`red Fifty-Eight," " 9! August, 1869 - provin ~ `I; in this Townalzga," 9 Std. U N 'nBNTIs_1', Member of the Dental Associdllowz, qf Ontario I3;-vs most res ectfull 't0 nnnouncethnt he will he at RADFOR . at h :4 own residence, n! all times except on the followin ' dulcs of each month, where he has uppolntments o scwhore. noxmman, - - - - on memm drevcryntoq I NICWMA IIKET, - - - on the mm SHARON, - - - - - on the 26th LEFROY, ` - - - - - on the_ 9th ` SUHOMBERG - - - - on the lit " CUOKSTOWNV. - - - on the 4th *4 `- Ihnn in. mm 1... ...............a .....z .._..... L_.,_, . m,.,,, .. nu... -1-- those who mny rqnfrc his services. when an Male 1 olntmmtsfnll S d ' )1 will nltondgn tlxclfol`l(1r)\[:'inudn`$v. on an M '3 Al_l operations pcrfonncdin the most skllml mnnnnr, .|!i)..l1iKlN Una :-Thc following gentlemen can, with condence recommend Dr. Porter. to all rcqulrlug ' Dcntul nld:~ Rev 8. S. Strong, D.D., Bondl1cad;' '1' C. Scl1oleld,`M.D.. Bondhend; J. W. Norris, . M.D.. Cookntmvn; R. Land. l[.D. Coolxstovrng G. . D. Mor-ton. M.p., Bradford " '- -`- -' R7.'.GTnFl\Tt:' 1:!) A n-um-on .-v v .n. ur .sa.J.1.lJ QJ.l.\lJ.'-I95`. `which will he sold at the lowest remunoroting prices; BOOTS AND SHOES made'- to order on the shortest. notice. of good material und by competent workman. A call is re- spectfully solicited. TJWKTDX DTDTI Barrie, August 18th, 1869. u r Inst unlss -NOCK OI IBOOTS AND SHOE-S;-. which at tho Inn-out mm...m...o:.... The Subscriber desirt-s'to thunk his numer- ous friends and the public generally, for past- prmronage. and to inform them that he has REMOVED to the South Side of DUN- LOP S'l`REET, nearly opposite his old stand. where he intends to keep cnnstanty on hand a First Class Stock of '3I'\l'\l'l'I(\ A-n-r-Ia nu----.--- mo: v mg uuu umu uuu place 01 0110!! appointment. -ETERMS STRICTLY (;'ASH._n ' EFERENCES:-The follnwina aentlnmnn mm um Barrie; Sept. 1st, 1869. [ccAUsLAND &mBOSANKO, .11`; --v-- d Convex. . nnannn. qy1.uU --.. ' The undersigned will pay One Hundred Dollars to the person who poisoned his dog on` Monday lost. If the poisoner, besides admit- ting his guilt. can substantiate the fact of his being the poisoner, no proceeding at law will be instituted against him, and he shall receive the reward offered. oe msmuted nguins Barrie, lat September.` 1869. T____________._____ > __ .. ...... .....un-I-5 um and comb; amnll looking glass, piet':e a clay, sponge, piece of soup and forage 1 D'ARnV nnnr rr V V . ,- ov 9.. E8!/~ Each man is. to bring a tin plate, knife. fork. and large spoon; also. a field kit, consisting of one shirt and one pair socks for a change; one towel, blncking bmsln and blocking; lmirbrush piece of pipe- sponge, piece soup and ram... ...... .-__-3 lI:`A. oAR.1)T._sgn artnm-shin hnvinn `hnnn n-'.-snfnd kn ____.,.........v.., um um urm ned. Barrie. `On the 271/ day of September, 1869, The Company will parade on the Camp Ground in complete full dress uniform, but without horses, _at6 o'clock a.rn.. to go into tent. . ` Wan`: ma- 3- I-- `--'~ ,3. P O,R(T-E'1.._ IAL PURPOSES. 13` IR Seating, curled hzur, t6v7v," sofa 3 rings, twine. chair web,.-buttons, screws, ninges, locks, tacks, int paper, glue, -.. piano stool screws. oomn trimmings,-uphol-.` tutors` needles and regulatom, Addis carvera tools, extension Hp anger hits, melodt.-on" I hardwue, eto., for sale,ut lowest prices. RYAN &: nmvmn fI........u.. .u.:.a-M31`! or upnolsterers A , ,--, -v.vuun To Cabinet Ma.1:o;; 6; Updkterr HAIR Seating! curled! htur,_ tbv,` am-imm 6--nu I u macnlrllsts. TEEL Rules. steel squares, centre gimgos, Vernier calipers, steel caliper rules, cali- per squares, Amen universal squares, self- rogistoring calipers and divide rs. Stubs tiles and tools, patent oilern. sheet steel. etc. For sale by RYAN & OLIVER. _ Yonge street, Toronto. .-.__._. D EM 0 ! L, ,, ,__ ...... nnunu . . -* I 4.1. or all sizes, squares, curved rules, straight edges. improved irons, Eilglish and Axnericnn crayons, Bnrtleevs needles, tapes. elc., all 01 the best. quality, and at lowest prices. RYAN at OLIVER, Importus of Iiardware, 114 Yonge street, Toronto. .:.___ in bread. Machine Silk. Shoo P Nails, Sho T wholesale and retail. Have always ers, cabinet ware. mechanics Rogers & Sons nis ing hardware, shoe 1% ass. putty. etc. as for sale at 1 Toronto, `April 1, 114 Yonge Street, on hand an assortm ma 8 0 kale` and uphol nd oth ting and west 1869. -_--.- nterers hurd~ edge and other tools, Joseph c tle . house fur- u `gab! , and all other goods in the caah prices. 6-ly To Tailors. LMERICAN Shears, trimmers \ of all sizes, ml gen. improved irons. w..'...|:.n. .....: LVI. -- The Barrio Mounted Infantry are hereby ordered out to perform their Annual Drill, in camp, with the, 35th _Balcalion, at the Drill Shed. Barrie. ie 271/), (Ian nf .Q'.m:....)..... -nnn M5. .u tug MIUIUIQ me, al,ut K: OLIVER, General Hardware Merchants, ` 114 Yonma illrnnf mn......':- Qentir.