--__-.., -- vnwuu II 1 BAR. Iron add Steel. Sugar Kettleaft Thimbles, Skeius; Anvils, Vices", , oi1s,White Lead spades, Shovels. Rakes, Pocket ` and ?Platcd Ware, always on hand. BENNETT, Lug. They are as follows: SMOKING;-501800. Fig, la. CHEWI.\'(}~-0liV, Navy, Dnrk Sweet, and other , and a supply of sinperior FRESH LOBSTERS and S E Bla.t:1l'Iir:a'lI!u 'I):..1_-L Dominion. brands. ARDINES 5.u;a_a wuuu mane!` poli: } BE DJSPOSED OF 1 ed to offer ti)` the public at prices 1 with WEST OF-M ON TREAL. 1... NEWMARKET -_ .nAV11VU umuuvrgu TO AND commonrous `PREMISES, COMPLETE NEW" STOCK OF THE CH()I(`.I<`.Q'1~ ~Barrie. March 17th, I869. -_._ A1411 U u uuu.\'u ISL 519 WHERE. ' Cloth s, R_ea,dyA-MadeJ Clothing, _ _ EATS AND CAPS, and Gent s Furnishing Goods; ' (3`onsfa11tly on "Hand. 'l'm: l\'IUNIlOE Mu1mI:n' 'CASE.--TlJ0 Chicl'Jusl.ice_ of N. l., in 1'cfcrrin_r_; to the` Munroe ll1Ul'(lO!`.CZlS(`, and the L-llbrts mmlc to got him a lenient sentence, look occa- sion to remark on the lhlse synnpntliy evinced in t .-wor ot'criminnl.~; who happen- eul to be well connected. I-Iis llonorsnid zhut, nmler such (.`ll'(!llll)Sl.:lllCOS, it required no onlinm-y firnnmss on the part ot' the .. jtulgv. to cuuhle him to Il(lll)llllSl.L`l' the lnw with cllhct; for no sooner is the cri- nninnl, with his numerous l'rieml.~x, con- vi--tcnl, than an elfnrt. is mauie to thwnrt. the course of the law. In his opinion, _ should the (lay ever come, when the juries and t-.omInnnit_v refuse to support the jmlges in thnir lirm _nclIninistmtiun of the law, the plum will he unlit. for civilize(l- men to live in. His Ilunnr then zllludcul to the change in 0lll'(`l`lll1llll law, ellbctetl hy the Union Act, hy which the olrl I :-m'_inco laws are Sllperse.l0(l, um] cxlpitzil puniulnncnt, in certain cases; becomes again the huv of the hunl. nu` - MEI-{CHANT TAILOR 85 GLOTHIER A onpsmANp, ' W Corner of Di1n'lop Street and Railway Square L BARR1E;oN1 - s, shs, Pol;;,M.`S.;a;iv{ails,' &. .ron and Steel. Suznr Kettle: Inf an .:....- c~,,,- - 7 --n:cx.'- ........, .,..u.u=-, ;;uvus, v1ces,J Uellows, "T5 pg and me a,VVhite Lead, Glass &(3_ Shove1_s. `Tabla nun--- I. -M&cMaste,r, J 1' . HAVING ' REMOVED TO I l1I\l"nl't\-ulnar-on-w _ DRI1*ri?iIiI" -FOR 7 instore a very Iztrge stock of .14 " ` . , __-..___,, ` :1 Kettles of 11 ' -' f 'VAnvi1s, Vices", 1' Be`:lo\:3:,ea"1S;,p;.,l5nis;u- to. I .993 (:1..- _ .. ` in the United Kingdom. Blessed will he the man in a few years _---says an English contemporury-who can grow an nhunthmce ofwlieut. The consumptiouof that grain is no doubt steadily increasing in Europe. It is pre- ferred to rye and buckwheat, and its use has heeome the test "of the amount of eom i'ort or luxury enjoyed by the people. The rnpirl progress in wealth and in nmnufncturingintlustry which is tnking . place in Germany, France, Belgium, B4- 'vnri;I, the, will increase the lemnnd.1'or I _ wheat. The number of thinly inlmhitecl co.`.ntries which export it will be gruduztlly realuced, and the number ot' populous ' collntries which import it will he increas- ed. The result may be that Enghnul may have to consume a larger portion of some other brezul-corn besides wlient. One of the ngrieliltuml journals tells the Tzmners that they must copy the Chinese in the economy of their thrilling"; but possibly the f'nrIncI's may not untler'.~.tnn'l what is meant. The common English ixlenof theVUhinese is that they curry pigtails. and that their women have small feat. llowever, it may he aplestioned if the Chinese, were they better kno\\'n, couhl mute:-i:1lly increase the home crops A SUPERIOR CIJASS OF 9 TEAS, for 50c., 60c., ing elsewhere. H ARDWARE7 .u uu_y ull.