DURING 'NE)f DAYS. V V /'/vc ('/xzwgucsf and J"4' Au`: J. M _*.=2:`:_~_v 5 ;is(`;:1w:i._a- .1? ff A7} :rmi' ozz er-wry //5;`/lg `(If TT"'0;'\, (."/'1' S7` E/35111./?E A x "'v'//'/om` ';cr/17':-/I2 71.01:; /3: `gr/11/2//a`. .7 '.7'.,' .\'_rwI.:aJ1 I!"/1 /fr, " _!u1`_\'. I{71;'1`r.\`.~':- - . - _ .04. caizsegueme cf spurzous : K 1\T 1'\ 1"` I" "` 1 " ---_1v--..-v .1 912::-Iuiu.) Z,//ltllllll/713 0_]' AND PERRINS % ;A1;gE%, (I119 [(11611]/1/rn.7';}; 1/1,-m'..,, m- 7)..I.1_-_ r and Diplbmu of Merit At the Sidney Exhibititm, .S`p2'mg I7np0rtatz'0ns.: REIVIOVED my jaw STORE, g_*rs1:a WORLD mzxowxan ttrsfctetl 5) much atter` #3.!` :. ..W# ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TH 11 afa Parties in want of Clothing can save j ;-j u-st` ((.$.90('f1)7c:_ of (la n H, , A pout-boy having driven 0. gentleman n gplong stage through torrents of min, the ,z, 'g_ontlenmn said to Paddy, Are you` not "-:`;;+`13.1'Iery w_et'I" Arruh,-I don : care about] "7f |\bin wot; but, pleura yar hmmr I'm very "_ dry. -6? THE Are Clearing but balance of ',,:'md wi11 be offeaocl at prices that defy com- 2 BIG BOOT will not be nude.-rsobld. ` By leavi;1g Orgeirs l.!.l..lJ.b'4 2`/ms, G1-and Iulte1'na.tio1.-nl -Medal _zind- :io1'1, Plxilzxclelplnia, 1876. { make 1room for JL ix` OF -.._.---./_ uu.aA.A\J\4J.J5 I/ie Pulfc, Lea aim Pcrrzkzs EL, earizzg //zezr Szgzzafztre, ` I -0. You have seen the driftwood cm the soui ,,' flhore? Even so du_ the little ridges form j slbout the mouth of a l-wely \Vplll1Ill as she i ' -. "vainly nsnnys to gracefully gnmv an on` of 1 green corn, -. _. 3 I wish yo "'11 let me go to the city with : 2? L.. 1...... I....-. I ..:.1 .. .......,.. . ...-nu '11`.-...l dmr-.-, L'.s{iv2'natc:;_ Free. 0:`(c7'.s* from ajd `/(tn ):u.~y>c-Ij'uIIy zjcyvwxtczl fa cull. * zmztatzozzs of `I'1\*rrvI II! I ':?7:EUM%PHANT. Luau. o(:n1vVl1l_I](l, lb"[v`5. V ~ Over 1200 Sold in Czumdn. and Europe FREEN BROS. & CO.. \Va.terfnrd. Ont. ' 'ER9b_ .'i:zch'un at the three ,Gl`C1l1J Wox-1d s Hula l`II|v:n1r `lQ`.'Q '.-the. continent by the mi E` low price; of $1.00 Hut 11, New South Wizles, `Aus- 1 '1'<.-rmzfo, (1! lvul _ - A sailor being on trial for aleuling u.blne I coat, his counsel argued that it was :2. plain 1* qgse as lmllncination, as his client evidently mpposed himself tn be uulhu deep blue ; v.*.`I`xzo.7" ' .P avin t.ingLs :! r. A . ._ [ ` 1 1 orunto 4 1,.-7-Iy. - Diploma `of ,e.\ perience. Its per- fect adaptability {or Rupture is proven by " the thousands now in ` use. Among its many advantages are,a gen- tle, constant and even .5 pressure; it gives to . the. motion of the body without friction; complete ventilation ` " ' inll a clamping yrcssure which does not open (as all oval pads) but close: the aperture of Hernia, hence only one-third .ressure is required. It is this latter feature that ha: is truss so eminently successful-and proved Cure of from so to 70 per cent. of cases ' Truss cured persons of over go years `- It round the wniu, no leg grape ` it_I use. - - ' , Spinal Curvature, HIP lub Foot, etc., made ' e same as at mv (as shown in engrav-_ ~ 'cm.u.