-ts. snn,v.p.;u \4\l\:1 RTo Mgglnists; ulma. mm! m.......... ..;._ [ OUN TE u mu-aware Merchants, " Yonge street. Toronlto. j IUIXIII _'RYAN J5 omvsn, 114 Yonge Street, Tomato. ---_- .... V- un1\U I1 an munm... umugu; 0 8 ............. u o 1] =1: Jking at` cap. . D ARC_Y BOULTON, nnnhn`-u JOSEPH ROGERS. ` 3]-{Una HENRY BIRD. rs, and points -on, , adles, tapes. elc.. all m THE EXAMINER, j .___._} nulillts` 31-(Kins Cnptzn. 1 31- I ~xI. 29-tf I - , _. . -_...... vvnl nuvnlc N. B. We tirould take this opportunity of thanking our Barrie friends for the very kind manner in which they have pntronizedoour house for the last two_ years, 81_Id 11090 that by strict attention to bnsines combined with moderate prices to merit a -continuance of those favors which have` been hitherto extended. ` R. GORE & SON. TORONTO, Sept ember 8th, 1869. xv h 11-! "N M`ANUFACTU(RERS or FIRST CLASS GARR_IAGES ofzll descriptfons. A good .,.. sortmenl of0pen and Covered Double and Single Seated Buggxes. Rockaways and Family Carriagesslwnys on hand. All our work is made with second-growth Hickory, steel- tired, and solid collmxcasc Hardwood Axles, and nished w1th_ Eljglllb V3"1l3h - Mr. A. ARNALL, proprietor of the Queens " Hotel, Barrie, is our Agent in that town, for -the sale of our work. He shall be constantly supplied WW1 B8Ei95 and C5"'i85 01 yarions styles. All orders sent through him will be promptly executed on the same terms as If sent direct. r 23.3, _ . _ I - DIXON BROS.- IGENTLEMEN or MAIQOUFACTURERS FIRST cARx3_IAGEs of an deacriptfons. r men! and_Cov_ered Qouble a_nd_ bmgle S_cgxt`ed' Buggies, Rock Tfnmu n....-:.. _,_.,., KJARRIAGE WORKS; 11!) non. pan men one cent. or your cash unt: by expending $5 you wxll save $1, for this is ; and NO HUMBUG! ' - , ,-__. -., .___- ----o-.-. as vu.I3Ia Iv 191213.035 In order to make room for our FALL IMPORTATIONS. As our prices have, been all reduced, even from the present low prices, purchasers may depend upon getting some of the GREATEST BARGAINS ever offered hora, .12. 13, MILLESB & CO. S, READY- MAB? CLOTHING 1 m`-DRY Googgs, MILLINERY, FIAL EXHIBITION, (IN KEMPENFELDTBAY If . .v- `qvv Lllbllo uxuluuenlls and rmnos at prices which defy competition. `ms-s`n}i}`or price "list, CAU'l`ION.--Parties wishing to purchase Instruments will nd it to their advantage to send direct to the above Factory. and not buy of Toronto or Bradford agents, _as they can save 15 or 20 percent. and get a better instrument. . . , 24-tr . V Barrie, July. i869. Q .TheseiOrgans have 5 stops and Automatic Swell, nnd 2 Meiodeons and Pianos at prices which k purchase direct Factory. buv of Tnrnnfn m- n.....u-. 70 a 72 King Street west, '. I.'o1-Ont; ' 1&1? I3'l1ilip_s S: THE CHEAI;EST AND BEST " Me1odeons "Pianos 11% Cabinet Organs`? FOR. SAIL}! `AT THE I.`AnvIInnv Av: uunv j ture oflau-:1 \'F:w YORK STYLES or A Large Assortment of Ladies ` furs at very L V. ' ~ v . . _ V McCROSS1 m-HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR SHIPPING FURS. `Toronto, Sept. 1869. ` - A ` ,IXoN BROTHERS | ewe.r_t Styles Do not part with one ,cent of cash until you find out this lieap store, where $1, a GENUINE (`.T.EA'R.INr1 an T12` ,. Du. 4;.uuUlCB, IJI/U: He would inyice articular all` which will satisfya l. as to then be the most substantial _Mill, at 31 He has the lamest Lnthn nn 9).: _, .. uuuu E s11bstan't`ini"_]\i'ill, pr: largest Lathe on this: 18 feet long; so that parties need 11 ______ ..,.... nun uu pun norm waive satisfaction Steam Engines, Mills; Mill Gearing, Sugar Kettles, Stoves , &c., & c.! would ivuvim m...o.`....|-.. .u 7 past patronage. begs to solicit a 1 best endeavors will be put lorth to give C` _ -- ~-1-an rruprletor of the Bell Ewart F `V IIE Prop:-ivetor ( .hr-at nnih..m.... ...:n . Putty , . Paints and Oils, Varnishs and Japuns, Turpentine and `Colors, - `Water Lime, - goods are all warranted to b _ as low as any house in,the. trade. Bell Ewart; Dec. 5, -Am. 4,. .....1... .......... 9... -.__, r--./ ..,-.vuvuvrv, `J:/vllov DURiiVG. THE -NEXT FOUR. WEEKS! `nu-r~r -ran-an-n... . ...-_-_- BELL EWXRT FOUNDARY; ULVU F9;%v ....... .... -cuuvcu cvcu uulu um resent IOW rlces, urchasers ma de nd 1 P some BARGAINS ever offered here. Butt Hinges and Screws. English Door Locks, `American Locks, $ $*3r~on out .Nil,. rought and Pressed - V Scotch T Hing_e_s, `D____ "l\ Nails, Bradford, May, A 1869. %BiE*if1> SET? Opposite .1/zevRaz'lway 5.z`czz`z'o7z, Barrie, P'I'I Ti?!` IX GRAND` CLEARING `SALE 013`. I!` of the Bell Fouhdry and Ma`chi`nVe Shop, 1 `ge. continuance of the name, an ill be topzive satisfaction.` V . .,... 11:11.. 11- 0- - u LAIUAB, ;-Belts and Fasteners, inishimz Naiin X7. 12.....:_ griculturnl Societies am u ne obtained of the 83}?! Futon throughout the Pro - -----\/.-a -4-..-4-.-I-\;_-.- -. uv.:.4A.JA.lu_) Lfor Suits, they will be found superior in style to anything eve; , -. shown in Ba.rrie-.. _ R. scams: & so1\f, GOLDEN R LRPFI A hfl 1868. ; 1>1L_%1'i'\'r%c"1}i1{ __ I. _.l __ 1- Ai I." j E15 "~"17r5'f11i'-.'r.7 13 ""333 Ds 3 imnnv-foil Hula nnnnnn Ya wnu nu II-|nn:o` v.Hm.o:.... L- A..