. I town m-opertv. `I raannhsvdv - I-I Baxmxsrrzn. somc1'roR.'1~io'uuY. coN vmnm cmn. me. I Money to loan on most fuvonble terms on `farm I i pecial rates and faculties for collecting u:- ' mums. - ,- T'?r1I;"I.u;11Z;Ia2}. 1311} of mg Duke -and Duchess of York has been can- celled. The Duchess of Saxa~(.`obourg-Gotha and Princess Henry of Battenberg_o.i`- rived at Osborne last night. rl1l 1'I:I `rnrrvx `rm 11-run nn -.......`...... ...-_u-.1, ._-... -vvvvhn ...v.._-...... Artm this bulletin `was issued the Dyuk-e axid Ducheass of Oonnaugh-1; left the Queen's residence and drove to Osborne cottage. Movat of the lights am; the castle d.iAappeared,- and it was ' evident that the situation xvarranted In-0:51;. of the` inmates taking needed ' `rest. It is the opimionz of the physicians` in attendance at the Queen s bed- side that .nature s' powers of. endur- ance are almost exhausted. The 'end. is almosrt `momentarily expected, but there may. of course, be yet an- other rally. The Queen s condition is fluctuzitinig irregularly, and it is expected that when the end comes it will be in, the nature of a._sudden cessation of the heart's a_ct1'on due to the pressure of aclot of `blood on the brain. which "was referred to im the official bulletin issued at eleven o'clock this morning. gvu--u.......v-.a-u ..- -vuup. u. .....n.-..-....._,- Steam twvas raised on receipt of the i4D.f0I'ID.8.'t|i.0D Ito lea.'ve`at 1.40 in. the at- ternolon. _ The Prince arrived at the statiootn at 1.39. A While awaiting the arrival of the Princess Louise the one trunk vw'h'ich constituted the luggage of `the Prince _was placed on board the train. vvl u ~ us . - uauuv -..-u-.. When the Princess Louise's oar- riuge arrived at the station she hur- ried to Ithe speed;-11 train and hastened into the saloon without formally g'.ree~t'Lng' the Prince of Wales. ' One smal lbox of baggage was `hastily pushed `into the van, _ and the train s`ta.rte.d immediately. SirVFrancis Knol- lys, pa`i.vate_ secretary to the Prince of. Wa.l-es, accompanied the latter. \!YL-._ -LL--. __- _.|. . ,1 `f\-#L-,,, -,_LL LI .~v\.-....'_.,....v.. ..-...u all uuv- u ' When they reao`hed Portsmouth the Royal yacht Albert had steam up and sailed for Coivus at 4 o clock. Princess Christian joined the Prince of Wales and Princess Louise at Ports- mwuzth. `A man isn't necessarily. a coward because he runs from a. vxcioun cow. _. __....-.. .... _-.-..vv The one x-.u=.'zx1e`n:t of satisfaction in the ptresent situation is that _the' ` dying Queen suffers `not at`al1. That ispus-t. and there remains only a peaceful Iinugerbng on the borders of eternity before the_ spirit goes to its l final test. u-;1`H'E END IS NEARR. EBB in UOAL of all kinds. imported ect `from the mines; also Lath and Shingles, White and Grey Lune, Plasterer- Hear Sewer Pipes Fire Brick. Fire Ola_v. Platter of Paris, ements, etc., allot beat g uunouzi 01,- an nun an 1 . UJ!4'Ah 1` quality. and sold at very reasonable rates, urnoxgz 28 Elizabeth St., nearly opposite Wellington Hotel. 8-27 mm 1343313 EXAMINER. THURSDAY. JAN. 24. 199:. I-lls Efforts for Securing Peace Have Fallen Flat A A despatch "from London. Thurs- day says;-Wh-il`e the actual position. i:n`So'ut'h Africa continues almost com- pletely hidden from the public, two or three isolated telegrams publish- ed . l`hn.rsday morning, seem to indi-, cmte that important developments are` impending in the Transvaal. The de- spatch from Pretoria reveals that Gen. Kitchener is making a big con- centration of troops there, and oth- er correspondents report their con- victiion that the Boers are.ga.thering strongly in the Bethel and Ermelo districts. The report that Gen. De Wet is marching north is doubtless connected with this movement. T Boers Capiure Another Convoy From `- the British. _ - A despatuh