Has heen.a\\'a1'de(] more Mt-dais, Dipl I 1'i'/.es during the last Three _years tlmuy Hbnrable Mention at the -Great Puri Exposi Grand Silver Mednlut. the Grant Glnvsguw Fiel , Everywhere u.c'knowledged the King of Runna--` -A-.. lfedicih wI;`i:Kr:a aitmcted so much ntte urBI`hil!`I*l.Y!fif'tP In nnuy nfn-rnrl Q null] u 1vi'f>"1'71"5Y\'4' RE 2 nt`i:)n alll ?_.v`er the cgrztnent by Steel ___..... Harvest prtmpectn in Australia are said to b good. V The Russian Court goes to Livalia on the 18th inst. Latest reports from British Burmllh re- '_,port all quiet there. . 3.1.5 /`uni-`- _...- A.-Anna J. J-JLll\.L 20/222 6 -are _azlm/a/ea zu deceive t/z: "2u._4v (z_".>m`60,' A NE W LABEL, ll... ` EVERYWHARE TRIUMPHANT. The Ultctljzest and F4`). Ehzravihgs, Drawings and Paintings! Re~';lMr.u7 717..-1.. urn--." 1' H 77" ' -----v Vt Tm: wonnn maNowN1-zn Iv` cu`, `-1.;-` 1 the County, and will be offe.Ied at a Sign of the BIG,B0O'I` will not be u --u I% I Iy FRAMES or EVERY STYLE, r r pu$3_LIc ={i TH 11 Puris Exposition, Glnnmuu F:-1.1 m..:'. Finest assort1)zcn, of Gas F1 : TI-IZE n _ywu'. ; munb nave llllt. Please stop my paper. Tim will carry me throu h the panic easily. I heliovo in retrouc men: and econ my especially in bnin|.-IIousc- '1wld. . Iiitren 5* (low ; `>01-"I,` . 2,) V 1\ ' .....,, ....gu uamvacrzon at me three G at European trials during 1878., Grand International . Mevdnl and Hon, Philadelphia, 1876. , ntleliers, .4 Light Chamleliers, C"1'yst z Hydrtmts, Baths, Sirks, d-c. Dilplomaa, Sweepstakes `and Firs tI1:1u.;ugy oplqer Lauadian heapar . .. .0. I A} `X U `J t/ze Pulic, Lea mm Ptrrim EL, Vbearzzg 1,.`/Feir Signature, 'i2'1dows, Estimawtes F_ree. 0'rcler.s from a dis nronto respccfclly requested to call. ' OF ;he business lately fcarried on by bliphed himself in tho,Premises, . (streets. and is well prgpared to Times are hard, money is Icarce, busi- ness is dullmetrenchment is a duty. Please stop my-whi:keylv0.no;timea are not hard enough for that. But. there in something ' `else that com: me a large amount of money every year, which I wish to save. Please stop my--tol;acco, cigira and shut! 3 No, yyno, not thele; but my-ribbona, jewels, or- lnaments and trinketll Not at all; ride I must be fostered, if time: are ever so ard, - but I believe I can see a way to. effect quite a n aaviug in another direction-pleaIo atop my--tea.co'ee, and needless and unhealthy luxuries! No, nr; not those: I cannot think of n sacrice; I must think of some- thing else. Ah ah ! 1 have it novr. My paper costs eight cent: a month; one dollar a year. I must. save that. Please carry throunh th. feaed prides tha`t defy com- L undersold Fimtztres in .7'aronfo,` at inz.-.Frescoin g, Kai` ndow Shades Manu- TORONTO, ONT ` .m.;, three Great World : rim: 1878, 11,` New South ivans, Ana'- Torontoiont... 55 -Gmo. anada and Europe >. , Waterford, Ont. Diplomh of I3, Globes " I draacmalg 5fuu{m=.n' % %UNn:n-I-`A K1513 American Caskets Io! Walnut < 1 always on rand. Shop ` - Court House.B urrie. ( INFORMATION FOR PHYSICIANS-, bv Dllbfllnl-II ---- ~ 1-6mos. ,...