EGGS 25 CENTS Doz} for the best We all need it now that the days 1 Our health demands our first car economy third. These three ma. have your ' ` H. MacLaren, John \Voods and R. McDonnell. Ha.mb1y s Iiardwame Store WEEY N OT Axes and Gross-Gut Saws] In any size you want. WHY NOT?? BRANTFORD, om. In taking over the business of the late rm, we respectfully `solicit the patronage of the people of this com- munity. . . _ We will carry on a General up-to-date Bmking Business. \T-__... ,,,sn 1, I 1 . I vv' JuJ.aLaA.L\Jl`1 I ' BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. I NOTARY. CONVEYANCER, &c. MONEY TO LOAN on most fxwornble terms. Wills Probated. Estatcs Administered, Ac- 1 counts Collected. - 0lcc--McCarthy s Block. South Side Dunlap I Street. Barrxe. _ 6 a..u. :1 m Express 9.09 5.28 pm Mail 11.33 GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. 11.3! n. In -v Mall 5.15 1 3.50 p` In Atlantic & Pacic Express 11 54 9.10 North Bn y Mixed 7.3( Gmvenhurst freight (south only) 9.3 V GOLLINGWOOD 8.: MEAFOR 11.15 a m Mall 8.00 p m Express V\v1\va-.- . -__, D 5.22 7.55 and they will lay egg P Taklng eect Nov. 25th. 1900. Passenger Trains leave Barri fr_'-r and :u'rlve from the undermentioned places as tollows : BOB TORONTO rnou 7.58 a m Express 1.15 :1 m 11.55 Atlantic 8.: Pacic Express 3.58 pm ',5.17 p m Mall 7.58 p m }1AMIL I`0N 7.31 a. m Express 9.09 p n 11 R?! n - BARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE` the and rghts are getting cold. 'rat: care. our p!easure next, and three make it advisable for you to Merchant Tailor New Store, opp. The Queen's PEN ETANG Accommodation Accommodation W- PLAXTO N. D Qnr 1-nvrnnw` "' I"""' ""' " """""_D" _ ` Will give special attention to the Collection or Notes and Accounts at the lowest charges. I'1____,,,_ 1\,_,__#,_,, ,__:n I _ _i_A_,_ 1-Bearing Churn PD the P.O. eggs. We have it 11.15 3 p m 'Fou;Y;;;: be allowed on Deposits in Savings Department. 1`? ,, 'I 1, _ return themoncy. nndtbln beautl-' Box 72 Toronto. (San. sen. They are such splendid value on! agonusellthemln nlmostcvcry house. send us this advertisement and we will forward the Plus. Sell them in] solid Gold Ring will be sent you by return mail, nlvsnlutcly free. Dominion Novelty C0-. nomlulun No\'ii-)7 I Toronto. Can. engrwed and neatly carded. three to set. They 0111)` x`z_go1;t5e_l_lherp In almost every house. ! "`'`" only 15s:`tsmI3: x}'iz-;I:;n v` , ty Plus at me. a. set. These Pins are I nlshedln gold and cnamcl. prctty n I Weglvethlsbcnutlful Solid - Gold lungsct withnruby and two pearls. for selling _ 15sets Parisian Beau- a. me: rt?! GRATE FUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavor, Superipr Quality. andhighly Nutritive Properties. Specially grateful and com orting to the nervous and dyspept`c. Sold only in ;}-1b. tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO-. Ltd., Homeo- pathic Chemists, London. Eng- land. BREAKFAST S7) PPEBA EP]P"sL's C056? {f_PS S COCOA WALTER SCOTT, Bax fnnmmum um: CUnnE.\"r Dxzposnons will be shown every accommodation __,,4, _,9n I _ -II__,_,J -._,_ SCHOOL BOOKS For Public School and Collegiate Institute EXERCISE BOJKS, SCRIBBLERS. ETC.. With lat-est Patriotic Covers and Songs, including VVhen Johnn`y Canuck Comes Home, Soldiers of the Queen. The Man Behind the Guns, 7 The Maple Leaf Fofever, etc. _ Mail orders promptly nttendul to. D F1/1` rates and full information, Aculugucu VOCAL, :1. pupil of Visa Eva N: Robl the Conservatory of Music. Milan, Italy. classes organized. yn, of Glrcral _ Miss Campbell has an Ontario Art ischooi Certificate for water colors. 6 For terms and further informitionl. an ly to MISS CA.\iPBE LL. Exchange Block. unlop Street. Barrie. ' 44.: We are Prepared PIANO Teacher's certicate wtth A Honors in all branches of Mu.=xc from th vntory of Music. Alma. `College. St Mason and Mntthc-\v s System at T: Tecnlcuc. vnnzsr .. -..-n -I--- 7- Telephone 70 Music 23 Painting In every detail :is an up-to-d:Lt,e in stitution. Capable inst.1-uctm-s. Per: fect equipment. Satisfactory results. Send for our descriptive and interest ing caxalogue. It; will convince you. .