Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 May 1870, p. 2

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IIJULIC, by it. lIl-I ucnco: A nu` \4\1. , u.uu.:u_y. rune. Cm:.\`s.-Use Dr. J. Briggs Modvrn Curative for Corns. Bunions. In-growing N:lHi~`. '1`L-udor Feet, &c. Mild. soothing. softvning and heal- ing. Sold by DI'u;r;;ists. . ` ' Builders and Arnhihsnfa um um ]:,\lnu-n"-- Sick and healthy who have used Johnstnn s \l'0atlu-1' l rutoctms ccrtit`_v to their IlS(~fIllll('SS. , Composed of Vulcanized Rubber. rmly'_h(-`cl in place by Metallic Bimling. they 11-ndor (loom and windows pulfuctly airtiglnt. .\Ivtli- cal l1l(`I1 can certify to the-. pernicious'0f fvcts ot dmluzhtsuml bad ventilation on the sick or h0altl1y.- Use these Weather Protectors and no danger "need bu apprelwzidurl, `.-\\m|`dvd lixtru Prize at l rm'inci:1l 1'I.\'hihitinn. 1369. A(l(1I`t'SS. for further pat-Liculms, '1`. Foley and Co., Lind.~:ay. 0nt. ' r`nn\-g 11',`..n.. r 'n_:_._,v\r . ,.. __ .-.._._..- .`:..___ ` "`WIl1hi1L-r.\'st1t`1ent.wanted. at th > Omce of.\Ir. Bosanko. Owg-n .\,`Lr-ct, IS A l:ll`j.{(! 00nSi,`."llYl]f`l]t of Bust Tons, ceivcd, at l o\\'cll A : 'l'hompsun's. Fresh Gmcoria-s. :1t.'J o\\`.~l_i & Tho Dunlop Stwct. Iiarric Clover and Timothy Seeds, "xii Pun Thoxnpsows. 1\.`l.Io.. I ...,1 Y\I I - me ;u:uuu or the BUIIIIIC \va.< lrnitlc-rly cnnrl<-1x;n- l ed. 'l`h,0 Centres report that the entlmsiastic feeling in la\'or`of the onwtml -movement ex` ists among their Circles; and they ply-d;:(~ I tlieu1:~'t-Ives that, in the event 0t'Gen. O'Neill commencing the war policy, he may rely upon L-fl'ccti_ve slippoxt. ---.--ac. NEW YORK. May 9.--.-\ Convention of all the Cvnfrvs ofCircles ofFL-nian lhmlu-rlxontl in the .\lnnlml.lnn district. was: held y(-.sterd:1y af`leru0un aH1e:uIqu:u'tvrs. .\{atlor.=. M ,r_,vr:\vu' intern-st tu_ the oI`g:111izaIion \\'vro discussed. but most. of their 1y1'0c(-t-ding.<'\\'-re seen-L IL was Inndu known, hnwm'(-r. the Iat<>tHmcul- tivs In-tween Gen. O'.\ oi1l and the Senate. | constituted the chiefsuhj:-ct of discussion, and the actiun nflhu S:-nnte lnitlc-rly report that 1-nthmimuh I um mu.--...-..-..- .. ...u. nut uuul_y torn New Yonx, May 10.-'l`venty-fth day of the McFarland trial. District Attorney Gar` ring vin commenced his closing speech, comment. in ing rst on theextraordinary length of time heir mken by the trial. He declared it the duty of e.\'- the jury and himself to devote three times -as G0- much if necessary, to give the prisoner is fair 1 trial. Passing on to the case. he said that no i ms. man had a right to take the law into his own ` self hands. Perhaps Richardson and Mrs. Mc- ` ne. Farland were innocent. Richardson was a E [}0- brave man. who had devoted himself to his , , country during the late war. Washe a likely 2] `W man to dishonorahly seduce a mau s \v`it'e'. "10 Moreover, it was unlikely that Richardson would marry his mistress. Men never do ex- `PS; cept under compulsion. Mel-arland had given 111- up his wife for two years; divorce was had, `l` and on his death-bed. Richardson married Mrs. F "'9 Mclv"ar|and as a pure woman. The defence nc- -5 "ll knowledged the commission of the deed; but 13 tl\1- says it was the deed of an insane-man. In the P re same breath they say that he,was justied in slaying an adulterer. At the conclusion of the District. Attorney`s speech the court took `recess, and soon reassemhling. Recorder Hac- kett proceeded to char,-_{e the jury. The ac- cused is not to be convicted nor acquittt-41 up- l.Y on the spu-eclu-s ofthe-counsel or` convicted 9- upon prejudice toward the dead or 1i\`in:,-'. or L1 In because public policy may demand an example. V4 They must conscientiously rt-jt-ct every fact or Pt circumstance in evidence which. in their esti- mation - cannot illustrate the question of san- 58 ity or ins-.tnit_v, or of malice. or which does 11: not [3 *ar upon the time. place. mode and act Sh ofkilling. The state of domestic relations Bil was not material for them to adjudicate. The La qua-stiou' was. how did the prisoner believe 'l`a about them, and how (lid that lwliet itnpr:-ss Fn his mind sauely or insanely. The Recorder 15- then proceedt-(1 tovcltargesubstantially every. ` proposition ofcounsel for the (lefence. ` upon Mu the subject of insanity. Thejury retired at ' three o'clock. and at ten minutes to live re~ DH turned. -A silence of death prevailed us they Bu took their seats. and .\lcI"ar|and turned pale as u asheet. The foreman linal|v`roso to answer Ilo `the usual quesiou. and .\IcFarlaud stood up Oh: to face t?Iejur_v. lIe trembled violently, and On clutched the railing beside him, ttsif for sup- Tm port. Is the prisoner at the bar guilty or not Car guilty, came the question at last? ~" Not l ar Guilty." was the answer. 'l`he that` en-. Ap] sued be-ggared description. The whole audi- Poi euee cheered _as though they determined to 'l`ur shake the house to `its foundations, even the Get court otlicera joined in theclureriug. Men and Due `women sprang over the seats and strug,-,rlerl for Chi the privilege of shaking .\ir. M-cl7arland by the 13: _hands. La-lies divided their attention 'bc- Cab tween the liberated man and the counsel. I) whom they lavish--d withthanks. ,McFarland Fno was very much affected himself. He soon after Whi left the Court-room.'an.l the or-om] titan...-.....1 \t:.- was very much alrccteu lnmsulf. He Co_urL-r0on1,'un.1 the crowd White Land Plaistc-rim Powell ` on's. ` .VIcFnrland s Trial-Verdict iiotuilfy. New Yonx. Mm l0.-'I`\vnnt.v.!'!'h mm l\f ... mnnnz. l`uunsnu.- MAY 12. I870. _______. _.._..__-....__..._______..___, in us ISSIIC 0! me zznu. ' Mr. James McKay had visited the Sioux and Chippewas, and reports that many Indians have left the country. and those remaining, promise to remain pegxceapble. ~ . operations in mm mver country. The New Nation Editorial congratulates the country on the success of the Government. in restoring unity and prosperity. and pro.- mises a lengthy review of the past and present in its issue of the 22nd. llr `Jnnu.-u llnlfnu hail uh'a:6m'l H... :<:,..,__ ,,,1 L.-\ [`ES_'-I` 1i'iTnLI2am1'zI. ll] MIG Delllflllelll. ' A severe storm had set in. and was premi]- ing` on the 15th. which will retard farming operations in Red River country. cnnrrrnfnlnfnu 1` "I IE8 \VUl`Ii. ' Col. Rankin had been orderedlo leave the Settlement. on account. of certain Fenian no- tions be entertained. which were not, wamed in the Settlement. ' A anunrn cfnrm hurl an} Sn and .. . . _ _ _ _ Wu T-- sioval Government, and support and sustain it In its work. n] Rankin hm] lmnn nu-Fla.-ml "an Inn... IL- . the Dental -cut, Barrio. NV... 3 Th0n1pson's Powli and I oJunHSIOI1'S r IIse~fII]_t1-ss. rmly .h(-`cl Ah; Lhoy , 3.-;ht. IL` ms` offocts G-" Lectm-s . `tinn. . 3? hanu rn Curativ - ili~`. g nn(1_hcal- * ` re Iilwmll s \\'1,-zutlnyr Apply to j \ ON '1`. _ rgs Throat Bum ilie Throat. _ P and eica- omical for Sold by .\I(:\\"utl`s mid L`ns- md as now I .u..\n~:n & Tic Hotel. on Whit- hite\vash- opposite Inlsmn of` cmmtins \ Cherry. pine. Its 21. Colds. :umption. amic_ in- P I A in that Stu-.L-t. of p0s.=< grt-"M p 1'(!.<=p()n1 most -1 nnce, t sp<-cim< past six Cally tc tum-(1 I2; nfaclun -mentfr: torios it out in-5: way wit w,m'ld. The S` long exi from tlu to the. In ovexcom . has kept. was 101- in the D: here he by we I W W skill and own cum instrnlm ['35- at cost we ,1 Mm port fo one in E`*11Y' shown, 0 -11 Cook.