\'I::'s. ! - To H.\N1v.- ' .. 1{pz.n(=n1h(.-1- tho 1 l:Ic-e 1- `lpllsllf Iizlrriu _ lime}. lHml7u1.-. lNFORM_AT!ON FOR PHYSICIANS. RUPTURED AND BEFORFSED PEOPLE. Grand Medal and Diplma at I dclphia; Grand Medal at 1? I T . _ ,_George- Monkman, 11 Li "~` 1 V`>151LS13Il(I.`~'.. AND \`.'.\'r.r:n.\-r rm. 1 " '-`If there is anybody under the canister ' enventhat lhave in utter oxcrescence, ` " Mrs. Partington, it in as slander-er, V-* pg about like a vile boaconftrictor, cir- oulatmg his -nuty calomel among honest folks. L- " '_;It is heart-I-ending to make such cnrrec- ' = I,.but it in very necessary sometimes. uking of the prelident of our local V at week, says a country journal, for 1 {ddled please read His sched- 1 xi ` I HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. '.l'eeh axtracted`withont pain bylhense of Nitrous Otide (185. ' Will he at ` ' COOKSTOWN an the 4th of each month LEFROY on the 9th . IIOLLANI) LA.\'DING on the 26th BONDIIEAD on the -L-nu " . Parties who may reqmre his services wt be sure of nding h_im at all mmezg at Bradford except on the above-mcnuoncd dates. . - .._. qenns of Ontario. HOLLAND '.yet;_h vain bvlhemu-. nf xmm... D R PORTER, DENTIST; ' _Li`centia(e of Um Ifpytll (`I-Wye qr Dental Sm-. of HOT.T.ANn .Q'l`RI`.1?.'l` up A ntvhnn (.`:u'ri:|:.-;e P:lill!il:_.`:'_~Ril(i 'l`:-ivmxzingz. I All work guaranteedjc-r no cha"ge~ I 00111.0 JGraining,Pape{3ianging,Rescuing I I _ Ki-\L9Z/ENG 8:5. 1. ? 3: Paami [vAE AT%s} _In:`.1n:1ticns. 1 These Baths are 115..-I. I i Neumlgin, C4`-wr'*::;, LY-k Bronchitis, .5'omi113z:, ;i()H."Iiu ..;,] Sanitary pIIl'p0SL'S Tuu V pzwticnlan-ly ':`.ppiir;-:-.Llc to : especinl!y-Sy1 _' i , it is conceded that hath J .~ j.`u_ Baths are the best "J cum] t 1 rand Dipldma the Ccfxtennial. YhiIa- a} the Universal Exhibi- tion;_ Pari_5, l~`|_-z:n|_:g:. Recommended by a large Medal thr I3;u\'crsal `i-fxhibi: tion; Paris, I-`rzmcp. Recqmmended by large _number~ox` our leadmg mcdxcal men. ._-_. Within thc reach of I`,lcdic.-xl experts. and in conjunction with nu-.(1i_cr:1 treutiucut the patient is more 1'.'1piu.l ly and successfully treated. Tatronizunl throughout the whole world from royalty down to the poorest V man, these '.l`nrl Baths are the only ones in the City of Toronto. Quotations and recommcnd:1tinns can lie given from the best Medical and, Sanitary 'aml:m'iLies in all countries. I-Tn-n... r-__n _ . .. .... A UUUHITIGS, ' HoUns.--Gent1emen, 7 to 8.30 a. m._. and 3 to 9 p. m., Satnnrdny: until 11 pm. " Lmws, 1O .rx.m. tu 1.301-.m. - 233 -.v Queen 5160:, West, 'l`oronto. skilrul mid attkm attendants. PnEsavAT:m mm: PRICES.-Tll1`ki:1.h Baths, me ticket, S1- 12 Tickets, $10. Vapor Baths, 500 eucln" 12,;'I3ic`-"-* Iwli. CiIlI.Vll('.| l..~I. 1-.s'n:.\':' .m-`ra: i..|31|'s, A PIIIII` '_ _( __....._.4, v_ ]Barri`e, - -' Ontario j 1 Graduate Q/[he I /:i.'au'z.`- p. n'a Dv.