- _ . . -~; -~.v-7 0` articular attention to his 1 .. theirsuperiority, n. in] present" in use. Lathe this side Toronto. 1 parties now! M. .. .....a n- .. - 4.-a .-.un.;..n_J_c.I_a.LL xx. \JU' Two doors west of Fraser : Hotel, Dunlap Stret, Barrie; ` 24-1y OUR Mr. R. J. Score` will be at the Queen`: Hotel, Bnniqthig month, with 9. splpndid assortment ofsamples of . Ylil-I n-n-r-L "9'--n-I--I -nu` ;-.--__. auvl. :..|.u1gcS,' n-Door Rollers,` lnd Snrnmu --- -~------- ---v..,..,J imported this season. We would {all special nttntion toour r\'v\-I--ndou- - -\9UQCC'IDvC\ .-no--:__' _, ur THE LTURAL AND ARTS TION of ONTARIO, HELD AT LONDON, ON THE Coates.' l\ ew'ma1lket; Ont; .._.-:_ sun Lu` nu: mcronr or g... P. R. MILLER & Co.- . . I 9 of Fraser Hotel. Dilnlnqz 8'1.-pp; 12,... ,,, --..r.. vvuovuuhly Ull bention fo iiis make of Circular Saw Mills. : r superiority, nq they are the heaviest, and ac present" " ' ls and can swingirl 11 six foot wheel, I not go past Bell Ewart wit a big job, or for! --AND- .._.AT.... From the best mixkers in Em: A Lincoln & TR-.nnett.. and others; ,ture STYLE: Felt and Silk Hats, Ixolesal rates- McCROSSON & co., . - V . 111 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, , ]5RIFFILL & so1\}_s. OPPOSITE THE 'CATHEDRAL,` Has on hand a large stock of all the newest styles of ' u.u _yuu unu Ulll uns cneap store, where GENUINE CLEARING SALE, ,& MACHINE SHOP_. -._j ` . _ Hubs and Spokes,` Rims, Shazs, Seat Backs,S _ ' Carri e prin , Mac ine-Oi];s Steel Squares, [ Thimbles and Skeins to be as represented, and will be de. - ' :, Castings:6f all kinds, Ploghs 3.3 kept constantly on hand, - xake Cirnlrliar Q-:m1u:u- -_'.sV -- Anvi Horse ' Nails, % . File_s and Rasps, V Bellow: . .......c.., m nllrope. sucn- as Ghristy, nnett. also his own munufacs \`mv SILK Hus. Ml Ike 0-` F 6: }: a/6!"!-f ._...-u. -.u Anna ur Lilhh LIATS. _ Low Prices. McCROSSON & Co. nxvri V31 yn n yuvausl Ill |J\l.l.I,. ` GOLDEN ELEPHAN3; in toot`\vl1c-1, or turn a Shaft 'it`i'J for heavy castings. ALEXANDER MACBEAN. _ _ 454:` ___.=___:,__._.__. ud re offerd at $100 mick. 3`Send for I ndford agents, as they save 1`3ROS. Europe. such- Christy, hers; p, in thanking the Public for , and to assure them that his Byfs/Ilia; Planes, w nuus. an'ins ection o at, acknow edged to :o.:K:"e}s, Anvlls, ' ice, HUGH C. THOM PS 1869. Sec _SIMCO_E airins ection nclmmr nan `an 15-611,1 _ J OLDWINES % or` vnuous BRANDS, AND LIQUORS ruv-r n 1\ . uo..._._._ ___ 4.; J.` xunu J.` U.IJl._l Dl'N U'1`H sUpER1oii`"`QU%ALITY. fr] |'I'II\'l1l\11 l'I'II\ 1\1-\w-.:.. - at Odio CHOICEST STOCK IN TOWN forluce 50219/Lt._a _.vw 14- Oh, mbther! did you notice how well these Ladies were dressed, at Church, last Sunday? No wonder Jessie Stephens is dressed so neatly at school ; her mamma. always buys her goods at [ONTARIO HOUSE {OMB 'V'7El;`.Y FINEf GRAIN AND GRA _QYTHES, GERMAN. CAST AND 9 IF HARVEST TOOLS-% F A GER'M;1N,_CAsT\: . ' 9 . . . 17V7zzmey s, Hggzns , M I\)/\u._.__ jQUoRs __..-.., `ova. Robert Walker & Sons, Dundas St, London, Who uoy`s Youth'a and Men can be supplied GRAIN _ BAGS, COTTON YARN, l!-l.....|. up .- NEW yvla, ua.u1a8K uurtalns. ' M I IVHLLINERY, MAN l_f`_I;E_S,_ _ Fancy Shirting, Plain Grey, Scxlrlett, Whitney Blankets, Horse Blankets, Rugs Q `It Sh t` , Carpets, Damask Curtaizlnl. 8 98 Inga h T\/TTTT T1\T1.*hxr at ----2` ; PLAIN mars. PLAI BRILLIANTINES. ( TARTAR mars, THE GQJQWIVN LION! IMMENSE `ARRIVALS! AMES THOMPSON,. with T. D. Mcconkey. B)"a, Dupuy s, 0tard s dz and Claret Wines. Winds. and quarts Spaikliug X_X Ales J1 Fine Yox . `W: "U: 75. 80 `and-95 ents perp LIQUORS IN As_E__ I.-I,eune55)"3. Dumn7 a m...v.. 1. 1'r2.,, AD ; % % - h `isfaiway kept. _ `REMEMBER TIIE PLA OE House, _(ne:irly oppdsit the Northern Raj . Call and` see. BENNET% 4 ~ Also a FullS took of WOOLEN GOODS FOR READY-MADE Bdv's W'hnH1'n and IL... ...._ IV - `STOCK: JUST 1 V B .21?!-;3.,IAE, Fowr Doors west of` ties Fire Hall, 00lh.'" 1577'?- L'"'-5; Sparkling XXX in ne or;!eV\r:wired, Patent Pails, _ $2.10 per `- libel !!! discount to the Trade. Hotel Keenan: and Rm"; snnnmmws GRAND :- ---u unzu\1l`JD1 V YDg Hyson, Gunpowder, T V 60,70,75,1 'f'\'r1-----\i~ -- , 4.-J-l\ILJ.[\, AND THE LARGEST VARIE'ry . uni? Hvnnn fJu-........J_,, m . OF NEW -..ul-l.I. AT TORONTO `13RiGES! `TIA-`:- _ uuw WELL STOCKED WITH A `FLOUR, BACON, HAMS, CHEESE, AND VARIETY ow nmnrnrm m `n Ar-n-- Dunn b$ION OF __ . Q/41-I./L4. \/`r VV a, Vine Growers, Brandies. _ Best brands of Port, Id Windsor Old Rye and Mall; Gmnuess . Porter in pints 8; order, wired, m pints $1.00, quarts 81. A 50. 'atent Pail_q_ mam M... T\r\---- Barrie, March 17th, 1869. Cloths, Ready-MaAc.1e Clqthig, F HATS AND CAPS, and GVent sA Furnishing Goods. Cqnstantly on Hand. MERCHANT TAILOR as CLOTHIER, om) STAND, ` Cornf of Dunlap Stree_t and Railway Square; 3 L BARRI_E, ONT. -... .u;.u.moD uUU1)S PLAIN SATN S, GRAPE TARTANS, BA: `ES. GRANITE REPS. ROUBOIX CLOTH, REPS, . BLACK ALPACCAS. FRRNCH M _ CLOTIIS, DRESS PRINTS. RT-. 1i`T_A1\1'\-r-I-.-I-r H -- 1) CLOTHING, txce. Retail 33 "to 37 King Street. n, Wholesale, I8 & V20 Colborne St, j |\_ `Now WELL 'DAI`If\11- ._.