| .'l'. - VERY LOIV FIGURE. _ :__ :_. ELSEWHERE. nnnn I-.. _--1, l)U ay Kn German, Eagle-Rolled Steels. and Toe Caulking , - u an u ozl Pickles. ` `rpnpf nrnnn n -' _..g4 that canhot be c_orpeted ...... nu; nu;-.-, grul:uy mouth, and is seen no more. Then the lovely arms unclose and wave nguin m the water, looking as innocent and lmrmlcss as though they had never touched :2 fish. the best markets, and (lllll MARSH S MAKE. ' 1 ` - JJ.3`IfEAR .1; JACKSON-5 ' and 1|)! A 1\nv~..... _ cheaper, resolute in his ugu. AXIS? x D19 9 31', goes` .do notlie quietly in their places, like beautiful waving arms, as you call them, A`l\I1;Rnsnm;s Sr:,\l"Lowen.--Oi1e' of the e_\-aluisite wonders of the sea is called the opelet, and is `about a large as the (`rermnn aster, looking, indeed, very much like one. Imagine a very large double aster with ever so many petals of a light green, glossy as satin, and each one tipp- ed with rose color. `These lovely petals those ofthe aster in your ganlen, but' wave about in the water, while the opelet generally clings to a rock. How innocent and lovely it looks on its -rocky bed. Who would suspect that it would eat anything grosser than dew or sunlight? But those have another use besides looking pretty. They have to provide` food for a large. open month, which is hidden deep down among them---so well l.i that one vanscari-.el_y nd it. Well do they per- form their duty, for the instant a f'ool.'sh little shlet touches one of" the rosy tips .1). he is struch with poison as fatal to him 10 as lightning. Ht: immediately becomes numb, and in a moment stops strugglingf G, and then the other lreautiful arms wrap ; themselves hrountl him, and he is drawn 7 `into the huge, greedy mouth, and is rl I ` ' VIII . Axlse `Id Din 48- -.....v.. mvin VANEVERY. Barfie, Jun 30, 1869. 22.r uumngwood. For terms and ( the owner. ` -'--ALS Lots Nos. 25 and 26. 4th Con., Town-hip of ed principally with In: portion of pine: Thea Georgian Bay, between Collingwood. V term: mm an--- failing spring.on the premises. nunu FOR _SALE_: Lots Nos. 13, 14 and 15. on the and fronting on Main Street, in t Laskay, Township of King. good board fence. and having residence erected thereon. West sideof be Village of enclosed by a V 11 comfortable , There is a never _/ -'-A1302`. Clelll'(`(1 and in a high state of The land isfwell waterd by a run and has a -good frume- Dwelling 51 newfrume Barn. also a young : orchard of fruit. trees. Aron n ~" u uult:l' UHF` nmmings used as a. `LIifli`lt1'lIliST;\BLlSlI- MENT; together `with HORSES. BUGGIES, WAGGONS, STAGES. SLEIGHS, CUT- TERS, HARNESS. &r:., &c.. now in use by the subscriber, and the Mail Contract be- tween Barrio and Penetnnguishene. ' Also `a Dwelling House, opposite the premises just mentioned; and a splendid farm of 100 acres. within 4 miles of Barrie, on the main road to Thornton, being Lot No. 11. inthe 3rd Con- cession of Innisl. ofwhich about 65 acres are cleared and cultivation. watered running stream: House and , and thrilty uuuuuu u: an early day, offers to Sc vale contract the following valnabl ties. viz.: Those premises on Du_nlop Street. sisting of :1 quarter acre lot, on wh are efectetl a vcomfortable Dwelling I acommodious stable, sheds and 0 buildings LIVERY EST. MENT: fnrmthnm '...:n.. rrnnr-"-~ -- , _ _. .