` 1-r.:oH on St. Tho- 1 trm--l- L of one Ie patent 2 habit of Me -in n to the ot made H. The ,but. as nus and m. the no latter eithar` is of St. nlzmml G|H'm'd.... _.. Lnfruv _,_,... Bum}:-,y ..... Allnndnlc .... Hnrrlnomet. .. Angus ...... .. New-Lowell. Stnyuer ... Bum.-aux .... .. Col I In gwond . . &:` Thomp- ` J 4-, H00 alter _ dispel-svd. , just to- __, ........u- uuu uemeri In XI 1 A. V. PALMER &, '00., e- 'l H 0 Thlawell-known remedy does not dry u a. Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case vrlt moat re ar- I utlons; but it loosens zgml cleanses the lungs, an all says tation, t In removm the cause of the complaint. SETH W. FOWLE & SSN. Pro rletors, Boston. Sold by dxugglsts and dealers in me clues generally. PLLmm x. `no Am........ 1:.---- unluii u. u. uv nuuuo ` An pppnrtunity will be offered ' number of ladies desiring it. to a few lessons, an artistic and rag "execution. .4: r~.v,.n....__, `Iv: v\\A nun . Eh-,1'\y' piano warranted equal or no sale.` with those mannlactured in my part ofthe - ` subscriber would further add, that the existing obstacle to ohtainin_; good pianos ` the Uuiu-11 States. at a fair price, owing I heavy import duty upon them, is now ovexcome, as the great (la-siilcralum which ` this important branch of industry background among us. has been removed employment of the heat mechanical and-:1 large investment of money in our country; and hence be is enabled to offer instrnm.-nts of at least equal excellence, at very much lower than they can be im- ported for. - `DJ. -- o ,,,,. 1 - -men: from the be __ ___..__-.-:\I\/ that portion of his Hotel fronting on Owen rvpoctfnlly nnnonnccs to those desirous pos.=vssing.>;'Enslrnmvnls of r.=t-cluss mnko, p0\\'vl`, sweetness and ln-illinncy of tone. respontling to the most (la.-licalc touch, e-xqlzisile moclmnical nish and appear- ` tlmt he has now on v.\'hibition several spocirnons. (one of which has, (luring the six mont.hs.heon most severally and cri!i- tested) of tln.-. diffcrvnt stylvs mannl'nc- by some ofonr most celelwatml home man- ufacturers who hnyc workmen intlwir employ- nd mostpupulnrmnnnf:1c- in lhc; United Statt.-s.:u1d are now turning in-st1'11 n'1ent.s_n'l1icl1rwillcomparcin every with those manufactured in and of `MIL We invite : department Paris. Lond NEW! G L A S Tea Sell, 451- FISH] .. .., : `......\. PIAANO -WAREROOM in fronting: Owen 1 7 'l',._ Brxulfnra .. bcnnlonm. GHfm'd.. Lnfruv -- \_ ]_.)I_ANOS: IJIAHNQS. . ""1 Barrie. May 11. 1870. T_;--.--.j.;__ [I 11()I`UC|1lIlU`O. _' I Catalogues on applicatio n. DUNLOP STRE1-7'1`. BARRIE, Two Doors West from the Rail- ! way Station. Barrio. Maw 11 mvn /v .. can l&\J\/\-N 35' Vvgelzlhlcs, Flnwonzu, &c., hand, and every requisite com H, .. uzuma.<. to. (Garden, Agricultliral, 82:} Flower Sefeds Z } f -3- v.. n u n:n:. ki YMEN. Ilave now on hand -CAULIFLOWERS. '1`().\i.-\'l`0ES. and (/`ABB.-\(1`I-I _I`I..-\.\"1'>.`. Also. :1 large nssortrm-nt cf ` BI-IDl)I.\'G PLANTS, consisting ot \'cr|n_-nus. Gcmniauns Duhlias. &c. f1n'...~1 ---- ` ' ` H EIN RY FR Awfs E B: I110. Calfskins Sheep ' \'ins.: __.___._..._ uo. ` -9 Pin: Coal, per ton. -II:1y. 5;) lon,_ Nul [Imus A.\'l) Smxs. Be:-fhidcs, .\'o 1. nu` .\'.. 0 J ..__...._._._........._. ..., - ~_j NOR'I`!}EI{N -RAILWAY TIME TABLE. TRA`/ELLEIPB MEMORANDA. - __ J I r.z{,N, fl doz. . . . . 1I0rrin;_rs. *- .;. . J \\' HAY A.\'l) Cn.u.. Wuml g? eunl. No I..'. Do. l`inu.... Coal. m-r tun nulle nsn 1?! lb Cmllish. lb... .\I1lCkL l`(`[, 1`) kit. Cluw>:c. ~ J] C K12` F0 C h ovsu, I .. ..,1 uo. F011, . _. Fmm S'rom=:s. \\'lIilu_\vlw:\l Flour, 1:? c .\Ii.\'c(l do do ' ()a:mval. 7(3 cwt . . . . . .` Cormncul " >`,ho1'ts=. line, . . . . .. Bram. `} . . . . .. Salt. "' bl>l.._.. . . While fish 3: lb .... -. n...11m. :0 u- new-so, v -- ,___ Dncksa, per pair .... .. Clxicln-us. " .... .. liggs. fresh, per doz.. Cuhbugcs, while, `- Do. rm). H V 9Ai5.\A/I92/'f'l\EI/lE{I\IAiV`T: sI:ED, SEEIISJ w urcl.lurLPqll1lI`l(`l', 1}! c\vt.. `- - hind-qnmrtu-r` -' b Mutton; fore-qlmrlor " him]-quarter " Dressed Hog-gs $39, cwt Butter, lb roIl,7jj) lb utter, tub, " Hum-y, " . C|l0i'Sn!, " . Onions, 475') bus...... 'I'urnips, .. C:u'rot.s'. - .... . . :u`:~;nips. . . . . . . Apples, Ti) bag ;.. . . . Polzttoes, -5: ) bus . . . . . . 'l`urI each . . . . . ..'. . . . . (:,...g.'. .. anon1ucr.s', do, .. 0 )3 Bacon, do. .. 0 U0 Lm-tl, rendered, `-'A.. 0 00 l`:1llow. l`0ll_L{h. _. 0.05 Fmnt luuuzns \V.m<:.o.\'s. 15-cf.fore-qlmmv.-I`, c\vt..45 00 Vhind-unmru-1-' -'., Ii 50 lIll4`l\IVu. Sausage.-5' Hams. smoked, Shoulders, do, nan-nn aln l0l`e4(1L Lamb, Veal, _ Pur'k, fresh - `Gd.-Jsln. 1~1i'E" 3'i%i1$ "c'$r3"E 2 7.`! Dem unnon vs no n luv n.\a.m.\1-:1: umce, Fall Wheat... .....`, spring do ............. Brirlcy... - .. .... .... ~..... PL-as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `. . Outs [silvu-r'] . . . . . . . . . . . .. l~`uo.\x J5'm`cm:usT 5-r.u.:.s.' Be;-I. st:-uk nude-r0:wt. H150 Ben.-I`, fore qn:u-ze-r, %? c-wt. 5 5 Beef, hiud quuru-r. cwt 7 ( Mutton, chop and leg "' .. foresquartcr, _ , Lamb. L C n .9 ..____.__g_ BARIE COMMERCIAL REPORT ;.uu.1r`.L\, LV . 5., May 3rd. 1870. . BnmnsTyF.Fs.-\Ve have to note a slight ini- provemem. 1n the den_1:md for Flour without quotable change In prxce. Receipts very light. We quote No 1 Canada $5..'i5a."2.40; Fanc Y $5.50a5.l30; and Exlra $6.; No 2 $4.50. . Rye- quict and nnchamgml at nominally $4.40a5. Cum Meal, Yellow Kiln Dried firm at $4.901: 5.;` White S-l.a4.50_; Fresh Ground 4.35a 4.40. V Steamers Emily May and Simcoe. Bourne &. Byrne. . S0eds-Brown & Vair. Piunos-lI. Fraser. Farm for SnIe-J. McLean. Buildingnnd Loan Ass. of Toronl The Cabinet La.wyer--Jas. Edwal A. V. Palmer & Go. Peruvian Syrup. Corns-'-Dr. Briggs, Toronto. \Vcnli_aer 1 r0tectors-Jo|mslon .1: 1 :j.j_j__j.:-.-_ _ MARRIED. RICHARDSON-ROSE -Al. the Manse. Bar- rle. on the 9th inst, Mr. Robert Richardson, of the township of Tiny, to Miss Meiissa A. Rose, of the township ofNorh Gwillimbury, Ont. ~ 1, XYC-U `pickled '_'US' 4 IIALIFIAX M A [UK ET PRIC ES. _ '2, \tC., nlway. I (`qlllSll0 connected Jlorlicllltlxre. . IEW AD}! ERTISEMENTS. `. .._ NURSEv`1=iVYMI-ZN. ll rm hon! n |`t'r -v units A1` Tins CAI-mu; -:j_ Having (Ipenml :1 I. each doy. - _.-.........a `uncanny. o., A03.-us, _l3uu_u_l:. Examxxuxc Efce, Mziy 12. so 90 @ ................ 0 86 (II) HALIFAX, N. S., Inna uml - cred toa limited V acquire, in a (1 rapid style of .-mu. ` Toronto. Was. Edwards. _A `WORD TO THE LADIES ! :3. Remember to Cu" and Sue Vthosg -111111.` 1I\VI\'r'I- C` l\ _ _ _ , May; on Iectcd win. sample , May 3rd. nnln n ..I:..I.A 2.. I K: C0. 000 (Ml with SYRUPS, GINGER WINE, SELTZER WATER, BOTTED ALES, PORTER u......:.. A....:I 1o-m H ._.