_The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body, get back to its habit of health. ` } When Scott s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does V that, it` cures; when it don t, it don t ' cure. 'It never does harm. Rheumatism. DO YOU WANI` CONSU 5lP1`i0N? . ' \vl-qbusaasa T to. 50c. and $3.00 ; all druggoiggg. /` Doctors try Scott s Emul- KILLYLEAGH. -S1I_DHURST. DALSTON. The genuine __this picture on it, ` no other. ' Y2 _____ 1--...- In warring against disease no.re= g medy wears the badge for spe= 4` cial service moremeritoriously than SOUTH AMERICAN NER== VINE. i * Juan! Nsco'r'r &~BO_WNE, (`L ..;...'..4.'. If yo{1 have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise -once HOLLY. \X.JJ\JV b Chemist: ' , has , take Sit'f,-I wantito say through your paper, ifhuy one who may be a victim of rheuma- tism will try Dr. Chrke s Little Red Pills, they will nd it sure cure I speak from experience,-for I suffered all my life, and could get no relief till I accidentally tried these wonderful pills. Six boxes entirely curej `me. E. Warner, 65$ Vic. Av., Winnipeg. ; ` Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills are a positive aid certain cure my rheumatism, asLh`m.x. paralysis, catarrh, eczema, coughs, lame back, indigestion, all stoma,ch and "liver troubles. female complaints, even when the diseases have been standing for many years. The most; stubborn cases will vield. For sale by 1). H. Mu.-Lv.re-2, W. E. Wismer, Geo. MonI;m_:m. druggists. Bu'r1'e. or sent direct by mail. by ucldressiua, Cansxrlu `Chemical Cm, Peterbor-_.~ugh , Ont 50 cents, a. box. 01 3 b)xes for $1.00. ` nr.G1arl:e a Sure Cure for Cntnrrh. same price. $100 will be paid for any case that it will not permanently cure. ' A. L. Jones, traveller, Montreal, writes: Dr. Clarko s Little Red Pills cured me of rheumatism of 14 years standing. Three months in she year I could-' not go out on the road at all. - l Henry B`.ias writes : After years cf misery I Dr. Chrke s 1.-it`tle Red Pills cured me of chronic indigestion. They are :1 marw.l._ Strong Testimony in Favour df_Dr.` Cla;ke s . Little Red Pi-lls. nu-. an an 4110!: D .LL|nu \JDu.IIIl.IV nuu JJIWLI LLHUUBUIUIIIULH Ill llllllll U1 LIUIIJBVIIIUIIUU BPUUIIII value l0c., 3 for 25c. .' Men's and Boys` unlaundried White Shirts, sizes 12 to 18, reinforced back` and front, double stitched seems, continuous facings throughout, allllinen front and bands, very special value, 50c. ' ` r Men e White Cotton and Shaker Flannel Night Robes, all sizes , goodvfull sizes. _well made, special values 50c. Editor of THE ExA_ms1:R. Jan. 21--.\1r. Bennett visited in yur village over` Suurhy. II..- lI T-LL _E .|II__J_I- 2- LI... _.-..._L -5 Mrs. Webb, of Allandale. in the guest of` her sister, Mrs. \\ Ilson. Slroud. We are pleased to learn that Miss J. Wallace is able to benround again. Mr. and Miss Hxsticgs are the gusts of Mi>s A. Wallace. - ' Miss Skinner visited her home In Bradford last Saturday. I A I_._.._ ._I..:.._I_ I._...l :._.___ `f..I..- \1'.. an: , ....... ., .... ...., . . ` A large sleigh load from Lodge No. 605 visited Zion Lwdge, Feunells. lasat 'l`hursuuy evening, and did not return until daylight. No fewer than eighteen received the Royal Arch. ' ...-. .. u` . . . 1 Mr. S. Coulter s son, who hxs lrad an op: r- ation performed for appemifcitis, Is doing nicely with very ski ful attendamce, and a clever surgeon from Toronto who performed -the operation. 4 - u:-.. nvn.:'...|-,.I. c........ ..,.,.. vr~........4- :,. .1... I- - `are: vnunv Miss Whiuzelcck from neaf Toronto is the guest of .\1i=s,M. Peacock. A ........ ......at.. ......1.-!:.... Inna ...l....-...!-..-..1 -5 - 5....-.. u. .-.......,.u. - --~_--. \csxrried a lovely buquet of white owers shy S.