Cheese, V Apples, ' bag ` Potatoes, bus Ducks, per pair. . . . Chickens, 4... .. Eggs. esh, irdoz.. ~ in B3. ."".1 .;. " z: Lara, unreuueruu.. .. . ... Coal," r ton, ....... . . WO0D,`_ AY A.\ b C'm.. Wood. icord. No Wood, Green... Do, -` - Pine ..'. nu `Mutton, fore-quarter 39 it}. *` fund-quarter . A Vealfpr lb., fore quarter (5 hind I Butter. `lb roll `g?:) ib ` Butter, tub, *- . Hmxs A.\'D Sxxxs. Beef hides, No 1, . Dn Mn 2. _ _ _ _ Honey, ' Cheese. muuou, cuup uuu mg " .. - fore-quarter, . . Veal, ' .. Hams, smoked, - '-` .. Shoulders,'do, - .. Bacon, do. V "' .4 Lard, rendered, '- .. Tallow. rendered. " .. Fnou Fauna` Wacaoxs. 39 it}. 5 fnnd-nnnrter ` uxmxxnn umcc, re Fall Wheat ............. ... Spring do....., . Bax-ley....... Peas .... . .- ......... . . . . . . . Oats new ..-. . Fnou BUTCIIERS STALLS. Pork; *` 00 Beef, steak and rotist. 3; 11:80 10 Boot`, fore quarter, $7 cwt. 600 Beef, bind quarter, cwt 8 00 Mutton, chop and leg " 0 00 .. 0 08 . 17....` M OS I-LLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION NEATLY ar. CHEAPLY PRINTED _at. the nnmxxnx PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. ' -__.-. _C_ou-acted weakly by Mr. George Maundrel butcher, poulterer, and general produce dealei .3-. _- on the Mornings of MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY I "V ,,,,,,,, of each week, commencing each session at ` ' ten o clock. , . EWATCHES 51-I_v" yam no U1` nun AILVUB, UUCLUU LARS Cexjplcntea, Policies, Reports, Receipts Deeds.Bookn Checks. Cnrds,&c., at the ELBIINEB .U{3:;E_,;:.:J " III-%"*x" T` T3--- 3 9 I-AZARVS -. % &moi-.?i , n ' ;'SPEOTAGLES I % ; sPcTAnL_ 1; PRovINO;L__AND SUBVBYOR u:utun1`s'nux," 0F1"Il.'J'.',- ,Bn_z/'.s`15fuiI(ZVi7'u s, Oppusilg flu: Queen's Hate ; Dun up Street, A Watchmakuers, - | `N _TE'F.!F_-'_`LE`Z`L .`..N'3 ! ForA Sale, _z\ Spzm of HEAVY DRAUGHT I I . HORSES, by Machhcm."* % A ``.app1_vm' ' R. S'1'0'DDAR'I_`, I Unenetl Out in the Pregef by Mr. Wm. Hunteni ._j_. REMEMBER THE PLACE, NEXT '1`O_7I`HE FIRE HALL, COLLIER ST., numuz, 0x1'_.uu0. ` lbawln, In M A`UEiEE"'{;;xV'1LLE,' A CIVIL E.VGI.\`l.`.Elh opposite the xma.` Station; L. S; L. only, and for cash as heretofore, no salesman will be` allowed to take a second price as we believe theyneprlce plnn'to be the only straight forward way of doing business, we dont want .to cheat one man to give a bargain to another but treat all alike, giving a child as good a bargain as the keenest buyer, selling well at the lowest living advance. We are in a position `to Luv the goods right I '.~.-ill sell them the `same. ' " ,_ B. CROMPTON &c0., l Tl-IE PEOP:1".EV..:C3E-`I3-gzk.-.I'i'1.{"-IAE VICINITY 12' TOWN H_AL%L., an/um snus or rm: BALANCE or THE smcm together with s'ever-al hundred Remnants at merely ndminal pnces. @".\`OTE.--From and after this dine we shall conduct our business on THE ONE PRICE PRINCIPLE! "'1`E.". . BEAVER wishes to abquaint the Public with the N T 8 under ault: THE fuel. um: be busjns: covmpleted Stuck inking and having enjoyed the largesi seasons trade he; ` ever had, he is about to celebrate it by a ` [GOLDEN 'Bnrrie,Janunry`1st, 1.872. ,._.____._.;___--_..?_ SALE OF REMNANT'S Bradford, Nov. GREAT VVESTJRN STORE! ;ARRIE POIKCTI '()1()`1I'R"l;.Z W}ATcHn_/_1AKING1 LANKS OF ALL KINDS, CIRCU Certicates. Policies. Ream-ts. Receinta Utfmdanl. 5'! York. )RAUGI1'l` Houses FOR SALE. nlnllillil-J junxnr `I-Incas. McC_0NKEY S BLOCK, GROGERIES, TEAS; 1>11oifI's_Vi 8: LIQUORS (`ROIVKERY ANT} DI.AS\\ 1DI.` Ln 1 GREAT STOCK-TAKING SALE! PCRCIIASI-`.RS' may :u\\:a3.;s dept-nd'upou getting supbrior goods-at very 1-e:1son:1ble rmcs. ._-. (Signed) ' This Court. will be held in tho Exmxxnn OI!