[;\Il5OR'I`AN'l TO PAR'l`IES USING \1.\1'lll\In`.R\'. _ It, mm-1-Ihnu nu: \'mIt.~I nll d\.~-.mw I'll:-.4, \\'0x`n~.s, C ; uclu-, &c., &o.. ,, ,.. d n'f`;7Sl1oi1ldhy all |uc.'ms1)c given to dccmc chu- rm. Q1`-r.\`o`nnc will he dlsanppnhntvdl Pr cc $1. Sold by all dI'\I;;;:i5-ls and medicine glcnlers I\v1\;\I\I\vvv-4:1 nn.~.`..o w... . ... Llu-.' rccodcncc ovur all othrr pills row hcrm-othc mhl c. The cures thv ' hnvu purfurnu-d are m:1r\'cl- uns. and um high pm sc nud recommendations they are dnlly securing speaks volumes in their fxtvour. They nrcu uomunc purgntlve. n thoronghhloud nnd Htonmch purier: they act wiih magical L-tract on the liver nud dlgostmr organs, , nn 1-! y u r,_ u u u I-nu Blanch: u \- u.b....-, Relieve Ileadache, Incligeslion, Cnsiivcness, And thoroughly mgulntc tho~Bm\'cis,` give a sweet hrcnih and n cicnr com wicxion; they imvo no equal ns Mira! clams fnmily piif. Scucircnio\rs`nccnmpnnving cnchhnx. Sold by all medicine dealers thronghom. the Dominion. - _ _ _ ._. .. `N, g n, , RE composed of pure vegetable ext-riwts. propnrvd by a new procc-ss_ and combixiod ilrprnpor and rt-lu!h'c proporllowi. whlcb.gh'c lhmn l the pills hcrnrothc mm] c_ thtw purfurnu-d are Iuv yvuuu-uu. Aozxclssr For Bnrx'1e,'.\l'(-ssrs. Mcxnnder & 00.; for Orlllln. Dr. Slzwcn; and sold by Medicine Dealers generally. ` ' 52`-3111" 2.3111 at the following wholesale-prices: l'Ul\.I nn L J .\1;\llIlI\'rIR\'- THE NATIONAL PILLS '.l?llY IT! CHICK" IT! \\'0()I)1{UFF. imNTI.I:\' & co.) Awnnla fnr Hm Dnminin %m;.;u.`[`;i.1;;m.,Ls J. J. ST 0 CK * S WOODRUFF. BENTLEY C0., Pronrletom. Bromzhnm. Ont FIN!-ELY Gnou.\jn, _OF THE GEO. B. S5`.`()GK. Ilrnnnhsun H mun`. 1snM'1.m as uo., , Proprietors, Brougham, Qnt-. ru. uxnnlhlbl A . U0.. Agents for the Dominion. Bnuuc_u.\.\1, ONT. 'r. w} CoLm1.aN, mu. B. w. s.\uTn. V Sine:-i` Co. Sinxcoc. ) lungs, 0_.\`rmxo. 54 man TON 85c. PER Bu. 8-3m 7-(Cl TooonIo,Sio1ooo and MoskokaJonoo'oo| `BY-LAW No. 116. Twenty Thousand D oT1-l a r s | WHEREAS. by M1 'Act'of `the. Legislature. of the Province of Ontario. passed in the`33rd your oi` the reign of Her Mujesl Queen Vic- toria. nn(l_enti1led `.` An Act. 0 Incorporate ' The Toronto. Simcoe and Mnskokn Junction Rnilway CompI.ny, " it is provided as - follows: A.\'Dil.sh_all further be lawful for any Municipality. or ltluni`cipalit_ics' through any part of wliich', 01` near which, the Railway or works of said Company shall pass. or be siluated,'to aid or assist the V said Company. by loaning or guarantee- iug. or giving money by way of bonus or "other l'llt'llllS to t-he;C0nlpuny, or issuing `~Municipal'Bonds to or- in aid of_ the `- Company, and otherwise in such manner and to such extent as such_Municipalitics.V or any of them. shall think cxpedivnt; pro- " vidcd always. tlmt suchaid. lonn, bonus, or guarantee, shall be given under a By- Law for the purpose. to be passed incon- "lormity with the prov_isi0ns of the Act -`respecting Municipal Institutions for the creation of debts; and all such By-Laws so 'pl1SR.0(1 shall be valid, notwitlistanding that ` such rate may oxcoml the aggregate rate of "` two cents in the dollaron the actual value of such ratable property. proviili-d that the `- annual rate of asscssinont shall not -in any case c.\'c(*(-d. for all purposes, three cents in -` tho dollar on the actual value of the whole " ratahlo property within the Municipality. or *1` portion of a Municipality, creating such debt." ' AND WHEREAS the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Oro has deter.- mi_ucd to aid and assist the said Toronto. Sim- coo and uskolin Junction Railway Company lay giyiiig thereto the sum of` l`\\fonty 1`hou:4_nnd Dollars by way of bonus. undi-r tho authm-il.y. conferred by thev said above:-rocitctl Act. ,,._____..-... . .1 1 A ,,.,_, |:|||\A uvv ..- .__ . AND -w11ram'3.\s. to carry Hlolnst-1'ocito V ()1ij(`Cl.`ilH() olfoct,_it is |`1ucos.=:u-y for %-tho said .\Iuni(-,1pnlit`y 10 raise the `sau1_sun1-of 'I`\vonI._v "[`h0us'.unl l)oll-urs m the manner h_uxuiuaf_u.-r xnoulionc.-ml. - , u,. _,_.__ -1- unvu \ u.uu.\.. AND \\'1Il`}I .`I`}.\S it. will require the sumnof T\w'(_>'1`lm~a:<:\xu1 Two Ilundrod Dollars to 1m raised mmunlly, by special rate, `fnr paying tho suid lob? of 'l`w1-my Tholtssuul l)u`l-nrs and in.tcr(-s_t on the I)cbL-ntnru.=, to his issued thou-l'u1' as lxcrcinaitcr lnuntioued. ---~-- -- . ...u,,,,. _`_ Lux:|\:n.u -1 .u.......... . ' AND \\'IIERE.