f.romPretor1a, anym- The Boers have captured a. `convoy of twelve wziggons with provisions for the troops at Rhenoeter kop. They killed two of the British guards and wounded eleven. _ The remaining nine surrendered. The Boers, apparently tearing the approach of other troops, abandoned the ` .wnirone> and prison. era. T " . `All the reports concur in stating that Gen. Kitehener's efforts in the direction ofsecuring peace have fall-` en absolutely at. notwithstanding the extraordinary endeavours to en- sure his after reaching the individual Boers as well as the leaders. While the work of the burgher Peace Com- mittee is. regarded as doomed to fail- ure, the Boers are showing less dis.- position to surrender than never. _ We -._. Boers Attemptedhto Capture Barkly East, But Were Defeated. A-despatch from London, Friday, sa'ys:-It_ is asserted that more heavy I naval guns will be landed at the Cape. InfoIrmati.ou as to the doings` of the i.n'va-ders is hard to obtain; but it is lolsea-r they are getting very little helpvfrom the Dutch. Twice they at- tempted to capture Barkly East, but bothetimes they were repulsed. For three days they occupied Sutherland, but they cleared out on the approach 4of a. British co-luxnn. ' I - . 7_7_4`_ Ltuuuoa vnrv av vvaq v - v . . u v . u-....... A commando of 1,000 has been active in the Richmond district, but there the Boers have secured only 1Q0 Dutch re- or-ui.ts. ` vs no a.au..u-u- yv._.__. Small scattered parties are report- ed opemating in various parts of the Ce-zfes district. AL- -4__ 4,..- .I___ ,1--- u 1. VA on \.|.L|.wI4 L\IltI Apparently -the invaders abandoned the idea of attacking Clan William on finding the town well defended. . ,-_._-._.a.. -4: 1 Ann '...... 1...-.. ..-:.... KIICHENER PREPARING. DUTCH WILL NOT HELP. INVESTICD IN CANADA . . ACCUMULA'1`1::D FUNDS . `l`0 I`AL ASSIIl{AI\`(}E.._._ A STUBB({RN FIGHT, The. Condlllon of the Queen's Dzuuglner In I-2x(-lung I-`rent Alarm. `A despatch from Berlin says:-The belief prevails, though little authentic information is obtainable, that the grave news from Osborne house, and her own inabrilityho go to her moth- er, are having a"depi-orable effect on !/the already shattered health of the Empress Fiederick. It is stated that the blow has fallen witlh such dread- ful weight that her children and at- tendants have been g.reat.1y-alarmed orvexr her condition. `A 4 5- . . At first she insisted upon making! the hopeless a~tt_e'mpt.'to_ go .to Eu-g- land and "was dissuaded with the g-realest difficulty. It was reported that she wasA.m.u.-oh comforted when she learned that the Queen hand rgcog- n nizad Empemr William, and her`o0n- sequently Somewhat more favourable condition has decided the German Em- ` press, who was about to hasten to, 0ronbe;rg,' owing to the. serious` re-3 ports of her mother-in-1;1-w s conditiou to postpone her journey until I,c-m0r- r-nw, - Man}? Foreigners a.t:'Durban in a Bad Plight A despatoh from Durban, Natal,` says:-Ma.ny foreigners are arriving here from Johannesburg without any means A of support. Their Consuls` refuse `to help them, and the -corpora-3 tion objects to being burdened with their support. The question of caring` for them presents many difficulties. ll\..o.. LI...--no-J -an--all-n Kano Mann an I I nun: l:Lvuvn.u.u u.u--...y u... ........ u. Two thousand recruits have been 80-: cured in Natal `tn twu months. Refugees Are Increasing Daily at Durban, Natal ` A deapatch from Durban. Natal, is preparing a list of undesirable says;-'l`he _Uirt1ander committee here persons who are holding official posi- tions in the Transvaal. They are also urging the military officials to allow a repre.sen'tative from each firm to return and ascertain the con- dition of their stocks. thus placing! them on an equality with those who; remained in th-e Transvaal during` the war. ruvv. All of Emprress FI`ederfck s children, with the exception of Emperor Wil- liam and the Crown Princess of Greece are now w'Lt`h her. .....