__j- A , - , . OF R) E, GIN. MALT, BRAMDIES, RAUM S, A A I\ D A LL K I393 WINES, BITTERS A CHOICE LOT OF CHEAP CROCKERY, CONSISTING or JUGS, BOWLS, PLATES DISHES, & NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES EQUALLY CHEAP, no. u uuuwv alums U1 BANNOEKBUBN _ 'rwms-.2 IF YOU WANT CHEAP. & USEFUL GOODS GIVE IIIM A CALL BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. The Following Articles will be sold for CASH ONLY: TEAS,-Ilyson, 50, 60 End 75 eta; J3Pi\- best. 75 cents. Also a large quantity of Ladies Skirting, 20c. per yard? 5 DZ"" '30 Cloth Jackets, 70 and 75 cents; 200 yards of all wool Canadian Tweed, 500- P9 }""d 2,, Pairs Ladies and Misses Boots, 31 per pair; 100 Pairs Slippers, 60c. pet` P11"; 50 P`"_cmd _60 and 60c. per pair; 300 Setts Hoopskirts, 30 and 35c. per pair; 50 Pieces 07 Engmh "X Scotch Tweeds, 75 and 80c. per yard; is lot of Extra tino Black Cloths, Double width, 51% yard; a lot of Ladies Hats, 25 cents each; 50 pairs of Harvest Dre-rails, 40c. pet` P3! "mh 40 Gross very choice Dress and J a_cket Buttons, 10 to 20 etc per dozen. 200 Yard` Em" Um, get Carpeting 47 inches wide; 75 cts. worth $1 20 per yard; 100 Dozen Bar Tumblers, 50 WP` dozen; 50 Dozen unhandled Cups and Saucers, 50 cts per 1019- I 'MEE1 ;2iiJc"}1oN MART Barrie, April, 1870. May 4:12, 1370. Wlllll FISHING '1`. _ .- .- ;.v A4 11 44 pieces, only 84:25. ' ' while insncc 1Lu nc. m.-w spring Goods, very ch.';pL_ `X-j;VIo:r;d};iVa;;0fV!mcn! Oi Nnifiii CLOTHING AND BOOTS 6; SHOES. ' ' We are selling: GLASSWARE m,,n A splendid display of ('MILLINERY ANDWMANTLES! spcgcial inspection to our Shnu-`mm... ._ zoo "'i5'1i3"15i-ii nNs in us-Inn! fr-nml 1870. 0 93 1 [III I2, 1870. 1 ml ~ 0 48 0 45 {IQ-1. WNTARIQWHOUSE , }}AW`gp#{-IxDE CLOTHING z, BEGS to announce. that in addition I land and Scotch T\\'<-oils. th(-justly ( nml Vnnnahm runn... :.. -- -- THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP.` 1ST. MAY, 18 70. Agent in that town, for lhesale of our `work. He shznll b.- Buggics and Cnrriugt-3 of various .=l_v!9.<. ALL ORDERS SELVT TIII. /)UG'II I1!!! IVILL BE PIKIQUIPTLY 0_\' . TEIEJIS AS [[7 b'1;'.\'T1Jl[. I;'UT. Is our constantly 5 May, 1870 Dom1I"1f`I"5"i::QUsE. p It: '.l`he North-\Vcal l>u.-ime~.-.' yenous enough, in all con_sc.en .- ns. A go:-l Sfalfcillffilllfs, \`_x n\- v 077% Mif%[ifWu or all dc.-s I H ; All our work i` , `:L/[A NE_v\{ ADVEBATI.SEl\{AIEN-'-f-S: DIXON BROTHERS wuwr on the land. ' For further particulars zipply to the on the premises. Tf\vI>\v .. - Oro, May 10, 1870; _._Z_;_____:. `L jz-I For Sale. the South halfo! Lot No. 39, and North halfof Lot 40. in the 1st. Concession nf Org). CO.\"I`AlNI.\'G TWO IIUNDRI-II) ACRES. seventy--live acres ofwhihh are clear- ed and in :1 fair slate ofcllltivmion. There is a Good Orchard. and a never-failing stream of w'at(-1' the land. - For fnru-r IxnrO:n..I..-.- :. I Ivite spacial i/nspection our 5} .'R" -I . `Lu. `J. L` "L `J u U ' {mom with :1 carefulny Sclcct(-(13t0clL?::ftl?[(_)"`-' lw_mh '9 "OW P"": `W1 TI'19` in ""7 London. and New Ymk. New 5 win G` C St and "`" 3']`'9 `W "'0 '`5"- '9. 1' 3 d5~ cheap. A splendid assortment Of W S'P'RTN'l'.`. (QT n'l1u"r17n nun. ..--_.. _ ___-_.. --j- NOVW that-everyone acknowledges those calo- brnlcd Tweeds to be the finest in the market. Gents can save time and money by purchu.-Jug thc-irtclotbing at the T`\t\1|'r-rm-rvzx-.v -.-.-.-_..__ ul. tut.` IOWCSI PHCOS. From the facilities they possess for carrying on each branch they can guarantee general satis- faction to all who may favor them with their I _ ___n patronnrzc. " . w an "no may HIVOI` patronage. D. BOURKE. Barrie. May 2, 1870. ' , 80111053 HEARSE & FUNERAL REQUISITES to be Obtained e mu. A m._. ugures and In the - BEST STYLE 01-` WORKMANSHIP. DOORS, SASHES, AND BLINDS, ALWAYS 0.`! HAND. _;___+_ BOURNE & BYRNE, *- CARPENTERS 7 B u i 1 (1 e rs, , Contractors, EUNDERTA-I(!`.nQ 1..- .3 In his unrivalled West of I-Tngln 141 tht-_jusll_\ (`(-ll-hrntvd Sh:-rhrcoke Gumls. , and Venetian Cloths, in all the 1Ippl'0\'(`(I Items and colors, f _ has Opel out ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS -- - - v,- v - -1 ..vvuuLa:U|aU1'B, UNDERTAKERS, &c., Comer of (men and Ma cdonald Streets, ` B.-Ulltlli, 0N'l?. R00 In nnnmn-am. o.. .x._ _,v -- - %_j_;j.____.. HV;\R.\I FOR SALE . .*:s.;_.._ { LI.\.C1b1fL1{a on 1-1.31`-(,I..\.s.: C.\l{l{l.-\G.-. a.s.~:m-nu.-nr. nt` ,,.-_ .. - \JA.1A41.|4lllJ nn'qr_U1: obtained this side of Toronto, at the lowest prices. mm the t':1r~.iliHnun..... .. .... - rm ~- March, 1870. they M0 1 `Agent `I 5How ROOM A 'T` nwvn , _ -_--.._ uvuul-:. $ Ullllll-E UL" _ ROCK.-KW.-XYS & I-'.-\.\lILY C.~\I{l:I.-\GI'}S. ALW.\Y:5 ( `c is made with st-cont]-;__r|~uu'th 1'Iick0r_v star`!-tire-:1. and 9 >1 .~\.\'lL-s, and finished with Iiilglish Varni.~'h. n A __ _ 1-: - - - ' ._____. UNDERTAKING, Vx H i m . , _ ..---- -n==".."` " v prepared to furnish the hand- somost 1. 'Dr`I'\Yruv\ A - -~--/` L. HIJ Arnall, of 0 .91. 72 KING STREET, WEST, T0ll0.\'T0, __-.,;.v1un1UV"' 84:25." We will be most happy to wait on our numerous customer! 2 inspecting our goods, no trouble to show them. ACKLE, `A COMPLETE OUT-FIT: PRINCIEARTIIUR 4`.-.-_j - ,__ I I0 I il kir, up nn uulbljll I1!!! I Ix l)_1 11 14.1;-. V DIXO] ND. CAROCKERAY VERY.LOW. `V1: L _ JOHN MCLEA N. 1:": .`{.inI :. FALCONBRIDGE { BRADFORD .,. . __ ___-u ow and` selling E. BYRNE. r _ la-ly "-7 heVVm`"&Queen s, Barrie f` M` r\nu*`\vnr-'_- 1].. -1. ,1. u g \/Q. LJLLVBJ FRET Il;);S-I:EAS'l` OF TIIE BANK OF 'l. ORON'l`O. AT THE nun r. A N . ' . 15 3-in Barrie, May 12, 1870. _j____.___.______ and . . _ _ '-r---H UU ;'.-\I{|{I.-\GI'IS. ON II.\ND. Ti:-L-mm mm L ` ` "` F. SIIERIDAIV. Improved 1".-\ HM AND T()\V.\' PRO) for the on-ction of BuiIding.w. For further particulars apply to ` ` ' M. SANV. U ,. ...,...-a T. ` THE CAm.\'h'T LA\Vn;R n I~ux-xucrs, Merchant: .md 0"! 5 11 -: - nets, Mav 11th, 1270 Loans ndvancrd at improved F.-\I{.\1 For flirthnr n-..o:....:__ rt-nmvlnlyle rat,` `J A.\'I)T()W.\'l ROI ' 9 mm" May 11th, 1870. 1-\Vcat has been `h, consc.ence, and we _ .... -- ...u u H wili leave Boll Ewart on t` Evening Train from Toronto; direct to Orillin, rqturning in t` tiruuto_c-ouncct with the Mon Toronto. This arrangement will be our} the season oru`utiIfuitlu- V AS FOLLO! Steamer Emily May will l the arrival of Morning Tn: ing at all points of ;intcros w NORTHERN the ,. un and am MONDAY, MAY ` mnroved 1*.-\ In! A \'h gmm SUMMER ,187 CHECKS. BIROTIKIEIKS, _..____.'___-.._____._'__ }UILDh\G AND I.OA.\' ASS1 OF T()RO.\'T0. . .____. ..vuuug rrzun fo TEAMER m In...` 1. .. .. 1 "- ,above Steamer , t England Cloths. Wont l c Gmuls. Fina ,\ll.\\'m.| u ______B._._ .35 of all descriptions. ;nurI| umns. non! of En - . Fihc All-Wool 3|:-lion =, for custom work, he ` constantly supplied 1| _,_. ..--ng lfl ts of {interest 1 connect at 1 Train for Tom L. n ~ 2 -Q 1 1 j to select from! Also. a choice stock of \I\IlI'IIIfIll Ting` As rouows: Ms. K ---~ WORTH Iars apply S. SANFORD. `,.