`IIgul cuzzcg 1 OFFICE-Opposim Ba:-ti-2, Ilutol, Barrie, Nov., 5:-_h. 1874. ' 41-ly, ._j_:._.:___._ I -blll AIL. \_' .L.l;L.I.1.la1.I mu \``1:I.Ls-!`s1ms., \\'A.'rso.\~& Co.) J.- DI.\.\IOND, M.D. ' Q',.'....\..:..z 4|.` :27-`ow-ras-r.A )R. !{.J.ZI.\I.\I['IR.\IAN nlive mule and female 5, _ _ (`lH)l.\E'A 5. ND.` 7 il'.c-`:15 of I u/aI[: S-Iznnl. ' " 'l1"1. 1Iy', (AV T, n nun on. an vvnvlu nu) nun- Catechism Under Ditculties. - Free Kirk Elder (preparatory to presenting a traot)--My friend, do you know the chief and of man I" vPiper, (innocently)-Na, I dinnn mind the chune; can yo no whuatlo ~ in 2" m u, .01. U. S(1pcx'iI1i~L-mlexlt -u.;n:,.,o ha "g'e~ Glzopina Axes,` C3;.:css-Gut %G<.ai1s, Chadin, F::Zi11 Z?"i1es, Axe Eiandles, Log 1 Rules Leartlzer Belting, Eacking Lath I Yarn Shingle Bands, Cutter Sleighs, Waggon, and Buggy _.`St1:._ . Glass, Paints Oils ' varnishes, Co1o1*s,'1$a11s,Lcc1:s, Hinges, ` ` Screws. Bolts, Grinding Stpnes angl FiXl.11l`e3. T Horse Shoesand Horse Naxls. Gtmn Scoops. Hay Kives, &c. C'oa.10i1`a1wa,ys[1n stock. Lanterns; Lamp Chimneys I &_c; c PURVIS. BROS; Barrie J Uzxrrie, November Tlh, 878. 1- - H]$lIlHL'.l', _N. U.--_-1'lxc change for gm D~ u3tigI:1~1x givmg`*!t)_y 1'L`:0 c_onetunt1;\ gratitude for "-.`,.2u; . ' has p_r<`-lonnerj; -,;-.1 to recewe te5t1m' use it man . 1 The 5311`! .(A-1-ihc-1-",1: ` :.F -.H ..;-.-..u`.... 1 l\ . \ X ' A pninter s apprentice fell off :1. scahld With apot of pnmt in each hand. He. was taken up insenstblo, but as soon ns restored to consciousnessmurmured, I went down with ying colors anyhow." nn`nn`\:uIw YY...I.... T\!Al2....IL3,... ` 13..-. All <>`1'lh*2`s Pl'Dl1\]f }3';1tAh-1 m:u`m(-.x-. um] Hnnvs tfglt ufl/u;'(`1'c>ss-cztt A`. - _..w...-u.. Au .ua1u.W' ` Iron,~ Glass, L Go:::`?;s.;e5 Ghillecl Shot % % Steel, L_ Euttgf, Belizzgg, Eawer, ` i`T".a.i.1_s., 31111 Ca.1o:;'~ %-awulxawr 7 % 13i_IEG$,' ;3;?.1s,% Gama:-idges, _Horse- sh es, Varnislze, Edge Tools, Revolvers, ALL KINDS OF CARRIAGEMAKERS MATEIEIAL. .~.\'nn I4Il'AlA7 .-I;..-7- In` T - - }\ 1:11.50 cxcqlluxxt .~lI.su (L /Jr`:/2' agfm 1311 Imam] 23 __-._. When do two and two not make four? When they stand for twenty-two. . /' M611 who `make money rarely Iaunter; men who save money rarely swagger. I.I'l... t.. .. ......I L... .... .........I ..4` ..........:..I 'UP\1D.ER.~"A FTURNITURE THE FP.IE:'D EF`f.~`.. 1-.-guseiursa-at-.--n.-_. Gobds .e1i'vei`cc1 to all; :u'_(11c ii (nods gut fui f0!` r. qua] T Wholesale & Retail Dealers 1' Rave on hand :1 ('on:pIr::e Stock of ymfd : \1,VFrcd," said 9. young wife to her hus- and, who was 0. broker, `'1 should so like, . just for once, to take a stroll through the 1`, money umrkut. . 1 A u.-.nnn. 1...!" ...:.I A,. L... 1....-- (tf`1l..._ n -((r'RiVL'].".S' -~-i'-F4.` Eur ~- lump . -._ -.,.. -._4<,"}__.`d,_,i .5`-!iA5\UF.t4.Ge a._3_a3y 4*=arrun=2~De\ ....--ax.` ... uuvnv uunnvuu uuuu unnunnl I.