-. , Three hu-nd"e,d foreigners have .ar-[ rived here, from `Johannesburg. and ` the number of refugees is increasing daily. The Natal Government will look out for theirlimmediute wants provided the Imperial, government furnishes them with free transporta- tion to Europe. DIFFICULTVPROBLEM. - II. lI|'I4l'Ullll Illblllllu `Jo l'Jol Omu.-~: Hinds` Bloclf. No. Bnrrm. urnm-I1 Oh-e51---'lA_-nxmx &. PREPARING AWLIST. EMPRESS FREDERICK. One Thbusand Boers A Met Defeat; With Heavy Loss; |_ A despatch from Cape Town. say-81- 5 _The activity of `the Boers in the] Transvaal during `the past few. days` hascaused the-British, ome loss. A despatch from Durbzin of to-day a; date says that while Gen. Golville s` column was en` route from New Den-f mark to Vuiklaagte, it was attacked by 1.000 Boers, who attempted to cut oft`, the baggage train. They made a de-T stermined attack, but were repulsed.i An. LI..- ...._... A..'__.. .Al\l\ 11-..-.- ..|...____,-In -... ._ .-..._ .-..v--.., --_v -vruunurwnnll 3 At `the same time 400 Boers charged the cavalry, which formed the rear-. guard, and forced it to fall back. Four? compamesof rlfles were concealed prepared to receive the Boers. The latter, however, retlred. I I _ T? .The End of the Wat--Is steadily! 5 Coming Nearer. x A despatch from London; sa.ys:-Mr. I Bennet Burlengh, who has retained to } Cape Town, sends to the Daily Tele-1 graph an enigmatical despatch. say-I ing:-- ' I unn _,_,, ; u. ' . .. . "All our soldxer.-3, whether from! Orange Raver Colony or the Transvaal, 3 look the picture of health, and it is, hoped that the and is steadily coming? nearer. I 5 l >"'1`he few recent successes of the_ Boers are annoying. Twenty thousand 1 reinforcements have arrived, and they; are very welcome Ln Cape Colony,l where the Dutch decline to me. The? raiders are 60 miles north of the town, i and are bemg pressed by our troops. 'I"In`= I\I'AnIIvv\n|'\'vw ..'.,..-...... Ll....L r___;| .._... _-~. vwvnlae y.nu-aoyu u_y uun Lnuvya. Thfs presumably means that Lord Kitchener has sent 20,000 men Into; Cape Colony. 5 The 'men were almost ha1'f-why !'across the riveI"when their boat was `caught in a field of ice. They fought desperately to extricate their frail! :oraft, but without success. As the' ,boa:t passed the power house both 1 men `got out of the boat into the float- iing ice. March was rescued by per-! sons along the share, but \Viser, who} was unable to sw'Lm,c.1ung to the ice,; land was carried over the brink to Ideath. I . 5 :(}II!l[glll: to an Ice Cum` John Wiser Is 5 Swept over the Falls. *A despatch` from Niagara Falls, N. Y., says :--John Vviser and John Marsh of this city, attempted to cross Nia- {gzxra river above the falls on Sunday. They lost control of their boat, and were carried into the rapids. \Viser, >who was unable to swim, was sept go-.ve'r the falls and drowned. l\I:1rsh, [after :1 `desperate struggle in the icy ixvat-er, wasrescued by persons along lthe shore. l , I B:1x'I'M:. urmu-Ix Oln-csa-~'l4unxxox 8; Ardzuzh. Graven- -hur.~L; Lcuuux. Arduglx, Uuwuu & Uruwn, Urce- ` more and A llstun. Ilnxvmxr nux I n I u ` FIGHTING IN TRANSVAAL. `SOLDIERS E13? WELL. MET FEARFUL FATE. The Ruling P1-Fi:::1 in Bx-eadstuff: anduL1Ave Stock. v BREADSTUFFS, ETC. Tom-ontp, Jan, 22.-Wheat--Bus mesa is quiet, and prices are about steady. Quotations are as follbws:-Red win- ter, 65 1-20; and white, 65 1-2c, mid- dle f=!`8.iJS[ht33 Slltlng wheat, 680; Man- ifcoba, No. 1-hard, old, g.i.t., 960; No. 2, 916; Nov. lmaxrd, North Bay, 950. Mi.1lfeed---Scau'ce and firm. Ton lots, aJt' Uhe mill dour, sell as follows :- Bran, $18; and slhorrts at 315, west. Corn-Du1l mud easy: No. 1Ame.riL- cam, yellow, 45:: ; No. 3 yellow, 43:: ; No. 2 yellow, 440. ` 17:-AA ._z :_ __A_.I u_...,__ n . ..v.a..