvania avenue a fence made of iron masts and wire cable kttpl the broad thor- oughfare clear. Soon after` 9o`c|o(-.k the big stands along the line of\ march began to fill up. Along the court of honor and in its` immediate vicinity many of the reviewing stands were carried` clear across the side streets. Further down town every- thing from soap boxes to teamstcrs` waggons were.brough'L into requisition and standing room and seats were auctioned off at good rates. `T)rnui.:lnmi RTnR'in1nu urnu uuunrn In fn pig It Is `Proving Vry Disasttfous to the Boers. . - -A dosp:;tch from Pretoria, says :- `C:I1`(`fl1n}'-c'l!1}:`.`d. Sta_li=Lic:s of_ Boer > Fans show th :1; the prv.-sen_t system of gin -illv. Irar{'-_r'.- is: prcving very dis- - _- o.. .5. .....u..- `find impugn L|.`!l.l.('l' LIJU (.1U\V'.H}_lJlLl. 1 '.-\.s P1'.nsi.'d.e\_uL M<'|'~"Ln1ey stepped out on ihv. povrtio in full View of the multitu !.-. a great cheer * went up, which was echbed and re- ;?chne-'I. 1mu_.th1 the huge stand fairly .tro.m-b-led. with. the volume. of sound. , Th~a*. President bowed his acknowledg- 'ments of the greeting. He put on his hat as h'- .~itt*pp.". l into the open, Ian ! `Ms ov1:moa1.- was brutto1_1ed high up [6 kcp OCE th-;-. lxaatiug drops. Th ' President: then delivered his inau- : gun-:11 avldn-ss. ` V I -:-.__... was aver Jiul. an 1 3: Ivar: Ins`-`II pl Innu- erls. The figures for ~ . wonn le-I are taken from ; e=lin'n:es cI|c:ked' by A f: i.oI`I'L Connnodant-Genetal B~ .-:In itreltly arm in : list of his ;;-s `app oxiur-. ing to car figung, ` with q :.~nn4 Ilrll it SIIJ-III-I he nub. 3 Iilllll`. [Bx Ill CI! xvxu jlv.-S > '-.-.*i:I a ln1|ll7 4 21:11 it shvnl-I be pub-V Risk:-d (or III! information or relatives 01 Ink men. 'l'hi kncxledgc, how. :3" 4.--us.-algal fl-lulu rho Iunvalnnon 0! Ills l_I|Pn. nun uni:-suczngr, now. ;evet. :3 Nncealexl (mm the burgheru on community .. - ` . LIVE SGTOUK MAR-KETS. Tourento, March 5.-Stockers are` 1 , I'LL`, - UIILVDULV (XI Dlhlnl 51.` 1', JJIDA I; * E118 in UOAL of'all kinds, imported direct from the` mines; also Lath and Shingles, White and Grey Lxme, Plnsteror Ham Sewer Pipes, Fire Brick, Fire Clay. Master of Paris Cements, etc., nllof best qua`-ixy. agilgtb vsegy reasonable rates, union: 9 za e . near} 0 vosite Wellington Hotel. 6-27 y p1 JUIUVV LUV Lllhl. GIJUVU avv lulu]- lF.o11owi-ng is the range of quota- `J.-AU [IO]. puu.uau.o - Bucks fetc_h from 21-2 to 80 per MCKINLEYV INAEURATED. GUERILLA WARFARE. Milkers a'n-d E'}:;;;c:'s ch. . . . . 20.00 zach. . . . 2.00 Cattle. ~ ` 4 00 3 4 75 m An 3 '75 4 O0 Hogs. 6.60 6.25 6.25 0 K1] OH) 340 275 275 OHK INVESTED IN CANADA... ACCUMULATED FUNDS TOTAL A'.~'SURANCE..'. INCOME, OVER.......... VV ' KIJQJLLIJIVI ARRISTILR. SOLICITOR. ; ' NOTARY. CONVEYANOID. sw. MONEY T0 LOAN on most favorable terms.` Wulls Probntcd. Estates Administered, Ac- counts collected. 0icc--McCarthy's Block. South Side` Dunlap Street. Bums. 6 5 W 4' 65 4.25 3.00 1-2 {WESTERN |'NSURANCFc_() -0F TORONTO.- STANDARD . . j. Anpnnsa Mccawrnv. nous & Muncnzso. _ ..\..w.~.-. ...\.'-,.v....... . - PHYSGIAN, SURGEON, &c. Om-`urn-;.~a AND Num 1' RI::sI;\I-.N(:l: urown 3 Black Uuulop Sh, Bu.):n'e. . '1`eleph- no 77. A ` 21 1. UI UIILU. Ot'ce-Upstul.r5 in the McCarthy Block. nex to ML-Gm-thy 5; CM; Oices. two doors east of Dougull Bros. Furniture Store. 