\:b'lll\Au An Irish gentleman having namull pir,-I room, several persons desired to see: i the name time. Faith, ,guut.1cxmm," I he, ,"`ifyou all go in, it. will hut I you. ,9.'r.i N1), ) -- of the '}.'o'-.vn free of ch:u'g':-. v t_mu1 ca 4 1 ,1c.r.: in Harq`.wa.e .9. E. MA FEM" `~. [TSE ()1-'_ MC) t 0111 Stand E.-xst of _\1arKc I .4. 4- ii . Jf.III..`x'.S"l'()1\'{ $?@E Amt L'M ..`_N II I --- -.-..., ....-. - V-.~....-..-.- When 9. young girl bug-ins to take ml in_- terest in the arranfienneut of a. young mnn a necktie it is an infallible sign of something more serious than aiaterly regard. Au Y.-Inl. nnnllnnun. '\nIv:I\lu .. .......H .;,.L.....\ :5 Lu infra` EETH, :i| g A::'z;.\* l`. I:-gmj . IHIES 0] `J ("IL I9 gpaaazg mturus luvu vvuu nnvu Ill|lllI-? nu-awn; an :55:- Why in a mad bulian animal of convivial dinpoaition 3 Because he oiera :1 horn to every one he meets. n._.:__- ___.__ __I,.:,.,- _,,J t,:___J, ..,.'1l_ _ Brussels 3 qr. GL3: ! Caiggis, Carpets, 5 ' ----- ' ALL THE I~'L\Vl-I~'l' 132:. A'lIE1{II'.3A.'\' DI`I.~`I(&2s': `A ' I"lI{'l'l.'lii-It. , -, ___-.-ug- L ; Eiigggrminster _.-.' _..- ..- .,._-,.. Receive your relations and friends with n Imiling and engaging uirz. if yun do other- wise, you luau the pleasure of seeing them. ' /,._ ....ar&_HIFl :xcw:.m1nmau:.2;'mm:mu run as I`.'c\'.':`.s't (i(`.~`;;`2)!~2 in CARPETS -._.~.'r' 'rm:_ -11 i:.\'nS' I .... ZZ. nnpO1'iuin 4 `HR ~. I-I` I{.an`ic Hotel . I013 ; all. VIE: I A Ill 1110 "`V" J `LENDRY Exiting, Mutt.-4, nvml _,?:il'iV?5LT0F`1 worms _: .- 1c.\'1c_1n' DE- .v I` 15.` ]`'H 111.`! -*3-`ii Pmczs w M-7.3. . \"(`/. :;:L:.<.n AVND MN in. (..\ A book agent was knocked down by 1!. Itrcet car the other day, uud two wheels passed ovc: his check. The car is laid up, pending rep:xirs._ I1- ....... 1......-..'l L..'1n. ............L_ .....'II... II.... ' Ii nl 1 .wprie('- Vudqt` I .vrO ETS. _;': Milt` ,.u.......,, .u,.....n._ He was bound tn'bo ncourute,_m1d he des- cribed the \vomnn 5 costume thus: She wow an elegant suit of something or other, cu! bum, nnd trunmod cmlwxso. 1171,, ,, 5 I I ,- n - I - To think kindly of ench other in good, to V Ipeuk kindly of each other is better, but to sat kindly oile towards another is best of I , xx `- ell, Sandy, my man," asked a minis- one morning of a youthful pnrinhoner, _.your mother alwnyav keeping better?" '1; go, replied the youth, my mither s IQ-Dn`;|WGBl. but the brown nnn n h1 nn _n Beadle in the north of Scotnnd -"to take the oice of gmvedigger . `- uother duties. Na. na, suys me constant employment at its tak it at :1 unless ye g:xo.r- . Aura; oheornv, mirth-inspiring; i`riun', when tirst we met ihegellier. I took ye for an umnhnd sprite. At raniin widna swilhor. A But. faith I wanna dour to learn Ye were u dmereni chiel, When rs! I turned you up to try And warsie iiu'"o'ngh u scale. I ]liM|IlI`I` umir to ant you sing, WY mony an mvkwnrd bow ; The mnir I coxlxed, you louder \vn\:mi, But feinl.` the sing wnd you. y patience lost. I tlmehl. nl limr-u To smash you into Hili\'Cl`.~l, And let the goddess Music t.