-Fnga.n. the bride s brother. and Mr .and roses. A tempting dejeuner was then Soll W3'" "s"d " A t df ` I _ 1 t vrve them. me was :1 1'1`-::-hyt(: 4 p.n\,'2'rYJ[J`l;;..t yigtt, $3 35;: s}r;r:r:`:'I)I :;i:n religion and was bllyliieil at Elm church, Craigvale, Rev. W. l\lcConne-ll Tuesday- cicxating, when Robert Graham and Miss ` I Mary Fagan were united in rnarringe. The bride, who was escorted by her father Jos. Fagan of Inniz-lil, was tastefully gowned in white, with satin and" pearl trimmings, and She was attended by Miss Graham. sister of the groom. and Miss Culbert, her cousin, who were prettily attired in -pale pink with trimmings of narrow velvet and lace. and each had a. choice btq-zen` of cut owers. The bridegroom was wanted on Girls who haven't the money to I for new clothes, ribbons. feathers. tc.. had better go right round to druggist or grocer to-day and for: buy any color in these fast. bdl fadeless home dyes. Maypole Son washes and dyes at the same time. Maypole Soap Sell cwrnshere. I8. r Caron. 13:. for Bind. Mantiel, (f Thornton, while R, . Black, brother- n-law of the bride, performml the duties of`usher. Appropriate wedding music . was played by Mrs. McConnell during the entrance and exit of the bridal party. After the ceremony this party and guests drove to the family residence. where, the bride and bridegroom received the congratulations of their friends beneath an arch cf evergreens _ Golllilnr twitharuby served. and before leaving the table the l col nndtl.wopeasrels.foraelllng -, - _ I 15 up lsla Bea - Rev. Mr. McConnell tendered his own, and l wmnsutggcfasg ,nfP';nm; the compauy s best wishes to the newly I nlghgdjn com .,,d e,.,,m1, pfetl] wedded pair for a happy voyage through { '~`"8'`'Bdn=dna"=rddo%hr' _ their future life.. The remainder of the j :gt;n,f'f1,'; m}'.f, f;:i .'2'i,':,`;T,".f.`'r evening was spent in social intercourse and Send usthi-advertisement-and we various games. and later Ion the young l }'c',',`,,ff,`,'hmm,' f ,`:,f,',h`,`,e`:`,f,T,'f couple drove to their future home. The.` iuisouaoommngwill besentyon . gifts were numerous and costly, signifying `. {o`::`I m"'l"I"h.o":,"el`:`;{ {., _; we regard of the bride's many friends. 3.; 7, man. can, TO THE A}:FLIC1`ED; HCRAIGV.-XLE. A WARM FEELING VET) KICK Wllll putulnuum. Daniel B-aislev has commenced moving to his new home on the anxth concession. v-.... ny. ulvvuulg vv-nu unu--vlu On Thursday, Jan. 17th, the Rev. Father Sweeney was presented nith apurse from his parishi `nera as a slight token of regard. The Father who is leaving to take a charge in Orangeville will be sadly missed as he has eddesred himself to his people and all who knew him. IIUUHB |UI' lll Wlllltir. - The entertainment in Guthrie church in aid of the new hospital fund was is decided success and upwards of $63 was made. The program was excellent including the fol- lowing :-Iustrumental music, Oro string` hand; vocal music. Miss Miller, Mr. Me-1 `Kay, Captain Whish and ll a choir; recita~ ' tion, Miss McKay; speeches. Rev. Messrs. McLeod, Cameron. Thompson and Camp- bell, Captain Wbish, Dr. Ross and Ptes. William Reid and Smith from South Africa. Hon Cm. Drury occupied the chair for the evening, and conducted the meeting in a. most charming manner. More than one of the apeakzrs ex- pressed the hope that other communities would follow the good cxuinple get by Gut-hrie in raising luuds lor such a good l`$ll](`._ CENSU- Mrx-. William Mitchell is visiting her daughter Mrs. Bretwe.l in Toronto who is very sick witlrpneumonia. Daniel Rainlev has nnmmenns mnvino tn I Take L:\.\::1tivc Bromo Quinine Tablets Al drug,v:lsts refund the; money_ifit fall: to cure h}. \V. Gro\'e s sxgnature 15 on each box. `can A. vu vvn/I Jau. 22-Mias Jessie Duff and Jan`. Coultcr were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony at the residence of the bride's parents on Wednesday 6th by the Rev. G. I. Crew. The happy couple will take up their residence in Athena N.\V.T. .-............. ... ...u.. .