29 BARR STERS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. CONVEYANGERS. &c. 0icas- B..nk of '1`. romo Buildings. Barrie. Branch oicc. Goldwater _ Money to Loan. . nnnur n `Dnaa LI. R .1 H Rnniznvnlln and: V1 $1.11` lb IJSNBB VI IUIIIOI An1us'r4ms,so1xci1m for the Sup:-em Uourt of Judicature for Ontario, Pro tors Notaries, Oonveyancerf, ate. Money to Loam. Omcea : Ross Block B:rrie. C E. H mwsozv. A. (hmawxoxm. nin. 0mce:1Ioss'Block '*B:1-rie. C E. H1_,wso!v. E. .- cnzaawxoxm. ARRISTERS. sm;1cI'roRs &c.. A DL'I\'LUP s'mm;'1`, BARKIE. IKIILVBUV A `llnl|Au~:-nv \h7 A `nova ARRISTER. is`0LICI l`()R. -PROGTOR. ;NOTARY, CONVEYANCER, ETC: nnhlnl nhnnnu In Hm Drnwlntrnnrl PI-nhnnlr Incorporated 1851.. _ [OHNSON & SARJEANT, DEAL `ERR in HDAT. nf'n'lI lr;I\rIa Emxsnulna I-IEWSON & CRESWIOKE . 'nnvc:n-nndn n, u _ u ,, LI _ Q.__. ASSURANCE commv. R. wfa. ROSS, L.R.C.S. Edin. F. C. I .. London. %dn!&E.FRS~ nan-.5 1V. VV. 5. ., London. uuvunr A s1'nTA9r1-r .2 r:s'r1'.N#- ABl .1b'J.E1iI:, solcitors u: lilght. Oourb 0` Justice, Notaries Pubiic. Conyeyancer gmces: Over Bank of Toronto, BL;-ms, Money in sum or $2a.00 and upwuz-32,10 Loan at 5 1.e1' cent. H. B Ssvnu-uv.-Q.C., G. H. Es!-nu. DB. II. In. BRIJIETON. DENTIST. ' ROSS IL `3R03KOV'SRI.__ .03. w. n. MMIJAREN 1'Inv|OI'nI' `Roam-In ,F M. MONTGOMERY, AGENT. BARRIE. ` DR. R. S. BROAD. c. `w. pfgiron. 'onn n (`A r v . . - n .-.. Bank of Toronto Buildihg, _ . Owen Street, Us If lJUllUUHn PHYSUIAN; LS AND N Hill I` IN`):-:'l;\I-.N(;'E1 brown 8 1- II` un\J\uIu-u-5;`. Insurance Agent-. 1.1.-_- __J "I :1.-_ n. Tiiiliiiz.-i;INe. uh l4\.ll. W A l.\l:4l`4A.' un ||L|.xIu- J'E1'-`PREV A. MCCAB l'll1'. W. A. Boys. D. U. Munuzzlsox. Mama to loan from 4} to 5 per cent. on im- proved arm property. unwill- MONEY Tb LOAN. l lll'bl(.'lAN. ETC. ' W. .AU'I.nT.' - 7-` nnr vnvnu. . MISCELLANEOUS ` -u- ----vv `-3- Fire and Life. LEGAL: 0l`I-`I CIA]:- P. 0. Box 214. BARBIE J ., (J. Bnoxovsxx 41.115,ooo 14.3o5.ono 5.450.000 I. =nUJ.AlVl, UULV Vl`4l'.llL\\4al`\' nsug Speblnl attention In the Druwlngtmd Probatln of \\'1lls. pbtulning Leuers of Adxnmistratlon Ind Gunrdlnnslnlp. and collectlqn of accounts. &c. Money to Loan. . Otllces: Rosa Block, Dunlopstrect, Barrie. ' St 34-ly StOl'ea BR-A>N I`FORD':S CLAIMES. M11`. Preston, South Brant, will make the following enquiry of. the M'~`Di5t -F3 ; Has the Government come to any decision relative to the ap- Dlication of the city of Brantford to -`be recouped, to some extent, by the province for the expenditure which t l1a'1t_ municipality has incurred in ood prevention measures? '.l`0RaONTO'S BILL. A Mr. Crawford, West Toronto, intro- duced the Ornmiobus bill of the city of Cl`oronto. legalizing its `payments in respect of the Technical school. the" . reception of South African soldiers. - and for street improvements. T0 REGUDATE `VOLUNTARY - . SCHOOLS. " IWI`. Hill. West York, introduced a bill which provides that ordinary school inspectors shall inspcct'vol- untary schools when requested to do so by trustees. of such institutions. It also pro-witles tchat voluntary so-hoola having more` than 20 pupils shall use` t'hc text-brooks authorized by. the Education Department `and employ 1 only certificated teachers. VARIOUS BILLS. Mr, Jessop, Lincoln, introduced a bill to amend the Assessment Act; Mr. McKee, North Essex, bill to incorpor- ate the town of Kingsville; and