___._________._____j We have the most stylish turnouts in town, tin,- most comformbie <-nrringes and the best ihorses. Once tried alwu_w,'s.pntrunized. Special facilities: for,weddinp:s and tum`.-ruis. (`ab meets all trains, Baggage;-alied for and delivered. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES CIIEQUES on any Bank in Cariada or United States cashed. ' At his omce and in me evening at 68 Mary Street Opposite Railway Station. MARRIAGE Five nd Five undo. half per cent. On land only. LOJNT 8: LOUNT. Bzwrlsters &:c., Barrie Onnnslte Rnilwnv Station. THE EXCELSIOR BUSINESS COLLEGE, MISS M. J. CAMPBELL. now: STEAMSHIPS JAMES EDWARDS. PM.. convnvaxvczn. THE EXAM|i`lE;R OFFIE`-E, ' I STERLING Exonasenbought or sold at posted rate of exchange. 117:" _.:,,_ _-._: 1 _.1,_.:_'_ 1.- n...I ISSUED _BY r. R. P_R_o_cToRf Safest, Swiftest and Most Comfortable Successor to 1'. H. Baker. TO MEET ALL DEMANDS FOR MONEY T0 LOAN. r. R. PROCTOR, an HA ru____ - ...BARRlE... Barrie Opp. Bank of Toronto -~1:IOTIS `will be cashedjat long - short dates at the very lowest ratesg interest. 'I\____._ ,`,,',I . ,1! Al, LICENSES me mm First clasa are the Conscr- liege. St Thmnnc: 0. apply at SUPPER` -BARBIE y me Conscr- st Thomas ' Touch au First class Comm-. DRAI:rs issued on any part of the world. ' I. Beecrull Bu. . I successors to J. C. McKEO0lE 6: Co. NEW TORY MANAOFHENT: A Live Paper for u Llye People.. .P5N.K.EBz. An entertainment arranged by Capt. J Whish was given at Pairustvigk _on Tues- day night and the hospltal fund is $31.` 45 richer by it-. Those taking part were : Misses Bingham, E. Hewson, Norma LcRoy, Charlton and Graham. and Dr. Am-all of Barrie, Capt. ' Whish and Messrs Watson an} Conlter of Painswick. nnr 1 -1- lurauu was over $25. J. uluaw I\.Du V On Monday night a similar entertain- ment. was given in Ailandale. Proceeds I mu-r Q-`)5 ' Auu.Iu_v U} Lugcu {SUNS am! 0118 R. Walker Bull of VVnolstock, J. Keppell Ball of London, Dr. Arthur [Ball of Columbia. P;.., and Mrs. D. 0. 'Murchison, Barrie. U VII LJGUIIJ .Mrs. B411 was born in December 1839 at Rnthkeale, near Limerick, Ireland, about four miles from her husbaud s birthplace. She was married "in Barrie 415 years ago. She leaves a family of three sons and hue daughter. R Wulbn. D..lI ..c r`_,I_L,.I 1- J2. JJUHMU Johnson. `I , 1' ~ ' I Mrs. Geo. B-all died at her home on John street, on '1`huredey night and interment took place in the Union cemetery on Monday afternoon when a large and representative gathering of citizens attended. At the house a short service was conducted by Rev. T. E. Bartley, assisted by Rev. M. L. Pearson, Rev. Mr." McKinley and Re /. Mr. Thornley. The speakers paid a warm tribute to the virtues` of the de- parted, `herb goodness, her kindness, her charity, and the inuence for good . ehe exerted upon those about her. Around -and upon the casket were placed the oral offerings which were very beiutilul and included a large i pillow from the employees of the Ball ` Planing Co. The pall bearers were ' Capt. Lyon, w. Gallic, J. D. Rodgers, 1 E. Donnell; C. II. Bosanko and. Thos. J Jnlxnann ' ` It is just a question whether the Conservative party in this Province will be content with the new manage? ment. The protagonists are really a clique of the old cotorie, and their records are behind them. They may claim that they have been kept under while Sir Charles Tupper was on the roof, and that they are brimming with reforms and evangels._ but Will the . I ' It must not be thoughtthat the new 1 movement to get in` touch with the rank and le was spontaneous. It [was engineered from Toronto, _and V6! y I little is expected from it. The new , bosses, as self-appointed-as the old ones, . propose to utilize the old party or- ! ganizers and the old party machinery, l and to dragoon the mutineers into line. In fact. Mr. Maclean and Dr. Nesbitt V are trying to repeat in the larger area. of Ontario what they