-.._.. umes, 420., _ vv .v.v \J\J.I DRESS GOODS: TNS, CRAPIP. 'l ATJ"l`A1\"G v---- "GUARANTEED FULL sTREN'0'm AND 1-` /\ -rv` - -_an\4 vZIA\] POL 3 Trade, Hotel Keepers and Boarding Houses 11'? ?w----*_ _.. .. v .n. .1...414-.J, Alsd of ID `D`DA`n1r up .u\.-. _- ---, a..n.n.a.Iua, \.Il1.I!lliui, T OF BISCUITS IN BARBIE. er, Twanlmy, Japan and English Breakfast 75, so cents pervp0lmd- CASE & WOOD. Growers. Brandiea Ru; 1.....:, - - Teas at 50, A surnmorz CLASS 01" AND SILVER STEEL, :- . y u u - A u uc BIIUFICBID BONGO. 0', AND COTTON `WARP. II? III 4` ` a-.-vv `rap! '\/9 DUN/Lbp` STREET, BARBIE. _________________ Railroad Station.) W. H ' CANTON II c uxum-JKAD GRAPE. I, CHERRIE TWILLS. MERINOS, EMPRESS ` Juuaw :.wn., CANTON 1' STORE-, manure.) `-_.....v ror bale, mm. vmuamexarm. Lot No. 32, 2nd Concession. Township of Oro. consisting of ONE HUNDRED ACRES, one hnlfclenred and free of stumps. There are on the pre- misos a. good Log Home and Barn. Further paruculurs can be learned on applying a; me otce of this paper. Barrie. June 9. 1869. In u 01' 10 T1108. HENRY, Thornton. Barrie, 21st July, 1869. uuua 10 uuu 1.1: uuu uuu. Dlllllale. Z86 SCPGS. `The above lots are 3 miles from New Low- ell, 7 from Stn_yner. 9 from Angus, 3 from two Steam Saw Mills, and 1 from a good School. The soil is we_il adopted for farming purposes. The timber is cluelif hardwood and pine. The whole or half` w_1l be disposed of to suit pllrchasers. The pipe timber will be sold without the land if desired. For further ti lam apply to W cu . G. J . BEATTIE, to Barrie, HE_}_IRY, 1 CASH LAND FOR SALE, OR TO EX. CHANGE FOR TOWN PROPERTY Lots 18 and 19. 7th Con. Sunnidale. 286 "The abnve lots are 3 milm: rm... M..... 1 ___ '- unuermsuucuons Iroxn the Count;/Council. There are about 50 acres cleared and t for cuhivation; ' ' ' The Lot will be offered at :n upset or re- served price. For further particulars apply (ifby letter pro-paid)`to HENRY CRESWICKE_.~ County Surveyor. V V Barrio. Barrie, Augustst. 1869. CASE LIQUORS, )mce OI HI]! paper. Barrie, J mm 9, 1869. The W % of Lot No. 2. in the Isl. Conces- sion of Oro. known as the County Industrial Farm, containing 100 acres. mom or loss. will beolfered for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION on Saturday/', the 18th da_1/QfSeptcmber next, At the Court House, in, the Town of Barrie, under instructions from the County Council. I :I`l1ero_ and ii: rm- For Sale, that valuable farm. Lot No. 32 ` ind Townshln of 0m. mn.;.n...I unrrlv, UK] I. Barrie. September 8, I869. .________.____. . JOSEPH 1~:'n'\\'rAR'1 or to D, MORROW, Dalston, P.O., Barrie, Ont. `n.....'.. c....a.....L.._n cm... V -- . For Sale, the East-half of Lot number three in the third concession of the Township of Oro, County of Simcoe, The above 109. is well adaptetffor farming purposes and will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply tol 1 JOSEPH 'FTn\lIADnL- 11. For Sale, that excellent Farm in the Town- `shipof Ora, Lot No. 24. in the 9th Con., containing 100 acres.70 of which new cleared and In 3 goop state ofcultivution-the remain- ing 40 acres are under hardwood. The lot has n ne stream of water running through it. There are on the premises a good log house, with frame kitchen. a. frame barn and log stable. There is a good well of water, with pump. at the dwelling door.` The premises . are situated on the main road from Barrie to 0rillia,!convenient to a Grist and Saw Mill; and a School-house has been erected on one corner ofthe lot. It is unquestionably one of the best wheat growing farms in the fertile township above mentioned. For terms and furmr m...n....v.... -_-v_ -- xownsnlp above mentioned. For terms and further particulars. apply at the office of this paper; to Mr. Edward Kelly, Stayner; or to the proprietor on the premises. _` 1 JOHN KELLY. J O -Shanty Bay, Sept., 8 1869. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. For Quin Hm 'l.`omlJ...1r..:-7-; , . ._ riot :T__j__ FARM FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP _ of ORO. Barrie, September 9th. 1869. __.-_j.:_?_.__j_ _.-. i5:;`i;i'iE .1i':I'E:f6`E:'K`ix"i Im?:'o`6`r`:ool{1 ..,"-`E." by Square, Town of_ Barrie, at [2 o clock, ix2'3`i.`. On Saturday, 1811:. day of September, 69, Lot number 12, in the 5th Concession of the township of Vesprn, County of Simcoe, Two Hundred Acres. This lot is only about ve miles from Barrie. and is well timlu.-red. Terms 3200 Cash. and balance in one year with interest at Seven per cent. secured by mortgage or good endorsed notes. ' Ynannyv run---- nun: EEIISIIICIIOD . As usual. Bread, Biscuits, &c., any part of the Town. _. -..-um. uunuu \JLlI`JIIADl 1 A large supply of_ which will always be kept on hand at prices which will be certain to en- sure satisfaction Anlunnl Y1:-nail Diu- -A- run as uunuuueu supply Of FIRST CLASS CHEESE I lame Hnnnlv or m).:n1. mm ..u...-..- - , .__..