Mr. - Pattullo, a. bill to incorporate the town of VVoo_dsLock as a city. The bill of the churchwardcns of Christ Church cathedral. Hamilton, to enable them to sell the cemetery `lands ad-V ` joining the cathedral site, was passed` without opposition.ASo likewise was the town of Petrolea s bill _to raise $10,000 for the payment of local debts. Mr. Barber's bill r.elating_ to the Sn`- preme Court of the-I;ndependent _0r- der Bf Forestersllhas also passed. It V `was aimed to remedy one or two tech- nical matters which were overlooked when in 1889 the order exchanged its provincial charter for. a Federal char- ter. - AA. . -- vi n--run z\v~r1-a-.|r*m\frI\:I i What the Peop1_e's Ropresghtative Are Doing at Toronto. LUI- LOOAL IMPROVEMENTS. `Mr. _McKay, South Oxford; intro. duced a bill to- permit the extension of the Ideal improvement system in conn.-zction "with permanent sidewalks, as it at'nt exists in towns and cities, to villages. Mr. Matter, North Toronto, intro- duced an amendment to Lb Street Railway Act, providing for a fine of 8100 per day on 9.11 comipnnies who after due notice fail. to string guard wires in connection with their over- head trolley} wires. VHTITN `IT A T)I'\ Q`7'C I"h`1l' n \I\a.j\.|.I.n\rA.I-I ..y.v.......-.-- ...... -..- .._. The highways to be improved` may - be designated and assumed by by-`law of the County Council. with the `assent of ghe Councils of the local municippli-_ M tics '-thr:-ugh which such highways way; so designated shall. as fat as ` pacticahle. hdlilatg the ditut trans- A an _-1 the T agxsguuinl 5.... dnce ot {he county _ot-tow'n:'.'3;;3 5`:-ESE-3 -- . . , g`__-__._.-.n ;- 4.1.- 1...: ___ I ptss, provided` a!'u-ays that the high- _ IIIIUI: un u_uu: u.-nun; V-u H-W----r"--3'-"]t.IcIu3 4--:-59:: '-':'=.-.'_-:V------ - _-`- '-'- ' tel: iiterested to 11-2 19l_'e|I.1l"ithc.Ge'>|08'3`cal sun-yo: canada. the!"-eV vs ketnottheeonnty. _` - culnlry Inssustai_nedaznat1oss:'8`_."|`*. In the event of the lace] 115;], In the week the hater sIfet#1'a_P8Ii13`IX ties or at ainajority of then disalr ed fmm~grippe,but tag at his OI` " ` ofany by-hIr"ot the County as recently as Thursday erenhg. Oigtilrttl cabal `,3; t], p;-gyiggg gqgtiug l~`r:laJ".llvu-onl",lIeI'as,altackadby.i - 10] - - - illness. (1 dead shurtl ,hef I - "'md' -the` the con, cumu"'o'clock of Saturday :20`! .E' Raj shall by-1-W to ! We dtigapillary lroaellis. "ms ha:-mi` '5 ' R the ntqnyen of the county. sucI'}[r.'W. Bell !)ireetar.o1:ial!(er Ilium day as.I_:hg`eleeIi:Insot the Inn! nuni- wk] _ tnk"' 1."? " cit:-lilieshf In 5913- `xotzaeal ;' few Laue: his ."ll""* ` c:vL._ _.._ .L_. I___ --' bl...-nil 8.8]. A..oI. th.... a~I rs. nn-nrI-in` Iii M'r.-Little, Ca1rdw'eIl, introduced an Act to provide that towns and cities of more than 5,000 inhabitants may return to the `ward system after it has been once abo1ished.. I`-`-`ll-`I-1*`-, -5` 4 ` `-```-*l-`'`-' `-V`-" I-`Vii--""" Premier Russ introducedhis million dollar good roqds bill. It is entitled "An `A0-`U for the Improvement of the Public Highways, and embraces eight clauses, as{ follows` :- nu, '1 LL. _____ -1! :11 Ann nnn _I_-I1 I._ luvcl :1, cut): -HAUGIITON Lmmox. ALEX. Comm. B. Howoxu) Amman, G. E.J. Bnomv, L.B.B. '0fces:-V Hinds Block. No. 6 Dunlop Street. Barrie. ' vlnsyuuu, u-sq -v.