-imnn Herself wi semiquavers. But, persevc-rim friendship won Your heart. by smu' degrees, nd soon harmonic chords dispersed The diacorda oi our way. and noo, since we're so i'riendiy lurnerir You're no the same I wot. ye; J trow you nor) the lneurlier sin: l`he muirl try to my; ye. In many ti `noble p!(Iy,"'nllld rrlc-n`. You've acted well your port; W!` simple nu=lod_I/ you've touched The chord 01` many a. heart. Lung mny encli slur frue i`ricnd.s'hlp`s bar 15) tiny I'rc.vtlm'mn.v P.e banished, nnd'by turn: therein The Grace: sweet repono. "And when the key of happiness, ' Wi` weei-timed turn shall nu-nw To bosom-burdening locks of grief. I And let. my sweet. tones biuw Upon the heart-stretched strings wilhin: The tenor of your plu.V ' hnll treble to melodious minds The pleusuresot life`:-1 (iiI_\ . speaker, after tl1e'electiou had beep, `made, exclaimed, ., `opened; let every man Hhevcom ositor made it ,3 _o_pened, and than the _ ch_iId;renth1ia:` ` `N 00 `an spme near hool Board recentiy 59- 4 hnp -7-some in the 1 '0, rupuuu. me youwn, "my mmxers yreel, but the brown coo a ta. u . DE TO MY FIDDLE.` Wit and Wisdom. icture it at said , hold Lu uu nuu.nL can uumaco. A company WlS'[ form'et},' eight men, putting in $400,000, .nnil Mills was cmnmis:simwd to investigate a second time, nnd, if still satised, to buy the mine}v1News came from him conrming V the hopes that his first report had raised, and _very expgnsive nmchinery was for- . wardgl. No\v','_ acvm-iiu;,r :9 the Boston .He.rckI,' it turns out that the former `owners ` of the nearly worthless minddeceived Mills ' by n. dotice so simple as in he comical hey 'ullo_vetl an old and inum-mil-looking n 0 to urnisli the sample \\'nsl1in, upnn I i'cl_1.the man of science based his fuvm-able miblig The negro lled his mouth with .all3t, and slyly spzlt it viutu the pan Int. work, thus giving this impression nderfnl uurifernus i'inlnness of the soil. . :1 incl; until alter "the money for the | n.p;_iil, nnd the ne_r_;ro had `that, the fraud was dis- uuu auuuu Eight Boston capitalists, chief of whom is Mr. Gordon McKay, the sewing-machine inventor, have been tlefmndeel of several hundred thousand dollars. McKn.y a atten- tion wns attracted to the San.Curiaco gold mine in l.%rn:r.il, and he became convinced that by the introduction of improved hy- nu nxunsuun ul. J.\lI_UllU5. dmulic machinery it could be worketl with enormous prot. I_ rof. Mills, :1. mining expert, was sent to 1nvestign.te, and he re- .t_1ixnqd with a. glowing account of the wealth to be ha.(l.nt' Sim Curiaco. A com pany was` eight putting in man mo I uerumny may INIVB orgmuzecl three` ambu- lance trains of forty wuggons each, which were of much use in the lace wars. . 1`he members of this most. ancient order, which was founded in the Holy Land in the year 1048 under the title of St. John of J emin- lem, bore, for upwards of two-centuries, the name of Knights of Rhodes. `lP:...1.L `l),...:.