recently succeeded in doing in `Toronto. Mr. Shew Wood, who cal'ed the conference probably 1 thinks the idea gwzis his own. He may imagine himself the redeemer, but if he "will cast his mind beck alittle he, will . decide that the notion was inspired rather than an inspiration. Mi. Wood deserves credit for his good intentions ; but when all s said and done Mr. Woods ' is merely an instrument in the hands of some very sophisticated politicians. Theoretically V brings forward ytheman. In practice this docsnot always happen. The Liberal party in England is as badly I shattered as the Conservative party in Canada. They cannot unite on a ' leader, although in Lord Roseberry 1 they have at `least-`one statesmenof the A first rank. VVrll the Conservative partyin Ontario regard Mr. Wallace and his associates as the men of the moment? ` Are they big enough for the the moment always ` job? Will their policy make toward ` sweetness and light, or toward bitter-` ness and confusion ! Or, `Will they con- inne to trust to the quiet mediocrity of Mr. VVhitney, garnering `strength meanwhile and giving a new leader time to develop? . T; -1 1,. .I ....__L __ 1 I I r I l ( 2 washes dud dyes if on britiii old clothes can euilybe made new a in. Brilliant. tadeleu colors. 9 " o me, no trouble" with vl tutu. -uuwua nngnan uome Dye or highest quautf. Mnypole Soap, which washes and yes at one operation. 9]_gl_clothga__qgn easily be j style need not cost a women more than xoc. 1! she will oul buy a can of that famous English ome Dye of quaut . gr_ah_es__and yes operation. With the Province it is a dilferent , matter. -The country electors are 3 swayed more by principles and by bus- iness and moral considerations than by little urban cabals and juntas trying to imitate the" methods of Richard Croker. The new movementdhasa specious out- side," but at the core} of ithides a _. tyranny more overmaatexing than -the L lone that is discarded. A . `party take them et their word? Both T Mr. Meclean and Dr. Neebitt have paats-pasts that are tied` up withl bossism of the most palpable type. There" was E. F. .Clarke, for instatfce, who has already been mentioned, and , there was John Shaw, not a. month ago,- who was a victim of the same inuences. '.l.'o1'onto bears the burden of these two white men because '1:oronto-well, because Toronto is Toronto and follows the bell-wether. awn GVEIJIWICYI . :oc.for Colon. 15a. for 814:}. . him,.notz\bly when Mr. E. I`. Clarke was A movement is afoot among the Conservative party in Ontario which may betoken a change of masters. Some people may distrust it on the principle that it's better to bear the ills theyvbave than to y to others they know not of. At any rate, the I movement indicates that the Conserva- tive party is dissatised with itself, and chales at the old leaders, who have ,:,have ridden everywhere for a fall. The * men who are thrust forward by the new T shufile arc.W. F. Maclenn, M.P., and l Dr. Beattio Ncsbitt, whose political ` ambitions so far have been equalled -only by his disappointments. With these two gentleman in the _foreground _ it is not unreasonable to suspect that f Clark Wallace lurks somewhere behind ' the 8061118. Dr. Nesbitt has been I known for a long time as Mr. Walla:e s aide-de-camp, and Mr. Maclcan has on E one or two occasions used the knife for T] defeated for Mayor of Toronto because 5 he didn tsuit Mr. W ullace s book. Of 1 course it is pure speculation, bat it s l worth while observing that Mr. Wallace's prospects at Ottawa. are closed. IIe can never hope to be leader. of the Conservative party in the Federal p e- House. and his eyes may well "turn I C I J wistfully to the Provincial arena, where he imagines a fair chance of being Caesar. Mr. Wallace can never be acceptable to Quebec. He has no career 1 as auniter in front of him. He must I follow his bent, which is to be sectional and extremist. The new movement may mean, therefore, that Mr. VVallace R is to transfer his activities, and that the 3 next Provincial election will