-..uunu11v'1J;4J.V 1 In Barrie. ' Tbe11t1}1crsighc(1,bciug `desi_rous of leaving ` Canada at an early day. to Sell by pri- v_at-e cpntract followimr v-u....m.. M, Shanty Bay, Set. _____.i______ ._._j__;} .v.....,u.p uuuu: u1c_nn0ued. For terms and further pm"tc the oice of this paper; to Mr. Stayner; or to the proprietor o i < . .InH\1 Sale of Valuggg Real Estate; ' --A.\'I)-- LIVERY E%TABLISHMENT In `I -Insc-n= - > ners, VZI _'h'0c. 5-1) '7 Lung 5, to_ )RE 33'" For Sale. one of the most convenient. 156$ comfoimble, and pictnresqncly situated Dwelling Houses and Grounds in the ourish- ing town oflim-rie. one. containing twelve roorns.`l;esides 3 com- modious. stone lmscmcnt; huilt in modern style, and nished in avvry vxce-ll:-nt nmnner, throughout. The grounds coxnprise Lois Nos. 34 and 35, having :1 frontage of 132 foot, on the West side of John Street. close to the centre. oi"lm: are well stocked with nmne:ons fruit trees of the choict-st v:\1'ie:ie-s, and all bearing. On the p!`OXXliS{`S are 2; good stable and other out-1>ui_h1ings: ni.'~:0'. n'.w-ll of pure spring water, and a strongly con- structed cistern, capable of cuntzzining '60 barrels of water, V ' T1, ,.nn,,..hr'\..:ll L- .1: The House is n Lwe-story. H IRSI`-CLASS DWELLING-IIOUSE , AND `GROUNDS FOR SALE 1:; B.-umxs. LA-LL 4.;_.._______ `GREAT CHA CE FOR Im MEET! Sunnidale, Oct. . the lot. Standing timber all hardwood. The _ .1.` . For sale or to Lease, that excellent farm No. 14. 10th Concession. township of Sunni- dule`. containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES. of which about 70 Acres are Clearer], weil fenced-, and in the best state of cultivation. It is within four miles from th`c_'o1u-isbing village ofstnyner, on the N.I?..R.' Saw-mill withiu 9. mile-and-a-half. "grist mill three miles. Blacksmith shop, School-hous`e and Post- Otlice, adjoining the lot. Good Log House. Frame Born, and other outbuildings. A young and thriving Orchard, and a never--failing well of excellent water. Cree-k runs through objuctin selling. ill houlth. Term! eusy. For further particulars apply to the owner, U01-IAltD BARRY. on the promises; Or to DAVID MORROW, E:-xq.. _ v .. B:u-rio. (lfby letter, post~paid.) l Oct. 13. 1869. l , 37- 1: III I: KICUE. ALSO FOR ;_ 13,11 and 1:: -- For Sale, that valuable fzirm; Lot No. 32. 2ndvConcession, Township of Oro. consisting `of ONE HUNDRED ACRES, one half cleared and. free of "stumps. There are on the pre- niisea 9. good Log House and Burn. Flxriex particulars can be learned on applying at the V oice of this paper. Barrie. June 9. ]R9_- M w ......:.n .... nu U\lUCllUU (II anruful trainmg in the useful y art of p1oughin_r._:`~. The per- t'- is Mr. Rolxurt Scott, of lot \ Hullett, who cmriedoff the RH` h'nIIrrln'nnp 3-: 41-3-4" ~- FARM. F0-R.SA'LE"0R TO LEASE _ 1.. Far tnln nr In `I am... n__; , .. _ ,. _... .uu aunts cuuu. H in-hip Tiny. wild, nnd c ' hardwood, and a 1 119: These lots border on , Penetanguislicnc _l_. __ . An excellent Farm for sale, within three miles ofBnrrie. on the Penetauguishene Road, being the S,1__ofLot No. 5. in V the lat con., Oro, containing ONE HUNDRED ACRES. more or less, of which there are SIXTY ACRES cleared, and in a good state` of cultivat.ion.-Terms easy.-Apply to D Alton McCarthy, Esq., or W. M. Pass, Esq., or at this oico. ' > January 12. 1870. 50-3m. ..__.__._.______._..__._____.__ FARM FOR SALE. An swr-tall:-nf. Fm-m rm. m uuce Ul uns paper. Barrie, 9, 1869: j and 26. 100 acres ea I-hip ; lmrd\vood_ m1 Houses Farms & Lands for Sale [other particulars, apply to `WARM FOR. `SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP _ of ORO. ' ' _ V n East, con- 'ac1'eIot, which there rtable IIonse,nnd lc, other out- . ESTABLIS `_- -ith HORSES. Rlrnarwc um. 3:.