-. I. A A. I L \J L V L L \/ as they can have ovc'r I-zr Case-Ilrdenel 2 continued d utln-r notice. mm - urin a. arim 5 for -59. THE SAJIZ -V} 2- M .... n IIUIICC u ISAAC HAY. 1: :3 Isr. MAY, 1870. novmo Nmrm. I|0VXNO,BOU Y. Ilcad I)uwxn\'ards Read Upwnrus. A. x_>._uh. ..u. nu. 9th |..LVI 14-ly I of Eng- counecii I870 JULVT. -...ypqu|\;|| BLUIVI rl` any particular leged. There is iug a charge, but uvielunce buforu )lh~I|un.o J1` .7 UCI 7, , The latest phase of Ottawa` news, is the .illuess of the Premier. There appears to :be little doubt that he has overworked hirnsclf, and is really in a delicate state of health. This, some people are unwilling to believe, because ofa failing Sir John is .' addicted to; but we believe that serious `illness is the cause of his absence from the `House for some time past. Few persons ofthe arduous duties of the Premier of the Dominion, or they would readily credit the statement that he has ` been overworked. He has not only to_ i see that the business ofthe department is carried on, but he must attend Council meetings, private conferences, and answer correspondence, leaving him not a mo? ment for recreation; what wonder, then, that even the strongest constitution should give way under such pressure; but he- cause_Sir John has been caught tippling. there are some people who believe he can never ail anything. W there is any reason in this; but people will-talk, and the consequence is that Sir John is accused of being absent from the Home through causcsditt'erent from the real one. There are many things he is blauteable for, but we do not think it is _.fair or honorable to charge him unjustly, asave are satised has been the case in wthis instance. The country is in the meanwhile suffering through the absence .,of,tbe Premier. `I mucus were L`-`wilt let, and were town-ml aun}'! by the stearnor I 9" Died in-.\Ga_o|.--.-\ Hnmiltoql Corom-1'. i _ last Mo_nd:sy. on (In- James I{ichurd.~'on. \\ insane for somv rm Inst three of whiah where he died. Tha- deuce retuweil a H-rn '.\tural`causes." ~ `Native WlnBs.~- the card inserted in: proprietor of the U11 vintages of lsli; '1; unadulterated an-l avor. Onr frivuul alluded to, is :1 coyw deal honestly with 11 P4'anos.--.\Ir. to our t-nvnsepoopl bu opened 4 pin! ', nml Int ,0!` choice jninllhs. nish to un_vthin,v_' the country. Pm _ strument. should ; ;inspccti9n.--.5'u3~ ` Anotherf Man young man mun:-:1 r Burton faunilv ml` fill the place :1! pm ed on Sumrtl:\_\' law n7. n1_, -- on .;uuuu:\_\' I on 'Iv`lxc-s_l:|y ni;_'l when nmil` tht fouhvlt-ml on H poor {allow it i~ cnr,,and fell oH'\ uuu.\7 |IClU|' nt .:h_"c(-Ling clnpl-n_\'cd the prune!` :5 Ln ulmle Xill ed by the `Cars 'Jamcs Pnrchm--nr. v..z~ Railway by falling Wm train, nt-nr .\'<-wm:uk- body pr:-.~-ntml an _h-m being scv,c-r1_-ITr:-In Hw body being torn` int: ~" Stalmboal Travol mnkingt\vn`l1`ip~ Orimn, nnd I til`? .al all intl.`l'ln('l;\lt' ;:|.: trains North nnrl .~'-ml? wny. `H1-'13|'|n:ni'n; one on the ruut--. -.--.~l tbe_dcm:\nul.~; uf 1`.-~ community -.~'-- .. " `Iva Irul-ulru In Queen 5." Wu nw-vi Arimll had :1 In!-Iv I 1. tumble. to uni ...-.a frc3hmI"nl CK` "hu.-`v\ vn due ulu-_IIli0`r.. ;\`nHlv' : ling in the '1! "gm (-1 ' Rmnany (H?('ll[niI-cl liv- Kxng the wet`-L-lmix. `Mannie S-upnc r. Orillia Lmlg.I'AI-I` .\.J". ing lnul ucr::1.-iun In` xi > last. TJiurs:l:ny_ n i:h.'. : Corinthian l.-shy-. . per pr:-pan-l la_-; un........-.. " u'.. .. viciriiny, 1.;-1`. on Snlurd-.\y 0 purpose of rc--w Rut Club, of w I-loclcd, viz. :- dent; James R Bishop.` S1-<~.r Ayerst, cup: (men, and mu "Inf-urn Hm .. Queen : Birthday hubitants of lhv ln_\'.\l tend ct-lehruling tin- of Her Maljr:-.'l_v'.~s 1:1: usual vclut. ' oomre um I to have n Iixi 'Cri;Lket Match. Club had 11' umtg -- .......| western nu-ml ber of tlm_cu:-t. were victors by V... nmllthy now now tlm.<-.- 4,: B. H1ND. 0lean|ihss. street in.-Ip(-MTH`. -.._ 1....-n nu.) .t.oulin ls|uuu.~. .. n?anw-null. zmcl nde named Willi station on the (:1 tbey'weu.- In `in- . `They had w'.\l}::-cl wood, having (ml in cash. ()1: nrri under the imlm-n "abottlc num wit William BrI"l('m wood Without lin- him the-r_v. llrk-cl bed at the luv.-.-n- refusd him liul-_ be all takun. .\|. ol the Workuu-n. i vicinity which~ i~ he|rd'gru:|n.~4. am- ooai. la-:u'in;; llu- .~ lml'|i [U ]I|`cT1_`-nu drunkon_ mun \\ l.n moved on \\`iIlm`;1 the morning lu-I \-' iil'llI"i\'l`]|:: near the lk-m~:~ .4`, Daniel Luna-, nix appenriing an it , Inent-'om- on 1!; nfhllf on tilt uni; 0%-r on lm .W no duuln was _nut lrruk of Crcemorc. Monday. wh `- Wilful Mu. aons unknu fastened on c yet been mm ~ Ftlespunuuw _ ,_ on Tuesday PW,-1 .No_rthern docs um `CINE l]8CCSSl\i`y fin ----n three miles which is about mu the uortlx-ens: kn` _. means of :1 ?i_-41 where poor l_5I`l`l`L4- breathed hiS`Iu.~l. V.demon s [m.\:~`mu \\'. ..oulin Isl:nul,z. M. - 'nnw-mill. .: -- llurdcr On learning thus .ommitted at this 1 being unable` to 3; relative to the 1. Ftlespatcbed u spvci: -- 'l'nesduY Pvt.-nil _____ tery.;.\Ir. D. 1:. ` construction 01'.- K. Itis within 1} itch H...-e, Muskoka )l'S are agq`: .n.:- -' s. railwr ` will be since (]('])l`(`.1 mu! at with I next. I rmul I4 n0luI'i p:l.~'su|: and ti huxlpvd nctnull easily Never. roads HI 0! snow swept. away In to its [)1 is not hero on] slllixnt-.I';. ft.-ct. I-V ` ; of Par.- wtre of at.- uso it is thepl.-we .i public (L Lat- the great cted, be- For many all who `554 `Jentcrpri:~ Prize l i9;lit between Nlnce and Allen- '9 . . K, Mace VlCf0l'l0llS- `U New ORLEANS, Nlny 10, tlniiteen miles S, l'uom`the city.--Mace and Allen and the ?l -e_.\'eursion party got otl'at. 5 2:. in. prec?.el_v. ll` There wnsnlnrge crowd at the Jackson 0 l{:tilro_:1d depnt as czirly as 3:30 a. in. 5~ Alnong them were prominent merchants. ~l lziwyers, physieinn.~', ( .\"v0lHt'-3l'S of the -l Union (_)ont'erlerute :n'mi_es, from the grade 5 ot'Gener:Il down, and well-`knownsporting" l 3 men from ull pzu-L9 ofthe eountry., ALL l 3 the depot a detachment of seventyMetro- I ' pohtnn polieenmn nceompnnied the twin t 3_ one-l'ourth nfn mile, where all persons : l without. tickets were put oll". ' The tzmn 5 lv consisteul of nine passenger cars; on hozml I there were prolmblyseven`hundred'per- 1 ' sons, tun-tlnrds.of whom were 01 the 1 '- better classes. The crowd wasl very V orclerly. On renchinga point about 5% ( lllllt-:S.(llSt8nt from the city, the train C ' stopped and the cars were instantly " 1` emptied, but all hands were ordered ll aboard n__::iin as it was found the spot was ,1 ` In.-iinle the Metropolitan district. The train 81 tlen proceeded to a point three miles 0' nhove Kennervilh-, wliere the whole partv gl, enteirettl t`hle eldt atnd igetpnrations were mm (3 en` Ie con (*8, 9: ting 3 to 2 on Mnee. though 'Allen s -friends were very` [, condent. Both men in splendid condiuom P Allen tveiglis nhozit 178 pounds, 1V1;.ce CI` I68 pmInd.~\. Mucennd Allen came to ' the ground on a dunnny engine which re t`-llowetl the pnssen___rer trnin. Mace s 13 face is not so fleshy as A'llen s. "3 ` LATER ' "Mace whipped Ulen. 10 rounds in 44 3 minutes; Allen wns lnul-ly pnniulged {mice l scarcely injured: rst blood for Mace, first P lumck` down for Allen. Everything passe.1 H: 03 guietly. * st. mm.~:unm-r or two uolhws shall be entitled to n Cronm-Litlmgmplng and ten drawings shall be ` giva-n among two lllll1(ll`l'_ll sllllscribers, nl'lm' tho m:uInL-r of tlu-so._ illstrucliuns. The sub- jects or tlwse puilltings um chit-y Cunadiaul-'- two. lI0\\ ('VL`l'. lueing picturesque scextcs in the lliglllamds of Scotland. tlu-so interesting works of nut is. in all of tlu-m. oftlmt supt-riorstylu well known as (iuptuiu Cmltly's. Whctlmr it bu the glowing nlmn.~`.- plwru ol -" Thu 'l`ll0usund Islands or the dark ` and lliuing ell`:-cl: ol the coming storm that o\'1-"linings " Loch lllnrn. ull ln-spvuli :1 close aml slum-s.~`l'I|l study of I urunt Nutum-,_ uf whom the pact. lms nszkml who can [mint lilw llwu ?" We In-sronl< for Cuptalixt Cudvly early and complete success in his arrange-nment, nnal hope to Sm-. some of these works of his come to our n lghltorhoud. ` The execution of I Fine Arts.--Captain Caddy, of Ilmnilton, of high repute as 0. Landscape Artist, is about to dispose of [en \vntm'-color drawings, after Ihc manner of the Art Unions, \`iz.: Each suhscrihn-r of two d`olhu's shall be Crmur)-Litlmmunhz und ton l]l'n\l'inc1u dmn n... mumugn nu nrrusv. has ,1sy(-I. been made, it is to be h.>|wd the mnrd:-rer may be discovered und |r:u1u_- an uxmnplc of. A My reason for not eniarging on this bloody deed is occupal a rebus gercndis, _ on A \'1'nu -- W- ..._, ....... uucnu Av uucu iv us. I.\ll ll0Vl-:.\ll-:.\"l`S are just now gmtil'_viogly noticeable in this village. One of the limo of .\lt-ssrs. Cooper Brothers is nishing It very lmn denoo, which will he no ornament to the pluce. , Mr J. L. T. Bush is nailing largely to and otherwise improving his hotel. lie is a whole-souled lmnifnce. keeps a well-ordered lioslelry. excellent vinnds, nut] is highly re- spected as it man of worth and enterprise. Mr. Van Tassel is also adding to his store with a view to still extending his aire:uIythrivin,r_,r liosiness. several houses are going up and , others ore to be lmilt llris summer, amongst them. I believe, nlarge one is to bo erected by Mr. A. C. Thompson. of Barrio. 'l`ho Angusoninns are really a 5.-,o-ahend people. 'rur: .\'1-nws - ` from this qimrter is, although of D. Inengrc. still ofn very nrelnnclroly nature, A man by the name of William Breckenridge, :5 stranger. while temporarily sojourning in the hamlet otf llrentwood last Sunday night. was killed by two hlows on the head from sonrel:lnntin- strnment. On Monday morning his de-.ul holly was found in the pnnel of 11 mil fence. neaun J the railway crossing there. No donht is enter- L luinetl that the mun was lbuilly nlnrdert-Al, and b nlthongh no arrest has as yet been nnule, it the` 31 lrntle nu tIYnlnnln nf` -- nunln nan, I last. wrote you. has been somewhat (it-prt.-..<.~'c-ti. owing in it great measure to the state oflhe roads. which have been covered mud to such at degree us to render truvel to it work of supererngution. - Indeed the to llrentivuml. It villa`.-u now smne\\'_lin.t notorious in the annals at crinw. is qI1lIelIn- pa.~'sa|:le. owing to the great. heaps of brush timber which the recent t're:~'ln-ts have heaped upon it. At one time this road was t I`.- actually it little river itself. and much more \ 1,- tlouted ever than going on wheels. I i_. perhaps, were the usunlly trnvelletl . ` so had as at present. The great depth `a '3 snow when returning to its native element 0 C over the country in Jorrenls, tearing t . mill-dams and hridges in tiuiliug a course 5 ` proper level. Iluwever. [suppose ours . an isolated L-use. Down on what we ` cnll "the tints the land is completely -3! sul)xne.I';.:el to D. depth of from ten to twelve. d ; by the tleod, which has necessitnteil the S _ inmates ot d\\'elling,'s removing train the lower I to the npperstnries or the same. One mun [ lmd to raise the cuttle in his out- houses some 1% ten feet. and had to place his pigs on the roof "- ot` 11 shed to prevent. their drowning. I re- . ruarke'l to this uutortuuute man that in his '4 case pork would he likely `to come (Io:/:n. lIe 1 joculnrly replied that it the water kept on t0 rising pork would have to go up iaig/Izcr. The I ood, however. is suhsiding. until hope soon ," to see dry land where it once was. ' I\Innnu|.'\u.~\~u-u ch Angus, May 1], 1870. '0TTA`WA, ever since the meeting liament, has been the grand centre trnctibn, chiey, of course, because the capital of the Dominion, and the place where political sentiment and opinion is supposed to be formed. terly it has been more thanever focus to which all eyes were directed, cause there plans and schemes for t-things were being matured, and `all who had anything to say of or about the Go-- vernment of the country found their way, ~thither. It was here that the delegates from Red River, Father Richot and the man Scott, weuded their way, avoiding the direct route across the Peninsula, and down the Grand Trunk Railway, and they have been objects of curiosity ever since they . put in an appearance at the capital. The Government by direction of the Impe- rial authorities, received these worthies, iii _und the Governor-General did not sample B - to recognize them. It has been held that `ll ~they should not have been received, nor should they, if they are the representa- tires of the villain Riel; but as they were ht appointed by the Convention previous to it the election of Riel as President, it is not V; -to be gainsaid that they are the represent- lit atives of the people, bad as they may 01 `be. woulcl wish to see itsettled in the most satisfar-.tory manner possible; but we do not think a satisfactory arrangement is to be brought about by means of vituperation and reckless asst rtion, l ke that which has been lealt in with reference to this matter. The Government may have (lone all and more than they have been cltargetl with, but we must have the proof beftre we .rk_et. can lelieue the accusations. The Bill they have introduced is r-learly -not in the interest of the insurgents, although it is lE_ charged. that vi . is. Were it so, there '5 JR would be no necessity for sending troops by the (llmcllll. and clangzerous route laial out for those who are.` destined for Fort G.-my. The Ministry can have nothing tn gain by pandering to the rebels, and rzspecially the .scoumlrel Riel, hen_ce.w'e hope that a wise course has been atlopterl, anal the measure just what was wanterl. We see no reason for attempting to mnlte_ party capital out of the matter. It was m necessary and imperative that something M slmulil he alone to settle the affairs at Red River. and the (lorernment have ndbptetln what appears to-them to be the best plan. ll`-it~shonld til to answer the desiretl entl, then a mistakewill have been cmnmitted, 4 that we (lo not see that `the Government wh - are Cyhavg-zalile with purposely brin_;i'ng in on It Bill tn .nm~un .mu- mrrtir-nlnr imnmct . \.IHlL'H[)U7llJL llCL' U1 `HIE l1aXA.\lINE.ll. _ I received your excl-ll:-nt paper. as ordorm], for which you will please accept my tlmnks, as well us my'subsc'ription for it in advance, which lutlur consideration will no'doubt be as nccq.-ptnhle as the, former, unless you are one i of those lmppy mortals on whom Fortune never frowns." ` I')|vuI\~1Inn Correspondence of THE ExA.\uNz,ti. I .-...u.h...a "nu x..,...n....a l`|z'iug's In and Arouml .lug'us Village- nu. nun: `_)\-'(I\ IU IVILII IIIIIIHJECIJ l'I|Il_`_'.IlI5 Ill 1: Bill to serve .any pzmiculnr interest. The desire sf zlll must he to setthrthe _ `matter in the-most sati:`~f:tctor_y way ]{os. : hie, nml ave prosmne such is the int`cntion 5 of the ~Gm'eI-mncnt with reuurcl to the f Bill iritruduct-II hy the Premier. It. is : ur__rnca1 that much is to be gaineul bv the -wny in w. ich 'the ~Gm-'crmncnt are legis- , lnliny_{ in this Rm] River husilless, lvut-we > fail t,\'e it, zis it is only too appa- rent thnt the object isto secure trnnqtnility at the same time that ju.-ticetis done to all who are in any way concerned in .the setth.-mcut of the existing; difficulties. QUA.\'TU.\I. , .,.,.....-. .1. urnggs'Auevantor_ for `.Vc-uralgia.l{eadnche.Catm'rh, Sore Throat. Bronchittis. &c. It is ngrrenble to use, and reliable. Sold` by Druggists. Without odor or smoke, The nw R1,-n.\'1-:0 Cou. OIL, sold at P.u..\u:u & Co`s., new drug store, opposite .