- --. Miss A. Lucas spent aufiew days of this week in Gibson. Misses -Jessie Davidson. M. Mahr and "A. Dutflett for Torontb on Monday. Miss Ella Lucas: left on Tuesday for an extended visit. in Campbellford. `D 11.1.... A'n.._.:..i.. :. u.. . ........a. .: 1u.;.. I V. un4\A\-\l vun: In _\..un-Ir ........ -. R. Dalton; Allandaie, is th guest of Mn. E. Comartin. Elan. `2_`.2-(:`-eorge Mitchell was home from Toronto laet week. IA}... 1'! -3.. l`|......uL,.II 1.` Q6..q...~_ :n Ll... HUNIEBT;.B.B.Q$;:JJ% _LOIUl'lL0 lli VVEEK. Miss Lizzie Campbell of Stagner is the! guest of her cousin, Miss L`z7.ie Muir. I Mr, and Mrs, Miller nf Tnrnntn uprp fhe Euchll ('1 HUT UUIIEIII, LY] IE5 L4 ZIAIC DJUIIH Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Toronto were the guests of his sister. Mrs. Geurge'Campb(:H. last week. um- ...-:.:-...... . : n .... .. u_.....,.. :. ....... IE3! .'e`K. . The residence of George Parrot is now vacant. he having moved into H. Day : i house for the yinter. 1 "Pl... ....L. ..g..............- 2.. lV..oL..Z.. ..L......L ... 7 ' 77 7 7 7 I Jm. '2f. -Tue anniversary serviues in connection with the Pre_.-b_vterian church will beheld on Sal`-bath, Feb. 3rd, with -. . 1 tea Iueetmg on Monday evc nmrv. A good pxogrumme is being prepared. -gauaan na4\JA.Il ' Jan. 22--We regret to chronicle the death of James Moran. whose body was interred in the R. C. cemetery last week. `I `T__ I 7_I_,- -A 1...... I`ll... 2- _:_!A3__ -- -saw on \.-3 uv-uvuvny a u u u w u vial L. Van-Velaet. ot Jersey City, is visiting old acquaintances here. l.I.'..- A I ..ln.._ 2- ..:..:L3_... G..:...`J-..L `ll-..I.. A sleigh-ride party of young people from Barrie and Phelpaton. spent a very enjoyable evening,` at the home of James Corrigan. 1 1 Maple Hill. Excellent music was furnished by Messrs Madden and Wilzion, of Anten_ Mm. uy nut: [ Mills. This uigagtnre is on every bo_x gt the genuine Laxatnve Btomo-Qumme Tablets the remedy that em-m n cold in one any Stop; Eeillollall and works on` the Cold. M Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure :1 cold in adny. No Cure. no lay. Price 25 cunts.` GOOD ADVERTISING MUSTBE HONEST U113 H11). IGIIRXUI V 5 III \III.III'YIIIIIIIIU """' I remedy that cure: a cold In onevday Miss E. Bishop, of Barrie, apentlaat Week with her brother. John Bishop. f\.. 'TL.._...1.... 1..- 1"AL .l..T).... 'I.`...l..... `Jan. f."3-Walter Hunter of Cross- luml lied on Sunday the `. 0th lust. He was born in Dunifiicsshiro, Scotland, .n 1826. became a shumnaker by trade. and coming to C`anad.t about the year lS5-1, .~e1Ile.l at Ru;;by in Or ) T)\\ llSl1lp ivhere he kept the post Olllce for several years. In 1866 Mr. Ilunte and some other Oro seltlors set out for Flos and became the pioneers of the settlement n'~itl1 of C:os.~`lan-l., There -was :1 solid bush fiom thr-ii` cle.irin_;s to Elmvale ve miles away, tmver.-m`l ' only by a lumbeiman s road. His wife died three years ago; six children sur- vive them. He :1 l.)l'I3.'~`l )YU2ll'lY1 in buried Elmvale on 'P. ....,i.... -' ~ . nimile 13a::uro< I 2: ua 30 c`:`L:.`:;{ ..'..- i fv":1`:`".'..s:";~ and two pearls. for selling only 15seta Paxlslnn Beau- ty Plus at 10c. a.3e:. These Plan are 1 prettll engrwed and neatly carded. three to B` .- -u-in--u-uuvuu us-v. I Miss A. Loftus is visiting friends at Maple I". v QASTGRIA e7 . `T spend boas, e!c.. right their for xo cts. brilliant. Soap. It dun. cAsm!Rm, To cans A com) IN A DAY %x//2 I-`cr Infants and Children. CROSSLAND. CHURCHILL. BRENTWOOD. FHELPSTON. GUTHRIE. ' .a` r a war? NEAR ANDEl'l'0N`S BREWERY Phone 87. man once Ross Block Phoness Merchant 'l`aiIoring Done at vO Neill s LUMBER - HARD LATHS AND SHINGLES son` `CEDAR wooo ` POSTS .- SAWDUST. {vAnn%: VICTORIA STREET` ' Are the latest production of modern medical science. They are the best medicine known for the treatment and cure of all diseases ofnbc Stomach. Bowels. Liver. or Kidneys. They are innitely superior to all pills for the cure of Indi- gestion. Heart Disease or I\`er\'ous Prostration. To nervous and delicate women these Tablets will prove a. positive bles=ing if taken strietl ne- cordmg to directions. Price. 