-i_c-e, Feb. 5% no 1, N0 2) at Rio OUSE, Qunjmetfmi. can 13;; Ga;11'In-IA _-5aT1`in-!;i ROHBERT SIMPSON, 1 - M_u'o1 J_OSEPIr_I__1_\/IAYORSF . WISHES T0 INFORM , __._.`, -_-~.v,- crvovn-Ilvl VIA-hid-IUU CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, &-C., 1`(`. .05 gg uw ...ll00@ 00( BARBIE, 0.-YT. WITH A cnorcz srocx or B_rad frd IN.) 7 00' 000 015 nnn rouu, Mnon. 15-tf, THAT ms ms -13-tf VMI . liosnnko will take nsludent, oh lihernI`tcnn.-. N. B.-I will hold all nmus rcagiionsilyle for the amount of mono paid to r. J. C. ccnuslnud. for work. he being oand by-an obligation to me, for a large amount of money. not to do any work in North Simcoc, Essa, or Innlal, for the next ve years, `Ban-ie. I-`cb`v`7th. rm. (1 I1 , nnsummn JAS. A. _ um I!!! H110 `110; i\C\\' h()\\'ll. 011 [HO 8th; Ans:-us on the 9th; Orillla, on the 10th. 17th and 18111; In lsduxe, me 95:11; and Stayner. on the 1.1.: day of each and every month. Every day but those men- tioned above he can he found at his omce on Collier Snjeet. Opposite) the Post'0ice. BARBIE. Rntuulliul ...n.. ..r rn..uu. ..,..I.......: x.. ._z.... .,. A u` -u--_wu. vyyvuuv um I van VAHUU) Dnnnxnn Beauuful sons of Teeth reduced in price to $16.. MI`. Hosanko on liberal terms. names responsible (Lutg (if the Johnson Hous," Orillin, Ont.) ` ` 2-Hy ADVOCATE THURSDAY`, FEBRUARY 15, 1872. EL`! Dmp Igooms for Commercial Travellers. The Bar wxll always be found replete with . QUOTE and cigars of the best brand. Good Stablinnr and nltanms hnuolnm 1 1 ' HIS new nml commodious hotel is situated near the Lake Shore, and commands a ne new of the surrounding scenery. The rooms` are large, handsomely furnished, well venti- lated, and_ families can be supplied with separate suxtes for themselves. - E'Snmp|e Rooms for Commercial nlwsivn Ian fnunil ranlntn with 4. BINGHAM, MERICAN HOTEL; i BAYFIELD STREET, BARRIE. The subscriber having leased that large ` Brick Hotel on Bayeld street, and going to considerable expense in furnishing and other improvements for the comfort of the travelling publi, is now prepared to accommodatecom urtubly all who may favor him with :1 call. _. - - Choice Liquors, &:_c., constantly on hand. Commodious Stubllng and Sheds convenient to the house ' _WILLIA.\I GORDON Bnrrin. nr-I onn. Ia-rn , He also keeps on hand. and nmnnfactures COFFINS of all kinds,- and furnishes all the puruphernalianocessnry for Funerals. including an excellent Hearse, which can be had on very imoderate terms. ' 1()_ _ _\V Banjo. Oct. 20th 1370. .____________.j___ AV Younig. Man Wanted as Light Po_rf-i"in aI1`( .S_tZ1b1iS1ll`_l1(`Ilt in town. Must be active and intelligent. For puriictilais apivly at this` imicu. Barrie, Oct. 26. li3`71. IENTS`! "7 l I ' ESPECTFULLY announces to the public _tlm.t he is at all times prepared to take contracts fo1'_bxxil(1ing. and that ho cnn1'urnislg ' Doors, Sash 8: Blinds: auucoc, 553, or mmam, Barrie, Fcb`y 7th, '72. xquors and cigars the Stabling and attentive hostlgrs. ALEXANDER GRAHAM, Ill/ILIlI2'R ' L'.\`Il1~.'ll1`.1I[I-.'lI, OPPOSIT-E THE COURT l`l0l S1`.. ` On [Reasonable Ten-nix 23. LLBION HOTEL, . NELSON `STREET. LUEEIWS HOTEL! fl ..o,. rA|...-.,_ n-,, - LIGHT PORTER WA}{'I`ED. . JOHNSON, Pxzopnwron. ENTY EBRU ` at vry short notice, and -nu.I DJ .I..L\JLJ-`J1-I 3 [Lute Johnson House] An--. v--.-_.v-. _..__..._., WILL BE AT COLLINGWOOD ON the1sland2nd;1\'ew Lowell. on the m the9th;0rillla, 1c. 35th: Stnvner. duv ~!E_VYE LLF?Y Jewellers 850.; MM9.'9!`3.$T0.REe Two doors East of Ihc OM stand. SANDERS HOTELS. TORONTO, ONT. su ndnon nmmsr, nlf, olbt e Townohlp '- BARRI`EV.V IMPORTERS. BEAVERE ORILVLI.-1, 0L.-"r, i StPEn1.