\Ic\\'`s Barrie Hotel." ` Carlton's I:I_nofOintment. Dm-l~_v`s Condition . Powdcrn, &c.. and the best of Horse and Cut- tle medicines, am for sulu at the n w drug store opposite Barrio H0191." ` THE EXA`MIN]:'1<,. ANL) CUU,N'1`y Uh" 51M(;OE ADVOCATE,_ THURSDAY, MAY ,.,._...- :ueAauemenLs ot`th'e-feet. Corns vanish. huuions disappear. ingrowing nails _ rise out of the esh. by using this cele- brated sale,-harmless `and bona fide remedy. There is no danger, and when used as directed all painfrom the cause ceases. Try it and singer no more'. Sold by all drnggisls and country merchants generally. Dr. J. Brig,r.v,s 8: Co.. proprietors and practical Chiropodists, 208 Broadway, 'N.Y.. nnd';\io 6 King` Street, West, 'l`oronto, Canada. Pu`.i:s.--Usev Dr. J. Briggs Pile Remedy for Internal, External, Bleeding and Itching Piles. . It gives . immediate relief and is relia- able. Sold by Duxggists. _ 4 Neuralgia.l{eadnclie.Catm'rh, 1 It to BUY "V . vnvulvn Wonders will never come, and wonder is the success of Dr.`J. Brig Curntivc in curing thenilxnullts usin; hlnnhul can. 1.. ...Ir - ~ ` com uy urllggists er:\H_v. Dr. J. B Broadway, _N.Y., Toronto. V uv 1 ..._ 1.. .. ....q uH\'I mu piuu pu..~`S(`E away. :1 numbness remains for awhile. At these times instead of attacking suddenly-`it commences with a slight in.-"at, or sense of itching or numbness. which augments in severity more or less rapidly. The pain increases from time to time. until it becomes almost unbearable. Dr. J. Briggs Allifvaintqr is n pusitiv remedy. Sold by druggists and country Inc.-rchun`t_a gen.- Bx'i;:;:s S: Cn.. proprietors, 208 and Nb. 6 King Street. West. j---w--u----._ Nnunuau, on 'l`w-DoLIu~:.\u.\:, isone oflhe most. painful nlfuctions to which `the human family is subject`. It more commonly occurs in. tho nerves 0! the nice though it.-is met with in tlilli-rent p:1rlsof'tl1cl1oml, in the brunst.- hip- joint. and in othur parts of tho body and limbs. Its attack is usually smld(-n. and the p:u-o.\'y- ism ofpuiu vurivs in its dur.-:l.ion.` The pain is agonizing. Inncinuling. and shooting along `the nu-_rvcsliko :1 shock ol`eluctricilv. l'iemu~.n:- Is agonizing. 1;1ncinuting.and the m-rvcsliko ol`eluctricily. l'|eqIwnt- ly feeling as if_rvd-hot wire \\'(-ra"tur1m into the` pm'l.s. and after the pain pass:-e away. Instead n.Hn0I.'i:ur .....m....|...~:. l\n\n-\ , Late l\'t-ws From Red River. .9 Our special correspondent, under date ,3; Geswgelown, May 9th, sends US some very >r. interesting partieulars of _a'airs at Red River up to so late a (late as the 24th of April. -Riel, doubtless inuenced hy Bis- 7h0p Tache, determined to hoistthe Union \ Jack over Fort Garry, and to take down the Fenian flag \\'hieh.lIad for some time been tlaunxeil from th;.1; fortress, O,Donol:oe and others ohjeetetl, and there was a quar- ml, which ended in the .Flenrde lis-and Union Jack being placed side by pide. Riel has become wondert'ully loyal, altliough, -whether owing to a wholesome -3 read of anticipatexl punishment or from , the persuasion, that the acceptance of terms g from Canada will be the most protable end to the affair, is not very clear. Some of his men appear to be less loyal than |nii'nselt', and the Union Jack, when first hoisted, was pulled down and trampled in the mud. The New .1Vatio)t admonishes the Canadian Press L0 be less hostile in its tone, and, as may be supposed, desires an entire for_qetl'ulness of tlie past, both on the part of the Canadians and the settlers themselves, ,who strangers` for a while sepalrated " All this is very ne, and as the editor ofthe 1Vcw .7Vatz'onrleelares that no disrespect has ever been felt towards the` British tln_g';.we may hope that Mr. Riel and his friends will await the action of the power of which the ag is the em- hlem, and of the law those who c.trr_V the tile` ag are comlnissioxled to inforee.-G'/ubc. sic I2.. _.j-- lnuvnnull upon uvo onlcersto acr.4:1s ;-udges. The Qnturiq men lmve not yet re_ceiVe(l their pay, although it-`has been placed in the lmnds of their captains but, plxey lm'\'e all :_:pp:u'ently enough for their present necessities. 'l`l1ey-will probably be paid to-la_v.- There were` no fresh :u'riv;1Is yesterday but on Sututd.-_Ly, Brigmle-l\I:ajor Jackson brought up 48 men from Brock- \'ille.--Globc, Tuesday. .3} uuum uuu uunuunta _yt:au:I'uily, also it U03 of water pmotlnlaekiilg each to be used on the beef V moccasins, with which the troops are lobe supplied. Each Iran of this battalion also received. yesterday a needle and tliread, and a stock which it was at first intended should not be worn. They will prohahly receive their ha\'elO_cl_{s and two serge frocks and one In-lian ruh. her blanket per man to-moriow. During the afternoon yester.la_v, after the distribution of uniforms had beeneoncl-udevd and drill was over for the da_.',,the streets ofthe city were full of men carr)in;_v; valLses c)ntam- ing their clothing which theywere otter- 3 the 0' 0 at], Its, ce, "N! me int ing for sale at inmensesacritices; a great [3 '10 )0:-tion of._it was however Jurchased b V :1 Id 5 2 _l old (:lUl.lH.'!Si\V JlDt3ll and-dealers in second ,,, hand _u'oods who met the men near the 11 Crystal Palace Grounds, and `paid such ' prices as 15 cents for a pair of tronst-rs, $1.50 for a suit of clothes that originally rests. -The canteen wasiopen yesterday usual or and although the proprietor, Mr. James Ward, did a good business all day, it is pleasing to state tlizutl:iste\'ei1iiig there was not left one bottle of a large supply ofsonla-water that he had laid in in the mornin_:;. -lle apparently, however, "5 .antit-ipatenl a l:u'g'e -ccnsumption ot' ale to tluriIi_-_y;'tlie stay of the \'olnnteer.s, as on H,` Saturday he ordered twenty liogsheuds of on? that lievei-age. There seems to be eom- ` paratirely little drunkenness among the M men. although a numl-er of them were actin__r in a rather diserdely manner last ,ni_-_;ht on Queen street shouting at. the tops of their voices. In barracks the men mu appear to enjoy themselves thoroughly, ma and yesterday afternoon the two terpsi.~ 51:1 chorean contestants of" Satnrd.-i_v had an- "IT other march for -$2.1 side, in which they prevailed upon two oflieersto actasjutlges. ing Ontario not vet I'0.n.nivml mu- UUIU 0 she .._4_ .umu:Iml us uuu. use-1 m we mu.-.:rprooI blmnkels. They are thus quite limp, but when used, four little boar ls inside of each keep them iu}~'lmpe._ The men belonging to the Quubeclb:malion,of \vhom there are now IFS in lmrrncks, all receiver! Lheir boots and overconts _y"csfuI'Llny, also a. box (`nl.\\'.'Iln I' n|`nnf.lul_-ml.-lnnr nu.-lu tn |\n .m...l -I-4-V IIIIVIIIII IJAII I.lIIlIl\II-I At the Crystal Palace allday yesterda_r, there was a good deal of hustle and some on li_ttle confusion occasioned by the reception `"3 ofstores of various descriptions the unpack- ing of casestthe issuing of clothing. 