-ur uuu now usesxton n 1851 he took the second llnun, mu] in IQKA. l.,. . JUJ . S1869. _ , _......-5-:\-u nu; uUll.~`,0. >n.n. frame burn and log a good well of water. with elling door. The premises 2 main road from Ba_rx-in to Ho :1 Grist and Saw Mm`. .5o:- . 100 each. in 1 F Tinv. wild. nml M..- ._._...vuu, sun; 1; Hlalf se on the- 1 Penetanguislicne and er pm`tcu]ars, apply at : E(1\\'fll`(I Kelly, yrictor on the premises. JOHN KELLY. 869. ami- (H1) .13. 1869.` j-.____._. ms [0 Sell by ` valuable proper- INVEST-* UUV Ur` , small- nn Hm. x the `n-nu-_ ,. ...-mm. mm, mm no 15 (ll'l\Vll mme rrrc-ed ' mouth n 1 15 Then Hm Inrnlu ---no I 1 . _ 32tf- above Factory. and not buy of otter instrument. tpHE? CHEAPEST AND BEST Melodeons Pianos 1% Cabine-t Organs FOR SALE AT THE FACTORY 1" -` ---- -- - .9 ARRY. he OW, . 'r10.=9..nnia! \ IMPORTERS OF namngs. I GOLD AND SIL VER RINGS, / ` Gold and Silver Breast Pins, ` ,. GOLD & PLATED LOCKETS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, the large!` 13%` WA TUIIES AND r7r.n n V0 n H vuLuU1\DlV D UARRI. 2?` AND` jg . . _ V u x: \7 G 5 3 V Gold and Silver Watches. GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold andsilver Brooches and ` Earrings. ,4 _\'D .Q'Il lrvn 1vnv~- WATCHMAKER, JMVEELER, Dmz/025 St.-_ Rrzmxip . nu .u\n\ HIU SL'U()llU I in 1854- he again 0 Gzu'uocl1 House m.3S,3mWT7s> Watch:-a 9 lBan3io. Oct.. 1869. > nu L'..\\.r.l.lA'4;\'l' ASSORTMENT OF Hats and -Bonnets, Trimmed and . AT VERY Low PRICES. WINCIES FROM TWELVE & A` HALF CEN' A 1- Apply . u n v . m . . _ -_- 'MANTLEE __._. .. ....-.v;_ a..I .l.1.l_l.I. ,,__-. - .44..-.1 ;1.\\JLV1 $1.30 N001 S_carfs, Breakfast Slhmvls, (jross Ovexs, Und< rs, and a. full assortment of Ready-Made Clothing. T`: n 1-r-rv---` 19-If __..........u nunuw, EAGLE REVc;I}}3_::Rs. A few more of those P1ussian% Ries % JUST RECEIVED % AT J. IIENDERSONS. 2* DENTIST V y 1r.,.\: n -- - 37- V IIAS ON HAND ,\\n.u -..-_ Bradfor April 23, 1868. U _._.. ....u uu NHL) . 60, V01" unteers, look out.--Kingston lVlzig. At it recent S:ihb:.th School rneoting at Brunswick, one of the college professors. in illustrating to the chilelreu the fact that if we are not working for Christ, we must be worlringr ngainst him. asked the ques- tion, Who are we working for, when we are not working for Christ ?. One of the little juveniles replied, in aclazrr, trium- hant voice, For uther and mother! _ ut what capped the cli_mn.\' is, that after the little fellow reached his home, on beingnslred why he made such a reply, be explained himself by saying he didn't wont to say ` Devil right out! FALL AND WINTER S'I;`SAZLE$.V `Nov-. 10," 1869. -"--.n4J_L_I\J7 JAPANESE SILKS AND iRISH POPLINS, Mzmt1e'VelVets, Dress Goods, Hoisery, Glove IIOUSE FURNISLIINGS ANDMANCIIESTER GOODS, sl- 1 869. Barrie, November 17. 1869. _ v - _. 7' 24-. g n A- An immense stock of which will bu mlzl very chm; , I 33' THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR.` ALL E CLOTHING, '%BQQ:1i_S} -:A`1\Im1n3M M3 gmg _'B s. ufs$&{7g-m`'m@ mm The verv best Ga.~na.dia.n Blankets! & FL.\.\ N'I<`.I'S. Tn 121:`. wnnxrn nu W ' ""' "J Jk9*5:_F98l`-`rs, Flowers, Ribbons, and nu nnam-fm; 'Mone A .j___ dbn f\f\l'\ mn rnn vn Iauvuv v NEW FALL A1\;i3'WiNTER Goons ALT. IVOOT. '!'.n'M` Am DY`A rho tn 1?: hrnvvn .. . _..-___-_ I , _- .. -,.-... ...... ..,,....... ........ .... uuu uuvav uuu. uuuuah styles or me I Bonnnets. Dress Caps, Blantles, `fnnlpnon 'l:'....4I..._.. 