\"rEL\'m::rr. LICXL IIVU ytlfy C. II. BOSANKO. I V1.8-tf. 1}{T1{n_r-i.}{ii.13's`XD TOTV 1?6i'. . A First-Cl:x.~7s 1.\m*.ovr;n`1`An.\I, in this vicinity. and several WILD LOTS for snle. Also, valuable TOWN LOTS. on Owen 1lreet.-A I to pp y J .- LAIRD. B013, Parlor, Hall, and C'ool'in(/ Stgue: 'l 3'GARDEN-EL\'GINES,_g,1' V ' PLATFORM do CVOUNTVER SCALES. com. 01L. 'c., .c-c., kNDg 2 `~6i{e1~: i5L ;&'xib:~f` J .mA.\'cmc'rUnm: or `TIN, SHEET-IRON JAPANNED I 1 and Copper Ware, nun;-.. `Guelph Sewing Machine Company, I ntrrnn I'V|\7lY\A _ V vf-.l._.-g , GUELPH, CANADA. AGENTS-J. PULLEN. Buuua: JONAS LEE, Axuus; J. MCIXTOSH. Avaxxxa. - oar- ..._..-n. bu-uuuu:u. g AG.\"rswA.\'1'1-:1) xzvanrwurzns. SPLE .\'- nw 'I.\`DL'(.'E.\fE1\'TS T0 .\I.1KE Mo.\1:\'.-'Ar-Pm` 1-ox every fnmil in the counigv. _ A trial bq are pxqchase wl connucc an that our um- ! chines arc unequalled. iThe Guelph Reversib1_e" Ti nrlhmnhunnv Hm I-`nut :....u- uu,;, , . . _____`.-_ -v.w v V- IUAVAV Is prc-mnhycmly thev hes: Single Thread Machine ot-rod the pubhc_--hcucc irs_,nmr\'cl1on.a success. Will do all vnricucs of domestic .-sewing. Prices greatly reduced. . 11--.: gr--. , TI: v Osborn Oull is complete and rendil compre- hended. Sold at one-halt the pri:-c hitherto c mrged for machines doing: :1 like ramzc of work. the m:mu{ncmr- ers being delermincdto place it within the reach of famil coumrv. Atrial be: purchase Wm convince an that nnr Mn. GUARANTEED TO B2 A5 FEI'1!ESE.\'TEI),OIl .\'0 SALE, WAX!- RANTED FOR THREE TRAILS. ,. .... The Osborn Sewir;g Mazhin has do r'i`yal. ' rvmuni-A-Anal.` L....,. I..n-I_. I, _.... .,, l/)2/endanl. , , 7-... _-.....a ........... ....- uvnuguu 371m rovements hnvclatly hccn made. onnhliury the mnnu acturcrs to chlim in as the .`iEI LUS ULTRX ` of Sewing Machines. Hundreds of Iostixnoniuls are `being received daily from old as well as new 0 cm- tbrn attesting it.-{wonderful cap:1hllili(-,3. WIN 0 all kinds of(`ome:.t1c sowing, from the um-st cgxmbric to the course.-It overcoat or upper leather. Hand Maclnmi. with full `outt, $12; Trcad1i:do., $17. [3?"Each Machine gunrrnntcd. ..;._.._.__._.---- THOUSANDS '1`lIROF'GII01T'I` (VAN.-\DA are now using these Machines. I`he_v have been tested beyond all question, make the favorite lock- atlch Mike on both sides,:md:1rc pronounced snpcrinr to any other nmcnino O'0l'3(l the public. For wide range of work, perfection. beauty nnd excellence of mechanism, adaptability, strength and durab1]it_v_- 1-1....-n..|~....._ e.....:__ |l`_..|.:.__ n_,, , - -l ]{:0CK.-STITCHSEWING MACHINE`. aaomr Barrie, May _24, 1871. may rely on {every care and attention being paid: and in ull cases the Lowest Gash P1-icesl Being e,\'ecx1LL-d by one of the rm, Lzulies A Visit \vhcni11Tb1-onnto, or Orders for Sum-V ')q`/`endanl. [Stock of Dresses l1'.'rectF Impormtionsl We take rent leasure in calling nttc.-:1tio'n to ` p . A 'Stap1e~_ Goods u_m1 are nmv L'\_'L'Il better p1`-:1.-ur-d than bet`:-re to REGENT HOUSEJ } Hoslnni, Gl.0VES, R I BB 0 .\' s } ` _ I..;\C'Es, & BOTH COTTON ` HAVE Impusted fur /1/A/VTLE5 / JANES 83 IIEWCOMBE. my u.o. kl-13in REGENT EIOYSE, 31I{I`.\'G'STREET, MARBLE MON UM'l'S, ._ .___. ._.. `-`r4 WMT&I:IiU_FACTURERS. . ` 1UEI.PEI s1*.\vm: MACHINE co r" . - u:= G 0 0 DS! ALL 0 R Dans ;R.\[)VF`ORVD MARBLE wonxs. J . `g\' .-k._ -1302-1-0 \vn_x:|n, Together with our very large stock of give teir cllrstonwrs the full bcxlet of Plalnlijll Rich. First-Class - TOMB & HEAD STONES, 51 KING STREET, large urn} extensive s:-L-ck of plus rospt-cIfulI_v solicited. in lar;-.'e 9.nd-extexxsivu 1013. AND MILLINERY zq .\x.\.\'tm;1`m_::x:s of SILKS, ZSH.-\`\_VLS. A'.\'D WOOLLEN Qf .'imco!, ' 1.\II`ORTI-IRS. being Charged. `reroute, Out. I &ea;.m:aast, (IR lr.'