500. per ox. ' Sold b D. H. Maclmren, Druggist. sole agent or Barrie. Formula. and samples sent free to any regisie;`e_d physician. on application to The ggiacoln Medu-.ne Company, 50 Queen Street. wn. 0 ssszsssws-sasbso A A I |NlacLaren s `o'h'2oSk3%`$ D. H. Maclaren, 'aTL`i1Kffs7 PIANOS Peoples` Bank Building. Monirml. `I2 years Exqglilner In U.S. Patent Oice. N0 PATENT. 0 PAY. \Vl lt8 for Re(_l 300k MIGKLE, DYMENT & SUN {Lincoln's Tablets Ohiidren cry for j 1j [ROBERTS & co.._ V V l U`Qvv Qr`%4b`Q`%v``v% Q'. I . A new carriage tire that makes riding on all roads 2 pleaaure-economical, too, for it does away with the vibration that shake: a and breaks the carriages. GARRIAGE TIRE i Sed stance for Free Tire Catalogu gixfing prices of all sizes. `TH; Cures Diarrhoea. D sentery. and :11] Summer Complaints; gives nstunt relief; pleasant to take; best bowel remedy known for children and adults. Price. 25. a. Bottle. DUNLOP TIRE GOMPMIY, LIMITED Are receiving more favorable comments to-day from an mtistfc We want this store s advertisements to he dependable. When you read it in an advertisement you can pin you faith to every statement as being honest. Every advertised article as being exactly_ as represented. We cannot afford to pay for newspaper space to humbug or deceive the public. ` standpoiut than all othr Cana- dian makes combined. By our easy payment plan every family in moderate cizcumstances can own a fine piano. We allow a liberal price for old instruments in exchange, and deliver the piano at your house free of expense. You can deal with us at a. distant point the same as in Toronto. The R. S. Williams & 3911: cu. Manufacturers of _nnd Dealers In Send for catalogue nn full information I43 \'I )NG`3 2~T.. TORONTO. We Challenge comparison A V shaped space between the rub- ber tire and the steel ange re- vonts the creeping and can ng wnk-h other tlres.nre subject to. See the exhibltnt the big tnirs. Vespra Council. TL- _____ ..l -..` Lumber-men, BARBIE, 0NT.' - LIn1i9ED, SOLID RUBBER chemist. Drugglst and Optician. Pntent sollcltors T. 61C Oro Council. The Reliable Clbthlng and furnishing Men. We all need it now that the days and nights are getting cold. Our health demands our first cure. our pleasure next, and economy third. These three make it advisable for you to have your 7 ' Drmge 0\ 8l' LDC l'l\'8[' 115 l\;].|lHl|ll'HKq . ' On motion of Coutts and` Camerun it was 3' agreed to purchase an acre of gravel on W Q -_E. l. con. 4. Vespv-n, owned by W.` Bshop. gp ovidiag the gravel is found to be goonl .und the price rewsonnble. Mr. Finlay was 'appointed to iuveagate and report to the 3 1 ., councl . `u 4-.......' n..:........... n...:....L.: 41.... .. .......o 3 UDHB `T878 HHCX L`CIOn'E EH8 CUUIICIH T. '1` Young 01 Dalston. and Jan. Fletcher of .\]inesm,;. were appointedaudiuore. [Heir HLLCIJWIOU. I Communications and accounts were pre- treated and read from: His Honor Judge Ardagh re the iuudvisahility of changing ~_township otcere; J. Ross Robertson. in behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children,` Toronto; C. H. Hale, secretary of the Oriilia. Board of Trade. asking the appoint- ment of delegates to wait on the -county council to solicit them to build and maintain the main roads of the county. The council. uppointed the Reeve and Councilman Prim- rose as such delegates. Thu n-lxih-utinn nunnvv `urn-inrl a union T058 {AB EUCH uelegatua. The arbitration award rming a. union school section out. of ports of Veepra and" Sunnidale, and the arbitration award divid- in`: No. 7 school section into two school sec- tions were loii L-c-fore the council. '1` 'l` V-...... ..a h..I..c.... ......l 1... 'lZ`l..4,.lm.. V COTDOFIITIDH I0!