711-..... n The Millinery & Mantle Show Room I I Is now open and replete with all the latest and richest styles of the seagon. I:2.....-.....\4._`. 1\_- - _ _ zw _ -_ .- , [ONTARIO HOUSE. BLACK 8;: ogL_QRED SILKS, _ --.-qa AN EKG I `-\4 `Regent House, _Toronto. ___:_--- ii` ALL WOOL TARTAN PL`AIDS, IN VARIOUS PATTERNS. _- ----- -._-__----- Cent. .--.....,, um marge! ~ ow 0L0 OKS REPA FLA.\ N`ELS, TO BE L - AL: .I.V.I.J. J-14 Two doors west of Fraser- s )pS and Automatic Sw es which dc.-fy.c'ompeti : to purchase Instrumcn . Toxouto er ell, and are offered at $100 each. tion. l'2"Sc-nd for price list ts will find it to their advantage to or Bradford agent FALL IMPORTATIO NS. .__.j-_ ; and Swell, Whi('.lI I]:-fu n'nm.\.\A:n:__, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. >. R."M1IfILi=: &co., I-Ltcl 1Jzm],,; .'r.~.m; n..... wUv,u\ Apply tn Newmarket, ' Frorm the best makers in Europe. su Lincoln J; Bvnnett and `others; nlsn hi turc oflatest NEW Yum: STYI.}:Zs 01-` .51. 1 FACTORY OF ,Fe1t and Silk Hats! .4\Ju>a_`E '-" , ' r CANKO Ladies Writing Desks, MC`\USLL D & BO` LADIES COMPANIONS, Lg.cg)}(iaicS of Dental SiII'. 7"".Vv Ladies Pocket Boolcia, _ _ _ .. man 01? . .. . , . W'llb st ii-i m W TEL1.sooPi;.s, AS..41L1[ELb, POIWE:IfK:{',l.33),z(;E': sypsm, igliiidtrmrg Walking Sticks, pared to niliniiii.~'tci' pure i\bllf0llS . SP E70 T AC L E S painlcs extraction or T('0l - , `I5 Special attention paid to lling 199' I Concave and Conyex. G01d_ v_ m ock North of Toronto-no deception. - omce 1,0";-5 from nine n.m.. llll four 11- I`. PAIRED A1VD IVAIER./11VTI9'D. ` Pixi-ticulixr 8.l.l(`lltl0ll given to to W "3" tion of Cliildn-ii`; Tooth- . an iecfi All letters aeldressed as 8'70 _' . 1` _ prompt attention. - . u o monce on the 13th. whf-re wlt ;l;ltl::lln(l`tltll to E the 19th. Other nl`l `' S . . . - 0 W? Oiirvisit to Orillm wt": "' mu-' ntllg usual. OI-` 111 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, McC1._OS::`O.\' & C0,, Has on hand a large stock of` :1 ~ styles of ' _.........--_a very best [F Also Ag:-ht for all Cool-isztown. Nov. 10. 1869. \ N {U wt, , Q1 `f::1i:)xQ C27,}? " A; 058] endless vurieiy of Trimmings. A , assortment of I a I FOUND IN TIIE MARKET. j-Al A ".` r [Jam] :12 OPPOSITE THE 27. I870. [A PROFUSION OF. , II n..- - uuun u. u-;u L'sq._. of Fergusvalo, inux been uppointwl Agent for that locality. It also tnuk first prize at the last Provincial Exhibition, lu-lt} '3? London, Ont. hr`: l\l -__._ UPWA R`DS wuL'Il' nuvantngejo ts,-as they can save .24: C.-\TIIEDR.-\L, -5`; \/1 Street, 1}urrz'e dz` .D1'aW- \ 'all the newest SHOES: 4 {g , ?/ aonx l\lC(1'0WA.\'. Eso., Agent for Vespru C. CL.uuc_sox, of `he Simc_oo Hotel. Agent for Barrie. -Joux W. F1-znatrsox, Esq._. II ulen 4,... n..... ....:_.. -. n - 3' 1869_ arr`-A U A`/`11.-D`t.vreen A partnership hnvimz been effecttfrbcl M, C. 11. Bosnnko. L.I).S.. mad Y"-`5`.'p.:ron! pleasure in recomnm-nding_h_IIR '0 `i: am-led to nsngentlelnnn and pructllloncl` `lama eg- give advice and perform MY W ' trusted to his care. J. C. MCGAUS-LAN3I1): Barrie. Sentember 1st 1869. 4|-1} ; Barrie, September 1sJt' 1:3 -339: . ..._; -m- nnw and plum- `Tl'.'[; J[.S' N7'lIl/'1 REFHRE.\'(`ES:--Th(- follow C0lld('ll('(! rccnmmond Dr. Dontn]__njd: Rev 8. S. St: n. .. L /u'(lren'.< ?` A Trial R(`(]ll(`ilA'd. own rt-sidmros if,rw nin-d. nh.~ser\'in3_' tlw timv am} plum p-G- ]'VL'I`I Irn u-~v-- ' -- ]')vntn] nid: '1` (`. Scholt-Id. .\f.l).. HUI M.D.. (`nolumwn; R. Lnnd D. Mor-ton. .\l.T)., Bradford n Luvrr. nuv/. - .. ...u.