.\'('I.OSI.\'G CE.\lETE!!)' .UTS. ALSO I I r'tE:L-1nru~..ntseus<.-n a very '1'o'Ro: ONT. ` l7-ly 13-15 - Liquors, Groceries, Provisions! - Crockery and Glassware. A L ,E_Ver offered to the Public at the Prices! srgsessms -"mg Memsss L ~ . Canton '1` Store, . ynnnr nrnnv -nnvrnn `D 7 r _ _ , _ W BN1 1. DAY ` November, 1871. IT. TDRIFFILL sa sons MINK TRAPS, BARBIE; Jan _:;, 1871. CROSS-GUT SAWS. CHOP NG AXES `BR0ADAX@_!_ " --r-at-. -. ma . ._. B.-IRRIE, J .187: Building Hardware of all kinds. L AM P S Chimneys CARPENTERS 7001.5 ./ - CUTTER -BENDS! :?4;a=-DEFY Cj01`vEPE TITIOI;T! and 8 u continuuncu 01 1 II 1! n 1 I . ' .v.~`c1'\'o- - V iv I. n his . ;g,.-..-.'.1-nu,-m .13 u er at er Beltmgs. % % CROSS-CUT &; MILL SAWS! An assortment of Excellent STOVES. Besides u h contagion, Begs to inform nis patrons and._the _pnb1ic that he has now . ' A opened out 111 h1s V HARDWARE :5 Opposite the 'W'e11ing~ton Hotel, U3 " Cash paid for Farm Produces =50 INGW 5*: 99%rn.lm0dAi0lJ-&Brick Store, Goods De1'ivc1'ed in any part of the tOWI1.g Iroceries, Provisions, Crockery Flour and Feed, 850., &c. IJJJBUD LL]. NEW BRIGK nuxnnxmesl >DC-7l`{I/.OP STREET, ' `--A-- ---~ - --~ 4 ~~ - n.....nn .'-n\.,.I. In: Nowxcnz. CANTON T szronmz Has Removed to New ar_1d more Commodious Pre- mgses 1n ` I IuinIi[. .na\aa.`.n.aur- -v__-._-_ .WITH THE L.-\RGEST .1: MOST C.\REFL'LLY SIu'LEC l`ED STUUK OF ` Bent. Stuff for S1eighsv&; Cgtters. C/U)l'A.'I.' b'l'.`I(`/J Of` SIIELF cf` IIE.-11 ), I[.l[:'D'.[I;'['.`, [L1/C [[|'U.\' sf 5'TEI'.' ` WC. 1171/7 um] . LL` In`!-" x-!.,.l.- `lillp; 1.3: Next Door West of thc QUEEi\rs Hotel, In the store lately ocupied by E. HINDS, SCOOP SHOVELS, WM. HUNTER, V Proprietor. WHITE LEA])!_ BRADFORD, Noon E.GRAVER % LEA_TIfIER BELTING gmssg, M T HARDWARE. r 1-:1.~:I tllvu DEALERS I.\' Glassware. NEW BRICK BL 001;, pU3rL01= BARBIE`, ONT. ON '1` (`I1 Hm THARDWAREI E. ' GRAVERT :\ v ,. 5&5 qhnlily lib ! '.'`"_' .' . . \ Our Manufactones.--\\hy is n (hut I:-.u--i r,\\ill| ilx 1'm'm'ol ]m.~ili:-In 1'-Ir (rude, the junction of hm I':tiIru;ul.~` and :\l)0u_t (0 ho; louclu-(1 lyy nnnlhur is so fin be-hind her sister 'lmvnsiu the pu.~;.<-.<.<':uI1,ol' m:um!`.1((arias, IL 'dp||-unnl 1.. Full 1`... 1|. (tun-it In: frum luck of mpix-.|l,~gIn1' prolubly {cw towns of mu snnle six-9 can lmu.~". .~:o much wvul _` 'lruo H 1:4 \\'u ]m.~.-1'.~'.~' nu muv.-r pm'1- ` rtlv untl \\'n- rv:uli'I\' nvhnit the fuel that I E ' U ] sh-nnl Iunro (*.\.`[n'Il>i\`1' than wznur; but 1hi.x' ' ) v-. uvnunlulldvlvlivau VIIIJ I-1 1| l||i| truth nnnlhur. In-1' the m.~_1.~` <.~":uI1.ol' n1:unx!`.l(t>riu 1 (tuna! fmxn prc towns six M-:1 " it is ;m.~.-; ~'. qcdg, rv:uli'Iy sh-nn11unr:`~ 1111 .4 II .-,,.I u nun`, nu. uLLHuul m mu mr mu zunmst cnurul ubsexluc of lhu.~- lull Cl_IlIulIlL`n` which are . tho slgnul-pulvs of i11du.~_1r_v. the ex-:'l-uin indica- liun.=ol'vncrg_v und vxxlunuriso. Nuvcr \\'l\.~i1 lherv 11 place which nlll-rs hotter in-lucmm-uL-z ` to 1xuun1l1xcturcr.~\ than Hm-riv. She is so l aiumtud. that in tiuufshc nmsz become to the ' nur1l1\\'lmllIamilLun is to the west uml_wlmt Toronto is to the ]H'6.`>'('l]l. north nnd cast-thu great cculro und heart of wllaulc-sale mule. In li|Cl,l|ll`d'.l(l)' a Hlmill but lwulthy \\'lzu_icsal0 business has been cmnmoncod by our mor- clmnts, which must lllCI't'1SC with timu. Thesv V llelngjlw pro.~]>t`cl.~` of mu` town. it should become Ihv very wall of c\'t-ry kind of mun_u- facture; and we do hupu that the gentleman Who is now s(-ukin;_.: ufpurclmsc asuituble site on which to reel llJlH\lllll.`ul('l0l'y for nmkixig Qgricullurul lm[)l(`lllUlllS. will rcceivu. every- ecourngonxcul. May he be the advance- Suard only of numbers to fullow, M?" Mehanics' lnstilute.