-._ ____.u_L-,1, v - n - I u......... ..u... Iulv `Jun u.uuIImull3. If The Lieutenzmt of the Order of Malta. `, otherwise known as the` Sovereign Order of 0 St. John of Jerusaleni, has just been raised by the Pope to the dignity of Grand Master. Since the beginning of the present century L. this high title has been in pnboymice, but ; Count dl Santa. Croce, nn Austrian peer of t I 'l`yrolese origin, upon whom the honor has , devolved, will at once assume the rank of. n Sovereign Prince and the title `of Serene Highness, which nre appendages to the` dignity of Grand Master of the Knights of Moltu. The sort of the Order is at present ' in Rome, where it possesses a. nmgnicent n'w,nsion, oituuted in the midst of 0. large ' garden on the eastern slopes of Mount Aventine. Monastic orders having been suppressed in Italy, the Knights of Malta. exist at present as a. benevolent society de- voted to the care of the sick and wounded in times of peace, as well as on the battle- eld. They possess and administer hospitals at Jerusalem, Naples, and Milan, and in Gerlnnny they have organized three` ambu- lance trains of fm-tv wmmnnn nnnlu ...L:..I. Jun unn._,. M:u'sh:1l M:IcMn.lxm1 will be fho guest of his relation, l3:u'nncss_ Sims, luring the fnntivitius in culubmtion of thn Emperor of Austrinfs silver wedding this monlh. This will bu the tenth silver wedding which has taken place in tho rcighing honsuof Aus`.1-in during the last 600 years. The nlembors of tho innperiul family will present the Ennprusswitli u. diudem in precious stones representing E(l0l\\_'clS3. '.l`ho tirst present his MajcstyWever made his young bride twenty-live years ago was :1 bun_ch of Edel- weiss from the '.l`yml lliountains. rm... `I':....A.\......L ,.c 41... n_,1,,, p 11- .. Bl'(1ll1(`I` llusloll, tho rcfumlml clown, in cumlucfing :1 Mctlmdxst1'cviv21l nt__r\|):l)o_v, Ill. An excited sister fainted in one of his I meetings, and he said : Stamd mmy, brutlnron and sisters, nml let the m),r__rels come in und fan llcx`. . I fuel as if n. quui'te1' section of lxcnvun had caved in and all the Mars were tnmhlmg duwn on me. You Christiams are like young pigs. Iluwu to vpulllyour curs OH` to gut ynu up to tlm (lnspul t1'nu;,rlI. and nft(u' you get a. taste of the glories, nc:n'ly pull your gails 011' to gL_:t you away. -Y|I'......1...1 RT....`\f..L.... ...:II I... LI. Poetical Will.--i\ir. Willinni Hik:l;ingion, n Yon-kshii-n poet, who ]mbIi.~.hed xi vnlume of poems in 182.1, was than living :16 Pock- lington, where he died, and his last will and testmncnt was proved an the Deanery Court, York. The singular document reads an ful~ ' luwis :.- l`l.I.. .'.. ...... 1....L ....:H An old \\fI)llHlfl lutoiy called at a Shop fr purclmso sumo oranges. In the course of conversntnoxl she stated that she had just go: 011' (me of her daughters. On the shop- . keeper congmtulating her on" the event she gave 1 signilicamt shake of her head, I adding, I may wool be glad, sir, for they are just like thne m'auges,they diximo. due tn be lung keepit. - \'..4 1\r:..I. mu. u'....a ...