__ The subscribers thankful for the very liberal - patronage of the past, bug to inform their old customers and the public generally, that they have made arrangements with the Leading Cheese Factories cfourDomz'm'on For a continued supply of `D-.:.. .~... PL - ~ -7 ` -j-:- UCTION SALE OF A L FARM. CANADIAN Q-E535 DEPOT.` w--:_._/ JJ Thrne of four gentlemen can be uccomrlnodntr-d with Board in a private family. Apply at the oice of this paper. ' Barrie. August 25th. mrmi ` M M` 'o1' ..___. M. BURNS, the old established gunsmith. has again resumed business in Barrie. and can now be found in the establishment of Mr. Geo. Plaxton. Dunlop Street. where his old friends and those desiring his services can have their work done as of yore. He has come back to stay, and feels certain that it will be his own fault. ifhe does not give the same universal satisfaction he has hithertn oimm nu ma own mun. if he does sari hitherto given. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. _._____________._____ LN EXCELLENT FARM F011`. SALE. ____,_____}__._ GUNSMITIIING. :____...__..._ LANDS FOR SALE. ___,_______________.__ LUCTION SALE. mxce or H116 Barrie, August 25th. 1869. % Bartie. Augus 10tb,`1869. __..._._.._._,____..___ . ENGLISH BUN HOUSE auvus, LCLE5: n-__..- '01` `L Barrie, August 5. 1869. ____,____________ 16, I869. _-__ ILLIARD TABLE _FOR SALE! .j-. No. 5_ V('J(j_MP .Y,. 3.5111 BATT. COMPANY ORDERS. The Company will parade for Drill EVERY THURSDAY. at 7 o'clock, p.m., commencing NEXT Tuvnsnlur evening. One or Sharp's Patent Billiard 'I`nhle_a will be sold cheap. 4-. Full:sized, marble be-d, _ cues, c , complete,`nnd in good condulon. Annlu in ' : \......p,m I `T_`DD1y to ,.- ....... uu uzusullanl ` 1 JOSEPH EDWARDS. , Dalsinn. Pf) - vncvu nun`!!- JOSEPH ROGERS, Au:-Iimmm meter the premin KELLY. 869. Q 0P nil: fling- W. BLNICHOLSON, Lieut. Commanding. man I--' M R. KING & SON VALUABLE A.` R. BINGIIAM, Wellington Hotel. 1: n_, H10 c., delivered at ROGERS, Auctioneer. 32-2in 26-3m 19-If. nun . )., Oro, 32-if. 12-1! '32-tr 27-tf. no "a mock, mu-n o. ERMS:-0ne-third of the purchase money to be paid down; the balance in two annual instalment For further particulars apply to Mr. Pailk O'Connor, Angus. or to , ' MICHAEL 0 COZ\'NnR. V LOTS Nos. 124, 125, 126 and 127, in the ourishing Village of~A N G U S. are now offered for sale cheap. These lots are situated on Queen `street, between the Railway Stntion and the Mill,` and are in a favorable part for huainesa. They are 35 acre lots. and two 0 them corner lots. Also, for sale, two Lots in B0 '9 Block, Barrio. RRMR-_nnn_H.:...1 nr um uni-nnan ........... 3')-If. VXLLAGE LOTS FOR SALE IN ANGIES. _.___. LOTQ NA: 191 101'. top __.1 um- I n" v r;uAL IMPROVED FARMS b the vicinity of Barrie. Also, of Town Lots, with and Without A l t ` DMO pp&2.QEE Pnrwnvn flan 24-Gm vespra, '1'WEN [`Y ACRES CLEARFH), L01 House and Earn, goodaoil and well timhornd, including pine and elm; within 9 miles of Barrie; Church and School at the lot. TEILVKS EASY. . Annlnhu nrnv \: ..---- -__-A_- October 7. 168 L` , West half of Lot No. 6. in the 9!]: Can. Vespra, TWENTY _IIopsq_nnd limlmrnd . { 2. Apply to SAMUEL VLOUNT, Oice, Barrie; or to G. W. LOUN bridge, Muskoka __________________________ Sunnidnle . Medonk: ._ Tocumseth Tinv cum 'I`iny.. do .. Tny. . do .11 ' --- PICK of tollowing Lots at $3 1 cash; balance in three annual with interest: Townslugp. North Ori lia.. do (In - -u.so:- Lots Nos. 25 and 26, 100 acres each. in the 4th Con., Townahip of Tiny, wild, and cover- ed principally with hardwood, and in small portion ofpme. These lots border on the Georgian Bay, between Pcnctanguishc-nc and Collingwood. . F0!` terms: and Allan. ....-A:-._I,, - uoumgwood. terms and othef the owner. Barrie, June 30, __._-____.._j.. --..uu run. onuh: Lots Nos. 13, 14 and 1.3, on the West side of and fronting on Main Street, in the Village or Lnskny, Township of King. enclosed by a good lmard fence, and having a comfortable residence erected thereon. There is u never failing spring on the premises. --AI.0:-- 1 EVERALA IMPROVED for Sale in 3 vicinity Alla. A nnmlmr . . . u1'.l\xl'lD DUI"- -mus, nA1:NEss..:. ....3 0, in use by the subscriber, and the Mail omemcz Im- tween Barrie and l enev.nnguishene. Also :1 Dwelling lloluw, opposite the premises just. `mentioned; and a sglendid farm of 100 acres, within 4 miles of Barrie, on the main road to Thornion, being Lot No. ll. in the 3rd Cou- cession of Iunialil. ofwhich about (35 notes are cleared and in a high state at cullivutinu. The land is well watered by a running ntrczun - a new frame Burn, also a young and thrifty orchard of fruit trees. ALSO FOR SALE: havimr n I-.nrnTn-4" -`n ,- .........u.5.u.-u uumg desirous of leaving Cnnada at an (-nrly day, otfors to 50" by pri- vate contract the fullowing valuable proper- tivn. viz.: Those premises on sisting of a quarter acre lot, on which there are erected a commrtnble Dvrolng Bousc,una tbgmmodious stable, sheds and othe IENT?"t'6E'd_ "5 *1 LIVER" EST""`` b".._.._.\...uu.uua scame, aneus _and olhex-"out: MNTE-'-cd LIVER} ESTABT ten. La WAGGOV9 $".' HORSE -<' IU`(;C:`[ll;::"/F`, mus, HARNESS. E?