--Fm-thex an`- gements have been made for the fornmtiun :7 u Mechanics Ins'.iu1u2 in Barrie. Mr. 1!. `.\~ Burs informs us that some scientic in- etrumeuts have been procurod. and that othur matters for th0'inslituti0n's ustablisbmct are Ntcivinn nun; ' u- . u._, . . Ii:-rie, Thursday, February 15 1872 0 ` complimentary Concert to Miss Fraser. `-No happiz-1' i']!.'ll hu-: fur u lung Hum `uccll u.u..... m... w rm r .. mu.-S.--.1 nl\_ '5'-)RT HE RN _/ --" " ` ' " u|I'tVlIJ)' (.`0l.'RTS (`0['.\`TY I)!` l3IC0l-2, ' I522. NT/'RAV<,;LLnns MEMORANDA 0pO.\'T()_ ,~:`l_s1r01-: ,x:\'1> '.\lL'>',KOK.\ I5` JI.'.\'CTI_0.\' R.\IL\\.\'x' TIME `TABLE. -n...:.. _ A on IR.\;- .11 I.\\'A\' TIME TABLE. M`.-r.1.1.1:x:':` .\!EMLvI2A.\'l).\. . = c.un~,-4.` )1U\'L\'G eorru (T1.\';111ii11cr,* .u xuull III 1 full for the 2 n :- ...u_. , uuu nun) zxlnmst 01-llil'L` 1 ,.|en .- | 60:11: Re ui L'p\vurd.d A. 31. r. x u-nu. uubuuun "nu u nysunnuus us uun "\\'ise men of Gotham." 'l`ho very slecl7'm.v.~: cf the party further led him `to the belief that it was a private one, ' and hcsitating momentally to assure his modest nature no infringement upon the rules of etiquette would occur by entering , he caught thu`\\'erds. "Steam Fire-Engine, as lf waited on the breeze [it was rather a windy evening,] from the other end of the room. and olongcr assuming any delicacy. tnadebold to enter; Advancing nfew steps, and no rc- sistnnce being offered, he proceeded onward, took a bench, and concluded the atfalr to be public. Dillating his auriculars to the extent required to catch the almost inaudible whis- pers[?] coming from the platform. he sur- mised the discussion to he on the tire-engine question, and, cons`:-qincntly, gave earnest attention. Several erators of Ciceronian ability were present, and from time to. time gave vent to their feelings on the subject of the me6tlng.. Although Ye Local was not favorable to some ideas expressed, he really thoughtthe meeting was blessed with a few H lnnnl hnnfla " ml... I...:..... L... 1-... AL- ...I..,....:t.. Uuvuauu Inv nu-vuug nun uluaawu Wllll (I Irv! level heads." who being by for the minority, could not get ample scope for their common sense. A motion at length was put and car- ried, to purchase a Shund, Mason :1: Co. s tlre-engine forthwith." It` the majority of our ratepayers allow such a purchase, we- are likely to have a re-hash of last year's pro- gunnme, and an expenditure of the town's funds in a similar witless manner. A meeting should he called, proper notlticntlon being given thereof, to gain the entire opinion of the ratepayers ere such a rash purchase be made. Let this betlone, and save more ill- feeling in our town-o! which we have already had too much. A, Select " Meeilng.-Ye Local, or T111: E.uxu.\'uu, straying leisurely towards his respected domicile, at about the hour of ten, lnst L-vcniug. wus uttrnctedhy the bright illu- mination of our Town Hall, and being of a curious nature, proceeded hastily thereto. Asccucling tho stairway, nnd cautiously open- ing Ihg-door, lest he should become an intruder upon some slrictly.con!idc-ntinl assemblage, peered in, and what was his astonishment to behold n guthr.-ringof some two or three dozen rulo[m_\'0rs and an equal number of juve- niles. _ together with a sprinkling of our -- \\'iun mnn nf` l'!.nO|u.m U "l`hn vvnun Fire at Chul'chill.--We are sm'x'y to lourn of ! l`.l(y]0Sn 1Jyl`0 of._!\lr Henry Sloan`: Waggon i shovp and entire contents, which occurrud, at. ' Churchill, on Monday, the 5th inst. The loss is n.=. at $2000. No insumnco. Origin unlinown. ` I I. 0. G. T.