again see the Protestant horse gallopingjhrougli the land. This horse is a bad steeple- I . chaser. It has always thrown its `and with the pistol under their nose I riders, as Sir William Ralph Meredith might testify if he were consulted. (1; However, it is not the cue of-the new 45 movement to consult anybody. Mr. W` Whitney, we are told, endorsed the M; new constitution, and so did the party 3,, organizers when it was submitted to Pa them. ~ But the rub lies in this--they were not consulted until the constitu- '1" tion was made and the movement fairly 0:: launched. In fact, they were held up, they threw up their hands. A TL _'... _.,._L , Hospital Ehtertalnment. Death of Mrs. deo, Ball. I 1} BARGAIN FOR~LADXES.-Having I` j bought: a. lot of corsets that have` been ` retmrned by an ents, I am able to sell * at a greatly re uced price. Call .ezu-Iy : and secure a bargain. 13 Ross street. I t uy uuvn us: on V Utllilnll J.uc cuxuuluu may U6 suggested by saying that if the stores are closed and-a right understanding arrived at the majoritv of customers would certainly be satisfied and the rest would `be compelled to acquiesce. In suggesting this I aru assured that those who would be best satised would be the merchants and shop keepers them- selves who would reap the greatest benefit. Tire only question is as to how best to perfect the arrangement; It may be of interest to refer to one method freqrreutly tried but usually ineffective. _ This consisted in a. voluntary agreement among the business men of a community to close at a cer- tain hour. The ineffectiveness of this 8fr'JI`l5'l1SllB.llY arose from two causes. In the first place there are usually found among every class of men certain individuals whose desire for increaseof goods is stronger than the sense of honor. These, breaking the agreement, forced all to follow their example. (`r in the second place there were certain customers whose patronage the shop keepers could not afford to lose who insisted on being served at their own convenience. This kind of thing is by no means unusual in some of our village communities. To this might be_ added a third cause which has had great effect where there existsa commercial rivalry between neighboring villages or terms. The rural community will prefer the village which outdoes its neighbor in the matter of late business hours and take their trade thither. In view of these things it may well be considered impossible to effect much by a merely voluntary arrangement for one false to the agreement or one new-comer may render it ineffective. - A more. likely `plan is now being projected and one most business men. A petition is be- those most interested in all the villages and tOWllS.0f'io which asks for legislation which will name a closing hour. by which both buyer and seller will becaurpelled to abide. There is nothing new or novel in this plan. By legislation already one day irr' seven is preserved for rest to the, majority of Canadian citizens hut it may be ques- tioned as to where. the advantage of such legislation is when two days work must be crowded into one to prepare for the rest of the next: Since a secular government has provided a day in which each m.-tn may be able to rest and worship according to his owneideas of what is right it may be argued that the same powermay legislate to the end that a manimay be able to enjoy to the full the day thus set 21; art for his enjoyment. Nor is this, to my mind, to be` dealt with effectively from a religious standpoirt though it has phases which eflect the religious life of _ our citizens. But I believe lllrt each merchant and shop-keeper can sign the petition that is provided wirh both eyes open to his own advantage and the benefit of his own family and A those of his employees. -. . . I Wl1lch'Wlll meet with the approval of . ing circulated simultaneously among. at hi he M he W ( ed 0!] qu Tt we no wi a s 7 Al soc cAsfoIA. h l -The idea of` regulating the time_for closing stores and shops-is by no means a new one. In every town and