` 5"""G ' as (L-. ' _-1 subscrib r, .`\Iu_w In ) Umerncr. .. ngmsbene. H1011 SALE, Sale of Valu;b-l; Real Estate --A.\'D- LIVERY E9'I`ABLISHMEN' ` In Barrie. The undersigned Inning desirous Yonx'ing pn- v_zue fullowizm m.:...m,. __n Mm , M. bin pn SY- APPIYW ALEX. MCCULLOUCH, - ` Craixrvnln l .l),. '1 Barrie, June 23rd, .________. _ ,,_ ..........-.-an nulL'll('S, and all lmarm . On the )r(-nuscs are n anal 8 l stable and-other out-buildings: ulsn. :1. well of pure spring water, and a slrnn[.:l_v con- structed cistern, capable of containing (10 barrels of water, ~ The property will be dis psml of to n ruli- ablepurclmser on rcusonah c (or-ms-suy onc- hnlf of the purchase money down. and tlm remainder in instalments; or a lib91'21l'di,q. count will be made for cash down. Further particulars may be lonmod on ap- plication to thc"und.-r.~'igrw(l on the prenris-ms. T0..-`S .\'\l\ll.'n.-unvm us - _._____._j._________.___.. ` ANDS FOR SALE CHEAP. J wuuu Ul nusinoss, nntlynre well stool numerous fruit. trees of the choicest V and all bearing. premises Ill` ulsn. strnn contui nronertv will I... .1:....---,- - - ,..... -unIul'Z9 M (`Om- momous stone basement; built in Inndern style, and nished in awry excellent munncr, throughout. The grounds comprise Lnls Nos. 34 and 35, hzwingu frontage of 132 foot, on the West side of John Slrcc-2. close to tho centre of business, nntinre stocked with fruit. trim: "r. n... ..n -- - - y to D mum at SEE PRINTED LISTS. ___.______________ ... - u. unit . one or the mast convcninnf. ` `H_','|Lcomfurtabl-, and pictiircsqimly sihmlt-d Dwelling Houses and rl`0lUldS ln the ourish- ing town ol'Bn_rrio. The Hon.-.0 is n_twu~sIory one, containing twelve rooms. besides a com- modious finished munncr. tin-mmhnm 'N-n ---~--~ ' ' FARMS FOR SALE. 1.)-ll ` " V Y Y `I 1 IR: T-CLAbS DWELLI.\ G-IIOb.\Iu- AND GROUNDS FOR SALE IN [L-SMRIE 1,:g.--- )3! PSON, Secret: . 29? Apply I0 WILLIAM I'ITO.\[1".f).\`. or On the I rvlni.~.1-.<, DAVID MORROW, " Examiner Oice, Barrio. April 28th, 1868. 13-1! ______;___ _`_._ .,..nwuII'7 3| zsprlllg crop. Also for safe the North half East hulfof Lot 9. in the 13th Con.. of mi Township, containing 50 ucms-almut 20 which are fallow; nearly all CllO]')p('d-ll| ` 150 of very good land, situate nbout 2 mi] from Allendule Station. This is :1 very dos able mrm. being well watered by a l~`]ll'll creek which runs through parts of the La ltis only about hnlfn mile from two Gri Mills. The crops and all, with stock. will sold and immediate posse ' ' ` V ' quired. Terms liberal. nub. 4 _. __._ -_._..;?_._..._._"'* _______"""""'*"" `Houses Farms 6. Lands for y ! FARM FOR SALE. For Sale. the1\'nrth )5 of Lot No. the 1311) Con.. of the 7 Pownship of I1 100 acres more or less. There are :11 acres cleared. There is on the prem auencdlng house, lathed and plaster side, 20> 17 acres are under Fall which is looking very well; 12 in me thqremainder of clearnn eirln pnamr spnng crop. Also an e :59 } 9. in Mm 194;. In. - . GREAT CHAN( MENT! __._._.. ; For Sale. one of tho 1 comfortable, pictnra ginp Hnmum .-....1 rv_.~ - nnnr, Angus. L0 MICHAEL 0 CO.\'NOR, * Grocer, Barrio 58 . 364! Ly 01 name. Also, a number , buildings. MORROW. IE PRINTED T.I$"r.u ,__, ,,.,.,.......u, umuua nbout miles lendule dc.~'ir- m. spring hich Lot. yabout Grist. stock. he possession given, if rc- A lyto pp \\`lI.T.T.\\o 0hT1r\\nv--~ u , 1869. VVV nu nun WUEL LOUNTZI Registry `W. LOUNT, Brwo . 16.21 uuA- nu;uum.Ut,ull, Craigval I .()., If by letter post-paid. ___________________. g L038 at $3 per acro-$.'n0 instalmonts, ,.,........u u.-nu lll IUU IICFUS, main 3rd I. watered hv runnina an-mm. DAVID VANEVERY. 0. 22-11` ______.____________ '1 Illll , min. particulars, apply 10 ______,______,_. KNCE FOR INVEST ,? 1:: nor. no. 10, in ) t e ` about 4.`: `here premises a se, plaster:-d in- acres Fall lvhnm ur me choicest vnrie I are 1 t-buil(lim_vn: nlun n 0 lo, sad in v.e'n Bani? 5 M . mrcN..-- close Itnre F \'nri:-Hm: _ , .....uu: uu up- nwd ] )l ('IlFi!F. y AS SUM.\II'.`R.5'b"I"I` 2l-H ....... uvnarncl Im- nguisbene. the lfurm acres. y wan; 12 In meadow` ?nne~iQin pasture am` we of COIL. of gnmn uuu UOIL. Of same 01' chnnm-d_i.. n" ._.... 10, Fownshin at` l....:. jg.- 2.856 acres m n,__:_.,, , ` mast lrcsalmlv .xiom.c...1 3 mr nalln . Imilalimu . u-nun . U (H chnppc-d-in all I milvs Li? vorv "n`;rA 52-61!: um-I m- an Wheat 1 meadow - gm-p an 1` 1'. I3-if {Sale I time a c Gouda in k 1 ' A pm, P Us with the latest fashions. ,,,,, W u .;-van nnsumna regu- --uy mcelved. 4 WW and felt work re-done with care. A call ts respecgfully `solicited. Df:mA renticea to the Mminery` and 114:: Bmie. A g yvuntcd immediately. Millinery, Mantle end PHI 14, 1869. ahment has been removed ck of buildings just erected op- stand, where she will open out ice "assortment of Fall A sP*Ub9r1st,1869. 31- , London _ ____,,.,. ,,..wu xuuue 111 ml! -west styles,.at a. moda-ate eh-rze, and 5` short notice. Mourning millinory constantly in atok. Paris and New York fashions regu- hrly mcefvea. _ A w and mo ...