` H18 CIIXTBDD ytlll". On motion of Count: and Pximruse Coun- cilmen Cameron was nut-h-r"zed to settle the Howard and Ferguson matter on the best terms pnssibie. On mntinn of Primrmzn and Cameron. DSBU ICTITIB pU8lUn3. _ On motion of Primrose and Cameron Councilman Finlay and Coutts were,request- ed to ask for tendurn for rebuilding the bridge over the river nt Midhnrst. n mntinn nf f`.nnH-.3 nnr1'(`.~unpv-nn if. was: Reeve Caldwell in the clmir. TL. 1 ) .... u. all ! nnnn ...I 6|. a It goes directly to tha seat of tha troublef-expsls Im- purlties--glvas_;one-and-strength to the system?-imparts rich. ness to the bloodputs on flash --it`; 1; systen! builder. ` A Finlay--Pain1r_oae-Ordered {hat_th9 clerk be` requested to ask the Barrie "printers to tender fqr the printing etc. required by the corporation for the currentryeur-. I Hn mntinn nf l`.n|n.tn and PIill1FllF Conn. ' councn. Couttsl-Primrose-Ordered that 5 grant ;pf 33 he made to the Hospital for Sick I Children. Toronto. 'l`hn Cnllnminn at-nrun-nfn warn nmaaa nnrl the omce OI 8.5885301` an Lnelx` nexn muvung. The council nu] mrned to (Ssh February at 10 am. CI.-n Qwnrvnu, Clark. IXPEVB uuuweu III (4118 CHEVY: The Reeve addressed the council dealing with several matters which would requir their attention. ' ' l`..-ua.-n uuuu n..o...-an ntna: n..np.-c-`On u-vn-an nun- KIHUUTEU. LDFOLICU. The following accounts were passed and ordered to be paid :-N. W. E. King, adver- tisinjz, $2.40: Rogers L- Rollers. for notice board at gravel pit. $l.50; J. Baklwin, for urasvel, $1 85; J. G. Scott, torsewer pipes. 34. 0 'P|\n nnnm-.il'will war-pivn unnlimmtinnn for, 3'-4.au . . The nouncihvlll receive applications for the office of assessor at their next meeting. `Hm nmmnil uni mrnu-I tn :h F`.-hrnarv at Merchant Tailor New Store, opp. The:Queen s G50. SNEATH, Clerk. - (Crowded oup last week.) ` `Jan. 14- 'l`he_congregu.ion of the Meth- ` odialz church were agun disapp~)inte.l by \ not havinga minisaer for their afternoon i nnrvimn 1 guehnol L`1l'. GU41 A TE. JOSEDH DIISSBH. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jennet..u.`S1u1s Ste. Marie, Mich.. are spending 9. short time here with old fxiends. "N... .........I..... ........oI..I.. ....,. ..c:.... -6 LI... Not only has it lmoxzked down the Astrongholds of dis-I ease but it has driven the enemy from the last dlt_ch in thou.-' sands of cases. In all ailments of the nervous system and digestive organs It is invaluable. _ I 8l'VlUU- Miss Mary Dobson is visiting invBu'rie. Miss L. Meulie, from Midland. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Russelh I Rh`. and 1\h\-I. Hnrrv Jannet..u.`S=n1Ir. Th trustees of Pains-Vick school have given the contract of wood for the schnol to 1`. D. Suulea of Big Bw Point at ` $3.50 [er cord . ' 9 TI... ........1....... .5` D .:.......:..1. n_........'.. ......; :.. We. the undersigned. do hereby ggtee to refund Ihe money on a 50-cent bott.le'ot Greene : Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fnils to cure your cough or cold. We also guar- antee a. 25-cant. home to prove aatisfactorv or_mouev refunded.` JOHN WOODS, arm MHNKMAN 1) H Iu;.--r..\mr.N 0!` IIIOIIGV 7811111080. ~)Ul I.LV llUUi GEO. MONKMAN. 1). H. MACLAREN. DHIIU uelu WIUH Ulu IIIUUUEH The regular month`y meeting V of the Utopia L\dies' Aid Society will be held this week at tlieliom ` - . Mrs Levi Smith.` DJVld Smith is \.`l'_\' ill. 1).`. West is in ..Lo...'..L.o...n WVUCIS Ill! ll: IIUU `J attendance. \\.l:.... (`...L... DI lrleuus new.` Miss N. Cummings has returned home, after spending a few days with friends in Elmvale. ll-. .-\A K]... 1n`\r\ Tv{mk2n IN..- n`....s.... mmvane. . * v Mr. and Mrs. John Lwmbie, F103 Centre, called on Mrs. J. Cumming reccn fly. FERGUSONVALE. (Too late for last issue.') Jan, 16 --We extend our sympmthyto Mr. andvMrs. John Johnston. "The Balsams, in the loss of their voungesh son. James Edgar, on Monday, Jan. 14th. aged four months. Mun Tnkn `L ;-um .T.uI\-vrvnan 3. 