-um, _u.u., Hrgndrord m.'.~:In1;.wr1;. IIII.-[DI ORD- Drndford, March. 1.~ I:!U. _"/ ________________j splendigl D._B3 , n-.-s,..l M11 _ 1 no; 1.uU.\1Ah. W. 0LI\'E_R_,-TlliS is to certify that the un- d1-rsigue(l have used youtjlmy fork, and it is one of the best that we have ever seen in use. I . ..._ , nu n J05. I{()(_; 1; R; J.-nnmnv Lr us us 1.4: _w-:u'.].~`.', alrmo mnunntc.-I In its 10th _\'('(H'. H 20th year. 1 5. .':nm _\-var, 1 One '_y-ur later, 1 L'UL;`1U.`5 5TI;`l{LI.\'( The (lisbln's-nu-rut over :1 wialu an-n. l;a<. lmtcd to the (~.~ImMi.~h1 in the conduncrr or .\I1-:uc1:.\.\"r'.~'. Hnr.~'r:n mun 1.5L-nc-mI!','. In its 1.~xt vo-: no ur.r..`u in (-xialeiIc(~Tl:i(x-1,51. , H gm] during that period [nu i.;.j`.`;0,:l c.\'ccc:Im,-.; FIVE AND .- x u.u.-' ` 1 OL';\'I).-5 .~;T1-:uLr.\'G. I L (lis}mr:~;c-nu-m ..r as uI.U1il', |_V;' (11:-Am`-;;`;',. lI\'r-I-L-.IIn..` 1.`: U n ._______... HI`; I,IV'lI;{ 6(3E_ 01.01::-; 1_\',-:rm.\'-1-; ( -gr .,. Barrie. January ;0th, In}: , -r---- v.1. ;l1J 7'. AND KHLI.\NCE LIFE. L ....._._ AVi;Ek;\)IDI`Il{ .\(.,'-LS1` Canada Fanam {\YYLl7 \'D| v--/ 1 L`: U. {ll *fringmgi1 above nun Barrio-. Nun-nnlu-r .':n KJ _ - The subscriber is nish walls In any part antes-.9 water or `no p rules. oticc. On leusonuhlev I Ilcalso km-p.<'on hand. and COFFINS nf all kinds. uhd Im paruplwrtmlin nt,-ct-.-`.'~'.'1r\`fur Fum- an 4,-.\'cc-Hen! Ilcursv, w'hich cini moderate IL-rrns. _______..___... 1:sP1:cTrL'T1" " R ' E W R `mat he is all `Y announce". to `he '- ull tilm-s . , : contracts for building. and llII zl1.IlI;laL`c`;,,:`_!a i O I (`I I I - vurlul auw IUI` DOORS, 111 v '.L V ------_.. SNKING WELLS. 1114 M1 V hHl ()OL 4 ;\S INC?-`.\.' i.. - ' mwn pant .to the (.7lu'Ilren's Teeih. Roam-st.-d. Pm-ti;-ax ` B A R |ESPECTFL'l.l.Y :1 L; that ' lull ti |l'XCL`l fur In ~ . .....mu. .3 uu}_J1'uV6(1 acrew nay fork und he l0l'lS satisfied that it will give `entire sutisfimtion as it will load or unload. Hay, Peas. or Hurley. and is so simple that any per- son can work it, -and it is not liable to get out oforder. - ` TE'S'I`lMONIAL . r n,".,,, ,rm.:.. :- l- _-,,.s- "071 pm'Il.lo the 7]:i]tlrnn'e I'.mIl. L; R. Lnml. , 3 \n'v Lv 1) 1 DENTIST. HUGH. m_[_mb,., ;;r.1, 1;-rm. ',"'}'\`si4 AND-Q , very short` notice. a 11:11:-H)n:I}"` lundl'(-ml; J. \\. Mm ":11. 51.1). Cookstown;C r V Agent at Barrie. .. .. u.r.\H'..\` in 1-xiau.-im-Thirt- ng ncriml In-u - um; purcunseu we patent right of _ Misner s Improved Screw Hay Fork ung 10 H3015 saligsficd (rive nnIi-~n \\'I~:AnI:m VOLUNTEER UNIFORMS.-A millitary overcoat. is a wzmn and comfor- table luxury on :1 cold night, and no one would object to its occasional use on pro- miscuous occasions, though it may not be according to regulation; but when it is _seen, as it oi'teir`i.-:,_on the back ofn t ster, wood-cutter or marketer, it. is time that the militia depmtment. look nfter its propertv. -Fmm wlmt 1.... ..I......,:.. .._.___~ mr prepared to - my partof the town, ail?` N )r pay. at ....., '- . M. .\'u:'lm \ MORROW, T FUR . ntlended at L` '9 he n.'m|(`n!! Regulation (7 ,, - ,--CUUIUJ o .3. The subscriber begs roszpocttuxlly to inform lhe umers of the north xiding of Simcoc. that he hns purchased the `M-`im1m~7n Trn-nun:-pa} C|-..--- 7" "" ` - -v w.\u\ 5 (`U.\lP_.\_\y, aim-rn..-1.. ' \V:Itex-loo. A./uI'L9 IWGH J.CAl.\'. Hi9. & L0.\'D0. (`ml l`{\.V1',- -" T0 FARME`ES.! Hard Work-Made Easy! 'l`l... ....|.......:L -- .-..-mars. Mo1zsieIzr- Flnvier, ` spank the 'pl:nnt:nt'.- _ mused but. u `rm: E 14 pr'L-Vp-1 ...`.a--.