~\S the mnonn`. nfvlho whole I'ut:ll)le pro1w1~J.y uf the >S'.|i1l .\Ixmicipulity, il'l'l`S}I('(!Ii\'C of any future incrc:\s'u pf the same, nml ulsn im-.=pL-clivc of any iI1:1'en!~'c lo hn de- Iivml l rom thc u-mporury inn-sl,m(-nt of the sinkiI1g('I1I1ul h<-rvim\l'tcr nwntionoxl. or any part lhv.-1'cu1'. according: to the last. 1'(`vi.~'z(-,rl - .~\ssv.<:~`1n<.-nt ll0l1ul' the said .\lI|nicip-.11i(_\'. luv- . h.~.l Inn; - furtlm ye-.u' 156`). was l`ln`r,-c llunu1r(~.(1 inp; 'l`l1ousund and Seventy Nine and Slxu-vu ]`lI1`o llu'nu1r(~.(1 l)ollur.=. .-\.\'D WU ERILXS the said .\Iunicip:\1ily has no existing lulu. -- ~' yum-. It 3, .-.'u-rufure onact_od by llzu Council oflhc pp. pul'at.il)ll ol'l.ho 'l`ownslnp (_Il' Om: I. Tlmt irshnll nndmay hoh\\\'I'ul for the suit! .\lm\iqipnli'Ly to aid and ns.~'i~t the 'l`o1'o:nn ! >1i,u1--n:~ uni `.f;1.~".-7'\`\'-\ .l|Im:tjmI Railway Com; : - . 3~_\'f{:.\`7!`.f.;`lIn'lu_Hl{! sxLuu.nf Twenty IvN......-.m.I Hnllnrc hv wm: m'1-mung. AND \\'lIl3RE.\S. fur pn_\`iugl1)e'1nlc1`0st. ; and cn-:lliu_-._-; nu oqlml ym-:u'l_v sinking fund fur ']m_3'iu_-J, the suixl (loht of 'l`\\'(-.uty l`hon. l)ol1ur.~x, as Iu-ruiII:\fl<~1' nu`-Ixlie-um], it .w1H require an 1-qnul annual" _ , `st-\'.r;u Iuills in thu dull="' `* E 'm` `O gall othcsc mm; to De `lowed in each I IVIH1 1- ' 3`_...o:;.1- rape or :11-.-...-. 3~\' x;`:i!:: l|n'I_:';u.LIl`.! sum .01 '1`\\'cnIy v 'l`l1d1xsx{n}1 .Dnillurs by way houns. IL 'l`hnt 1t shall beI:uvl'ul. for the purpose ufun-.~::1iul, fur tl1e_I{({(-\'c of tho said Munici- puii-ty to cause nny nnm'1w_r If D('b(`.lllll7l"S -to be nmdc for such sums of mont-;_\' us may be re- quirml furtlw suidpn1'pose.nut loss than twenty dullm-.'~' ('Cll..l1ll ntIt_0Xct'(`(1il1',:ili Lht.-. whole the tunouut of `1`u'nm.y 'l`h'Jn.=:\nal .Do`ll:u~s; which sniel l)uh-ntun-s shall he s(-:xlvt'l with `tho st--.11 of the said .\Iunici1mlily and be signed by the Ila-c\'c meteor. ` -_- .... -u n u ,,.,,,,, _x_-~n|_; _..-.1.. |.... .,.n..-.. V`, IH. That the said l)chontures shall be made ! p-.ryul)'_1u in t,.won-Ly _\'v:u'S from thedny hm(-in- um-l` Inoulinm-r1I'or this By-Law to jnlm ell?-ct. at tho l3:u1k0l"l`01'0nlo.-in tl1c'City;ot"l`orm1m. and shall have nttnchvtl to them Coupons for the p:yn1y.-nt.ofinturt-stat the rate Jllld in Imumor hcreumflcx" mt-n_t1oncd.v IV. Thur. ihc said D1-.henhu'es shall bear in- ton-st M and nfu-1' the rate of six per com. -3101` nmmm from the date lhcrvot`. which inter- est shz1ll_ho payable lmlf-yum-ly on The 'first days 01 the mnn,Lh~-= of Julumry and July in oncl1_ven1-.utthc Bank of l`oronto. in the said City of '1`_01'0nlo. ' ac nu . 1-, , `L- ........-.... .0 I'......:..... an -31.!- nun. V; \II -.`Ch4VC`7V V. That for liiopiirpose of Forming a sink- 'im: fund for payment of 1114. sniil . ikzbiantiims. and the interest. thuxtcnn M-the rnto 9.i'oN-said, an equal special rate of seven mi`i`is `in tho duilzw shall. in addition to nil other mu-s. be raisod. l('\'i(`(l and collected in each your, upon all the rumble pruporty in the said Mu~ nicipniity. during the said l.('l`i|1 -of 20 years from the `coming into om-ct 01' this By-Law, unless snot: Di-licnlurcs shall be sooner paid. an VI. That this By-Law shall take effect on. from and after. the First. day of July. in the 'yczu'of.our Lord 187:0. ` --.- nu . .1 r\,|,-.:4....-_ A- I... ..:.._-.1 __:| .....,_,... -. V... V , 7 ' VII; That the Debentures to he signed and issued ns_nl`oresnid,' shall he delivered by the Reeve of the said .\lunieipulilTy to the _ said 'CG\ll1jil1n) ., unless the Corpon}lion of the said Mnn'|eipn`lity shnll wlthin one month after the day In-rs-by appointed l'e1'.tlIls By-Law to take effect. by resolution direct that the x=.nn1o shall he delivered to 'l".rnsl.ees nppoin.te:l. or to be appointed, under the provisions of the ninth. tenth. eleventh nml. t.\vell'th sections of the said reclted Aet'iI1cou'porating the 'I`ol'onto, Slmcou and Muskokn Junction Railway Com- -plly. . 7 _ " -V111 . u... n .| _,,_,.,u 1 ,n, my to the said Company by way of _bonus, and td issue Debentures therefor; and to authorize the levying of 0. Special Rate for the payment. of tho Deben- tures and Interest. ' v |"`u ' VIII; And it in fur_l.h_or enacted by the Mu- nicipnlollnoil :\furu.