-,- -` an `-.., uuuuuvll and umrimmed; Muutles H the newest. styles: Parasols, Gloves, c'i 1 V0119. Neck Ties, Cufs and Collars, T5 anthers and Flowers, Dressllnin and mmins`of nll`kinds. Dresses made tha wig, . at mill` Loud D___:_ IineI_-y__constan!ly gm 5'? `"506! -u and will henceforthoarr on H` 1;: .EBl' own account. She is ding of LADIES, AyNo the former stock, consisting BONNETS t _ DCHILDRENS HATS AND `H nwrlmmed and umrimmed; 081- Hoai eli'!o'uYi1aei:-:'.l:`u:cnl:.Ei.s_ .C2!'9,9?.'l .'cu`'5_v 1 hence on her arlfrlggygniety to the rm-mm. .4 Millinergr, Dress ISS ORTON ladies of B , that sh .Ycca.n'i_ed or; by the Hi --`_..5______________? _& Mantle-Making respectfully informs the 1 arne and surrounding purchased the business 8883 Munn_ nn .9-v-'_ Z.Z , _ , Sheep, Swine, Poultry, on ny, August 14th. Roots. and other Fmn Pro- urai- Implements, Machinery, 1 res generally, on or baton :28 Products, Ladies Work, the n or before Saturday, Septem- Blnnk Forms for makinglbo n be obtained Seem _ Soclellm: -mil 11181" nnmei WAITER WANTED to- take dinjng room at_ n. rs:-class Hotel. ""3 05109. Good references re- nu`;- my. add the which d _ FOX I:lPlil\IPl] August, 1869. ` V--~ --v v umgv: ex nraruom 408 18 Orillin H 256 73 4mi_bc1'l further enacted by the aullzorily `lfmsaud, That this By-Luw shall come into _orce mu! have ctfectzom and after the pass- ing thereof. . I......J\ `Iv -. .__ . _._.. U0 1`! ' ." Nottnwasngn 2827 31 i . Orillia& Mntchedueln 914 41 " Oro 2100 68 Sunnidale 901 16 _'I`c-cumsoth 3826 47 `- Tiny H 1151 43 " Toy u 644 72 "V Tosnorontio 928 05 Vespra. " 1090 88 " :.West Gwillimbnry 3109 01 Ffolnlho Town of Bmrie 948 . ;1 Coningwood U 516 44 From the Village of Bradford 408 H - (lrillin or-A we mm Tllllt "I0 mm of` "l`lnirty-one Thousand 0llBHllll!ll`('(l lmrms and 'l`hirt_vvlonr Cents helvvierlnnd collucmrl of the several Munici- palllies of the County or Simcoe for the your ISS9. in accordance wit`: the provisions of the Smute in such case made and provided. Beilfurllwr enacled by the authority afore- said, but there shall be levied and collected from the mtonblo property of the several .\lunicIpnllti<.-s as follows: From the T p of Adjnln the SI H U Finn ` un of $1449 79 I - um:-1 n 0l Dll'lll'.0(! 10!` M10 current your. Amt whereas it will requirelhe sum of two mills and ouo~tenlh of a mill to levy the id amount of l`hirt.y-nne Thousand One liundn-.tl`D0llnrs nml Thirty-four Gents, on nu-aggregate as fixed by the said County Judge. Anrlmhn-easili_s noc-ssnry and expedient. ton-poul lly-Lmvnlunht-.red One Hundred and Eigluiy-two. Be at flu-rqfnre enncled. by me Council of (he (,for,mmtirm Qf the C'ounl_:/ of Simone. and it hhercby 'm1cledb_1/ the aulh.oril_:/ of the same. ' `hilly-Lnw numbered One Hundred and 3 315:1) -two be, and the some is hereby re- 1 am. I BC ii furlhn. .1...-..I,.,11... :1. -..n V -I - -- umu_v-unvv uuuuucreu Uuo uunrlred and pea fl0`"I?r enacfed by Ihe au!horih/ qf {he `'"-Th'|Hh"mm Tlnirty-one _0nIel[np:lr-gl 'l`hirtv.{mn- nnnfu WEIIEAB ally-Law numbered 182jwas passed bythe Corporation of the County of Suncoe, on the 25th day of June in the present year, onshanin laid down in 2} Schedule marked A, undo ted by the Council on the report of the Equnlrzntioncommittee. And Wltereas an appeal was made to tho county Judge against the Equalization as set rmliin said Schedule marked A. . Arid re/iereasthe said County Judge has, mder the authority of the Municipal Institu- dons Act of 1868. set aside the Equalization asset forth in said Sclredulo. and xnd the total aggregate of the ratenble Real and Por- ronalI ropcrty of the County of Simcoe at Fourteen Millions. Eight Hundred and Nine Thollsantl. Seven Hundred and Thirty-nine Dollars and Eighty-six Cents. - . And wlwreas it is necessary to levy nnd mine the sum of Tlrirty-one Thousand, One Hundred Dollnrs. and Thirty-four Cents, to carry on the necessary expenses of the County of Simon for the current require the sum nr om.` n '1 U V . , To Levy and Ram the Taxes on the moral Jlunicipalmes within the County of Simcoe for the year 1869, and In rental the I311-Lam mmn .'.. uaumy UJ namuuc _/Ur uw year 1509 and to repeal the By-Law now in force numbered One Hundred and Ex'g]tty-!wo. -- 1 `(o'clock p.m., on me wm ucwuer, 1869, snretles {qr the completion or the contract will be reamred 30 sign the Tender. commissioners Olce, Ottawa, 3rd August,'1869. 1 WALSH. I d ugbec, on ana am-r ma mru scptombep ::;t,Qand sealed Tenders uddregscd to the commissioners of the _.Irm-mo_Ioma`l Railway will be received at their onion in Ottawa. up to the 18th October, 1869. smxles for completion the contract u deny Iron works uy we um Januarg,- ulosga the Jemaining ron 09" wm`*by the lat day of-Iu y.}87l. Plm andprolci. with Bpcgtlons and m. or contract, fvill bu cxhilgltqd at the om oftho Cqnmisaioners in _Ottawa, R}: m,,m,DMboxxs1e, St. John, Halifax; Toronto ind Qugbec, and am-'r the 13th September mt. and Temjers addressed 30 I. (Signed) rm`!-61`-`P we woman- 3/ miiosin length. 