--A convention will be . held in tl1uTun1pcrunce Hull over the Bank of Com- murco, on Thursday 1-vuuingv, Feb. 291!) lush, Cunuzm-ncing at 4 o'clock p.ln., fur the purpose of organizing :1 County Temple. Delegales from dinbront p-ms oftlm county will present tlu.-n1.~aclvos. i Wagea.--Wages are they t'ounl.uion or "all succ-.~ssin1i1e.' There an s'ex_'.` :`c'-V wbo'u?e born to capital. and," 11: u mlu. without cuplI:\'. . V . I .. nu... nun n........ .8... :.. . 1.: . ....._I 3 I- 1 Mild Temperature.-'1`hu mu-r part or last, and up to Tuesday evening of this wee ., `was or as mild temperature as a spring mouth. i0n Slll1dl:l_V8VG.'llfl,' rain uonuex.-ul ta rug, and continued _!.l1rong`u .\Ion-l.\y nu-1 par: 01 Tuesday. To such nu extent dld it etfect the I` sleighiug that some doubts were apprehendvd obaving passable roads in a few day~`. Tues- ] day evening quickly dispelled any such iden ? by issuing in with a snow-storm. and ngaiu `repairing the'de."ect_el highways, y a bouu-l 1 teens supply o1`tl.|-.- ee.-cy substance. _ l -7. un. l.4`.l'I`Jl VI Ill`: l':J"|lH'.'I. _ U1-:.u:Su:,-In my communiczui-xu -)1"lu's'. igsm-, In reference to the nu.uber of ru-._-n`.:r< 1: . .-u-.2- ing the County Cuuhcil, Im-.1'.l- aux I.-rigor In [stating It only iake some eighty men to manage the buslnes; twin: and foniigh, pf the whole Dominion of Caha1a. It should have read-the provi xc: ur't)nt.xriu, ` ' ....._:j__._.___.._.__._:____..._ Ball and Supper.-On Tuesday evening the ' ball of the Orange Young Britons cam: 01!` in the Town I{'.\l!. The rmau was WU [lllea]. zunl theleveniug very enjuynbly spent. Dancing kept up till midnight.` 'l`l.\e excellent string band of Mr. Slmuac-_v furnished lively mlfsic for the light t'uut;\~s'.ic. Tb: brass lmud lately formed in connection oz` the Order, 9.13 added greatly to the en-ui:1g's o.-nzertainvn-.-ut. The proce.-als were soma.-wlmt. lmndsouue; and Which willy. town: is assisting the new banil. To the Enflzlor or"l'/A: Eatuminer. ln.....:... r.._.,-- ' ` Bani.-, em: Fat Your-', .:c.. ' vox. i meter) for the week was 19.33. Warmest. day during the week was on Satur- day,tho Mean Temperature being 22.l3. Coldest dav dunm! the week was on Wed- aay,tno Mean Tam erazure oomg zz'.u. Coldest vdn dunng the week nseday, the eun Tem ernture being l6.97. Barrie, 13th day of ebruaxy, 1872. . 71 In l'I!II\Illif\\Y was 25,2590 an :1 o'clock p.m. on mm. The Mean Barometric Prosaure for thoweok was 29.1387. ' ' ' FFLYISIS IIIIIIBWWISE I ALI-`dL\AlA\.IA.ILa-1 A J'dLI' Highest Temperature (Maximum Thermo- meter) during the week was 48 .1 on 8th. . Lowest Temnemlure Minimum `Thermo- meter) uunng we week was us-v .1 on am. ; Lowest Tom eruture (Minimum ` moterrduring t 0 week was --2.9 on 9th. The Mean Temnemmre fordlnarv Thermo- moteryaurzng rue week was --z.u on am. The Mean Temperature (Ordinary Tbermo-` meter) for the week 19.33. Wm-meal dav during week week was as 1 ocxocu: 3.111., an `un. Lowest Barometric Pressure during the week 28,895 at 9 o'clock on 10th. The Mann Barometric Pressure for the week {In I tThe Extent of Sky Clouded" is ex reused by numbers, from 10 to 0; thus}: 10 enotoa that the sky is covered with clouds; 6 that it Is half covered; and 0 that it is perfectly clear. -ngnnvavaau A A-unn- Highest Barometric Pressure during the week 29.514 as! o'clock 3.111., on 7th. Lnnmnr Rm-hmnh-in. Prmzmnn dnrimr thu wank ' Lent.