~`nid, That-the votes of the electors of the said Municipn-lity shall he lnluu on thcsn`Ld:.px:op,0sn(l By-Lu\\".' at the fo1lu\viny.n)lm:o,_ to wit. at the Town Hall, "in the mid 'l`o\')"s'lIip" of Oro_. on the Eigbioonlll day of `April, 'A. D. 1870; cormmnving at the hour of Nine o'clock (I. m.. and closing at Five o'clock p m.;0ft1m sxuno day. and that Ge-n-ge_ 'l:|1tll1)])o, 'l`o-vnshipCl:-rl-of The said Muni- cipulityslmll bu re-lu1'uin`g omcer for tnking the Bilill vows: . ' - - c notico. dera for TAKE ;'o1'Icl:.-Thnt t.lieahove_is 9. true copyofap1'oposnd. By-Lmv. which will be taken into consideration by the Council of this l\lnnici]ml_ity aftvrono month from the first pul_:ljcntion in Tm-: ExA.\nsx-`.luuu`l Advance gm-wspnpers' of the town of Bufrie, the date of which first publication was the 24th `(lay of March. A.1).. 1570, End that the votes of the olc-ctors.ol`the said Mumicipnlity will luotakon thereon at tlneffown I-lull. Oro, on tho EIGHTEENTH day of `APRIL, 1570, from tlxoliours of9 u.m., until 5.p.m. - ' GEORGE TUDI-IOPEo CI'uu~n.ship Cleric ofthe said g ' Township of '0ro. A..- '~u_.~_-1_ 1- run. n r- Oro, March 17, 18i'0. CAUTION.-All genuine has the name "Pnnuvnn Srnm-. (not Peruvian Bnrk.) blown In the glans A 32- ago ganmphlot sent free. J . P. Dtxlloll Prop etor. D915,`-,-. No/wYox-1:. ' - ' RAILWAY COMPANY, CAUTION.- Svnvr. (not ` THE EXAMLNER, AND COUNTY OF? SIMCOE ADvU(;.;\'1*i?. HAPRIL-7, 137.1 } ` T DRY. GO0DS,MIL1-INERY, &c. j '______~____TSTAT`NE3Y 8` MUSIC` -o gonmphlot frel _1 Jr. Day St... New York. ` snub: -11 DmL'M'I- [THE GOLDEJI BEAVER.\ nsmsg samigxssu Egmmg Ms mum; ___j_.._.4 wince of Easterly ntnpodia- no mile counties mum at` Opjosife llze Railway Sz`a2`z'ozz,. I71/.0 doors west of Fmserls . Exc/zaizge, Dam/op Street`, Barrie. ' `By Far`-more Pop:1'lar,v (mueh more) than any other Dry Goods Store a established. in`.'l:own before. T ' " NEW simaoonsz Nw Dres.se_s, V. Nlew il`ks,`t NTe\'1`I Lace.Goods, New Prints, _ New. Ma.nt[ea', New Woollens, New cottons, New Mllinery, NeyvHosiery&Gloves. IMPORTANT NoT1E! i'mE PRooF:{UsE AGAIN BRADFORD FEBRIARY 21, 1870. The subscriber dncc niom-bogs lo remind those indltoxl to ` in him, especially persons whose nccounts have been `running since 1867, that lisclaims must now be paid in full. Pm'l.ios _ living in distant tofvnsluips and in xcighboring colxntie, are px\rt icu1ar1y requested to attend to this matter, as it is out of my powr to send a special messenger to every customer. 3%"'T1)os(-. \\'1y() neglct to prdt by this notice will liwe_ themselves only to blame {of the - ` _ consequences U:?The Money must be paid; can I 21st Iv`ohriuu-y, 1370 dnf of 9 Ind Ala l1870.? (JAYNES, BRAYLEY& NEWCONIBE 3? BLACK 85 "COLORED SILKS, V _ JAPANESE SILKS AND IRISH POPLINS, . Mmfle V-elvets, Dress.Goods, Hoisery, Gloves! HOUSE FURNISVI-I.INGS AND MAVNCIIESTER GOODS, WHOLESALE ; ND RETAIL." SPRING `STY].2. E=-{S1 SPRING s'rY"i]E "% oE""}Zii* " AND HQAPS! vuu an inning DI'J|\o3 uuu In A win uuva uuu val:-2 -- `McCR(;;SVON-& co's, lIlu1:lul;luG smear EAf,'i"'5Eo~To lMCRT0SSEO%Ni&%-%%%C0MP Y,l us 70 . U0 lu- oer in i!8l0l`h ouslo, ` ~lhn N ` . ov. 10,1869. Ivvuvu I - `-- @=5'{ri:e"Q'+7r{;{:5Es Liis"s"nKi'L'{i" oeAf+"' w|TH. Regent House, '1V'oront%o. All the lon11ingst.y1e_s out in Siik ind Felt Hats and Caps will be found at" _- A ..g an... A._.__..._. --A: --`tulip! SPRING 1 M P o RT-AV'I_' I ON s. XSWING % ( % R. [scoRE, _& soN, }sIGN -op Jrnfs: GOLDEN ELEPHANT, KING ' STREET; `TORONTO; %FVAsH1oNAB L|j_ TAILORS & D R A P E R3, pg` ORDERS FROM `ANY { A_RT"PR'.).\{PTLY EXECIfTE15.` 3: Tonpmto, 1\1a_i; mu; 1870 The great Emporium {tr sky]-e, To o.'ie\v'tho goods is well \vorlh.-while, Tho.late.st. fashion can be seen . _ From the 0ld'La.nd..lmy. gatlwred be-on. Where all Cash buye'm_ can procure _ Goods at the loxvhb-price tis sum,- and when in: order to [1-oviale For wear at noon or evenlide, ' --Tee choicest attire will appear This pleasant season` of tip yeau-.,_ ARE DAILY RECEIVING `mum s s To C_ K ,. IMPOB.`l`Efll' OF nA'V*N0\v ON IIAND Txmm Ci-c J_ FALCONBRIDGE .- R. SCORE & SON, FRY 1'\I2`\Y Pl l.`l'ln .T A \Y'T IJ\I\Ia.Ua.'l \aa hI\Id.I GOLDEN ELEPHANT. 187OJ 3 1870J latio-n; IE,_ -31:5. - ` rat side of Mn, In lh_o ' WALL `PAPERS and Decorations.