-v 1: u Thzit the sum of $1,000,000 shall -be anl i shcrebyset_apart to be paid out of the oqnsoiiviated revenue of the pro- vinnce to aid in the improvement `of public highways, subject E0 the terms and condiiions herinafter st fdrth. Mr. Guibord, Russell, introduced a bill to amend the'Road `Companies Act, whereby. freeholders along "a cer- tain road might _1have anappeal to the Prorvin:cial Road `Instructor against the engineer's report" as to the condition of the road. BEET ROOT REPORT. The report. of the `beet root sugar investigation, conducted by `thevOn- tario Government, was` laid on the table by Hon. J. R. Stratton. It was in two parts, and dealt first with the investigations} made by Ontario officials in Michigan, where the'in-O dustry is established. It" was found that ac1ay_or sandy loam was most suitable for the proquotion of the sugar beet. v Prof. A. E. S-Ivuttleworth, dealing with the experiments in the growing _of the beat nea Aylmer, Newmarket, and \VeI1and, 1` wofted that Ontario in these district was an. ideal coun- try for the gro`. ug of the beet, 1;rrr1-'rr\\Y *n.r\'rT A`l\C\ rv`\`n -`l)I\AT\Q UNTARIU LEGISLATURE ~--J --M --W 'z:~`-" -2: -- ------- -~-~-v MILLION DOLLARS FOB ROA S. _:I1t-__ -rs.__ _1.,_1L, Ipuutes In 8" W-`*1 H` "'I- .Io:.r:eaI 3 xew an-uu aus- III .`-"'** ROAD COMPANIES ACT. A.\.lll\4 v u n THE \VXI:i) SYSTEM; ',GUgRD WIRES. - .--y`-s-J vn -.u . ' Ay `highway. _in ordef to come un- der the provirsidns of this Act as to aid, shallbe constructed or repaired according to the regulations of the Public _WoIrks Departmeht with re- epect to highways, and shall be sub- jeot to: the i-ixspection of in officer ap- pointed`-by said department. A_. LL- _-..._v_.n.:.._ -. ...... ...n..l;' nf: Luuucy IU LlUil.Uo DONALD Ross, LL.B. in receiving the support o"a majority of the ratepa.yers_ of the whole county '80 voting, then the Council of any local municipality in the county may withiiufone year of the `passing of this Act pass a. by-law designating the roads within such local municipalities to be improved, but no by-law for the _ imprcfvem_ent_ of roads in `any munici- palities shall talte, effect untiisuch by-law is approved` by a me:jo1-ity'of . ratepayers. Anv hinhxunv in nrnn fn came un- VUAIJLUKI IJJ nu-mu Lgcyul. IaL.|J\ll.Auc On the completion of any work of" ' road improvement under this Act the Ouunci-1 of the. municipality under which such work. was carried on shall submit to the Public Works Depart- mem a statement Setting forth the coat of such work, such statement to be certified by a competent engineer that, the re.'uJati.ons of the Public Works Department have been com- plied wi:th, o.nd`on the receipt of said statement by the Provincial Treasurer certified and approved by the proper officer of the Pmblio Works Depart- ment, the municipality shall be en- titled to receive out of the moneys hereby set apart for pubiie highways an amount equal to one-thiird. of the cost of the work, hut notvto exceed the prorpostion. of the appropriation to which sur.-h mun.icip:tl~ity is entitled. '._- .. ..- .. -....`l .. h'h.n V abolition of toll \.-an-.n-.....u. VVIILKJII blur-.'LI llllll-.LL\?lk .\L'l|-J LI) Any municipality. may" apply the whole_or part of the moneys ti) which in: may be exitit'1ed. unde_r this wazrds paying any expenses that may may be 1'1n.cua'red. for the purchase or municimlitics, and the purchase of approved road-making machinery. 