--, --v, gnu. - v---w, -u - east, and B9 1--&:. middle reiglts. n___ :u_,'_:_. __,_ -_.. u-1- -..-. J v---... , -... ' Peas--Fi.rm` and in good demand; No. 2 sold, middlle reigthts, at 621-%; and east at life. Bam`ley--F'Lrm, in s.ympoxL'hy with o'a,ts.; No. 2,. east, 420; and middle reights, 410; No. 2 extra, 40 1-20 ,.__I nn 1 n., A,:.n,n- n.__,:._L4._ Rye--Ste.dy;` new rye, 47c, we.-st; mnd 48c east. Bunckwhea.t--Steadvy. Car lots, west, are sqguiwted at 49 1-20, and east at 50 an- l-,_... Oats--Str0ng', and in good demand; No. 1 white, east, 294:; No. 2 white. north and west, 28c~. 1:11--.- : .l....I....... _..l. oonne-.. F1:on1r-Steady; dealers ask 82.70 for atra.i.g`h't rollers, in buyers bags, mid- dle freights, and export agents bid $2.60. 1`: nr\1\rrnn Jill: W U! &lI.IIUj.4I.-ad` I Dentist. Barrie. ' Visits cookntown. every Wednc|day.' nHI..n_D..nu uIm.I.r Want at` oh.-. Dam nmm. - Y--V-.- PRODUCE. (1`oIronto, Jan. 22.--Eggs-The sup- ply ot fresh eggs is ample. Prices are as follows :-N-ew laid, 22 to 230; fresh gathered, 170; void stored, 160; limed. 15 to 15 1-2. THE LEADING MARKETS. nu saw -.v `WV, u-..... .._v...., u... V- v\r Potat0es-Rat_heIr easier at 28c. for car lots, on track here); and 35c out at Fbeld prdduoe, e'tc._-Turnip.s. out of stotr-e, 30 per` bag; onions, 70c per bag; carrots, 350 pe_r bag; apples, per bb1., $1 to $2 ; sweet potatoes, par bbl. $2.50. T\_t...l __...v.f.. *n_:...: ......1.... ....n ..t- P0ll1`1t1`y-Re(X3i.ptS are light and prices are firm. . 1`u`rkeys so.ld at 10 to 110; geese, at 8 to 81-20; chickens, 111331) to 400; and ducks, at 50 to 70c. 'I\,L ;_,, n_L|___ ,__.-, _A. .10, 4-.,_ V-. Dried appleS-Dried apples sell at B 1-2 to 41>; and evaporated at 5' to .-4.: Beans--0'rdi.nary white beans bring $1.2`) to $1.25 ; choice ha,nd-picked beans wrne quoted at $1.40` to $1.45. 'H~on;ey--Fi.-rm. Dealers quote from 91-2 to 100 per lb, for 5, 10, or 60-lb tins, acc-ording to size of order. Comb homey sells at $2.40 to $2.75 per dozen sections. .-.... ....n.. -- Baled h'ay--Steady. Choce timothy,- ion t'ra_ck, $10.25; two-ton lots, deliv- =ered, $11. * ' ru..,,,_ nL,._,v_, 11,- I_L_ -5 _A.______ ` StIraw-St-eady. Car lot of straw, {on track, here. $6.50. : I` ITTY? urn/`(xvi `II A T)Y!'L\r|'\ ungun. ungs , pg-,1 cwL- u uv U Au Heavy hugs. per cw-1. 6 00 6 25 Store bogs. . . . 4 25 4 50 Sows. . . . . - 3 50 4 00 Stags. . . . 2 00 2 25 Chicago, Jan. 22.-Wheat continued I I }on lhr decline to-duy undo; mfluences lwhxch hld sway recently, but the close was with some loss regainetlg on port engagements. May closed 3-8 to '1-2c lower. Corn and oats =.ach_ closed {I-2 to 5-8c'hxghe_r, and provisions un- changed to 150 hxgher. I I'\.-I._Ll_ 1'__ (3.1 `l1'r|_.,L \v .- vnaum vuunzuuwn, ovary vvuuuuluu-y. Olco -Rcas Block, East of the Post Office.` Ban-le. I x ......._,, . vv' .n,. . ..v. ..-y.-.-, uuou, 1; I7-Bc; to arnve, 71 3-8c; May, 75 7-80; `July, '76 5-8c; No. 2 Northern, 61 7-8 to '07 74:; No. 3 spnng, 53 3-8 to so 5-80. Corn--36 1-Sc. 0at8--425 1-4 to 25 1-20. | . I To1'on.'i,o.- Jun. 22.-.-it the western ' cattl-e yards to-day we. had a total at ` 40 1-oads including 1,200 hogs. 4:30 oat- Lltle, 345 sheep`avmd lam.-bs, 20 calves, :a,n.-gl a few milkers. There was little doing in cattle, and the market was one of no account; . the Lo-cul~butch.ers have a fair supply a meat in and can afford to wait 9. day or two. ...", _.- -.-. Trade was dull in the Bxport de- ipartmernt. Prices are low in the ; Briatish markets; boat space is scarce. famd the damaud g Light. as most of the deal to-(lay were in small lots. Values are mot 1uoIably changed. and t}_1e range is from 4 to 4 3-4 per pound. with a shade more in a few cases for small lots of prime cattle. As far as we coulul ascertain nothing touqhed 5c to-day. -' - L: x n 4- ! Ix; export and Light bulls, feeders, fstockern. and mulch cows there is no ichhnge to report. 