-xn .1 Hit. At the ox ' Cfxptnin Vfcto ` With a secnml` - n r_oomjon the From then.-u : veranda. -- Tl could baf sec}: couch in a. chi A . y.;...._ ~ on: Dollar pc Buuun. AND cnurcgw " nrgr do L ), ul ..j._. All work perforvmc-d in that class good nmlcrinl used. Barrio, No_vemb(-r 9th, 1869. _.-_._.__...j___._._. Y(`CC{\'r; dinatc. .. \: 1 Have 1... out of LII: `Inf . , a you I` Captain in,cu|l am " Mnn.~'i form:itjnn . that Lh um: !.Iu.*s(-, `n forces zit thu nu ~~ ' T} V _ ` j.`lu~ AND C:)U:1' -~_ .-.nll.l~uIl:n "'nlU have in I Inf? ....u_y urembi DECORATIVE ' PA I N TERS, GIL-UNERS, 1'x\PER.-II.-XNGERS, K70 11TT`A'r1' n-n mm-.-.-.-...... - gT('J'l_l_t'l' . Wolniml . q-I . l:er-ln Pb_I_ished -Us "I _.`.1* 301., h .-_ (I|-C -A11) EX.\.\|l.` "lI:;I| uuumuums. and all kinds of ' Painters and Grainers Tools! Cunwfs lIai1'& Sable Brushes J: P1-nm'la .t... u1:11.'UJ.V 1&3 .l.`1'.BARCY,' Carriaae. Sign, guuse, and Plain ... .......x_. ; ax nu.-u.'n\U'|`4l5, \ZC.. DIf1`\f]E.QP ST1_%_FLE_T, BARRIE. u unuulo auu, Uli Dru ,..w..,.-._, um munc smch as Ho\_ve s, \\'lwcler& \\ ilson s. and Singer's machines. Pxico. with table and t1'0a(1lo,$2('; the same machine to run by hand, $118, while other nmchinos making the same stitch nre_soId from $40 to $76. ` 7 Notes amlnccollnts ollectcd fo-r Patterson BEATTlE a. so'r1'. Barrie, .xp_rn, 1869. \ 11-ly.- .___ . ----- -...... .....- muum uepmunent. look nfter its ' property. -From what has already trans} pired, we believe that Lieut.-Col. Corbett, on assuming his new duties, is bound to take steps to prevent. volunteers wearing regimentuls when not on duty. So, vol- _ -- .. Va so u uuu`!zY/9.1!} @a Every d('Scx'ipl.i0n' of Cook, Box and I-`arlol .s`lovcs.=Sugzm' Kett1ca,Tin-ivnrc, Stovepipes Lulnps and Lanterns always on hand. B. & S. willnlsn keep on hand the Cham plon Hand Shuttle Sewing Machine, which Inulu-.~:` precisely the same stitch IIowe machines. l 1ico.wiI.h Onhlnnnil 4.......1I, -`--M -- uuurs, nuugns or nll kinds, 'II5rs6 I'l'(')-0;, Ilorso Ilukos. Hay Forks, Sawing Machines, 'I`lm-.-mlzinp; Muclnincs, Corn Crushers,_&c., &c. all of which will be sold_ at the n;unufuctur cr`s, prices. - Stavess & Tmewamg, I-Ivorv d(-s:crinI.inn- nr nmn. n-.. , '~ , -.__._.v..n.u largo us. of Trari.=l'er Carriage Ormuncnts. and all kinds ` *..:...s.....! ...I n - - - - ` CAPON ._8;-1_ EARC`Y,' FINANCIAL. TO LOAN. on good Farm Security. Intgregst 8 per JOIIN STEVENSON Solicitor, $0., Bradford N 23, V 124! j ....vu, uu tr. WM. OLIVER, Gookstown. Ont all kinds of Cutters mm " uuululo IUUIDI rushes & Pencils. &c. class style, and `vised. ' droIi'nad. HORRIBLE `l\IASS\CYlE AT Fm.-The Mellwourne Argus reports a horrible mas-' sacreat Fiji. A Mr. Latin, who, it is said, was formerly a storekeraper in Mel- bourne, had shipped about 280 natives on board the French bark Morca. Tlieir ultimate destiimtion was it is lmliuvetl, Queensland; but it seems that the islarul- ers rose en masse and merciles:-rly killed c\'ery.wlzito man on board, \i'ith_ the ex? ` caption of the mate. They then jumped overboard, with the intention ofswimming on shore. but only about thirty reached the land, 253 lxzwing, it is supposed, been KSIOWD. Unit. Iotel. Arzent ' 41-Gm. CALL AND EXAMINE BEFORE GOING We think it no trouble, but it is n pleasurg to us to show our 1: ,.v` ___---u -u `Uni Gold and Silver Bar Soap; a very nice article in Blacklend. THE DOME, farther. and gives_a much better polish than any other. gg'AL_L OF WHICH WILL AT A VERY LOW ` Ship; 1 : as-r AT.T. nr mum" .. _ __ . _--v.s d.1.l\J.l. Both in chewing and Smoking. Clebpatrine. and other brands. Musfnrd, Salt in glassjars, an . n__, W 1 `P W Go! 90`! F We V91`? best at 81. A T7D`D\7 ,\-Y`rr THE .. \J'\lJ- ;vuuuL V 1'41} Spokes Hubs} Rims, uuhull eu1L0l'LI'y :1sluu'd as ho may to ple.