5 """' `"D 80011` ozmuqr No. :2 win 1., in Nov: Scam. and extend from `the Provinon endofcontractNo. 7, F0" Lhe nster1y' junc1ionwiih.theoxiating mug. k9: to Q .hout24}{ miles in length; `Y 19. rm contracts Nos. 8, 9 W1 10 to be . ; . - V In ' . My'_1g7o_ plewly finished by Q2; Thntrortion of contract N - . Folly R war to Trnro to 1,9 uml-I 12 out of forilying the tack by the 1: ed and mm mm iron Folly aim to , 0. Tot om: donderry iron Works; byptgtlgmflo th Qnugr.` ' Lo! :m.\nd remainin - .K_ Portion -~~ at RY-LAW ELL .5; THOMPSON S. LL 3; THOMPSON 8.- ELL` (1: THOMPSON'S. LL & THOMPSON `; LL 6: THOMPSON . LL & THOMPSON .sTARcg b"'b'me Westgrlyena eraecuon N0. 4, (lg. mm the badge across the Misslqunsh mempz the western abutment; about mg in IL __.... .v_ In_!1IL_!_.AI_-r| , o Umlwn, om Aug A. WALSH, En. B. CHANDLER,` C. J. BRYDGES. I A. W. Mom-JLAN, I ".!N0" S` ma" 1' No. 9 mil no up we rrovmce dyggzawick. argq extgandmtrolil 3:0 d fcont.-rac o. ' wa 3 o w:1s,!?3:l::xrsI.- about 20}; males in len th. `%' *3 3,;.'.,':..'.'*."" 25 aw: . on mm o 1`! :`:{3;:;m(`)ha lin Island road, near the gem House. .: lr.v gal;-2:19, towards Bathux-at gs I cl -' _ abEB`3g1?AGT' Neal! \1viil1l`::t1n (hefPmvi1t1, cg, an w en rom 9 mm. e,?d`o{the Enslern_ Extension Rail. ' who Westgrlyend efbection No. 4,(1_n. e 35.1., the .':r!`8 ' ``' M`*`9.mh c ...-..o._.. -I-...L....._An II`"" are now pm umu w rucelvo r1ce.a;;,`, f farther Sent on: of the line. toId:.nAc1' N0. 8 will be In the Province mm ..a extend rromthe Easberly end of'mc yo. 5, st Rimouski, to a point, g, mus River, shout 20}; miles in tax 1' No. 9 will be in the Province Jirgzawick, and extend from tho _; `V. n 4-___,-L `u i I nera appointed to construct rhogrgl`,:aaixway give PUBLIC N0. mlnwmhey ago now pre ared to receive zfdeh (0, ve further _ . nll un Q will ha In thn `PI-nvinm. ... 5...... ur uzvlun and collected IMO follows : rf sum East: 1967 72 Flag . 1002 90 Innisl 2654 03 Mono 1691 97 Muimn'r 1509 22 Medonto _ 107'! 07 Morrison 65 41 Muskoku 53 14 Orillinxv. Man-hnana1. M4 .41 {B00 LONIAL RAILWAY. 5 purcnased the basin blthe Misses Munn, v account. mm :. . .2: at_ urs:-class Hotel. ` . -:_u- amen. . D. ARDAG H, Warden, .[L.S.] gCommisslone1-9. I 1122.8 99.! -_ fninl 6.6 28-6in. my :5. \2` Al. IS, .111 _$.]I Agmrtuersbip having been etfected between C. . Bosnnko, L.D.S.. and myself, `I take pleasure in recommending him to my anions asn gentleman and rnozitioner qua1Iedto give advice and pe orm any operation on- trusted to his care. give auvlce and pe` pmmpt-attenuon. . Our visit to Orillia will,' in future, com- mence ou the 13th, where we will remain until the 19th. Other nppointmentanttended was usual. - . men 0! Unuureu's'1'eeu1. - All letters addressedas above`wiLl receive pmmpt-attention. ' _ visit to Orillin will; in fntnm. mm. .Lu. . _ V Licentzales of Dental Suryery, Will be constantly found in_ their office over POWELL & TnoMPso.\"a Sworn-1, and are pre- pared to administer pure Nitrous Oxide for the palnles extraction 01' Teeth. G.Sl1(r!ecial attention paid to lling teeth with o . l . Otco hours from nine a.m._. till four p.m. Particular attention iiven to to the regula- tion of Children's Teet All Inm-n mirnnnn an nhnva `mill ran;-vvn napocwt. tuwnmm ta to the Jcegulation of ` Chi! ren s Teeth. ` 3 ? A Trial Requested. Parties attended at their own xjesldencea if r uirod. Please be particular in observing the time an place ofeuclg appointment. -B$'7'E'RllIR .v'mnnrrr_v n.a.azr an `- gg LJIIIIILIJ o1..n1u1.u1 U1iU,l1._$]I REFERENCES :-Thc following will}. ` '])cntnl Strong. D.]).. Rnndlmml-' llUED< ' Especial Attention id to the Regulation 4 J. G. McCAUSLAND. _ Barrie, September 1st 1869. _ ~ 5:1- uluuu. :7 TEETH INSERTED on com) SILVER 01 VULCANIZED Izusluni. And a Perfect Fit warranted, or no chnrg willlbe mndc. Parties dashing can hnve,'I`eeth inserted on Rubber, withont. extrnctin the roots. Dr. Porter is non propnmd to insert can on the New com- bined Auro Vulcanized Rubber Plate. . ~ Teeth Filled so as to Preserve their Color, and Restore as nesr us possible to theirformer Strength and useful- ness. uuuu uuu urenume mamerlal Used. TEETH EXTRAUTED BY Dr. Richardson's Spra; Producer. 1!. la n Freut Rclmvcr of Plum, :1 nd is Local in its nctlon, be nu simply applied to the Gums. and is theirorore perfectly safe for the most, dellcntc consti- tut on. ' on the mom. approved principle, tind None but Genuine Material Used. ( will amend on the foll(n'vinu day. 7 7' Vmw" N All most skilml manner, the pr!nciple, and nun 1111+ f1znrn'-nan `M .-.&.....'..`l TT__J .. ..,qnvuuun:|uI: ululzw Iluru. Box DIIEAD, ofevcryhfon NICVVMAMKET, theth " LEFROY.` I` When he will he pre Med and most happy to wait on those rcqn re _\j`hcn any of the upnolntmcnts fall on Snmlm-, hn u. mu:-um. m.y., urnarord '- RESIDENCE, BRADFORD. Bradford, March. 1809. ___._._______..__j._:_ tlz SEPTEMBER, 1869. ding to exhibit will plensatah Entries of Articles in the n. mnstbe made with the Seen. . on or before the uudoimqa, I z.: