_ ,,_ .- ....u;.avJ.u.I..I.lu.'l|J. umI|'lo lllcllouuryl Profusely Illustrated. Lib- ?, rury when-p, .-510.00 ` ' ' llnlwrsnl nml (.'I'lll(-nl Dictionary. 8ro. Ll- brury sheep. $4 25. -, - .|l'l|lI('lIIlI lllctlomu-J`. Illuslrntetl. Crown Svo. llullroun. $1.65. `ouun"cl|enslve lllcllonnry. Illustrated. 12n:o Halt` mun. $1.75. ~ Scluml (El:-nu-ulnl-3') lllollonury. Illustrated. . 1-amo. Half mun. $1.00. Prlnmr)` l|l('nmuu-y, lilul-tinted. lamo. Half rr\:m. n cents. I_'0('la(`l lcllmmry. lllustrntc-ll. `limo, Cloth I73 cm. : mun exible, 8" cm. upah, tucks, gilt; edgt-.~I $1.01). '3. ` Mnnv special aids to` students in -'h8dx'u'on to a. vervfull pronouncing and dening vncubulnry. m_n.ke Worccstera in the opinion of on most dia- tlpglzislxed educators the most complete as well as y fur um L'l1t'n.po.-.4t Dictionaries of our lxuzguuue. _ n:`amum.mm. -M .. E. A. W1LO1\',J .....___..__._ A COMPLETE SERIES or WRCESTER S DIGTIUHABIES. Quurlo lylcllouury 1 rongn1urn.... . . \ . vcu-w--Iv-4-Id-I H Qll'IIIV'.l0 _rur_\' .-510.u( , _ _....,~.n. ALlD|lluL" uuu. , .'l hn volumes befnro us slmv. nrast amount of diligence; but w-th lVrb.=!er in is dillgencv in com- bination with tuuoifulnea. H in: warm!-.r, 1n cnmbinmion with good sense and judgment. \V01ILfll5'1`Elt'Sis the soborer and nu-for bouk, nnd ' mu ' In-pr0no1.m.-ed Me has! ezia-117:9 lfnglizslz lc::iton." '- ondon Allumrum. f"I`hu best. Euglxsh writers and the moat pn.-1ticu- 19.1` Ame: iuuu writexzs usa \VURUES .l.`I'.`RS as their muthux-ity_"---NEW Xmm Hnnun. Aftnr our 1-vceu_c strike we made the change to '\V()l(.'ES'I`lR as our uulllority in spelling, chic-y to bring 0llrSL`l\'I'H iznoounforlnity with the uccep. ted usuge, us well as to. gratify the desire of most of our .~tn.' includmg sue-h gentlemen as Mr. Buy- nrd 'l`n.;v1u`-. Mr. Gourge W. Snmlley and Mr. John R. (J. Hnssurd.`--;\'1:w ) om: l'muvm:. ` ._._._._. \\'hitL_ier, Sumner, Holmes, Irvmg. Au uuw n;;.:u1'ucu us the STANDARD AUTHORITY. ' and is so recnmmondcd by B , Mann Stephens VVOH 15 nm_\' n'.`;m1't]cd the Is recnmnwn .hiU.i8l'. Rnvnamu U . _..-- w`\-UIGIIV UI_UllU"ul A lul-gt-. lmuclsonw volume or 18.14 |m:.'('s. con- taining (`I)lll6I(IPl'IlI)I_\' more llmn Iumuoo Worcln in In I'm-ublllnry. wllln lllo t'0l'l'0('.I. l'ronuu1'lull0n, In-lb nlllon; uml EI_y'unolo:.:y. i FULLY ILLUSTRATED AND UNABRIDDE. WITH FOUR FULL-PAGE IL L U M I N AT E D PLATES. I l|BRAR`Y`SHEEP. MARBLEO EDGES~ $10-00. v: v at uni? DJ ua.uuu1'u. The beslulllhorlly. . . It ought to be In every ubrnry also In every Academy and In every 54-lmo."--Ho.\'. l.'HA.~`. Scrum-;n. W6?zcEsfE_js I lllusirateduarto Dmmnaryj . 1: ran`. vo umc |m2<-5. inlnlnn ........n. .7 - - 9-21 ' cmuuu irom the bonciit of the said DCCl"(?L*. .E\'L'i`_V ! creditor holding any rwunrity is to produce the snmc- Iurion me at my Uh:uubcrs, in the (','n1inl ()i_Iioc.-x]_m1ldin;:. in the town of Picton.-'on the 7th` day o1 Aprii. 1879, at ten o'clock in the fUl'cIl(mn, being the tilllenppoiiitvd for udjudicauiuu on the claims. ` .:-lolicitor for the Ext.-cutur Pnrslmlnt to a Decree of the Court of Clmm-cry made in th0_matter ot'_tho Estate of DAVID KELLY.` and m 1; cause RELLY again:-at KELLX, fore the tirrlt day of April, 1879, to send by prepald. to PM [LIP L0 W. town of Piuton. in the cuun post, ESQUIRE. of. the ty uf l rince Ezlwnrd, _ H, Robert Kelly and I Philip Cln.pp,- tln.-1_1' _(?ln'lati:m and sm'n:une.~r, addresses. and demrxphun, the full purtiouI:u' or tln-irclnim, a stutcuwnt of tln:-ir uccollnts. an d the nature or NW `<`|1l'iti05 (if any) held by win: or in clefamit Hl0l`L'0f they will be pcremptorily ox- l eluded from the benet said Decree. .E\'L'l:V 4 : crc litor produce th I may I... I..... ... _ A ..u - _ 1.IQ.e,EQ.'iHME.T!!:.. _ ___--. ....... nunr. wuuum. The In-slfcxlsllns English l.c.\'l(-on."-Lo:~'- DON A1`Hl-2.\'J5IIl(. ` ` {cHAN`6E*n5iicEf TOJCREDITORS , W .. W .... nu xje_s_1pous1m11ty 01' _<:outx'a. accounts and lrelceipt _ bcmg pro uced, at the same tune they are con- sidered correct. Stock Ifist and Boo]: Ao<.-aunts can be ` seen 1;; the px":.-m1.us or 1n2dc:si;,-ncd. The lnigzilmf -M` n.n_\' tender not ncccss:n'iIv nor.-upto-l.v V I`! 11 n1- n'r\vv ,_ ,.~ ...... ;;uun Accounts separately or together. Parties purclm-sing Book Acco1mts_ to assume rgspolxsibility of ac counts receipts ucefi, at they con? mi :1 mun! nruu Dated this twelfth day of March. waned), . ]H]E PHIENIXS and Estubl1slmd17 7'2 Get the Stal1'1(i`_e1_;:(1_._l _`f:ljl|5e_l_1esuIIlhorlIy. . on I- encloxc ugrccluent to secure. 1`endcrs may be made for S1 Accounts Pu1'ti(j_spuI'chu-sing: Acco- "Parties tendering on time to me amouxmng.tov-S~'334. 43. '1 `N _-mm, _'.l`erms C.-nah. or npproved note" sixty days. ntion security and enclose Stock and Book : n....;:. ,7 - - Will be received by the undersigned at I in the 8 as per inventory, up to TUESD; MARCH. instant. at 12 o'clock, norm. stock at` Stoves nnd 'l`inwnre, amounting tn Alsb for the B001: Accounts owing the II nmnnnnn tn:-9-H 4-` stock car moves amount t amounting. to -$334. (,'.'mh. nr m.....n...1,a V\'>"` [In (he matter ofJ.-1 ' ll/|\ T -u`_| IWIIIIUUIIEW` I Plain and_()r1mmentaI Plxsterex`, &c., WORSLEY ST., - - BARRIE- Cciitre Pieces ail; Moderate Bales. --E'STIMATES FUI .l\ ISHED.