4|. n.....o IIILCIIUIIIIUPTI ` Miss Ca.rter_ of Michigan is visiting her | aunt, Mrs; James Miliur. sr. ' ' Mn s 3-ply Linen Collars, sizes 11 to 18. in all the leading up-to-late s:y`es, straight band and stand-upfturn-down and turn point, special value 2 for 25c. IMen s Cuffs, 3-ply latsh styles, -in link or rbund, 20c. pair, 3_pa_iraTfor 50c. Men's Irish Cambric and Lawn Handkerchiefs in plain or hemstitched, special valm: Inn, 3 fnr 95: ' ' corn. , The members of Painswick Grange met in I. their hall on Tuesday evening Jan._ 15th for the election of cicers whieh resulted as followe:- - W. Mn.ater-F. Warnict 0verVaeer--\\', G o'ife|low Secretary-O. W. Qmntz Treasnrer-H. E. Quantz Lec:urer`-J. L. W-arnicn Steward-Gen..Shunnon Aas c. Steward--R. A. Carr (}hap!uiu-C. M. SrxgYey Gute Kee-pz:r--J. Riulnrrlson Au(limrs-C. M . Sgioy, Geo. Shannon. Delegafes to S. S. Div. Grange-sl{.. A. Carr, H E Qanntz. D.-keg we to D;m. Gmn_4e-0. W. QuJ.n`.'z` mourns. Mrs. John Kerr.-Lmgm-Ln, is the guest. of friends here; ' lA3.. KT (`.nv.ouInnu Inna -..I-n.--....I Ln..- '1: is the Iliad You Need it You` Are mung. Nervous.` Weak ' and Despondent. (arms I` I3. , _ It brings to the weak and suffering the needed nutriment to the nerve tissues all over the body, eothat a breakdown of some vital part is averted. Thousand of lives now fest wearing away can be saved if Paine e Celery Compound be promptly used. If }ou are numbered amongst the sick ones,` procure. l aine's Celery Compound to-day, and test its health-`restoring powers. .ly.lR. U. 11.. LV.|l'.\'1'YI Dear Sir:--We, the members of the choirs of which you form a put embrace this present opportunity of expressing to you our high appreciation of you a a. member of our choirs and as xx` pub'ic- spirited cit zan that we know you t) be. Notwithstanding the miuy d~fii:ul':ies you have had to encounter in order to be present ' with us from time to time, you have eucceel- ed in surmountiug them all nudcun in future look forward to enjoying well merited suc- cess, With your able help the choirs to whi lrynu belong have developed into an. institution of which we their members`. as well as the public generally are |proud, and we shall always cherish feelings of the deep- est gratitude to `you for `the kindness dud consideration shown us. and should the time ever mine when our relation as members or the same choir cease and we beoonze separated and lccsteci in dierent parts of this and other land: we assure you that we shall still take rt lively Interest in all that pertains to your happiness sud prospsrity. We be: you and Mrs. Minty to accept these chain as 5 small token of our regard tor you. We trusrthat they` may ever -be the means of recalling to your minds the pleas- ant Christmas season of the dying century. bigued on belnlf of the choirs. i _ - .- Mmmnuxs Osss-ox. It` Has Met the Needs `of Thou-V `sands in the past. . Years of experience and tests by physic- ians and its use as 5 family medicine have fully proved that Paine e Celery Compound is the world e begs: and nuns: reliable medicine. . NH... ....I..o:.... ........:L .....1 ,m..:.......'.. .: l)..:....l.. Ian. l2--'1`he foowjng is the widress re- J ferred to last. week `as presented by the Presbyterian and Awglissu chit`: to Mr. Minty: .548. D. H. MINTY: 11.... Q..u,,,\\In t`-in mnmknra 1.5 Qkn` Cures and Makes `People Well. Pai11e s Galerv Unmnnnn Makes New Blood and Tones up the system. the 0' nu-ac: as early In me uprxug us: - possibie. Chas. Moore, con. 13 Oro, will `. " lay down his fence nnrth 6? Ridge Road so no to prevent. snowdrifts there and the wnrk ` will be allowed on his statute labor. Incl following accounts were passed :--Expenses 7 of munioipnl election 1901. $72 ; Ga-o.v(.