-Yesterday-:\sh' \V"ednesday--ce11i- imencedthe Lenten Sc:Lson~-observed in the I Episcopal and Roman Catholic ceurches. , No animal food or wine is allowed `the `Canons Of the churclifduring the time, and all public festivities andprivute entertainments are in- terdicted, and even marriage is not permitted to be solomnized. The feast of Lent which derives its name from the season at which w is held, in the spring, at the time of the days lengthening-the word lengthentide in the .old Saxon signifying spring-time--was instituted to `cominemorate the sorrows of the Lord Jesus; to {allow the example ofis forty day s fast, and especially to keep in vivid remember- ance His most blessed passion and death. It was thought a tit discipline to precede the Ju- bilee of Easter, the day celebrated as that ol Christ's resurrection. The primitive churches always held a fast before Easter, but the time uud the length of the fast varied until the Sixth Century. when Gregory the Great oc- cupied the chair. He then xed the time of Lent to begin on Ash Wednesday and to end at Easter. . `The Velocity of the Wind" is expressed a proximately by numbers, thus: 0. Calm; 5,` & Gale: 10, Very heavy Hurricane; 6.. su u-.. nay- S'I`EWAR l`.-.\t lltuuilton. on Saturday, the 10th -_1nst._..-u.x.Ax NAPIER MC`.\'AB Srmvmr, aged 28 year:-.only, snnofthelatu Capt Alex. Stewart. H. _M. 0-uh ltegt, and nephew of the late Slr Allan N. Mcmsb, Burt. Wh-W.h-Which.--0:`:e oi` the lust words in- I troduced prcinieutly tuthu public to adum- I I 1 brating.` It is delim.-d to mean the indivi - dualism ot'prcI'uuiun`ry and precxpituous prog- ofhever inchiug and new:-to-yield-an-inch discombuboration of spouuuiuousgcomb ustion, whether or not, uud eviucing anledeluvian In- _.divisibiiitius', coutem'poraneousiy elucidated by uurugenerntiug consanguinity when sycoe- loyhunticul and scintillating approximately to scientic elaboration." Tue fellow p1'opound- iug such a word and denition should natur- uliy expire in a lit of spontaneous combus- tion. ' - V V :uosticatio:1. as elimiuatml in irrefmgibility. ~ alslug. { SPRING.`-0n 'I`lIradu_v them: inn, :1! the house of her sou-in-law, Mr. 111)`);-rt Cox, Mus. ANN Sr-sum, funucrly of Chcmnham, England, in the mu year. or her ngc. ' .._..-.. . _... . -. ... n . , ., , .L , .n.., yuyuta nu Inn .1. uvvnuuu. .4 ulm uuu. THE Pm-:_ss._--Our comexnporaries, the C011- ingwood 1;`n!erprx'se, and the Barrie Earaminer, have recently been considerably improved in 'nppem'zmce.. The former is enlarged to a thirty-six column pu'pcr.--CIzrom`cle, Whitby. n\ A\ll\.'I`R __'T'hA Ran-yin Wynrninnr nnn-Ina n Cool Burgess 0IiO.--.\i :l*I\`Ul'liaCJ, H16 ominunt (,`onl" gave ouv uf his IfL`ChL'l'Ch0 enturlluilum-xxts ha-ru. on .\lonl:\_v C\`n'Ilil|;_'_ lust nudw.xs\vcH1'.-co.iv(-=1: lu ml-lition to the whole of himself. he \'.`.14 accompanied by some taxlexxtedntrtess. which lbrmud 11 good comp-.\uy. The attendance }vus Inge. tariff 0.3. 1-13in \Vu[-l'93- says tblat an `one that draws as bread waggun, you know. is lmlwuys 3 nigh-. I l)rud'orso you know. > _ 1 vuln u._ `an: yuuuuu kIa!lUl.L Iuuluuc, II uuuy. ExA)li.\'ER.-Th6 Bvarxie Examiner comes to us muclr iuipmved ty iogruphicully; and in entering upon its uint year of publication 5 suites, that-it will continue. as it has done in ithe past, to advocate the cause of Reform. We wish the publishers every success -V-News V Bradford. - v ' | ,___ . . _ -The Scotch'x\re`prepnringto celebrate the ithrea-hundredth nnniversm-y of the death of `r John Knox. . . vn E HaIf~Y_early Reprt of the N. R. of Can-E ada.--w.- are indebted to the X. 1:. R. com.i 3 puny, fur 11 mpg of their ,'ll'.lH'-_)`l'l\l`l_V' Report. ending J:i!_',' 3124!. 1:372, .vbic`._1 shmvs a vast iu_ icn-:L.~'u ut` tr-aic, on-i Lin-, corn-s;~on n-rm. ; of I-70. ' 1 uuu 0 r The Barrie Exanxiuer vouws to us this week : very much imp1'ov.ed. `We are glad to see our . con2e1x:portgry exhibit such signs of success; The E.1'aminer is now one of- the hast; country . papers in the.1 roviuce.