1, L, ,,1 ,L, ,- u 1 u .........a\..- ..... -.... ...u...... Duluth, Jan. 22,-Wheat-No. -'1. hard, cash, 71 3-4c; to arrxve, 76 to 78c ; !Mz1y, 77 7-Sc; No. 1 Northern, cash, 71 I-r u... ;. .... ....v rn o 0... 1:... H: n n , l,.__...u. .. ...r.._... Fur lambs and sheep we had only [ a fair demand at unchanged prices. A $1.... ..L... .... _..!I-I. _-___ -__J . ,.., prices will be paid for l1,_,_ L- ,1-" L. , _, ..- ..._.._..--=,...- either. A few chnioe milch cows and some good veal calves are wanted, and good Hugs to-day bemg intoniy modem`- `aate supply, l.1mere was mo `clnange in . prices, and the best hogs sold for- $6.80 ; per cw-t. - I-Inrru tn fa}!-H Ilmn {nun nu-inn nn'ncl- _s3um7p auu 4...-nuruzs. Sheep. per curt. ._ 300 Lambs, per cwt. . 400 Miilkeurs and Calves. om, each . . . 2000 Oalvespeach. . , . . 200 Tana: Mums DESIGNS copvmm-rrs ac. _ Anyone sending a sketch and deacrigtinu may sickly ascertain our opinion has w ether an vention in probably utentabie. Communica- ns strictly condent al. Handbook on Patents to time. Oldest ` enoy`tor secui-in tent . abouts taken litgrnu b Munn he ?reo:ive medal nouce. without. (2 Mae. in the Q -x...4xcx.. I'CLCAIbIG Choice hogs, Light bags .1 5 ru.,-_,,, 1*. ;pU'L uw:L. Hogs to fetch the tup price must i be 0.1? prxme quaiity. zmd scale not be- ; low. 100 nor above 200 lbs. 2 AL L`.-.H........... L. .. ...._..... -1 .._.,_A_ g UELLLLU. lhippers, per cwt. . lBu1.c1mr, choice (10,. iBul(-.he'r. med. good. Butch-sr. inferior. Stockers, per cwt. `Export hull. p ~r cwt. L`|-I'\:\-| ..'...s T 1l.UVV- LUU IJUI. EUUVU `UV IU5o ; ~Fo1lu\v'mg is the range of 1 cions;- I ' nun}. . .~v_, ..v. ., '....,-. LIVE STOCK MARKET. 3; `ISA DVV LI '7 60 '. 375 '. 325 '. . 3 00 3, V 275 3 25 _Sheep and Lam-bs. no r r0 urf Q [NI _ Hogs. 3. cwt. per cw t. [)9 I` 0 W1. Cattle. UUU 6U0 600 425 `350 200 nu, - u nun, vu--nu - --. ARli1STEl{.s; Sulic-Itor.~4 lor ulnluinluz 1-ro` bute of wn 5. 1.-u-.u'(Hun:~`lm. und uuministrn tnou, and Gcnerul >oiic'1lura, N0t`.1l'H:B . convey } am-era. ole. u 50 00 10 00 OUU 4 62 1-8 680 1! 0E quota.- ((`;U1\"1! 0LEI%l(,\v1ll be at his omoe in _tbe Court House. B.-l')`it., every Saturday ` Reldcuce and P.()., ()oolm;o\vn, 5 nrnwu u-v_ -- -.-o-any HYEIICIAIV, SUIKHBON &c _ (hum u! llns. Hurvio J: Smith Orillul. OFFl(`l~$ AND lilsllll-.'I\`(JE :-Corner Owen nu _ Comer Sweats. Buzyrie Special "1108 El!!! XQOUIIIBS I0!` I counts. C1c1:-Bothwel1'a Block. Barrie. Oh-w-Over Henderson's Hardware Entrance. Owen street . :34-lg STANDARD; ..L|FE.,! UVIVIUIIIIV J IIIIVI Iv-rv-vv - Ahandsomoly illustrated weekly. Laurent cir- flnuon or any solentlno `our-nal. Terms. 83 n at: four months. 81. 80 d bynll newldeulere. . IIIIIII 0 ng nnan---J....- "pun vpb Anmuzsa :11 .lD\/.l.`ll.V, Dun.unuu. ow. Olv`l"l(.`l-lb AM; I\'u.'uI lu-..sx:u~.NI:I-;: `browns Black I-uulop b't.. Ban-lo. '1`4.-lcph ne_77. _ 21 AUUUMUhA'1'hJU .l*`U.Nl.' TOTAL ASSUl{AI\`CE.. INCOME. ()V,ER......`.` mica:-rmr. soars as mmcmsos. um:-c-~ upsm McUm_'Ll:_v 5 ougnll Bros. . B ARRISTERS. S()LIC1 l`0Ra'. I\'Ul`Al (:0.\'VEYA&CERS, &C.` _ Olccs-- Bank of 1`- roulo lsuxlulngs. Mame. 3 Brunch oivc. Uoldwnuzr. ` Money to Luau. ` nnvnl n Rnau I I. R J l`. llnnl(nVlKl DEW charge. in the Scientific Hmcrican. ; Iunnrinnmnlv nmm-nmd waeklv. I.ax-Rest clr -on-u IV -Iva` no `country vv -u-.---v Court of Judicature for Ontario, Pro BARRlSTES,8olicltora for the .Supz-em on Notaries, Oonveyuncm-s,etc. Money to um. Omcea : Ross Block, Barrie. c E. Incwaou. A. 11.11. Cnsawwxn. JIIIQE: `3 nanzun Nelhngton Hotel. Incorporated 1851. F M. MONTGOMERY; um. umcea nous moon, nuns. 0 E. _A. 13.11,. _:_: 33'?