- _..- vmncll FILUVLE. Grand Medal nnd Dilomn at the Centenninl. Phi]:- delphinz Grand min] at (h: Univernl Exhibi- - jinn, Pans, France. ' _ ecommended by I huge number of our leldmg medical men. --1 yea INFORMATION nuprunsn AND BEFORMED PEOPLE. :: ind m..:...... -- ~- - - To HAND. - l{onIemb:1' the Place I- mumllc Bur:-Le Icon-I. Duuloys-. Mnnms. (ill I -v vuvv-vu Eizivnai appeal of Palsnnunte, the wouid-. -of the King of Italy, has beren . , 7 George Monkman. uuuuAL\'U D`-'J'tu51a"1`, BRADFORD. Tee-.`: extracted whhout paiq by the use of Nitrous Oxide (nus. W Jl he at COOKSTOWN In the 4th of each month LEFRUY on tin. 9th HOLLAND LANDINGon the 26th BONDIIEAD on the 28th . Parties who mayetalnre his services wl be nnro t or nding him at a men at Bradford except on the shove-mentioned dnten. . ` `. - 7 " Licentiate of the ' (Ill) qeons of Ontario. HOLLAND STREET, BRA DFORD. '1-go;-_.`: gaxtracggd pain by us:-, nf \H!rAn- Carriage Painting alld.Tl`illllllillg. ' All work guaranteed or no charge- A Callie)` St, one door 10:9-t.a_f Public School. . - _ , .li.-{I{11'IE, ONT. __ _ __..____.____.,..__i= I` Wining.Paper-Yanging,FrescningI Qf\IIAI I\ an } .1. EB HDIISF LAGKMORE` u . I- HOUSE ULUUHATIVE PAINIING! GALVANIC, VOLTAIC. "ELECETRO MAGNETIC MACHINES, PRO- CURED AT THE SHORTEST N()TICE. com; AND SILVER jPLA'l`ING DONE CHEAPLY. ALEX. LAWE_ Electrican Li` (}ulmni.s-f. I1` , _ _._._...-Aa.\tJ'J KJ L.\'r1: r\\'1-:1LeBnos., AND WAT:-`ox &: Co.) BHEUMATISM NE'|:lRALG|A. TIC-DOLOREAUX, PARALISIS, AND NERVOUS DISEASES I l`I \Y'I nu. f!<`- -- III-'5. Cllllll ICALS. l'A'I`l-2.\"l' PRI c1_:s.--'Tu1-kish Baths, one 12 Tickets, $10. Vapor Baths, 12 Tickets: $25 12 Tickets, $10. Tickets, $5. KoHA:n\; BA}ibs ,_ vu --1lIIlII I . Within`the reach of Medical experts. and In conjunction with medical treatment the patientisv more rapidly and quccessftllly treated. Putrunized throughout the whole world fmm ruynlfy down to V the poorest man, these Turkish Buthsare the only ones ` in the buy of Tomntu Quotations and` HoU1zs.-Gentlenien, 7 to 8.30a._n'1._. and 3 to_9 p. n1., Saturday; until 11; pan. L_;I>_n:s, 10 a. m. to-1.30 1:'o.n_;. 233 Queen steet, West, Toronto. Skilful and` attenti\'e`;Ilale and' female attendants. _,.. My Black Sweet. William" you shall be If you'll write Inch a.book ; 1! you deelxnu`. then". Mr. IL, I hope you may be-ahook I _--:-A----___-___---.---.__ piu'uCllJl'ly zlpplmuble tn especially Syphilis, it i conceded that both the '1 Baths are the best - J PRESE`RVA-TIVES ' or HEALTH These Baths are useful in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Coughs, Colds, Cungestions, Brnnclzitis, Sort.-fula,, Skin Diseases, all Inmmtiuus,B1liuu:mess;Fevers, `and for Sanitary purposes The Vapub Baths are particularly .'l.ppliu:ul)le to all Skin diseases, Sypln'lis. is nnw .m;.,.,......n..l lvAP0R BATHS. I mu, 1\ ~- [Tnnumu TURKISH} AND I ,-_. .. ...: umvetlll Paris, Fmnc_:. Rec :r IJDIICALS. ` l'A'I`l-2.\"l` M I-IlIllI'I.'1'E', us, lull! (}lll.