-`` Selections can be made at Edwin-uls from 100 different Patterns. being the LARGEST STOCK of Imported Papers in -the Province; comprising 100,000 pieces. . .. ..u n ,_ _,n n .. _ .STATIONERY-- The Wall Papors_ and Decoraat-ions for the Goverhor's House 1n Toronto ware gal;-an from this stock, the contract therefor being over $1,800. - . -A1` .EDWARDS" MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- rmmua, mm.uunu.Va. M v xu 1 Ultl ORGANS for Sale or to Rum, on easy Terms, and at Toronto Pnccs. . Music Bool(3"of all kinds. l\Iusic Paper, Slam-at Music, Violins, Concertlnas, &c. , &c. _BOOKS, in great variety? AT AEINVARDS Nnwsmpnns Ga PERIODICALS POST-OFFICE B UILDING, The suhscr ibers. in returning thanks for past. pntronngo, bug to call attention to the fact. that owingtn the rapid increase of their busi- noss. they hnvcboen obliged to extend their building. and have also pu:'chus<-d and .put into their works 2.000 dollars` worth of NEW `TOOLS. such as Iron Liithcs. Iron Planes, nnd~various other Tools; and have secured some of the host workmen in the country. llzwinz made these improvements and oxpen- ' diturcs, tlu-y now possess ovcry facility for doing work cheap. '0, and with di.~.pntch. which they hope will secure a continuance of public furor. They can now undcrtnkc I `ANY BRANC-tlM n\.\.u nu BU1LD1$.*G ENGINES, LSAW-.\[[LLS, GRIST MILLS, CIRCULAR SAW-HIGS, TOP-S.-KWS, E(1gc1s, '1`:-innricrs, &:c. - u ,,s,_,,,-,_,,,, ,_xu As their hIxint*ss is new, and they : bit.ious to build up - - they intend to work cheap; and as their mauutuctory isjn close pxjoximity to the rail- way and steauwr derots. 11 great saving can be etfectorl in the cost of freight and loss of time. They have armngcul To CAST FOUR AND SIX TIMES A XXI}-`fl -`.`l {, ' `Positively at Toronto. Prices! U D1131 l`UUl'l ISIVJJ DLA LLLVLJ . A WEEK, so as to complete Job Wozk with dispatch. .Ag).~nzs for the -Sale of SECOND-IIA.-\"I) ENGINES and BOILERS; a number of ' zchich are on hand at present. 9-ly WARREN` JENKINS. ofllrzulfortl, Gvncral Agent and Collector for. the Agricultural Im- plement ;\Iunufuctmty of the _M_-sgrs. BAT1`r:nsox Bno'rm-:ns..of Richmond IP11. having been in the same employ during the past ten years. acldrusscs` himself with some (lvgvce of-con- deuce to tlmse inten(l_i_`n;: to purchase lnbor- _ sawing and el-cti,ve AgricI:lmral' Implements during tlw coming season. as he lms always in the [mat snccc-eclell in Ihofolzghly pleasing all those with whom he` has had dealings, and therefore solicits tl:eir,o`rdera. ' ` rm... nqlnlnlishlnent is now dotting readv mi solicits tlIe`Il`,(_)l`(.l(`l'!_. The eslnblishlnent getting ready excellent machine, known as ' . J OHNSO N'S SEL F.-RAKER; ,logethe1-`w`it.b a new pattern of V ` WO0D'S SELF-R-.~\.I{I.\'G REAPER, A 7:4 _ .;.....AL }.I--` Inn` shin 'I`I.n,,` FA o tho the block Dwelling A full assortment-POSITIV'ELY AT` TORONTO PRICES! W UUIJ O uuu; 'AhA|l|.LL1\.a Aunangn ;4A- which cuts a.swa.t.h six feet wide. These are mid to be best. linkers and Reapers In. line world. Any farmer ordering one of those machines can -haveit put in operation by the Agent, and il it does not. work to the. purcha- ._ser s satisfaction, it may be returned free .of 33 II. 13 LIN: _lll_y lluuuwu uguurun nu luv .u...... Orders by mail. or otherwise, sent to the undersigned. Bradlord P.O.. will be nromptly and correctlylled, ,.at {the lted at fnct_.ory`priccs, and freight paid to the r:_\ilwny' station nearest. the residence of the purchaser. ` -:';"Fnrmers! Keep your eye on our go a. ru nu-vnwv n nnvrnr 1.1 AlVI'Wf\\? Auv n \:A vuuu PATTERSON'S ~ CAYUGA CHIEF, ` as it is the _ori1y prfuct Mower in the world. oa-n...1..... rm mail or nnmrwinn. non}. to} `g ..-.uuv.... ..-..-l. J... .._,- -_ ,.,. No. 11 PLOUGH, :1: DOUBLE-ACTION FANNINGF MILL.- I V ,, ,: -.___._ __...1.; an SE1" 5 Felt! clulrge. Fnrnu _ Fun-mar'a ahquld not buy any other Single Mower than - ~A__..._ .. p. . vvvvrc . 1wrvrv I.` An n An ll Anluuo Any repairs or renewals of parts, madt Von the premises of the party ordering them. cu . 0-nu-xvwsv vnurvrtxvrw ; - w Au Bradford, March 31st, 1870. POSITIVELY AT TORONTO-PRICES! consisting of Fualscsp. None, Post, Enm. U1opes._Pcns, Ink, Seals. Scaling Wax. Pencils,-P.urses, Pocket. Books. Drawing Books. Bl-hank Booksofnll kinds. Drawing Paper, (_)n.rdboard, Bristol Bo'ru'd, Tracing Cloth . Tissue Paper.` Blot-tingv Paper, \VrumiiI1gl'apa-r, Taxi!-ors .\1nnill\. Win- dow Shudos, Fixe-'bo:_ml Prints, Craypns, &c.. &-c..&c. ~ .~ .- AT EDWARDS PIANOS, MELODEONS. 35 VICTORIA n]?!`.AN.\` l'nr.