-':' "611":-' n"16r'n.'lfi.' ii." so`|d newndeulera. mum gmgo awn--. New 1951: Branch 525 1 st. wunmggn. ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS &C.. ' DUNLUP S'l`R.EE'l`. BARHIE. ..... III] A Ilnn.....uu \\I A Rnvn )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ETC. Lulv lle.-cialent l hv.&1(-i:m n.mi>hm-m-n1 OHNSON at SARJEANT. DEAL` ERR in IIOAT. nf ull lnlln {unnu-Ina ASSURANCE GIJMPANY. mswsoxnaz cnnswmxn. u-nu-.....n. Ii .. _ n___, )3. W. A. Ross, L.R.O.S. Edin. F. C. P.. lmmlon. swn-Ara? & nswnn ` A'Rltlb'l Eltb, Sol.citors I!) Might Oourbo , Juvtice, Notaries Publk-. Conveyance: ! omces: Over Bank of Toronto; Barrie. ` money in hull! of WW0 and upwau-is, to Donn at 6 |.e1' cent. _ H. H P'l`nA'ruv. Q.C.. . G. H. Ewan. -I:1N..._!%_:='.5_~ LENNOX, ARDAGH, GDWAH 5: BROWN. lb: `V a H. P., nuvu:-1,; Ian. 1:. 1.. nnnnrrrou. DENTIST. -2085 8!. BROKOVSKI. DR. R. S. BROAD. Bank of '1`oront;'o Building, Owen Street. on o w iiiagron` :unr.sn uni tnvmnn '\nmA 'lII' IIVWIN` Insurance Agollt, Fire and Life. - u. A. .. unuuvu. PHYSUIA N, S U HG EON. &c. 4 :\'u;m m-..s1:u~.m:1.': 'umw..s .IJ uuuuu: cuuunu. an-uu.u.u. . Juurnzzv A. MCUABIIHY. W. A. Boys. . D. U. .\1uncnxsox. A Money to loan from 4; to 5 per (-ent.`on im- proved farm property. I DR. J._ c. siira. n.7rTAii;1NG. '-AGENT. BARRIE. uabuuu MONEY 'l`0 LOAN. I'll \'h[(?IAN.. I'I'C. wlrs In the Mcuurmy Block. nex_! & Col .-; (mines. two doors east of . Furmture store. 29 l W. D; MaoLAREN' Tina!-I-t Klar-in DIISCSLLANI-10 III! ~ vajm. . mean . ARRISTER. S()LI(!1'l`UR. PROCTOR. ;NO'1`AR\'. OONVEYANCER, E'I`(`/,1 ` Special attention in `he Unuvlngulnd Probutlnz ` `of Wxlls. _ubtsumixg Lcucrs of Adminisn'utIon Ind Gumdmlxship. and collwtion of accounts, (:0. Money to Loan. `Own.-ea: Russ Block, Duulop street, Bzm'lo. 0l"I-`I(7IAIu P. 0. Box 214. BARRIE. X. COWAN. I ~, LJ. lmosvx, L.B.B. 1 `. 6 Du_ulop Stzcct. J. C. Buuxovaxx E n Bil 8-97 ..... .8 12,500,000 41. 5 15,000 144305.000 5.450.000 mrc $1 34-! y Store. 1 ,._.--...,..... ..- ........ ...uw vlowv aneeuuu )? Everybody is up at Osborne house 1 and terrible anxiety perv-adesv all iquarte-rs. If the Queen lives until Tuesday she will surprise her doctors, `- a who femred that she would not benble ' _ to survive beyond 5 o'clock this morn- _'_; `mg. It is undeixstood that the physi- ;cians have resorted to artificial meth- `ads to ptmlomz life such as are used 5i only in cases of persons in extremis. _1 The Associated Press learns that the 5 pu.ralysAi\i is chiefly evident in the face, 1 one side of which appears to have lost ' tall nerve and muscular po-war. At 6 jo cloek last evening. the malady had" i not reached the vital organs. al- _: though it had naturally caused an al- { most total loss of the power of speech. \Vhat was so much featred was that 1} the brain might be attacked. Keenly gsensitive. of her affliction and appear- fanee, the Queen ha-nah-so-lutely refus-9 ' ;ed to see anyrne but her nurses and . :'doctors, and it iseunclerstood that the 7 a Prince of Wales is the only exception to this rule. and that hi interview - with the Queen lasted but: a few mo-` men-ts. Hence the exact natulre of" .the malady is known only tofa verry 3 ` few, and it is the Royal wish that the i public should not be informed of the vlexistence of paralysis. | 'I`I.... l\........1,. .._.._-__._ ._.__.__-.._ [THE SHADOW 0F~DEATHl Au uuuy LU uuuu. DONALD Ross, L1..B. ir Majesty Vthe Queen f Has `But. a VFew.Hours,to Live. ' Gowns, Isle of Wight, Monday. Jan. 21, 5Ma.m.--?E_or Majesty's pxysioiizms hopad that she might raliy by 5o'o1ock ` this (Monday) morning. If she does. `in: is expected she will live through the tiny. If she does not, all hope will be abandoned, 4 Immediately on" the oumrmnce of the Queen's collapse about 10 last ;evening, amessage was sent tx) Lon- }don summoning the Pmincezot Wales . amd Empe.ro'r__'Wi.'llium, IIIL- `I'\..