`Il.V ' To nennbc-.u tho I3 `kALS9_MlT\lE ac. ELEGTRO MAEGNETIC z;u..r.'L. LAW Chtlmnist. Just write 1! nice ono-thnvu a dear- And make your hero marry ' The girl he loves, nor cause one tear - Wlthln my eye: to tarry. sum` ,- -........., Royal College of Dental Suf- Ontario. I Q. l`R'F`,I<"l` DD A nmnnn D1-IALEII Ix nmpn TO ORDER. .J:~S. DIAMOND, M.D. . Supeyn-intendent FOR THE CURE OF 1'5:-921`rJs*` . ' 1+3 AND ; )1z. 1:. J. zfnusnnxari -ng. g u . - uuvllul uunuulll. :- '%;'Obh dmspatch announces that tho. '-Pm the llouded district is daily du- ish ticket, $1, 50c each, `S Clll.`|l.\'El'S. YD. uu -unnlyl unacuses, I ; is now universally 3 Turkish and Vapor vers, mi R-nlm ....,\ -7 rny.~iciz{us`oT 55 51:; recommend it as a. mo "10 remedy" for the re of ludden 0 mar one)`. ihatimnnaln frn1i1 all 'H'.` parts of Dominion are constantly coming: to 1m. `wing ex ression to the n.-N` ' `wide or a ' ' on a; blend: gohd friends. Chopin: Axes, Gros;%-.5{7;f,.;E';.`a.`;:rs, Goi1s,,i Chain, Mill Files, Axe Handles, Log 7 Rules} I.c,at11er Belting, Packing Lath ; % Yarn Shing~1Le%2Ba.nds, Cutt%er% Sleighs, 1 Waggon and Buggy tu`. Glass, Paints.0i1As Varnishes, Co1ors.- Nails, Loc1;sa__ Hinges, Sr-.r-nwu Dnn... n..;...:.-.... cu- Myswnnen eyes, they look so bad, I say I'll never more ` Read any 0! your novels and, Then--reud mom :.'er and o'er! B=).rrie, Nm'cmb_er 7th, 1878. .....u. -. -vuiul. yuux yIr_]'uu_lCe, nun QIVD It u trxal :the investxnqrgt 1s smull [and relief _ certain. The grant secret of its sucVcr.-sh:-. wit all clauses is owing to the fact It is safe and harmless. plansnnl to mke,;;ives',~, instant ease and can be npy-l -zl tn wialor range of disease in; very-any life, withzr-eater success. tho. L nyprepurutioxx which resent, skilland "Medical solo-_ D ."`-:~31`i.%I-~..'_`?*`*"ed` All orders promptlyattended to in this th- mzumer, and Bums and Shoes I1)-ulv N.B.--"l'hc highesv cash price paid fur F change for goods at fair prices. 1 nu... Tlfe subscriber atlen-s hunsclf that 11 ha: of all sizes aJ1d'n1z1|u-5 to he found in U `c.....I. x p u wunc i' ' """ nternal . 0...... u . _ A large excellent and cheap stn.-k nf TCJIS. nu h:md, :1l.~:-_> _ . . 7- ....\.v, .u. \.u.au E S N 1.: s Im'ue exnellmif um] ohm. l.`.. .1, ..c rr: _ 1. - _ 7:'_%'Q The subscriber whn was the , fhn nn hlir- F T2...-...`.. ....,1 .... `. Fox Of \'eryAsuperior quality sllitnblc fur1 nu r-In.-un 1... ...... vign. of the 0.-Q-:c.z Saw, a Side 0;u;zo,. sr., ......_v , nun. ` Store on we OLD S [`;\;D 5(:;iliur Screen IIuIIil,3(Jl)8llC(1Ull[ 1n the mun: pick I DRY GOODS 5 E11, and is daily receiving DRESS GOODS nu-,,`.* Of vet-v smnm~1'm- m...I:o.. ....:a..1,1. , fAls0 a lgrge slack ..l- 5/L\nl`A vzuuxc 1|ll|l LIUI Horse hoes, Var-nishve;` Ec1geToo1s, Iron, Glavss, Gorc1a.g~::"% steel, 1=utty,Be1ti E i ails, Faints Cutlery , Gun ua.ps.. = Spikes, Oils, Axes, artriclges, Revolvers, ALL KINDS OFCARRIAGE MAKERS MATERIAL. .`Alsoa Iarrm.-zIm-l- 4.!` I'..,..... '1'... MARRLIg HGUSE. FIVJRNITURT HRlE*UNDEET UNDERTAKI1}In%;1; J GE Wishes E nlmm--`H ojntin1.'L.\ . ;... v.u_L1lr AB Ema , I .7 r. `L; . .. '.-.'-I fr" 33 '1 Tm % 2 gig! mc-rs and tho publh I n; ILUM eseln `MT he vertnt '2- *uEw% %rq%A;3gwA aE srti LHI: :suusc1'1l)0l` wnn the senior pnrtn the public uf Barrie and surruumlingc Store, PAND, C Thcgews `at :1 Glance. A I878. use 5 re {guest respect; md most at? :ly" relief 1 emergent`-L _ 3.4 II Goods delivered 0 all parts JTCQSATGIVI Miix. ----'-"(c:1% 4 VEI:'s$oLD Sm 3'1}, )_ ofL:nwc Tooth (.72-oss'(,`:/L Srtzvs. Ki) ' ' stoc/: umlpric:-.v. Whglesale ,ReA>tai`1 Dear ileuse stop My-What? llavc on lxmul` :1 Complete Stock of lity fur the present :1n-Tcnnuing Se: as cheap us any Huuse 111 the trzulc, fur Ca ..- .,.,...... ,....mu. .11 mm 1.11:: 111111 or ;\1:1rr111 U1'0s.,' l)1~_rs s11rru'1mlingcuumry, thathe'h:1sope11cdnut111 the F111 2 SI`.-1ND, Collier Street East, 111111 13 l'cccl\'ing use.-If has the Best :m1Chc:1pe :qhcfuInu1 this .~sucHuu uf c:_nmtr_)'. Stuck before purclmsxug clsexvlwry. -r--~ , Fr v senior partner in the late rm of .\I:1rriu Bros 5`Il`l`U`1Y:(1inggjolllltrv. that hn-hnu nm.n...l ....s :. % :-.' T H 15: (h-p:u'tInci1t, and work zlrmc in :7. gdr that will 1'lt-wcll,]u->1; well, ~.-mul we vr F'au'n1cr's l 1'uducu of all kinds or 1 of the Town free of charge. WQJ1 pf Cuuut Joseph Valery, n. -the l4r=uc-h Senate, in Florence, ..d. , nml Cheapest stuck of B: 1 cmlntrv ' (`.-.ll-.n.l `- I'cnn1ingSehsnI), which he will s;-11' rude, Cash. ' ttl/`_'/fa 1'07` I A. J H . J O]1N.STO.\` tit : u ('1/_u`1lL] . y I: of Roots and Shoes and cxmuiue the_ I I \\'ux`k;n:mIikei mnl wear well 1 s t.v.ken in (-.\'-I nu gnu I'lll1l\'|' I lI`(:t0(vl'dt-1`, all 1111 .~ all mdrxs for C s brzmcI:.--- 1;; Potorsburgh "deapntch `says " .'.. rm refused to nuv taxeng 1 C. SMITH. -ALF '05- ; to infnrm .11 the Fun: P... .1, J 2 ' ; ENezNE&Bbz:.ER w 3 --,-e--=a2-wax . ,. 9_.=:%A--E? ,]\'.[A1\LF.\CIT('F.h or Em A S(.'RI"'l'1U.\' '1 'Z.`I's` .".\' E E vgA. ,\Xn.vn H... v uu...-...___ I I mc-rs and mm} A I379. ya LU IIHDTII me {rick nr I l"1n AM.` E1\":_ .' Wood-vs-nrkinq |l_1\IaunmcIun~r '\Vl.u'ch excels nil others 11': qnnm~':_v n u` Also munu!uct.u"Pl' of the '5 NEW PATENT su.=-mrmc smwzu : \.r u ua-nun r g of British Burmah is likely to lliauce with China. ..` 1| _____ I1, I I - r- A : 11.: S(.`RI"'1'1 SAW .\In.1.a. an .' "t'o0d-wnrk1'1::,' I Mn.unfuc!nrm- FBARRIE mu wmv Fl\:r~n\u- n---~- ~- . ._-- Innnl-`liq A u-rr ('-mnph-Iv .Vhu-lune which duel It: Work `V4-ll. - -Esti lnnfrw gin-n for uny kind of Boilers, Ind -("Ins*~']ini1(')'1nIl}~;u's uhmys ready to send out nr ran r_L_u_t1_r_:%_g[`LL};cLti%'IHs Brussels $:n.GANG LATII M-ILL-ii!!! EMPDR|UM ~'~ um. nu). nun` :`.lh.K(-X 91 DOUBLE EDGERl1q ('u)HIlllI`ll` lhuvlnlnn 1.1.0-3. .u..__ JAWS, WATER DLOS BEERA.\'l) V FORGE PUIVIPS . vnvllnlaug mu unummoualy _ wife 11 cf Herr Schneegons in non`, '~ . ~v.ornment for Alaace- n . .II_V Lulu V c.\'<-z-Ilmf \'iH.L'nnrnnVe8d 5 40.000m00.0001ur clay; and l'\a\n--..__ - _. :-11517.1. F.9K".\"5`A`i\'S, &c. LL THE .\'E\\I:F_ENcL1sH AND A.\1El:IC.-\.\ DESIGNS IN GAS FIXTURES. '7 V9.7` 1 Tapistrs; an ur AU! `'1' SCRI "'l'lU.\' MILLH. Gm `- ` AND i'uE1 E, SIEAWI -?l10nf.