-eI" Slur. n Tun Dun... "n... ,...`.o.. .. u... n..n " Fiat Justitia, we are again compelled ithrough crowded space" to defer the publica; g tion of your communication till next week. l u; . "JJu.Inn( 1 , uuuu:-r. ' Th: Barrie E.r still holds its place in the from tank of local newspapers. Although lwo do not a row of its olitical views in . PP . 1 . . ; low, we wllllngl accord It praise for straight- | forwnrdnuss~nu independence`. `The rs: number of the ninth volume now before us, is an improvement on the past, null reects - credit on its ezitarprising pnblislmrs.--.-illiston 5 Slar. an n - .1 \ Mbre Complimcnts.--'I`ho Provincial Pre-sus ! I is luviah in its attering criticisms of our re- I: ` cent ilu;)ruvcu1o.'nl. The following are `some I | of the many favors accorded us:-- nu,, n _.s, 71 . ,_ . u 1 ... l v: nu: |.unu_v uuuna HLBVIUUIJ u:.-- r The Barrie Eraminer came to baud this] week very much improved in appearance. The * E.rrunine_r is u well-conducted journal. and we 1 are pleased to hear of its cominumlupm9per- I ity.--Bunner, Dundn. . I Th. u......:.. z-....... ..'.. _.:II I...I.!.. :1- .1... :_ METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. ION! oCOUR'l' | . ti . Are _You Vacolnated? That's the popular and all-important question 0! the day. At present thoreis no alarm of dang-.-r, but there . is n generhl anxiety lest the dreaded, malig- * naut small-pox should be introduced into the ! mwn. I Tlu:'Board 01' Health should be active in in exertions to remove all olful and impure 5 mum-r from public places. audlnstitute it tho- i"ro'u_-gh nml sntisl'actoJ_\' cleansing of all pre- . uni.-.-s. - ` TEE: .\'I~:tvsP.x'rE1<.--flow lonesom-: `is the tin.-sidt.-' where there is no newspaper! Ask the may win; ha:-"a fuznily paper to read. with the latest news, lb? good sturies, the `useful less-ans and witty sayings of u hewspnper-n_sk him its value. Let him be deprived of it for a few w.-eks, uud.tben gskhim to'.put an eqti- . nmte upop-it. It will have`:-Inen above all ` pr? '.' i kges. ` nopapture of the ` Botu-y.."-'l'be A no" , tary Engine. which has poccasioned so much row and rnction in Barrie, within the past six months, was rctttrnerlto the Silsby7.\lanufu"c- turing Company, last Saturday. What object the corporation have in view by doing this we are at nloss to know. We believe a meet- ing was called last evening, to: settle upon some plan of guarding the town against re, and probably to give a reason for the Rotary's" departure. Now. that the question of preparing for tires. is open for con- iideration. would it not ho wt.-ll to -235-ruse titt- merits ofthe improve-1 \`-'nt--mg; -.~3_v.-'t.:ut" -1 Water Works. Wc',h-.zve, from ti.i- rst, mim- cntutlthis r)l'\\'::it:r-\\'o:'n'= for our town: and-still maintain the ldL`l\ that it would fur surpass any ens connected with this system would doubt vs.-J exceed that of: steam iirv engine: but, when we take into ,- conslderatiea the benetits derived from it in the wayof water supply to our citizens, besides superior advantages-in cuseci fire, the water-works system would be far L`l.|BtH)eX` and other ln0dt'0f!i:'e-pl`l:Fel1llll'e. pos-_ . rtble to be obtained. The ex -ucnuca mcpuuul uuvuulugesdn C113!) 01 me, U16 system would be far cheaper and more preferable for our use. ' 'U:I"I-IERMOMETER. 1 __ _ . . _ ; _ . _. :Iv._!__..__ BAROMETER. n,._____;-:_ n _____ ___ *;../`u; -irInv_ Hm Rrh l _"rV1V.'n:`i>c_>'Vr`1`-bx, - WWW" Obltfver. nun.` - Salt. bug.... White ab lb. . Codah, 19 ` Mackerel, gm .. Bel-rings. . Lard, unrende `red .. (`.nn| `null hm, 11 .. ..... . . wi. per 1b..`