---- .__._. `I *l;1HL%i`r1[iEL(1_r-rImenlalL Plastering; I ..-..._- Sitnnte on the Ridge Road, in the Town- ship of Oro, 4 miles from Barrie, 170 Acres, 100 Acres cleared and under culti- vation, good Frame House, Bnrn 40x60, `with Sheds underneath, small Barn 20x40, with Stone Stable underneath. Posiession immediately. Tenant will be paid for all . improvements made. For terms, apply to ` A1 A Mpg . A \Yl\11\ht1n\7 Bm'x'.e, 19th Mzm-h, 1879. BamIlton...... Georgetown... 'I`ottenham.... Boeton.......... Cookstown Thornton Victoria. Allandalc .. ` Barrie FARMf`:1:Ej". EM 1} _ .......,_. .....\.vu, J." December, 1878. `J 0 ` ' ` I - '- B.umIsn:_n, Amonxuv, Souczron IN Cza- cam`, Coxvanzim-:3,`&c. 0FFICE.--0ver Hhe-udersoifs Hardware Store, Dunlop Street, Barrie. - n____ . ...-- l\/ BarrIst~e1'si, Alttornoys. Snlicifbra in Clmncomy Oi cos Owc-n Street, over Bunk of Toronto, Barrie. _ent. .. _-... ....u au\Ib'L\I. When wc consider that Fellows Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites supplies the deciency to unhealthy blood. rcstorcs tre nervous element, and. reduces healthy action to the variuus organs and qrccslof the bmlv necvssnry to sound mind we wonder at the imhecility everywhere appur- more eymelmr. of rim! 1 cnnug f'on'=mupt1'ou 1 Group, - sore 1i.mnn.-'r1m ` sore throat. lap gm},-le -it acts like `magic. `IVE..- -- -~- -" NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 AND AM- ENDING ACTS. ' - Allen's Lung Run. :1: -Is wnrr urea to break `up the most troublesome cough in an ixrcredible 5 short time. '1`here-is no remedy" but cnn show more eyidenm 1.'n`rit thnnt n'5 Balsam rm- _f'on'=1uupt1'ou Coughs, Co as, Asthma. tho... 9-13 9-2in3_ I qII.._ UHIIMU4 '(jnp|'tql$l.,0_.0()(). .-...-. '1`EN visas ._.____.___:_._j g-TRATHY & AULT, un`sHEEP. K sin ` WORCESTER ;,'u1'dcdus(l1o STAN I) A Y? H A W" = .__.:---.- .lc by all Bocrksellers, or will 2. on receipt of the price by L|ppn\mn-r-- o -- ` be 5911;, An. R_ADEVNI-lllJ RS'l`_, b :, 194 Penn st. Willianlsbnrjg, my. .: .____....___j.. '.=\'_ide1m=. 1'1_2(~ r: t thn f'on =mupt1'ou Coughs, the. S. S. LAZIER, Nlnuh '15: students iu-'h8dx'tion ng 3 slthe as, -ape.-at of Ba:-rle Beeton .. Tottenham .. ,- .._....... .-vs uunlua, uyll JA MES `ANDERSON, D n 1).... 10 n vuvn I E " he 10,1315.-rd Ijymnt Longfellow. of J. C. UO0I 1:'R`. ar_ Barrie, an Insolvcenf. P.0. Box 11, BARRIE, ONT. ,- Tho best cure} a khow of for :. of Pniu~1u'..or_nml water ogic. - |[0l`_V, TUESDAY. 2.` . for 1 inwnre. umountimv fn 99:1 a Auunna'u.LV, P. 0. Box 18, Barrle e Pain-1u'..er,nm1 water - Humutoli ct A.\ ort'l:-Wouern . :._-- uy nu guucudl. Z-`Jill clock, the a, to $351.64 5 owing Iuuoh-nm I11`; (E, Iilxu-alcr at Pictcn. mm. It is'u|-"o Aublic Instruc- gncd at so much ; TUESDAY. 25th k. norm. for mu- . 1879. mung to 8851.64 5' Insolvent, nn r us Balsam ,L`' Asthma, un. .-\_~.>signee. lin : DAY. 95:1. 4i`-ly. _ nng4nwxn0'orjiirxs, zfoiu-`n uh sopru '-5.!bv'lp"N_ofr:li-'3'Io.il, 11 mm.` Mixed, 4.40 p. in. Expr9u, 31.40 pan. 7 'Mixed, _Ino`ving south, 4.40 pm. Jldvlna"85_i',ith-7.05 mm. Mixed, 11.27 mm. `J1: .5-25 P-!n~ ' I. ' , North Simon; Jrhnch.-'-3Iixed, 7.05 mm. Jluakoka Branch (Moving 1\ orth)-Mnil. 11.20 mm. Mixed, 5.05 p.m. Express, 8.05 p.m. ` ..z ;':f.':.". `f:if`EE';T.`?' -45 W M men}. N0 .l'E--Re suapiciouufof pa;-son Ommelld any other uqle aw "jus though bearing a aimilzmname, and otter the mm x prietd article. '. N0`l'E.--It i. v the Indezmnd tuereny. . - i '. To such we rc-zwnmnend F<:!Ir.`w;; phitcs`: it will notonly restore the bi! `N. its will enable the toiling smdcn ms mental nd'11e;'vous:taudard 31 men;. No'n::_'p. g...=..:,.:.m.. `Ar ........--. rue S his the thereby. T maycunlpd the Htxldhnt to 5 ` d the dictates d` . . | prndcn - y promise of L-.\'cLl1eucc may by ` mental ton. tern n_ecc;.sity powers-beyon ear] - F . 0 such rt-M'imnen`z`l F:-!lz.`~.r.: ' uxrcumtlpn, and 5111-itaem-4 the gem 9 : " -5- At no Period or me is watchful .73 `f:,'."- functions of me brain more requisite ti.-.1-I qr. tI_xe ucquistion of knowled;:e by me `-01, ,-. I`. 51138: P`~`1'39"l`iIlg5'ut11d_v requires :1. ts:-01`;-"in. 1` roux, nervous force, or the child nmv sik 1 the mental toil. - ` Stem necensitvmnvmmmnl Hm ..L...a. ..L ; , ously weakened or;.,-I ~~- V"' `V Being then, 5 tom -.-1 rip .- Jntory system, it follow ` _ demand for extmordlnnx-_\ -.24. invaluable, since it stnppos tn.` . _ uirculntipn, and 5111-itaem-4 [ _uo watchfn necem;=.r_v in 2' Ir -riu ously weakened Being then. tom :us.s1'1tAGT- 1 Fellows lI_\`p0pllOdphite.~x, 4 Into the stomach, .1mitr. immediately enters thw Hr perfectly miscible \\`it_. `' :_I, vades every p..1't ,.,\~, first declared by wise": fullness and strrzx ms" 1 gen organic funoti U, ..:1u' L-xhi llectxml pom rs: In xpccj brain and um .~ ~ sxxbstaxgg vity of n: :11 -` ':':unr~1, and . thug rrlusilxg [bu :1Lu'[_7)_v ml necemary in L -rin- ' mu um: Has been indie: success of the work as c Hypophmphites stands remedies for clxronic orga properties to wcich no ol aspired. A 12 C! |'l'|`D A hm 1'1` JIESTORES TONE Co the nerves. IT GIVES POWER of endurance and of concen- tration to the mind. .' - ' IT PROMUTES VIGOR in the organs which de- pend for hr.-ulth o11~thc ln\<.luut:u'_\' nmscnl:u- action, viz : the I.i\'cr_. Lung,-:, llcurt,` stunmch and (;`enltu1_.-1. And uulcsm uficted with srnne`di.~a.-21 ABSOLUTE onrmxxc Loss, it will a'11.~it:Is11the s_v_x|cm until it rcncln.-5 the ngu alluttcdfto man by 1: bunni- ] cir.-nt Cu-::to1'. V N0 PEllSO.V' will be disappointed in the cm-ct of FELL()\Vb" HYPO . ll0.SPI'I[1`1<.`:5, who rigidly to lows the directions). . `"1"1`"1's ACCEi"1'ABLE to palate and stomach. b'UFl:`IL`-IE`.\"l'LY 1`0'I'EN'I` to insure (locitlcd benet, vet lmrmlesa, howsoever long Its use may be continued. This characteristic is cossessed by no other remedv. V ` 1T ASSISTS DIGESTION ahd assimilation. . 1'1` _1T._~\LIZES THE 31.001). smmlvimr mu. r,-~-v- 7-`. _ 3?4RWRn or_rnu::s, xbimn . LImMni I7npo _\}h.:I 11 - ...- nu ,I!\I\,CD UI uIpuA(`l'l:1- I An oudluss chmu of good clfocts is formed In Fellows Compound syrup of lly;:upm}.s- : . plnites. V _ . I and we are 'sz_1fe ill saying, from 9. long (:.\1pr-r'iL'll('.' in medicine. Its vxrtue-.~; are not posxe.s'xr*d by any othcr comhinulion, as the following will demon- strate. ' 1'1` Is ACCEl"l. ABLE b'UFl.-`ICIEN l'LY lmmxlet-as Its I he nnnh'nn:-A 'l`l..`_ x..-.,A. -' - ' pngocz-s.-4 of Diplhuz` I i Compu ; SE. ;.OH. 11. cures ;\'raHI1-1:1. L054. :1 Vxtus Dzmcc. I-`.1-ilci-tic Fit Nt:I'\'uusl1c.~'.4, and is a-. nm to other rcxm.-din-~; in suam pyccss of Diptlu.-rm. , nr mm and mus cm-u G1 By incre:u D will cro '.D_\`.~`pL-d: of the Ht-utt an; ' tcllm-.1i {`1lllxI(`r1 1}: lar hnluts Bron-.,-11 tinn of the Lung . s.*n- en. 15y us union wit! the 11n1.-: re-<-X the other, it is c:1p:: 1'e.~:ults.~ It '1 di.~:plur.,-u (:1 and thus 00 B1 inch-nsimr other remedy. _ DIGESTION and nssimi VITALIZES BLOOD, supp}; ingredients 11-: may be required. 11` RESTORES to GIVES endnrnnm- mu! : --..u-l |lWI- . PRE PARED. BY ll. 1:. S l`EVE.\'S. Boston. Vmr.'rm:`1s's0L,D BY ALL nnvr.ms'rS } Hugs Vegetixxe . ~ 1; Vegetine 3 I1 . I If] Vegetine " Vegxetine Vegetine Veg'etim- Ve'g'etine Yegetinne Vegetine n V egetine . Veg'tinc . - I -Vegetiue ' r104 V Vegetiue I Vegetine Vegetine ALxA_r_4%p&n MORROW S V I u ca-dtu,-aild;-J-$`w-Ii 4 lPur'ies ths Blood, Renovate and ltwigorates the _ Whole System. r -- st AIS HIEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE lferative. Toma, Sowem` .(m(l_ Diz.o7fetz'c. 9 *eseri==enELIA3LE_jvmEm:. 'e2'ctiue .. - Z -. .. .'_uILhJ- k.;.;;,' iuh'o:]11c(:(1 -.-.:th the fuo:I,a_ud wulution; and. bcxng 5;, ';,]0(,d, speedily pen nvHte;nI ltri_L-ccgsux. - ..se'en5m1y xncreaml i, ` general e.\::1lt-atiou of , ,`._. ;.:1u cxhiI:1ratioh of the inte- H specic inuence is on the -`substa ~ 150 incrcas"1g the acti-_ '{;un!~x. mm - -' ' plxouphitcm, 4: Inch, .1mitr - Iters ( .1- J Sor;'rH Bosrox, Feb. 7, 1370. l .1` ' . Donn` ' ,-I have taken Fevorn! bottles of your Y1-:m:'1'I1\'I-:, cnnvillccalit is u. vu.lun.hIe re L l)_vsx-e sin. Kioney` Complaints, and qonern dnbilitv nftho )'SYe!11. , Icam hcnrtilyrcconnnend it to all L sutfering from me nbuvo cumplndnts. Yours respnctfnllr. 3 ' Mus. .`\I`.'N1U)E 1".-\RKER. 66 Athens Street. -...-.- 3 Dear Sir,--This is to ct-rtify wtl have med your Blond Pr:-nm'ntmn" in my fnmilv for sevoml _\'O1l.TR.!lll(1 3 think that for Scrofuh or (':1nk(-rous Humors' or Rheumatic Atfectinns it gcmmot be o.\'ce11ed; and. as n hlnorl nurier or spring medicim-, it is the best thing Ilmve ever u`sed and I have used almost eve1{vf.hin_r_z. I can chem`- fu1l_vrecunm1qn5I it to anyone in need ; of such in nvedxcule. , Yoursrespectl`u1ly. ~ Mrs. A. A. DI?\'S1\[OP.T~3, Nn_ `I0 `nnmmn n-4.--: - .5. n. D'I`I\'.\'E.\'z-`.. ' i I . I I 1_I. R. S'rm-Exs. n,,,,.. _ rm.: oAN5T B121 :ExcgLED. L Mydun-;hterlms 1-ecrvedgzrent henc- from the use or Y1:amr.\'1~:. Her declining health was a source of grout anxiety to all her friends, A few Bbotties of V1-`.Gm*IxE reetorcd her health, strength. and um)!-tit:-. ._. N. H. TILDI-IN, _ - Insumnc_e and lien! Eumte Agent. No. 49 Sears B'1i?ding<. ) Boston Mass. . RORTHERN 1g;_3;11..w.u_1. BARBIE. nI)nAnnwvn-.:-_ __'_.___ _,', ITS MEDI .__..`__% CAL .un. I`. II .`.TZ'\'EXSZ Dem` Sir_,-I will most chom'fuIly add [9 my testimony to the g1-cut,xuuubcr you have already recei'rc_d_iu f.~n-uro! said in its praise; {er I was troubled 9 over thirty years w`lh that dreadful -disease, Camrrh. and ham such bad 9 coughing-spells that it would seem as thouzh I never could breath may more . and Visa!-:'1`i.\`n has cured me;anr1 I do 9 feel to thank God nll the lime that there is so good :1 medicine as \'F.ru-:- TINE, and I also think it one of the best medicines forcoughs, mud weal: sinving fvelingd at the stoznnch. and E vulvist. evervbndy to take the \fmI*.- Trxn, fnr I can assure them it is one of ; the best medicines that ever was. . r ` Mus. L. GORE, I Cor. Magazine and Walnut Sts. Cnmbrldga, mnss. __-. VEGEIN E `Duran I 1 ,.,.-....\. uuuu:I)C01.'~l rstmgo, ,_ renewing the blood. my muscular Ia-rnmtion so -`i v: functions of the previ- - GIVES Health, Ssrengjth, AND APPETITE. C}'IAIIl.E5T0\\'N, \1.-Xss. ` bectfully. B. ` No. 19 Russell Street. ` ` ALEx.`MoI.mow. nsxmuanon. supplying M1011 u :,-u:. vvu " DR. L. D. '\X7l~Jl'lIl'il ` :63` A rcmet]_y used Th! , H: .. `-00 H MUUHPS BUJGK, aaaazm on-my wen Hm :1hm'e 1'u:ts0ns, and rr,-mu: D.>\I{ED 'J'() 1 L'l{SI'E THE ABOVE SY-5"!'l'I`l. nu ENVY AN!) lLL~\\'H.L of Hmrefnilcrs, for thu-_v 151.. -IN THE SHHIQ l`.('h'l{I`l:~fb` :)n'.l THEY (!.\;\'.\'H'l` I '0 an .~':1tis1iv:1. lm.\'u\`x'. lizut we lI:!\'n Hr nhvr that v Tease-?. aggzrg, LI vv.|J uLL\1\L,-I` ;u,1 L,1iJL` only G( I\I.-\.l\:D. Make m}'.\'U'l`l-lI.\'G UN Sl ECL'LA l`l(J STOCK. `NU LUSS frulu (1L!CIIlXlIll.'Lfi()ll Qf stuck. r-,- 4{ Vve nmke all the NEW STYLES, if 1_wcuss:u'_v at about ILXLF ['b'l,'AL 1 RICEV]_h'liL1 fut UL 1 1 . ' 3. `Ye emplny only SI{lT.I.l`I5i.J' we sc-Ire SUPFl _\\'u1:K.\1.\.\ . ` 4. \Ve have e:~:`t:1h}i_:-h`c{r1, En .-:' T 9` STORES f01' sale ufuur 1(1)!)-'\'il;',.,:,' , } them in tin; H.-\l\ D.5 UF DE;\L-15113; ` ALEX; MORROW. i :1dI.1'lj I , vv G J. (1 1 KJA hands the rzuv nmtcrial. A Few Solid Facts & Reasons why we do! Which we are Selling I `III St!-ldy \\'c-1,1 Um :1'nn\'e ).\RF.l) 'l`() PI'le 'Syup.ufvH* DI.'I\'4LOP-ST. Iws LEKE CAST-T . ~?-Anvnnssusnr-`-%% A Large Stock Q as cheap as any I IVi/2' 1"rim`.>' 106 C/trap. GI'u<' riz mu.lc to iarclcr in ` WE` MAN[TI<`AC'l`[71{i V.-\\7D hf-J... n..'\'n'mJIv:u ..\~ I New Spring Goodg 7. . H.`-\\ 4.. pllete wit I I \. . nuthix we Donw-, Like Promises. 46-1y By doing 1.;..1.+.. n..."....; \Ve PAY CASH for ev(e1'_ytIn__; he a1H.u1'u-4trnI.-tic u of hair on -x` in(`1():JlI;{ u|nSt., NC) . to un'_(/ umer I1 m`.s 10:`. per 3 Fru<' ri:2.~; at . rclcr first-4 1:\'1-:r:y'm 1 .\w: ALEX. MORROWI cf Reccri-yllznazle (Zlothiug, Boots and Shoes, 1 _/ other house. Ttrreed -Suits, 85.00; 810.004 Zlc. yard, T uscecls from 404:. per yavrd 11; `ms Bottom 1"r"L'es. Call and see for Ell st-4'II:cu .-I..l.. .4 __ - . '0 for u rinnglu-Vzmy. 1'A.\`. I-`] ECI{L1'.'S, :n'ng llur e-kia.`m`nt. I BOOTS & SHCEZS ; Sc Wk cm` czxslvxf HA \ " I 1 mice of our goods to can-1' lussu-:5. S. A. OLIVER. ig EMMENSE STOCK OF mg uur Hm.`m`nt, inns for roduclng n_ _L::I head or 3c. .~ 1};-u. 1 - 1. : rr,-nw1nl,(.,~ mt E ABOVE .\'\'.\"N:u ALEX. Monnowgv uurmm 1"r`'e.>' -4-lass style, at m."l`:I:a:;*, P1'ii1ts and Cottons; RT.-nu Clou- (LA'l`E F.-tRLE'Y & OLIVER.) :'\I.-\.\'I'I.-\CT['REl(S OF TORONTO. Cheap Cash Store `:1 ll`: Front Street East, .\I.-\RKljJD IN PL.-` Ur "" Pulc cu. a}3r{`n'z r '|uy,_b Purnmnent Lmm 5 -'u\'ingrs'},' Ct-Inlu.-nu; ng Lower than any other houi in Canada. - 1 `RE onI_\* GOU1).`a`_ :i ECL'LA'l'IU:\, `and H2: utiun of stuck. An old pi hnd Mac 7 9mgr_._v g, Groceries, Crockery c `uitt, 810.00 mu! 815.00. extra ca om 1p,' Huts, Shirts. Tie youreelf the Burga , , mm 1:. nus ('m.nr ` Y HUM ' :\.c' H:-_ .vA. -~`--,J`.\`.IL{:u`. `I .31`! J1 11J}T;|!\ l.\ I }`.l.l-. GRAHAM BROS., omv mus `PRICE Fire Insurance Cum- pany,of London, Eng 72. I W( >u1 '.-`zxml Clothing House, Barrie and Meafordl we use -and I<`ACTORY IN CAN` Y. A IN FIG I] RES. V V U UULLD New Sring Tweedd ' tuwns and citiet-I iUI`LlJ, in ywr:fure1nooq the zvmsr HI` 1,;-,3 _<-,. u-..A'v13`-V .\`u LOSSES, I Fire I mnmnwu C D_pany. U'I1nml I an d buy from :h:1r. ARIS. !1r-r--Elm; HAVi; ;- BELLEVILLE I PETERBORO . ' PORT HOPE. BARBIE. I JCHATHAM. .5 BR .5. M` .1; D_ _...v;|\I I .= 1.0 011181, VH.'\.\IIL .l`(`J.\'. FRST ' =JT7~u1`.\! i and. By 7nu: m:nPI.t:. and H|':.\"I'.\' mu.` CATER , and Glawimn 90. talus. Ashton S}ti I`!8. 7'1}: Ill)! (`allu- Urn-a I u .9 I1 ru 2) co Unmnnnu `I-'31.. , BRANCHES : ,.;.'m,u.;NEs." u.uu~.umz. zunnm rts. Ties and Collar Burgaim. Cluthin WONDERFUL Ml 'Rink Inn u rune Cnmnnnv. Ilmnru JUNK urn u l'a\ ll 0 Company. Immre , }'I'iv.nh-. I)-ul1imm; L Runway .\(.-r..\"r. VVI .\m:.\"1'. ` 12313- .. DJ... 1 .;~ua- 1' Fire I l Win l l 1| ut`.x.~ '1:-;.. vi:-iirir in -tho re- (`wi-:wi'i_gl:f L-uufinuecl |nt:\\'ul` he Wul Id lmve-, lH_Hl In iucrc:n..~ze the duties pi- as much as Mr. 'l`i|lu_y has lune or found some nrhcr way of gottilig the two and it half millions whicll the ro- duccd qunmitv and value of imports run- cl->r nccc.-ssulyz Mr. Uzwtwriglit ivould, ll()\\'(:\ 0l', lmw imposed the duties, as fur us pnsililu, ism that tho buulenn laid on the ponplv would he no greater I llllll the revenue uemlwl. Mr. 'l`illuy, on tho. other luuirl, has, in answer to IlIt'I(lc`Clinl1 nf the pl-up]-,, lmutiwu vet-In", uml hurl Ml`. _|uitl tlwdul.iu.'a svr tlmi; llm lrmwlun .1 lhu' pL`n]ll0 (vil_l lm suvuml tiuws -'lr}.Illllt'.il us he will gel: but of it. Duties laid on articles uninmlnlfuulllrcil in this cmum'_v (5-mt the pm.-u].la just what, the Unvci-uim-nt _gut.~(-- minus tlm oust of collecting, but duties laid on urliclus Imnhufncturud in the .cnuntry (war. thu (!Ul|8lllIlH'H llnruu or four nlnllznzv. for u\'e1'y dullur this h'u\'orun`1vutr_,rum the rest I f 1], {Hy ./inn tn Hm ......... nr.. As the Hon. Mr. Mackenzie truly said, the Guvernment have gone the whole elu-_ plmui." in their retnliutory-protizctionist policy; for nearly every article of general cunrsumption, nnd in demand by the poor man, is lnezwlly taxed; nnd, cmitrnry to the Premier's punitive 1lsser_tir)l1s,price!1 have advanced in consequence then-uuf. Flour, bread, tea, sugar, coal, cloths of_ all kinds, dry and dress goods, boots und shoes, etc., etc., lmve all gone up; but it is extremely 5 doubtful whether wages, turn, will take an E upw:n'd step, ur work be lnuw abundant. We nx-c inclincil to think tlnit the Tariff` will cllricll the few at the expense of the nnmy,.'1'~' lmu lniecn the. curse in the lfnited Slut;-n, nnvl ei'er_y\\'l1ure else \\'ll(`_l'(\ 11 Pro- h-cviunist policy has been in the 1lS(:ulllllII1t. Tim .\l(mln-:il ll'i/urs.s' 11 My puts the (litter-~ emu: lnetivumi what wun tl l1l'\'(`v lmcu the V policy had the late Go\'c1'nmunt- been sna- uunexl at the pulls` and the pulley enunci- uted hythe l.ibr.-yrul-(lonscrvuiivo ():ibinet. It says :- - Z "M I . '1`ill&~_v lmh i~.-inul he noverul duties two zxmlu lmlf per `:u}.xt.,_ill.`1l as Mr. Carc- ` wright ui:l,.-ml t'u1-tlm NMIHOl'1':lH<.:ll,ll:)ll](!ly, "` "-"` I" -'1-~*5~u 3 in l 1 some nrlmr Iv.-Iv nr rl !. l urninu ' ~ siiiw . _ I aving the 1'3." .nrtielo_.'a`dmitted free. `The eotton 51': `rnariufactu`rer has the duty `on the manu- , : -lectured article raised from 17f per cent. . to one and two cents per yard, and 15 cents r yd valorem. The sewing-machine, manu- ` lecturer is to be protected by a specific duty ' ' of two dollars on each machine imported, with 20 per cent. ad valorem; the manu- I 6- the farmer loses in h I 1 f:'(cturer of agricultural implementsby a 25 per cent. duty; themunufacturer of clocks, 35 per cent.; the nmnufacturer of stores, 25 per cent.; the m ufacturer of locomo- tives 25 per cent _ the manufacturer of organs by :~. speck: u xrjv of from $10 to 840 and an u 1 `L`\li07'I.L `.4 J; of ten, per ceut._; while 1}: duty on fut-i.iture jumps from i 17} per cent. to 35 per cent., a fact which 1 must be very gratifying to the member for . I Centre Toronto, and so on through them- tire list. The lumberer alone has nothing done for him. As anoffset to the advan- tages derived by the manufacturers, they are to pay fty cents per ton on coal, and two dollars per ton on pig iron. Whether the Nova Scotiaus will find t`he.duty on- coal 9. sufiicient oset for the duty on more than doubtful'if such a duty is suiti- cient to introduce Nova 'Scotia' coal into Ontario. Tobacco and coal oil remain as before, while the malt duty is reduced from - ' dutyfon whiskey and brandy proportionately- increasod. The duties on sugar have been . placed back to the tariff of 1868, namely, above No. 14, 1 cent_per pound - and 35 cents ad valorem; above No. 9 and not over No. 14, {}cents per pound and 30 per cent. ad valorem, -and below No. 9 i_s cent. per pound and 30 cents. ad ralorem. Teais to bear a duty of ten per cent. on all coming from the United States. The duty on black tea is to be two centseer pound and ten per cent. ad 2-atorem, and on green and Japan three cents nnd ten per cent. ad va- lorcm. Coffee remains as before, Draw- backs are to be allowed on the duties paid on goods used in Canada and exported out of it, new ships being placed in the same position,` while a system of countervailing duties is also to prevail. ' i 4 1 l i . . . l breadstuifs remains to be seen, and it 18 g 2 t t t two cents to one cent per pound, and the it . -nhpi U513 l..0.0()(). 'W!;~ no `public ,g,anu rerorrml to tlu.-iv rcspecliv uccbunts were presented; ,sentcd_ from) J. A. John- '_ 8. refund of tgnxes on his eoauso he kept my spirtuous house u'ux'ded amusement he`. ,outh of the tuwn Nltizng or Tmm (tolllwll. _ -Cuu.\fc1I. .C1'u.\x1::-.n_, Mac-.-In 17, 1879.- Thxffown C10'uncil mot on the evening of tlneubhvoiduto. Menuburs all present ex- cept Brown, who is . not yet well enougli t_o be out ntnights. _ The :\I:'.y0!` pt`e_s_ided.`V ' ' I . T7V> ... ..... ....... . .,.u.-nu uuu ~uuu\u' Ill! nature will always be :1 sentiment with the hig._;h.-r and inure discerning iutelhgence; and the nmre tlmrm1ghl_y educated, ru-ned and polished the nmsses hocnmo, the purer, tl1eAbri_-_;l1ter, the hetterthu gtngo will be. While half educated people, without u tnsato far the lunxir am, am tlm chief patrons of the pu_y1u'g_; parts of tlm.-mos. ulul duumnd sensuous and showy uxlnibiriuua, the loss of demand and will supply will cmnpul mun- agers to (provide chem, but there is not :1 genlzlelnun couductin it respz.-cmhl'uvtl1untrc iu the country, who wouldnotp1'efur1':luciu;.{ ' `upon its stage a. work of sterling merit to prostitutiug his boards to rant, Ix.-(1 tire, and ublnreviated pett-icuum. ` '1`l1onsse1'tiu.ui that tho drnrnzi is on the decline is cunstnntly ll(.`:lI'(l in tho sociui cir- cle, Iilll the suiuo stzltuinioxit tinds frequent exprea~aiou in the press. This is uslmlly followed by thv opinion thnt tlioutres are . not whnt th-:_v used who, that true artists um few, und the production of Ineritoriuus pieces nro fan` hut.\\'ec:u. These and siniilnr mterniices ni'o'1iiei'uly the i't-e): of sclmlznly opinions arising from the l1lCl'('ilSil)g it1).lllIy shown by tho s,:ouL-rul public zibout seeing l _l the English olussicul di';nnn.', the plays \vl)iolI . are literary unwell us (lNHliE|liC, thoso pomns Wliich,.ulthougl1 banished from the staige, still charm in the closet. There is no doubt that the old school ciranm is on the do- cline, with two or tln-cu oxcoptioiis. Shaka- penre, Slwridmi, (ioldsniith, and occasion- ul1yDibdin, but is not the ronsum to oe, ` found in the dying out of old school actors i A taste for spoctnculur pieces, bullet diver- tisements, opera, burlesque, extravaganza, and Itill lower and coarser. pnbuluin has prevented worthy successors to the `Gar- ricks, Kumbles, Keens, Siddone, and their conteinporaries, from being raised, and when pieces needing` no good actors are slone populnr, how can we wonder at the 1-ofession declining`? Shakspsnre still has is exponents, but chiey in his tragedies, and it is rarely that we have the opportun- ity atiorded of seeingone of his comedies represented. With all these drawbacks we cannot for one moment allow that the dramatic is liltoly to become one of the lost nrts._ Neither the press nor the platform cnnusurp the peculiar function of the drunm. Other ontertuininents of less pith and inouieut, innsicul, literary and nonde- script, n_ui.yntt1'act nnd temporarily divert the s_v|nputhios of tho plny going public, but they u`.-nnnut. porumnently supply the place of tho stnge. Apiiwcinfioii of the `A ll noblozn-t which holds the mirror up to w lli_'l1u1':unl Ilium: :'liamn-un'n.y incnl|.......,.,.. >u,-unluu V I! ` H ` uliruwdj , _ owing nccrmnm, petmons, _&c., : nd refL-{rre to their respecuve , gtnutes of 1,ix'u\'inus _n`1eVeting.were Weask any intelligent elector, whose party prejudices are net so strong as to warp his jndginmit, whether the .ubo\'e Inensnrus are not just such as the country needed I And, if tlufy are not sensational, they possess the much greater merit of be"- ing pl`dcti(!:Il and useful. In_ addition) to tho nlmvu nzznmil .-\ct.~', the cost of the civil service lms ln.-en l'(`(lllCL'|l in many items, including the 1:ill:ll`l(`.8 uf Ministers; whilst tlio imlemliily puitl to members of the Human lms IJLIUU I'c(lI14:exl from $800 to $600 per. Bvlhll. '1'aiking it :ilto_-,r.-tlie1', the re- ilnclinns Inmlu will font hp the respectailnle il_*_.;Ul'\`. nf ulmnt >=4-H,01.'(Iu _\`c:'u', no slight ircln tl)-Jae lizml linn-H. With such at record it l`( qllil'BS nu prn1ili,c*tin.,:ii'L- in cnntidently lieslii-ilk the xrimn;-h:xnt sustaining 1;: the , pwsuiit Wliuiswy at iliu pulls, let the can-. test cmm-\vinniI. mzu`. r..r...-........ ..'c~ I u!sL cmnu wuvn 11. um. E.-x.'.t xu.-xi \\ L-at Silmenu av tl1ef1'zIy. If WIT, ibis m [IV in } u. 3. ts ll- W ;l L I `the vote in winter. Th uompsmes. The amendments to ;`..i School I Law have the effect of extending the school franchise-at present conned to freehold- ers and householders-to all persons whose names are on th_e voters lists in cities, towns, and villages. This gives income voters the right to vote at school elections. There is also a change in respect to matters of expenditure. Heretofore School Boards have had the powerto ask for almost any sum of money they saw t, and the Coun- cil was obliged to nd the money. By the amended Act Municipal Councils are em- powered to veto n. demand for expenditure after the actual uecom modation required by law has been provided. City Boards are iven power to erect one of their own- . schools into a model school for the training of teachers--a power corresponding to that already exercised by County Councils. Larger owersare conferred on Separate School cards for going into capital expen- diture. In respect to the amendments to the Election Act, it may be said that the principal idea is to remove ll doubt as to the date at which the life of Igarliament ex- A pires-a question which occasioned consid- erable discussion during the session. The Algoma election can only be held during the summer, on account of the largeness of the constituency and the ditiiculty of taking e election in Algoma is still to be held in the summer, and the life of Parliament is to date from the re- turn of the Algoma writ; but in casean extraordinary session of` Parliament should be called, and the Algoma writ should not have been satised by theretnrn of a mem- ber. the member of the lastPur1iament is to be competent to repre ent-the constitu- ency until the new member has been re- turned. The Jury Bill reduces the number of the grand jury from twenty-four to thir- teen, and makes it competent for seven grand jurymen to bring in a verdict instead of twelve. There is also a change made in , the proceu of selecting jurors, by which the means of selection is simplified and cheapened, as well asbeing made uniform all over the Province by the adoption of a roperty qualication of four hundred dol- ars. This is animprovement on the old plan by which dierent counties had differ- ent qualications. The Bill respecting In- surance Companies provides for the ap- pointment of an inspector, whose salary is to be made a charge on the companies do- ing business in the Province. and whose function it will be to visit the head oices of the various coinpanies, and prepare a re-, port of their nancial conditir:n,thcir ability to meet their engagements, and their com- ~ plinncu or Il()ll-C()nlDll'rlllCt)_\Vltll the various- statutes controlling insurance companies. The Act is calculated to give policy-holders greater confidence in- the standing and se- curity of the various tire and life insurance companies doing business in the 1'1-ovince. Besides these, there was It Bill dening the northern and western boundaries. and pro- viding for the nduiiiiistration of. justice in these newly acquired and very valuable districts. ' A -_.j:._._ Couipsnies. The amendments .2. : I effect nf mm.mI.'