`\'i)I.; IUD 1060.000 ll { The Newest designs In _' n, rnmn,nm1m yourbostualamnl "-_'&)llt,MI(l retire without saln.m~ Also. Cocoa Matting, Mutts, 4 '71 J:uu_L-s Street, North, CARPETS ,- door We.-ct_'of Barrie Hote-I, .'\ .`.\ FIXTURES. V I In \ All at the "1' - AT THE- ":10 exocutid imi 0 th 3 5 -ani' . . - -' ` [tor Indxa, has 1 nmrmluf Am` ___ . auto ofcommn I\'L'1".\. '.[`JRI-Ill OH 'I .`.""-'3"Su7u ma . 5" to prr.-Jm 0 non I make: at and scour: 0 I "SEEKS Inowllvv unuu \Jl||llUu '5 }from Honolulu s_tato that Gov. Lirimn we met .t._o__Wl]lam ILLXAI Bz.Aox.-An Black. author of A of Trudy have de- a tn 14,1 that the Inst )!- `huuld `be rerealbd -and '1 - Ice-its p ace} 1` Leichatug has unanimously 011 Sohneegnmu m burgh `deapntch the I pay taxes and Ices. ,fj`,"j;'f"tur .-,~_. . of Comm 1: SE : of 1o.ooo_on:?a: Jiuced in the Cham- "ca. nrzlarim. nu; ....: auuuuu III we Untim- 'co, ordex-mg that cri- `lwe executed imide rqzapioliw; that%5Gel1'. -.hnt Russia hhii de- Jntan totally to the givu terrible ` n rover-"all villagu. . t! dyingin great noun! 0! Uommonn l0,000,000 in IIUKU VI ` autis- At Georgemwn, Muss., the sun of a widow married a girl whose brother married .t.he`\vidow, while :1. child born to the rat couple `was an uncle, and a. grandfather, and a gr.-mdmother and an aunt, in- the 33118 persons. - ` - The cat in Iowa, : `=7. catches no nuce. Illdeul -When the cat is able _to wean afford to buy her mice, rea cooked. Miss Anthony denes nhrringo an bind- ing oneself out to one man for board and clothes. Well, pmy`, how much better is the man : side of the bargain I-. l'oIedo' Blade. . . ' J _ `__---- vunw unnum- "To.fII in` love with a plain--faced .bu't' noble-inilidod but interoltinq girl, has be- come duiof the prevailing tnsmgea of New York iociaty, at hunt`, so am the Home Journal. I.- Mina X---wan asked recently which the preferred of the two brothers L----. She rea'p'Qndegl,,._ When I am with either of thefnj I profit the other. ` ' um, I `II ' A young girl generally loses her fresh- nosrby mingling with f:;sl1iom:blu.s0cicty,= as a. bright stroum does by mingling with the sen. ' - ..... unuu uuI7. Snluulmdy snylg the worst tyr:m_t. in the \\'()l'l(-I is the wunnm who tlninks she is su- pcriur (0 her hu'sbzuu1, um! Jets cu-1'ybndy knnw it." _, ...V....._. . The clock lmrin; struck the ]um1"of one, u tcmlcr-lncau-led wum.-m exclaimed, O ! what .1 cruel clock ! \_Vhy,su I asked :1 friend. Buc-.mse it stuck its little mm." L: _,, | I - _..... IIVEII -uuuuu llllo A man complaining that a miller who was ' hisneighbur was never outspoken, a]. friend o.-xclnimed, Is it nun_to. be expectc d that a. miller shuuid be manly-niunthcd I" mu . .. . ' An accountant 'who visited Bunker Hill . monument. lust summer says it isae long- est colu'.nu.he ever fucked up. A Innn nu-.n.!..:n.'.... .