\`nln nr in R1-nl, nn nncv AT EDWARDS `A: FKRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT, Books for the Farmer, the Artisan, the Kitchen. the Parlor. the Library. the Work-sham; Books of Travel and Adven- ture-:,' Tales for the Youth and Adult; Cn1holic1 rayerBeoks, Clmrch of Eng- land Prayer Baoks, Wesleyan Hymn and I :-esbyk-an Jsalm Books, Pocket and _Family Biblc-s,.&c., &c., &c. AT EDWARDS AR,Ii1E _E GINE FOUNDRY. llurpm-`s and` Frank l'.(-sliari Illustrated Weekly`. L1-dgq-.r, New York \Vr-ekly. Hur- per`s Bazaar. Bow Bells. Family Herald, GvnllmnmfsMagazine and Jnumal, Illus- trated London Pupe-1'8, &c.. Sic. ' AT EDWARDS , `THE Tanir FARM]-JR! run In uv luylng the 'JAB0R' SAVING I3I LELIEN'fS! `[0 TO THE EXAMINER OFFICE For N eat it Cheap Printing. 71&AT11Y1~EtiY. .E.NR. sEW3E.f&..9:l BARRI-E. WARREN JENKINS In-.-n g_gf U?IMP0R'1`A_N'.L` NEWS. Sha.nno_n s Fami'1`y%& Pastry `Flour; n CA1 `l\ `n A 1117 nvzx \\T | DD A \7'l`L`Y\ 'I`l\ [GENE RA E MES? CR0cKEYj:iii3" ""ggWARE. ! .11.`! CTTT 'IV!\\Y \A-ILs\I\.4.L.L.n_4.I.\ A Q-L9! __AA../N, ,... AA-` nmla lot of . it1 STILTON mnl other CHEESE. all of which he is sollingns Chmp> nstlne C lzcape.s-l. I-`or plicos jcall and satisfy yours-Ives that you cannot do Letter at any other hou.<'c in town. 5'27 Remember the place, one -door south of [he ]}mz7.- Q/' C'ommcru', Owvn .`,~'n-at, re a ?\'P'1'I'\'?1"l"'A rI'V Barrie, March. 17, 1870. `VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE! SIGN OF THE QUEEN. SOUTH SIDE. Brscurrsg GONFEGTIONERY, 93 Iiing Street, East`, Toronto, Dccembef, I860. P U RE T 1:`{g\=:s;;(_) C E R 1 9, MHEAP Good Canton Tea - f` Mixed Tea - - Y. Hyson Tea - `Superne Y. H. Tea Extra ne . Best Tea in Market 1:3` _Tl.e above Teas being In! am `Splendid Smoking Tobacco per lb, 386, S1 I.E.\'D!D CIIICWING TOBACCO, PER 1.15., 15.30. SI cm-:\\'1.\'G '1'()l3AUUU, 1-121; 1.15.. :5 Fine Bright Tobaccco, perolb. 4?c._.. nm Hvn nn . Malt. $1.00 nor zmllon. L\/ .|_:A:.D....., ___V,, _ 7 01:1 Ilyc and Sllpt`l'iO`I` Malt, $1.00 per gallon. nthvr W of `W0 -1`1I'n1i \\'hit:- Granite Ten sells at 52.50 pm` sou `Splendid 'l`oilcv. Sells fmxn `.':l (M) to $ L00. ' ~ ' 4 _. - -1 `n `T? A 1`-_`__`A__`KT We have just received an , . \7IlV=l~Iua:'a_a.v - ..-- ,-.., , ' _ Offers from this day 'forWzu'd, induc:1i1ents'. to C:1: ('n.~:t-'2 i V h1therto_ unheard of m Bzm'ie,-as the follomng quotatmns show, .~:_u:...,.,\..a 'r..n ':nn Ra-n-ntv (`(~n'. Tu-: ` hltnerbo unnearu or m pm-nu,-.m |-nu w...,.....b .r..,....-- Dollar Tea, 90c. l\'inct.y cart. Ten. 80c. I-Zighlvcrznt. Tun. 70c. Seventy T-rx. I`-'3. Sixtiy cent. Tea, 50. -Fiztv cunt. "l'ou. 4.';c. '24 1113 Rice, 31. 20 lbs Gond (.'urr:1nN. :31. 5. h.s,Bt\king Sudn. 250. 0da ..iseuils lpy {l)c_ Box. per lb. Sc. Pnu-nl. Pails, 17-3. a~.1r:Ix, Wash Boards. `l5c. 011011. 12 llurs (if l'u'r $1. 5 Gallons good (Zorn whislu-_v. $3.50. 5 gall's Old Rye Wlniskey. $4.50. 5 gul1ons.\I:1lI, 4.50. I-`mu .'u'm'c=l Mediterranean & Spun`sh Ligzlnt Dinnvn-\.\'inc-s, the best value in the Province, $2 per Gallon. Brandis, Giu,_Portr &4'AIes, in Wood & Bottles, and e-vcr_\'tl1in; usually kept in :1 Grocery" Liquor Store, equullylow. .- _-...1 r..- r....n....- .........|.:..:. nhnnf .1..." ....`mIa "in nm-1-`o. llzxvinw n01-r-nt. no wngau, ` THE LARGES?i'_8$LTEiz{if>ETT fbCK OF READY-MADE c1J0'rum; _ `IN BAI.{I{IE. OVERCOATS 1N `GREAT V ARIETY! GEORGE ASHTON S, -nA1)T.'TT = _ ` . . Gallon. Bmlldlesa & AIes, e-vc1'_\'thin,;; equally low. No need for further complaints about dear goods `in P.n1'r'o. lI:u'in;: no 1-r-nt. pay, I shall leave no room for `- ncw or old " come:- to compete with mv`. 1x7 `LI [T\"|"`[.`n f W [H A L'U.\u'Lnu; nun ~;u\,.. \lA. Groceries, Wines,'#%L[i~qum;,5 c%nos `pnovssjoras, . J- \ rv....1. pxsm INDIA HOUSE! oment. b kAY. Am I & J. G. LAWSQEI, IS SOLD BY 0. A. PERKQNSH K: WARRANTED T?) GIVE SA'1`ISFAC'l`I,ON. GREAT WANT SUPPLIED I LIL? II (11.15! V v -nu. -... - ._ WITH A CO.\IPLE'lE NEW STOCK.` CALL AESD i;xA1s_11NE, _ * JOHN PAYNL. GROGERIES AND LIC},UOR.S`:~ Four Doors we.9t of' the Fire Hall, (Jollir,r ; .v--v>.-- Q} . ul- PEI . _ n " 1 l, TALAAAAA 1/\r\-an C. A. PERKINS Grocery is also the place to go_for choice Slug:-u-s, Tens, Raisins, cm- rants. I mr.c.=, Cnnncrl Fruits. Jams. Salmon Lobsters, Anc`..o\'ics, Sardines. Pickles and AND. M..x,\'U1-*.-xcTL~"n13x*.s or? ; lately imported contain all the properties of :1 rst-ulzm article for strength and avor. V Also a choice assortment of- .._...