550-: and the unloading and distribution of cases of arms among the various companies. All the inen in barracks to whom clothing has not been issued -on Saturday or Sun- rlay,received it yestertlay, and during the afternoon King,- Yonge and Queen streets ` presented a gay and millitary aspect from S the large numbers of handsome. soldierly looking young fellows,`promena'ding there- on in their neat tunics with their bright e l'acings_ Now that all the men have been h` uniformed and had their hair neatly trim- Ad. 9 lnetlatlley have a very pleasing and regular v v appearance. and their bearing Hjoultl seem _l to indicate that there are but few of them who have not received a great deal of in training. The arms, whi_ch_ai`e the short \'0 ries with sword bavonets, were yesterday distributed among `the various captains ;. of` companies, and the latter will probably place them in the hands of the men un- der the r command to day, ` Nos '1 and Companies of the Ontario Battalion, who it is now stated have received denite orders to leave for Collingwood lo-morn-ow, an: also received their coarse boots ar.d knap- 'fl sacks yesterday afternoon. The knap- 4;: sacks ditier from those that have hitherto gm been used in being composed of the same Few material as that used in the ivat-.:rprool' blzlliliets. Tin -v arr. llllhl unite limn, Inn mm Sr th; an W I om full 5 m auuuuss 0: ur. J. Briggs Modi-rn curing oftlre-feet. ll. disnnnnnr. innrnu-inn nrnggs .\; un.. proprietors, ;'., King Street, West mm Iumn Ex:-t;nm0.\' L .I.. I1, nIl_ me _lulost . Briggs Modi-rn nunts of [H9-f`nnf the` _1nlest mra Mm] ;u-n uay. . _ 7 ,Riel has Issued another` proclamation in which he says, '- \\.r=.possess.t0-day, without p.u-xition. almost half :1 Continent. The ex- -pI1Ision of invaders has rendered our lundynntai ' toits children. Riel calls upon his distant "brethren. from Lower `Saskatchewan to the `Mackenzie-River, to rally round ths Provi- um:-s.mu_v be expected allsummor. `T _ ' Itis expected mat the troop will take from forty to fifty days in making thejourney` from Fort Williamto Red River. ' of the 15th ulc. hasheeu received. ST. PAUL, 1\II.\'x., May 9.--The New Nation _ Quietness prevails throughout the Settlement. The Winnipeggers proppse to celebrate the ((]2uceu s Birthday and keep it a general holi- Y-. . , -----4-->------_- ' THE N 0R -WEST QUESTIO-N. _--_:_ ma non wuuam, The men"are at work on. the fond at the Portage, and all will be in readiness for the ccmfortahle transport of the troops aha sup. plies tothe Algoma`, which vessel will carry . them to Fort \Villit1m._ The warlike aspect of events has given this place quite a busy appearance, and as it will be In 11 way. the base ofopcrations for the troops who are going to I~`rt Garry Veg timesmuy be expected allslxmmer. t y expected that nu-. trnnnd mm 4.4.- .'___ IS now In Dl`lHSll waters. The Americans in the Sanlt seem m,.cu_ lurly jealous of any attempt on the pan of the Canadian or British Government to suhduv the rising at Red River, and no etfort win be: puI'ed to throw ohspncles in the way of the Iorcos, now about. to he sent to the Red River via Fort William, Thn lnun"1u-n ail mn..l- I\v\ 41... '_,, 1 ___.._,.[ _ Special Despatcli From Telegraph Cmnmlssioner. S.wI.rr Sn-: .\Luzm_. F1-iday.-The Algoin-m has arrived and passed through the canal. The American nntlinrilica arerou the alert, and orders have been received f|'om`Sccrelnr_y Fish at Wusliington, to use ,the utmost diligence nml .wntehl'ulue.=s in seeing that no Biitish vessel with munitions ofwnr or supplies for the Canadian` soldiers, passes `through the V canal. ` The Chicora is sure to be stopped, and all dur supplies for the Lioops will have to be taken ncross the Portage to the Aigoma which 1 is now in British waters. 'i`hr-. Amnrit-nns: in nu. a....IL ......_, t HUI] H II Will pity. I ' The policy laid down, by the gront-l\{ichi- gmuler. Zncliminli Clmnlllcr. in his greatest speech in the Sc,-natc. better comes up to the p:-.nius0fonrpnoplc. It is to give notice to Great Britain to quit this Continent; und if she does nnl. move on promptly. to ]')l'()C(,'L`.ll to abate her as unnisnncc. But this policy of l putty peckingund annoyance is `unlu-coming of `the American I'}u, Tliorc would have bes.-n us much sense in Great Brit-uiu s closing the canals to our private vessels, and provi- sions and b1'eadstuti3;.in the Doniocrutlc rebel- lion. on the ground than they. `supplied our m_mios--\v'hich indeed they did--and thus vio- lated her neutrality, as in our closing the St. .\iury s cmml to any -private vessels or pro- perly ol'Canadinn citizens. O`I '0 mll Hy LllL'.O])L`l'1lll()H. ~ Noighhorin,I__-: counties ulmlga hordt-r of three thuusuml miles could xnulm t,he1us<-Ive.-; ver unplcnsunt to ouch other. if they .~'lwhl1dc- voto their minds to it.` But there Is :1 (11105- lion ifit will pay. nnlicv laid dnwn hv lhn n-.`-mo. u:..1.: us In no o,ur:~:o1vc-s any St`l`lnllS inJm-V, in l`l1ela|-go comma-"rec lmtwcun the nm,1.,. lalu-s_ and paw:-go and ()g has the .1, nscofthe \\u1lun and the St. La\\-r..nC,, pl Canals in the Canadian Dominion, at nlow on rato.ol'l0l_ls. If we shut up our St. :\larv's canal to Canadian mule, we n1ustv.\'pL-ct tlint an the Dominion will shut up. the Welland and L1 Lawrence canals to Am(_ric:1n (mac. 1,- cit this \\'orc'd0ne \\'e should hear :1 howl from . the Lakes. Ports, rzml Flllll1(!l'.~` all the way mu along the lakes from Clllrngo to Ogdcnslnm. PA and than an account, would be taken of wlulllt Bu we mmle by tllL'.0])L`l`lll()l1. I I\ -i-_rhhorinur counties alnngn hnu-:1.-...\rn....... .-- (From the Cilzttiitllttli Clasctle.) _ N 'ithur Grt-at llrituiu nor the l)u1nini0n Can- ada has askcdofoIu' Govt-rmnuut periui.~:si:m to march troops or curacy supplies over ..l,Ii1itetl Status territory to Winnipeg, tlionigligi; consi- . number ofjonrnuls have deem`-.d_ it ne- cc.-sury to bully those powers "in a t: 'ip:lli:u1 that they may; Purhapit will be .w.cnm- to our. Ilntionnl dignity to- `rep H-fusing permission tlILic iu;m.g,.--.'nm ....{m..;<~,n_s. thatthe Canadian Government il3;tr:li1l.'> to ask suchathing.; But it is also Slltfpuoil that the Cmmiliun conmwrciul vc'.=sels will pass tlu'ou;;"l1'tl1e St. Marys Ship Canal to Lulu- Supoilor, and lll(`Se' may be used For h`:llls])Ol't- iug troops and supplit-s for the \`.'iunip:g ('.\'- petlitinn, or'tha't tliey may carry innocent pro- visions, which nltt-I'wm'd will betrolm-. ulilltztry supplies by a trausli-1' to the Govt-rnincul`. Tl1ci'vl'0re-it is widely und wildly proposed that we shall prohibit. any Caunrlain vessel `l'ro_n1 pnsuiug through the canal. This will be I]. rmlicul prevcnti\'o_. and it is (lnubtful ii any- tliiugsl.v0rtol'tl1i.< would bu l`i\tll_C:ll. For an CX[)1'(l.lll0l10l.10.00U men will have large con-. ut-ctious with the ll`l|ll( . in provisinns and clothing. And much may be done in the way of supplying that exputlitimx by pennitting fro tr'ndu through the canal to goods owned by privulc ` persons, and in private ves. Withuut doubt much might be done by both pnl-fiostoumlie. their nt-igl1l)orlmod relations very anxloying, and to [:1-nvrutu liostilitios. But we lime to Cl)llSl(lt`I' wlicther thew is any- thing in this Winnimanr Frcncli play of ruvolt, or in its proposed Fenian nppcutlnge. to cause us to do o_ur:~:ol\'(-s serious injur_v'. The large the um... NeInt1'ality in Wiunipeg'-.