___- `A `IIY_I-- ___.._ 2.. _.__I_ _ ` "'J`.`.h<:`6'fV was in such a condition of health that it was ut- terly impossible for him_to leave Lon.- doh at that homr, but it is hoped he 1 will start fbr Osborne-house at.8 this . mocrnsing. I In]... ..12....L;L 1...--- -.___..__,,...._x ;___.z___. The slight hopes encouraged during yesteerd-ay were destroyed by the em- inous midnight bulietin. Those who know what caution and reserve hedge about the .si:ck,bed of a mum-rch un- 'dersta..nd. only (no well what those wocrds mean. |.`l_1e offioialetatement I was accompanied by an unofficial ad- ?mi.ssion that the Queen was not ex- ! peeked to survive the night. ` | 1';\....,....1...\.|.. :. ... -4. n..:.-.__.- n_....._, l-_-..-.....v.: -- r`.......J~..... : The. Queen s extreme weakness I causes almost moire alarm than the stroke of pa1`ul.ysis which she sustain- ;ed Friday. Mwch difficulty has been :expressed in gdlninistering no-urish.-.. ymenits, for she seems quite unable to masticutc. To this weakness are prob- !ably d'll}8 to long spells of. uncon- Ilsciovusness through which she has been V ipzuysing, although it is almost impos- lsible t_o `distinguish these" from the , insidious encrqaohnwnits of old age. , ` rnrv |.\ v A rnrnrvn nrrr 1- `l'.1I'l 1`I"\Y - THE LATEST BULLETIN. 1' The following official bulletin in re- -gard to the Queen's condition was.iasu- ed at 11 a.m.:e-"'l`he Queen has pass- led a somewhat restless` night. There iis no mo.terml._chan.ge in her condition ismce _the last bullel:1n.- (Sig-nerd) -POWF.'l'.T., RFII1" ' ............ \..,._.-.., - - n .--.....a, .u.a.ca.;.:. No official bulletin has been issued` since midnight. An enormous crowd `of newspaper representatives and oth- ers, with oarnages, b1cyoles,'a.nd lan- iterns, h-as aollected at the lodge gates, waiting in intense excitement to con- 'vey the news, miementarily expect- Sod, that the Queen has breathed her, lilaat. I BLIJUU L118 1213!. ;POWELL. R.EID. _ u - gum, a.`-4-4-4:. I No further buulletins as to tile Queen's! conditxon have been issued. _Enqu'u'ers were informed that" there was no materilchange in her condi- tion, and that he was `sleeping at the" tixn-e.t.hI.s despatch was filed. nu... _II___..___ I_._II_;__-__ ,,,__,,,u,x |1llL'cI rl, lJ|L'o HAllGlI'l`uN Llmxnx. .\I.I~:xL B. HHLI-'01:!) Anmuu. U. lS.J. lmow.\', l\J .. . Ill...l..l In u- n I x.... ment. (slgned) POWELL, REID. ........ ..._.... u-.ur..-.... nu-u ---uun The following bulletin was issued at midnight:-'1`he Queen's condition late this evenlng became more serious, with an nncrease of weakness and di- minished power of taking nourish- XT-... ..I.'...'..l L..II_L!_ 1...`- 1..--.. 3,, .-s `K11 ungu- EMPEROR WILLIAM, Berlin, Jan. 20.-The Emperor left` `here for Flusbmg on a specml train at 16` o'clock. last night on hls way to Eng- ';land. He was nccompamed by the" .Duke of Connuught and two aides, Barons Plesson and Schell. The Duke oftconnau-ght had made all arrange- ` ments to go to Cronberg and call on .t.he Em-press,` but the receipt of bad .....-- .._.- \.-..._._ -.'~.-u, Gocwes. - Jan, 20.--Imps-rtant .move- manta were made Mnssjble Ibo-daly by,` .the. belief expressed by Drs. Powell and `Reid that the Qu.=een's life could be prolonged for probably 24 hours or. `unorre. The Prince of Wales boarded the R0-y8.`l yacht Albert Vat Tri-nity pier at 12.45. He drove from -Os-borne to -the pier in `am open carriage, drawn by four gray ihorses. Hqlookedl gravv-e (but well. He wore a dark over- c-malt and a brown hat. Only `half a dozen reparters wnd the same num- ber of bownefolk witnessed this do- run ..l~a.m-on { '.Dhe whrat is expected at any mo- 'ment. and the members of the Royal family are n_.ow! assembled in a room `a~dj'*.in.i;1g the Quaen s.bedcha.mber. Y-.