__ ls... I.\Il OR'I` 1'} RS OF 47-If FOR. 1`0RON J.`O, 02:; `J-Vv-v -_.i 7, . OF 'J`II}'l ()[I()lU]ig'!` C. A. PERKINS. VV. HUf\"l'ER, C.-\Z\'TO.\ T 1 t of Nova ly and of 0-13-.. per lb 430 500 GOO 75-3 -- "` 800 - `%9oc B A R R I 3?. 'er Smut. ' III I HOO- motlgngo L9! Now-" r, In mi, nu}: )9 J ucqiwt 20,- to Jayblnl Quebec, Sc-cllon Amp. to uuski, | Station Lake, a ?ll9|'!x I! luv- tho . in. , G 1:... yl on with 1-I! yfr ---lu~;5. 1 uu_ .ww .v-mtm. 1100.1 Hm. Ill Lnu Icnsl ,n.-In-u.~'<-:nLlh iwloan.-4 nml wishes 0| the com- .-Iuunity. Riv! is lu-coming hlo:\tu:1_nml Alrnnlu-n, uml .lot:1ll_v nnlil, to ho wll1'Ilsu-tl with any auxllmrity over life or libu.-rly. Unsi- Il('H.~l i_x nlmnsi. I-'Il4[)('Ill1(`.(l. and traders are Ht~Iuliw,: their goods uurus-Ls Mu-. line to prevent. their l';\|lin:: into thu l1'.\H(l*4 of lliul's ful- " ---h_.v.~.o--A-~---- Grunt `cnl.`lm.~"r.\.un was lnmxili-stat! by the volnuuu-.o1'% of` .\lrml.ro-.t1 M. the pmspect of being caller! out for service ut. R4-(1 Ki-.v-1'. The nlunlwr required could be completed froxn Montreal ulonu, In u .. .... ...'.. ... .. .. lxntier 3 go of the la to Theo- motf Inc an- uunu.~4.~s ugmllsl. lh~nver. . Mtcr releasing 13-nvcv they sat. re,to'lho `jail dour to pummt the escape of other prison} ors. and then retired. . J. W. Unbvrly was killotl by Dr. Dlnlgmve. l`hil:t:|olphin lm - mom silk fnctonjivs than M. Olin-.1` city in the Union. _ .-. .---- 'l..`nivon~`-ally usod. gout-rullg pruisod. -M` '_'||ySllL'rlll nnd ornnnwntul, are some of NW N'- mmmondulions of Johnston's Pnlont. VV-utllvr .1'r0lvclnI's. uwnrdcul l*}xlrz\ Prizu. I I`0\`i|1C|{|` lixhihitinn, 1:460. 1`u-mlc-r.doors and w.1ndo\v.= `lg-,ntlu2r-prool'.` Cost umnilml. Good ;nguIIl_s A. n muku mow lnonv ' than in any otlnuj bum- mcss. For full purunulxn-s nddrcss JOHN- .S'l`ON &: 00., LljNDl3.-XY. ONT. ' .m-r.-I-,{n.~n|:1uL .\culcI|-`.\ll IIIU l'l'o ..l:\nls unin-:n;;e\inst. him. n\\'ill`,!, lo his ill-mmhm-nt ..al'(}mlly and llull(-It. tho ]:r(-sent rniunus `pllil'l1[l),lli G.n'crnIm-nt. NI R00 as up . I , . .*4l:|ln 0!` 11-mlu, anal other l:uvlu-.~.~x ])1'()cm-aiillgs. 'l`ln- ln:l_iuns-1 Um-:11:-n violence to tho fulnilics nI'|{i-l mnl lnisautlvist-1's. mul ul'u hitlvrly up- :1 !l|Il'\'ninun.. Ht~Iul1w,: their goods l l';\llin-,: , into the of l:iL~l's fol- lowers." ` ,. H .;o--A------- uuu |lIUll|5u ` J. II. sVo-nnur. Slum-ill` of \\ ushim l".\|'ish. `ms xnurtlm-ml M .\[unruu. LIL. lust \vu(-,l:. by 15 or 20 xwmurl men, who came fur tlxu purpose rUl'-rulv_:|.~'iI1;: 11 man nxunecl lleawur, who \\"u.-1 in .eu~xtml_v, clmrgcsl xvithgxnurdcr. ~ - Tho. mob 1tl.~u)'killt.-(I 0. Johnso n. u cdlorcd` I)-:Ill', (:4-um-nl .\l-.1hnrn.~x. U. S. Consul ut \\'inuipcg, 113-` =|I'ri\'vI1. llv lring.~1 nothing lulv1'._ `Hm St. Paul 1 iuurw` pu|rli.~'|u-.-1 xx lnII;';I(~ll(-,1` `from l m-lzu,-.0 In Pruiriv, .\lxu'ch `Ind, in which rqv\\'rit1-rsays:--- 'l`h:- rum-uL rising ngninsn R_|t'lII1l.~s|n.-(`ll wry sm:c.~.-`.~sI`ul in nmleruIin',: )II_s L-:u'oI'I: um! lioullon nml his Hiolnls \\`(-H2 `rt-.~'u-l hy lunuul mul di.~'lmuuruhle mu-uns. It -pp:-are that Hit.-I lnu nu i|Il])[)0l`l.l'|`S :uunn;.~; iln-Iv`-1-'1' ` -' I N` -1--ll I I" (-1- t` ; ,., Isa 4.1: .culLI .\ 110 In as .\n 5 uuim `inn. him ..w:.... :1. Im. m_.......o........ 5Ill'\'l`lll Iliprg. ;l'(.'||l'U.\'(' cu'~un(1_v, cllurgusl \\'itlmnIxl'dcr. ~ -- _ I`lm x\l.~u) killed 0. n, colored` \\'ilI1uss1\gniI|sl. liunver. ~Uh-r rnl.mcnn' Ihmnmw Hun: cnl nrn h-\'lkn for N J:-' { 1 A1lovant| Nr:un.n.au.--U ll)? (");1tl::r1lz1E.mSo1-o Thronla ell)!F311;`{"ci`:.ngruuble W '` i an Bronc in 3. 'c- ' . . teliuble. sold-by Drum?" MflilgiAKl*.\s1'.-EI'1's'H Goco.\.-Gum'm:x.' gr of : l.\!F0ll'{`l`Nl}.-_`-'['|lG very agreeably churne- 0mH_M'11s _pu-put-ution` has renclemd it a gen- wm ko_nn`te. Thu_(,n'n. Sr:nvxcx=: (_r:\ZH'l'TE M s.-_- - The singular succu-as wlnch Mr. PP-`i Mlullletl `by -his homeopathic propnralion -of cocoa has never boun surpassed by any ex- herium-m..|:.. n.. .. n... -1. I... ,1-.- rim -unuIn:u Hy `INS ll0|n(B[)IIllHC [)l'0[)(|l`Il|lOD Derilm-ntuliat. ll a thorough knowledge of the m_\lmnl laws wich govern the operations oi` dlgustoli und nutnitio'1. tind by 1! cm'cl'ul appli- cation ofthe litio properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast with a dolictitoiy tiavourud beverage in mny save us many hcuvy doctors bills." Mdu simply with boilirig water or milk. old by tho 'l`1'ndo only In ,1.