-use o\'eryl)mly, they will always be :1 cloaked brotller hero, or a crutclnety sister tlncre, to growl at him. Under these cir- cumstamces editors should be }):ll`(lOll(`(l it they occasionally do :1 little conscientious swearing. Barrie, Dc. 15, 1369 Hardware Cutlery! Glassware ! I The` i\'l)1e of his o . . Tl1e"wliole immense Stock having been purchased in be: ' ' ' at the very Lowest Prices. for` Cash. ?`He invites a call and trinI--condent in his ability and tic-termination to give the FULLEST Suxsmcrxox to good marks. , . T 3" * A T 5:11 Sch; V FAVO_RITE BRANDS I. ,__` _V _.-. .,. u;a. 1.1.1.! .I.` All of which he is e1}able(1 to` ' unit}: XVWQW` AL` nan-xv: GLASGOW, GOVEN H6E-shoes Nails, Anvils, Vices, Together wi'th_V an immense stock of Bar,Hodp, Rod New mnrket,Mny, 18.6 9. Brad ford. -___-, -uuI_I llU ' V with inirnehse of Blacksmiths . Waggon-Makers , and Carpenters -Findings, ` Comprising every description of ' - TTWAVV7 Ann 01-`I'""` of nllsizos and patterns. Parties us 9. call. . A large 4 Door- -Mats, Wood Saws, Lamps. all kin.ln_ In all sizes ,......, ,,..e, auu as supply of superior Cl`1.l-losse & Blackwell nd Sbab: a vow him: ...o:..u,. :.. nu. .- - ,.......D MIDI] \lUK`Ul'l HEA_VY AN.D. SEELF AF ...l.1 I ' ' SHELF ~-........u uuly 1:151. _)'L'lll`: the farm. In prize and :1 purse, and ii toot second prize at the ploughing match. Which they offer to 9 I nnrlh nl /uul" Luacs, Wood E Lamps, kimls, Broad Avna n , ,_..,, ,..... VI auulc uuulce 112.`.-15, for 50c., 75. I the best Call and examine before going elsewhere. A VERY `NICE ASSORTMENT OF -TOBACCOS , They follows: gum.-n-n` cu--- .-.. V vvun A uuM;*mJ1'Jz: NEW CHOICEST "'-"`"% Groceries, Wines, Liquors, A cmcaxmv, _qm3oyas:io;as,_ .c,,. M Offers from this Amy 4}. an- M ~ L r1 . HIS Perceiving `the great recessity of a Strictly Cash Store in Barrie, the proprietor of the (Q n --- j A 0 A N T 0 T 0 R122} mullts, uu Klllxl, 1 Broad Axes, Cut. Box Knives, Stove Pipes, Skates, Gimlets, Gra_iu Scoops, Rope Halters, ' Meat Cutters & SLu'ers_, EXAMINER, AND COUNTY OF s1McoE ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JANUARY UKJULIHHU ( JUST RECEIVED, a Large Stock of Oak and I:Iic],e .. - ~ ' rv jwiaha ' " a`I.-1.u... `_1 _ ,, . November I-7th 1869. __.__j_._.__.._____._._ ~~~~---`.1 I Our aim is_ to give all who deal \ _. . - V... AA|\JkJ\ Js| ; 1 [other branrh, (`.un..-um r GREAT WAN T, SUPPLIED! stun UULVLIVLUUIU 3 F navy ` WITH A NEW O . K n ` __..__.... The subcribc-r has now i - ?l - `I Have now 0 ____-v u -v Consisting in part of some choice TE 1. ( NICE AR'Rn12'l`1\/|1mwn rm `A VERY NICE SELECTION or nocgmgs _cn9i5t-int! Dart of norms nlunhm mm c a p__ .. A PRIZE PLoUamu-N.-A correspond- - ent informs the Clinton Era that there is in the county of lInron one of the loadilng aluaylnnan of Scotland, and mints to iis sl;uccL?ss in l':n'niin;,r as an Ievnlence of benet ofa careful V and necessary son spoken ot'- Robert 212, 11th con, who carried oil` thirty prizes for ploughing in thirty-one conipetition.~z. In 1848 he C(l|'l'lC(.l otl'the first prize and a silver medal at the Hamil- ton, Blantire and Camhuslan;_ match, and next year he again took the first prize and an iron plough, which he imported from Scotland early last year and now usesiton farm. In IRES! lm nmlr 4|-A