.... +1.- ....1.....1 . is the Ebrnlna J . licillillgx 2 ` u puns, 105 me can. my. Ru-fm'n 1ers of are yun p1'ep:n`ed fur < high time that you u.uxyunzunwpnonphorus. The plensnntesrtf ii 1 nntxst Enlut-xhle way in which it can be introduced .9 1- n ' . ' t ' }heh,u:.e: )e':ic`. (l)ll|'l?o!iPIIlTI-3*. which is the preulegt brain. blood '1 und ncrvu road in the woml. 1-or sale by all 1)ru[,'gl:ta in Barrie presemedz. ... _ V e system is lw the use of VICTOIIIA HY!`-' run; it (.0111- n Mr. J. Ed - 9. II" RV ,.. `W lrxxnrv tune, n;. a unn- M. I ma, .%I2:; I/|'!lI'IVo 01 :11 medicines advertised to cure guy gapauon o! the Throne, Ghee! or Lungs. vsje know olnonn w. an I've-uumend so highly ag Du. KING ! N317 Im- coup for consumption. Laughs. Colds Asthma` . ft. in }':`\Lpr,eg,ous_zl:`eus, Iifikiliinx in the I'0I.'Ol0V 0, sun undou- illuly L-`um put! that V llovorythl pin bu .4}, 1::dn;odlolno o H i)`wono- I amjny, . h ` V` ::=:.:;:m-v,:..,a W "" 9s"x : " I V .__-..-. `(.41. !.I. I I ' -.~"`_I`).,f-l_'. x\-11`o are wasting from the ermrs and in- ` -dMS'retion'sVof youth.nvoIIs wenknesmonrly decny loan 9! mru;hood,_;$:o., I will send areclpa um. yvul cum 'you ~'-F _ OF QHARGE. Tggg great remedy wan lisaoj .py'smi~si'onury In South America. Send a sll-addressed envelope to nu; Remloseph '1'"-Jnmsn. Station I), lglalc Hum, Newt` 1 .. wk f,'.3(y_ V - .- ' 2.1, ""1"--"--*'.~*'--.-`- . ynuux: m we unuus 0: the public an article under `it sixuilm~uau1o, put up in a. similar style. but of a. white milky nppenx-anoe-tho genuine being of n dunk brownish-red colour. it in n m'e'.chec1 lznltut 501.. and aooIild);e at on:e raj:-oted. . `----~-~4c$->-------'- CALL at the first D1511: Svore and procure u._boIl:Ie of Gray's Syrup 9! Red Spruce Glign for` coughs, come &a. We recommend its purchase at Drug Szores of respectability. as there is an nttempt to place in the hands of the public `a sixuiluruamo. nut 1m in n. nlnullnv .+.n.. 5... ,.a .. , .__`.......uu. uu -muu In M," Your dealt-rs for VICTORIA Bvuu and UVA Una. It is now extensively Prescrlhrd by 11.31 rus- poutuhlo physicians.` lhicht 9 disease of the kid- neys. diabetes. otonmay be overcome by the Buchu L! twimu in Iiuu-~.. `For sale by all Dxuggisls in arr e.. f M 1R7!-YAGH 14 n soiem thing--n. chofov for life; be cnreful in the chnosinl. And be careful in choos- ing n rem. (hr at` tcmulo complaints. Be -mu-o to ask extenfiivzelnv P;-e_cx-lhrd l3y_p.il_r :\ '1'nl'I~')t--(.'onatant grinding at the mm of life. pcvpeiuul loss otvitul furcnnvil I-drag the stron.-:1-st` mun tn the dust: Wis manifest therefore that the system}-unmet be kept supplied with 11 due amount or u\'yr1izub1L- phonphorus. piensnntestv and ' OSPIIl'l`Ej. yvlgich m-eule:-t brain. blond Momrzv TO LEND nu.uurux.\'u. \\`Im.\'(:---'l`lmre is something radically wrong about the liglmng-or non- liglit.ing--of our street lamps_._ Complaints reach us from various quarters, chief among Worslev and Mulcaster streets complain that the lump at that corner has not ;been |i;.vhtL-Ll up for the past ve w'eeks,-and the inconvenience and danger during the slip; . pery weather is very great. .Fiv'e4weekAs out of the fty-two, already, this lamp has been conspicuously dark. Will ' the Gas Company charge for it at the rate of $23 per-_year per lamp! It is somebody s busi- ness to see to the grievance, and that our money is not thrown away for no vulnera- coiverl. `If the little boy entrusted with the lighting of the lamps is incapable of doing the work efficiently, let the Gas Company .nniplny a competent person. - a.._...._. I whmn the people living near the corner of .l'l1B uunucu mm regular n1:-etm,r,r. UH!`-[W . The (`vmnmit-tee rose, and thga Report as amended" was udnpwd, ` . ' Mn\'e(I by the Reeve, aeonded by Mr. 'MiscampbelI, That the Mayor name 3. Com- mittee of thl'(`.r` to take charge of the Town I Park, Cm-ri:~l.. ` H is Worhip munod Messrs. Ross, King, and Miscnmpboll. 'I`heCunncil then adjourned till the next regular nu-.etiu'_r. ' cu,-,;Im:. V ' . The Connmttee reported in favor of se- ceptmg Mr. Hayes offer, and lure his team , for the next si:: months,_at least, at 82.50 perday. The Council went into Commit- tne of the Whole thereon, when `considera- ble discussion ensued. 4 Mr.` Lune, Mr. Caldwell, the Mayor and Mr. Miscsmpell, spoke in favor of the Report. as being the cheapest and best arrangement for the town. Messrs, J ohnson. Sullivan, and King, argued that it would be cheapest and safest, in the long run, for the town, in cnse of tire, to own a team; but if it was not - thought desirableto incur such expense it would be better to accept Mr. Scott's offer, The Reeve, and 1st and 2nd Deputy- Reeve spoke infavor _of accepting M12.` Scott's obr. On motion the Report was amended by the acceptance of Mr. Scott's offer. rm... n....__.2.i ,, - - - A Tlll'l~`)[-- vcvpeiunl lost LHUIII. Your Cmnmittee recommend agrnnt of $50 to -the Town Band, on the conditions ' named in the petition; . . 