`lb., }lb: and 1 lb In-liucd pnclcets, lubeled-J.nn-:3 Errs ti: Co., ImnDat|nic (`.lmminl.n Lnmlnn. Rmrlnnrl -r-uuuuaula. .0. U 18 gl`u0ll1)l8 I0 UEO, and Sold- by Druggigts. _ Co.\'suMm'has.--Use Dr. J. Briggs Tront nd Lung Henlerfor all diseusesof me Throat. Lllllgl, and Chest. Vary pleasant and mica- @59l!9; Sold oruryvrlww. In-nucd hA!.b;Il0(l-'-.J7A);I-Es` E19I9&'( llomcnputhic Chemists, London, England. !~`|-2.\"l'l~2.\'(.'El) 'l`0 III-I FIUIT. The prisum,-r was .~:_-ntcncml to he slmI.~.\t It'll o'clock. hul lwforu that hung` Rev. Mr. Yuulig. who lmd hm-n with tlxt.-_ |:rI.~unmr. whit - -.l[un tlm 1 ru.~"ul(-utuntlA(l_)utant.-Gcm3I'nl. ml urgml again tlml llw unlnumwy man's life hcspurvxl.--s':uir1g that he \\".1s not. |n'(-parml unlit-. Tho.\tljulaml-(in-nurul nial that. tho ,..,.,m,uc could not he l"_\'nk1.'l1. I-ut that In _ 414.-I :-rm-mm to Llw sl:m-nu-nl.~4ul'RM`. Mr. Ymlng mu cxvcmion` \\'uuM he postpum-l until nuon. ms l-`.\llI~!\\'I-!l.l. nlcqr 1'. ..n .x.:.- ...... nnIh|n.r would cnn- . any ch-rgynmu n uent for R mun xuul dill wlm Innate mun. .\':-xt III the sentence. the ( 9`-mhled. and some of lo{rlvn'L with Mr. (In the prisum-x` should In den1.nslne llud apprw he could HI'\'l`l` l`t'VUk( unfa (riburml, but th all the snltlivrs shunh the rxcculiun, and th `Ivml up fur the comic !~`|-2.\'TH. rm) "I gape. Only one mvm wins! the :14.-cisiun. iuturmecl ol the szul l`t'S xherd instunt. I10 w in : separate room. his 1r`: and paper gin-II la-|""" .- . . 10 mg account 01 wt! mluut-1 a'c"k iverlrom the New Nation:-. ihtary executt_on _ever witnessed Lnnd. we beiievogtook piuennt BP'f:,n the 4th inst. The person . shot Scott. who came here from u T- . 'PrK::wmm`er; and his exectttmn took `d on an order of court-martini ht-idat N Iiigm on we 3I`!l Inst. Mr, Scott, it will 9310:? rwoneclioil of many, was` among the? y1u!'n5c,pmred in Dr. Schnltzs store on ctn='_" December last. He lay in contine- if " on with the other prisoncrn, (1 than nccompnnjed by several his escape trom the FOB, e in V , 0 close of` the lust inmn. 'M.-_ Scott. who hull tied to the (me I came down with others to that loca- i"= bcrnmuc prisoners. Slllts1Iqu(-,n[,|y_ U I known, this I 0rlttg0m0vement as- is nspeet. and the captur- iW wt! 9 Sew" . ' u . . , nheiortnntl overturning to Gmoin. t uimctltli. But_thIs wusahnnuinm-(1; n cnptnred with the 7 thumorning ot` the 17H) fmm this time fortli. Mr. Scott was very mm] r||)llSi\'t! in iliS.1tlll{.'|l'dg0 and ac. `,I'h.'unnn_vi11'g and tnfnlting tho IlM`(iH`. and e}'nthrUatt`t1llig the 1 reiudent. lie |.3cotl] Nd 0pr.ly.tl1-at It ever he gotout. he would the Prusnlent. and furtiu-1' stated that at the head of the party of the Pnrtngo ny to Kilnionnn; called- whn on their w ,...'a house and t`i\l'(.'iIUti it for the 1 ;-c. M 39 HS z in -u m,nl5 millumn uv 'I`|. mm min mm. '. mt of tlm mum .l:c H19 91.1.... hmm the Nation I IIDII III Inga. . 0 renewing account murder ..1Rive|'l|'0m t_lw New Atation-- construct ic Notice for Soc- :-prucd lo u. nis zltlvist-Ina. k('.('|)S up, ovvr Ctll'l't`El])ll(l(`llCU luuvillg Win- `, .\'aw .V-llilllt 1100.1 not in Lhu lens: we {ivl lnhmtutl and HI In!-ullu nnlh 1.. Im mu.-.'m...l l{:'ll mfor |BE.ST QUALITY!` LAND HPLASTER!` `FR-EE ON AEOARVD. CARS IN l\'EW~STRONG- BAGS, $6 50 PER TON. IN BARRELS, IN BULK, v'ro wrr: 5 mm. Inc unuru ox uyer and 'I`eI'min<-I`. and Gonerul Gnol Delivery and Assizo and Ni.-i Prius. fur the said County, ` will be human Town of Barrie, vin_co of Easterly ntn;.c-dig Clarke : at 12 o'clock, noon, ofwhich all Ju. of H10 1`(-ace, Coroners. Constable-9. Gzlolcrsg, and all others concerned. are ruqllircd to take! notice. and attend to do aunl perform all dznties which appertain to them. `u 1" OIIIVHTY P_1m\_*G ASSIZES! Cou.\'1`i' OI-`Sl.\lCOI-I. N()TICE is lmruhy given, T0 that the Court. of Oycr and 'I`.u-mim-I-. nml Gr-nornl Gaol Doliverv nnd AT THE COURT-I-IOU .SE! Monday, A1351 18, 1870. March 23rd, 1870. iCOUNTvY 6'15 SIMUOE, puvxcrxuru-rru A fVr`l1'F1`l'If"{ .Shcris Omcc. Barrie. .\l:u'cln 16. 1870. `EX'1`RA 3I:_11INE OIL. This Oil oxcvlls Ml other oil. hoth animal uml \'vgct:nh1--.. and \\'(-. urv ]n`I'1I{\I`L'(1 lo shuw tho supvrinrily of this oil (6 nil others. It '~`l:\lIdS the tests 11cm-smxry In pruvu :1 lirst`-class (ll lich-; it i.