1._L...-.. em... phi.-la nll 1:11,; A1_,)___A_- roa-d3 within such` u.pp1'uwou. 1.'uu.u-1u.u.:.suu.5 - The statute labour. for which all lands fronting-on roads constructed oar repahrerl under this Act may from yewr to year be Li-able, shall be com- muted and shall be applied towards" the improvement of the other high- ways of the municipality as may be; be determined by the Township Gau.n-- cils ,conno,1~ne - Do Not Indicate Sweeping schemes of Reform. A despatch from London,`says;-- Mr. Vvilliam St. John Brodriok. Sec'- I rotary of State for War, has issued ` the zvrmzy estimates for, the coming financial year.` He asks Parliament for 87,915,000, of which `58,230,000 will be devoted to South. Arfriea. He` states that the provision umdecr this head is based on the assumptioai that for the first four months the field force in South Africa will.-be main- tained. at its full strength, and that there will be a. gradual diminutiom subsequently; The estimates do not indicate .a_weeping' ' schemesi ' of army reform. The cost of keeping the British troops in China during the coming year. is estimated at 2,160; 000. ' - De Wet and Steyn With 1,500 Boers . swam the River. A desp-atchl from Oolesburg sates that 1,500 Boers, with whom were General De,` Wet an-d "former-Presb dent Stey'n_I found a gpot at Lillie- fontcin, near`. Colesburg bridge, where the Orange river widn-s, and the currient is slow, and they a11.cros:s- ed Friday", both _men and hdrses,- by swimming. . r 'l`wo Scllon llamds lulld on llu-G. T. It. Near Llsmw (-1. Adespatch from Stratford, Ont., says:-A 'te.rriIbl.e accident occurred on Friday af=te1`noon on the Grand Trunk railway, Atwood and' Linstorwel. Th.1`c_e men We1`e p 11 hand carin the midst of the blinding snowstorm which _arose So suddenly on Friday. At a{bout`o'ne o clock an engine and snoxvplotugh came along the same track, and nuither engineer nor the men on the hand car detect- ed the danger. The hand car was de- ,m-olir~7.hed,A and \`Vm; Wnson, s'ec.tion| fore_ma.n,, and ' Samuel Cuthbertson,| both of Atwood, were horribly mangl- ed in thevcollisionw and instantly kill-` ed. The third man, though hurt, was] not seriously injured. . I Dr. C. I} Iiwuon IR.-al_aI Ottawa A-Tier Q` aunununa-. I - - -7 I ouulux unusa-u-.-um-...`.--.-.u=. z;tbI'!sekvt&tIIcI .u $Hb4;f Vodfrom-grippe,lntvasathisofce` asrccentlyas1'hIrslnyeIa`ng.0I, I-`r:lay.bII'onr`,bwas.altackad and shurtlylaetue C, .u.!...l- awn S-'-I-`lg. '-jnila frag: Ih&tlQSntuI:youniigJlh*.| un_A__. uu`-____. - .3-_....;.. .1`. LENNOX. ARD_I\0l'i. GOWAN EBROWN. ARRISTERS. Suiicitors for obtaining pro hate of WUIB, guardianship and ndministra tion. and General ,Solicitors, Notaries . Convey mcers. etc. ~ CRASHED INTO HAND CAR. ARMY ESTIMATES. AGAIN E-SCAPES. 1~I3'rE`n GEOLOGIS1`. 19H_E' BARBIE EXAMINER, 'VTl3.[UR-SDAY MARCH .'7.' I901.` ' ~ LANDJLOCKED UP. ` ' ! -Mr. Charlton; alaointroduced a bill! `to amend the Dominion. Lands Act.l He explained ltaat the objectbwas ti : provide that.