`.,.L - . '11 ` A sociable man is one who, ten mimca to spare, goes and b body who hasn`t. A man calls a puppy after him by whistling, but a. girl only has to _wink at one. George* own, vidow murri;-d in. air! wlu-on There are no hills ii) this world withnu _ plcaszult valleys valleys among them. No man so much needs watching as he who isnlways \\'u.Lch1ug some one else. Pnverty pinches, but not half so hard as vice. Tho one wonnda to heal, the other leaves an ulcer. Nothing is more unplgamnt. than to hd ` that o'um-o has been received where none was intended. it . illustrated Speaking of the Ipeechof Mr. Forster, the _ Spectator has this palpable it : The general speech dwelt with `great force on the same View which Mr. Forster has re- peatedly expressed in Parliament, but he so happily the kind of happy-gm lucky expectations under which Lord Bes- constield has agreed to return: the Turkish Empire in Asia, that we must qunte the story. A certain Snltnn,_in tho nei-.;ht of his caprice, told his Grand Vizier that he must make a certain as`: speak, or else lose his head. "Plm Grand Vizier, after consid- eration, prnniised to make the ass speak on that day year. His friends, astounded,` - asked him what he meant by such a pro- mise. Well, he said, Ibis a. yearoff, anyhow, and that gives me a year of life. in that time the Sultan may die, or l may (lie, or the ass may die. - Now the Jingo spirit in this country is the Suttrm; Lord liuacunsehl is the Grand Vizier; and the ass is the Tln'lJsh Empire. Lord Beacons- iield has prmnisud to niako the Turkisll Empire whole within a given time--ratl'.er lnnger than a year, hy the way-but before that tiIno'cunms, either` the. Jingues may disappear, or Lnril Bezicoiisiield may re- sign, or the Turkish Empire may bresthe its last. So that the promise is not so reck- less, after all. D-ublin profebvionnl : ', am. who was: w..:o.'.... cu... .. su nu aupzu-.ue parts,woulu loud you I to arrive at very unlatiifzsctory conclusions. ' There was not very much chsnge in the in- exion of his voice; action there was none; his sermon: were read, and his eyes were always on his book; and all that, you will say, is against eicient preaching. Yes; but you take the man as a. whole, and there was 3 stamp and_a seal upon him, therewaa a solemn music and sweetness in his tone, there was a completeness in the gure, taken together with the tone and with the manner, which made even his delivery such as I have described it, and though exclu- sively with written sermone,eingula.rly at- tractive." - v - -.... . `null an-numu, U18 HOW Uilrdll. ' As all o.a..ur' an. Uxfurd. his manner was consttulned, ungrace; u],und even awkward; his voice was Hill) and weak. 'M`r. Glad- stone says of him: 'D.. Newman's manner in the pulpit was one which, if you consid- ered it in its sepa.r.1te parti-x,would loud vary unlzitinfactorv cnnclm.i.m., guns wan tonacco,to all -the surrounding bunI'a uf Indians, even across the frontier,` invitingthern tn iuin him in force for the purpose of nmkin-_r u raidnn Gov. Laird fur three things. which the letter does not mention. with threavs of repossezsing the country and excluding the whites ifthey are lluf. gmutcd. The letter adds that all the bu.xlu are sduth of the frontier, and that great destitutiou prevails among the Indians and the Metis. A gaunt. emaciated gure, a