-- A - ' nu nu-:5 nun. luv- Nnt Mick, out West, _wn.s n qucex'~gonius. `A neighbor found him one day at wmk at nn enormous wood pile, sawing away for dear life, with an intolomhly (lulf saw. Why don t you sharpen your saw, Hat I" asked the neighbor. Looking up, Nut re~ plied, I should thingl had work enough to do to saw up this wood~pile \\fitho11tstup- ping to sharpen smvs." VN... .......,... ..t .. 1-....- L..,I 1 - ... .~..... Iuu vulva- r a I The owner of a large landed property linppenetl to meet the wife of one of his farmers who had just lost her mother. Well, my poor R0se,". he said. there: is another gnud wt.-mun gone. Yus,i1u1ced, sir, replied the dnu;.;htcr, , she was really a gnod wunmn, mid slmuld have 11 good place in l ux`u(lise. W hen I any a good place, I mean ;;(md for 1wnpl(-. such as] us. - cnuncc m ny:ur)1n_;; n1 3. _s(:h-.-l;1'l_',' one. " Not at" all 'nt1"m1gc," re.~pund\-(1nlmly, bQcn1Isethe fact is that the.y()nng men am- not sufciently educated to knmv the di':r- ence." An old 'meI'ch:mt in mm of the 5(:usiih.~ towns of Fifeshin-,,' on :usI:ing_; a tislpx-nnzm how he cnuld not keep u_ut of dubt Mum he `_[(lt Sllch IHLIH !)l'icMI fun-`hit: Huh v-nr-nhmxl in uun III: cHul(.l not Keep got lugh prices fm reply, Ye lzmm ken to get imil`t-~m in 1:1.- never troubles me. um - -- ..., . V- .. .....-yu.-4 nu. Can you tell rnc: whu furmuzl that an- cient encampment, the remains of which are visible on the neighboring hills 4" asked 11 tourist of a village innkcepcr in .1 remote |)art0fl e:'tl1sl1i1'-e, nbt long since. I be- lieve, sir,"V replied mine host, If xx'::sl1e Rmmms 0' the time 0 (.`hn1'lie. IIIAAI, :11 I. A - ' - `I -.--y uunn..u \4lll'~lllUo A lit:1'_'-;;ix-I (I.-1n_L;hh.-rnf 11 cIe2'{_,I3'In:m, be-, ing left nI<-nu one day to tend door, and obeying the smnmuns of the hell, found tr -,;cntlcnum on the steps who wished to see her father. Futlxeri:.=n`t in," she said, but if it is anything about your soul I can attend-to you. I know the whole plan nf an1\'ntiQn. " ` It is atmnge,snid .1 young man, that L puorl_\' educated girl : lav1.~v.'1.1_ju.-4! :-.a -or-`ml xx chance of np':ur)in_;; _s(:h-.~1;1'l_',' one." II 'B11"iu1LIu." 1'mummL~rl n L-ulv This is my last will, I insist on it. still ; "So nneor ml and welcome, And c'un luugl-1 yuur ll. J, William llickingtun, Pact, of l. ocl . l)u give and |)cqncntl1, As frcc us 1 |n'c:Ltlm, 'l`u tlncc, Mary J:n'um, "The queen of my l1_n.1-mu. My czuah and my cattle, With every chattel, 'l.`o lmve uml_tu lmld, ` Come heat or c cold, Suvuluimlramce or st:-ifs, `l'lmx gh than M". lo_(>l, my w A.=1\\'ith)(`ss my lmn.l Just lIcI'n,'.'1s I slunul, 'l`lm twelfth (lay nl"-lul;\'. Jr: the yo:n'ru;\'(`I1ty. I Q.'.......)\ \\'.. H....... _,-... (Signed) "of Nynn, in Switzerland, ` thc`Vamdeis Society of ' g paper on t_he'e'ects ' ed by him_ during -pox. The first whosn family . other, and `o members untlggge of ncup u_uL OI ueut wmen he :03 fm-{his sh, received in . the diiuultg,` I hm: tn 1:1.