village in Ontario may be tound. those who have sought anxiously for an improve- ment in existing conditions. In vill- ages the need of some kind is felt almost every evening in the week while in towns and cities the trouble centres largely around Saturday night. In regard to this last the..trouble has been increasing rather than abating. until in many instances the shop-keeper and his employees are required to render almost two days labor for what is nominally one. Only a short time ago a man 5- employed in a store in the town of 0 Barrie told of winding his clock with the hour hand pointing to one o clock Sunday morning. Such is by no means an isolated case. -Reckoning from seven p clock. on Sat- urday morning and allowing one hour each for the midday and evening meals (which isean over-ailowance) we will tind that the man has put in two days of eight hours each for one day s recompense `and rest. In seeking to fasten blame where it belongs we might find ourselves in somewhat of ii dilemma. The fault does not rest with the employee, since upon his meeting of the demands laid upau him depends the security at his position. N o more does it rest with the employer for upon the keeping "open of his store and lling the orders of his` customers rests the stability ot_ his business. With present conditions he says quite` truly, If 1 A do not supply them some one else will, and where they are supplied on Satur- day they will seek it on Wednesday. The real fault may be said to rest with the customer. But the customer is legion and is difficult to come at. He cannot well be forbidden to buy when stores are open. The solution may be siirvc-:'.atnrl my mivinn [lent :6` it... oh... I i I (SATURDAY? NIGHT `BUSINESS; T HOURS. A I Children Or; for L-Q;u4-----* THE `BARRIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY, FEB. 7, 1901. BARRIE. THURSDAY. FEB. 7, 1901`. nnvu 1u_ llyycu I I John Herbert. Is able to be out again. I uuuu nun uuuslnl. ' . I Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. J;uy3s mother, ig ill - with In guippe. ` Jain; IIm.lm..s :. ..u.. .- L- M- :~ui;l`:gs.V\vere kept at half mast from the time of the Queen's deazh until after the funeral. `ll',,, 'I.1II'- II'- 1- u . . 47- I Feb. 4.-1\Iemori::l services for the Queen were held in both churches on Sunday.` [ 1 plane Innun 1.--; -4. l...Ir ...__L r , Au uuu Lzuuluu uu Jan. . aH,l1. Sactumchtal service was held in our church on Sunday. hl\l%ll.llI I , Mr. Young held missionary service in our church on Jan. 27th. Q_.,... .__..t.L_I _, ,_ n I 1 - .. ....\.uuuu uusu E\J\a|'lJlJ auu l]llllk'IHl|y. 7e were plexsed to EEG so many of our Allandale and Painswick fxiends at the I social. 3 If 1v . .- . - u uun. S. Mason and family of Grenfel visit- ed Mr. Bloxham, Mrs. Masorfs father, Sunday. . I Mr. and._Mr.=. T. Campbell entertained I quite a nu':nber of. friends on Saturday. Alex. Aud arthur Gibson and Miss Gibson have given up their old home. They will be greatly missed as they were hi,-.;hly respected and loved in this neighborhood; Our best. wishes` go with them for 9. piosperous. fuxurrn The Epworth L.o..vue social was quite success both socially and financially. \VeI'B D1019! -d f.O {-530 no rnunlr AF nun up uuvunwx uu uuuua_y. 1`homas Peacock of Tnonto visited his sister,T1\Irs. Chas. D_w.:-. last week. Miss M. Malay spent last week with her parents in Barrie. Miss Gjbson of Elmvale is visiting Misa Lizzxe Gibson. Miss J. Cnneton of V893.-r3 vi:itcd her aunt, Mrs. Jxmes Brown,` last. week. - I nit .. .. --. 1 i V _Fe'u. 4.--Mr. and Mrs. James Brown i visited P. Ferguson, .1\Iid'hu11st, Sunday Jan. 27th. ` A. Dyer and family vis'teal friends Grenfel on Sunday. Tlmnnmq Paunnnb nr 'T`......;.. ..:-:._1 Remittances should be made to . A. Mac Luren pubusher of Tm: EXAMINER. Barrie. Om; uon, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A handsome cloth-bound, beautifully stamped copy will sent 0: 50 stamps. `L It would save good and 1 text ha py once more. cioctor bills for any fam- ` ttol have 5. copy ff Dg. P]i`er`c`e&`si1 sp1en- g 1 ousan -page rce oo e Peo- ` p1e s _Cc_>mmon Sense Advise:-,." 