sharp and e_a.g'e fm-n. -_ I` -'13. vnerlitutiva au._n.no :- A gaunt. emaciated eag'c-. -a_ -M, vngrlitmve eye-that in John Fenry Nowman, the new Cardinal. I `As Uxfurri hin nnuhnnn ...... - Cypress l A letter from Patrice Breland, Hills, dated February 22nd, reports that Big Bear; the Cree chief, had seized the goods of a trading party near the forks of the Red Deer and South Saskatchewan rivers, an . that on the complaint of the owner to Major Irvine. that ofcer, with , -fty men of the Mounted Police, had start- ed to arrest Big Bear. who avows that he will not be taken. The chief sent messen- gers with lobaccorto all -the even frontier, .'n..fL:....-n...._ A Wit arc! Wisclmu. `: glove.-s, said_ Frankliin, r Indeed, nu; not she. It to wean` ulm-u. .1... ...... * nu II `VII. luta declined to ~'. .,-.:`:wg:anked{the rogspnffor _ :'w:pl_iad :' ,_I'll,}el_l I lie E.-uni. |)1Y\{ll swear . ' x` -' / 'n;.nZ:Y. s=it?L/t!".nohool- 3'-L `Witt. m`i on `iwo ' `am 1:11. 1_1 mm w)c_ at,` hqf ;3f}.. ; '_L\'(),lVJI'.L}\.'o_\v_ ' `1.;2t. ' "1115 `age .\`m|)ol zfq | .11 mun. when ha but bothers some- u vvcf.'|.I' gmves EH8 can :u, ready dressed and man addressed.an L in lxin'}mll ....n.-.. uull, [H]; "of, gum tfitl` gluves she 'eadv drllul` and Lnchs Tenta- L .. -nnunn".... .- intae V" ither -v\J In the srgeat and Best in 1 petition." `The {max-1: i`56 6ii This `Medicine! wiim lmm n|1rn--1nlr.:.CL.:i'-'I\- Tro11to, Nov. .`?Utla, 1878. Gui B rackets, 9 Light Pe12`d(m.t3, Light (fhcuuleliers, ` v . Patent Bwrners, Rubber Hose; II;/drtm _. no, uu na, u.'t;. LEAR S. 1'71 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, Ii.L......1- \v .. _ aw, ..--.~vv.ss.u=,IJ u'L1LI. _ Lookig Gldsses Re-bilrered, I?Ia'tc :Glas for Wi_1`zdou:s, Estimates 1 lance pwnnptlylled` I is1`to-re; to Toronto re 7'n'-....;,. 1r-......z.__ -.... -_-._ ` _ -...`..--.:,_,..-out 'To'ronto, November 5/011, 1878. GAS :9 9 K'i;_g Street, .r.._.;-.---,'_""' `w/zzlf/2 zls`. `.t1;rtzf .072 every //1://_/e of l'V0Z(C/AFSTERSIJIRE ' , . .S'.~, ;C/5, an." '.'~1?/tout 20/11?/z none 2 .vgz. 1Iz(z'rzc. _.4.n{'_/`hr 2. 15.4 @- P15 :1 ! '.V'.5" S.'lI(.`.`, ..- c': .\ r1m: on IVraj)pe1', /.:!Z>t/, Built? ar1dSlu`[/tr. W/to/I'u:r m1d_/`or [ix/>0. :51` . /1`: ./-`rm ./mu`, IVorz`t.Ir; (,'ro.u'.' rmri }>`. m`.4>zI'e/I, Lort. n:.. E-7`c., -`c._, am: by.Gmrrr.nnd Oiimeri I/zm:z.7/.-nut i. :: H11;-7.1. . ._..__._._...- 4 Medal ut. Field Tr iV.1l.c(.)tland, 1878. udknosvledgetl King of Reapers. Over 1200 Sold in Canada in 1878. Manufuctitred only by GREEN BROS. &: C0., Waterfor H. Jo|-msou, Gena-.ra1 Agent, County of simcoc. &, Active Agents wanted in each Township. - V Ours is the only Canadian Reaper winning High Distz'1:c'tion` at Fairs, of 1876, 1877, 1878, or at any grant trials during First and Highest Awards pttainnhle. I Hu_no_r at the Centennial World : Expqsiti on, 1876.`, Highest Medal and Diploma of Merit at the Sidney Exhibition, traliu, 1877. ~ " ' 171 YONGE S 1`REE l`, . .{u_ conseqzmzce cf spmfzbus z'mz'/atzbn: of L`:EEAJ AND PERRINS SAUSJE; so/2226 iu decgzm I/lb pun.-, r_- .-..