-(-pn-g mt _'"r, ti'.u'. _ n \\':.x. h'KI.l\'u'l`(u mne 1-: m,,n1y wifp" ]).'Il').l Is` {NEXT n%oo1_Lj.m 3. Hmns. This -Meii` `*s\v~1nch} llama. c11res"'w`&ch it lxa'e_.g " o `g_e,V post paid. E3 LEAR E3, 171 YONGE TORQNTO, `ONT 7C?E`?Ej%`5?3%E7E3;"7AfVi.% ;~7Ei NEWIAILonIN_IABL:sHMNI. SAN?A?i$:.kn,NB0S-= I /'uro;.fo, Non`. __.._u -v v\J..lL...-. ` the Largest and Best in tho Co\u1ty,.{md . petition. The Sign of the u - _ . Ln;1?atent Lace Lather. . Rubber, SoaJps%tone andj Hemp A Packing, % ` TL':.rBR1cATmG OILS, %. LShi11g-Z9 Strips, L.?;at3:,' Tye and Cordage, A In -' 13 v_ Yl'7V Fl. 6' \ w~a ~n~_ .-- 9 King str`ee-t,_ QBRITEH 52%-f"f%Efff1;Z3$sMIlRRo; !VLuoI.'I~ng (r']((X.\'-':.'s' lie`-fcTiIc`c;'e'tl, 1`lu(o :G'lu.ss for 11' tuucu gr) 'mz;;II_a/_/1'll::l' 1'i.siIu)'s`l.o /"u Hi:<.5heHt Medal .-x tmliu. 1877. ` I , Grand SiIver,1VIudu1 at the Great Glasgow Field"1`r:i:11. Sc;tVlnnd, 1878. Everywhere acknowledged the King of Reapers: Cu in 1878. Manufactured only by GREEN C0 A SH: . . . _,- 71 YO;\'G1~7} s'1`1;`1s:1:'r,; _ _ A ~ - ` I`ORON 1`O, UN-'1 (..'a.'- Iz`:'u-I.[s, ";"Li_r//:1 ] m/unis, . .' I,i_r,Ihl ('Im,u. rIi: 2'.-, .6 Li_r/III (."lmml,-Iier.s-, C`:'3/iuls, {I "-'4 I l u(4[/4t1}Iz)':m'.s, .I. _a:Ibw'.IIu.c, Jlytf)'t:)i.s, 4.I,'u.v'/4.~', 'b'ir/.'s, (LC. ` ~-==~r...:.. -- - -,~~ `.4 .. F % e??ssa$, P.._-.1 `E5--1,__ '1 -r ->Onr;=; is` the only Cnnadizm P.e`aper wimaing Iii;/I1 Dla-lo;:zcliun thr Fairs, of 1876, 1877, 1878, or at any great European trials during 1878. First :uxd_'Highes't Aw_'nrr1S attnilmblc. Gmnd _: Honqr ut the Centennial World's Exposition, - ; Irv l'm'(m(o, J\"0rcm/Jar; `.6171, 1S7'.5`. |LmE%FommaLaEAPER VHas been awarded more hledalsj, Diplomiu,ES\veeps1;r1 and Firs P1'1zesd_ur1ng the last 'J`ln'ee years than any otl1e1' Canadian Reaper . . ' - - ' ` , . -`I-EA ....._, ....v.u .w.u.umuugeu me nmg or Reapers: n - . . GREENBROS. CO., Waterford, Ont. _J H. J QHNSON , Gcnerail Agent County ol Simco * `593, Active Agents wzmted iii each Tmvnslnip. ___._..r\:?, arties in so PEER QENT, SHOES! V IN Fl8.A1JIE;.' OF `I'.'i"EI1 Y STYLE, Steel %%'1.:ravings, Drawiizgs and .-n EVERYWHARE Ts: :11 : umuwxng Uul : uauance 01 WINTER STOCK - 9 _. - _. - -w A A4 A LL ll. .u/I':2 ~': are azlczzlalm 2;; a c::cz'z'e I/ie `J,/.-r;-' :1-I`;=5fc(1$ A NE 13/ LABEL, ' -11...- -uvu-cl uuu nu. v. A young lady said to her lover, Chur- loy. how far is it nmuml the world I . "About txventy-four inches, my darling, replied llB, as his urm oncirclml hm` waist She was all the world to him. ` Youlmve played the deuce with my during 0. game of '\Vlll8t. WolL replied the lady with an arch smile, it was simply because. you played the knn've. --7 --` An honest IIiberniu.n, in recommending ii ":-7.-and she would give milk year after wxthou uuving uulvuzs. "Du\:u.usu,:s:uCl . ._he, it runs in tlie.b1-ado; for sliocxune of ll. [. . qow that never had a calf. heart, amid n gentleman to It may partner V