~a:uh1plcd to oitlu-1' light or hzxwy nmclnilwny, from u clock or at-wing nmchinu to the In-:u"u-st. :~'hut'Iin;.:. The I`-:llm\`ing um the puiuls in which it t`.`(L'(,'S all othvr oils: -rm 1r'r1'1`1', 1\1'nrn C`.'|'T1Vl'l Euler inco of oy to Its Hnnl ])0ll|lS Ill \\'ll|l.'u lb I.'.\L'.uua nun uun | unm. IT WILL NOT GUM! .1-...\o ..1...m mm. mm- ll`-L` VV.l..Ll.I.l J.V\l.I. \JII.aa.u.. I um! mnchinm-y can he In-pt cl:-an with little Lruuhlog and it will (:lm\n mzxchim-ry that has : nvon gulmnocl by uthc-: 0118. 1-1. __:11 .....4. .......4w-.n1 nu +11-in}:-an V I Ill`('l| glllIllHl'|l U) Ullll-"s U1- . I It will not cqngeal or tlncken ! II H... ....I.).,..I 1\f' m.ml.'..-.- D Will. LLUU vv_a.Lvuua \la. in U!!! CUl(Il'.\'[ Q/' wmlinr. yo.-.v._ 'l`lii+'. is n qu-.\lil_v of the hi;:lu~.~=t lll1`p0l'l.;`ll1c('.' frmn llw fuel. am oil not lnxving this qunlil_v will nuL.lu"n'.ic:\lu aasold shaft. Such an oil nu-._v In-. umxliul in 0. liumml stun-. but tlw uueuu-ul. imunclu-s n cold slmlft it is'.cnn;:1-nlotl uml will not luhric-.1lc until llm ju-urnul, Ivy lrivliun. uc-uiiros Ilmt lk'lIl]H'l`lllll|0 nucc.~'.<:1r_v lu n-ulmtu il. be it-liqull sum-. pnuuls uml the. lmx is llIilll'(.'(l. It is as in1pns- silzlu M im-..uil {lint will chill nu a cold slmft \-:.i.LlnouL this ri_~sull, us it is to mingle oil with \\'n|cr; nu-l J. J. Smcls nil will luhI'ic:1letl1u (:ullo:-1. slm|'L the mmnunt it is npplivd. . This nil i.- nun muul in nvur hm lmmlu-d anlnlulinh. . In acquiring u , lug,-h h`lll]I('l`Ililll'c hy friction, tlwjuurnn`. -x- . .....m-.-. nunlu ...., .. ..,.,.... .. _.,, nil is mm nyul jn_n\'_I{' twp llllllnjd inn-ma. mu is giving hu lost or .~:msmollnn;- mul ull uuiu-ill saying lht-y ]wvl'(-1' it In the m... .-.-mu-ul am-1'11: 01" pure olive lt.isl'ru-v |'mm lhv nb_1m-cimus urgm} ugniust all other oils, us it hm: nut. gum or lrovze. . i i _N()1\'. us the puhliq am n\\':n-c llml. l]lll}' j \\'m-Illlm-5% things are pu[l'm. lut0 numristy, lll1Ii_' iu urdvr to pruvu.tlx:u..!.l-I.-x is no litiiiiblig; us w(-ll us to secure (null-'s|ls'('.~x. ugn-inst lllrc upwa- linns nl unscrupnlom nil xiga-nits. runny `of whom will, uni. luwnnlu I1)" palm 0Il`lhe nwre ulful ul' nil rcllm-iivs as living identical with Slvcla I.\'lrn Muchiim Oil. we propose to thosu who are inu-rcslml in the truth of tlu-sc Htuwnn-nls to Sl'lI(l In llu-m. on npplicntion hy muil ornllu-r\\'is1-. free ul clnu'g<.~ in any way, ll.F.l|lll]bi|! of the oil, that it.n1uysp('nli l'm' il- ~ sull; uml.'.\ill also sand with it u l`e\\t-silliplc l'.~'ls. us 1.-ll :-0Li\'(! as those i('SiS by which yzuld is known 1'xnm.thu lmsornu-lul-s. and \vhich will 1-nahlv pmlivs ortlvring In secure thinn- svlvvs tl,'_'1lillSll imposition, luyonnhling them In (iUl('l'lIliIm 11!. once whether the oil fo:\\'m'(lvd is us gnml us s-`uunplo .<(~.ut. All parties ulonling in umcliinc oils will do well to comxnunicntu with f.Tc`{ $ TI El`.'\{.`l\' luau. 15. ta`-:'m;;1\. liroughmn. .()nl.. ; Solo A;:(.~n.t.fu1'tl1c Dominion. J. IIE.\ I)ERSO.V', .v\;,~-_rn.. DIl|1l0p St. Barrie. ALL 1>1i1{bs sLI1=FE1c1NG FROM Dyspepsia, Indigestion, .0- ..r .1... u..........u. ...m 1.. t......'..' l L L -1 il - v` Or any I1-ran-.v:-um-nts of the Smmnch, will he Imld. dintuly I'uIl(~\'('(l and pt-rmzuu.-nlly_curcd by the use of ms. nu 1\Av1\xIvI\.'I'l.'\ DYSPEPSIA. { REM:-332,} In I)oscs of only 20 or 30 drops. it` taken strictly as I)i1'-cu-(1. WNO chnnzt-. of Diet. rcqulrod. Pflthmt-1 rcqnnslcd In pnrmkc r1u:x:1.1' up /my \vum.vr.so)u-2 man. This in n cnrnlivc nnd cnrrvcllvn Medicine. Hus In-.(-n l('y~ h3l1 In u\'-,r_\' l'ni'm of J)y.-pt-ps|.1 incu ISIT. nnd L-a uu:u-mm~ -d In (-.uru'.Imtnf'1nnl'Llm most oh:-llnntc (`hrunlc misc It nl nu'-.c Illlnys thoh'l'Ilm.ionsol`thc Stmum-h--sl zztlu-ns [he or n14, nss-lath: dlzsemnn, ('m'I'w'I~Iluasn-<:n-llon:I. In fmar; n-stun-1 the taxnncll my_l nll Ilu-1'.:m-llnn.~aoI` dI;_vm-tlnn to n hrnlthy con- dhuvv. .-Ind hy .-nduhI5_'.1'nnd ha )rnpu1'ly(H;;-x~'tc(]mid n.-mim IlIIlL`(l to (he s_vstum-thu h`nnd nml . sccx-nllnns huvnnw pnrn mu] hunlthy. ulvln: to melt and all frus-h t'nnnrun:mc\-:=nndhonlthy vl-,:orm1:a hndlcs nml Inhxdn. Y rul re.~Itnrhv.'lhc h.tvy:rIt_v of the dim-,stl\-o func- tions um! mu:-Ifyllng llue.-tronlns of life at the fountain, H. any other rummly curu.i, us well us pro-_ dhu-.nxws of Ind!-.:c.~Iliun, .,~uch us'(`,nnst.l nuun \\'orn~..a,Cullc, Liver Cmuplulnl, Sick ' cud- U] W u-u Ros; Vosterly I` New iles, in- goucho. I-um nf `