`nmp- - bell. assistingui h at-vement for 1900, $2 00; Cierk for postage, $22.10. Council adjo_urned till Feb. 4th. at 10 a..m. II. J. Tuouomc, Clerk. I IIIUUIUIIL`-u _. ' The relative merit and efficiency of Paine's Celery Compound. in comparison with all other remedies for making people well, is clearly shown in the intelligent character and responsible standing of the people who. to-day rely`on it to cure insomnia, nervous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia. liver and kidney troubles and Hood diseases. It: nnwer nf rnnirllv rplmir-ina thn Hanna: Klully ll'Oll0l83 IIDG IIOOO 01898383. Its power of rapidly repairing the tissues and cleniug the blond make Paine s Celery Cmpouud the great saver of life that it ig. T To 1.-.-.. 4... n... .......I. .....a ...m...:.... n_'. PAlNE S UELERY compuuwn msfmnisaa THE WORLD'S BEST. Ghiiidreafi Cry for . ._ L-.-._'4-s.._._.__. CRAIGHURSI`. 'PAINswI CK. UTOPIA. A CARD. v sure up vvuu .... -v First meteing. The council elect met on the 14th January as per amtute, led their declarations of qualication and (ice with the clerk, and proceeded to business; I ma onoxru. - Mnuanuxn THE BARBIE EXAMINER, THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1901. Are you really looking for it? Invitingl it? Then pay no attention to your hacking 1 cough. and your weak -throat. You cm prevent it. though. Take Scott : Emulsion early, whenthe cough first hegius. _ G n Jan. `2l-The Y.P.S.C.E. had election of (fceru las}. '1.uealny evening. The following were elected :-- Pres.. Miss Ella Paton ; vice pres.. Mrs, C. Wnght; secretary, Miss M. Ferguson ; treaemer. Mrs. Paton; `con- veners of committees: nocial, Miss Lily Coutte; look-out. 3. Cotton: prayer meet- ing. M|aaJesuie Stewart`; sick, Miss Hsnnah Munro. :1. u....:...... -3 't`.......+p. mmnntna `flu: Munro. - _ M r. Smicrs, of Toronto. occupied the pulpitvof the English church here on Sunday and preulled a'vcry interesting discourse on missions. ` A I.~:.. .. ....'.a .. n..:.... ..:.,:c- on \!l:AIr.-I nouse mm a sore root. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Horton entertained a goodly number of the young people of this vicinity at their home last Friday evening. The mlnhratpvi nnnunl ton meetinn of the I vlcmny an men` nome H136 rrluuy evening. I The celebrated annual tea meeting of Midhuret Prshyteriun church will be held on Feb. 71b. Rev. Messrs Cumeron. Craw, Penman. We-atuev. Wallace znd other speakers are expected and a fine army of other talent with vocal and instrumental music, recitation: etc. Ten aervedirom 6 On Q n In Mnuesmg. ` ` Miss McKinley of Egbert is spending a J few days with Miss Etnel Wench. I this wegk. Mr-. C. Stswart an is conned to the house with font. kin and Mlun (`Inna Ilnrfnn nnfnviuinnll II unub-nu, lit` to 8 p. In. WEARS A BADGE PRIJIIDLYI grlppe. ls now lune no 08 nrouuu agcuu. Mrs. Arden. Smith of Jamestown, North Dakota, who is visiting her parents near Cookstbwn. was the guest of Mrs. R. Little and Mrs. (R.ev.) F. W. Harron last week. Mrs: Fnunlz (hnensidpu and Mrs. R. J. RITE. atouuaru UI 'I)['l|l|IUl'Un Mr. and Mrs. George Wouch are taking a. few weeks holxdays visiting friends in Miuesiug. Min MnlTu'nIuv nf 'lv`.:horf. in nnendina n. 1 TDII-EIODS. ' A. Finlay paid a ying visit to Midland this week. kl-.. `(` Qt.-u-nnnlo an ;u nrtngwna I-A Olin do IJOUKTICULI 3 H130 WEEK: Lemuel Srigley drove to Toronto with 3 load of meat and fowl laatweek. ` Mr. Pringle has moved to Colwell. Chas. Srigley is recovering after a. serious illness. ` Wm. Bloxlmn is improving his residence. The young people of the Epworth League I intend giving :5 concert and pie social in aid I of the new church fund next fuesday even- mg. - Jam. l9-l. J. Hill has nished hauling the brick for hie.-new residence which he intends building as soon as spring opens. ` It `will. no doubt, `be a great addition to the appearance of the sixth line. Mrs. Alherl: Webb is an-:-ndimz a few - v-In lulvlalulaurnuuvwun -w r.