-___ ~;Ur___-___;___ __ _____,________, ,,, u :1, ..., _. _...... .. nrvxnunnsa Hot Maj.-sty is uncornsci-C-us, and end -is expected at any moment. Inn` A tr 1` `r\1 I' rrxr I\1'1' x`u\r\\r. .4...- the lid. `II. V pa 1' (Lure. `In .. v..,..v.v~.. ..... .....J, ............... MAY LIVE UN l`IL NOON; L news frbm Osborne compelled him to ` abandon; this trip." ' " ' V -m______.. 1n:n.-......- ....n...x -4.` 4}}- ta-..I_| uuuuuuu Luw-u.ny. _ _. 1 -A Emperor William" called at the Brl- : ishmembasay ~a.t noon, and. when he heard the latest reports he decided-to. start for England `at once. Before leaving he had an interview. with Gaunt von Buelow and made arrange-' menta for theoonduct ot affairs in the empire during hieabsence. It is sup- posed the Emperor will go direct to Osborne. The Empress will not go to England, as it is feared the excitement would be injurious topher health._ HVYJISV 'l`)I)I \YI`\I2V f\l.1 1IT..\ T `TO! 1`l \fTI)\TI';I' Cowes, Tuesday, Jan.` 22, 5a.m.--The Queen still lives. The physicians them- s-enlvets can s:1y`novm~ore. Whether the end will come at once, for a day..or even two. days, no human power can- tell. IIYSLULAN AND SURGEON. ETU. I Lute lkmitlent Physlciun auul .Hu:';.:eo11 of the Tort-nto General Huspsuu. with special attention to Dweuacs of Women um] Nine and Throat work; and also Surgeon to 1~Jmcrgency Hospnal, `Porouxo. - I Olce-~ Upstairs In the McCarthy Block. nex to McUurLh_v Co's of , At 5 a.m., it was unoftxcially stat-` `ed that ,the condition of her Majesty was unchanged. 1\.r..,a.-....: ..... __ u..._ .._;:-_...,. ` vunu nu auduu noun any gun uyuuu . T`HE PRINCE OF WALES JOURNEY. ........_-...-v.. V , ., u'.._--._._. London, Jan. :Z0.`-. 1-`hoioentral News stated that up tdnguon yesterday the Prince `of Wales intended to remain in London over Sunday. but after ,re- ceiving a message from Osborne he decided who start immediately. The railway company had px`evui-ou.3ly- been instructed to keep 9. special train in readiness in case of necessity. (u......_.. _.....,. ....:_....: _ _ _ ` . ..:._a. ..'a LL- -':l`-l;1;s-' Prince of_- Wales reached !Cowes from Sadriugham at 10.30` and `drove quickly to Osborne house. ' MIL- I\__I_, -3 \--;,|. - pg. 1I.v,uc At midnight the Aonl_1owing bulletin `was issu-ad by her M;ajesty's physi- cinxns, Reid, Powell and Bwrlow:- llII'1l..__._ ,_ ,. , 1 - I L ,,,,, 2.- .......-.., ..M.._, ....-..v... U-|a\A .-...-..u n There is non m-ater'Lal change in { the Queen's Q-onuditjon. The slight im- prov-emant of the morning. has been maintained t/bro-ughout the day, Food has been taken fairly well, and some V t.rai1qu:hl sleep has been secured." Ana.-- 41,2. |_._n'_L:,; ,, , ,..-,,..i L`... It was `stated that no further an- nc-unoement would be made until mdrmng unless the condition of the patient took a turn, of which there was no ummedtate indication. V uu-\.u.-uu.uu- Medical scxenncc-. has Iemnloyed and is employ mg its utmost resources to defer the finalty which it udmitsn is inevitable. '1`ha.t- I Ithese efforts have been successful thus far beyond the'u` expectatidns, the physiciansl yascribe qmte rightly to the superb iresistanoa whmh natrrre, reinforced by'_the;.mo:de1 life the Queen has al- ways hved, 1s'm:tking. : The uvcragel nu/st-rs .-... ............. Ar 1.-.. .._.. ......_I.:! .-_,.. --....., -. ...`-_-._u. ..-... ........u.B\.! man or woman of herage would Jluvevsuccumbed at the first attack of _the' .aco-mbmed maladxea, whichar Auasually fatal within av few minutes, 111' hours at most. ` , . i "'51); 5332;}: `fol-1;_z;:c Wolferton at. 5 o clock on an ordinary train for St; Panorls statiovn; London. III`, A. A A II 1` I WESTERN INSURANCE CO I --`0F TORONTO. - T E