52: t::,::::':i:;`*i::"da:=`h-:2 s gu e mi many valuable suggestions and receipts for curing common ailments by simple home-treatment. It has over three hun- dred illustratligns Sud colorel plates. a strong paper- un co y wi be sent a oolutely free, on receipt .of 31 cents in one-cent stamps to pay the cost of cus- toms and mailing only. I Address, . World's Dispensag Medical Associa- . tr tion, No. 663 eet, . A handsome 1......-:..n-. . .c..c..a. ; uscu mese memcmes and they ` fave me great relief. In one month I was eeling well and could do the work of my family. My tired, stupid feeling was gone. I slept vye_ll_ qt `night, my appente became xamuy. My tired, stupid gone. slept well at night, appente became good and I felt ha more. `save ovtnr h1'", far can loom, .....;,. at mgut, no appeme. 1 relt worried about everythin . Did not care for com- 1 puny. I had optpred with seyeral yery good home physmzms but received lxttle relxef. I so often had heard of Dr. R. V. Pierce : wo1_1derfu1 _med1cme I_made up my mind to wnte to hxm, for I dxd not k_now what my trouble was. I wrote to Dr. Pxerce telling him some few symptoms of mgr bad feelings. By return mail_ I rec_exved 9. ett_er which gage me_ much satxsfgctxon. He sand I had ind1gest1on_a_nd torgxd liver,_and a_d- vised me to use ms `G01 en Medxcal D15- covery. I sent to the dguz store and got one bottle of `Dxscovery a_nd one vml of `Pellets. I used these medxcmes and they gage gjjeat Ijehef. mus ` am a_ well man." .sleep at night, no appetite. ' _ For.e"ig1xt years I had very poorI1':a1`d'., writes Mrs. M. Grant Co., W. Va. did not mind this nally became too weak to walk about my room. I bad headache, sick stomach, back-' ache, tired feeling, low spirits, could not I felt worried ....o....-,1 ....-.1. _, - fmnv I had 13. Kitzmillcr, of Iizuynrd, ; The rst two years I bad feeling so much. I i 4 At times 1 would become so despondent, could hardly summon up courage enough to do anything. Duringwhat little sleep I could get I was tortured with horrible dreams, until I have thought that one night I was equal to forty deaths. But I will stop trying to tell you what I suffered. I cannot tell all of it. Big. praise God, I will try to tell you how different I feel now, to what I felt six years ago. \Vhen I consulted you byletter you advised me to keep mys_vs-tern regulated with Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery and `Pleasant Pellets. I took in all six bottles of the `Discovery which did me much good. It relieved the pain in my back and between my shoulders, and braced up my nerves. Thanks to Him who doeth all things well, and to you, dear sirs, for your advice and medicine. To-day 1 am well man. `I`nrn="1nh1-V.-..., 71...: ...__..r - --- -- ...... ....._., ....; w uc_u. uuxy 1 nave thought ` many tunes that life was not worth living. ' At nmes I would become cou_1d hardly up couraze enough ; to`your intelligence. 11.1311, uronculal and throat ailments. Honest druggists recommend it. The 1 druggist who attempts to palm oil upon you an inferior substitute, offers an insult I am 51, years old, writes Mr. F. G. I Bledsoe, of Leesville, Henry Co., Mo. For 25 years I suffered the tortures of torpid liver, constipation and indigestion, which severely affected my nerves. Hav- ing to make my livin by hard work I would go until I woul have to give up. J Sometimes my_'frier_ids would 'pick me up .1 and carry me to bed. Truly I have thought times become an :1:-=nm..:.:..o 1:, xesor: (O me n at remedy. Doctor Pierce s Golden Magical Discovery makes the appetite keen and theliver active and healthy. It makes pure blood and builds rm esh. It makes the brain bri ht and the body active. It builds up an steadies the nerves, and insures nat- ural, refreshing sleep. It cures 98 per I cent. of all cases of consumlption, catar- ( rhal, bronchial and throat ai ments. Honest druamsf: rm-nrnmam-1 .4. ML- $1.00 per year. In advance; $1.50 If not so paid. . ln EQVH dealing T171. .3.