----v Our two young school teachers have got fairly down to work. Wewish them every success. ` aw-soc on-no - I 0 . in LOIIIIIIDIB, I9 Vllullg Allan V! 355: Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Andrews entertained quite a. number of friends on Monday among them being Miss Harrison of Mount Albert. N. Smith of Uwillimbury, Mrs. J. B. Smith of Peninsular Park, and Mr. S. and Miss Smith of Painswick. ~ `:`:an Azirlin lurch n` Tn:-nnfn win-A11 nf. perance UK IH_B UIXILI IlU\"t I Mrs. Albert \\'el)'o is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I Vaudel-burgh. _ Mn-.u. IL, l'.iI*.tIe. who has been conned tn vauaeruurgn. - Mrs. 1c. Little. who has been conned to the house for narly two, weeks with In grippe. is now ubie to be around again. Mrs. Ardeu. Smith of Jamestown. North I and Mrs. usev.) 1:. vv. uarron I386 weex. Mrs. Frank Ureensides and Mrs. R. J. Hill spent a few days with their sister. Mrs. Stoddard of vBm(|f0rd. ' Ll- ....A \I..;. ll,-u-no \\ .-unnk an-n O-oh-Inn 41 Youwill find here everything from the Cunudian Tweed to. the finest. imported goods, V\ in: trimmings to match. Some thing nobby in Fancy V'e-itings. Special value In Serges. We have alarge stock of the choicest goods and latest patterns, at best value obtainable, in Tweeds, Worsted and. Serges for Men s and Boys Suits and Overcoats. It will be a pleasure to us to show our goods. ' s B. D. O NElLL, f~l`&' J an. 22-Thers is oonsidorsble sickness in 3 but neighborhood at present. n... s... .......... -..I.....l A......I....... I..-.... .....a. -1 |l\v\-Ianw W. H. Baldwin has just recovared from 3 pretty gevexe attack of quinsy. vm... -__..-I 5..., II\AA.:lIlI :. .............u:.... ...:u. r-yr-I U-Vlvvvlv -~-_-._.. _. 1.....- . The annual tea-meeting in connection with the Methodist S. S. of this place was a de- cided succnae ; as also was the social which was held on the Thursday evening following. I1 `I ! `D-IJ..:_ L .... -....I ...2LL -_ -....!.I--L -u no nun. vi` -nu. --.-.---_, ~. - .._...a .....u u ".5- G. T. Baldwin happened with an accident last week whereby the muscles of one arm were lacerated` Jan. 222-`-Bert: Fieldhouse, of British ` Columbia, is visiting Allan \Nat.t. Mr nnrl MIA, `V. J. Anrlrnum entertained Dmllll OK TBIDBWIUK. ` Miss Addie Hurst. of Torvonto, visited at J. Lougheed s last week`. Lemma! Srialev drnva In Tnrnnto with A Nobody knows all about it; I and nothing, now known, will always cure it. ision of `Cod Liver Oil, when `they think it is. cziused by im- 1 perfect" `digestion "of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and l bowels to do their work. If 1 it is, you will `cure it; if not, I `you will `do no harm. ' between cons. 1 and 2, and to proceed with ` V. v wv-uu-nu The first meeting of the new council was ' held on the 14th inst, when having made the necessary declarations. the members took their seats and short addre-ses followed by each. County Councillor Campbell. who was present, `expressed his pleasure at meet- ing with the new council and thanked them for assistance given him in his contest. I Several communications were read. No grant was made to the Sick Children s Hos- pital. the councillors leaving it to the rate- payers to aid this if they wish. The Reeve and (.`-oun. Malcolm were appointed to repre- sent the township at the good roads meeting to be held in Barrie on Jun. 24'h. R. Storey made an offer for the timher on original crossroad between lots 5 and 6, con. 11. Conn. Cameron was instructed to in- spect and sell to the highest bidder. Robt t Robertson and Henry? Palk were appointed auditors. John Harrison was appointed t assessor ; R. 0. Bell. collector ; and Mrs. N. Bell. caretaker of Town Hall. Coun. Mc- Leod was appointed to Board of Health in place of Geo. Camphe`l. Dr. Clutton was I made medical health oicer and beo. Mal-V oolm sanitary inspector. 'l`Pnd,ers will be ( asked for 200 cedar lu_c_s for bridges and cul- verts. Eight copies of the Municipal World were ordered for the council and oicerr. The Clerk was instructed to notify Chas._ Show to get ready timber for bridge on line a - S the ointract early in the spring asyl nmuailuln Chan, l\1nm'n_ nnn. 13 Om. willt