7 Mr. Cnll\\`ell1`.nd Mr. Johnson objected to Ihu grant to the Bund,for if such a grant \vn.~z made other bands .might npply for a grant which could not then be refused. H.-umls nllglit, Hllpp`I`it*\'] by voluntary confribuons, and it \\ us not just to tax the ratepayers to sup- _ "port. nny band. . The Reeve defended thd grant, and _sn_id ~ tlmf the town received more_than `an equi- \'.-ulr-nf I.y_ the band playing; ee duringpnb- 1.2; 1.. `E-V:_;':s_. .`::`. '!`!u- "Ila-yr-rt was then ' `, `_'.`Ll. . `PM Council then adjourned to allow the Fin: und Police Connnitteet to bringin 'a {eport providing at 1-Jann to draw the re engine. ' -31 if not self-sustaining. to be ' Su.\rErH1.\'u. \VRo.\'(:--T mlinnllv 'l'|v.\u:o ..l.....-4. n.- vurpul'n.u0n tor the said damage, ' The communications from the Rev.Thos. Crompton and Mr. J as. Edwards, refusing to pay taxes on certain property held by them to be exempt from tm-gntmn, was dis- posed of by your Committee advising the parties to appeal at the next sitting of the Court of Revision and have the nmtter set- `tled by tho Cuurt. and if their contention is them". \.' .... .. /1,, snstainmthnb the tttxos be refunded io. as ne 1:; unable to pay them. ~ ' V The communication received from G. R. Sullivan respecting damages sustained to hislmi| ood last spring was not entertizined, as your Con'in1iEt`_ee cannot acknnwledgcnny liablity on behalf of this Corporation for the said damage. i from tlm i?m- 'm.,... i\1()()l'`. Your Committee recommend that the taxes due by Robert Cuthbert be remitted as he is unable to them. cummllnintinn rnnnlvnrl cm... 11 1) -_ ; "|_' |uu|_f-|| Lu Qnmpnny. Im:mre,' Farm Prop:-rty aml )'rIvntu lnvvllmggs ' f3npitnl`$600.0fI0. ' ' ( 1. :- , , . . . . . . . . . ..`...u.....wau~2 uu Your Committee recommend tImt' the Collector be instructed not to collect the" sun) of $2, tax on a bitch, from Mr. D." C. Moore. ` \',`,,., (V.-.......2LL-. . ' " , _ ,,,,, ..,-.._.......5 ....m......._. uu Oushels (Q: Littlehales, aa.acc't. . . . 21 40 -Jns, McBride, taxes remitted . . . . .. 1 00 Cheesemau .82; Bro., ladder`, for tires. 2 50 Town Inspector, sundries n m. uomns do Geo. Smith ' do Jase Cook do John Brent, road work. . . . . . . Mrs. Nash, support of COllins..'. N. R. 0., indigent passes... . .. . Jas. Carson, salary..'.'... . . . . . .' . .` Gen. Cameron, 20 cord wood. . . . S; Caldwell, indigent acc t. . . . . . S. Clmpnmn, clearing snow. . . . . l gas.acc't. Jns. McBride. taxes renuimul iriloust MO:'l;(;'I.l;;;:!c' or " lhnrce. I llllllnlnnnni-Avila;-A 4.- _..__ _,, ._ , wuowmg neport :- Your Committeehaving examined the following acdounts, nd them correct, and recommend payment :-- ' Geo.`Plaxton, salary. . . . . . . . . ..$25 00 S. Caldwell, at;c t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 5 64 N.King, printing................. -24 00 Jan. Vandestein, cutting wood.,. . . . 2 50' Wm. Sihbald > . do 2 50 wm n;.n;.... uweung The Iieeve, as Chairman of Committee on Finance and Assessment, presented the following Report Your Commimm h..,:.... ...._.:..A -I V an mgn\7.' The Mayor said he` thoroughly endorsed the remarksthat had fallen from the 2nd Deputy-Reeve as to he `difficulty of legis-' lating on. the subject without inicting hardship on some poor persons, which, though he exceedingly regretted, seemed to be a necessity for the preservation of our shade trees, and to prevent damage to pri- vate gardens. At His \Vorship's sugges-` tion the further consideration of - the mat- ter was left to `be taken up_at the next meeting. ' "`L.\ D.----A --- F" ` - -` ______._._._...___....______---_--.-- the petitioners be granted, and that Bylaw No. 89 be amended ' so as to restrain cows from running at large within the following limits :-East of High-street to Wellington street, thence to Mulcaster-street along to Penetenguishene-street, thence to Berczy- street and thence`to the Bay. The Report was adopted. 'l`lu:"l-l.y'l..... 4.. ._:_- -m ,. . .- n are nnm-Inn hm... L1... .......... - IDIUDUIQ . Collins nmu. I l: lMPtH|ALi{}:)x;;:;1:1:;?u '3`-: hlished 1803. Capital $'61l,00U,0()0, fur J nusinesn onlv. Total . ~-(.'nnatMJt gt-lmlllng >I_i_9f.}'j_tgl forc0_,}vi| 8t!`0lX.- ,'I.'st` 1., ...~... mud-ItI4AI'H, n as uls- r advising of 1 . is_ he fmmn Ha rnfnnnll :. --There i - the li:zhtzn2-or nnn- "$254 ab 2-2400 2 50 2 50 2 50 3 25 27 50 7 00 7.1!! (`0 2500' 40 O0 13 75 an . u uunuullll I lVLO- The ndvertiser. having been_ pemmnontiy of that dread discn~`e, Consumption, by _n. simple remedy. is aqxioua to make known to h1s'feliow- autferors tbs` means of cure. To all who d8Sll`8 it, he will send a copy or the prescription need, (free o!c1uu'ge,) with the directions (or rgepnrixig and using the same, which theywvill tin n suns Cum: * or Gussunrrnox. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIB. &:c.- 5 Parties wishiugtho prescripi ion, will picae ad- .'dl'8SB - 1:: 1 u... ..'.._. `.' For sale all _Boui carriage true. receipt 0: -_......,.. uuu. uu recexpt of the " `Mm _ J. B. LIPPINCOTT & 00.. Publishers, Booksellers & Stationers. 1|-5 AND 7l7 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHM. 9-`Em: s. THETIMPERIAL`: 1803. (juniml ml