\ `Gleam Gousl sense. V ` ;I`h-re is. 1~-yiort that Co}. Rankin om luring Riv] six thonsaml llibuslurs 1' Status, but Llnu. Rh-I declined 0111-r. . #4-, strive ugaunst ouch other. or to bear hard fool- inzs; lvtytlu-. Union now _existing_l:ocuxne L Ilrnn-r on-1'y. L--t the day once m_0ro shine 7 as of old. when political opinion could not in turf:-re with our tics of l'riend,ship. We must romexnbor tlmtit has been through strangers that we have beclrst-pnralod for nwhili-, Qnl we will fo|'gut tho pnst and moderate the pre- sent that our future may le|)lc.s`svdt0ou1'- selves and to our chilIlrcn s children." ll:-re is nnollwr extract froman editorial on the Union Jack: - " The Union Jack oats in our midst, and _ we beg to say that never has the slightest 1 token of disrespect been felt hc-re towards that ` ornlxlum of our n:1tion s gr-entlxess. The old w I rovi. {lair has now dono duty; we all ] will`s'till jiromlly lly under the protection of thnonc which is u bond of Union amongst us. ` ` @112 (lixmuittnzr, AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE ADVOCATE. neon committee. lot we present anu ruture and in temporizing them. There isiittle use cry- ing over spilt milk, although we certainly huve been the greater losers in the ops-rntinn. We would advise our friends of the Press in Canada to devote themselves to the task of uniting this `people with tlieirown. rather than dweiiing upon what has been done. and which cannot be lmdone. Does- it show a spirit ofcqncitiation to meet us continually, calling us by names that would emhitter the lent sensitive minds? One would think we were the parties `who had injured instead of haying been injured; I{`ather' let the Cnnn. dinn Press indulge in :1 more manly course and chase condemning and n,1isn:uning_ a. people wl1oh:1vt,~neret' done them any harm. We would only" say one word to our people before we tinish. Let allclasses and creeds remem- her that our cause is the common one of one portion ofthe Setllmneint intimately connect- ed with the others. We have no reason to in! ' let the iinim: mnv pviutimr l...n....... strive ugnin.~'t ouch other. to hear hard = ; numwmg extract 15 l:|K(,'l)2-- The past has \vrou,r:ht all these `changes, and we are Io-dny bl:-ssod with pbnce through- out our land; condence is becoming stronger `every day; lmdv is briglntcning np, smiles are seen where lute-ly tlu;-re ~w9.s notlnlng bul glomny countenance-.5; nml u'u~u-olumm are al- ready busy in making prcpur:ll.i0ns for the coming mining-r's business. , Unlike our con- l(9Ill[)Ol`ill'l(`S in Cnmuln, we have no desire to rocriminale on `the past. If blundvrs have been committed. let the present and future aid tenllxnrizinyr lhnm. '|`lwre is; l'1ltlnn's1; nrv. -u_-vnxncm. - V The issue of April 22nd containsnn editorial vntith-(1 *-l. usL_ and Prost-nt, from which the folk wing extract is taken :-- 1 mat wrought all these nhnnrrn: \'ernmvnL The New Nation is now edited by Mr. Thos. Spencer. the mim who 0slah'lisl1(-(1 himself 'UlH.`0 years ago as Governor of Assiniboine. and -tried a um}: for treason againsthis Go. -vqvnzncnt. .... Ar A ....:I oona M..o..:.m....' ...1:. l`|u. uown and rramplcu ll) me mua. Ric-1'5 proclamation of April 7th is n. string of pinliludeswvlnich amount to nothing. iri which he congratulates the people on their hnppy escape frmn war and disordo-r. and horts them to rally round the Provisional \'ei'nmunt.. 'rI.u M... 7\*,.I:.m :3 nnuy "Anna 3... 1:. am... every night. - _ V His people did not relish _the `Union Jack. howuwr. and when first hoisted it was `down and trampled in the mud. Rim-l'.: nrnnlnmation Anril is n ah-inn Fort. i . Riel is the most loyal man in the Settlement and has his bandipluy God Save the Queen" night. nconle did nout relish the `Union Jack. unrry. ., . On the 22nd at Bishop Tnche`s feqllcst Riel oated the Union Jack over Fort Garry, O'Donohoe and Hartz objected. and a gem-ra] row was the result, which ended in the Fleur de Lis minus the Fenian emblem oating ifdevby side with the Unxon Jack over nu; orb. ' Dial ha Hug mnaI>lnvn1 man in N19 gnillnvvunvlt Gaonaarowx, vu S1. CLoi:n, - "Minn , May 9. Mr. .\IcLnne who left the Settlement on April 24th. brings the latest advices from Fort Garry. Bishop fequcst me) LATEST REPORTS FROM -POI`-T GARRY. `lmportimt' from Red River. \lI nu uuuuun:u\,iu1- EH13` L`l`l)HlL`IlLp(:l`H1iSiI)ll (91-ii peg, Ms dc :-m`-.d_it thou wars coxm it L-ffcc . ' _ . >k,s-n_*~- ~- 'nmeI1t11tr::: l nidst, : wards '; hmnn nl` lug. non: ny 1)I'u;rg1sts. Builders and Architects will he lilwmlly :1 dc-alt with as :u.v0nts n` Johnston's \\'1,-uthcr `vn_c:.- Protectors for doors and \\'indo\\'s. llow once. Jou_\`.s'1`o.\` & Co. Ll.\'l)S.-\ Y. ONT. ary's Cn.\'sn.\n-rT\'r:s.-U: Dr. J. llrigzgs that and Lung Il<-:1l (-rfor ull dlS(`S`(!S()f tlie Lungs, and Chest. Very pleasant and,etlica- . ciuus. Sold evt-rywlit-I'e. Co.\'cr:.\"rn.x'rr:|) Ln: is wry economical upper muking soap, cli-aning paint. &c. mrg P.u..\n:u& Co.,Chemists, opposite vhnt Bnrricllotol. _ llorsu GI.'m.\'I.\'o -P.u.\n:n s Llqllld hrcc ire lnnlu-s old furniture look as good very with but little labor. Sold only liy'l ldc- Co.<. opposite Mc\Vatl's Burric 1105- 25c, p:-r llolilt`, , \\'m'rr:\r.\.~'1u.\'(;.- I`holmst London chi- ing. Yellow Ochre. &c.. &c., i`or3l\'hite\vasl1- test ing. For sale by l ,\1..\u:n & C0., Z\Ic\l"z\H. s llnrric Hotel. _ , V A '1` um: l>'\1. -Dr. vWistar`s 'B:1lsmn ii Wild Cherry is truly 11 Bal.<:nn. It tho balsamic principles of the Wild 7 the balsaiiiic properties of tar and 0! ing ingredients are all lmlsamic. . Coughs. ave Sore 'l`ln'ont, Bronchitis. and Consumption. ing speedily disappear under `its bnlsamic_ >vi- ucncc. uncu |.u nuup u uly goons store men, and I rthought he was going to give me the whole there was in it. I was young and simple then. and didlnot know till after- wards tbnt it meant: one calico gown a year. It is a lovely sight: to see young people plighting t.heir'treugh, as Llfe son sa s, and comin u to consume m _g y ,, g P en` vows. oi-l`(`d -s from :d the -----<--}--,---- ' Mrs. Partiug'ton on Wethlings. I like to nttend wecklings," said Partington, as she came back from . church, hung her shawl up, and replaced the black bonnet in a long preserved band box; I like to see yourig people i come together with the promise of love- cherish and nourish other, But what :1. solemn thing. where the minister comes into ch:mcer_v with a surplus, and goes throu_y;h the cereimny of making them man and wife. It ought to be husband and wife, for it,isn t every husband that turns out to be a man. I declare I shall never forget when Paul put the nuptial ring on my nger, and said, with..all my worldly goods Ithee endow. He used "to keep a dry goods store then, and 'l .l'10llQ`lll . he was cvninrr tn (n-A van H... `solemn thing is matrimony--.-a very, LlllUHC('. A patent lmy-fork swindlor, named has been arrested on the cars at Ing--rsoll his way to Suspension Bridge. The St. mas Home Journal says he had heen ling the western counties as the agent Morey. of Windsor, who had a valuable right ior a lmy-l'oL'k. C_opk;.WI_1, the habit ` taking $150 promisnry notes. payable year, in every case to he 1-etnrm- maker if :1 clear prot of$300 were not by the purchusernf the township right. I`he bait took. unl_m:_m_v notes were made, but time [)!~`5(?(l the l':1rme1's got snspieinus lelegraplletl _to Wimlsur and Ilanliltnn. factory being plausibly located at the place, but no Morey was known at places. In the meantime Mr. Clar1'is0fSt. Thomas, got 1: Warrant for Cook. who lowed the constable to Ingersoll, where was arrested and taken to St. Thomas nmination. u mgat

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