- When a man wakes up at` night with the idea that he is falling down, down, down from a great height--when he im- agines in his sleep that he has 1 st his breath and can't catch it aggin- en he tosses and tumbles all night and can't s1eep-when his mouth tastes bad in the morning and food is repugnant-death TERRIBLE NIGHTMARE. CRAIGHURST. HOLLY. uuug to Q0. 1113! 2 remedy. ' Ell Discovarv malran 1 Ill!!! EU \J(IlI|UlUIlIo The funeral of the late 1\Ir.=. Thos. Craig took place on Tl1ursda',' afternoon to St. John s burying ground and was very l.u'gely attended. Among tlpose from a distance wereinoticed-: Rev. Mr. ] McLean, Elmvale; Hr. Bennett, M. P. Midland; Sheriff Duury, Cr0i\'n Hill; Mes_srs>LeaLherdale and John Brokovski, Coldwuter. The deceased lady s mainl- cn name was [Sarah Moon and she wins` at one time a teacher in Craigliurst ` school. She leaves a husband and ldaughter, Miss Mary Craig, besides numerous near relatives to mourn the D f a loss of a true friend.` The Rev. Ur. 1 . Teney conducted the funeral service assistedhy Rev. Mr, McLean, of Elm- vale. Mr. Teney paid a high tribute to her qualities as wife and mother and M also to her religions and social life. ` Her illness was 01.13 for a few days and _ death came as a great shock, saddening ` `the entire neighborhood. ' I` Miss K. I. 1\Ic-Lean and her aunt, Miss J.iln2ra_m, left on Friday for a trip to California. 'l`L... I` .... ....l .-.L` H... 1.4.. `M ..- VPL..- I 5%'I'oL Catch the Eye (anal 1;heMinc3. ;a.,t the Sa.me1 Time Luu win mm nere everytmng trom the Canadian Tweed to the finest imported goods, with trimmings to march. Some- thing nohby in Fancy Vestings. Special value in Serges. We have a large stock of the choicest goods and latest patterns, at best value obtainable, in Tweeds, Worsted and Serges for Men's and Boys Suits and Overcozxts. It will be a pleasure to us to show our goods. - I T THE` `EXA_M]NER. You will nd here everything from the Canadian imnorted goods. with trlmminnq 9n rnnvnk um..- A WARM FEELING Feed your hens oyster-shell ar forsale at a. remarkably low price. |` ` Gomeand see the N ew Ball- Merchant Tailoring none at ~0 Neill s I. RJHAMBLY, -7 ...._.'_; V __V.,' ,' , _,` .. . ,_,". `I /11 / " /l// //f z////,/,//// _ 2 1 '_ . uspecieliy to those xvishiug pleuraht . and protable` is the art in adveitisingz. This Ad. illustrates how hue this saying is employment, C-anadu s Sons on K0]-je `and "e'dt; the only book dealing ex~ clnsively with the Canadian Contingents, IS the buck to handle. (jfricial, Authentic, Cheap, sells on sight; to everybody, and any- body can sell it, Capital or experience not necessary. Send for Free Outt and make money. 4 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. nsrusa SUBSTlTUfl"l-ZS. _ WILSO/V -S` I/ll/.4l.IDS PORTAGEIICY, 87 82`. James St, lrlontreal. Money .to Loan on Mortgages at low esl: rates. Fire, Life and Accident Insurancb. Place of business in the office occu pied by late rm. V Olce Hours 10 to 4. A . " -'r.. BEECROFT, manager you will find them at Specially recommended for Sleeplessness, Indigestion, Nervous Troubles, Malaria, Lassitude, VVeakness, Consump- tion, Lumbizgo, Throat and Lung Troubles, Colds, Bronchitis, Overwork and Overstrain, Insomnia and General Debility. Why not try it? It's an economical Tonic. .___.._ -- `V...--..4..z, ..\.buAu.|.\. Wi(n_e gives strength and energy. 8,,__u n - A A It is just what is `requited. The Extract of Cinchona Bark, which it contains, regulates the system. The Pure Port 117.`..- .......... ._1...--- -41, , , ,1 If yu are debilitafed, overworked, or have lost energy, T why not get that rich and generous Wine 05 Life-"- Get a Reliable ealth Inspiring Tonic 2*? For sale by D. The BRADLEY=ARRETSON CO., Limited B. D. O NElLL, Successor to J. Henderson ..__r:._.-_ ._...-.._.,_ ._-l...--...~_-._. `Va will pay special attention to cashing -I urn1ex's Sula Notes, and are m 9 position to handlnthem at the very lowest notes of interest. '