` the sale of public lands, "suitable for agricultural purposes,` should be. to actual settlers` only. and} in such) areas. as could be reasonably; occupied and cultivated, and also that. no gra.n:tl'of public lands should in` future be made to railway or other corporations; He! pointed out that there were [now 67 million acres of: land in the N ortbewest locked up and: .:withheld for. settlement .un`ti1 thel railways should deign, t`o'inform the? country w.ha.t/ portion of these lands they would take under their grants. This tate of affairs was highly detri-. mental. The policy of making land `grants to railways had proved a mis- RURAEI4 MAIL DELIVERY. ` take and should be stopped, D Mr. Maclean asked what was to- be; done reg`a`rd`ing' rural mail `delivery. 'M'.`. I'm ..1....1.. .........,.....,z n...+ :4 .......... l. `Notes of the Proceedings in the Canadian House of Commons. "."8""" `F " T""` `"""'_ _1 A 1:83! &.au.|a In Alguay Ice:-t"" :t'~:_`f"""',' . . fo:_j -cnada under a_ total- , . 0!: tons or provisions are as '5 duptdl from ms.:.-f lows:-Dr!_9ed -h'<'='=- 1"-`='-'0' `I0 V ne man _sn[;[_|'.eme`ntary eszimife (clear hm '5e- i-='`s- 19 and It. 3:31. ;cx`aui11e._intxoaneea 4;;-.o,ru for die expenses oi the .~.,;. in case lots, 10 1-4 to- VII 1-`-'4: -I-9rt 5 511 *3 Ncihte g lid-flail!-,wa is=ued on Friday. Tnnspou andfent Port. 820 to $.50; heavy mes- ger nta.o- Ea explained the pt-chaefut rgenonnts swallow up` Both 319 `'31 -5- ` ` _f 3 - ' ' ' - - ' .- 7 ! oked meats-H:u|s. he: 12:` _l.lntxt u-a:tI_o;aa|e1u! z,,lQ,uulpronsuns and forage. 5'` r _'7' - the objn! >n can L$,@. "This hzings the lotilfmedinm. 12 `P210. llc light. 13?: gut}: oupinion to regulat_e;mted fr-tAhct neal':earVupus`,-'bre'8kf8.3t 50C-_`3i'P`l' xnvuu rvauxuung Luna: luau: Vuuanvvnln Mr. Muloclg answered that it was-a very large question. Mr. Ross`, the as.- eistant postmasten at Toronto, had been looking} into the workings of the I I I system in the United States`, but had - not yet reported. Be .h11d`h.`mse`.tl talked with. eome United States offic-i ere who were operating the system there, and` they appeared to be V in some alarm over the situation into which they had got themselves in un-' dertaking such. a large task. It.waa a very large problem, and should only be entered upon after the most careful consideration-. `I11'\13rt\v-vn n..~...._._...._ __- rIu1GHr THROUGH OANADS, Mir. Clancy was told. by Mir. Blaitr that the-total quantity of freight ,which passed through the canals dur- ing the season J 1900 was as follows, -'Wellacnd., 71,360 tons; St. Lawrence, 1,017,090 tons; Ohambly, 348,561` tons: Ottawa, 366,782 tons; Murray,`18,916 tons; Trent Valley, 43,065 tons; Sault Ste. Marie, 2,085,677 tons. - , BINDER TWINE. ' Mr.` Robinson, of West Elgin, was told by Mr. Bernier that before the season for distributing binder twine arrived a circular would be sent to `each inspector of weights and mea- sures, calling his` attention to the provision of law which says that "up- on or attached to. every ball of bind-` er twine offered for sale there shall be a_st`amp with. the name of the .manufacturer' or importer, stating the number of feet of twine per pound . in each ball." - ' _ PASSES T0 MEMBERS. The much-vexed. question of mem- bers accepting railway pussies came up in a motion .'bry_ Mr. Jabel Robinson advocating that railways be compell- ed to furnish passes to members. Both, the Premier and the leader of the 0p- position spoke. Mr. `Borden thought it might be a good thing if the grant- ing of passes: to members were pro- hibited, and sir" Wilfrid did not think that it would be fair to compel the railways to carry members free of charge. ' ' Umce: Brn nt-